
00001 /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
00002 *
00003 * $Id: quality_monitor.cpp,v 1.3 2005/01/30 05:11:41 gabest Exp $ $Name:  $
00004 *
00005 * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
00006 *
00007 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
00008 * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
00009 * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
00010 * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
00011 *
00012 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
00013 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
00014 * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
00015 *
00016 * The Original Code is BBC Research and Development code.
00017 *
00018 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is the British Broadcasting
00019 * Corporation.
00020 * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2004.
00021 * All Rights Reserved.
00022 *
00023 * Contributor(s): Thomas Davies (Original Author)
00024 *
00025 * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
00026 * the GNU General Public License Version 2 (the "GPL"), or the GNU Lesser
00027 * Public License Version 2.1 (the "LGPL"), in which case the provisions of
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00036 * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
00038 #include <libdirac_encoder/quality_monitor.h>
00039 #include <libdirac_common/wavelet_utils.h>
00040 using namespace dirac;
00042 using std::log10;
00044 QualityMonitor::QualityMonitor(EncoderParams& encp, 
00045                                const SeqParams& sparams)
00046 :
00047     m_encparams(encp),
00048     m_cformat( sparams.CFormat() ),
00049     m_true_xl( sparams.Xl() ),
00050     m_true_yl( sparams.Yl() ),
00051     m_target_quality(3),
00052     m_last_quality(3),
00053     m_slope(3),
00054     m_offset(3),
00055     m_last_lambda(3)
00056 {
00057     ResetAll();
00058 }
00060 void QualityMonitor::ResetAll()
00061 {
00062     // set target qualities
00063         m_target_quality[I_frame] = 0.28 * m_encparams.Qf()* m_encparams.Qf() + 20.0 ;
00064         m_target_quality[L1_frame] = m_target_quality[I_frame] - 1.0;
00065         m_target_quality[L2_frame] = m_target_quality[I_frame] - 2.0;
00067     // assume we hit those targets last time
00068     m_last_quality = m_target_quality;
00070     // set defaults for the model
00071      m_slope[I_frame] = -4.0;
00072      m_slope[L1_frame] = -4.0;
00073      m_slope[L2_frame] = -4.0;
00074      m_offset[I_frame] = 38.5,
00075      m_offset[L1_frame] = 43.3;
00076      m_offset[L2_frame] = 43.3;
00078     for (size_t fsort=0; fsort<3; ++fsort)
00079     {
00080         m_last_lambda[fsort] = std::pow( 10.0, (m_target_quality[fsort] - m_offset[fsort])/m_slope[fsort] );
00081     }// fsort
00083     // set a default ratio for the motion estimation lambda
00084     // Exact value TBD - will incorporate stuff about blocks and so on
00085     // Also need to think about how this can be adapted for sequences with more or less motion 
00087     m_me_ratio = 0.1;
00089         // set up the Lagrangian parameters
00090     for (size_t fsort=0; fsort<3; ++fsort)
00091     {
00092         m_encparams.SetLambda( FrameSort(fsort), m_last_lambda[fsort] );
00093     }// fsort
00095     m_encparams.SetL1MELambda( std::sqrt(m_encparams.L1Lambda())*m_me_ratio );
00096     m_encparams.SetL2MELambda( std::sqrt(m_encparams.L2Lambda())*m_me_ratio );
00098 }
00100 bool QualityMonitor::UpdateModel(const Frame& ld_frame, const Frame& orig_frame , const int count)
00101 {
00102     // The return value - true if we need to recode, false otherwise
00103     bool recode = false;
00105         const FrameSort& fsort = ld_frame.GetFparams().FSort(); 
00106         double target_quality;  
00108         // Parameters relating to the last frame we measured
00109         double last_lambda;
00110         double last_quality;
00112         // Parameters relating to the current frame
00113         double current_lambda;
00114         double current_quality;
00117     // Set up local parameters for the particular frame type
00118     current_lambda = m_encparams.Lambda(fsort);
00119     last_lambda = m_last_lambda[fsort];
00120     last_quality = m_last_quality[fsort];
00121     target_quality = m_target_quality[fsort];
00123     // Get the quality of the current frame
00124         current_quality = QualityVal( ld_frame.Ydata() , orig_frame.Ydata() , 0.0 , fsort );
00126     // Copy current data into memory for last frame data
00127     m_last_lambda[fsort] = m_encparams.Lambda(fsort);
00128     m_last_quality[fsort] = current_quality;
00130         // Ok, so we've got an actual quality value to use. We know the lambda used before and the resulting
00131         // quality then allows us to estimate the slope of the curve of quality versus log of lambda
00133         if ( std::abs(current_quality - last_quality)> 0.2 && 
00134          std::abs(log10(current_lambda) - log10(last_lambda)) > 0.1 ) 
00135         {// if we can adjust model accurately, do so
00137         double slope, offset;
00139         // Calculate the slope of WPSNR versus log(lambda) from prior measurements
00140             slope = (current_quality - last_quality)/( log10(current_lambda) - log10(last_lambda) );
00142         //Restrict so that the value isn't too extreme
00143         slope = std::min( std::max( -10.0 , slope ), -0.1);
00145                 // Calculate the resulting offset
00146                 offset = current_quality - ( log10(current_lambda) * slope );
00148         if ( count != 1 )
00149         {
00150             // Update the default values using a simple recursive filter ...
