_bitfile | |
a52_state_s | |
aac_state_t | |
acorr_coef | |
adif_header | |
adts_header | |
Plugin::AviSynth25::AlignPlanar | |
AP4_AsyncReaderStream | |
AP4_Atom | |
AP4_AtomFinder | |
AP4_AtomInspector | |
AP4_AtomListInspector | |
AP4_AtomListWriter | |
AP4_AtomParent | |
AP4_AtomSampleTable | |
AP4_AtomSizeAdder | |
AP4_AudioSampleEntry | |
AP4_Avc1SampleEntry | |
AP4_AvcCAtom | |
AP4_ByteStream | |
AP4_ChplAtom | |
AP4_ChplAtom::AP4_Chapter | |
AP4_Co64Atom | |
AP4_DataAtom | |
AP4_FtabAtom | |
AP4_FtabAtom::AP4_Tx3gFontRecord | |
AP4_HdlrAtom | |
AP4_MdhdAtom | |
AP4_MemoryByteStream | |
AP4_Mp4aSampleEntry | |
AP4_Mp4sSampleEntry | |
AP4_Mp4vSampleEntry | |
AP4_MpegSampleEntry | |
AP4_PrintInspector | |
AP4_RtpHintSampleEntry | |
AP4_SampleEntry | |
AP4_StssAtom | |
AP4_SubStream | |
AP4_TextSampleEntry | |
AP4_TextSampleEntry::AP4_TextDescription | |
AP4_TkhdAtom | |
AP4_Track | |
AP4_Tx3gSampleEntry | |
AP4_Tx3gSampleEntry::AP4_Tx3gDescription | |
AP4_UnknownAtom | |
AP4_VisualSampleEntry | |
dirac::ArithCodec< T > | Abstract binary arithmetic coding class |
dirac::ArithCodec< T >::Context | A class for binary contexts |
dirac::ArithCodec< T >::Triple | A class for encapsulating interval fractions for use in arithmetic coding |
MatroskaReader::AttachedFile | |
MatroskaReader::Attachment | |
MatroskaWriter::Audio | |
MatroskaReader::Audio | |
AudioStreamResampler | |
author_t | |
Plugin::AviSynth1::AvisynthError | |
Plugin::AviSynth25::AvisynthError | |
Plugin::AviSynth1::AVSValue | |
Plugin::AviSynth25::AVSValue | |
ba_t | |
dirac::BandCodec | A general class for coding and decoding wavelet subband data |
dirac::BasicOutputManager | Class for managing bit- and byte-oriented output |
dirac::BChkBlockDiff | A class for doing block differences with bounds-checking, inherited from BlockDiff |
dirac::BChkBlockDiffUp | A class for doing block differences with bounds-checking with upconverted references, inherited from BlockDiffUp |
dirac::BiBChkBlockDiff | A class for bi-directional differences with two references, with bounds checking |
dirac::BiBChkBlockDiffUp | A class for doing bi-directional block differences with bounds checking |
dirac::BiBlockDiff | A virtual class for bi-directional differences |
dirac::BiBlockDiffUp | An abstract class for doing block differences with two upconverted references |
dirac::BiSimpleBlockDiff | A class for bi-directional differences with two references, and no bounds checking |
dirac::BiSimpleBlockDiffUp | A class for doing bi-directional block differences without bounds checking |
dirac::BitInputManager | A class for managing bit-wise and byte-wise input |
bitstream | |
dirac::BlockDiff | An abstract class for doing block difference calculations |
dirac::BlockDiffParams | A class encapsulating parameters for calculating a block difference value (a single instance of matching) |
