LAPACK  3.7.0
LAPACK: Linear Algebra PACKage
Collaboration diagram for complex:


subroutine cptcon (N, D, E, ANORM, RCOND, RWORK, INFO)
 CPTCON More...
subroutine cpteqr (COMPZ, N, D, E, Z, LDZ, WORK, INFO)
 CPTEQR More...
subroutine cptrfs (UPLO, N, NRHS, D, E, DF, EF, B, LDB, X, LDX, FERR, BERR, WORK, RWORK, INFO)
 CPTRFS More...
subroutine cpttrf (N, D, E, INFO)
 CPTTRF More...
subroutine cpttrs (UPLO, N, NRHS, D, E, B, LDB, INFO)
 CPTTRS More...
subroutine cptts2 (IUPLO, N, NRHS, D, E, B, LDB)
 CPTTS2 solves a tridiagonal system of the form AX=B using the L D LH factorization computed by spttrf. More...

Detailed Description

This is the group of complex computational functions for PT matrices