00151             m_slope[fsort] = (3.0*m_slope[fsort] + slope)/4.0;
00152             m_offset[fsort] = (3.0*m_offset[fsort] + offset)/4.0;            
00153         }
00154         else
00155         {
00156             // .. unless we're recoding a frame for the first time            
00157             m_slope[fsort] = (m_slope[fsort] + slope)/2.0;
00158             m_offset[fsort] = (m_offset[fsort] + offset)/2.0;
00159         }
00160         m_slope[fsort] = std::min( std::max( -10.0 , m_slope[fsort] ), -1.5);
00161     }
00163     // If we need to adjust the lambdas, do so
00164         if ( std::abs(current_quality - target_quality)> 0.2 )
00165         {
00166         // Update the lambdas as appropriate
00167         float quality_diff = m_target_quality[fsort] - current_quality;
00169         CalcNewLambdas(fsort , std::min( m_slope[fsort] , -1.0 ), quality_diff );
00170     }
00172     // if we have a large difference in quality, recode)
00173     if ( std::abs( current_quality - target_quality )>1.5 )
00174         recode = true;
00176     return recode;
00177 }
00179 void QualityMonitor::CalcNewLambdas(const FrameSort fsort, const double slope, const double quality_diff )
00180 {       
00181      const double clipped_quality_ratio = std::min( 2.0 , std::max( quality_diff/slope , -2.0 ) );
00183      if ( m_encparams.Lambda(fsort) > 100001.0 && clipped_quality_ratio > 0.0 )
00184          m_encparams.SetLambda(fsort, 100000.0);
00185      else
00186          m_encparams.SetLambda(fsort, m_encparams.Lambda(fsort) *
00187                              std::pow( (double)10.0, clipped_quality_ratio ) );
00189      if (fsort == L1_frame)
00190                 m_encparams.SetL1MELambda( std::sqrt(m_encparams.L1Lambda()) * m_me_ratio );
00191      else if (fsort == L2_frame)
00192                 m_encparams.SetL2MELambda( std::sqrt(m_encparams.L2Lambda()) * m_me_ratio );
00194 }
00196 double QualityMonitor::QualityVal(const PicArray& coded_data, const PicArray& orig_data , double cpd , const FrameSort fsort)
00197 {
00199     // The number of regions to look at in assessing quality
00200     int xregions( 4 );
00201     int yregions( 3 );
00203     if ( fsort == I_frame )
00204     {
00205         xregions = 1;
00206         yregions = 1;
00207     }
00209     TwoDArray<long double> diff_array( yregions , xregions);
00210         long double diff;
00212     OneDArray<int> xstart( diff_array.LengthX() );
00213     OneDArray<int> xend( diff_array.LengthX() );
00214     OneDArray<int> ystart( diff_array.LengthY() );
00215     OneDArray<int> yend( diff_array.LengthX() );
00217     for ( int i=0 ; i<xstart.Length() ; ++i)
00218     { 
00219         xstart[i] =( i * m_true_xl )/xstart.Length();
00220         xend[i] = ( (i+1) * m_true_xl )/xstart.Length();
00221     }
00223     for ( int i=0 ; i<ystart.Length() ; ++i)
00224     { 
00225         ystart[i] =( i * m_true_yl )/ystart.Length();
00226         yend[i] = ( (i+1) * m_true_yl )/ystart.Length();
00227     }
00229     for ( int q=0 ; q<diff_array.LengthY() ; ++q )
00230     { 
00231         for ( int p=0 ; p<diff_array.LengthX() ; ++p )
00232         { 
00233             diff_array[q][p] = 0.0;
00235             for (int j=ystart[q]; j<yend[q]; ++j)
00236             {
00237                 for (int i=xstart[p]; i<xend[p]; ++i)
00238                 {
00239                     diff = static_cast<long double> ( coded_data[j][i] - orig_data[j][i] );
00241                     diff *= diff;
00242                     diff *= diff;
00244                     diff_array[q][p] += diff;
00245                 }//i
00246             }//j
00248             diff_array[q][p] /= ( xend[p]-xstart[p] ) * ( yend[q]-ystart[q] );
00249             diff_array[q][p] = std::sqrt( diff_array[q][p] );
00251             // now compensate for the fact that we've got two extra bits
00252             diff_array[q][p] /= 16.0;
00254         }// p
00255     }// q
00257     // return the worst area
00258     long double worst_diff = diff_array[0][0];
00259     for ( int q=0 ; q<diff_array.LengthY() ; ++q )
00260     { 
00261         for ( int p=0 ; p<diff_array.LengthX() ; ++p )
00262         { 
00263             if ( diff_array[q][p] > worst_diff )          
00264                 worst_diff = diff_array[q][p];
00265         }// p
00266     }// q
00268         return static_cast<double> ( 10.0 * std::log10( 255.0*255.0 / worst_diff ) );   
00269 }

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