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file  qofbook.h
 Encapsulate all the information about a dataset.

Data Structures

struct  _QofBook
struct  _QofBookClass


#define QOF_TYPE_BOOK   (qof_book_get_type ())
#define QOF_BOOK_RETURN_ENTITY(book, guid, e_type, c_type)
 Encapsulates all the information about a dataset manipulated by QOF. This is the top-most structure used for anchoring data. More...
#define qof_book_get_guid(X)   qof_entity_get_guid (QOF_INSTANCE(X))


typedef struct _QofBookClass QofBookClass
typedef void(* QofBookDirtyCB )(QofBook *, gboolean dirty, gpointer user_data)
typedef struct gnc_option_db GNCOptionDB
typedef void(* GNCOptionSave )(GNCOptionDB *, KvpFrame *, gboolean)
typedef void(* GNCOptionLoad )(GNCOptionDB *, KvpFrame *)
typedef GList QofBookList
typedef void(* QofBookFinalCB )(QofBook *, gpointer key, gpointer user_data)
typedef void(* QofCollectionForeachCB )(QofCollection *, gpointer user_data)


GType qof_book_get_type (void)
gboolean qof_book_register (void)
QofBookqof_book_new (void)
void qof_book_destroy (QofBook *book)
void qof_book_mark_closed (QofBook *book)
QofCollection * qof_book_get_collection (const QofBook *, QofIdType)
void qof_book_foreach_collection (const QofBook *, QofCollectionForeachCB, gpointer)
void qof_book_set_data (QofBook *book, const gchar *key, gpointer data)
void qof_book_set_data_fin (QofBook *book, const gchar *key, gpointer data, QofBookFinalCB)
gpointer qof_book_get_data (const QofBook *book, const gchar *key)
gboolean qof_book_is_readonly (const QofBook *book)
void qof_book_mark_readonly (QofBook *book)
gboolean qof_book_use_trading_accounts (const QofBook *book)
gboolean qof_book_uses_autoreadonly (const QofBook *book)
gint qof_book_get_num_days_autoreadonly (const QofBook *book)
GDate * qof_book_get_autoreadonly_gdate (const QofBook *book)
gboolean qof_book_use_split_action_for_num_field (const QofBook *book)
gboolean qof_book_shutting_down (const QofBook *book)
gboolean qof_book_session_not_saved (const QofBook *book)
void qof_book_mark_session_saved (QofBook *book)
void qof_book_mark_session_dirty (QofBook *book)
time64 qof_book_get_session_dirty_time (const QofBook *book)
void qof_book_set_dirty_cb (QofBook *book, QofBookDirtyCB cb, gpointer user_data)
gint64 qof_book_get_counter (QofBook *book, const char *counter_name)
gchar * qof_book_increment_and_format_counter (QofBook *book, const char *counter_name)
gchar * qof_book_validate_counter_format (const gchar *format)
const char * qof_book_get_counter_format (const QofBook *book, const char *counter_name)
const char * qof_book_get_string_option (const QofBook *book, const char *opt_name)
void qof_book_set_string_option (QofBook *book, const char *opt_name, const char *opt_val)
GHashTable * qof_book_get_features (QofBook *book)
void qof_book_set_feature (QofBook *book, const gchar *key, const gchar *descr)
void qof_book_begin_edit (QofBook *book)
void qof_book_commit_edit (QofBook *book)
void qof_book_load_options (QofBook *book, GNCOptionLoad load_cb, GNCOptionDB *odb)
void qof_book_save_options (QofBook *book, GNCOptionSave save_cb, GNCOptionDB *odb, gboolean clear)

Detailed Description

A QOF Book is a dataset. It provides a single handle through which all the various collections of entities can be found. In particular, given only the type of the entity, the collection can be found.

Books also provide the 'natural' place to working with a storage backend, as a book can encapsulate everything held in storage.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define qof_book_get_guid (   X)    qof_entity_get_guid (QOF_INSTANCE(X))


Definition at line 351 of file qofbook.h.

#define QOF_BOOK_RETURN_ENTITY (   book,
{ \
QofInstance *val = NULL; \
if ((guid != NULL) && (book != NULL)) { \
const QofCollection *col; \
col = qof_book_get_collection (book, e_type); \
val = qof_collection_lookup_entity (col, guid); \
} \
return (c_type *) val; \
QofInstance * qof_collection_lookup_entity(const QofCollection *, const GncGUID *)
QofCollection * qof_book_get_collection(const QofBook *, QofIdType)

Encapsulates all the information about a dataset manipulated by QOF. This is the top-most structure used for anchoring data.

This macro looks up an entity by GncGUID and returns a pointer to the entity by ending with a "return" statement. Hence, this macro can only be used as the last statement in the definition of a function, but not somewhere inline in the code.

Definition at line 164 of file qofbook.h.

Typedef Documentation

typedef GList QofBookList

GList of QofBook

Definition at line 177 of file qofbook.h.

typedef void(* QofCollectionForeachCB)(QofCollection *, gpointer user_data)

Invoke the indicated callback on each collection in the book.

