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aqb Directory Reference


directory  test


file  assistant-ab-initial.c [code]
file  assistant-ab-initial.h [code]
 AqBanking setup functionality.
file  dialog-ab-daterange.c [code]
file  dialog-ab-daterange.h [code]
file  dialog-ab-trans.c [code]
file  dialog-ab-trans.h [code]
 Dialog for AqBanking transaction data.
file  gnc-ab-getbalance.c [code]
file  gnc-ab-getbalance.h [code]
 AqBanking getbalance functions.
file  gnc-ab-gettrans.c [code]
file  gnc-ab-gettrans.h [code]
file  gnc-ab-kvp.c [code]
file  gnc-ab-kvp.h [code]
 AqBanking KVP handling.
file  gnc-ab-trans-templ.c [code]
file  gnc-ab-trans-templ.h [code]
 Templates for AqBanking transactions.
file  gnc-ab-transfer.c [code]
file  gnc-ab-transfer.h [code]
 Dialog for AqBanking transaction data.
file  gnc-ab-utils.c [code]
file  gnc-ab-utils.h [code]
 AqBanking utility functions.
file  gnc-file-aqb-import.c [code]
file  gnc-file-aqb-import.h [code]
file  gnc-gwen-gui.c [code]
file  gnc-gwen-gui.h [code]
 GUI callbacks for AqBanking.
file  gnc-plugin-aqbanking.c [code]
file  gnc-plugin-aqbanking.h [code]
 Plugin registration of the AqBanking module.
file  gncmod-aqbanking.c [code]