LLVM API Documentation

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00001 //=== OutputBuffer.h - Output Buffer ----------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
00002 //
00003 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
00004 //
00005 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
00006 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
00007 //
00008 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
00009 //
00010 // Methods to output values to a data buffer.
00011 //
00012 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
00017 #include <cassert>
00018 #include <string>
00019 #include <vector>
00021 namespace llvm {
00023   class OutputBuffer {
00024     /// Output buffer.
00025     std::vector<unsigned char> &Output;
00027     /// is64Bit/isLittleEndian - This information is inferred from the target
00028     /// machine directly, indicating what header values and flags to set.
00029     bool is64Bit, isLittleEndian;
00030   public:
00031     OutputBuffer(std::vector<unsigned char> &Out,
00032                  bool is64bit, bool le)
00033       : Output(Out), is64Bit(is64bit), isLittleEndian(le) {}
00035     // align - Emit padding into the file until the current output position is
00036     // aligned to the specified power of two boundary.
00037     void align(unsigned Boundary) {
00038       assert(Boundary && (Boundary & (Boundary - 1)) == 0 &&
00039              "Must align to 2^k boundary");
00040       size_t Size = Output.size();
00042       if (Size & (Boundary - 1)) {
00043         // Add padding to get alignment to the correct place.
00044         size_t Pad = Boundary - (Size & (Boundary - 1));
00045         Output.resize(Size + Pad);
00046       }
00047     }
00049     //===------------------------------------------------------------------===//
00050     // Out Functions - Output the specified value to the data buffer.
00052     void outbyte(unsigned char X) {
00053       Output.push_back(X);
00054     }
00055     void outhalf(unsigned short X) {
00056       if (isLittleEndian) {
00057         Output.push_back(X & 255);
00058         Output.push_back(X >> 8);
00059       } else {
00060         Output.push_back(X >> 8);
00061         Output.push_back(X & 255);
00062       }
00063     }
00064     void outword(unsigned X) {
00065       if (isLittleEndian) {
00066         Output.push_back((X >>  0) & 255);
00067         Output.push_back((X >>  8) & 255);
00068         Output.push_back((X >> 16) & 255);
00069         Output.push_back((X >> 24) & 255);
00070       } else {
00071         Output.push_back((X >> 24) & 255);
00072         Output.push_back((X >> 16) & 255);
00073         Output.push_back((X >>  8) & 255);
00074         Output.push_back((X >>  0) & 255);
00075       }
00076     }
00077     void outxword(uint64_t X) {
00078       if (isLittleEndian) {
00079         Output.push_back(unsigned(X >>  0) & 255);
00080         Output.push_back(unsigned(X >>  8) & 255);
00081         Output.push_back(unsigned(X >> 16) & 255);
00082         Output.push_back(unsigned(X >> 24) & 255);
00083         Output.push_back(unsigned(X >> 32) & 255);
00084         Output.push_back(unsigned(X >> 40) & 255);
00085         Output.push_back(unsigned(X >> 48) & 255);
00086         Output.push_back(unsigned(X >> 56) & 255);
00087       } else {
00088         Output.push_back(unsigned(X >> 56) & 255);
00089         Output.push_back(unsigned(X >> 48) & 255);
00090         Output.push_back(unsigned(X >> 40) & 255);
00091         Output.push_back(unsigned(X >> 32) & 255);
00092         Output.push_back(unsigned(X >> 24) & 255);
00093         Output.push_back(unsigned(X >> 16) & 255);
00094         Output.push_back(unsigned(X >>  8) & 255);
00095         Output.push_back(unsigned(X >>  0) & 255);
00096       }
00097     }
00098     void outaddr32(unsigned X) {
00099       outword(X);
00100     }
00101     void outaddr64(uint64_t X) {
00102       outxword(X);
00103     }
00104     void outaddr(uint64_t X) {
00105       if (!is64Bit)
00106         outword((unsigned)X);
00107       else
00108         outxword(X);
00109     }
00110     void outstring(const std::string &S, unsigned Length) {
00111       unsigned len_to_copy = static_cast<unsigned>(S.length()) < Length
00112         ? static_cast<unsigned>(S.length()) : Length;
00113       unsigned len_to_fill = static_cast<unsigned>(S.length()) < Length
00114         ? Length - static_cast<unsigned>(S.length()) : 0;
00116       for (unsigned i = 0; i < len_to_copy; ++i)
00117         outbyte(S[i]);
00119       for (unsigned i = 0; i < len_to_fill; ++i)
00120         outbyte(0);
00121     }
00123     //===------------------------------------------------------------------===//
00124     // Fix Functions - Replace an existing entry at an offset.
00126     void fixhalf(unsigned short X, unsigned Offset) {
00127       unsigned char *P = &Output[Offset];
00128       P[0] = (X >> (isLittleEndian ?  0 : 8)) & 255;
00129       P[1] = (X >> (isLittleEndian ?  8 : 0)) & 255;
00130     }
00131     void fixword(unsigned X, unsigned Offset) {
00132       unsigned char *P = &Output[Offset];
00133       P[0] = (X >> (isLittleEndian ?  0 : 24)) & 255;
00134       P[1] = (X >> (isLittleEndian ?  8 : 16)) & 255;
00135       P[2] = (X >> (isLittleEndian ? 16 :  8)) & 255;
00136       P[3] = (X >> (isLittleEndian ? 24 :  0)) & 255;
00137     }
00138     void fixxword(uint64_t X, unsigned Offset) {
00139       unsigned char *P = &Output[Offset];
00140       P[0] = (X >> (isLittleEndian ?  0 : 56)) & 255;
00141       P[1] = (X >> (isLittleEndian ?  8 : 48)) & 255;
00142       P[2] = (X >> (isLittleEndian ? 16 : 40)) & 255;
00143       P[3] = (X >> (isLittleEndian ? 24 : 32)) & 255;
00144       P[4] = (X >> (isLittleEndian ? 32 : 24)) & 255;
00145       P[5] = (X >> (isLittleEndian ? 40 : 16)) & 255;
00146       P[6] = (X >> (isLittleEndian ? 48 :  8)) & 255;
00147       P[7] = (X >> (isLittleEndian ? 56 :  0)) & 255;
00148     }
00149     void fixaddr(uint64_t X, unsigned Offset) {
00150       if (!is64Bit)
00151         fixword((unsigned)X, Offset);
00152       else
00153         fixxword(X, Offset);
00154     }
00156     unsigned char &operator[](unsigned Index) {
00157       return Output[Index];
00158     }
00159     const unsigned char &operator[](unsigned Index) const {
00160       return Output[Index];
00161     }
00162   };
00164 } // end llvm namespace