LAPACK  3.7.0
LAPACK: Linear Algebra PACKage
logical function lseres ( character*2  TYPE,
character*1  UPLO,
integer  M,
integer  N,
real, dimension( lda, * )  AA,
real, dimension( lda, * )  AS,
integer  LDA 

Definition at line 2975 of file sblat2.f.

2975 *
2976 * Tests if selected elements in two arrays are equal.
2977 *
2978 * TYPE is 'GE', 'SY' or 'SP'.
2979 *
2980 * Auxiliary routine for test program for Level 2 Blas.
2981 *
2982 * -- Written on 10-August-1987.
2983 * Richard Hanson, Sandia National Labs.
2984 * Jeremy Du Croz, NAG Central Office.
2985 *
2986 * .. Scalar Arguments ..
2987  INTEGER lda, m, n
2988  CHARACTER*1 uplo
2989  CHARACTER*2 type
2990 * .. Array Arguments ..
2991  REAL aa( lda, * ), as( lda, * )
2992 * .. Local Scalars ..
2993  INTEGER i, ibeg, iend, j
2994  LOGICAL upper
2995 * .. Executable Statements ..
2996  upper = uplo.EQ.'U'
2997  IF( type.EQ.'GE' )THEN
2998  DO 20 j = 1, n
2999  DO 10 i = m + 1, lda
3000  IF( aa( i, j ) i, j ) )
3001  $ GO TO 70
3002  10 CONTINUE
3003  20 CONTINUE
3004  ELSE IF( type.EQ.'SY' )THEN
3005  DO 50 j = 1, n
3006  IF( upper )THEN
3007  ibeg = 1
3008  iend = j
3009  ELSE
3010  ibeg = j
3011  iend = n
3012  END IF
3013  DO 30 i = 1, ibeg - 1
3014  IF( aa( i, j ) i, j ) )
3015  $ GO TO 70
3016  30 CONTINUE
3017  DO 40 i = iend + 1, lda
3018  IF( aa( i, j ) i, j ) )
3019  $ GO TO 70
3020  40 CONTINUE
3021  50 CONTINUE
3022  END IF
3023 *
3024  lseres = .true.
3025  GO TO 80
3026  70 CONTINUE
3027  lseres = .false.
3028  80 RETURN
3029 *
3030 * End of LSERES.
3031 *
logical function lseres(TYPE, UPLO, M, N, AA, AS, LDA)
Definition: sblat2.f:2975

Here is the caller graph for this function: