Linux Kernel  3.7.1
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1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) Paul Mackerras 1997.
3  *
4  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
6  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
7  * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8  */
9 #include <stdarg.h>
10 #include <stddef.h>
11 #include "string.h"
12 #include "stdio.h"
13 #include "ops.h"
15 size_t strnlen(const char * s, size_t count)
16 {
17  const char *sc;
19  for (sc = s; count-- && *sc != '\0'; ++sc)
20  /* nothing */;
21  return sc - s;
22 }
24 extern unsigned int __div64_32(unsigned long long *dividend,
25  unsigned int divisor);
27 /* The unnecessary pointer compare is there
28  * to check for type safety (n must be 64bit)
29  */
30 # define do_div(n,base) ({ \
31  unsigned int __base = (base); \
32  unsigned int __rem; \
33  (void)(((typeof((n)) *)0) == ((unsigned long long *)0)); \
34  if (((n) >> 32) == 0) { \
35  __rem = (unsigned int)(n) % __base; \
36  (n) = (unsigned int)(n) / __base; \
37  } else \
38  __rem = __div64_32(&(n), __base); \
39  __rem; \
40  })
42 static int skip_atoi(const char **s)
43 {
44  int i, c;
46  for (i = 0; '0' <= (c = **s) && c <= '9'; ++*s)
47  i = i*10 + c - '0';
48  return i;
49 }
51 #define ZEROPAD 1 /* pad with zero */
52 #define SIGN 2 /* unsigned/signed long */
53 #define PLUS 4 /* show plus */
54 #define SPACE 8 /* space if plus */
55 #define LEFT 16 /* left justified */
56 #define SPECIAL 32 /* 0x */
57 #define LARGE 64 /* use 'ABCDEF' instead of 'abcdef' */
59 static char * number(char * str, unsigned long long num, int base, int size, int precision, int type)
60 {
61  char c,sign,tmp[66];
62  const char *digits="0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
63  int i;
65  if (type & LARGE)
66  digits = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
67  if (type & LEFT)
68  type &= ~ZEROPAD;
69  if (base < 2 || base > 36)
70  return 0;
71  c = (type & ZEROPAD) ? '0' : ' ';
72  sign = 0;
73  if (type & SIGN) {
74  if ((signed long long)num < 0) {
75  sign = '-';
76  num = - (signed long long)num;
77  size--;
78  } else if (type & PLUS) {
79  sign = '+';
80  size--;
81  } else if (type & SPACE) {
82  sign = ' ';
83  size--;
84  }
85  }
86  if (type & SPECIAL) {
87  if (base == 16)
88  size -= 2;
89  else if (base == 8)
90  size--;
91  }
92  i = 0;
93  if (num == 0)
94  tmp[i++]='0';
95  else while (num != 0) {
96  tmp[i++] = digits[do_div(num, base)];
97  }
98  if (i > precision)
99  precision = i;
100  size -= precision;
101  if (!(type&(ZEROPAD+LEFT)))
102  while(size-->0)
103  *str++ = ' ';
104  if (sign)
105  *str++ = sign;
106  if (type & SPECIAL) {
107  if (base==8)
108  *str++ = '0';
109  else if (base==16) {
110  *str++ = '0';
111  *str++ = digits[33];
112  }
113  }
114  if (!(type & LEFT))
115  while (size-- > 0)
116  *str++ = c;
117  while (i < precision--)
118  *str++ = '0';
119  while (i-- > 0)
120  *str++ = tmp[i];
121  while (size-- > 0)
122  *str++ = ' ';
123  return str;
124 }
126 int vsprintf(char *buf, const char *fmt, va_list args)
127 {
128  int len;
129  unsigned long long num;
130  int i, base;
131  char * str;
132  const char *s;
134  int flags; /* flags to number() */
136  int field_width; /* width of output field */
137  int precision; /* min. # of digits for integers; max
138  number of chars for from string */
139  int qualifier; /* 'h', 'l', or 'L' for integer fields */
140  /* 'z' support added 23/7/1999 S.H. */
141  /* 'z' changed to 'Z' --davidm 1/25/99 */
144  for (str=buf ; *fmt ; ++fmt) {
145  if (*fmt != '%') {
146  *str++ = *fmt;
147  continue;
148  }
150  /* process flags */
151  flags = 0;
152  repeat:
153  ++fmt; /* this also skips first '%' */
154  switch (*fmt) {
155  case '-': flags |= LEFT; goto repeat;