dirac::BlockDiffUp | An abstract class for doing block differences with an upconverted reference |
MatroskaWriter::BlockGroup | |
MatroskaReader::BlockGroup | |
dirac::BlockMatcher | Class to do block matching |
buffer | |
CAboutDlg | |
MatroskaWriter::CANSI | |
MatroskaReader::CANSI | |
Casf2mkvApp | |
Casf2mkvDlg | |
CAsyncFileReader | |
CAsyncIo | |
CAsyncOutputPin | |
CAsyncReader | |
CAsyncRequest | |
CAsyncStream | |
CAsyncUrlReader | |
CAudFormatArray | |
CAudioSwitcherFilter | |
CAuthDlg | |
CAVI2AC3Filter | |
CAviFile | |
CAviFile::ODMLExtendedAVIHeader | |
CAviFile::strm_t | |
CAviFile::strm_t::chunk | |
CAviFile::strm_t::chunk2 | |
CAviPlotterWnd | |
CAviReportWnd | |
CAviSourceFilter | |
CAviSplitterFilter | |
CAviSplitterOutputPin | |
Plugin::AviSynth1::CAvisynthFilter | |
Plugin::AviSynth25::CAvisynthFilter | |
DSObjects::CBaseGraph | |
CBaseMuxerFilter | |
CBaseMuxerInputPin | |
CBaseMuxerOutputPin | |
CBaseSource< TStream > | |
CBaseSplitterFile | |
CBaseSplitterFileEx | |
CBaseSplitterFileEx::aachdr | |
CBaseSplitterFileEx::ac3hdr | |
CBaseSplitterFileEx::avchdr | |
CBaseSplitterFileEx::cvdspuhdr | |
CBaseSplitterFileEx::dtshdr | |
CBaseSplitterFileEx::dvdspuhdr | |
CBaseSplitterFileEx::lpcmhdr | |
CBaseSplitterFileEx::mpahdr | |
CBaseSplitterFileEx::peshdr | |
CBaseSplitterFileEx::ps2audhdr | |
CBaseSplitterFileEx::ps2subhdr | |
CBaseSplitterFileEx::pshdr | |
CBaseSplitterFileEx::pssyshdr | |
CBaseSplitterFileEx::pvahdr | |
CBaseSplitterFileEx::seqhdr | |
CBaseSplitterFileEx::svcdspuhdr | |
CBaseSplitterFileEx::trhdr | |
CBaseSplitterFilter | |
CBaseSplitterInputPin | |
CBaseSplitterOutputPin | |
CBaseStream | |
CBaseVideoFilter | |
CBaseVideoInputAllocator | |
CBaseVideoInputPin | |
CBaseVideoOutputPin | |
MatroskaReader::CBinary | |
MatroskaWriter::CBinary | |
CBitStream | |
MatroskaWriter::CBlock | |
MatroskaReader::CBlockGroupNode | |
CBPtab | |
CBufferFilter | |
CBufferFilterOutputPin | |
MatroskaWriter::CByte | |
MatroskaReader::CByte | |
CCDDAReader | |
CCDDAStream | |
CCDecoder | |
CCDXAReader | |
CCDXAStream | |
CChildView | |
CClipper | |
CClosedCaptionOutputPin | |
CCmdUIDialog | |
CCmdUIPropertyPage | |
CColorStatic | |
CComPropertyPage | |
CComPropertyPageSite | |
CComPropertySheet | |
CConvertChapDlg | |
CConvertDlg | |
CConvertDlg::CTreeItem | |
CConvertDlg::CTreeItemChapter | |
CConvertDlg::CTreeItemChapterFolder | |
CConvertDlg::CTreeItemFile | |
CConvertDlg::CTreeItemFilter | |
CConvertDlg::CTreeItemPin | |
CConvertDlg::CTreeItemResource | |
CConvertDlg::CTreeItemResourceFolder | |
CConvertPropsDlg | |
CConvertResDlg | |
CCpuID | |
CD2VSource | |
CD2VStream | |
CDeCSSFilter | |
CDeCSSInputPin | |
CDeinterlacerFilter | |
CDiracSourceFilter | |
CDiracSplitterFile | |
CDiracSplitterFilter | |
CDiracVideoDecoder | |
CDirectVobSub | |
CDirectVobSubFilter | |
CDirectVobSubFilter2 | |
CDropTarget | |
CDSMChapter | |
CDSMChapterBag | |
CDSMMuxerFilter | |
CDSMResource | |
CDSMSourceFilter | |
CDSMSplitterFile | |
CDSMSplitterFile::SyncPoint | |
CDSMSplitterFilter | |
CDTSAC3Source | |
CDTSAC3Stream | |
CDVDSession | |
CDVDStateStream | |
CDVSAboutPPage | |
CDVSBasePPage | |
CDVSColorPPage | |
CDVSGeneralPPage | |
CDVSMainPPage | |
CDVSMiscPPage | |
CDVSPathsPPage | |
CDVSTimingPPage | |
CDVSZoomPPage | |
DSObjects::CDX7AllocatorPresenter | |
CDX7SubPic | |
CDX7SubPicAllocator | |
DSObjects::CDX9AllocatorPresenter | |
CDX9SubPic | |
CDX9SubPicAllocator | |
CFavoriteAddDlg | |
CFavoriteOrganizeDlg | |
cfft_info | |
CFileDropTarget | |
Plugin::CFilter | |
CFilterInfo | |
CFilterMapper2 | |
CFilterTreeCtrl | |
CFLICSource | |
CFLICStream | |
MatroskaWriter::CFloat | |
MatroskaReader::CFloat | |
CFloatEdit | |
CFontInstaller | |
CFormat< T > | |
CFormatArray< T > | |
CFormatElem< T > | |
CGoToDlg | |
CGraphBuilder | |
CGraphBuilder::DeadEnd | |
CGraphBuilderCapture | |
CGraphBuilderDVD | |
CGraphBuilderFile | |
CGraphCustomFilter | |
CGraphFileFilter | |
CGraphFilter | |
CGraphRegFilter | |
CGraphRendererFilter | |
CGraphThread | |
MatroskaReader::Chapter | |
MatroskaReader::ChapterAtom | |
MatroskaReader::ChapterDisplay | |
CharImg | |
CharSegment | |
CHexEdit | |
CHtmlColorMap | |
RMFF::ChunkHdr | |
ChunkHeader | |
CHyperlink | |
MatroskaReader::CID | |
MatroskaWriter::CID | |
CInPlaceComboBox | |
CInPlaceEdit | |
CInPlaceListBox | |
MatroskaWriter::CInt | |
MatroskaReader::CInt | |
CIntEdit | |
CJpegEncoder | |
CJpegEncoderFile | |
CJpegEncoderMem | |
CKeyProvider | |
CKsPSInputPin | |
CLBAFile | |
MatroskaReader::CLength | |
MatroskaWriter::CLength | |
CLine | |
CLineNumberEdit | |
CLineNumberStatic | |
MatroskaWriter::Cluster | |
MatroskaReader::Cluster | |
CMacrovisionKicker | |
CMainFrame | |
MatroskaReader::CMatroskaFile | |
CMatroskaMuxerFilter | |
CMatroskaMuxerInputPin | |
CMatroskaMuxerOutputPin | |
MatroskaReader::CMatroskaNode | |
CMatroskaSourceFilter | |
CMatroskaSplitterFilter | |
CMatroskaSplitterOutputPin | |
CMediaFormatCategory | |
CMediaFormats | |
CMediaTypeEx | |
CMediaTypesDlg | |
CMemSubPic | |
CMemSubPicAllocator | |
CMP4SourceFilter | |
CMP4SplitterFile | |
CMP4SplitterFilter | |
CMpaDecFilter | |
CMpaDecInputPin | |
CMpaSourceFilter | |
CMpaSplitterFile | |
CMpaSplitterFilter | |
CmpcinfoApp | |
CMPEG2Dec | |
CMpeg2Dec | |
CMpeg2DecFilter | |
CMpeg2DecInputPin | |
CMpeg2Decoder | |
CMpeg2Decoder::motion_t | |
CMpeg2Info | |
CMpegSourceFilter | |
CMpegSplitterFile | |
CMpegSplitterFile::CStreamList | |
CMpegSplitterFile::stream | |
CMpegSplitterFilter | |
CMpegSplitterOutputPin | |
CMPlayerCApp | |
CMPlayerCApp::Settings | |
CMyFont | |
MatroskaWriter::CNode< T > | |
MatroskaReader::CNode< T > | |
CNullAudioRenderer | |
CNullRenderer | |
CNullTextRenderer | |
CNullUAudioRenderer | |
CNullUVideoRenderer | |
CNullVideoRenderer | |
CNutFile | |
CNutFile::audio_stream_header | |
CNutFile::codec_specific | |
CNutFile::frame_header | |
CNutFile::index_entry | |
CNutFile::index_header | |
CNutFile::info_header | |
CNutFile::main_header | |
CNutFile::packet_header | |
CNutFile::stream_header | |
CNutFile::video_stream_header | |
CNutSourceFilter | |
CNutSplitterFilter | |
Codec | |
dirac::CodecParams | Parameters common to coder and decoder operation |
codeword_t | |
COggAudioOutputPin | |
COggDirectShowOutputPin | |
COggFile | |
COggSourceFilter | |
COggSplitterFilter | |
COggSplitterOutputPin | |
COggStreamOutputPin | |
COggTextOutputPin | |
COggVideoOutputPin | |
COggVorbisOutputPin | |
dirac::CommandLine | |
dirac::CommandLine::option | |
dirac::CompCompressor | Compress a frame component |
dirac::CompDecompressor | Compress a frame component |
complex_s | |
config_s | |
MatroskaReader::ContentCompression | |
RMFF::ContentDesc | |
MatroskaReader::ContentEncoding | |
MatroskaReader::ContentEncodings | |
MatroskaReader::ContentEncryption | |
Plugin::AviSynth25::ConvertAudio | |
COpenCapDeviceDlg | |
COpenDlg | |
COpenFileDialog | |
dirac::CostType | A structure for recording costs, particularly in quantisation |
COuterVMR9 | |
COutline | |
CPacketQueue | |
CPinInfo | |
CPixelShaderCompiler | |
CPlayerCaptureBar | |
CPlayerCaptureDialog | |
CPlayerInfoBar | |
CPlayerListCtrl | |
CPlayerPlaylistBar | |
CPlayerSeekBar | |
CPlayerStatusBar | |
CPlayerSubresyncBar | |
CPlayerToolBar | |
CPlayerWindow | |
CPlaylist | |
CPlaylistItem | |
CPnSPresetsDlg | |
CPolygon | |
CPPageAccelTbl | |
CPPageAudioDecoder | |
CPPageAudioSwitcher | |
CPPageBase | |
CPPageDVD | |
CPPageFileInfoClip | |
CPPageFileInfoDetails | |
CPPageFileInfoRes | |
CPPageFileInfoSheet | |
CPPageFilters | |
CPPageFiltersListBox | |
CPPageFormats | |
CPPageLogo | |
CPPageMpegDecoder | |
CPPageOutput | |
CPPageOverrides | |
CPPagePlayback | |
CPPagePlayer | |
CPPageRealMediaQuickTime | |
CPPageSheet | |
CPPageSubDB | |
CPPageSubStyle | |
CPPageSubtitles | |
CPPageTweaks | |
CPPageWebServer | |
TreePropSheet::CPropPageFrame | |
TreePropSheet::CPropPageFrameDefault | |
CPU | |
DSObjects::CQT7AllocatorPresenter | |
DSObjects::CQT9AllocatorPresenter | |
CQTDec | |
DSObjects::CQuicktimeGraph | |
DSObjects::CQuicktimeWindow | |
CRealAudioDecoder | |
DSObjects::CRealMediaGraph | |
DSObjects::CRealMediaPlayer | |
DSObjects::CRealMediaPlayerWindowed | |
DSObjects::CRealMediaPlayerWindowless | |
CRealMediaSourceFilter | |
CRealMediaSplitterFilter | |
CRealMediaSplitterOutputPin | |
DSObjects::CRealMediaVideoSurface | |
DSObjects::CRealMediaWindowlessSite | |
CRealVideoDecoder | |
CRegFilterChooserDlg | |
CRemoteCtrlClient | |
CRenderedTextSubtitle | |
CResetDVD | |
CResizableDialog | |
CResizableGrip | |
CResizableLayout | |
CResizableLayout::LayoutInfo | |
CResizableMinMax | |
CResizablePage | |
CResizableSheet | |
CResizableState | |
DSObjects::CRM7AllocatorPresenter | |
DSObjects::CRM9AllocatorPresenter | |
CRMFile | |
CRMFile::subtitle | |
CRoQAudioDecoder | |
CRoQSourceFilter | |
CRoQSplitterFilter | |
CRoQVideoDecoder | |
CSaveDlg | |
CSaveTextFileDialog | |
CSCBButton | |
CSCBDockBar | |
CScreenLayoutAllocator | |
CSelectMediaType | |
CShaderAutoCompleteDlg | |
CShaderEdit | |
CShaderEditorDlg | |
CShaderLabelComboBox | |
CShockwaveFlash | |
DSObjects::CShockwaveGraph | |
MatroskaWriter::CShort | |
MatroskaReader::CShort | |
CShoutcastSource | |
CShoutcastStream | |
MatroskaReader::CSignedLength | |
MatroskaReader::CSimpleBlockNode | |
CSimpleTextSubtitle | |
MatroskaReader::CSimpleVar< T, BASE > | |
MatroskaWriter::CSimpleVar< T, BASE > | |
CSizingControlBar | |
CSizingControlBarCF | |
CSizingControlBarG | |
CStaticLink | |
CStatusLabel | |
CStreamDriveThruFilter | |
CStreamDriveThruInputPin | |
CStreamDriveThruOutputPin | |
CStreamSwitcherAllocator | |
CStreamSwitcherFilter | |
CStreamSwitcherInputPin | |
CStreamSwitcherOutputPin | |
CStreamSwitcherPassThru | |
CSTSStyleMap | |
CStyleEditorDialog | |
CSubClock | |
CSubpicInputPin | |
CSubPicQueue | |
CSubPicQueueNoThread | |
CSubresyncApp | |
CSubresyncDlg | |
CSubtitle | |
CSubtitleDlDlg | |
CSubtitleInputPin | |
CSubtitleSource | |
CSubtitleSourceARGB | |
CSubtitleSourceASCII | |
CSubtitleSourceASS | |
CSubtitleSourcePreview | |
CSubtitleSourceSSA | |
CSubtitleSourceUSF | |
CSubtitleSourceUTF8 | |
CSubtitleStream | |
CSystrayWindow | |
ct_data_s | |
CText | |
CTextFile | |
CTextInputPin | |
CTextPassThruFilter | |
CTextPassThruInputPin | |
CTextPassThruOutputPin | |
Plugin::AviSynth1::CTextSubAvisynthFilter | |
Plugin::AviSynth25::CTextSubAvisynthFilter | |
Plugin::CTextSubFilter | |
Plugin::VirtualDub::CTextSubVirtualDubFilter | |
TreePropSheet::CThemeLib | |
TreePropSheet::CTreePropSheet | |
CTreePropSheetTreeCtrl | |
MatroskaWriter::Cue | |
MatroskaReader::Cue | |
MatroskaWriter::CuePoint | |
MatroskaReader::CuePoint | |
MatroskaReader::CueReference | |
MatroskaWriter::CueTrackPosition | |
MatroskaReader::CueTrackPosition | |
CUIceClient | |
MatroskaWriter::CUInt | |
MatroskaReader::CUInt | |
CUrlDropTarget | |
CUSFSubtitles | |
MatroskaReader::CUTF8 | |
MatroskaWriter::CUTF8 | |
CVidFormatArray | |
Plugin::VirtualDub::CVirtualDubFilter | |
DSObjects::CVMR7AllocatorPresenter | |
DSObjects::CVMR9AllocatorPresenter | |
CVobDec | |
CVobFile | |
Plugin::AviSynth1::CVobSubAvisynthFilter | |
Plugin::AviSynth25::CVobSubAvisynthFilter | |
CVobSubFile | |
CVobSubFile::SubLang | |
CVobSubFile::SubPos | |
CVobSubFileRipper | |
Plugin::CVobSubFilter | |
CVobSubImage | |
CVobSubImage::SubPal | |
CVobSubSettings | |
CVobSubStream | |
Plugin::VirtualDub::CVobSubVirtualDubFilter | |
CVolumeCtrl | |
CvsconvApp | |
CvsconvDlg | |
CVSFilterApp | |
CVSRipApp | |
CVSRipDlg | |
CVSRipFileDlg | |
CVSRipIndexingDlg | |
CVSRipPage | |
CVSRipPGCDlg | |
CVTSReader | |
CVTSStream | |
CWavDestFilter | |
CWavDestOutputPin | |
CWebClientSocket | |
CWebServer | |
CWebServerSocket | |
CWebTextFile | |
CWinLircClient | |
CWord | |
RMFF::DataChunk | |
DataChunk | |
DCtab | |
DCTtab | |
dirac::DecoderParams | Parameters for the decoding process |
dirac_decoder_t | |
dirac_enc_data_t | |
dirac_enc_framestats_t | |
dirac_enc_seqstats_t | |
dirac_encoder_context_t | |
dirac_encoder_t | |
dirac_encparams_t | |
dirac_framebuf_t | |
dirac_frameparams_t | |
dirac_instr_t | |
dirac_mv_cost_t | |
dirac_mv_t | |
dirac_rational_t | |
dirac_seqparams_t | |
DiracEncoder | |
dirac::DiracParser | Dirac Stream Parser Class |
dispmode | |
dladapter | |
DMVtab | |
dirac::DownConverter | A class for fast downconversion of picture data |
drc_info | |
drm_ps_info | |
dts_state_s | |
dvs | |
dvsauto | |
MatroskaWriter::EBML | |
MatroskaReader::EBML | |
MatroskaReader::EditionEntry | |
Effect | |
effect_t | |
element | |
dirac::EncoderParams | Parameters for the encoding process |
dirac::EntropyCorrector | A class used for correcting estimates of entropy |
expbap_t | |
ExternalObject | |
fb_info | |
ffdshow | |
filehash | |
RMFF::FileHdr | |
dirac::FileStreamInput | Picture input class |
dirac::FileStreamOutput | |
Plugin::AviSynth25::FillBorder | |
Filter | |
FLIC | |
fontstyle_t | |
FormatChunk | |
dirac::Frame | A class for encapsulating all the data relating to a frame |
dirac::FrameBuffer | Holds frames both for reference and to overcome reordering delay |
dirac::FrameCompressor | Compress a single image frame |
dirac::FrameDecompressor | Compress a single image frame |
dirac::FrameOutputManager | |
dirac::FrameParams | Parameters for initialising frame class objects |
Plugin::AviSynth1::GenericVideoFilter | |
Plugin::AviSynth25::GenericVideoFilter | |
gz_stream | |
hcb | |
hcb_2_pair | |
hcb_2_quad | |
hcb_bin_pair | |
hcb_bin_quad | |
htmlcolor | |
huff_entry_s | |
huffpair | |
huffquad | |
hufftable | |
hyb_info | |
ic_stream | |
Plugin::AviSynth1::IClip | |
Plugin::AviSynth25::IClip | |
IDSMChapterBagImpl | |
IDSMPropertyBagImpl | |
IDSMResourceBagImpl | |
RMFF::IndexChunkHeader | |
RMFF::IndexRecord | |
inflate_blocks_state | |
inflate_codes_state | |
inflate_huft_s | |
MatroskaWriter::Info | |
MatroskaReader::Info | |
dirac::InputStreamBuffer | Input Stream Buffer Class |
internal_state | |
dirac::IntraBlockDiff | A class for calculating the difference between a block and its DC value (average) |
dirac::IntraDCBandCodec | A class specially for coding the DC subband of Intra frames |
IPinCVtbl | |
Plugin::AviSynth25::IScriptEnvironment | |
Plugin::AviSynth1::IScriptEnvironment | |
Plugin::AviSynth25::IScriptEnvironment::NotFound | |
Plugin::AviSynth1::IScriptEnvironment::NotFound | |
isdb_movie | |
isdb_subtitle | |
ISubPicAllocatorImpl | |
ISubPicAllocatorPresenterImpl | |
ISubPicImpl | |
ISubPicProviderImpl | |
ISubPicQueueImpl | |
IVSFRipperCallbackImpl | |
keyframe_t | |
lang_type | |
language_t | |
dirac::LFBandCodec | A class specially for coding the LF subbands |
LSub | |
mad_bitptr | |
mad_decoder | |
mad_frame | |
mad_header | |
mad_pcm | |
mad_stream | |
mad_synth | |
mad_timer_t | |
MatrixMixer | |
MatroskaPacket | |
MBAtab | |
MBtab | |
mdct_info | |
dirac::MEData | Class for all the motion estimation data |
RMFF::MediaPacketHeader | |
RMFF::MediaProperies | |
dirac::MemoryStreamInput | |
dirac::MemoryStreamInput::InputMemoryBuffer | Class that defines the Input Stream Memory Buffer |
dirac::MemoryStreamOutput | |
dirac::MemoryStreamOutput::OutputMemoryBuffer | Local memory buffer |
metadata_t | |
dirac::ModeDecider | Decides between macroblock and block prediction modes |
dirac::MotionCompensator | Motion compensator class |
dirac::MotionEstimator | Class to handle the whole motion estimation process |
dirac::MotionVector< T > | Motion vector class - just a pair |
mp3hdr | |
mp4AudioSpecificConfig | |
mpeg2_fbuf_t | |
mpeg2_gop_t | |
mpeg2_mc_t | |
mpeg2_picture_t | |
mpeg2_sequence_t | |
MuxerPacket | |
dirac::MvCostData | Class for recording costs derived in motion estimation |
dirac::MvData | Class for all the motion vector data |
dirac::MvDataCodec | Codes and decodes all the Motion Vector data |
MVtab | |
NeAACDecConfiguration | |
NeAACDecFrameInfo | |
NeAACDecStruct | |
NeroAudioDecoder | |
OggAudioHeader | |
OggPacket | |
OggPage | |
OggPageHeader | |
OggStreamHeader | |
OggVideoHeader | |
OggVorbisIdHeader | |
dirac::OLBParams | Parameters for overlapped block motion compensation |
dirac::OneDArray< T > | A template class for one-dimensional arrays |
OpenDeviceData | |
OpenDVDData | |
OpenFileData | |
OpenFunctStruct | |
OpenMediaData | |
Packet | |
Plugin::AviSynth1::PClip | |
Plugin::AviSynth25::PClip | |
PGC | |
dirac::PicArray | A class for picture component data |
dirac::PixelMatcher | |
plsort2_t | |
plsort_t | |
posattriblist_t | |
pred_state | |
dirac::PredictStep< gain > | Class to do two-tap prediction lifting step |
program_config | |
RMFF::Properies | |
ps2_state_t | |
ps_info | |
pulse_info | |
Plugin::AviSynth1::PVideoFrame | |
Plugin::AviSynth25::PVideoFrame | |
qmfa_info | |
qmfs_info | |
dirac::QualityMonitor | Class to monitor the quality of pictures and adjust coding parameters appropriately |
quantizer_t | |
rainfo | |
rainfo4 | |
rainfo5 | |
dirac::Range | Range type |
Rasterizer | |
ratDVDNavigator | |
Ray | |
DSObjects::REGION | |
RIFFChunk | |
roq_chunk | |
roq_info | |
rvinfo | |
rvlc_huff_table | |
sbr_hfadj_info | |
sbr_info | |
MatroskaReader::Seek | |
MatroskaWriter::Seek | |
MatroskaWriter::SeekHead | |
MatroskaReader::SeekHead | |
MatroskaWriter::SeekID | |
MatroskaReader::Segment | |
MatroskaWriter::Segment | |
dirac::SeqParams | Parameters relating to the video sequence being encoded/decoded |
dirac::SequenceCompressor | Compresses a sequence of frames from a stream |
dirac::SequenceDecompressor | Decompresses a sequence of frames from a stream |
dirac::SequenceOutputManager | |
sideinfo | |
sideinfo::granule | |
sideinfo::granule::channel | |
MatroskaReader::SimpleBlock | |
dirac::SimpleBlockDiff | A class for doing block differences without bounds-checking, inherited from BlockDiff |
dirac::SimpleBlockDiffUp | A class for doing block differences without bounds-checking with upconverted references, inherited from BlockDiffUp |
SortFilter | |
static_tree_desc_s | |
dirac::StreamPicInput | Picture input class |
dirac::StreamPicOutput | Class for outputting pictures |
STSEntry | |
STSSegment | |
STSStyle | |
style_t | |
dirac::Subband | Class encapsulating all the metadata relating to a wavelet subband |
dirac::SubbandList | A class encapulating all the subbands produced by a transform |
SubFile | |
dirac::SubpelRefine | The SubpelRefine class takes pixel-accurate motion vectors and refines them to 1/8-pixel accuracy |
SubPicDesc | |
SystrayIconData | |
t_udf_AnchorVolumeDescriptorPointer | |
t_udf_charspec | |
t_udf_EntityID | |
t_udf_ext_ad | |
t_udf_extent_ad | |
t_udf_file | |
t_udf_FileEntry | |
t_udf_FileIdentifierDescriptor | |
t_udf_FileSetDescriptor | |
t_udf_icbtag | |
t_udf_lb_addr | |
t_udf_LogicalVolumeDescriptor | |
t_udf_long_ad | |
t_udf_PartitionDescriptor | |
t_udf_PartitionHeaderDescriptor | |
t_udf_short_ad | |
t_udf_tag | |
t_udf_timestamp | |
MatroskaWriter::Tags | |
text_t | |
MatroskaReader::TimeSlice | |
tns_info | |
MatroskaReader::Track | |
MatroskaWriter::Track | |
MatroskaReader::TrackEntry | |
MatroskaWriter::TrackEntry | |
tree_desc_s | |
dirac::TwoDArray< T > | A template class for two-dimensional arrays |
dirac::UnitOutputManager | A class for handling data output, including headers |
dirac::UpConverter | Upconversion class |
dirac::UpdateStep< gain > | Class to do two-tap updating lifting step |
vc_t | |
vcchunk | |
Vector | |
MatroskaWriter::Video | |
MatroskaReader::Video | |
Plugin::AviSynth1::VideoFrame | |
Plugin::AviSynth25::VideoFrame | |
Plugin::AviSynth1::VideoFrameBuffer | |
Plugin::AviSynth25::VideoFrameBuffer | |
Plugin::AviSynth1::VideoInfo | |
Plugin::AviSynth25::VideoInfo | |
vidinfo | |
VIH | |
VIH2 | |
VLCtab | |
MatroskaWriter::Void | |
VSFRipperData_t | |
WAVEChunck | |
dirac::WaveletTransform | A class to do wavelet transforms |
wmcmd | |
XForm | |
z_stream_s | |