LAPACK  3.7.0
LAPACK: Linear Algebra PACKage
Collaboration diagram for real:


subroutine sgtcon (NORM, N, DL, D, DU, DU2, IPIV, ANORM, RCOND, WORK, IWORK, INFO)
 SGTCON More...
subroutine sgtrfs (TRANS, N, NRHS, DL, D, DU, DLF, DF, DUF, DU2, IPIV, B, LDB, X, LDX, FERR, BERR, WORK, IWORK, INFO)
 SGTRFS More...
subroutine sgttrf (N, DL, D, DU, DU2, IPIV, INFO)
 SGTTRF More...
subroutine sgttrs (TRANS, N, NRHS, DL, D, DU, DU2, IPIV, B, LDB, INFO)
 SGTTRS More...
subroutine sgtts2 (ITRANS, N, NRHS, DL, D, DU, DU2, IPIV, B, LDB)
 SGTTS2 solves a system of linear equations with a tridiagonal matrix using the LU factorization computed by sgttrf. More...

Detailed Description

This is the group of real computational functions for GT matrices