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Data Fields
_QofObject Struct Reference

#include <qofobject.h>

Data Fields

gint interface_version
QofIdType e_type
const char * type_label
gpointer(* create )(QofBook *)
void(* book_begin )(QofBook *)
void(* book_end )(QofBook *)
gboolean(* is_dirty )(const QofCollection *)
void(* mark_clean )(QofCollection *)
void(* foreach )(const QofCollection *, QofInstanceForeachCB, gpointer)
const char *(* printable )(gpointer instance)
int(* version_cmp )(gpointer instance_left, gpointer instance_right)

Detailed Description

This is the QofObject Class descriptor

Definition at line 77 of file qofobject.h.

Field Documentation

void(* _QofObject::book_begin)(QofBook *)

book_begin is called from within the Book routines to create module-specific hooks in a book whenever a book is created.

Definition at line 92 of file qofobject.h.

void(* _QofObject::book_end)(QofBook *)

book_end is called when the book is being closed, to clean up (and free memory).

Definition at line 97 of file qofobject.h.

gpointer(* _QofObject::create)(QofBook *)

Create a new instance of this object type. This routine might be NULL if the object type doesn't provide a way of creating new instances.

Definition at line 87 of file qofobject.h.

void(* _QofObject::foreach)(const QofCollection *, QofInstanceForeachCB, gpointer)

Traverse over all of the items in the collection, calling the callback on each item. The third argument can be any arbitrary caller-supplied data, and is passed to the callback. Although (*foreach) may be NULL, allmost all objects should provide this routine, as without it, little of interest can be done.

Definition at line 112 of file qofobject.h.

gboolean(* _QofObject::is_dirty)(const QofCollection *)

Determine if there are any dirty items in this book

Definition at line 100 of file qofobject.h.

void(* _QofObject::mark_clean)(QofCollection *)

Mark this object's book clean (for after a load)

Definition at line 103 of file qofobject.h.

const char*(* _QofObject::printable)(gpointer instance)

Given a particular item of this type, return a printable string.

Definition at line 116 of file qofobject.h.

int(* _QofObject::version_cmp)(gpointer instance_left, gpointer instance_right)

Given a pair of items of this type, this routine returns value indicating which item is 'newer'. This routine is used by storage backends to determine if the local or the remote copy of a particular item is the latest, 'uptodate' version. Tis routine should return an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if 'instance_left' is found to be, respecitvely, earlier than, equal to or later than than 'instance_right'.

Definition at line 126 of file qofobject.h.

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