156  case '+': flags |= PLUS; goto repeat;
157  case ' ': flags |= SPACE; goto repeat;
158  case '#': flags |= SPECIAL; goto repeat;
159  case '0': flags |= ZEROPAD; goto repeat;
160  }
162  /* get field width */
163  field_width = -1;
164  if ('0' <= *fmt && *fmt <= '9')
165  field_width = skip_atoi(&fmt);
166  else if (*fmt == '*') {
167  ++fmt;
168  /* it's the next argument */
169  field_width = va_arg(args, int);
170  if (field_width < 0) {
171  field_width = -field_width;
172  flags |= LEFT;
173  }
174  }
176  /* get the precision */
177  precision = -1;
178  if (*fmt == '.') {
179  ++fmt;
180  if ('0' <= *fmt && *fmt <= '9')
181  precision = skip_atoi(&fmt);
182  else if (*fmt == '*') {
183  ++fmt;
184  /* it's the next argument */
185  precision = va_arg(args, int);
186  }
187  if (precision < 0)
188  precision = 0;
189  }
191  /* get the conversion qualifier */
192  qualifier = -1;
193  if (*fmt == 'l' && *(fmt + 1) == 'l') {
194  qualifier = 'q';
195  fmt += 2;
196  } else if (*fmt == 'h' || *fmt == 'l' || *fmt == 'L'
197  || *fmt == 'Z') {
198  qualifier = *fmt;
199  ++fmt;
200  }
202  /* default base */
203  base = 10;
205  switch (*fmt) {
206  case 'c':
207  if (!(flags & LEFT))
208  while (--field_width > 0)
209  *str++ = ' ';
210  *str++ = (unsigned char) va_arg(args, int);
211  while (--field_width > 0)
212  *str++ = ' ';
213  continue;
215  case 's':
216  s = va_arg(args, char *);
217  if (!s)
218  s = "<NULL>";
220  len = strnlen(s, precision);
222  if (!(flags & LEFT))
223  while (len < field_width--)
224  *str++ = ' ';
225  for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
226  *str++ = *s++;
227  while (len < field_width--)
228  *str++ = ' ';
229  continue;
231  case 'p':
232  if (field_width == -1) {
233  field_width = 2*sizeof(void *);
234  flags |= ZEROPAD;
235  }
236  str = number(str,
237  (unsigned long) va_arg(args, void *), 16,
238  field_width, precision, flags);
239  continue;
242  case 'n':
243  if (qualifier == 'l') {
244  long * ip = va_arg(args, long *);
245  *ip = (str - buf);
246  } else if (qualifier == 'Z') {
247  size_t * ip = va_arg(args, size_t *);
248  *ip = (str - buf);
249  } else {
250  int * ip = va_arg(args, int *);
251  *ip = (str - buf);
252  }
253  continue;
255  case '%':
256  *str++ = '%';
257  continue;
259  /* integer number formats - set up the flags and "break" */
260  case 'o':
261  base = 8;
262  break;
264  case 'X':
265  flags |= LARGE;
266  case 'x':
267  base = 16;
268  break;
270  case 'd':
271  case 'i':
272  flags |= SIGN;
273  case 'u':
274  break;
276  default:
277  *str++ = '%';
278  if (*fmt)
279  *str++ = *fmt;
280  else
281  --fmt;
282  continue;
283  }
284  if (qualifier == 'l') {
285  num = va_arg(args, unsigned long);
286  if (flags & SIGN)
287  num = (signed long) num;
288  } else if (qualifier == 'q') {
289  num = va_arg(args, unsigned long long);
290  if (flags & SIGN)
291  num = (signed long long) num;
292  } else if (qualifier == 'Z') {
293  num = va_arg(args, size_t);
294  } else if (qualifier == 'h') {
295  num = (unsigned short) va_arg(args, int);
296  if (flags & SIGN)
297  num = (signed short) num;
298  } else {
299  num = va_arg(args, unsigned int);
300  if (flags & SIGN)
301  num = (signed int) num;
302  }
303  str = number(str, num, base, field_width, precision, flags);
304  }
305  *str = '\0';
306  return str-buf;
307 }
309 int sprintf(char * buf, const char *fmt, ...)
310 {
311  va_list args;
312  int i;
314  va_start(args, fmt);
315  i=vsprintf(buf,fmt,args);
316  va_end(args);
317  return i;
318 }
320 static char sprint_buf[1024];
322 int
323 printf(const char *fmt, ...)
324 {
325  va_list args;
326  int n;
328  va_start(args, fmt);
329  n = vsprintf(sprint_buf, fmt, args);
330  va_end(args);
331  if (console_ops.write)
332  console_ops.write(sprint_buf, n);
333  return n;
334 }