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String Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for String:
Vector< CharType >

Public Types

enum  { npos =-1 }

Public Member Functions

bool operator== (const String &p_str) const
bool operator!= (const String &p_str) const
String operator+ (const String &p_str) const
Stringoperator+= (const String &)
Stringoperator+= (CharType p_str)
Stringoperator+= (const char *p_str)
Stringoperator+= (const CharType *p_str)
void operator= (const char *p_str)
void operator= (const CharType *p_str)
bool operator== (const char *p_str) const
bool operator== (const CharType *p_str) const
bool operator== (const StrRange &p_str_range) const
bool operator!= (const char *p_str) const
bool operator!= (const CharType *p_str) const
bool operator< (const CharType *p_str) const
bool operator< (const char *p_str) const
bool operator< (String p_str) const
bool operator<= (String p_str) const
signed char casecmp_to (const String &p_str) const
signed char nocasecmp_to (const String &p_str) const
const CharType * c_str () const
int length () const
String substr (int p_from, int p_chars) const
int find (String p_str, int p_from=0) const
 return <0 if failed
int find_last (String p_str) const
 return <0 if failed
int findn (String p_str, int p_from=0) const
 return <0 if failed, case insensitive
int rfind (String p_str, int p_from=-1) const
 return <0 if failed
int rfindn (String p_str, int p_from=-1) const
 return <0 if failed, case insensitive
int findmk (const Vector< String > &p_keys, int p_from=0, int *r_key=NULL) const
 return <0 if failed
bool match (const String &p_wildcard) const
bool matchn (const String &p_wildcard) const
bool begins_with (const String &p_string) const
bool begins_with (const char *p_string) const
bool ends_with (const String &p_string) const
String replace_first (String p_key, String p_with) const
String replace (String p_key, String p_with) const
String replacen (String p_key, String p_with) const
String insert (int p_at_pos, String p_string) const
String pad_decimals (int p_digits) const
String pad_zeros (int p_digits) const
String lpad (int min_length, const String &character=" ") const
String rpad (int min_length, const String &character=" ") const
String sprintf (const Array &values, bool *error) const
bool is_numeric () const
double to_double () const
float to_float () const
int hex_to_int () const
int to_int () const
int64_t to_int64 () const
String capitalize () const
String camelcase_to_underscore (bool lowercase=true) const
int get_slice_count (String p_splitter) const
String get_slice (String p_splitter, int p_slice) const
String get_slicec (CharType splitter, int p_slice) const
Vector< Stringsplit (const String &p_splitter, bool p_allow_empty=true) const
Vector< Stringsplit_spaces () const
Vector< float > split_floats (const String &p_splitter, bool p_allow_empty=true) const
Vector< float > split_floats_mk (const Vector< String > &p_splitters, bool p_allow_empty=true) const
Vector< int > split_ints (const String &p_splitter, bool p_allow_empty=true) const
Vector< int > split_ints_mk (const Vector< String > &p_splitters, bool p_allow_empty=true) const
String to_upper () const
String to_lower () const
String left (int p_pos) const
String right (int p_pos) const
String strip_edges (bool left=true, bool right=true) const
String strip_escapes () const
String extension () const
String basename () const
String plus_file (const String &p_file) const
CharType ord_at (int p_idx) const
void erase (int p_pos, int p_chars)
CharString ascii (bool p_allow_extended=false) const
CharString utf8 () const
bool parse_utf8 (const char *p_utf8, int p_len=-1)
uint32_t hash () const
uint64_t hash64 () const
String md5_text () const
Vector< uint8_t > md5_buffer () const
bool empty () const
bool is_abs_path () const
bool is_rel_path () const
bool is_resource_file () const
String path_to (const String &p_path) const
String path_to_file (const String &p_path) const
String get_base_dir () const
String get_file () const
String simplify_path () const
String xml_escape (bool p_escape_quotes=false) const
String xml_unescape () const
String http_escape () const
String http_unescape () const
String c_escape () const
String c_unescape () const
String json_escape () const
String world_wrap (int p_chars_per_line) const
String percent_encode () const
String percent_decode () const
bool is_valid_identifier () const
bool is_valid_integer () const
bool is_valid_float () const
bool is_valid_html_color () const
bool is_valid_ip_address () const
 String ()
 String (const char *p_str)
 String (const CharType *p_str, int p_clip_to_len=-1)
 String (const StrRange &p_range)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Vector< CharType >
_FORCE_INLINE_ CharType * ptr ()
_FORCE_INLINE_ const CharType * ptr () const
_FORCE_INLINE_ void clear ()
_FORCE_INLINE_ int size () const
_FORCE_INLINE_ bool empty () const
Error resize (int p_size)
bool push_back (CharType p_elem)
void remove (int p_index)
void erase (const CharType &p_val)
void invert ()
int find (const T_val &p_val) const
void set (int p_index, CharType p_elem)
CharType get (int p_index) const
CharType & operator[] (int p_index)
const CharType & operator[] (int p_index) const
Error insert (int p_pos, const CharType &p_val)
void sort_custom ()
void sort ()
void ordered_insert (const CharType &p_val)
void operator= (const Vector &p_from)
 Vector (const Vector &p_from)

Static Public Member Functions

static String num (double p_num, int p_decimals=-1)
static String num_scientific (double p_num)
static String num_real (double p_num)
static String num_int64 (int64_t p_num, int base=10, bool capitalize_hex=false)
static String chr (CharType p_char)
static String md5 (const uint8_t *p_md5)
static int to_int (const char *p_str, int p_len=-1)
static double to_double (const char *p_str)
static double to_double (const CharType *p_str, const CharType **r_end=NULL)
static int64_t to_int (const CharType *p_str, int p_len=-1)
static CharType char_uppercase (CharType p_char)
static CharType char_lowercase (CharType p_char)
static String utf8 (const char *p_utf8, int p_len=-1)
static uint32_t hash (const CharType *p_str, int p_len)
static uint32_t hash (const CharType *p_str)
static uint32_t hash (const char *p_cstr, int p_len)
static uint32_t hash (const char *p_cstr)
static String humanize_size (size_t p_size)

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

for "some" compatibility with std::string (npos is a huge value in std::string)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

String::String ( )

The constructors must not depend on other overloads

Member Function Documentation

int64_t String::to_int ( const CharType *  p_str,
int  p_len = -1 
make more exact so saving and loading does not lose precision

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