Definition at line 216 of file qofbook.h.

Function Documentation

void qof_book_destroy ( QofBook book)

End any editing sessions associated with book, and free all memory associated with it.

GDate* qof_book_get_autoreadonly_gdate ( const QofBook book)

Returns the GDate that is the threshold for auto-read-only. Any txn with posted-date lesser than this date should be considered read-only.

If the auto-read-only feature is not used (qof_book_uses_autoreadonly() returns FALSE), NULL is returned here.

The returned object was allocated newly; the caller must g_date_free() the object afterwards.

QofCollection* qof_book_get_collection ( const QofBook ,

Return The table of entities of the given type.

When an object's constructor calls qof_instance_init(), a reference to the object is stored in the book. The book stores all the references to initialized instances, sorted by type. This function returns a collection of the references for the specified type.

If the collection doesn't yet exist for the indicated type, it is created. Thus, this routine is gaurenteed to return a non-NULL value. (Unless the system malloc failed (out of memory) in which case what happens??).

gint64 qof_book_get_counter ( QofBook book,
const char *  counter_name 

This will get the named counter for this book. The return value is -1 on error or the current value of the counter.

const char* qof_book_get_counter_format ( const QofBook book,
const char *  counter_name 

Get the format string to use for the named counter. The return value is NULL on error or the format string of the counter. The string should not be freed.

gpointer qof_book_get_data ( const QofBook book,
const gchar *  key 

Retrieves arbitrary pointers to structs stored by qof_book_set_data.

GHashTable* qof_book_get_features ( QofBook book)

Access functions for reading and setting the used-features on this book.

gint qof_book_get_num_days_autoreadonly ( const QofBook book)

Returns the number of days for auto-read-only transactions. If zero, the auto-read-only feature should be disabled (and qof_book_uses_autoreadonly() returns FALSE).

time64 qof_book_get_session_dirty_time ( const QofBook book)

Retrieve the earliest modification time on the book.

gchar* qof_book_increment_and_format_counter ( QofBook book,
const char *  counter_name 

This will increment the named counter for this book and format it. The return value is NULL on error or the formatted (new) value of the counter. The caller should free the result with g_gree.

gboolean qof_book_is_readonly ( const QofBook book)

Return whether the book is read only.

void qof_book_mark_closed ( QofBook book)

Close a book to editing.

It is up to the application to check this flag, and once marked closed, books cannnot be marked as open.

void qof_book_mark_readonly ( QofBook book)

Mark the book as read only.

void qof_book_mark_session_dirty ( QofBook book)

The qof_book_mark_dirty() routine marks the book as having been modified. It can be used by frontend when the used has made a change at the book level.

void qof_book_mark_session_saved ( QofBook book)

The qof_book_mark_saved() routine marks the book as having been saved (to a file, to a database). Used by backends to mark the notsaved flag as FALSE just after loading. Can also be used by the frontend when the used has said to abandon any changes.

QofBook* qof_book_new ( void  )

Allocate, initialise and return a new QofBook. Books contain references to all of the top-level object containers.

gboolean qof_book_register ( void  )

Register the book object with the QOF object system.

gboolean qof_book_session_not_saved ( const QofBook book)

qof_book_not_saved() returns the value of the session_dirty flag, set when changes to any object in the book are committed (qof_backend->commit_edit has been called) and the backend hasn't yet written out the changes. (Note that SQL backends write commits out immediately; file backends don't, and use the flag to control an autosave timer.)

void qof_book_set_data ( QofBook book,
const gchar *  key,
gpointer  data 

The qof_book_set_data() allows arbitrary pointers to structs to be stored in QofBook. This is the "preferred" method for extending QofBook to hold new data types. This is also the ideal location to store other arbitrary runtime data that the application may need.

void qof_book_set_data_fin ( QofBook book,
const gchar *  key,
gpointer  data,

Same as qof_book_set_data(), except that the callback will be called when the book is destroyed. The argument to the callback will be the book followed by the data pointer.

void qof_book_set_dirty_cb ( QofBook book,
QofBookDirtyCB  cb,
gpointer  user_data 

Set the function to call when a book transitions from clean to dirty, or vice versa.

gboolean qof_book_shutting_down ( const QofBook book)

Is the book shutting down?

gboolean qof_book_use_split_action_for_num_field ( const QofBook book)

Returns TRUE if this book uses split action field as the 'Num' field, FALSE if it uses transaction number field

gboolean qof_book_use_trading_accounts ( const QofBook book)

Returns flag indicating whether this book uses trading accounts

gboolean qof_book_uses_autoreadonly ( const QofBook book)

Returns TRUE if the auto-read-only feature should be used, otherwise FALSE. This is just a wrapper on qof_book_get_num_days_autoreadonly() == 0.

gchar* qof_book_validate_counter_format ( const gchar *  format)

Validate a counter format string. Returns an error message if the format string was invalid, or NULL if it is ok. The caller should free the error message with g_free.