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Data Fields
GncTreeModelSplitReg Struct Reference

#include <gnc-tree-model-split-reg.h>

Data Fields

GncTreeModel gnc_tree_model
gint stamp
SplitRegisterType2 type
SplitRegisterStyle2 style
gboolean use_double_line
gboolean is_template
gint sort_depth
gint sort_col
GtkSortType sort_direction
gboolean use_accounting_labels
gboolean separator_changed
gboolean alt_colors_by_txn
gboolean use_theme_colors
gboolean read_only
gint current_row
gint number_of_trans_in_full_tlist
gint position_of_trans_in_full_tlist

Detailed Description

The instance data structure for an account tree model.

Definition at line 131 of file gnc-tree-model-split-reg.h.

Field Documentation

gboolean GncTreeModelSplitReg::alt_colors_by_txn

whether to use alternative colors by transaction

Definition at line 149 of file gnc-tree-model-split-reg.h.

gint GncTreeModelSplitReg::current_row

Current row in treeview

Definition at line 155 of file gnc-tree-model-split-reg.h.

Transaction* GncTreeModelSplitReg::current_trans

Current transaction

Definition at line 154 of file gnc-tree-model-split-reg.h.

GncTreeModel GncTreeModelSplitReg::gnc_tree_model

The parent object data.

Definition at line 133 of file gnc-tree-model-split-reg.h.

gboolean GncTreeModelSplitReg::is_template

Are we using a template

Definition at line 141 of file gnc-tree-model-split-reg.h.

gint GncTreeModelSplitReg::number_of_trans_in_full_tlist

The total number of transactions in full_tlist

Definition at line 156 of file gnc-tree-model-split-reg.h.

gint GncTreeModelSplitReg::position_of_trans_in_full_tlist

The position of current transaction in full_tlist

Definition at line 157 of file gnc-tree-model-split-reg.h.

gboolean GncTreeModelSplitReg::read_only

register is read only

Definition at line 152 of file gnc-tree-model-split-reg.h.

gboolean GncTreeModelSplitReg::separator_changed

whether the separator has changed

Definition at line 148 of file gnc-tree-model-split-reg.h.

gint GncTreeModelSplitReg::sort_col

This is the column the sort direction is based on.

Definition at line 144 of file gnc-tree-model-split-reg.h.

gint GncTreeModelSplitReg::sort_depth

This is the row the sort direction is based on.

Definition at line 143 of file gnc-tree-model-split-reg.h.

GtkSortType GncTreeModelSplitReg::sort_direction

This is the direction of sort

Definition at line 145 of file gnc-tree-model-split-reg.h.

gint GncTreeModelSplitReg::stamp

The state of the model. Any state change increments this number.

Definition at line 135 of file gnc-tree-model-split-reg.h.

SplitRegisterStyle2 GncTreeModelSplitReg::style

FIXME ? This may be the wrong place for these, may be the view ?

Definition at line 138 of file gnc-tree-model-split-reg.h.

SplitRegisterType2 GncTreeModelSplitReg::type

FIXME ? This may be the wrong place for these, may be the view ?

Definition at line 137 of file gnc-tree-model-split-reg.h.

gboolean GncTreeModelSplitReg::use_accounting_labels

whether to use accounting Labels

Definition at line 147 of file gnc-tree-model-split-reg.h.

gboolean GncTreeModelSplitReg::use_double_line

FIXME ? As above, whether to use two lines per transaction

Definition at line 139 of file gnc-tree-model-split-reg.h.

gboolean GncTreeModelSplitReg::use_theme_colors

whether to use theme colors

Definition at line 150 of file gnc-tree-model-split-reg.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: