LLVM API Documentation

Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
llvm Namespace Reference

List of target independent CodeGen pass IDs. More...


namespace  AArch64
namespace  AArch64_AM

AArch64_AM - AArch64 Addressing Mode Stuff.

namespace  AArch64AT
namespace  AArch64CC
namespace  AArch64DB
namespace  AArch64DC
namespace  AArch64IC
namespace  AArch64II
namespace  AArch64ISB
namespace  AArch64ISD
namespace  AArch64Layout
namespace  AArch64PRFM
namespace  AArch64PState
namespace  AArch64SE
namespace  AArch64SysReg
namespace  AArch64TLBI
namespace  AMDGPU
namespace  AMDGPUIntrinsic
namespace  AMDGPUISD
namespace  APIntOps
namespace  ARM

Define some predicates that are used for node matching.

namespace  ARM_AM

ARM_AM - ARM Addressing Mode Stuff.

namespace  ARM_ISB
namespace  ARM_MB
namespace  ARM_MC
namespace  ARM_PROC
namespace  ARMBuildAttrs
namespace  ARMCC
namespace  ARMCP
namespace  ARMII
namespace  ARMISD
namespace  ARMRI

Register allocation hints.

namespace  AttributeFuncs
namespace  bfi_detail
namespace  bitc
namespace  CallingConv
namespace  cl
namespace  CodeGenOpt
namespace  CodeModel
namespace  COFF
namespace  COFFYAML
namespace  coverage
namespace  detail

Implementation details of the pass manager interfaces.

namespace  DOT
namespace  dwarf
namespace  DWARFFlavour
namespace  ELF
namespace  ELFYAML
namespace  EngineKind
namespace  FloatABI
namespace  FPOpFusion
namespace  GC
namespace  GCOV
namespace  GraphProgram
namespace  hashing
namespace  Hexagon
namespace  HexagonII
namespace  HexagonISD
namespace  HexStyle
namespace  IndexedInstrProf
namespace  InlineConstants
namespace  IntervalMapImpl
namespace  Intrinsic
namespace  ISD
namespace  jitprofiling
namespace  JumpTable
namespace  LCOMM
namespace  legacy
namespace  LibFunc
namespace  lltok
namespace  MachineCombinerPattern
namespace  MachO
namespace  MCD
namespace  MCID
namespace  MCOI
namespace  Mips
namespace  Mips16HardFloatInfo
namespace  MipsII
namespace  MipsISD
namespace  MSP430II
namespace  MSP430ISD
namespace  N86
namespace  NVPTX
namespace  NVPTXCC
namespace  NVPTXII
namespace  NVPTXISD
namespace  objcarc
namespace  object
namespace  opt
namespace  PatternMatch
namespace  PICStyles
namespace  PPC

Define some predicates that are used for node matching.

namespace  PPCII
namespace  PPCISD
namespace  RegState
namespace  Reloc
namespace  RTLIB
namespace  ScaledNumbers
namespace  Sched
namespace  SP
namespace  Sparc
namespace  SPCC
namespace  SPII
namespace  SPISD
namespace  support
namespace  sys
namespace  SystemZ
namespace  SystemZCP
namespace  SystemZICMP
namespace  SystemZII
namespace  SystemZISD
namespace  SystemZMC
namespace  TargetOpcode
namespace  tgtok
namespace  ThreadModel
namespace  TLSModel
namespace  types
namespace  Win64EH
namespace  WinEH
namespace  X86

Define some predicates that are used for node matching.

namespace  X86_MC
namespace  X86Disassembler
namespace  X86II
namespace  X86ISD
namespace  XCore
namespace  XCoreISD
namespace  yaml
namespace  zlib


class  APFloat
 A self-contained host- and target-independent arbitrary-precision floating-point software implementation. More...
class  APInt
 Class for arbitrary precision integers. More...
class  APSInt
class  ArrayRef
class  MutableArrayRef
struct  isPodLike< ArrayRef< T > >
class  BitVector
class  DAGDeltaAlgorithm
class  DeltaAlgorithm
class  DenseMapBase
class  DenseMap
class  SmallDenseMap
class  DenseMapIterator
struct  DenseMapInfo
struct  DenseMapInfo< T * >
struct  DenseMapInfo< char >
struct  DenseMapInfo< unsigned >
struct  DenseMapInfo< unsigned long >
struct  DenseMapInfo< unsigned long long >
struct  DenseMapInfo< int >
struct  DenseMapInfo< long >
struct  DenseMapInfo< long long >
struct  DenseMapInfo< std::pair< T, U > >
class  DenseSet
class  df_iterator_storage
class  df_iterator_storage< SetType, true >
class  df_iterator
struct  df_ext_iterator
struct  idf_iterator
struct  idf_ext_iterator
class  EquivalenceClasses
class  FoldingSetImpl
struct  DefaultFoldingSetTrait
struct  FoldingSetTrait
struct  DefaultContextualFoldingSetTrait
struct  ContextualFoldingSetTrait
class  FoldingSetNodeIDRef
class  FoldingSetNodeID
class  FoldingSet
class  ContextualFoldingSet
class  FoldingSetVectorIterator
class  FoldingSetVector
class  FoldingSetIteratorImpl
class  FoldingSetIterator
class  FoldingSetBucketIteratorImpl
class  FoldingSetBucketIterator
class  FoldingSetNodeWrapper
class  FastFoldingSetNode
struct  FoldingSetTrait< T * >
struct  FoldingSetTrait< std::pair< T1, T2 > >
struct  GraphTraits
struct  Inverse
struct  GraphTraits< Inverse< Inverse< T > > >
class  hash_code
 An opaque object representing a hash code. More...
struct  ilist_nextprev_traits
struct  ilist_sentinel_traits
struct  ilist_node_traits
struct  ilist_default_traits
struct  ilist_traits
struct  ilist_traits< const Ty >
class  ilist_iterator
struct  simplify_type< ilist_iterator< NodeTy > >
struct  simplify_type< const ilist_iterator< NodeTy > >
class  iplist
struct  ilist
class  ilist_half_node
class  ilist_node
class  ImmutableListImpl
class  ImmutableList
class  ImmutableListFactory
struct  DenseMapInfo< ImmutableList< T > >
struct  isPodLike< ImmutableList< T > >
struct  ImutKeyValueInfo
class  ImmutableMap
class  ImmutableMapRef
class  ImutAVLTree
class  ImutAVLFactory
class  ImutAVLTreeGenericIterator
class  ImutAVLTreeInOrderIterator
struct  ImutProfileInfo
struct  ImutProfileInteger
 Profile traits for integers. More...
struct  ImutProfileInfo< bool >
 Profile traits for booleans. More...
struct  ImutProfileInfo< T * >
struct  ImutContainerInfo
struct  ImutContainerInfo< T * >
class  ImmutableSet
class  ImmutableSetRef
class  IndexedMap
class  IntEqClasses
struct  IntervalMapInfo
struct  IntervalMapHalfOpenInfo
class  IntervalMap
class  IntervalMapOverlaps
class  RefCountedBase
class  RefCountedBaseVPTR
struct  IntrusiveRefCntPtrInfo
class  ThreadSafeRefCountedBase
 A thread-safe version of llvm::RefCountedBase. More...
class  IntrusiveRefCntPtr
struct  simplify_type< IntrusiveRefCntPtr< T > >
struct  simplify_type< const IntrusiveRefCntPtr< T > >
class  iterator_facade_base
 CRTP base class which implements the entire standard iterator facade in terms of a minimal subset of the interface. More...
class  iterator_adaptor_base
 CRTP base class for adapting an iterator to a different type. More...
struct  pointee_iterator
 An iterator type that allows iterating over the pointees via some other iterator. More...
class  iterator_range
 A range adaptor for a pair of iterators. More...
class  MapVector
class  Optional
struct  isPodLike< Optional< T > >
class  PackedVectorBase< T, BitNum, BitVectorTy, false >
class  PackedVectorBase< T, BitNum, BitVectorTy, true >
class  PackedVector
 Store a vector of values using a specific number of bits for each value. Both signed and unsigned types can be used, e.g. More...
class  PointerIntPair
struct  isPodLike< PointerIntPair< PointerTy, IntBits, IntType > >
struct  DenseMapInfo< PointerIntPair< PointerTy, IntBits, IntType > >
class  PointerLikeTypeTraits< PointerIntPair< PointerTy, IntBits, IntType, PtrTraits > >
struct  PointerUnionTypeSelectorReturn
struct  PointerUnionTypeSelector
 Get a type based on whether two types are the same or not. For: More...
struct  PointerUnionTypeSelector< T, T, RET_EQ, RET_NE >
struct  PointerUnionTypeSelectorReturn< PointerUnionTypeSelector< T1, T2, RET_EQ, RET_NE > >
class  PointerUnionUIntTraits
class  PointerUnion
class  PointerLikeTypeTraits< PointerUnion< PT1, PT2 > >
class  PointerUnion3
class  PointerLikeTypeTraits< PointerUnion3< PT1, PT2, PT3 > >
class  PointerUnion4
class  PointerLikeTypeTraits< PointerUnion4< PT1, PT2, PT3, PT4 > >
struct  DenseMapInfo< PointerUnion< T, U > >
class  po_iterator_storage
 Default po_iterator_storage implementation with an internal set object. More...
class  po_iterator_storage< SetType, true >
 Specialization of po_iterator_storage that references an external set. More...
class  po_iterator
struct  po_ext_iterator
struct  ipo_iterator
struct  ipo_ext_iterator
class  ReversePostOrderTraversal
class  PriorityQueue
class  scc_iterator
 Enumerate the SCCs of a directed graph in reverse topological order of the SCC DAG. More...
class  ScopedHashTableVal
class  ScopedHashTableScope
class  ScopedHashTableIterator
class  ScopedHashTable
class  SetVector
 A vector that has set insertion semantics. More...
class  SmallSetVector
 A SetVector that performs no allocations if smaller than a certain size. More...
class  SmallBitVector
class  SmallPtrSetImplBase
class  SmallPtrSetIteratorImpl
class  SmallPtrSetIterator
 SmallPtrSetIterator - This implements a const_iterator for SmallPtrSet. More...
struct  RoundUpToPowerOfTwoH
struct  RoundUpToPowerOfTwoH< N, false >
struct  RoundUpToPowerOfTwo
class  SmallPtrSetImpl
 A templated base class for SmallPtrSet which provides the typesafe interface that is common across all small sizes. More...
class  SmallPtrSet
class  SmallSet
class  SmallSet< PointeeType *, N >
class  SmallString
class  SmallVectorBase
 This is all the non-templated stuff common to all SmallVectors. More...
class  SmallVectorTemplateCommon
class  SmallVectorTemplateBase
class  SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, true >
class  SmallVectorImpl
struct  SmallVectorStorage
struct  SmallVectorStorage< T, 1 >
struct  SmallVectorStorage< T, 0 >
class  SmallVector
struct  SparseBitVectorElement
struct  ilist_traits< SparseBitVectorElement< ElementSize > >
class  SparseBitVector
class  SparseMultiSet
struct  SparseSetValTraits
struct  SparseSetValFunctor
struct  SparseSetValFunctor< KeyT, KeyT, KeyFunctorT >
class  SparseSet
class  Statistic
struct  identity
struct  less_ptr
struct  greater_ptr
class  function_ref< Ret()>
class  function_ref< Ret(Param1)>
class  function_ref< Ret(Param1, Param2)>
class  function_ref< Ret(Param1, Param2, Param3)>
class  mapped_iterator
struct  less_first
 Function object to check whether the first component of a std::pair compares less than the first component of another std::pair. More...
struct  less_second
 Function object to check whether the second component of a std::pair compares less than the second component of another std::pair. More...
struct  FreeDeleter
struct  pair_hash
class  StringMapEntryBase
 StringMapEntryBase - Shared base class of StringMapEntry instances. More...
class  StringMapImpl
class  StringMapEntry
class  StringMap
class  StringMapConstIterator
class  StringMapIterator
class  StringRef
struct  isPodLike< StringRef >
class  StringSet
 StringSet - A wrapper for StringMap that provides set-like functionality. More...
class  StringSwitch
 A switch()-like statement whose cases are string literals. More...
class  TinyPtrVector
class  Triple
class  Twine
class  UniqueVector
struct  VariadicFunction
 Class which can simulate a type-safe variadic function. More...
struct  VariadicFunction1
struct  VariadicFunction2
struct  VariadicFunction3
class  AliasAnalysis
struct  DenseMapInfo< AliasAnalysis::Location >
class  AliasSet
class  AliasSetTracker
class  AssumptionTracker
 An immutable pass that tracks .assume intrinsics in a module. More...
class  BlockFrequencyInfo
struct  isPodLike< bfi_detail::BlockMass >
class  BlockFrequencyInfoImplBase
 Base class for BlockFrequencyInfoImpl. More...
class  BlockFrequencyInfoImpl
 Shared implementation for block frequency analysis. More...
class  BranchProbabilityInfo
 Analysis pass providing branch probability information. More...
class  CallGraph
 The basic data container for the call graph of a Module of IR. More...
class  CallGraphNode
 A node in the call graph for a module. More...
class  CallGraphAnalysis
 An analysis pass to compute the CallGraph for a Module. More...
class  CallGraphWrapperPass
 The ModulePass which wraps up a CallGraph and the logic to build it. More...
struct  GraphTraits< CallGraphNode * >
struct  GraphTraits< const CallGraphNode * >
struct  GraphTraits< CallGraph * >
struct  GraphTraits< const CallGraph * >
class  CallGraphSCCPass
class  CallGraphSCC
 CallGraphSCC - This is a single SCC that a CallGraphSCCPass is run on. More...
struct  CaptureTracker
struct  DOTGraphTraits< const Function * >
class  CGSCCPassManager
class  CGSCCAnalysisManager
 A function analysis manager to coordinate and cache analyses run over a module. More...
class  CGSCCAnalysisManagerModuleProxy
 A module analysis which acts as a proxy for a CGSCC analysis manager. More...
class  ModuleAnalysisManagerCGSCCProxy
 A CGSCC analysis which acts as a proxy for a module analysis manager. More...
class  ModuleToPostOrderCGSCCPassAdaptor
 The core module pass which does a post-order walk of the SCCs and runs a CGSCC pass over each one. More...
class  FunctionAnalysisManagerCGSCCProxy
 A CGSCC analysis which acts as a proxy for a function analysis manager. More...
class  CGSCCAnalysisManagerFunctionProxy
 A function analysis which acts as a proxy for a CGSCC analysis manager. More...
class  CGSCCToFunctionPassAdaptor
 Adaptor that maps from a SCC to its functions. More...
struct  CodeMetrics
 Utility to calculate the size and a few similar metrics for a set of basic blocks. More...
class  constant_iterator
class  Dependence
class  FullDependence
class  DependenceAnalysis
class  DominanceFrontierBase
class  ForwardDominanceFrontierBase
class  DominanceFrontier
struct  DefaultAnalysisGraphTraits
 Default traits class for extracting a graph from an analysis pass. More...
class  DOTGraphTraitsViewer
class  DOTGraphTraitsPrinter
class  DOTGraphTraitsModuleViewer
class  DOTGraphTraitsModulePrinter
class  FindUsedTypes
class  final
 Concrete instance of DWARFUnitSection, specialized for one Unit type. More...
class  InlineCost
 Represents the cost of inlining a function. More...
class  InlineCostAnalysis
 Cost analyzer used by inliner. More...
class  Interval
struct  GraphTraits< Interval * >
struct  GraphTraits< Inverse< Interval * > >
class  IntervalIterator
class  IntervalPartition
class  IVStrideUse
struct  ilist_traits< IVStrideUse >
class  IVUsers
class  JumpInstrTableInfo
class  LazyCallGraph
 A lazily constructed view of the call graph of a module. More...
struct  GraphTraits< LazyCallGraph::Node * >
struct  GraphTraits< LazyCallGraph * >
class  LazyCallGraphAnalysis
 An analysis pass which computes the call graph for a module. More...
class  LazyCallGraphPrinterPass
 A pass which prints the call graph to a raw_ostream. More...
class  LazyValueInfo
struct  LibCallAliasAnalysis
 LibCallAliasAnalysis - Alias analysis driven from LibCallInfo. More...
struct  LibCallLocationInfo
struct  LibCallFunctionInfo
class  LibCallInfo
class  LoopBase
class  Loop
class  LoopInfoBase
class  LoopInfo
struct  GraphTraits< const Loop * >
struct  GraphTraits< Loop * >
class  LoopBlocksDFS
class  po_iterator_storage< LoopBlocksTraversal, true >
 Specialize po_iterator_storage to record postorder numbers. More...
class  LoopBlocksTraversal
 Traverse the blocks in a loop using a depth-first search. More...
class  LoopPass
class  LPPassManager
class  ObjectSizeOffsetVisitor
 Evaluate the size and offset of an object pointed to by a Value* statically. Fails if size or offset are not known at compile time. More...
class  ObjectSizeOffsetEvaluator
 Evaluate the size and offset of an object pointed to by a Value*. May create code to compute the result at run-time. More...
class  MemDepResult
class  NonLocalDepEntry
class  NonLocalDepResult
class  MemoryDependenceAnalysis
class  PHITransAddr
struct  PostDominatorTree
struct  GraphTraits< PostDominatorTree * >
class  PtrUseVisitor
 A base class for visitors over the uses of a pointer value. More...
struct  RegionTraits
struct  RegionTraits< Function >
class  FlatIt
 Marker class to iterate over the elements of a Region in flat mode. More...
class  RegionNodeBase
 A RegionNode represents a subregion or a BasicBlock that is part of a Region. More...
class  RegionBase
 A single entry single exit Region. More...
class  RegionInfoBase
 Analysis that detects all canonical Regions. More...
class  RegionNode
class  Region
class  RegionInfo
class  RegionInfoPass
class  RNSuccIterator
 Hierarchical RegionNode successor iterator. More...
class  RNSuccIterator< FlatIt< NodeType >, BlockT, RegionT >
 Flat RegionNode iterator. More...
struct  GraphTraits< RegionInfo * >
struct  GraphTraits< RegionInfoPass * >
class  RegionPass
 A pass that runs on each Region in a function. More...
class  RGPassManager
 The pass manager to schedule RegionPasses. More...
class  SCEV
struct  FoldingSetTrait< SCEV >
struct  SCEVCouldNotCompute
class  ScalarEvolution
class  SCEVExpander
class  SCEVConstant
class  SCEVCastExpr
class  SCEVTruncateExpr
class  SCEVZeroExtendExpr
class  SCEVSignExtendExpr
class  SCEVNAryExpr
class  SCEVCommutativeExpr
class  SCEVAddExpr
class  SCEVMulExpr
class  SCEVUDivExpr
class  SCEVAddRecExpr
class  SCEVSMaxExpr
class  SCEVUMaxExpr
class  SCEVUnknown
struct  SCEVVisitor
class  SCEVTraversal
struct  SCEVParameterRewriter
struct  SCEVApplyRewriter
class  AbstractLatticeFunction
class  SparseSolver
class  TargetFolder
 TargetFolder - Create constants with target dependent folding. More...
class  TargetTransformInfo
class  Trace
class  BitCodeAbbrevOp
struct  isPodLike< BitCodeAbbrevOp >
class  BitCodeAbbrev
class  BitcodeWriterPass
 Pass for writing a module of IR out to a bitcode file. More...
class  BitstreamReader
struct  BitstreamEntry
class  BitstreamCursor
class  BitstreamWriter
class  AsmPrinter
 This class is intended to be used as a driving class for all asm writers. More...
class  VirtRegAuxInfo
 Calculate auxiliary information for a virtual register such as its spill weight and allocation hint. More...
class  CCValAssign
 CCValAssign - Represent assignment of one arg/retval to a location. More...
class  CCState
class  DFAPacketizer
class  VLIWPacketizerList
class  EdgeBundles
class  FastISel
 This is a fast-path instruction selection class that generates poor code and doesn't support illegal types or non-trivial lowering, but runs quickly. More...
class  FunctionLoweringInfo
struct  GCPoint
struct  GCRoot
class  GCFunctionInfo
class  GCModuleInfo
class  GCMetadataPrinter
class  GCStrategy
class  IntrinsicLowering
class  JumpInstrTables
struct  latency_sort
 Sorting functions for the Available queue. More...
class  LatencyPriorityQueue
class  LexicalScope
class  LexicalScopes
class  VNInfo
class  LiveQueryResult
class  LiveRange
class  LiveInterval
class  LiveRangeUpdater
class  ConnectedVNInfoEqClasses
class  LiveIntervals
class  LiveIntervalUnion
class  LivePhysRegs
 A set of live physical registers with functions to track liveness when walking backward/forward through a basic block. More...
class  LiveRangeEdit
class  LiveRegMatrix
class  LiveStacks
class  LiveVariables
struct  ilist_traits< MachineInstr >
class  MachineBasicBlock
struct  MBB2NumberFunctor
struct  GraphTraits< MachineBasicBlock * >
struct  GraphTraits< const MachineBasicBlock * >
struct  GraphTraits< Inverse< MachineBasicBlock * > >
struct  GraphTraits< Inverse< const MachineBasicBlock * > >
class  MachineInstrSpan
class  MachineBlockFrequencyInfo
class  MachineBranchProbabilityInfo
class  MachineCodeEmitter
class  MachineConstantPoolValue
class  MachineConstantPoolEntry
 An entry in a MachineConstantPool. More...
class  MachineConstantPool
 The machine constant pool. More...
class  MachineDominanceFrontier
class  MachineDominatorTree
struct  GraphTraits< MachineDomTreeNode * >
struct  GraphTraits< MachineDominatorTree * >
class  CalleeSavedInfo
class  MachineFrameInfo
 Abstract Stack Frame Information. More...
struct  ilist_traits< MachineBasicBlock >
struct  MachineFunctionInfo
class  MachineFunction
struct  GraphTraits< MachineFunction * >
struct  GraphTraits< const MachineFunction * >
struct  GraphTraits< Inverse< MachineFunction * > >
struct  GraphTraits< Inverse< const MachineFunction * > >
struct  MachineFunctionAnalysis
class  MachineFunctionPass
class  MachineInstr
struct  MachineInstrExpressionTrait
class  MachineInstrBuilder
class  MIBundleBuilder
class  MachineOperandIteratorBase
class  MIOperands
class  ConstMIOperands
class  MIBundleOperands
class  ConstMIBundleOperands
struct  MachineJumpTableEntry
class  MachineJumpTableInfo
class  MachineLoop
class  MachineLoopInfo
struct  GraphTraits< const MachineLoop * >
struct  GraphTraits< MachineLoop * >
struct  MachinePointerInfo
class  MachineMemOperand
struct  LandingPadInfo
class  MachineModuleInfoImpl
class  MachineModuleInfo
class  MachineModuleInfoMachO
class  MachineModuleInfoELF
class  MachineOperand
class  MachinePassRegistryListener
class  MachinePassRegistryNode
class  MachinePassRegistry
class  RegisterPassParser
struct  MachinePostDominatorTree
struct  RegionTraits< MachineFunction >
class  MachineRegionNode
class  MachineRegion
class  MachineRegionInfo
class  MachineRegionInfoPass
struct  GraphTraits< MachineRegionInfo * >
struct  GraphTraits< MachineRegionInfoPass * >
class  MachineRegisterInfo
class  PSetIterator
class  MachineRelocation
struct  MachineSchedContext
class  MachineSchedRegistry
struct  MachineSchedPolicy
class  MachineSchedStrategy
class  ScheduleDAGMutation
 Mutate the DAG as a postpass after normal DAG building. More...
class  ScheduleDAGMI
class  ScheduleDAGMILive
class  ReadyQueue
struct  SchedRemainder
 Summarize the unscheduled region. More...
class  SchedBoundary
class  GenericSchedulerBase
class  GenericScheduler
class  PostGenericScheduler
class  MachineSSAUpdater
class  MachineTraceMetrics
class  MVT
class  MachORelocation
class  IdentifyingPassPtr
struct  isPodLike< IdentifyingPassPtr >
class  TargetPassConfig
class  PseudoSourceValue
class  FixedStackPseudoSourceValue
class  PBQPRAProblem
class  PBQPBuilder
class  PBQPBuilderWithCoalescing
 Extended builder which adds coalescing constraints to a problem. More...
class  RegisterRegAlloc
class  RegisterClassInfo
struct  RegisterPressure
 Base class for register pressure results. More...
struct  IntervalPressure
struct  RegionPressure
class  PressureChange
struct  isPodLike< PressureChange >
class  PressureDiff
class  PressureDiffs
 Array of PressureDiffs. More...
struct  RegPressureDelta
struct  LiveRegSet
 A set of live virtual registers and physical register units. More...
class  RegPressureTracker
class  RegScavenger
struct  resource_sort
 Sorting functions for the Available queue. More...
class  ResourcePriorityQueue
class  SDep
struct  isPodLike< SDep >
class  SUnit
 SUnit - Scheduling unit. This is a node in the scheduling DAG. More...
class  SchedulingPriorityQueue
class  ScheduleDAG
class  SUnitIterator
struct  GraphTraits< SUnit * >
struct  GraphTraits< ScheduleDAG * >
class  ScheduleDAGTopologicalSort
struct  VReg2SUnit
 An individual mapping from virtual register number to SUnit. More...
struct  PhysRegSUOper
class  ScheduleDAGInstrs
struct  ILPValue
 Represent the ILP of the subDAG rooted at a DAG node. More...
class  SchedDFSResult
 Compute the values of each DAG node for various metrics during DFS. More...
class  ScheduleHazardRecognizer
class  RegisterScheduler
class  ScoreboardHazardRecognizer
class  SDVTListNode
struct  FoldingSetTrait< SDVTListNode >
struct  ilist_traits< SDNode >
class  SDDbgInfo
class  SelectionDAG
struct  GraphTraits< SelectionDAG * >
class  SelectionDAGISel
struct  SDVTList
class  SDValue
struct  DenseMapInfo< SDValue >
struct  isPodLike< SDValue >
struct  simplify_type< SDValue >
struct  simplify_type< const SDValue >
class  SDUse
struct  simplify_type< SDUse >
class  SDNode
class  SDLoc
class  UnarySDNode
class  BinarySDNode
class  BinaryWithFlagsSDNode
class  TernarySDNode
class  HandleSDNode
class  AddrSpaceCastSDNode
class  MemSDNode
 Abstact virtual class for operations for memory operations. More...
class  AtomicSDNode
class  MemIntrinsicSDNode
class  ShuffleVectorSDNode
class  ConstantSDNode
class  ConstantFPSDNode
class  GlobalAddressSDNode
class  FrameIndexSDNode
class  JumpTableSDNode
class  ConstantPoolSDNode
class  TargetIndexSDNode
 Completely target-dependent object reference. More...
class  BasicBlockSDNode
class  BuildVectorSDNode
class  SrcValueSDNode
class  MDNodeSDNode
class  RegisterSDNode
class  RegisterMaskSDNode
class  BlockAddressSDNode
class  EHLabelSDNode
class  ExternalSymbolSDNode
class  CondCodeSDNode
class  CvtRndSatSDNode
class  VTSDNode
class  LSBaseSDNode
class  LoadSDNode
class  StoreSDNode
class  MachineSDNode
class  SDNodeIterator
struct  GraphTraits< SDNode * >
class  IndexListEntry
struct  ilist_traits< IndexListEntry >
class  SlotIndex
 SlotIndex - An opaque wrapper around machine indexes. More...
struct  isPodLike< SlotIndex >
struct  Idx2MBBCompare
class  SlotIndexes
struct  IntervalMapInfo< SlotIndex >
class  StackMapLiveness
 This pass calculates the liveness information for each basic block in a function and attaches the register live-out information to a patchpoint intrinsic if present. More...
class  PatchPointOpers
 MI-level patchpoint operands. More...
class  StackMaps
class  StackProtector
class  TargetLoweringObjectFileELF
class  TargetLoweringObjectFileMachO
class  TargetLoweringObjectFileCOFF
class  TargetSchedModel
 Provide an instruction scheduling machine model to CodeGen passes. More...
struct  EVT
class  VirtRegMap
struct  DILineInfo
 DILineInfo - a format-neutral container for source line information. More...
class  DIInliningInfo
 DIInliningInfo - a format-neutral container for inlined code description. More...
struct  DILineInfoSpecifier
class  DIContext
class  DWARFFormValue
class  ExecutionEngineState
 Helper class for helping synchronize access to the global address map table. Access to this class should be serialized under a mutex. More...
class  ExecutionEngine
 Abstract interface for implementation execution of LLVM modules, designed to support both interpreter and just-in-time (JIT) compiler implementations. More...
class  EngineBuilder
struct  GenericValue
struct  JITEvent_EmittedFunctionDetails
class  JITEventListener
class  JITMemoryManager
class  ObjectBuffer
class  ObjectBufferStream
class  ObjectCache
class  ObjectImage
class  OProfileWrapper
class  RTDyldMemoryManager
class  RuntimeDyld
class  RuntimeDyldChecker
 RuntimeDyld invariant checker for verifying that RuntimeDyld has correctly applied relocations. More...
class  SectionMemoryManager
class  Argument
 LLVM Argument representation. More...
class  AssemblyAnnotationWriter
class  Attribute
class  AttributeSet
struct  DenseMapInfo< AttributeSet >
class  AttrBuilder
struct  ilist_traits< Instruction >
class  BasicBlock
 LLVM Basic Block Representation. More...
class  CallSiteBase
class  CallSite
class  ImmutableCallSite
 ImmutableCallSite - establish a view to a call site for examination. More...
class  PredIterator
class  SuccIterator
struct  isPodLike< SuccIterator< T, U > >
struct  GraphTraits< BasicBlock * >
struct  GraphTraits< const BasicBlock * >
struct  GraphTraits< Inverse< BasicBlock * > >
struct  GraphTraits< Inverse< const BasicBlock * > >
struct  GraphTraits< Function * >
struct  GraphTraits< const Function * >
struct  GraphTraits< Inverse< Function * > >
struct  GraphTraits< Inverse< const Function * > >
class  Comdat
class  Constant
 LLVM Constant Representation. More...
class  ConstantFolder
 ConstantFolder - Create constants with minimum, target independent, folding. More...
class  ConstantRange
class  ConstantInt
 Class for constant integers. More...
class  ConstantFP
class  ConstantAggregateZero
class  ConstantArray
struct  OperandTraits< ConstantArray >
class  ConstantStruct
struct  OperandTraits< ConstantStruct >
class  ConstantVector
struct  OperandTraits< ConstantVector >
class  ConstantPointerNull
class  ConstantDataSequential
class  ConstantDataArray
class  ConstantDataVector
class  BlockAddress
struct  OperandTraits< BlockAddress >
class  ConstantExpr
struct  OperandTraits< ConstantExpr >
class  UndefValue
struct  LayoutAlignElem
struct  PointerAlignElem
class  DataLayout
class  DataLayoutPass
class  StructLayout
class  DIDescriptor
class  DISubrange
 DISubrange - This is used to represent ranges, for array bounds. More...
class  DITypedArray
 DITypedArray - This descriptor holds an array of nodes with type T. More...
class  DIEnumerator
class  DIScope
class  DIRef
class  DIType
class  DIBasicType
 DIBasicType - A basic type, like 'int' or 'float'. More...
class  DIDerivedType
class  DICompositeType
class  DISubroutineType
class  DIFile
 DIFile - This is a wrapper for a file. More...
class  DICompileUnit
 DICompileUnit - A wrapper for a compile unit. More...
class  DISubprogram
 DISubprogram - This is a wrapper for a subprogram (e.g. a function). More...
class  DILexicalBlock
 DILexicalBlock - This is a wrapper for a lexical block. More...
class  DILexicalBlockFile
class  DINameSpace
 DINameSpace - A wrapper for a C++ style name space. More...
class  DITemplateTypeParameter
 DITemplateTypeParameter - This is a wrapper for template type parameter. More...
class  DITemplateValueParameter
 DITemplateValueParameter - This is a wrapper for template value parameter. More...
class  DIGlobalVariable
 DIGlobalVariable - This is a wrapper for a global variable. More...
class  DIVariable
class  DILocation
class  DIObjCProperty
class  DIImportedEntity
 An imported module (C++ using directive or similar). More...
class  DebugInfoFinder
class  DebugLoc
struct  DenseMapInfo< DebugLoc >
class  IntegerType
 Integer representation type. More...
class  FunctionType
class  CompositeType
class  StructType
class  SequentialType
class  ArrayType
class  VectorType
class  PointerType
class  DiagnosticInfo
 This is the base abstract class for diagnostic reporting in the backend. The print method must be overloaded by the subclasses to print a user-friendly message in the client of the backend (let us call it a frontend). More...
class  DiagnosticInfoInlineAsm
class  DiagnosticInfoStackSize
class  DiagnosticInfoDebugMetadataVersion
class  DiagnosticInfoSampleProfile
 Diagnostic information for the sample profiler. More...
class  DiagnosticInfoOptimizationBase
 Common features for diagnostics dealing with optimization remarks. More...
class  DiagnosticInfoOptimizationRemark
 Diagnostic information for applied optimization remarks. More...
class  DiagnosticInfoOptimizationRemarkMissed
 Diagnostic information for missed-optimization remarks. More...
class  DiagnosticInfoOptimizationRemarkAnalysis
 Diagnostic information for optimization analysis remarks. More...
class  DiagnosticInfoOptimizationFailure
 Diagnostic information for optimization failures. More...
class  DiagnosticPrinter
 Interface for custom diagnostic printing. More...
class  DiagnosticPrinterRawOStream
 Basic diagnostic printer that uses an underlying raw_ostream. More...
class  DIBuilder
class  BasicBlockEdge
class  DominatorTree
 Concrete subclass of DominatorTreeBase that is used to compute a normal dominator tree. More...
struct  GraphTraits< DomTreeNode * >
struct  GraphTraits< DominatorTree * >
class  DominatorTreeWrapperPass
 Analysis pass which computes a DominatorTree. More...
struct  ilist_traits< BasicBlock >
struct  ilist_traits< Argument >
class  Function
class  generic_gep_type_iterator
class  GlobalAlias
struct  OperandTraits< GlobalAlias >
class  GlobalObject
class  GlobalValue
class  GlobalVariable
struct  OperandTraits< GlobalVariable >
class  GVMaterializer
class  InlineAsm
class  InstIterator
class  TerminatorInst
class  UnaryInstruction
struct  OperandTraits< UnaryInstruction >
class  BinaryOperator
struct  OperandTraits< BinaryOperator >
class  CastInst
 Base class of casting instructions. More...
class  CmpInst
 Abstract base class of comparison instructions. More...
struct  OperandTraits< CmpInst >
class  Instruction
class  PointerLikeTypeTraits< Instruction * >
class  AllocaInst
class  LoadInst
class  StoreInst
struct  OperandTraits< StoreInst >
class  FenceInst
class  AtomicCmpXchgInst
struct  OperandTraits< AtomicCmpXchgInst >
class  AtomicRMWInst
struct  OperandTraits< AtomicRMWInst >
class  GetElementPtrInst
struct  OperandTraits< GetElementPtrInst >
class  ICmpInst
 Represent an integer comparison operator. More...
class  FCmpInst
 Represents a floating point comparison operator. More...
class  CallInst
struct  OperandTraits< CallInst >
class  SelectInst
struct  OperandTraits< SelectInst >
class  VAArgInst
class  ExtractElementInst
struct  OperandTraits< ExtractElementInst >
class  InsertElementInst
struct  OperandTraits< InsertElementInst >
class  ShuffleVectorInst
struct  OperandTraits< ShuffleVectorInst >
class  ExtractValueInst
class  InsertValueInst
struct  OperandTraits< InsertValueInst >
class  PHINode
struct  OperandTraits< PHINode >
class  LandingPadInst
struct  OperandTraits< LandingPadInst >
class  ReturnInst
struct  OperandTraits< ReturnInst >
class  BranchInst
struct  OperandTraits< BranchInst >
class  SwitchInst
struct  OperandTraits< SwitchInst >
class  IndirectBrInst
struct  OperandTraits< IndirectBrInst >
class  InvokeInst
struct  OperandTraits< InvokeInst >
class  ResumeInst
struct  OperandTraits< ResumeInst >
class  UnreachableInst
class  TruncInst
 This class represents a truncation of integer types. More...
class  ZExtInst
 This class represents zero extension of integer types. More...
class  SExtInst
 This class represents a sign extension of integer types. More...
class  FPTruncInst
 This class represents a truncation of floating point types. More...
class  FPExtInst
 This class represents an extension of floating point types. More...
class  UIToFPInst
 This class represents a cast unsigned integer to floating point. More...
class  SIToFPInst
 This class represents a cast from signed integer to floating point. More...
class  FPToUIInst
 This class represents a cast from floating point to unsigned integer. More...
class  FPToSIInst
 This class represents a cast from floating point to signed integer. More...
class  IntToPtrInst
 This class represents a cast from an integer to a pointer. More...
class  PtrToIntInst
 This class represents a cast from a pointer to an integer. More...
class  BitCastInst
 This class represents a no-op cast from one type to another. More...
class  AddrSpaceCastInst
 This class represents a conversion between pointers from one address space to another. More...
class  InstVisitor
 Base class for instruction visitors. More...
class  IntrinsicInst
class  DbgInfoIntrinsic
class  DbgDeclareInst
class  DbgValueInst
class  MemIntrinsic
class  MemSetInst
class  MemTransferInst
class  MemCpyInst
class  MemMoveInst
class  VAStartInst
class  VAEndInst
class  VACopyInst
class  IRBuilderDefaultInserter
 This provides the default implementation of the IRBuilder 'InsertHelper' method that is called whenever an instruction is created by IRBuilder and needs to be inserted. More...
class  IRBuilderBase
 Common base class shared among various IRBuilders. More...
class  IRBuilder
 This provides a uniform API for creating instructions and inserting them into a basic block: either at the end of a BasicBlock, or at a specific iterator location in a block. More...
class  PrintModulePass
 Pass for printing a Module as LLVM's text IR assembly. More...
class  PrintFunctionPass
 Pass for printing a Function as LLVM's text IR assembly. More...
struct  LeakDetector
class  PassManagerPrettyStackEntry
class  PMStack
class  PMTopLevelManager
class  PMDataManager
class  FPPassManager
class  PassNameParser
class  FilteredPassNameParser
class  PassArgFilter
class  LLVMContext
class  Mangler
class  MDBuilder
class  MDString
struct  AAMDNodes
struct  DenseMapInfo< AAMDNodes >
class  MDNode
 MDNode - a tuple of other values. More...
class  NamedMDNode
struct  ilist_traits< Function >
struct  ilist_traits< GlobalVariable >
struct  ilist_traits< GlobalAlias >
struct  ilist_traits< NamedMDNode >
class  Module
 The main container class for the LLVM Intermediate Representation. More...
class  NoFolder
 NoFolder - Create "constants" (actually, instructions) with no folding. More...
struct  FixedNumOperandTraits
struct  OptionalOperandTraits
struct  VariadicOperandTraits
struct  HungoffOperandTraits
class  Operator
class  OverflowingBinaryOperator
class  PossiblyExactOperator
class  FastMathFlags
 Convenience struct for specifying and reasoning about fast-math flags. More...
class  FPMathOperator
class  ConcreteOperator
class  AddOperator
class  SubOperator
class  MulOperator
class  ShlOperator
class  SDivOperator
class  UDivOperator
class  AShrOperator
class  LShrOperator
class  GEPOperator
class  PtrToIntOperator
class  PreservedAnalyses
 An abstract set of preserved analyses following a transformation pass run. More...
class  ModulePassManager
class  FunctionPassManager
class  ModuleAnalysisManager
 A module analysis pass manager with lazy running and caching of results. More...
class  FunctionAnalysisManager
 A function analysis manager to coordinate and cache analyses run over a module. More...
class  FunctionAnalysisManagerModuleProxy
 A module analysis which acts as a proxy for a function analysis manager. More...
class  ModuleAnalysisManagerFunctionProxy
 A function analysis which acts as a proxy for a module analysis manager. More...
class  ModuleToFunctionPassAdaptor
 Trivial adaptor that maps from a module to its functions. More...
class  PredIteratorCache
class  SymbolTableListTraits
class  Type
struct  isa_impl< PointerType, Type >
struct  GraphTraits< Type * >
struct  GraphTraits< const Type * >
class  TypeBuilder
class  TypeBuilder< const T, cross >
class  TypeBuilder< volatile T, cross >
class  TypeBuilder< const volatile T, cross >
class  TypeBuilder< T *, cross >
class  TypeBuilder< T &, cross >
 There is no support for references. More...
class  TypeBuilder< T[N], cross >
class  TypeBuilder< T[], cross >
 LLVM uses an array of length 0 to represent an unknown-length array. More...
class  TypeBuilder< types::i< num_bits >, cross >
class  TypeBuilder< float, false >
class  TypeBuilder< float, true >
class  TypeBuilder< double, false >
class  TypeBuilder< double, true >
class  TypeBuilder< types::ieee_float, cross >
class  TypeBuilder< types::ieee_double, cross >
class  TypeBuilder< types::x86_fp80, cross >
class  TypeBuilder< types::fp128, cross >
class  TypeBuilder< types::ppc_fp128, cross >
class  TypeBuilder< types::x86_mmx, cross >
class  TypeBuilder< void, cross >
class  TypeBuilder< void *, false >
class  TypeBuilder< const void *, false >
class  TypeBuilder< volatile void *, false >
class  TypeBuilder< const volatile void *, false >
class  TypeBuilder< R(), cross >
class  TypeBuilder< R(A1), cross >
class  TypeBuilder< R(A1, A2), cross >
class  TypeBuilder< R(A1, A2, A3), cross >
class  TypeBuilder< R(A1, A2, A3, A4), cross >
class  TypeBuilder< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5), cross >
class  TypeBuilder< R(...), cross >
class  TypeBuilder< R(A1,...), cross >
class  TypeBuilder< R(A1, A2,...), cross >
class  TypeBuilder< R(A1, A2, A3,...), cross >
class  TypeBuilder< R(A1, A2, A3, A4,...), cross >
class  TypeBuilder< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5,...), cross >
class  TypeFinder
class  PointerLikeTypeTraits< Use ** >
class  Use
 A Use represents the edge between a Value definition and its users. More...
struct  simplify_type< Use >
 Allow clients to treat uses just like values when using casting operators. More...
struct  simplify_type< const Use >
struct  UseListOrder
 Structure to hold a use-list order. More...
class  User
struct  simplify_type< User::op_iterator >
struct  simplify_type< User::const_op_iterator >
class  Value
 LLVM Value Representation. More...
struct  isa_impl< Constant, Value >
struct  isa_impl< Argument, Value >
struct  isa_impl< InlineAsm, Value >
struct  isa_impl< Instruction, Value >
struct  isa_impl< BasicBlock, Value >
struct  isa_impl< Function, Value >
struct  isa_impl< GlobalVariable, Value >
struct  isa_impl< GlobalAlias, Value >
struct  isa_impl< GlobalValue, Value >
struct  isa_impl< GlobalObject, Value >
struct  isa_impl< MDNode, Value >
class  PointerLikeTypeTraits< Value * >
class  PointerLikeTypeTraits< ValueHandleBase ** >
class  ValueHandleBase
class  WeakVH
struct  simplify_type< WeakVH >
class  AssertingVH
struct  DenseMapInfo< AssertingVH< T > >
struct  isPodLike< AssertingVH< T > >
class  TrackingVH
class  CallbackVH
struct  ValueMapConfig
class  ValueMap
 See the file comment. More...
class  ValueMapCallbackVH
struct  DenseMapInfo< ValueMapCallbackVH< KeyT, ValueT, Config > >
class  ValueMapIterator
class  ValueMapConstIterator
class  ValueSymbolTable
class  VerifierPass
class  LineEditor
class  Linker
struct  LTOCodeGenerator
struct  LTOModule
struct  ConstantPoolEntry
class  ConstantPool
class  AssemblerConstantPools
class  MachineLocation
class  MCAsmBackend
 MCAsmBackend - Generic interface to target specific assembler backends. More...
class  MCAsmInfo
class  MCAsmInfoCOFF
class  MCAsmInfoMicrosoft
class  MCAsmInfoGNUCOFF
class  MCAsmInfoDarwin
class  MCAsmInfoELF
class  MCAsmLayout
class  MCFragment
class  MCEncodedFragment
class  MCEncodedFragmentWithFixups
class  MCDataFragment
class  MCCompactEncodedInstFragment
class  MCRelaxableFragment
class  MCAlignFragment
class  MCFillFragment
class  MCOrgFragment
class  MCLEBFragment
class  MCDwarfLineAddrFragment
class  MCDwarfCallFrameFragment
class  MCSectionData
class  MCSymbolData
struct  IndirectSymbolData
struct  DataRegionData
class  MCAssembler
class  MCCodeEmitter
 MCCodeEmitter - Generic instruction encoding interface. More...
class  MCCodeGenInfo
class  MCContext
class  MCDisassembler
struct  MCDwarfFile
class  MCDwarfLoc
class  MCLineEntry
class  MCLineSection
struct  MCDwarfLineTableHeader
class  MCDwarfDwoLineTable
class  MCDwarfLineTable
class  MCDwarfLineAddr
class  MCGenDwarfInfo
class  MCGenDwarfLabelEntry
class  MCCFIInstruction
struct  MCDwarfFrameInfo
class  MCDwarfFrameEmitter
class  MCELF
class  MCELFObjectTargetWriter
class  MCELFStreamer
class  MCExpr
class  MCConstantExpr
class  MCSymbolRefExpr
class  MCUnaryExpr
 MCUnaryExpr - Unary assembler expressions. More...
class  MCBinaryExpr
 MCBinaryExpr - Binary assembler expressions. More...
class  MCTargetExpr
class  MCExternalSymbolizer
 Symbolize using user-provided, C API, callbacks. More...
class  MCFixup
struct  MCFixupKindInfo
 MCFixupKindInfo - Target independent information on a fixup kind. More...
class  MCOperand
struct  isPodLike< MCOperand >
class  MCInst
class  MCInstBuilder
class  MCInstPrinter
class  MCInstrAnalysis
class  MCOperandInfo
class  MCInstrDesc
class  MCInstrInfo
struct  InstrStage
struct  InstrItinerary
class  InstrItineraryData
class  MCLabel
class  MCLOHDirective
 Store Linker Optimization Hint information (LOH). More...
class  MCLOHContainer
class  MCMachObjectTargetWriter
class  MachObjectWriter
class  MCObjectFileInfo
class  MCObjectStreamer
 Streaming object file generation interface. More...
class  MCObjectWriter
class  AsmCond
class  AsmLexer
 AsmLexer - Lexer class for assembly files. More...
class  AsmToken
 AsmToken - Target independent representation for an assembler token. More...
class  MCAsmLexer
class  InlineAsmIdentifierInfo
class  MCAsmParserSemaCallback
 MCAsmParserSemaCallback - Generic Sema callback for assembly parser. More...
class  MCAsmParser
class  MCAsmParserExtension
 Generic interface for extending the MCAsmParser, which is implemented by target and object file assembly parser implementations. More...
class  MCParsedAsmOperand
class  MCRegisterClass
 MCRegisterClass - Base class of TargetRegisterClass. More...
struct  MCRegisterDesc
class  MCRegisterInfo
class  MCSubRegIterator
class  MCSuperRegIterator
class  MCRegUnitIterator
class  MCRegUnitRootIterator
 MCRegUnitRootIterator enumerates the root registers of a register unit. More...
class  MCRegAliasIterator
class  MCRelocationInfo
 Create MCExprs from relocations found in an object file. More...
struct  MCProcResourceDesc
 Define a kind of processor resource that will be modeled by the scheduler. More...
struct  MCWriteProcResEntry
struct  MCWriteLatencyEntry
struct  MCReadAdvanceEntry
struct  MCSchedClassDesc
struct  MCSchedModel
class  MCSection
class  MCSectionCOFF
 MCSectionCOFF - This represents a section on Windows. More...
class  MCSectionELF
class  MCSectionMachO
class  MCTargetStreamer
class  AArch64TargetStreamer
class  ARMTargetStreamer
class  MCStreamer
class  MCSubtargetInfo
class  MCSymbol
class  MCSymbolizer
 Symbolize and annotate disassembled instructions. More...
struct  AsmRewrite
struct  ParseInstructionInfo
class  MCTargetAsmParser
 MCTargetAsmParser - Generic interface to target specific assembly parsers. More...
class  MCTargetOptions
class  MCValue
class  MCWinCOFFObjectTargetWriter
class  MCWinCOFFStreamer
class  SectionKind
class  StringTableBuilder
 Utility for building string tables with deduplicated suffixes. More...
struct  SubtargetFeatureKV
struct  SubtargetInfoKV
class  SubtargetFeatures
class  Pass
class  ModulePass
class  ImmutablePass
class  FunctionPass
class  BasicBlockPass
class  AnalysisUsage
class  AnalysisResolver
class  PassInfo
class  PassRegistry
struct  RegisterPass
class  RegisterAGBase
struct  RegisterAnalysisGroup
struct  PassRegistrationListener
struct  InstrProfRecord
 Profiling information for a single function. More...
class  InstrProfIterator
 A file format agnostic iterator over profiling data. More...
class  InstrProfReader
class  TextInstrProfReader
class  RawInstrProfReader
class  InstrProfLookupTrait
class  IndexedInstrProfReader
 Reader for the indexed binary instrprof format. More...
class  InstrProfWriter
 Writer for instrumentation based profile data. More...
struct  DenseMapInfo< sampleprof::LineLocation >
struct  AlignmentCalcImpl
struct  AlignOf
struct  AlignedCharArrayUnion
 This union template exposes a suitably aligned and sized character array member which can hold elements of any of up to four types. More...
class  AllocatorBase
 CRTP base class providing obvious overloads for the core Allocate() methods of LLVM-style allocators. More...
class  MallocAllocator
class  BumpPtrAllocatorImpl
 Allocate memory in an ever growing pool, as if by bump-pointer. More...
class  SpecificBumpPtrAllocator
 A BumpPtrAllocator that allows only elements of a specific type to be allocated. More...
class  ArrayRecycler
class  BlockFrequency
class  BranchProbability
struct  simplify_type
struct  simplify_type< const From >
struct  isa_impl
struct  isa_impl< To, From, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< To, From >::value >::type >
 Always allow upcasts, and perform no dynamic check for them. More...
struct  isa_impl_cl
struct  isa_impl_cl< To, const From >
struct  isa_impl_cl< To, From * >
struct  isa_impl_cl< To, From *const >
struct  isa_impl_cl< To, const From * >
struct  isa_impl_cl< To, const From *const >
struct  isa_impl_wrap
struct  isa_impl_wrap< To, FromTy, FromTy >
struct  cast_retty_impl
struct  cast_retty_impl< To, const From >
struct  cast_retty_impl< To, From * >
struct  cast_retty_impl< To, const From * >
struct  cast_retty_impl< To, const From *const >
struct  cast_retty_wrap
struct  cast_retty_wrap< To, FromTy, FromTy >
struct  cast_retty
struct  cast_convert_val
struct  cast_convert_val< To, FromTy, FromTy >
struct  is_simple_type
class  circular_raw_ostream
class  CrashRecoveryContext
 Crash recovery helper object. More...
class  CrashRecoveryContextCleanup
class  CrashRecoveryContextCleanupBase
class  CrashRecoveryContextDestructorCleanup
class  CrashRecoveryContextDeleteCleanup
class  CrashRecoveryContextReleaseRefCleanup
class  CrashRecoveryContextCleanupRegistrar
class  DataExtractor
class  DataStreamer
struct  DefaultDOTGraphTraits
struct  DOTGraphTraits
struct  ScopedFatalErrorHandler
class  ReferenceStorage
 Stores a reference that can be changed. More...
class  ErrorOr
 Represents either an error or a value T. More...
class  FileOutputBuffer
class  FileRemover
class  format_object_base
class  formatted_raw_ostream
struct  GCOVOptions
 GCOVOptions - A struct for passing gcov options between functions. More...
class  GCOVBuffer
class  GCOVFile
struct  GCOVEdge
 GCOVEdge - Collects edge information. More...
class  GCOVFunction
 GCOVFunction - Collects function information. More...
class  GCOVBlock
 GCOVBlock - Collects block information. More...
class  FileInfo
class  DominatorBase
class  DomTreeNodeBase
class  DominatorTreeBase
class  GraphWriter
class  line_iterator
 A forward iterator which reads text lines from a buffer. More...
class  LockFileManager
 Class that manages the creation of a lock file to aid implicit coordination between different processes. More...
struct  object_deleter
struct  object_deleter< T[N]>
class  ManagedStaticBase
 ManagedStaticBase - Common base class for ManagedStatic instances. More...
class  ManagedStatic
struct  llvm_shutdown_obj
class  MD5
class  MemoryBuffer
class  MemoryBufferRef
class  MemoryObject
class  MutexGuard
 Guard a section of code with a Mutex. More...
class  OnDiskChainedHashTableGenerator
 Generates an on disk hash table. More...
class  OnDiskChainedHashTable
 Provides lookup on an on disk hash table. More...
class  OnDiskIterableChainedHashTable
 Provides lookup and iteration over an on disk hash table. More...
class  OutputBuffer
struct  PluginLoader
class  PointerLikeTypeTraits
class  PointerLikeTypeTraits< T * >
class  PointerLikeTypeTraits< const T * >
class  PointerLikeTypeTraits< uintptr_t >
class  PrettyStackTraceEntry
class  PrettyStackTraceString
class  PrettyStackTraceProgram
class  RandomNumberGenerator
class  raw_os_ostream
class  raw_ostream
class  raw_fd_ostream
class  raw_string_ostream
class  raw_svector_ostream
class  raw_null_ostream
 raw_null_ostream - A raw_ostream that discards all output. More...
struct  RecyclerStruct
struct  ilist_traits< RecyclerStruct >
class  Recycler
class  RecyclingAllocator
class  Regex
class  SimpleRegistryEntry
class  RegistryTraits
class  Registry
class  RegistryParser
struct  SaveAndRestore
 A utility class that uses RAII to save and restore the value of a variable. More...
struct  SaveOr
class  ScaledNumberBase
class  ScaledNumber
 Simple representation of a scaled number. More...
struct  isPodLike< ScaledNumber< T > >
class  SMLoc
 Represents a location in source code. More...
class  SMRange
class  SourceMgr
class  SMFixIt
 Represents a single fixit, a replacement of one range of text with another. More...
class  SMDiagnostic
class  SpecialCaseList
class  StreamableMemoryObject
class  StreamingMemoryObject
class  StringPool
class  PooledStringPtr
class  StringRefMemoryObject
 StringRefMemoryObject - Simple StringRef-backed MemoryObject. More...
class  Target
struct  TargetRegistry
 TargetRegistry - Generic interface to target specific features. More...
struct  RegisterTarget
struct  RegisterMCAsmInfo
struct  RegisterMCAsmInfoFn
struct  RegisterMCCodeGenInfo
struct  RegisterMCCodeGenInfoFn
struct  RegisterMCInstrInfo
struct  RegisterMCInstrInfoFn
struct  RegisterMCInstrAnalysis
struct  RegisterMCInstrAnalysisFn
struct  RegisterMCRegInfo
struct  RegisterMCRegInfoFn
struct  RegisterMCSubtargetInfo
struct  RegisterMCSubtargetInfoFn
struct  RegisterTargetMachine
struct  RegisterMCAsmBackend
struct  RegisterMCAsmParser
struct  RegisterAsmPrinter
struct  RegisterMCCodeEmitter
class  TimeRecord
class  Timer
class  TimeRegion
struct  NamedRegionTimer
class  TimerGroup
class  tool_output_file
struct  isPodLike
struct  isPodLike< std::pair< T, U > >
class  is_integral_or_enum
 Metafunction that determines whether the given type is either an integral type or an enumeration type. More...
struct  add_lvalue_reference_if_not_pointer
 If T is a pointer, just return it. If it is not, return T&. More...
struct  add_lvalue_reference_if_not_pointer< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_pointer< T >::value >::type >
struct  add_const_past_pointer
 If T is a pointer to X, return a pointer to const X. If it is not, return const T. More...
struct  add_const_past_pointer< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_pointer< T >::value >::type >
class  unique_lock
 Guard a section of code with a mutex. More...
class  RecTy
class  BitRecTy
class  BitsRecTy
class  IntRecTy
class  StringRecTy
class  ListRecTy
class  DagRecTy
class  RecordRecTy
class  Init
class  TypedInit
class  UnsetInit
class  BitInit
class  BitsInit
class  IntInit
class  StringInit
class  ListInit
class  OpInit
class  UnOpInit
class  BinOpInit
class  TernOpInit
class  VarInit
class  VarBitInit
class  VarListElementInit
class  DefInit
class  FieldInit
class  DagInit
class  RecordVal
class  Record
struct  MultiClass
class  RecordKeeper
struct  LessRecord
struct  LessRecordByID
struct  LessRecordFieldName
struct  LessRecordRegister
class  SetTheory
class  StringMatcher
class  StringToOffsetTable
struct  CostTblEntry
 Cost Table Entry. More...
struct  TypeConversionCostTblEntry
 Type Conversion Cost Table. More...
class  TargetFrameLowering
class  TargetInstrInfo
class  TargetIntrinsicInfo
class  TargetLibraryInfo
class  TargetLoweringBase
class  TargetLowering
class  TargetLoweringObjectFile
class  TargetMachine
class  LLVMTargetMachine
class  TargetOptions
class  TargetRegisterClass
struct  TargetRegisterInfoDesc
struct  RegClassWeight
class  TargetRegisterInfo
class  SuperRegClassIterator
struct  VirtReg2IndexFunctor
class  PrintReg
class  PrintRegUnit
class  PrintVRegOrUnit
class  TargetSelectionDAGInfo
class  TargetSubtargetInfo
struct  Inliner
class  PassManagerBuilder
struct  RegisterStandardPasses
struct  ASanStackVariableDescription
struct  ASanStackFrameLayout
class  SimplifyFortifiedLibCalls
struct  ClonedCodeInfo
class  InlineFunctionInfo
class  CodeExtractor
 Utility class for extracting code into a new function. More...
struct  GlobalStatus
class  IVVisitor
class  LibCallSimplifier
class  SSAUpdater
 Helper class for SSA formation on a set of values defined in multiple blocks. More...
class  LoadAndStorePromoter
 Helper class for promoting a collection of loads and stores into SSA Form using the SSAUpdater. More...
class  SSAUpdaterImpl
struct  UnifyFunctionExitNodes
class  ValueMapTypeRemapper
class  ValueMaterializer
struct  VectorizeConfig
 Vectorize configuration. More...
struct  GraphTraits< BlockFrequencyInfo * >
struct  DOTGraphTraits< BlockFrequencyInfo * >
struct  GraphTraits< IrreducibleGraph >
struct  DOTGraphTraits< DomTreeNode * >
struct  DOTGraphTraits< DominatorTree * >
struct  DOTGraphTraits< PostDominatorTree * >
struct  DOTGraphTraits< CallGraph * >
struct  AnalysisCallGraphWrapperPassTraits
struct  DOTGraphTraits< RegionNode * >
struct  DOTGraphTraits< RegionInfoPass * >
struct  StratifiedInfo
struct  StratifiedLink
class  StratifiedSets
class  StratifiedSetsBuilder
class  LLLexer
struct  ValID
class  LLParser
struct  OperandTraits< ConstantPlaceHolder >
class  BitcodeReaderValueList
class  BitcodeReaderMDValueList
class  BitcodeReader
class  ValueEnumerator
class  AggressiveAntiDepState
class  AggressiveAntiDepBreaker
 Class AggressiveAntiDepBreaker. More...
class  AllocationOrder
class  AntiDepBreaker
class  AddressPool
class  AsmPrinterHandler
 Collects and handles AsmPrinter objects required to build debug or EH information. More...
class  ByteStreamer
class  APByteStreamer
class  HashingByteStreamer
class  DbgValueHistoryMap
class  DebugLocEntry
 This struct describes location entries emitted in the .debug_loc section. More...
struct  DebugLocList
class  DIEAbbrevData
class  DIEAbbrev
class  DIE
class  DIEValue
class  DIEInteger
class  DIEExpr
 DIEExpr - An expression DIE. More...
class  DIELabel
 DIELabel - A label DIE. More...
class  DIEDelta
class  DIEString
class  DIEEntry
class  DIETypeSignature
 A signature reference to a type unit. More...
class  DIELoc
 DIELoc - Represents an expression location. More...
class  DIEBlock
 DIEBlock - Represents a block of values. More...
class  DIELocList
class  DIEHash
 An object containing the capability of hashing and adding hash attributes onto a DIE. More...
class  DwarfAccelTable
class  SrcLineInfo
 This class is used to record source line correspondence. More...
class  DbgVariable
 This class is used to track local variable information. More...
struct  SymbolCU
 Helper used to pair up a symbol and its DWARF compile unit. More...
class  DwarfDebug
 Collects and handles dwarf debug information. More...
class  DwarfCFIException
class  ARMException
class  DwarfFile
class  DwarfStringPool
class  RangeSpan
class  RangeSpanList
class  DwarfUnit
class  DwarfCompileUnit
class  DwarfTypeUnit
class  EHStreamer
 Emits exception handling directives. More...
class  Win64Exception
class  WinCodeViewLineTables
 Collects and handles line tables information in a CodeView format. More...
class  BranchFolder
class  CriticalAntiDepBreaker
class  DefaultVLIWScheduler
class  InterferenceCache
class  LiveDebugVariables
class  LiveRangeCalc
struct  GraphTraits< MachineBlockFrequencyInfo * >
struct  DOTGraphTraits< MachineBlockFrequencyInfo * >
struct  DOTGraphTraits< const MachineFunction * >
class  MMIAddrLabelMapCallbackPtr
class  MMIAddrLabelMap
struct  GraphTraits< ScheduleDAGMI * >
struct  DOTGraphTraits< ScheduleDAGMI * >
class  SSAUpdaterTraits< MachineSSAUpdater >
class  po_iterator_storage< LoopBounds, true >
class  PassConfigImpl
class  PEI
class  RegAllocBase
class  CoalescerPair
class  SchedDFSImpl
 Internal state used to compute SchedDFSResult. More...
struct  DOTGraphTraits< ScheduleDAG * >
class  InstrEmitter
class  DAGTypeLegalizer
class  ScheduleDAGSDNodes
class  SDDbgValue
class  SelectionDAGBuilder
class  OptLevelChanger
 This class is used by SelectionDAGISel to temporarily override the optimization level on a per-function basis. More...
struct  DOTGraphTraits< SelectionDAG * >
class  Spiller
class  SpillPlacement
class  SplitAnalysis
class  SplitEditor
class  DWARFAbbreviationDeclaration
class  DWARFCompileUnit
class  DWARFContext
class  DWARFContextInMemory
class  DWARFAbbreviationDeclarationSet
class  DWARFDebugAbbrev
class  DWARFDebugAranges
class  DWARFDebugArangeSet
class  FrameEntry
 Abstract frame entry defining the common interface concrete entries implement. More...
class  DWARFDebugFrame
 A parsed .debug_frame section. More...
class  DWARFDebugInfoEntryMinimal
 DWARFDebugInfoEntryMinimal - A DIE with only the minimum required data. More...
struct  DWARFDebugInfoEntryInlinedChain
class  DWARFDebugLine
class  DWARFDebugLoc
class  DWARFDebugLocDWO
class  DWARFDebugRangeList
class  DWARFTypeUnit
class  DWARFUnitSectionBase
class  DWARFUnit
class  IntelJITEventsWrapper
class  AllocaHolder
struct  ExecutionContext
class  Interpreter
class  LinkingMemoryManager
class  MCJIT
class  JITRegistrar
 Global access point for the JIT debugging interface. More...
class  ObjectImageCommon
class  RuntimeDyldCheckerExprEval
class  RuntimeDyldCheckerImpl
class  RuntimeDyldELF
class  SectionEntry
class  RelocationEntry
class  RelocationValueRef
class  RuntimeDyldImpl
class  RuntimeDyldMachO
class  RuntimeDyldMachOCRTPBase
class  RuntimeDyldMachOAArch64
class  RuntimeDyldMachOARM
class  RuntimeDyldMachOI386
class  RuntimeDyldMachOX86_64
class  SlotTracker
class  TypePrinting
class  AssemblyWriter
class  AttributeImpl
class  EnumAttributeImpl
class  IntAttributeImpl
class  StringAttributeImpl
class  AttributeSetNode
class  AttributeSetImpl
class  UnaryConstantExpr
class  BinaryConstantExpr
class  SelectConstantExpr
class  ExtractElementConstantExpr
class  InsertElementConstantExpr
class  ShuffleVectorConstantExpr
class  ExtractValueConstantExpr
class  InsertValueConstantExpr
class  GetElementPtrConstantExpr
class  CompareConstantExpr
struct  OperandTraits< UnaryConstantExpr >
struct  OperandTraits< BinaryConstantExpr >
struct  OperandTraits< SelectConstantExpr >
struct  OperandTraits< ExtractElementConstantExpr >
struct  OperandTraits< InsertElementConstantExpr >
struct  OperandTraits< ShuffleVectorConstantExpr >
struct  OperandTraits< ExtractValueConstantExpr >
struct  OperandTraits< InsertValueConstantExpr >
struct  OperandTraits< GetElementPtrConstantExpr >
struct  OperandTraits< CompareConstantExpr >
struct  ConstantInfo< ConstantExpr >
struct  ConstantInfo< InlineAsm >
struct  ConstantInfo< ConstantArray >
struct  ConstantInfo< ConstantStruct >
struct  ConstantInfo< ConstantVector >
struct  ConstantAggrKeyType
struct  InlineAsmKeyType
struct  ConstantExprKeyType
class  ConstantUniqueMap
struct  PrinterTrait
struct  PrinterTrait< Value >
struct  LeakDetectorImpl
struct  DenseMapAPIntKeyInfo
struct  DenseMapAPFloatKeyInfo
struct  AnonStructTypeKeyInfo
struct  FunctionTypeKeyInfo
struct  FoldingSetTrait< MDNode >
class  DebugRecVH
class  LLVMContextImpl
class  MDNodeOperand
class  LLVMDisasmContext
struct  DenseMapInfo< CIEKey >
class  RecordStreamer
struct  fltSemantics
struct  ilist_sentinel_traits< Token >
struct  ilist_node_traits< Token >
class  TableGenStringKey
struct  DenseMapInfo< TableGenStringKey >
 Specialize DenseMapInfo for TableGenStringKey. More...
class  TGLexer
 TGLexer - TableGen Lexer class. More...
struct  SubClassReference
struct  SubMultiClassReference
struct  LetRecord
struct  ForeachLoop
class  TGParser
class  AArch64FrameLowering
class  AArch64InstrInfo
class  AArch64TargetLowering
class  AArch64FunctionInfo
class  AArch64MCInstLower
struct  AArch64RegisterInfo
class  AArch64SelectionDAGInfo
class  AArch64Subtarget
class  AArch64TargetMachine
class  AArch64leTargetMachine
class  AArch64beTargetMachine
class  AArch64_ELFTargetObjectFile
 This implementation is used for AArch64 ELF targets (Linux in particular). More...
class  AArch64_MachoTargetObjectFile
 AArch64_MachoTargetObjectFile - This TLOF implementation is used for Darwin. More...
class  AArch64Disassembler
class  AArch64ExternalSymbolizer
class  AArch64InstPrinter
class  AArch64AppleInstPrinter
struct  AArch64MCAsmInfoDarwin
struct  AArch64MCAsmInfoELF
class  AArch64MCExpr
struct  AArch64NamedImmMapper
class  ARMAsmPrinter
class  ARMBaseInstrInfo
class  ARMBaseRegisterInfo
class  ARMConstantPoolValue
class  ARMConstantPoolConstant
class  ARMConstantPoolSymbol
class  ARMConstantPoolMBB
class  ARMFrameLowering
class  ARMHazardRecognizer
class  ARMInstrInfo
class  ARMTargetLowering
class  ARMFunctionInfo
struct  ARMRegisterInfo
class  ARMSelectionDAGInfo
class  ARMSubtarget
class  ARMBaseTargetMachine
class  ARMTargetMachine
class  ARMLETargetMachine
class  ARMBETargetMachine
class  ThumbTargetMachine
class  ThumbLETargetMachine
class  ThumbBETargetMachine
class  ARMElfTargetObjectFile
class  ARMInstPrinter
class  ARMMCAsmInfoDarwin
class  ARMELFMCAsmInfo
class  ARMCOFFMCAsmInfoMicrosoft
class  ARMMCExpr
class  UnwindOpcodeAssembler
class  Thumb1FrameLowering
class  Thumb1InstrInfo
struct  Thumb1RegisterInfo
class  Thumb2InstrInfo
struct  Thumb2RegisterInfo
class  CPPSubtarget
struct  CPPTargetMachine
class  HexagonAsmPrinter
class  Hexagon_CCState
class  HexagonFrameLowering
class  HexagonInstrInfo
class  HexagonTargetLowering
class  HexagonMachineFunctionInfo
 Hexagon target-specific information for each MachineFunction. More...
class  VLIWResourceModel
class  VLIWMachineScheduler
class  ConvergingVLIWScheduler
struct  HexagonRegisterInfo
class  HexagonSelectionDAGInfo
class  HexagonSubtarget
class  HexagonTargetMachine
class  HexagonTargetObjectFile
class  HexagonInstPrinter
class  HexagonMCAsmInfo
class  HexagonMCInst
class  MipsInstPrinter
struct  MipsABIFlagsSection
class  MipsAsmBackend
class  MipsELFStreamer
class  MipsMCAsmInfo
class  MipsMCCodeEmitter
class  MipsMCExpr
class  Mips16FrameLowering
class  Mips16HardFloat
class  Mips16InstrInfo
class  Mips16DAGToDAGISel
class  Mips16TargetLowering
class  Mips16RegisterInfo
class  MipsAnalyzeImmediate
class  MipsAsmPrinter
class  MipsFrameLowering
class  MipsInstrInfo
class  MipsDAGToDAGISel
class  MipsTargetLowering
class  MipsCallEntry
 A class derived from PseudoSourceValue that represents a GOT entry resolved by lazy-binding. More...
class  MipsFunctionInfo
class  MipsMCInstLower
 MipsMCInstLower - This class is used to lower an MachineInstr into an. More...
class  MipsModuleDAGToDAGISel
class  MipsOptionRecord
class  MipsRegInfoRecord
class  MipsOs16
class  MipsRegisterInfo
class  MipsSEFrameLowering
class  MipsSEInstrInfo
class  MipsSEDAGToDAGISel
class  MipsSETargetLowering
class  MipsSelectionDAGInfo
class  MipsSERegisterInfo
class  MipsSubtarget
class  MipsTargetMachine
class  MipsebTargetMachine
class  MipselTargetMachine
class  MipsTargetObjectFile
class  MipsTargetStreamer
class  MipsTargetAsmStreamer
class  MipsTargetELFStreamer
class  MSP430InstPrinter
class  MSP430MCAsmInfo
class  MSP430FrameLowering
class  MSP430InstrInfo
class  MSP430TargetLowering
class  MSP430MachineFunctionInfo
class  MSP430MCInstLower
struct  MSP430RegisterInfo
class  MSP430SelectionDAGInfo
class  MSP430Subtarget
class  MSP430TargetMachine
class  NVPTXInstPrinter
class  ManagedStringPool
class  NVPTXMCAsmInfo
class  NVPTXAllocaHoisting
class  LineReader
class  NVPTXAsmPrinter
class  NVPTXFrameLowering
class  NVPTXInstrInfo
class  NVPTXTargetLowering
struct  NVPTXLowerAggrCopies
class  NVPTXMachineFunctionInfo
class  NVPTXFloatMCExpr
class  NVPTXRegisterInfo
class  NVPTXSection
class  NVPTXSubtarget
class  NVPTXTargetMachine
class  NVPTXTargetMachine32
class  NVPTXTargetMachine64
class  NVPTXTargetObjectFile
class  PPCInstPrinter
class  PPCMCAsmInfoDarwin
class  PPCELFMCAsmInfo
class  PPCMCExpr
class  PPCFrameLowering
class  PPCDispatchGroupSBHazardRecognizer
class  PPCHazardRecognizer970
class  PPCInstrInfo
class  PPCTargetLowering
class  PPCFunctionInfo
class  PPCRegisterInfo
class  PPCSelectionDAGInfo
class  PPCSubtarget
class  PPCTargetMachine
class  PPC32TargetMachine
class  PPC64TargetMachine
class  PPC64LinuxTargetObjectFile
class  PPCTargetStreamer
class  AMDGPUAsmPrinter
class  AMDGPUFrameLowering
 Information about the stack frame layout on the AMDGPU targets. More...
class  AMDGPUInstrInfo
class  AMDGPUIntrinsicInfo
class  AMDGPUTargetLowering
class  AMDGPUMachineFunction
class  AMDGPUMCInstLower
struct  AMDGPURegisterInfo
class  AMDGPUSubtarget
class  AMDGPUTargetMachine
class  AMDGPUInstPrinter
class  AMDGPUMCAsmInfo
class  AMDGPUMCCodeEmitter
class  R600InstrInfo
class  R600TargetLowering
class  R600MachineFunctionInfo
class  R600SchedStrategy
struct  R600RegisterInfo
class  SIInstrInfo
class  SITargetLowering
class  SIMachineFunctionInfo
struct  SIRegisterInfo
class  SparcInstPrinter
class  SparcELFMCAsmInfo
class  SparcMCExpr
class  SparcFrameLowering
class  SparcInstrInfo
class  SparcTargetLowering
class  SparcMachineFunctionInfo
struct  SparcRegisterInfo
class  SparcSelectionDAGInfo
class  SparcSubtarget
class  SparcTargetMachine
class  SparcV8TargetMachine
class  SparcV9TargetMachine
class  SparcELFTargetObjectFile
class  SparcTargetStreamer
class  SparcTargetAsmStreamer
class  SparcTargetELFStreamer
class  SystemZInstPrinter
class  SystemZMCAsmInfo
class  SystemZAsmPrinter
class  SystemZConstantPoolValue
class  SystemZFrameLowering
class  SystemZInstrInfo
class  SystemZTargetLowering
class  SystemZMachineFunctionInfo
class  SystemZMCInstLower
struct  SystemZRegisterInfo
class  SystemZSelectionDAGInfo
class  SystemZSubtarget
class  SystemZTargetMachine
class  X86AsmInstrumentation
struct  X86Operand
class  X86MCAsmInfoDarwin
struct  X86_64MCAsmInfoDarwin
class  X86ELFMCAsmInfo
class  X86MCAsmInfoMicrosoft
class  X86MCAsmInfoGNUCOFF
class  X86AsmPrinter
class  X86FrameLowering
struct  X86AddressMode
struct  IntrinsicData
class  X86MachineFunctionInfo
class  X86SelectionDAGInfo
class  X86_64MachoTargetObjectFile
class  X86LinuxTargetObjectFile
class  X86WindowsTargetObjectFile
 This implementation is used for Windows targets on x86 and x86-64. More...
class  XCoreInstPrinter
class  XCoreMCAsmInfo
class  XCoreFrameLowering
class  XCoreInstrInfo
class  XCoreTargetLowering
class  XCoreFunctionInfo
class  XCoreMCInstLower
 This class is used to lower an MachineInstr into an MCInst. More...
struct  XCoreRegisterInfo
class  XCoreSelectionDAGInfo
class  XCoreSubtarget
class  XCoreTargetMachine
class  XCoreTargetObjectFile
class  XCoreTargetStreamer
class  InstCombineIRInserter
class  InstCombiner
 InstCombiner - The -instcombine pass. More...
struct  DenseMapInfo< LoweredPHIRecord >
class  InstCombineWorklist
class  DebugIR
class  MaximumSpanningTree
struct  GraphTraits< ArgumentGraphNode * >
struct  GraphTraits< ArgumentGraph * >
struct  DenseMapInfo< SimpleValue >
struct  DenseMapInfo< CallValue >
struct  DenseMapInfo< Expression >
struct  isPodLike< Slice >
struct  DenseMapInfo< DivOpInfo >
class  SSAUpdaterTraits< SSAUpdater >


typedef uint64_t integerPart
typedef FoldingSetImpl::Node FoldingSetNode
typedef IntervalIterator
< BasicBlock, Function
typedef IntervalIterator
< Interval, IntervalPartition
typedef std::pair< APInt, APIntSizeOffsetType
typedef std::pair< Value
*, Value * > 
typedef DenseMap< const Value
*, Value * > 
typedef DenseMap< const Loop
*, const SCEV * > 
typedef SmallPtrSet< const
Loop *, 2 > 
 PostIncLoopSet - A set of loops.
typedef bool CCAssignFn (unsigned ValNo, MVT ValVT, MVT LocVT, CCValAssign::LocInfo LocInfo, ISD::ArgFlagsTy ArgFlags, CCState &State)
typedef bool CCCustomFn (unsigned &ValNo, MVT &ValVT, MVT &LocVT, CCValAssign::LocInfo &LocInfo, ISD::ArgFlagsTy &ArgFlags, CCState &State)
typedef Registry
< GCMetadataPrinter
typedef Registry< GCStrategyGCRegistry
typedef std::pair< const
MachineInstr *, const
MachineInstr * > 
typedef SparseBitVector< 128 > LiveVirtRegBitSet
typedef DomTreeNodeBase
< MachineBasicBlock
typedef void *(* MachinePassCtor )()
typedef PBQP::RegAlloc::Graph PBQPRAGraph
typedef SparseMultiSet
< PhysRegSUOper,
llvm::identity< unsigned >
, uint16_t > 
typedef SparseSet< VReg2SUnit,
typedef SparseMultiSet
< VReg2SUnit,
typedef AtomicSDNode LargestSDNode
typedef GlobalAddressSDNode MostAlignedSDNode
typedef std::pair< SlotIndex,
MachineBasicBlock * > 
typedef SmallVector< std::pair
< uint64_t, DILineInfo >, 16 > 
typedef DenseMap< uint64_t,
std::pair< uint8_t, int64_t > > 
typedef void * PointerTy
typedef PredIterator
< BasicBlock,
typedef PredIterator< const
typedef SuccIterator
< TerminatorInst *, BasicBlock
typedef SuccIterator< const
TerminatorInst *, const
typedef DenseMap< const
MDString *, MDNode * > 
 Maps from type identifier to the actual MDNode.
typedef DITypedArray
< DIDescriptor
typedef DIRef< DIScopeDIScopeRef
typedef DIRef< DITypeDITypeRef
typedef DITypedArray< DITypeRefDITypeArray
typedef DomTreeNodeBase
< BasicBlock
typedef generic_gep_type_iterator gep_type_iterator
typedef InstIterator< iplist
< BasicBlock >
, Function::iterator,
typedef InstIterator< const
iplist< BasicBlock >
, Function::const_iterator,
const Instruction
typedef std::vector< UseListOrderUseListOrderStack
typedef StringMapEntry< Value * > ValueName
typedef DenseMap< const
MCSectionData *, uint64_t > 
typedef MCLOHDirective::LOHArgs MCLOHArgs
typedef uint16_t MCPhysReg
typedef std::pair< const
MCSection *, const MCExpr * > 
typedef SmallVectorImpl
< std::unique_ptr
< MCParsedAsmOperand > > 
typedef const void * AnalysisID
typedef RawInstrProfReader
< uint32_t > 
typedef RawInstrProfReader
< uint64_t > 
< InstrProfLookupTrait
typedef BumpPtrAllocatorImpl BumpPtrAllocator
 The standard BumpPtrAllocator which just uses the default template paramaters.
typedef void(* fatal_error_handler_t )(void *user_data, const std::string &reason, bool gen_crash_diag)
 An error handler callback.
typedef bool TableGenMainFn (raw_ostream &OS, RecordKeeper &Records)
 Perform the action using Records, and write output to OS.
typedef ValueMap< const Value
*, WeakVH
typedef unsigned StratifiedIndex
typedef std::bitset
< NumStratifiedAttrs
typedef std::vector< std::pair
< uint64_t, uint64_t > > 
 DWARFAddressRangesVector - represents a set of absolute address ranges.
typedef std::vector< GenericValueValuePlaneTy
typedef bool Hexagon_CCAssignFn (unsigned ValNo, EVT ValVT, EVT LocVT, CCValAssign::LocInfo LocInfo, ISD::ArgFlagsTy ArgFlags, Hexagon_CCState &State, int NonVarArgsParams, int CurrentParam, bool ForceMem)
typedef DenseMap< DivOpInfo,
DivPhiNodes > 


enum  lostFraction { lfExactlyZero, lfLessThanHalf, lfExactlyHalf, lfMoreThanHalf }
enum  NoneType { None }
 A simple null object to allow implicit construction of Optional<T> and similar types without having to spell out the specialization's name. More...
enum  SCEVTypes {
  scConstant, scTruncate, scZeroExtend, scSignExtend,
  scAddExpr, scMulExpr, scUDivExpr, scAddRecExpr,
  scUMaxExpr, scSMaxExpr, scUnknown, scCouldNotCompute
enum  TransformKind { Normalize, NormalizeAutodetect, Denormalize }
enum  BitcodeError {
  ConflictingMETADATA_KINDRecords, CouldNotFindFunctionInStream, ExpectedConstant, InsufficientFunctionProtos,
  InvalidBitcodeSignature, InvalidBitcodeWrapperHeader, InvalidConstantReference, InvalidID,
  InvalidInstructionWithNoBB, InvalidRecord, InvalidTypeForValue, InvalidTYPETable,
  InvalidType, MalformedBlock, MalformedGlobalInitializerSet, InvalidMultipleBlocks,
  NeverResolvedValueFoundInFunction, NeverResolvedFunctionFromBlockAddress, InvalidValue
enum  ParmContext { Unknown, Prologue, Call }
enum  CombineLevel { BeforeLegalizeTypes, AfterLegalizeTypes, AfterLegalizeVectorOps, AfterLegalizeDAG }
enum  DIDumpType {
  DIDT_Null, DIDT_All, DIDT_Abbrev, DIDT_AbbrevDwo,
  DIDT_Aranges, DIDT_Frames, DIDT_Info, DIDT_InfoDwo,
  DIDT_Types, DIDT_TypesDwo, DIDT_Line, DIDT_LineDwo,
  DIDT_Loc, DIDT_LocDwo, DIDT_Ranges, DIDT_Pubnames,
  DIDT_Pubtypes, DIDT_GnuPubnames, DIDT_GnuPubtypes, DIDT_Str,
  DIDT_StrDwo, DIDT_StrOffsetsDwo
 Selects which debug sections get dumped. More...
enum  AlignTypeEnum {
 Enum used to categorize the alignment types stored by LayoutAlignElem. More...
enum  DiagnosticSeverity { DS_Error, DS_Warning, DS_Remark, DS_Note }
 Defines the different supported severity of a diagnostic. More...
enum  DiagnosticKind {
  DK_InlineAsm, DK_StackSize, DK_DebugMetadataVersion, DK_SampleProfile,
  DK_OptimizationRemark, DK_OptimizationRemarkMissed, DK_OptimizationRemarkAnalysis, DK_OptimizationFailure,
 Defines the different supported kind of a diagnostic. This enum should be extended with a new ID for each added concrete subclass. More...
enum  AtomicOrdering {
  NotAtomic = 0, Unordered = 1, Monotonic = 2, Acquire = 4,
  Release = 5, AcquireRelease = 6, SequentiallyConsistent = 7
enum  SynchronizationScope { SingleThread = 0, CrossThread = 1 }
enum  PassDebuggingString {
enum  LLVMConstants { DEBUG_METADATA_VERSION = 1 }
enum  ExceptionHandling {
  None, DwarfCFI, SjLj, ARM,
enum  MCSymbolAttr {
  MCSA_Invalid = 0, MCSA_ELF_TypeFunction, MCSA_ELF_TypeIndFunction, MCSA_ELF_TypeObject,
  MCSA_ELF_TypeTLS, MCSA_ELF_TypeCommon, MCSA_ELF_TypeNoType, MCSA_ELF_TypeGnuUniqueObject,
  MCSA_Global, MCSA_Hidden, MCSA_IndirectSymbol, MCSA_Internal,
  MCSA_LazyReference, MCSA_Local, MCSA_NoDeadStrip, MCSA_SymbolResolver,
  MCSA_PrivateExtern, MCSA_Protected, MCSA_Reference, MCSA_Weak,
  MCSA_WeakDefinition, MCSA_WeakReference, MCSA_WeakDefAutoPrivate
enum  MCAssemblerFlag {
  MCAF_SyntaxUnified, MCAF_SubsectionsViaSymbols, MCAF_Code16, MCAF_Code32,
enum  MCDataRegionType {
  MCDR_DataRegion, MCDR_DataRegionJT8, MCDR_DataRegionJT16, MCDR_DataRegionJT32,
enum  MCVersionMinType { MCVM_IOSVersionMin, MCVM_OSXVersionMin }
enum  { ELF_STT_Shift = 0, ELF_STB_Shift = 4, ELF_STV_Shift = 8, ELF_STO_Shift = 10 }
enum  ELFSymbolFlags {
  ELF_STB_Local = (ELF::STB_LOCAL << ELF_STB_Shift), ELF_STB_Global = (ELF::STB_GLOBAL << ELF_STB_Shift), ELF_STB_Weak = (ELF::STB_WEAK << ELF_STB_Shift), ELF_STB_Loproc = (ELF::STB_LOPROC << ELF_STB_Shift),
  ELF_STB_Hiproc = (ELF::STB_HIPROC << ELF_STB_Shift), ELF_STT_Notype = (ELF::STT_NOTYPE << ELF_STT_Shift), ELF_STT_Object = (ELF::STT_OBJECT << ELF_STT_Shift), ELF_STT_Func = (ELF::STT_FUNC << ELF_STT_Shift),
  ELF_STT_Section = (ELF::STT_SECTION << ELF_STT_Shift), ELF_STT_File = (ELF::STT_FILE << ELF_STT_Shift), ELF_STT_Common = (ELF::STT_COMMON << ELF_STT_Shift), ELF_STT_Tls = (ELF::STT_TLS << ELF_STT_Shift),
  ELF_STT_GnuIFunc = (ELF::STT_GNU_IFUNC << ELF_STT_Shift), ELF_STT_Loproc = (ELF::STT_LOPROC << ELF_STT_Shift), ELF_STT_Hiproc = (ELF::STT_HIPROC << ELF_STT_Shift), ELF_STV_Default = (ELF::STV_DEFAULT << ELF_STV_Shift),
  ELF_STV_Internal = (ELF::STV_INTERNAL << ELF_STV_Shift), ELF_STV_Hidden = (ELF::STV_HIDDEN << ELF_STV_Shift), ELF_STV_Protected = (ELF::STV_PROTECTED << ELF_STV_Shift)
enum  MCFixupKind {
  FK_Data_1 = 0, FK_Data_2, FK_Data_4, FK_Data_8,
  FK_PCRel_1, FK_PCRel_2, FK_PCRel_4, FK_PCRel_8,
  FK_GPRel_1, FK_GPRel_2, FK_GPRel_4, FK_GPRel_8,
  FK_SecRel_1, FK_SecRel_2, FK_SecRel_4, FK_SecRel_8,
  FirstTargetFixupKind = 128, MaxTargetFixupKind = (1 << 8)
 MCFixupKind - Extensible enumeration to represent the type of a fixup. More...
enum  MCLOHType {
  MCLOH_AdrpAdrp = 0x1u, MCLOH_AdrpLdr = 0x2u, MCLOH_AdrpAddLdr = 0x3u, MCLOH_AdrpLdrGotLdr = 0x4u,
  MCLOH_AdrpAddStr = 0x5u, MCLOH_AdrpLdrGotStr = 0x6u, MCLOH_AdrpAdd = 0x7u, MCLOH_AdrpLdrGot = 0x8u
 Linker Optimization Hint Type. More...
enum  MachOSymbolFlags {
  SF_DescFlagsMask = 0xFFFF, SF_ReferenceTypeMask = 0x0007, SF_ReferenceTypeUndefinedNonLazy = 0x0000, SF_ReferenceTypeUndefinedLazy = 0x0001,
  SF_ReferenceTypeDefined = 0x0002, SF_ReferenceTypePrivateDefined = 0x0003, SF_ReferenceTypePrivateUndefinedNonLazy = 0x0004, SF_ReferenceTypePrivateUndefinedLazy = 0x0005,
  SF_ThumbFunc = 0x0008, SF_NoDeadStrip = 0x0020, SF_WeakReference = 0x0040, SF_WeakDefinition = 0x0080,
  SF_SymbolResolver = 0x0100
enum  AsmRewriteKind {
  AOK_Delete = 0, AOK_Align, AOK_DotOperator, AOK_Emit,
  AOK_Imm, AOK_ImmPrefix, AOK_Input, AOK_Output,
  AOK_SizeDirective, AOK_Skip
enum  PassManagerType {
  PMT_Unknown = 0, PMT_ModulePassManager = 1, PMT_CallGraphPassManager, PMT_FunctionPassManager,
  PMT_LoopPassManager, PMT_RegionPassManager, PMT_BasicBlockPassManager, PMT_Last
enum  PassKind {
  PT_BasicBlock, PT_Region, PT_Loop, PT_Function,
  PT_CallGraphSCC, PT_Module, PT_PassManager
enum  instrprof_error {
  success = 0, eof, bad_magic, bad_header,
  unsupported_version, unsupported_hash_type, too_large, truncated,
  malformed, unknown_function, hash_mismatch, count_mismatch,
enum  errc {
  argument_list_too_long = int(std::errc::argument_list_too_long), argument_out_of_domain = int(std::errc::argument_out_of_domain), bad_address = int(std::errc::bad_address), bad_file_descriptor = int(std::errc::bad_file_descriptor),
  broken_pipe = int(std::errc::broken_pipe), device_or_resource_busy = int(std::errc::device_or_resource_busy), directory_not_empty = int(std::errc::directory_not_empty), executable_format_error = int(std::errc::executable_format_error),
  file_exists = int(std::errc::file_exists), file_too_large = int(std::errc::file_too_large), filename_too_long = int(std::errc::filename_too_long), function_not_supported = int(std::errc::function_not_supported),
  illegal_byte_sequence = int(std::errc::illegal_byte_sequence), inappropriate_io_control_operation, interrupted = int(std::errc::interrupted), invalid_argument = int(std::errc::invalid_argument),
  invalid_seek = int(std::errc::invalid_seek), io_error = int(std::errc::io_error), is_a_directory = int(std::errc::is_a_directory), no_child_process = int(std::errc::no_child_process),
  no_lock_available = int(std::errc::no_lock_available), no_space_on_device = int(std::errc::no_space_on_device), no_such_device_or_address = int(std::errc::no_such_device_or_address), no_such_device = int(std::errc::no_such_device),
  no_such_file_or_directory = int(std::errc::no_such_file_or_directory), no_such_process = int(std::errc::no_such_process), not_a_directory = int(std::errc::not_a_directory), not_enough_memory = int(std::errc::not_enough_memory),
  operation_not_permitted = int(std::errc::operation_not_permitted), permission_denied = int(std::errc::permission_denied), read_only_file_system = int(std::errc::read_only_file_system), resource_deadlock_would_occur = int(std::errc::resource_deadlock_would_occur),
  resource_unavailable_try_again, result_out_of_range = int(std::errc::result_out_of_range), too_many_files_open_in_system = int(std::errc::too_many_files_open_in_system), too_many_files_open = int(std::errc::too_many_files_open),
  too_many_links = int(std::errc::too_many_links)
enum  ZeroBehavior { ZB_Undefined, ZB_Max, ZB_Width }
 The behavior an operation has on an input of 0. More...
enum  RemapFlags { RF_None = 0, RF_NoModuleLevelChanges = 1, RF_IgnoreMissingEntries = 2 }
 RemapFlags - These are flags that the value mapping APIs allow. More...
enum  AArch64FrameOffsetStatus { AArch64FrameOffsetCannotUpdate = 0x0, AArch64FrameOffsetIsLegal = 0x1, AArch64FrameOffsetCanUpdate = 0x2 }
 Use to report the frame offset status in isAArch64FrameOffsetLegal. More...
enum  NEONModImmType { VMOVModImm, VMVNModImm, OtherModImm }
enum  AddressSpace {
enum  PropertyAnnotation {
enum  { SM_SentinelZero = -1 }
enum  IntrinsicType {
enum  SelectPatternFlavor {


hash_code hash_value (const APFloat &Arg)
bool operator== (uint64_t V1, const APInt &V2)
bool operator!= (uint64_t V1, const APInt &V2)
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const APInt &I)
hash_code hash_value (const APInt &Arg)
bool operator== (int64_t V1, const APSInt &V2)
bool operator!= (int64_t V1, const APSInt &V2)
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const APSInt &I)
template<typename T >
bool operator== (ArrayRef< T > LHS, ArrayRef< T > RHS)
template<typename T >
bool operator!= (ArrayRef< T > LHS, ArrayRef< T > RHS)
template<typename KeyT , typename ValueT , typename KeyInfoT >
static size_t capacity_in_bytes (const DenseMap< KeyT, ValueT, KeyInfoT > &X)
template<class T >
df_iterator< Tdf_begin (const T &G)
template<class T >
df_iterator< Tdf_end (const T &G)
template<class T >
iterator_range< df_iterator< T > > depth_first (const T &G)
template<class T , class SetTy >
df_ext_iterator< T, SetTydf_ext_begin (const T &G, SetTy &S)
template<class T , class SetTy >
df_ext_iterator< T, SetTydf_ext_end (const T &G, SetTy &S)
template<class T , class SetTy >
< df_ext_iterator< T, SetTy > > 
depth_first_ext (const T &G, SetTy &S)
template<class T >
idf_iterator< Tidf_begin (const T &G)
template<class T >
idf_iterator< Tidf_end (const T &G)
template<class T >
iterator_range< idf_iterator< T > > inverse_depth_first (const T &G)
template<class T , class SetTy >
idf_ext_iterator< T, SetTyidf_ext_begin (const T &G, SetTy &S)
template<class T , class SetTy >
idf_ext_iterator< T, SetTyidf_ext_end (const T &G, SetTy &S)
template<class T , class SetTy >
< idf_ext_iterator< T, SetTy > > 
inverse_depth_first_ext (const T &G, SetTy &S)
template<typename T >
unsigned ComputeEditDistance (ArrayRef< T > FromArray, ArrayRef< T > ToArray, bool AllowReplacements=true, unsigned MaxEditDistance=0)
 Determine the edit distance between two sequences.
template<typename T >
< is_integral_or_enum< T >
::value, hash_code >::type 
hash_value (T value)
 Compute a hash_code for any integer value.
template<typename T >
hash_code hash_value (const T *ptr)
 Compute a hash_code for a pointer's address.
template<typename T , typename U >
hash_code hash_value (const std::pair< T, U > &arg)
 Compute a hash_code for a pair of objects.
template<typename T >
hash_code hash_value (const std::basic_string< T > &arg)
 Compute a hash_code for a standard string.
void set_fixed_execution_hash_seed (size_t fixed_value)
 Override the execution seed with a fixed value.
template<typename InputIteratorT >
hash_code hash_combine_range (InputIteratorT first, InputIteratorT last)
 Compute a hash_code for a sequence of values.
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 , typename T6 >
hash_code hash_combine (const T1 &arg1, const T2 &arg2, const T3 &arg3, const T4 &arg4, const T5 &arg5, const T6 &arg6)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 >
hash_code hash_combine (const T1 &arg1, const T2 &arg2, const T3 &arg3, const T4 &arg4, const T5 &arg5)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 >
hash_code hash_combine (const T1 &arg1, const T2 &arg2, const T3 &arg3, const T4 &arg4)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 >
hash_code hash_combine (const T1 &arg1, const T2 &arg2, const T3 &arg3)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
hash_code hash_combine (const T1 &arg1, const T2 &arg2)
template<typename T1 >
hash_code hash_combine (const T1 &arg1)
template<typename T >
void operator- (int, ilist_iterator< T >) LLVM_DELETED_FUNCTION
template<typename T >
void operator- (ilist_iterator< T >, int) LLVM_DELETED_FUNCTION
template<typename T >
void operator+ (int, ilist_iterator< T >) LLVM_DELETED_FUNCTION
template<typename T >
void operator+ (ilist_iterator< T >, int) LLVM_DELETED_FUNCTION
template<typename T >
bool operator!= (const T *LHS, const ilist_iterator< const T > &RHS)
template<typename T >
bool operator== (const T *LHS, const ilist_iterator< const T > &RHS)
template<typename T >
bool operator!= (T *LHS, const ilist_iterator< T > &RHS)
template<typename T >
bool operator== (T *LHS, const ilist_iterator< T > &RHS)
template<class T , class U >
bool operator== (const IntrusiveRefCntPtr< T > &A, const IntrusiveRefCntPtr< U > &B)
template<class T , class U >
bool operator!= (const IntrusiveRefCntPtr< T > &A, const IntrusiveRefCntPtr< U > &B)
template<class T , class U >
bool operator== (const IntrusiveRefCntPtr< T > &A, U *B)
template<class T , class U >
bool operator!= (const IntrusiveRefCntPtr< T > &A, U *B)
template<class T , class U >
bool operator== (T *A, const IntrusiveRefCntPtr< U > &B)
template<class T , class U >
bool operator!= (T *A, const IntrusiveRefCntPtr< U > &B)
template<class T >
bool operator== (std::nullptr_t A, const IntrusiveRefCntPtr< T > &B)
template<class T >
bool operator== (const IntrusiveRefCntPtr< T > &A, std::nullptr_t B)
template<class T >
bool operator!= (std::nullptr_t A, const IntrusiveRefCntPtr< T > &B)
template<class T >
bool operator!= (const IntrusiveRefCntPtr< T > &A, std::nullptr_t B)
template<class T >
iterator_range< Tmake_range (T x, T y)
 Convenience function for iterating over sub-ranges.
template<typename T , typename U >
void operator== (const Optional< T > &X, const Optional< U > &Y)
 Poison comparison between two Optional objects. Clients needs to explicitly compare the underlying values and account for empty Optional objects.
template<typename T , typename U >
void operator!= (const Optional< T > &X, const Optional< U > &Y)
 Poison comparison between two Optional objects. Clients needs to explicitly compare the underlying values and account for empty Optional objects.
template<typename T , typename U >
void operator< (const Optional< T > &X, const Optional< U > &Y)
 Poison comparison between two Optional objects. Clients needs to explicitly compare the underlying values and account for empty Optional objects.
template<typename T , typename U >
void operator<= (const Optional< T > &X, const Optional< U > &Y)
 Poison comparison between two Optional objects. Clients needs to explicitly compare the underlying values and account for empty Optional objects.
template<typename T , typename U >
void operator>= (const Optional< T > &X, const Optional< U > &Y)
 Poison comparison between two Optional objects. Clients needs to explicitly compare the underlying values and account for empty Optional objects.
template<typename T , typename U >
void operator> (const Optional< T > &X, const Optional< U > &Y)
 Poison comparison between two Optional objects. Clients needs to explicitly compare the underlying values and account for empty Optional objects.
template<typename PT1 , typename PT2 >
static bool operator== (PointerUnion< PT1, PT2 > lhs, PointerUnion< PT1, PT2 > rhs)
template<typename PT1 , typename PT2 >
static bool operator!= (PointerUnion< PT1, PT2 > lhs, PointerUnion< PT1, PT2 > rhs)
template<class T >
po_iterator< Tpo_begin (T G)
template<class T >
po_iterator< Tpo_end (T G)
template<class T , class SetType >
po_ext_iterator< T, SetType > po_ext_begin (T G, SetType &S)
template<class T , class SetType >
po_ext_iterator< T, SetType > po_ext_end (T G, SetType &S)
template<class T >
ipo_iterator< Tipo_begin (T G, bool Reverse=false)
template<class T >
ipo_iterator< Tipo_end (T G)
template<class T , class SetType >
ipo_ext_iterator< T, SetType > ipo_ext_begin (T G, SetType &S)
template<class T , class SetType >
ipo_ext_iterator< T, SetType > ipo_ext_end (T G, SetType &S)
template<class T >
scc_iterator< Tscc_begin (const T &G)
 Construct the begin iterator for a deduced graph type T.
template<class T >
scc_iterator< Tscc_end (const T &G)
 Construct the end iterator for a deduced graph type T.
template<class T >
scc_iterator< Inverse< T > > scc_begin (const Inverse< T > &G)
 Construct the begin iterator for a deduced graph type T's Inverse<T>.
template<class T >
scc_iterator< Inverse< T > > scc_end (const Inverse< T > &G)
 Construct the end iterator for a deduced graph type T's Inverse<T>.
template<class S1Ty , class S2Ty >
bool set_union (S1Ty &S1, const S2Ty &S2)
template<class S1Ty , class S2Ty >
void set_intersect (S1Ty &S1, const S2Ty &S2)
template<class S1Ty , class S2Ty >
S1Ty set_difference (const S1Ty &S1, const S2Ty &S2)
template<class S1Ty , class S2Ty >
void set_subtract (S1Ty &S1, const S2Ty &S2)
SmallBitVector operator& (const SmallBitVector &LHS, const SmallBitVector &RHS)
SmallBitVector operator| (const SmallBitVector &LHS, const SmallBitVector &RHS)
SmallBitVector operator^ (const SmallBitVector &LHS, const SmallBitVector &RHS)
template<typename T , unsigned N>
static size_t capacity_in_bytes (const SmallVector< T, N > &X)
template<unsigned ElementSize>
bool operator|= (SparseBitVector< ElementSize > &LHS, const SparseBitVector< ElementSize > *RHS)
template<unsigned ElementSize>
bool operator|= (SparseBitVector< ElementSize > *LHS, const SparseBitVector< ElementSize > &RHS)
template<unsigned ElementSize>
bool operator&= (SparseBitVector< ElementSize > *LHS, const SparseBitVector< ElementSize > &RHS)
template<unsigned ElementSize>
bool operator&= (SparseBitVector< ElementSize > &LHS, const SparseBitVector< ElementSize > *RHS)
template<unsigned ElementSize>
SparseBitVector< ElementSize > operator| (const SparseBitVector< ElementSize > &LHS, const SparseBitVector< ElementSize > &RHS)
template<unsigned ElementSize>
SparseBitVector< ElementSize > operator& (const SparseBitVector< ElementSize > &LHS, const SparseBitVector< ElementSize > &RHS)
template<unsigned ElementSize>
SparseBitVector< ElementSize > operator- (const SparseBitVector< ElementSize > &LHS, const SparseBitVector< ElementSize > &RHS)
template<unsigned ElementSize>
void dump (const SparseBitVector< ElementSize > &LHS, raw_ostream &out)
void EnableStatistics ()
 Enable the collection and printing of statistics.
bool AreStatisticsEnabled ()
 Check if statistics are enabled.
void PrintStatistics ()
 Print statistics to the file returned by CreateInfoOutputFile().
void PrintStatistics (raw_ostream &OS)
 Print statistics to the given output stream.
template<class T >
void deleter (T *Ptr)
template<class _Iterator , class Func >
mapped_iterator< _Iterator, Func > operator+ (typename mapped_iterator< _Iterator, Func >::difference_type N, const mapped_iterator< _Iterator, Func > &X)
template<class ItTy , class FuncTy >
mapped_iterator< ItTy, FuncTy > map_iterator (const ItTy &I, FuncTy F)
template<class T , std::size_t N>
LLVM_CONSTEXPR size_t array_lengthof (T(&)[N])
 Find the length of an array.
template<typename T >
int array_pod_sort_comparator (const void *P1, const void *P2)
 Adapt std::less<T> for array_pod_sort.
template<class IteratorTy >
void array_pod_sort (IteratorTy Start, IteratorTy End)
template<class IteratorTy >
void array_pod_sort (IteratorTy Start, IteratorTy End, int(*Compare)(const typename std::iterator_traits< IteratorTy >::value_type *, const typename std::iterator_traits< IteratorTy >::value_type *))
template<typename Container >
void DeleteContainerPointers (Container &C)
template<typename Container >
void DeleteContainerSeconds (Container &C)
template<class T >
< T >::value, std::unique_ptr
< T > >::type 
make_unique ()
template<class T , class Arg1 >
< T >::value, std::unique_ptr
< T > >::type 
make_unique (Arg1 &&arg1)
template<class T , class Arg1 , class Arg2 >
< T >::value, std::unique_ptr
< T > >::type 
make_unique (Arg1 &&arg1, Arg2 &&arg2)
template<class T , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 >
< T >::value, std::unique_ptr
< T > >::type 
make_unique (Arg1 &&arg1, Arg2 &&arg2, Arg3 &&arg3)
template<class T , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 >
< T >::value, std::unique_ptr
< T > >::type 
make_unique (Arg1 &&arg1, Arg2 &&arg2, Arg3 &&arg3, Arg4 &&arg4)
template<class T , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 , class Arg5 >
< T >::value, std::unique_ptr
< T > >::type 
make_unique (Arg1 &&arg1, Arg2 &&arg2, Arg3 &&arg3, Arg4 &&arg4, Arg5 &&arg5)
template<class T , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 , class Arg5 , class Arg6 >
< T >::value, std::unique_ptr
< T > >::type 
make_unique (Arg1 &&arg1, Arg2 &&arg2, Arg3 &&arg3, Arg4 &&arg4, Arg5 &&arg5, Arg6 &&arg6)
template<class T , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 , class Arg5 , class Arg6 , class Arg7 >
< T >::value, std::unique_ptr
< T > >::type 
make_unique (Arg1 &&arg1, Arg2 &&arg2, Arg3 &&arg3, Arg4 &&arg4, Arg5 &&arg5, Arg6 &&arg6, Arg7 &&arg7)
template<class T , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 , class Arg5 , class Arg6 , class Arg7 , class Arg8 >
< T >::value, std::unique_ptr
< T > >::type 
make_unique (Arg1 &&arg1, Arg2 &&arg2, Arg3 &&arg3, Arg4 &&arg4, Arg5 &&arg5, Arg6 &&arg6, Arg7 &&arg7, Arg8 &&arg8)
template<class T , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 , class Arg5 , class Arg6 , class Arg7 , class Arg8 , class Arg9 >
< T >::value, std::unique_ptr
< T > >::type 
make_unique (Arg1 &&arg1, Arg2 &&arg2, Arg3 &&arg3, Arg4 &&arg4, Arg5 &&arg5, Arg6 &&arg6, Arg7 &&arg7, Arg8 &&arg8, Arg9 &&arg9)
template<class T , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 , class Arg5 , class Arg6 , class Arg7 , class Arg8 , class Arg9 , class Arg10 >
< T >::value, std::unique_ptr
< T > >::type 
make_unique (Arg1 &&arg1, Arg2 &&arg2, Arg3 &&arg3, Arg4 &&arg4, Arg5 &&arg5, Arg6 &&arg6, Arg7 &&arg7, Arg8 &&arg8, Arg9 &&arg9, Arg10 &&arg10)
template<class T >
std::enable_if< std::is_array
< T >::value &&std::extent< T >
::value==0, std::unique_ptr< T >
make_unique (size_t n)
static char hexdigit (unsigned X, bool LowerCase=false)
static StringRef toStringRef (bool B)
 Construct a string ref from a boolean.
static unsigned hexDigitValue (char C)
template<typename IntTy >
static char * utohex_buffer (IntTy X, char *BufferEnd, bool LowerCase=false)
static std::string utohexstr (uint64_t X, bool LowerCase=false)
static std::string utostr_32 (uint32_t X, bool isNeg=false)
static std::string utostr (uint64_t X, bool isNeg=false)
static std::string itostr (int64_t X)
StringRef::size_type StrInStrNoCase (StringRef s1, StringRef s2)
std::pair< StringRef, StringRefgetToken (StringRef Source, StringRef Delimiters=" \t\n\v\f\r")
void SplitString (StringRef Source, SmallVectorImpl< StringRef > &OutFragments, StringRef Delimiters=" \t\n\v\f\r")
static unsigned HashString (StringRef Str, unsigned Result=0)
static StringRef getOrdinalSuffix (unsigned Val)
 Returns the English suffix for an ordinal integer (-st, -nd, -rd, -th).
template<typename IteratorT >
std::string join_impl (IteratorT Begin, IteratorT End, StringRef Separator, std::input_iterator_tag)
template<typename IteratorT >
std::string join_impl (IteratorT Begin, IteratorT End, StringRef Separator, std::forward_iterator_tag)
template<typename IteratorT >
std::string join (IteratorT Begin, IteratorT End, StringRef Separator)
bool getAsUnsignedInteger (StringRef Str, unsigned Radix, unsigned long long &Result)
 Helper functions for StringRef::getAsInteger.
bool getAsSignedInteger (StringRef Str, unsigned Radix, long long &Result)
hash_code hash_value (StringRef S)
 Compute a hash_code for a StringRef.
bool isNoAliasCall (const Value *V)
bool isNoAliasArgument (const Value *V)
bool isIdentifiedObject (const Value *V)
bool isIdentifiedFunctionLocal (const Value *V)
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const AliasSet &AS)
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const AliasSetTracker &AST)
ModulePasscreateCallGraphViewerPass ()
ModulePasscreateCallGraphPrinterPass ()
bool PointerMayBeCaptured (const Value *V, bool ReturnCaptures, bool StoreCaptures)
bool PointerMayBeCapturedBefore (const Value *V, bool ReturnCaptures, bool StoreCaptures, const Instruction *I, DominatorTree *DT, bool IncludeI=false)
void PointerMayBeCaptured (const Value *V, CaptureTracker *Tracker)
void FindFunctionBackedges (const Function &F, SmallVectorImpl< std::pair< const BasicBlock *, const BasicBlock * > > &Result)
unsigned GetSuccessorNumber (BasicBlock *BB, BasicBlock *Succ)
bool isCriticalEdge (const TerminatorInst *TI, unsigned SuccNum, bool AllowIdenticalEdges=false)
bool isPotentiallyReachable (const Instruction *From, const Instruction *To, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr, const LoopInfo *LI=nullptr)
 Determine whether instruction 'To' is reachable from 'From', returning true if uncertain.
bool isPotentiallyReachable (const BasicBlock *From, const BasicBlock *To, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr, const LoopInfo *LI=nullptr)
 Determine whether block 'To' is reachable from 'From', returning true if uncertain.
FunctionPasscreateCFGPrinterPass ()
FunctionPasscreateCFGOnlyPrinterPass ()
template<typename CGSCCPassT >
< CGSCCPassT > 
createModuleToPostOrderCGSCCPassAdaptor (CGSCCPassT Pass)
 A function to deduce a function pass type and wrap it in the templated adaptor.
template<typename FunctionPassT >
< FunctionPassT > 
createCGSCCToFunctionPassAdaptor (FunctionPassT Pass)
 A function to deduce a function pass type and wrap it in the templated adaptor.
bool callIsSmall (ImmutableCallSite CS)
 Check whether a call will lower to something small.
ConstantConstantFoldInstruction (Instruction *I, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr)
ConstantConstantFoldConstantExpression (const ConstantExpr *CE, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr)
ConstantConstantFoldInstOperands (unsigned Opcode, Type *DestTy, ArrayRef< Constant * > Ops, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr)
ConstantConstantFoldCompareInstOperands (unsigned Predicate, Constant *LHS, Constant *RHS, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr)
ConstantConstantFoldInsertValueInstruction (Constant *Agg, Constant *Val, ArrayRef< unsigned > Idxs)
ConstantConstantFoldLoadFromConstPtr (Constant *C, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr)
ConstantConstantFoldLoadThroughGEPConstantExpr (Constant *C, ConstantExpr *CE)
ConstantConstantFoldLoadThroughGEPIndices (Constant *C, ArrayRef< Constant * > Indices)
bool canConstantFoldCallTo (const Function *F)
ConstantConstantFoldCall (Function *F, ArrayRef< Constant * > Operands, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr)
constant_iterator constant_begin (const Function *F)
constant_iterator constant_end (const Function *F)
FunctionPasscreateDependenceAnalysisPass ()
 EXTERN_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION (class DominanceFrontierBase< BasicBlock >)
 EXTERN_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION (class ForwardDominanceFrontierBase< BasicBlock >)
FunctionPasscreateDomPrinterPass ()
FunctionPasscreateDomOnlyPrinterPass ()
FunctionPasscreateDomViewerPass ()
FunctionPasscreateDomOnlyViewerPass ()
FunctionPasscreatePostDomPrinterPass ()
FunctionPasscreatePostDomOnlyPrinterPass ()
FunctionPasscreatePostDomViewerPass ()
FunctionPasscreatePostDomOnlyViewerPass ()
ValueSimplifyAddInst (Value *LHS, Value *RHS, bool isNSW, bool isNUW, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr, const Instruction *CxtI=nullptr)
ValueSimplifySubInst (Value *LHS, Value *RHS, bool isNSW, bool isNUW, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr, const Instruction *CxtI=nullptr)
ValueSimplifyFAddInst (Value *LHS, Value *RHS, FastMathFlags FMF, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr, const Instruction *CxtI=nullptr)
ValueSimplifyFSubInst (Value *LHS, Value *RHS, FastMathFlags FMF, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr, const Instruction *CxtI=nullptr)
ValueSimplifyFMulInst (Value *LHS, Value *RHS, FastMathFlags FMF, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr, const Instruction *CxtI=nullptr)
ValueSimplifyMulInst (Value *LHS, Value *RHS, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr, const Instruction *CxtI=nullptr)
ValueSimplifySDivInst (Value *LHS, Value *RHS, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr, const Instruction *CxtI=nullptr)
ValueSimplifyUDivInst (Value *LHS, Value *RHS, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr, const Instruction *CxtI=nullptr)
ValueSimplifyFDivInst (Value *LHS, Value *RHS, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr, const Instruction *CxtI=nullptr)
ValueSimplifySRemInst (Value *LHS, Value *RHS, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr, const Instruction *CxtI=nullptr)
ValueSimplifyURemInst (Value *LHS, Value *RHS, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr, const Instruction *CxtI=nullptr)
ValueSimplifyFRemInst (Value *LHS, Value *RHS, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr, const Instruction *CxtI=nullptr)
ValueSimplifyShlInst (Value *Op0, Value *Op1, bool isNSW, bool isNUW, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr, const Instruction *CxtI=nullptr)
ValueSimplifyLShrInst (Value *Op0, Value *Op1, bool isExact, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr, const Instruction *CxtI=nullptr)
ValueSimplifyAShrInst (Value *Op0, Value *Op1, bool isExact, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr, const Instruction *CxtI=nullptr)
ValueSimplifyAndInst (Value *LHS, Value *RHS, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr, const Instruction *CxtI=nullptr)
ValueSimplifyOrInst (Value *LHS, Value *RHS, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr, const Instruction *CxtI=nullptr)
ValueSimplifyXorInst (Value *LHS, Value *RHS, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr, const Instruction *CxtI=nullptr)
ValueSimplifyICmpInst (unsigned Predicate, Value *LHS, Value *RHS, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr, Instruction *CxtI=nullptr)
ValueSimplifyFCmpInst (unsigned Predicate, Value *LHS, Value *RHS, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr, const Instruction *CxtI=nullptr)
ValueSimplifySelectInst (Value *Cond, Value *TrueVal, Value *FalseVal, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr, const Instruction *CxtI=nullptr)
ValueSimplifyGEPInst (ArrayRef< Value * > Ops, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr, const Instruction *CxtI=nullptr)
ValueSimplifyInsertValueInst (Value *Agg, Value *Val, ArrayRef< unsigned > Idxs, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr, const Instruction *CxtI=nullptr)
ValueSimplifyTruncInst (Value *Op, Type *Ty, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr, const Instruction *CxtI=nullptr)
ValueSimplifyCmpInst (unsigned Predicate, Value *LHS, Value *RHS, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr, const Instruction *CxtI=nullptr)
ValueSimplifyBinOp (unsigned Opcode, Value *LHS, Value *RHS, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr, const Instruction *CxtI=nullptr)
ValueSimplifyCall (Value *V, User::op_iterator ArgBegin, User::op_iterator ArgEnd, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr, const Instruction *CxtI=nullptr)
 Given a function and iterators over arguments, see if we can fold the result.
ValueSimplifyCall (Value *V, ArrayRef< Value * > Args, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr, const Instruction *CxtI=nullptr)
 Given a function and set of arguments, see if we can fold the result.
ValueSimplifyInstruction (Instruction *I, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr)
bool replaceAndRecursivelySimplify (Instruction *I, Value *SimpleV, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr)
 Replace all uses of 'I' with 'SimpleV' and simplify the uses recursively.
bool recursivelySimplifyInstruction (Instruction *I, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr)
 Recursively attempt to simplify an instruction.
Interval::succ_iterator succ_begin (Interval *I)
Interval::succ_iterator succ_end (Interval *I)
Interval::pred_iterator pred_begin (Interval *I)
Interval::pred_iterator pred_end (Interval *I)
BasicBlockgetNodeHeader (BasicBlock *BB)
BasicBlockgetNodeHeader (Interval *I)
BasicBlockgetSourceGraphNode (Function *, BasicBlock *BB)
IntervalgetSourceGraphNode (IntervalPartition *IP, BasicBlock *BB)
void addNodeToInterval (Interval *Int, BasicBlock *BB)
void addNodeToInterval (Interval *Int, Interval *I)
function_interval_iterator intervals_begin (Function *F, bool DeleteInts=true)
function_interval_iterator intervals_end (Function *)
interval_part_interval_iterator intervals_begin (IntervalPartition &IP, bool DeleteIntervals=true)
interval_part_interval_iterator intervals_end (IntervalPartition &IP)
PasscreateIVUsersPass ()
FunctionPasscreateLintPass ()
 Create a lint pass.
void lintModule (const Module &M)
 Check a module.
void lintFunction (const Function &F)
bool isSafeToLoadUnconditionally (Value *V, Instruction *ScanFrom, unsigned Align, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr)
ValueFindAvailableLoadedValue (Value *Ptr, BasicBlock *ScanBB, BasicBlock::iterator &ScanFrom, unsigned MaxInstsToScan=6, AliasAnalysis *AA=nullptr, AAMDNodes *AATags=nullptr)
template<typename T >
void RemoveFromVector (std::vector< T * > &V, T *N)
template<class BlockT , class LoopT >
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const LoopBase< BlockT, LoopT > &Loop)
template<class BlockT , class LoopT >
static void discoverAndMapSubloop (LoopT *L, ArrayRef< BlockT * > Backedges, LoopInfoBase< BlockT, LoopT > *LI, DominatorTreeBase< BlockT > &DomTree)
bool isAllocationFn (const Value *V, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI, bool LookThroughBitCast=false)
 Tests if a value is a call or invoke to a library function that allocates or reallocates memory (either malloc, calloc, realloc, or strdup like).
bool isNoAliasFn (const Value *V, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI, bool LookThroughBitCast=false)
 Tests if a value is a call or invoke to a function that returns a NoAlias pointer (including malloc/calloc/realloc/strdup-like functions).
bool isMallocLikeFn (const Value *V, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI, bool LookThroughBitCast=false)
 Tests if a value is a call or invoke to a library function that allocates uninitialized memory (such as malloc).
bool isCallocLikeFn (const Value *V, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI, bool LookThroughBitCast=false)
 Tests if a value is a call or invoke to a library function that allocates zero-filled memory (such as calloc).
bool isAllocLikeFn (const Value *V, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI, bool LookThroughBitCast=false)
 Tests if a value is a call or invoke to a library function that allocates memory (either malloc, calloc, or strdup like).
bool isReallocLikeFn (const Value *V, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI, bool LookThroughBitCast=false)
 Tests if a value is a call or invoke to a library function that reallocates memory (such as realloc).
bool isOperatorNewLikeFn (const Value *V, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI, bool LookThroughBitCast=false)
 Tests if a value is a call or invoke to a library function that allocates memory and never returns null (such as operator new).
const CallInstextractMallocCall (const Value *I, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI)
static CallInstextractMallocCall (Value *I, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI)
const CallInstisArrayMalloc (const Value *I, const DataLayout *DL, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI)
PointerTypegetMallocType (const CallInst *CI, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI)
TypegetMallocAllocatedType (const CallInst *CI, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI)
ValuegetMallocArraySize (CallInst *CI, const DataLayout *DL, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI, bool LookThroughSExt=false)
const CallInstextractCallocCall (const Value *I, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI)
static CallInstextractCallocCall (Value *I, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI)
const CallInstisFreeCall (const Value *I, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI)
 isFreeCall - Returns non-null if the value is a call to the builtin free()
static CallInstisFreeCall (Value *I, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI)
bool getObjectSize (const Value *Ptr, uint64_t &Size, const DataLayout *DL, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI, bool RoundToAlign=false)
 Compute the size of the object pointed by Ptr. Returns true and the object size in Size if successful, and false otherwise. In this context, by object we mean the region of memory starting at Ptr to the end of the underlying object pointed to by Ptr. If RoundToAlign is true, then Size is rounded up to the aligment of allocas, byval arguments, and global variables.
PasscreateGlobalsModRefPass ()
PasscreateAliasDebugger ()
ModulePasscreateAliasAnalysisCounterPass ()
FunctionPasscreateAAEvalPass ()
ImmutablePasscreateNoAAPass ()
ImmutablePasscreateBasicAliasAnalysisPass ()
ImmutablePasscreateCFLAliasAnalysisPass ()
FunctionPasscreateLibCallAliasAnalysisPass (LibCallInfo *LCI)
FunctionPasscreateScalarEvolutionAliasAnalysisPass ()
ImmutablePasscreateTypeBasedAliasAnalysisPass ()
ImmutablePasscreateScopedNoAliasAAPass ()
ImmutablePasscreateObjCARCAliasAnalysisPass ()
FunctionPasscreateLazyValueInfoPass ()
FunctionPasscreateCostModelAnalysisPass ()
FunctionPasscreateDelinearizationPass ()
FunctionPasscreateInstCountPass ()
FunctionPasscreateRegionInfoPass ()
ModulePasscreateModuleDebugInfoPrinterPass ()
FunctionPasscreateMemDepPrinter ()
ImmutablePasscreateJumpInstrTableInfoPass ()
FunctionPasscreatePostDomTree ()
template<class Tr >
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const RegionNodeBase< Tr > &Node)
 Print a RegionNode.
 EXTERN_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION (class RegionBase< RegionTraits< Function >>)
 EXTERN_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION (class RegionNodeBase< RegionTraits< Function >>)
 EXTERN_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION (class RegionInfoBase< RegionTraits< Function >>)
template<class NodeType , class BlockT , class RegionT >
RNSuccIterator< NodeType,
BlockT, RegionT > 
succ_begin (NodeType *Node)
template<class NodeType , class BlockT , class RegionT >
RNSuccIterator< NodeType,
BlockT, RegionT > 
succ_end (NodeType *Node)
 RegionNodeGraphTraits (RegionNode, BasicBlock, Region)
 RegionGraphTraits (Region, RegionNode)
FunctionPasscreateRegionViewerPass ()
FunctionPasscreateRegionOnlyViewerPass ()
FunctionPasscreateRegionPrinterPass ()
FunctionPasscreateRegionOnlyPrinterPass ()
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const SCEV &S)
bool isSafeToExpand (const SCEV *S, ScalarEvolution &SE)
template<typename SV >
void visitAll (const SCEV *Root, SV &Visitor)
 Use SCEVTraversal to visit all nodes in the givien expression tree.
static const SCEVapply (const SCEV *Scev, LoopToScevMapT &Map, ScalarEvolution &SE)
 Applies the Map (Loop -> SCEV) to the given Scev.
const SCEVTransformForPostIncUse (TransformKind Kind, const SCEV *S, Instruction *User, Value *OperandValToReplace, PostIncLoopSet &Loops, ScalarEvolution &SE, DominatorTree &DT)
ImmutablePasscreateNoTargetTransformInfoPass ()
 Create the base case instance of a pass in the TTI analysis group.
void computeKnownBits (Value *V, APInt &KnownZero, APInt &KnownOne, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, unsigned Depth=0, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr, const Instruction *CxtI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr)
void computeKnownBitsFromRangeMetadata (const MDNode &Ranges, APInt &KnownZero)
void ComputeSignBit (Value *V, bool &KnownZero, bool &KnownOne, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, unsigned Depth=0, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr, const Instruction *CxtI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr)
bool isKnownToBeAPowerOfTwo (Value *V, bool OrZero=false, unsigned Depth=0, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr, const Instruction *CxtI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr)
bool isKnownNonZero (Value *V, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, unsigned Depth=0, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr, const Instruction *CxtI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr)
bool MaskedValueIsZero (Value *V, const APInt &Mask, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, unsigned Depth=0, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr, const Instruction *CxtI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr)
unsigned ComputeNumSignBits (Value *Op, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, unsigned Depth=0, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr, const Instruction *CxtI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr)
bool ComputeMultiple (Value *V, unsigned Base, Value *&Multiple, bool LookThroughSExt=false, unsigned Depth=0)
bool CannotBeNegativeZero (const Value *V, unsigned Depth=0)
ValueisBytewiseValue (Value *V)
ValueFindInsertedValue (Value *V, ArrayRef< unsigned > idx_range, Instruction *InsertBefore=nullptr)
ValueGetPointerBaseWithConstantOffset (Value *Ptr, int64_t &Offset, const DataLayout *TD)
static const ValueGetPointerBaseWithConstantOffset (const Value *Ptr, int64_t &Offset, const DataLayout *TD)
bool getConstantStringInfo (const Value *V, StringRef &Str, uint64_t Offset=0, bool TrimAtNul=true)
uint64_t GetStringLength (Value *V)
ValueGetUnderlyingObject (Value *V, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, unsigned MaxLookup=6)
static const ValueGetUnderlyingObject (const Value *V, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, unsigned MaxLookup=6)
void GetUnderlyingObjects (Value *V, SmallVectorImpl< Value * > &Objects, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, unsigned MaxLookup=6)
bool onlyUsedByLifetimeMarkers (const Value *V)
bool isSafeToSpeculativelyExecute (const Value *V, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr)
bool isKnownNonNull (const Value *V, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr)
bool isValidAssumeForContext (const Instruction *I, const Instruction *CxtI, const DataLayout *DL=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr)
std::unique_ptr< ModuleparseAssemblyFile (StringRef Filename, SMDiagnostic &Error, LLVMContext &Context)
 Parse LLVM Assembly from a file.
std::unique_ptr< ModuleparseAssemblyString (StringRef AsmString, SMDiagnostic &Error, LLVMContext &Context)
 Parse LLVM Assembly from a string.
std::unique_ptr< ModuleparseAssembly (MemoryBufferRef F, SMDiagnostic &Err, LLVMContext &Context)
 Parse LLVM Assembly from a MemoryBuffer.
bool parseAssemblyInto (MemoryBufferRef F, Module &M, SMDiagnostic &Err)
ModulePasscreateBitcodeWriterPass (raw_ostream &Str)
 Create and return a pass that writes the module to the specified ostream. Note that this pass is designed for use with the legacy pass manager.
ErrorOr< Module * > getLazyBitcodeModule (std::unique_ptr< MemoryBuffer > &&Buffer, LLVMContext &Context)
ModulegetStreamedBitcodeModule (const std::string &name, DataStreamer *streamer, LLVMContext &Context, std::string *ErrMsg=nullptr)
std::string getBitcodeTargetTriple (MemoryBufferRef Buffer, LLVMContext &Context)
ErrorOr< Module * > parseBitcodeFile (MemoryBufferRef Buffer, LLVMContext &Context)
 Read the specified bitcode file, returning the module.
void WriteBitcodeToFile (const Module *M, raw_ostream &Out)
bool isBitcodeWrapper (const unsigned char *BufPtr, const unsigned char *BufEnd)
bool isRawBitcode (const unsigned char *BufPtr, const unsigned char *BufEnd)
bool isBitcode (const unsigned char *BufPtr, const unsigned char *BufEnd)
bool SkipBitcodeWrapperHeader (const unsigned char *&BufPtr, const unsigned char *&BufEnd, bool VerifyBufferSize)
const std::error_category & BitcodeErrorCategory ()
std::error_code make_error_code (BitcodeError E)
unsigned ComputeLinearIndex (Type *Ty, const unsigned *Indices, const unsigned *IndicesEnd, unsigned CurIndex=0)
unsigned ComputeLinearIndex (Type *Ty, ArrayRef< unsigned > Indices, unsigned CurIndex=0)
void ComputeValueVTs (const TargetLowering &TLI, Type *Ty, SmallVectorImpl< EVT > &ValueVTs, SmallVectorImpl< uint64_t > *Offsets=nullptr, uint64_t StartingOffset=0)
GlobalVariableExtractTypeInfo (Value *V)
 ExtractTypeInfo - Returns the type info, possibly bitcast, encoded in V.
bool hasInlineAsmMemConstraint (InlineAsm::ConstraintInfoVector &CInfos, const TargetLowering &TLI)
ISD::CondCode getFCmpCondCode (FCmpInst::Predicate Pred)
ISD::CondCode getFCmpCodeWithoutNaN (ISD::CondCode CC)
ISD::CondCode getICmpCondCode (ICmpInst::Predicate Pred)
bool isInTailCallPosition (ImmutableCallSite CS, const TargetMachine &TM)
bool returnTypeIsEligibleForTailCall (const Function *F, const Instruction *I, const ReturnInst *Ret, const TargetLoweringBase &TLI)
bool canBeOmittedFromSymbolTable (const GlobalValue *GV)
static float normalizeSpillWeight (float UseDefFreq, unsigned Size)
 Normalize the spill weight of a live interval.
void calculateSpillWeightsAndHints (LiveIntervals &LIS, MachineFunction &MF, const MachineLoopInfo &MLI, const MachineBlockFrequencyInfo &MBFI, VirtRegAuxInfo::NormalizingFn norm=normalizeSpillWeight)
 Compute spill weights and allocation hints for all virtual register live intervals.
void ComputeUsesVAFloatArgument (const CallInst &I, MachineModuleInfo *MMI)
void AddCatchInfo (const CallInst &I, MachineModuleInfo *MMI, MachineBasicBlock *MBB)
void AddLandingPadInfo (const LandingPadInst &I, MachineModuleInfo &MMI, MachineBasicBlock *MBB)
void linkOcamlGC ()
 Creates an ocaml-compatible garbage collector.
void linkOcamlGCPrinter ()
 Creates an ocaml-compatible metadata printer.
void linkErlangGC ()
 Creates an erlang-compatible garbage collector.
void linkErlangGCPrinter ()
 Creates an erlang-compatible metadata printer.
void linkShadowStackGC ()
ModulePasscreateJumpInstrTablesPass (JumpTable::JumpTableType JTT)
 Creates a JumpInstrTables pass for the given type of jump table.
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const LiveRange &LR)
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const LiveInterval &LI)
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const LiveRange::Segment &S)
bool operator< (SlotIndex V, const LiveRange::Segment &S)
bool operator< (const LiveRange::Segment &S, SlotIndex V)
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const LiveRangeUpdater &X)
bool overlap (const LiveInterval::Segment &VRSeg, const IntervalMap< SlotIndex, LiveInterval * >::const_iterator &LUSeg)
 Compare a live virtual register segment to a LiveIntervalUnion segment.
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const LivePhysRegs &LR)
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const MachineBasicBlock &MBB)
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const MachineConstantPoolValue &V)
 EXTERN_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION (class DomTreeNodeBase< MachineBasicBlock >)
 EXTERN_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION (class DominatorTreeBase< MachineBasicBlock >)
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const MachineInstr &MI)
MachineInstrBuilder BuildMI (MachineFunction &MF, DebugLoc DL, const MCInstrDesc &MCID)
MachineInstrBuilder BuildMI (MachineFunction &MF, DebugLoc DL, const MCInstrDesc &MCID, unsigned DestReg)
MachineInstrBuilder BuildMI (MachineBasicBlock &BB, MachineBasicBlock::iterator I, DebugLoc DL, const MCInstrDesc &MCID, unsigned DestReg)
MachineInstrBuilder BuildMI (MachineBasicBlock &BB, MachineBasicBlock::instr_iterator I, DebugLoc DL, const MCInstrDesc &MCID, unsigned DestReg)
MachineInstrBuilder BuildMI (MachineBasicBlock &BB, MachineInstr *I, DebugLoc DL, const MCInstrDesc &MCID, unsigned DestReg)
MachineInstrBuilder BuildMI (MachineBasicBlock &BB, MachineBasicBlock::iterator I, DebugLoc DL, const MCInstrDesc &MCID)
MachineInstrBuilder BuildMI (MachineBasicBlock &BB, MachineBasicBlock::instr_iterator I, DebugLoc DL, const MCInstrDesc &MCID)
MachineInstrBuilder BuildMI (MachineBasicBlock &BB, MachineInstr *I, DebugLoc DL, const MCInstrDesc &MCID)
MachineInstrBuilder BuildMI (MachineBasicBlock *BB, DebugLoc DL, const MCInstrDesc &MCID)
MachineInstrBuilder BuildMI (MachineBasicBlock *BB, DebugLoc DL, const MCInstrDesc &MCID, unsigned DestReg)
MachineInstrBuilder BuildMI (MachineFunction &MF, DebugLoc DL, const MCInstrDesc &MCID, bool IsIndirect, unsigned Reg, unsigned Offset, const MDNode *MD)
MachineInstrBuilder BuildMI (MachineBasicBlock &BB, MachineBasicBlock::iterator I, DebugLoc DL, const MCInstrDesc &MCID, bool IsIndirect, unsigned Reg, unsigned Offset, const MDNode *MD)
unsigned getDefRegState (bool B)
unsigned getImplRegState (bool B)
unsigned getKillRegState (bool B)
unsigned getDeadRegState (bool B)
unsigned getUndefRegState (bool B)
unsigned getInternalReadRegState (bool B)
unsigned getDebugRegState (bool B)
void finalizeBundle (MachineBasicBlock &MBB, MachineBasicBlock::instr_iterator FirstMI, MachineBasicBlock::instr_iterator LastMI)
MachineBasicBlock::instr_iterator finalizeBundle (MachineBasicBlock &MBB, MachineBasicBlock::instr_iterator FirstMI)
bool finalizeBundles (MachineFunction &MF)
MachineInstrgetBundleStart (MachineInstr *MI)
const MachineInstrgetBundleStart (const MachineInstr *MI)
MachineBasicBlock::instr_iterator getBundleEnd (MachineInstr *MI)
 Return an iterator pointing beyond the bundle containing MI.
MachineBasicBlock::const_instr_iterator getBundleEnd (const MachineInstr *MI)
 Return an iterator pointing beyond the bundle containing MI.
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const MachineMemOperand &MRO)
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const MachineOperand &MO)
hash_code hash_value (const MachineOperand &MO)
 RegionNodeGraphTraits (MachineRegionNode, MachineBasicBlock, MachineRegion)
 RegionGraphTraits (MachineRegion, MachineRegionNode)
 EXTERN_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION (class RegionBase< RegionTraits< MachineFunction >>)
 EXTERN_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION (class RegionNodeBase< RegionTraits< MachineFunction >>)
 EXTERN_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION (class RegionInfoBase< RegionTraits< MachineFunction >>)
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const MachineTraceMetrics::Trace &Tr)
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const MachineTraceMetrics::Ensemble &En)
FunctionPasscreateAtomicExpandPass (const TargetMachine *TM)
ImmutablePasscreateBasicTargetTransformInfoPass (const TargetMachine *TM)
 Create a basic TargetTransformInfo analysis pass.
FunctionPasscreateUnreachableBlockEliminationPass ()
MachineFunctionPasscreateMachineFunctionPrinterPass (raw_ostream &OS, const std::string &Banner="")
FunctionPasscreateCodeGenPreparePass (const TargetMachine *TM=nullptr)
FunctionPasscreateFastRegisterAllocator ()
FunctionPasscreateBasicRegisterAllocator ()
FunctionPasscreateGreedyRegisterAllocator ()
FunctionPasscreateDefaultPBQPRegisterAllocator ()
FunctionPasscreateGCLoweringPass ()
FunctionPasscreateGCInfoPrinter (raw_ostream &OS)
FunctionPasscreateStackProtectorPass (const TargetMachine *TM)
FunctionPasscreateMachineVerifierPass (const char *Banner=nullptr)
FunctionPasscreateDwarfEHPass (const TargetMachine *TM)
FunctionPasscreateSjLjEHPreparePass (const TargetMachine *TM)
FunctionPasscreateExecutionDependencyFixPass (const TargetRegisterClass *RC)
ModulePasscreateJumpInstrTablesPass ()
 createJumpInstrTables - This pass creates jump-instruction tables.
FunctionPasscreatePBQPRegisterAllocator (std::unique_ptr< PBQPBuilder > builder, char *customPassID=nullptr)
void dumpRegSetPressure (ArrayRef< unsigned > SetPressure, const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI)
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const ILPValue &Val)
ScheduleDAGSDNodescreateBURRListDAGScheduler (SelectionDAGISel *IS, CodeGenOpt::Level OptLevel)
ScheduleDAGSDNodescreateSourceListDAGScheduler (SelectionDAGISel *IS, CodeGenOpt::Level OptLevel)
ScheduleDAGSDNodescreateHybridListDAGScheduler (SelectionDAGISel *IS, CodeGenOpt::Level)
ScheduleDAGSDNodescreateILPListDAGScheduler (SelectionDAGISel *IS, CodeGenOpt::Level)
ScheduleDAGSDNodescreateFastDAGScheduler (SelectionDAGISel *IS, CodeGenOpt::Level OptLevel)
ScheduleDAGSDNodescreateVLIWDAGScheduler (SelectionDAGISel *IS, CodeGenOpt::Level OptLevel)
 createVLIWDAGScheduler - This creates a top-down list scheduler.
ScheduleDAGSDNodescreateDefaultScheduler (SelectionDAGISel *IS, CodeGenOpt::Level OptLevel)
ScheduleDAGSDNodescreateDAGLinearizer (SelectionDAGISel *IS, CodeGenOpt::Level OptLevel)
void checkForCycles (const SelectionDAG *DAG, bool force=false)
static bool isBinOpWithFlags (unsigned Opcode)
void checkForCycles (const SDNode *N, const SelectionDAG *DAG=nullptr, bool force=false)
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &os, SlotIndex li)
bool operator< (SlotIndex V, const IdxMBBPair &IM)
bool operator< (const IdxMBBPair &IM, SlotIndex V)
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const VirtRegMap &VRM)
GenericValue PTOGV (void *P)
void * GVTOP (const GenericValue &GV)
void initializeCore (PassRegistry &)
void initializeTransformUtils (PassRegistry &)
void initializeScalarOpts (PassRegistry &)
void initializeObjCARCOpts (PassRegistry &)
void initializeVectorization (PassRegistry &)
void initializeInstCombine (PassRegistry &)
void initializeIPO (PassRegistry &)
 initializeIPO - Initialize all passes linked into the IPO library.
void initializeInstrumentation (PassRegistry &)
void initializeAnalysis (PassRegistry &)
 initializeAnalysis - Initialize all passes linked into the Analysis library.
void initializeIPA (PassRegistry &)
 initializeIPA - Initialize all passes linked into the IPA library.
void initializeCodeGen (PassRegistry &)
 initializeCodeGen - Initialize all passes linked into the CodeGen library.
void initializeTarget (PassRegistry &)
 initializeCodeGen - Initialize all passes linked into the CodeGen library.
void initializeAAEvalPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeAddDiscriminatorsPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeADCEPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeAliasAnalysisAnalysisGroup (PassRegistry &)
void initializeAliasAnalysisCounterPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeAliasDebuggerPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeAliasSetPrinterPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeAlwaysInlinerPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeArgPromotionPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeAtomicExpandPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeSampleProfileLoaderPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeAlignmentFromAssumptionsPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeBarrierNoopPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeBasicAliasAnalysisPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeCallGraphWrapperPassPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeBasicTTIPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeBlockExtractorPassPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeBlockFrequencyInfoPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeBoundsCheckingPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeBranchFolderPassPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeBranchProbabilityInfoPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeBreakCriticalEdgesPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeCallGraphPrinterPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeCallGraphViewerPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeCFGOnlyPrinterPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeCFGOnlyViewerPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeCFGPrinterPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeCFGSimplifyPassPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeCFLAliasAnalysisPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeFlattenCFGPassPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeStructurizeCFGPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeCFGViewerPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeConstantHoistingPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeCodeGenPreparePass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeConstantMergePass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeConstantPropagationPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeMachineCopyPropagationPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeCostModelAnalysisPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeCorrelatedValuePropagationPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeDAEPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeDAHPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeDCEPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeDSEPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeDebugIRPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeDebugInfoVerifierLegacyPassPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeDeadInstEliminationPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeDeadMachineInstructionElimPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeDelinearizationPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeDependenceAnalysisPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeDomOnlyPrinterPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeDomOnlyViewerPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeDomPrinterPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeDomViewerPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeDominanceFrontierPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeDominatorTreeWrapperPassPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeEarlyIfConverterPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeEdgeBundlesPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeExpandPostRAPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeGCOVProfilerPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeAddressSanitizerPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeAddressSanitizerModulePass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeMemorySanitizerPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeThreadSanitizerPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeDataFlowSanitizerPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeScalarizerPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeEarlyCSEPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeExpandISelPseudosPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeFindUsedTypesPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeFunctionAttrsPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeGCMachineCodeAnalysisPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeGCModuleInfoPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeGVNPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeGlobalDCEPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeGlobalOptPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeGlobalsModRefPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeIPCPPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeIPSCCPPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeIVUsersPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeIfConverterPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeIndVarSimplifyPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeInlineCostAnalysisPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeInstCombinerPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeInstCountPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeInstNamerPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeInternalizePassPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeIntervalPartitionPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeJumpInstrTableInfoPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeJumpInstrTablesPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeJumpThreadingPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeLCSSAPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeLICMPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeLazyValueInfoPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeLibCallAliasAnalysisPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeLintPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeLiveDebugVariablesPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeLiveIntervalsPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeLiveRegMatrixPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeLiveStacksPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeLiveVariablesPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeLoaderPassPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeLocalStackSlotPassPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeLoopDeletionPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeLoopExtractorPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeLoopInfoPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeLoopInstSimplifyPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeLoopRotatePass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeLoopSimplifyPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeLoopStrengthReducePass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeGlobalMergePass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeLoopRerollPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeLoopUnrollPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeLoopUnswitchPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeLoopIdiomRecognizePass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeLowerAtomicPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeLowerExpectIntrinsicPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeLowerIntrinsicsPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeLowerInvokePass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeLowerSwitchPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeMachineBlockFrequencyInfoPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeMachineBlockPlacementPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeMachineBlockPlacementStatsPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeMachineBranchProbabilityInfoPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeMachineCSEPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeMachineDominatorTreePass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeMachineDominanceFrontierPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeMachinePostDominatorTreePass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeMachineLICMPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeMachineLoopInfoPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeMachineModuleInfoPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeMachineRegionInfoPassPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeMachineSchedulerPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeMachineSinkingPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeMachineTraceMetricsPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeMachineVerifierPassPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeMemCpyOptPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeMemDepPrinterPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeMemoryDependenceAnalysisPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeMergedLoadStoreMotionPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeMetaRenamerPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeMergeFunctionsPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeModuleDebugInfoPrinterPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeNoAAPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeObjCARCAliasAnalysisPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeObjCARCAPElimPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeObjCARCExpandPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeObjCARCContractPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeObjCARCOptPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeOptimizePHIsPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializePartiallyInlineLibCallsPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializePEIPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializePHIEliminationPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializePartialInlinerPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializePeepholeOptimizerPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializePostDomOnlyPrinterPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializePostDomOnlyViewerPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializePostDomPrinterPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializePostDomViewerPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializePostDominatorTreePass (PassRegistry &)
void initializePostRASchedulerPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializePostMachineSchedulerPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializePrintFunctionPassWrapperPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializePrintModulePassWrapperPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializePrintBasicBlockPassPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeProcessImplicitDefsPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializePromotePassPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializePruneEHPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeReassociatePass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeRegToMemPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeRegionInfoPassPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeRegionOnlyPrinterPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeRegionOnlyViewerPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeRegionPrinterPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeRegionViewerPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeSCCPPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeSROAPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeSROA_DTPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeSROA_SSAUpPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeScalarEvolutionAliasAnalysisPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeScalarEvolutionPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeSimpleInlinerPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeRegisterCoalescerPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeSingleLoopExtractorPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeSinkingPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeSeparateConstOffsetFromGEPPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeSlotIndexesPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeSpillPlacementPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeStackProtectorPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeStackColoringPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeStackSlotColoringPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeStripDeadDebugInfoPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeStripDeadPrototypesPassPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeStripDebugDeclarePass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeStripNonDebugSymbolsPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeStripSymbolsPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeTailCallElimPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeTailDuplicatePassPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeTargetPassConfigPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeDataLayoutPassPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeTargetTransformInfoAnalysisGroup (PassRegistry &)
void initializeFunctionTargetTransformInfoPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeNoTTIPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeTargetLibraryInfoPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeAssumptionTrackerPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeTwoAddressInstructionPassPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeTypeBasedAliasAnalysisPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeScopedNoAliasAAPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeUnifyFunctionExitNodesPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeUnreachableBlockElimPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeUnreachableMachineBlockElimPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeVerifierLegacyPassPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeVirtRegMapPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeVirtRegRewriterPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeInstSimplifierPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeUnpackMachineBundlesPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeFinalizeMachineBundlesPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeLoopVectorizePass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeSLPVectorizerPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeBBVectorizePass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeMachineFunctionPrinterPassPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeStackMapLivenessPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeMachineCombinerPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeLoadCombinePass (PassRegistry &)
bool UpgradeIntrinsicFunction (Function *F, Function *&NewFn)
void UpgradeIntrinsicCall (CallInst *CI, Function *NewFn)
void UpgradeCallsToIntrinsic (Function *F)
bool UpgradeGlobalVariable (GlobalVariable *GV)
void UpgradeInstWithTBAATag (Instruction *I)
InstructionUpgradeBitCastInst (unsigned Opc, Value *V, Type *DestTy, Instruction *&Temp)
ValueUpgradeBitCastExpr (unsigned Opc, Constant *C, Type *DestTy)
bool UpgradeDebugInfo (Module &M)
void UpgradeMDStringConstant (std::string &String)
 Upgrade a metadata string constant in place.
pred_iterator pred_begin (BasicBlock *BB)
const_pred_iterator pred_begin (const BasicBlock *BB)
pred_iterator pred_end (BasicBlock *BB)
const_pred_iterator pred_end (const BasicBlock *BB)
succ_iterator succ_begin (BasicBlock *BB)
succ_const_iterator succ_begin (const BasicBlock *BB)
succ_iterator succ_end (BasicBlock *BB)
succ_const_iterator succ_end (const BasicBlock *BB)
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const Comdat &C)
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const ConstantRange &CR)
DataLayoutunwrap (LLVMTargetDataRef P)
LLVMTargetDataRef wrap (const DataLayout *P)
DISubprogram getDISubprogram (const MDNode *Scope)
 getDISubprogram - Find subprogram that is enclosing this scope.
DICompositeType getDICompositeType (DIType T)
 getDICompositeType - Find underlying composite type.
NamedMDNodegetOrInsertFnSpecificMDNode (Module &M, DISubprogram SP)
NamedMDNodegetFnSpecificMDNode (const Module &M, DISubprogram SP)
DIVariable createInlinedVariable (MDNode *DV, MDNode *InlinedScope, LLVMContext &VMContext)
DIVariable cleanseInlinedVariable (MDNode *DV, LLVMContext &VMContext)
 cleanseInlinedVariable - Remove inlined scope from the variable.
DIVariable getEntireVariable (DIVariable DV)
 getEntireVariable - Remove OpPiece exprs from the variable.
DITypeIdentifierMap generateDITypeIdentifierMap (const NamedMDNode *CU_Nodes)
 Construct DITypeIdentifierMap by going through retained types of each CU.
bool StripDebugInfo (Module &M)
unsigned getDebugMetadataVersionFromModule (const Module &M)
 Return Debug Info Metadata Version by checking module flags.
DenseMap< const Function
*, DISubprogram
makeSubprogramMap (const Module &M)
int getNextAvailablePluginDiagnosticKind ()
 Get the next available kind ID for a plugin diagnostic. Each time this function is called, it returns a different number. Therefore, a plugin that wants to "identify" its own classes with a dynamic identifier, just have to use this method to get a new ID and assign it to each of its classes. The returned ID will be greater than or equal to DK_FirstPluginKind. Thus, the plugin identifiers will not conflict with the DiagnosticKind values.
void emitOptimizationRemark (LLVMContext &Ctx, const char *PassName, const Function &Fn, const DebugLoc &DLoc, const Twine &Msg)
void emitOptimizationRemarkMissed (LLVMContext &Ctx, const char *PassName, const Function &Fn, const DebugLoc &DLoc, const Twine &Msg)
void emitOptimizationRemarkAnalysis (LLVMContext &Ctx, const char *PassName, const Function &Fn, const DebugLoc &DLoc, const Twine &Msg)
void emitLoopVectorizeWarning (LLVMContext &Ctx, const Function &Fn, const DebugLoc &DLoc, const Twine &Msg)
void emitLoopInterleaveWarning (LLVMContext &Ctx, const Function &Fn, const DebugLoc &DLoc, const Twine &Msg)
 EXTERN_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION (class DomTreeNodeBase< BasicBlock >)
 EXTERN_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION (class DominatorTreeBase< BasicBlock >)
 EXTERN_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION (void Calculate< Function LLVM_COMMA BasicBlock * >(DominatorTreeBase< GraphTraits< BasicBlock * >::NodeType > &DT LLVM_COMMAFunction &F))
 EXTERN_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION (void Calculate< Function LLVM_COMMA Inverse< BasicBlock * > >(DominatorTreeBase< GraphTraits< Inverse< BasicBlock * > >::NodeType > &DTLLVM_COMMA Function &F))
gep_type_iterator gep_type_begin (const User *GEP)
gep_type_iterator gep_type_end (const User *GEP)
gep_type_iterator gep_type_begin (const User &GEP)
gep_type_iterator gep_type_end (const User &GEP)
template<typename T >
< const T * > 
gep_type_begin (Type *Op0, ArrayRef< T > A)
template<typename T >
< const T * > 
gep_type_end (Type *, ArrayRef< T > A)
inst_iterator inst_begin (Function *F)
inst_iterator inst_end (Function *F)
const_inst_iterator inst_begin (const Function *F)
const_inst_iterator inst_end (const Function *F)
inst_iterator inst_begin (Function &F)
inst_iterator inst_end (Function &F)
const_inst_iterator inst_begin (const Function &F)
const_inst_iterator inst_end (const Function &F)
bool isAtLeastAcquire (AtomicOrdering Ord)
bool isAtLeastRelease (AtomicOrdering Ord)
TypecheckGEPType (Type *Ty)
BinaryOperator HANDLE_BINARY_INST (22, AShr, BinaryOperator) HANDLE_MEMORY_INST(26
BinaryOperator AllocaInst HANDLE_MEMORY_INST (27, Load, LoadInst) HANDLE_CAST_INST(33
BinaryOperator AllocaInst TruncInst HANDLE_CAST_INST (34, ZExt, ZExtInst) HANDLE_CAST_INST(35
BinaryOperator AllocaInst
TruncInst SExtInst 
BinaryOperator AllocaInst
TruncInst SExtInst FPToSIInst 
BinaryOperator AllocaInst
TruncInst SExtInst FPToSIInst
BinaryOperator AllocaInst
TruncInst SExtInst FPToSIInst
SIToFPInst FPExtInst 
BinaryOperator AllocaInst
TruncInst SExtInst FPToSIInst
SIToFPInst FPExtInst
BinaryOperator AllocaInst
TruncInst SExtInst FPToSIInst
SIToFPInst FPExtInst
IntToPtrInst AddrSpaceCastInst 
BinaryOperator AllocaInst
TruncInst SExtInst FPToSIInst
SIToFPInst FPExtInst
IntToPtrInst AddrSpaceCastInst
BinaryOperator AllocaInst
TruncInst SExtInst FPToSIInst
SIToFPInst FPExtInst
IntToPtrInst AddrSpaceCastInst
FCmpInst CallInst 
BinaryOperator AllocaInst
TruncInst SExtInst FPToSIInst
SIToFPInst FPExtInst
IntToPtrInst AddrSpaceCastInst
FCmpInst CallInst Instruction 
BinaryOperator AllocaInst
TruncInst SExtInst FPToSIInst
SIToFPInst FPExtInst
IntToPtrInst AddrSpaceCastInst
FCmpInst CallInst Instruction
HANDLE_OTHER_INST (54, ExtractElement, ExtractElementInst) HANDLE_OTHER_INST(55
BinaryOperator AllocaInst
TruncInst SExtInst FPToSIInst
SIToFPInst FPExtInst
IntToPtrInst AddrSpaceCastInst
FCmpInst CallInst Instruction
VAArgInst InsertElementInst 
HANDLE_OTHER_INST (56, ShuffleVector, ShuffleVectorInst) HANDLE_OTHER_INST(57
BinaryOperator AllocaInst
TruncInst SExtInst FPToSIInst
SIToFPInst FPExtInst
IntToPtrInst AddrSpaceCastInst
FCmpInst CallInst Instruction
VAArgInst InsertElementInst
HANDLE_OTHER_INST (58, InsertValue, InsertValueInst) HANDLE_OTHER_INST(59
ModulePasscreatePrintModulePass (raw_ostream &OS, const std::string &Banner="")
 Create and return a pass that writes the module to the specified raw_ostream.
FunctionPasscreatePrintFunctionPass (raw_ostream &OS, const std::string &Banner="")
 Create and return a pass that prints functions to the specified raw_ostream as they are processed.
BasicBlockPasscreatePrintBasicBlockPass (raw_ostream &OS, const std::string &Banner="")
 Create and return a pass that writes the BB to the specified raw_ostream.
TimergetPassTimer (Pass *)
 If TimingInfo is enabled then start pass timer.
LLVMContextgetGlobalContext ()
LLVMContext ** unwrap (LLVMContextRef *Tys)
LLVMContextRefwrap (const LLVMContext **Tys)
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &O, const Module &M)
 An raw_ostream inserter for modules.
Moduleunwrap (LLVMModuleProviderRef MP)
template<typename FunctionPassT >
< FunctionPassT > 
createModuleToFunctionPassAdaptor (FunctionPassT Pass)
 A function to deduce a function pass type and wrap it in the templated adaptor.
static raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, Type &T)
Type ** unwrap (LLVMTypeRef *Tys)
LLVMTypeRefwrap (Type **Tys)
bool shouldPreserveBitcodeUseListOrder ()
 Whether to preserve use-list ordering.
bool shouldPreserveAssemblyUseListOrder ()
void setPreserveBitcodeUseListOrder (bool ShouldPreserve)
void setPreserveAssemblyUseListOrder (bool ShouldPreserve)
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const Value &V)
Value ** unwrap (LLVMValueRef *Vals)
template<typename T >
T ** unwrap (LLVMValueRef *Vals, unsigned Length)
LLVMValueRefwrap (const Value **Vals)
bool verifyFunction (const Function &F, raw_ostream *OS=nullptr)
 Check a function for errors, useful for use when debugging a pass.
bool verifyModule (const Module &M, raw_ostream *OS=nullptr)
 Check a module for errors.
FunctionPasscreateVerifierPass (bool FatalErrors=true)
 Create a verifier pass.
ModulePasscreateDebugInfoVerifierPass (bool FatalErrors=true)
 Create a debug-info verifier pass.
std::unique_ptr< ModulegetLazyIRFileModule (StringRef Filename, SMDiagnostic &Err, LLVMContext &Context)
std::unique_ptr< ModuleparseIR (MemoryBufferRef Buffer, SMDiagnostic &Err, LLVMContext &Context)
std::unique_ptr< ModuleparseIRFile (StringRef Filename, SMDiagnostic &Err, LLVMContext &Context)
bool operator!= (const MachineLocation &LHS, const MachineLocation &RHS)
MCObjectWritercreateELFObjectWriter (MCELFObjectTargetWriter *MOTW, raw_ostream &OS, bool IsLittleEndian)
 Construct a new ELF writer instance.
MCELFStreamercreateARMELFStreamer (MCContext &Context, MCAsmBackend &TAB, raw_ostream &OS, MCCodeEmitter *Emitter, bool RelaxAll, bool NoExecStack, bool IsThumb)
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const MCExpr &E)
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const MCOperand &MO)
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const MCInst &MI)
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const MCLabel &Label)
static StringRef MCLOHDirectiveName ()
static bool isValidMCLOHType (unsigned Kind)
static int MCLOHNameToId (StringRef Name)
static StringRef MCLOHIdToName (MCLOHType Kind)
static int MCLOHIdToNbArgs (MCLOHType Kind)
MCObjectWritercreateMachObjectWriter (MCMachObjectTargetWriter *MOTW, raw_ostream &OS, bool IsLittleEndian)
 Construct a new Mach-O writer instance.
MCAsmParsercreateMCAsmParser (SourceMgr &, MCContext &, MCStreamer &, const MCAsmInfo &)
 Create an MCAsmParser instance.
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const MCParsedAsmOperand &MO)
MCStreamercreateNullStreamer (MCContext &Ctx)
MCStreamercreateAsmStreamer (MCContext &Ctx, formatted_raw_ostream &OS, bool isVerboseAsm, bool useDwarfDirectory, MCInstPrinter *InstPrint, MCCodeEmitter *CE, MCAsmBackend *TAB, bool ShowInst)
MCStreamercreateMachOStreamer (MCContext &Ctx, MCAsmBackend &TAB, raw_ostream &OS, MCCodeEmitter *CE, bool RelaxAll=false, bool LabelSections=false)
MCStreamercreateELFStreamer (MCContext &Ctx, MCAsmBackend &TAB, raw_ostream &OS, MCCodeEmitter *CE, bool RelaxAll, bool NoExecStack)
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const MCSymbol &Sym)
bool operator== (const MCTargetOptions &LHS, const MCTargetOptions &RHS)
bool operator!= (const MCTargetOptions &LHS, const MCTargetOptions &RHS)
MCObjectWritercreateWinCOFFObjectWriter (MCWinCOFFObjectTargetWriter *MOTW, raw_ostream &OS)
 Construct a new Win COFF writer instance.
template<typename PassName >
PasscallDefaultCtor ()
template<typename PassName >
PasscallTargetMachineCtor (TargetMachine *TM)
const std::error_category & instrprof_category ()
std::error_code make_error_code (instrprof_error E)
template<typename T >
unsigned alignOf ()
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const BranchProbability &Prob)
template<typename T >
static size_t capacity_in_bytes (const T &x)
template<class X , class Y >
template<class X , class Y >
< Y >::value, typename
cast_retty< X, const Y >
::ret_type >::type 
cast (const Y &Val)
template<class X , class Y >
cast_retty< X, Y >::ret_type cast (Y &Val)
template<class X , class Y >
cast_retty< X, Y * >::ret_type cast (Y *Val)
template<class X , class Y >
cast_retty< X, Y * >::ret_type 
cast_or_null (Y *Val)
template<class X , class Y >
< !is_simple_type< Y >::value,
typename cast_retty< X, const
Y >::ret_type >::type 
dyn_cast (const Y &Val)
template<class X , class Y >
cast_retty< X, Y >::ret_type 
dyn_cast (Y &Val)
template<class X , class Y >
cast_retty< X, Y * >::ret_type 
dyn_cast (Y *Val)
template<class X , class Y >
cast_retty< X, Y * >::ret_type 
dyn_cast_or_null (Y *Val)
CodeModel::Model unwrap (LLVMCodeModel Model)
LLVMCodeModel wrap (CodeModel::Model Model)
DataStreamergetDataFileStreamer (const std::string &Filename, std::string *Err)
bool isCurrentDebugType (const char *Type)
void setCurrentDebugType (const char *Type)
raw_ostreamdbgs ()
 dbgs - Return a circular-buffered debug stream.
std::error_code make_error_code (errc E)
void install_fatal_error_handler (fatal_error_handler_t handler, void *user_data=nullptr)
void remove_fatal_error_handler ()
 Restores default error handling behaviour.
LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN void report_fatal_error (const char *reason, bool gen_crash_diag=true)
LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN void report_fatal_error (const std::string &reason, bool gen_crash_diag=true)
LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN void report_fatal_error (StringRef reason, bool gen_crash_diag=true)
LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN void report_fatal_error (const Twine &reason, bool gen_crash_diag=true)
LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN void llvm_unreachable_internal (const char *msg=nullptr, const char *file=nullptr, unsigned line=0)
template<class T , class V >
< std::is_constructible< T, V >
::value, typename
std::remove_reference< V >
::type >::type && 
moveIfMoveConstructible (V &Val)
template<class T , class E >
< std::is_error_code_enum< E >
< E >::value, bool >::type 
operator== (ErrorOr< T > &Err, E Code)
int DiffFilesWithTolerance (StringRef FileA, StringRef FileB, double AbsTol, double RelTol, std::string *Error=nullptr)
template<typename T >
format_object1< Tformat (const char *Fmt, const T &Val)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
format_object2< T1, T2 > format (const char *Fmt, const T1 &Val1, const T2 &Val2)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 >
format_object3< T1, T2, T3 > format (const char *Fmt, const T1 &Val1, const T2 &Val2, const T3 &Val3)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 >
format_object4< T1, T2, T3, T4 > format (const char *Fmt, const T1 &Val1, const T2 &Val2, const T3 &Val3, const T4 &Val4)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 >
format_object5< T1, T2, T3, T4,
T5 > 
format (const char *Fmt, const T1 &Val1, const T2 &Val2, const T3 &Val3, const T4 &Val4, const T5 &Val5)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 , typename T6 >
format_object6< T1, T2, T3, T4,
T5, T6 > 
format (const char *Fmt, const T1 &Val1, const T2 &Val2, const T3 &Val3, const T4 &Val4, const T5 &Val5, const T6 &Val6)
formatted_raw_ostreamfouts ()
formatted_raw_ostreamferrs ()
formatted_raw_ostreamfdbgs ()
template<class NodeT >
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &o, const DomTreeNodeBase< NodeT > *Node)
template<class NodeT >
void PrintDomTree (const DomTreeNodeBase< NodeT > *N, raw_ostream &o, unsigned Lev)
template<class FuncT , class N >
void Calculate (DominatorTreeBase< typename GraphTraits< N >::NodeType > &DT, FuncT &F)
template<class GraphT >
unsigned DFSPass (DominatorTreeBase< typename GraphT::NodeType > &DT, typename GraphT::NodeType *V, unsigned N)
template<class GraphT >
GraphT::NodeType * Eval (DominatorTreeBase< typename GraphT::NodeType > &DT, typename GraphT::NodeType *VIn, unsigned LastLinked)
template<class FuncT , class NodeT >
void Calculate (DominatorTreeBase< typename GraphTraits< NodeT >::NodeType > &DT, FuncT &F)
bool DisplayGraph (StringRef Filename, bool wait=true, GraphProgram::Name program=GraphProgram::DOT)
template<typename GraphType >
raw_ostreamWriteGraph (raw_ostream &O, const GraphType &G, bool ShortNames=false, const Twine &Title="")
std::string createGraphFilename (const Twine &Name, int &FD)
template<typename GraphType >
std::string WriteGraph (const GraphType &G, const Twine &Name, bool ShortNames=false, const Twine &Title="")
template<typename GraphType >
void ViewGraph (const GraphType &G, const Twine &Name, bool ShortNames=false, const Twine &Title="", GraphProgram::Name Program=GraphProgram::DOT)
void encodeSLEB128 (int64_t Value, raw_ostream &OS)
 Utility function to encode a SLEB128 value to an output stream.
void encodeULEB128 (uint64_t Value, raw_ostream &OS, unsigned Padding=0)
 Utility function to encode a ULEB128 value to an output stream.
unsigned encodeULEB128 (uint64_t Value, uint8_t *p, unsigned Padding=0)
uint64_t decodeULEB128 (const uint8_t *p, unsigned *n=nullptr)
 Utility function to decode a ULEB128 value.
int64_t decodeSLEB128 (const uint8_t *p, unsigned *n=nullptr)
 Utility function to decode a SLEB128 value.
unsigned getULEB128Size (uint64_t Value)
 Utility function to get the size of the ULEB128-encoded value.
unsigned getSLEB128Size (int64_t Value)
 Utility function to get the size of the SLEB128-encoded value.
template<class C >
void * object_creator ()
 object_creator - Helper method for ManagedStatic.
void llvm_shutdown ()
 llvm_shutdown - Deallocate and destroy all ManagedStatic variables.
template<typename T >
< std::numeric_limits< T >
&&!std::numeric_limits< T >
::is_signed, std::size_t >
countTrailingZeros (T Val, ZeroBehavior ZB=ZB_Width)
 Count number of 0's from the least significant bit to the most stopping at the first 1.
template<typename T >
< std::numeric_limits< T >
&&!std::numeric_limits< T >
::is_signed, std::size_t >
countLeadingZeros (T Val, ZeroBehavior ZB=ZB_Width)
 Count number of 0's from the most significant bit to the least stopping at the first 1.
template<typename T >
< std::numeric_limits< T >
&&!std::numeric_limits< T >
::is_signed, T >::type 
findFirstSet (T Val, ZeroBehavior ZB=ZB_Max)
 Get the index of the first set bit starting from the least significant bit.
template<typename T >
< std::numeric_limits< T >
&&!std::numeric_limits< T >
::is_signed, T >::type 
findLastSet (T Val, ZeroBehavior ZB=ZB_Max)
 Get the index of the last set bit starting from the least significant bit.
template<typename T >
T reverseBits (T Val)
 Reverse the bits in Val.
uint32_t Hi_32 (uint64_t Value)
 Hi_32 - This function returns the high 32 bits of a 64 bit value.
uint32_t Lo_32 (uint64_t Value)
 Lo_32 - This function returns the low 32 bits of a 64 bit value.
uint64_t Make_64 (uint32_t High, uint32_t Low)
template<unsigned N>
bool isInt (int64_t x)
 isInt - Checks if an integer fits into the given bit width.
bool isInt< 8 > (int64_t x)
bool isInt< 16 > (int64_t x)
bool isInt< 32 > (int64_t x)
template<unsigned N, unsigned S>
bool isShiftedInt (int64_t x)
template<unsigned N>
bool isUInt (uint64_t x)
 isUInt - Checks if an unsigned integer fits into the given bit width.
bool isUInt< 8 > (uint64_t x)
bool isUInt< 16 > (uint64_t x)
bool isUInt< 32 > (uint64_t x)
template<unsigned N, unsigned S>
bool isShiftedUInt (uint64_t x)
bool isUIntN (unsigned N, uint64_t x)
bool isIntN (unsigned N, int64_t x)
bool isMask_32 (uint32_t Value)
bool isMask_64 (uint64_t Value)
bool isShiftedMask_32 (uint32_t Value)
bool isShiftedMask_64 (uint64_t Value)
bool isPowerOf2_32 (uint32_t Value)
bool isPowerOf2_64 (uint64_t Value)
uint16_t ByteSwap_16 (uint16_t Value)
uint32_t ByteSwap_32 (uint32_t Value)
uint64_t ByteSwap_64 (uint64_t Value)
unsigned CountLeadingOnes_32 (uint32_t Value)
unsigned CountLeadingOnes_64 (uint64_t Value)
unsigned CountTrailingOnes_32 (uint32_t Value)
unsigned CountTrailingOnes_64 (uint64_t Value)
unsigned CountPopulation_32 (uint32_t Value)
unsigned CountPopulation_64 (uint64_t Value)
unsigned Log2_32 (uint32_t Value)
unsigned Log2_64 (uint64_t Value)
unsigned Log2_32_Ceil (uint32_t Value)
unsigned Log2_64_Ceil (uint64_t Value)
uint64_t GreatestCommonDivisor64 (uint64_t A, uint64_t B)
double BitsToDouble (uint64_t Bits)
float BitsToFloat (uint32_t Bits)
uint64_t DoubleToBits (double Double)
uint32_t FloatToBits (float Float)
int IsNAN (float f)
 Platform-independent wrappers for the C99 isnan() function.
int IsNAN (double d)
int IsInf (float f)
 Platform-independent wrappers for the C99 isinf() function.
int IsInf (double d)
uint64_t MinAlign (uint64_t A, uint64_t B)
uintptr_t alignAddr (void *Addr, size_t Alignment)
 Aligns Addr to Alignment bytes, rounding up.
size_t alignmentAdjustment (void *Ptr, size_t Alignment)
 Returns the necessary adjustment for aligning Ptr to Alignment bytes, rounding up.
uint64_t NextPowerOf2 (uint64_t A)
uint64_t PowerOf2Floor (uint64_t A)
uint64_t RoundUpToAlignment (uint64_t Value, uint64_t Align)
uint64_t OffsetToAlignment (uint64_t Value, uint64_t Align)
int64_t abs64 (int64_t x)
template<unsigned B>
int32_t SignExtend32 (uint32_t x)
int32_t SignExtend32 (uint32_t X, unsigned B)
 Sign extend number in the bottom B bits of X to a 32-bit int. Requires 0 < B <= 32.
template<unsigned B>
int64_t SignExtend64 (uint64_t x)
int64_t SignExtend64 (uint64_t X, unsigned B)
 Sign extend number in the bottom B bits of X to a 64-bit int. Requires 0 < B <= 64.
static cl::opt< PluginLoader,
false, cl::parser< std::string > > 
LoadOpt ("load", cl::ZeroOrMore, cl::value_desc("pluginfilename"), cl::desc("Load the specified plugin"))
void EnablePrettyStackTrace ()
raw_ostreamouts ()
raw_ostreamerrs ()
raw_ostreamnulls ()
 nulls() - This returns a reference to a raw_ostream which discards output.
void PrintRecyclerStats (size_t Size, size_t Align, size_t FreeListSize)
template<class DigitsT >
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const ScaledNumber< DigitsT > &X)
StreamableMemoryObjectgetNonStreamedMemoryObject (const unsigned char *Start, const unsigned char *End)
bool CheckBitcodeOutputToConsole (raw_ostream &stream_to_check, bool print_warning=true)
 Check for output written to a console.
MCRelocationInfocreateMCRelocationInfo (StringRef TT, MCContext &Ctx)
MCSymbolizercreateMCSymbolizer (StringRef TT, LLVMOpInfoCallback GetOpInfo, LLVMSymbolLookupCallback SymbolLookUp, void *DisInfo, MCContext *Ctx, MCRelocationInfo *RelInfo)
void InitializeAllTargetInfos ()
void InitializeAllTargets ()
void InitializeAllTargetMCs ()
void InitializeAllAsmPrinters ()
void InitializeAllAsmParsers ()
void InitializeAllDisassemblers ()
bool InitializeNativeTarget ()
bool InitializeNativeTargetAsmPrinter ()
bool InitializeNativeTargetAsmParser ()
bool InitializeNativeTargetDisassembler ()
bool llvm_is_multithreaded ()
void llvm_execute_on_thread (void(*UserFn)(void *), void *UserData, unsigned RequestedStackSize=0)
std::error_code mapWindowsError (unsigned EV)
void PrintWarning (ArrayRef< SMLoc > WarningLoc, const Twine &Msg)
void PrintWarning (const char *Loc, const Twine &Msg)
void PrintWarning (const Twine &Msg)
void PrintError (ArrayRef< SMLoc > ErrorLoc, const Twine &Msg)
void PrintError (const char *Loc, const Twine &Msg)
void PrintError (const Twine &Msg)
LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN void PrintFatalError (const Twine &Msg)
LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN void PrintFatalError (ArrayRef< SMLoc > ErrorLoc, const Twine &Msg)
int TableGenMain (char *argv0, TableGenMainFn *MainFn)
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const RecTy &Ty)
RecTyresolveTypes (RecTy *T1, RecTy *T2)
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const Init &I)
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const RecordVal &RV)
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const Record &R)
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const RecordKeeper &RK)
InitQualifyName (Record &CurRec, MultiClass *CurMultiClass, Init *Name, const std::string &Scoper)
InitQualifyName (Record &CurRec, MultiClass *CurMultiClass, const std::string &Name, const std::string &Scoper)
void emitSourceFileHeader (StringRef Desc, raw_ostream &OS)
template<class TypeTy , class CompareTy >
int CostTableLookup (const CostTblEntry< TypeTy > *Tbl, unsigned len, int ISD, CompareTy Ty)
 Find in cost table, TypeTy must be comparable to CompareTy by ==.
template<class TypeTy , class CompareTy , unsigned N>
int CostTableLookup (const CostTblEntry< TypeTy >(&Tbl)[N], int ISD, CompareTy Ty)
 Find in cost table, TypeTy must be comparable to CompareTy by ==.
template<class TypeTy , class CompareTy >
int ConvertCostTableLookup (const TypeConversionCostTblEntry< TypeTy > *Tbl, unsigned len, int ISD, CompareTy Dst, CompareTy Src)
template<class TypeTy , class CompareTy , unsigned N>
int ConvertCostTableLookup (const TypeConversionCostTblEntry< TypeTy >(&Tbl)[N], int ISD, CompareTy Dst, CompareTy Src)
void GetReturnInfo (Type *ReturnType, AttributeSet attr, SmallVectorImpl< ISD::OutputArg > &Outs, const TargetLowering &TLI)
bool operator== (const TargetOptions &LHS, const TargetOptions &RHS)
bool operator!= (const TargetOptions &LHS, const TargetOptions &RHS)
static raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const PrintReg &PR)
static raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const PrintRegUnit &PR)
static raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const PrintVRegOrUnit &PR)
ModulePasscreateGCOVProfilerPass (const GCOVOptions &Options=GCOVOptions::getDefault())
FunctionPasscreateAddressSanitizerFunctionPass ()
ModulePasscreateAddressSanitizerModulePass ()
FunctionPasscreateMemorySanitizerPass (int TrackOrigins=0)
FunctionPasscreateThreadSanitizerPass ()
ModulePasscreateDataFlowSanitizerPass (StringRef ABIListFile=StringRef(), void *(*getArgTLS)()=nullptr, void *(*getRetValTLS)()=nullptr)
FunctionPasscreateBoundsCheckingPass ()
ModulePasscreateDebugIRPass (bool HideDebugIntrinsics, bool HideDebugMetadata, StringRef Directory=StringRef(), StringRef Filename=StringRef())
ModulePasscreateDebugIRPass ()
ModulePasscreateStripSymbolsPass (bool OnlyDebugInfo=false)
ModulePasscreateStripNonDebugSymbolsPass ()
ModulePasscreateStripDebugDeclarePass ()
ModulePasscreateStripDeadDebugInfoPass ()
ModulePasscreateConstantMergePass ()
ModulePasscreateGlobalOptimizerPass ()
ModulePasscreateGlobalDCEPass ()
ModulePasscreateGVExtractionPass (std::vector< GlobalValue * > &GVs, bool deleteFn=false)
PasscreateFunctionInliningPass ()
PasscreateFunctionInliningPass (int Threshold)
PasscreateFunctionInliningPass (unsigned OptLevel, unsigned SizeOptLevel)
PasscreateAlwaysInlinerPass ()
PasscreateAlwaysInlinerPass (bool InsertLifetime)
PasscreatePruneEHPass ()
ModulePasscreateInternalizePass (ArrayRef< const char * > ExportList)
ModulePasscreateInternalizePass ()
 createInternalizePass - Same as above, but with an empty exportList.
ModulePasscreateDeadArgEliminationPass ()
ModulePasscreateDeadArgHackingPass ()
PasscreateArgumentPromotionPass (unsigned maxElements=3)
ModulePasscreateIPConstantPropagationPass ()
ModulePasscreateIPSCCPPass ()
PasscreateLoopExtractorPass ()
PasscreateSingleLoopExtractorPass ()
ModulePasscreateBlockExtractorPass ()
ModulePasscreateStripDeadPrototypesPass ()
PasscreateFunctionAttrsPass ()
ModulePasscreateMergeFunctionsPass ()
ModulePasscreatePartialInliningPass ()
ModulePasscreateMetaRenamerPass ()
ModulePasscreateBarrierNoopPass ()
PasscreateObjCARCAPElimPass ()
PasscreateObjCARCExpandPass ()
PasscreateObjCARCContractPass ()
PasscreateObjCARCOptPass ()
FunctionPasscreateConstantPropagationPass ()
FunctionPasscreateAlignmentFromAssumptionsPass ()
FunctionPasscreateSCCPPass ()
PasscreateDeadInstEliminationPass ()
FunctionPasscreateDeadCodeEliminationPass ()
FunctionPasscreateDeadStoreEliminationPass ()
FunctionPasscreateAggressiveDCEPass ()
FunctionPasscreateSROAPass (bool RequiresDomTree=true)
FunctionPasscreateScalarReplAggregatesPass (signed Threshold=-1, bool UseDomTree=true, signed StructMemberThreshold=-1, signed ArrayElementThreshold=-1, signed ScalarLoadThreshold=-1)
PasscreateIndVarSimplifyPass ()
FunctionPasscreateInstructionCombiningPass ()
PasscreateLICMPass ()
PasscreateLoopStrengthReducePass ()
PasscreateGlobalMergePass (const TargetMachine *TM=nullptr)
PasscreateLoopUnswitchPass (bool OptimizeForSize=false)
PasscreateLoopInstSimplifyPass ()
PasscreateLoopUnrollPass (int Threshold=-1, int Count=-1, int AllowPartial=-1, int Runtime=-1)
PasscreateSimpleLoopUnrollPass ()
PasscreateLoopRerollPass ()
PasscreateLoopRotatePass (int MaxHeaderSize=-1)
PasscreateLoopIdiomPass ()
FunctionPasscreatePromoteMemoryToRegisterPass ()
FunctionPasscreateDemoteRegisterToMemoryPass ()
FunctionPasscreateReassociatePass ()
FunctionPasscreateJumpThreadingPass ()
FunctionPasscreateCFGSimplificationPass ()
FunctionPasscreateFlattenCFGPass ()
PasscreateStructurizeCFGPass ()
 Create the pass.
FunctionPasscreateBreakCriticalEdgesPass ()
PasscreateLoopSimplifyPass ()
FunctionPasscreateTailCallEliminationPass ()
FunctionPasscreateLowerSwitchPass ()
FunctionPasscreateLowerInvokePass ()
PasscreateLCSSAPass ()
FunctionPasscreateEarlyCSEPass ()
FunctionPasscreateMergedLoadStoreMotionPass ()
 createMergedLoadStoreMotionPass - The public interface to this file.
FunctionPasscreateGVNPass (bool NoLoads=false)
FunctionPasscreateMemCpyOptPass ()
PasscreateLoopDeletionPass ()
FunctionPasscreateConstantHoistingPass ()
FunctionPasscreateInstructionNamerPass ()
FunctionPasscreateSinkingPass ()
PasscreateLowerAtomicPass ()
PasscreateCorrelatedValuePropagationPass ()
FunctionPasscreateInstructionSimplifierPass ()
FunctionPasscreateLowerExpectIntrinsicPass ()
FunctionPasscreatePartiallyInlineLibCallsPass ()
FunctionPasscreateSampleProfileLoaderPass ()
FunctionPasscreateSampleProfileLoaderPass (StringRef Name)
FunctionPasscreateScalarizerPass ()
FunctionPasscreateAddDiscriminatorsPass ()
FunctionPasscreateSeparateConstOffsetFromGEPPass ()
BasicBlockPasscreateLoadCombinePass ()
void ComputeASanStackFrameLayout (SmallVectorImpl< ASanStackVariableDescription > &Vars, size_t Granularity, size_t MinHeaderSize, ASanStackFrameLayout *Layout)
void DeleteDeadBlock (BasicBlock *BB)
void FoldSingleEntryPHINodes (BasicBlock *BB, Pass *P=nullptr)
bool DeleteDeadPHIs (BasicBlock *BB, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr)
bool MergeBlockIntoPredecessor (BasicBlock *BB, Pass *P=nullptr)
void ReplaceInstWithValue (BasicBlock::InstListType &BIL, BasicBlock::iterator &BI, Value *V)
void ReplaceInstWithInst (BasicBlock::InstListType &BIL, BasicBlock::iterator &BI, Instruction *I)
void ReplaceInstWithInst (Instruction *From, Instruction *To)
BasicBlockSplitCriticalEdge (TerminatorInst *TI, unsigned SuccNum, Pass *P=nullptr, bool MergeIdenticalEdges=false, bool DontDeleteUselessPHIs=false, bool SplitLandingPads=false)
BasicBlockSplitCriticalEdge (BasicBlock *BB, succ_iterator SI, Pass *P=nullptr)
bool SplitCriticalEdge (BasicBlock *Succ, pred_iterator PI, Pass *P=nullptr)
BasicBlockSplitCriticalEdge (BasicBlock *Src, BasicBlock *Dst, Pass *P=nullptr, bool MergeIdenticalEdges=false, bool DontDeleteUselessPHIs=false)
BasicBlockSplitEdge (BasicBlock *From, BasicBlock *To, Pass *P)
BasicBlockSplitBlock (BasicBlock *Old, Instruction *SplitPt, Pass *P)
BasicBlockSplitBlockPredecessors (BasicBlock *BB, ArrayRef< BasicBlock * > Preds, const char *Suffix, Pass *P=nullptr)
void SplitLandingPadPredecessors (BasicBlock *OrigBB, ArrayRef< BasicBlock * > Preds, const char *Suffix, const char *Suffix2, Pass *P, SmallVectorImpl< BasicBlock * > &NewBBs)
ReturnInstFoldReturnIntoUncondBranch (ReturnInst *RI, BasicBlock *BB, BasicBlock *Pred)
TerminatorInstSplitBlockAndInsertIfThen (Value *Cond, Instruction *SplitBefore, bool Unreachable, MDNode *BranchWeights=nullptr, DominatorTree *DT=nullptr)
void SplitBlockAndInsertIfThenElse (Value *Cond, Instruction *SplitBefore, TerminatorInst **ThenTerm, TerminatorInst **ElseTerm, MDNode *BranchWeights=nullptr)
ValueGetIfCondition (BasicBlock *BB, BasicBlock *&IfTrue, BasicBlock *&IfFalse)
ValueCastToCStr (Value *V, IRBuilder<> &B)
 CastToCStr - Return V if it is an i8*, otherwise cast it to i8*.
ValueEmitStrLen (Value *Ptr, IRBuilder<> &B, const DataLayout *TD, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI)
ValueEmitStrNLen (Value *Ptr, Value *MaxLen, IRBuilder<> &B, const DataLayout *TD, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI)
ValueEmitStrChr (Value *Ptr, char C, IRBuilder<> &B, const DataLayout *TD, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI)
ValueEmitStrNCmp (Value *Ptr1, Value *Ptr2, Value *Len, IRBuilder<> &B, const DataLayout *TD, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI)
 EmitStrNCmp - Emit a call to the strncmp function to the builder.
ValueEmitStrCpy (Value *Dst, Value *Src, IRBuilder<> &B, const DataLayout *TD, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI, StringRef Name="strcpy")
ValueEmitStrNCpy (Value *Dst, Value *Src, Value *Len, IRBuilder<> &B, const DataLayout *TD, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI, StringRef Name="strncpy")
ValueEmitMemCpyChk (Value *Dst, Value *Src, Value *Len, Value *ObjSize, IRBuilder<> &B, const DataLayout *TD, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI)
ValueEmitMemChr (Value *Ptr, Value *Val, Value *Len, IRBuilder<> &B, const DataLayout *TD, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI)
ValueEmitMemCmp (Value *Ptr1, Value *Ptr2, Value *Len, IRBuilder<> &B, const DataLayout *TD, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI)
 EmitMemCmp - Emit a call to the memcmp function.
ValueEmitUnaryFloatFnCall (Value *Op, StringRef Name, IRBuilder<> &B, const AttributeSet &Attrs)
ValueEmitBinaryFloatFnCall (Value *Op1, Value *Op2, StringRef Name, IRBuilder<> &B, const AttributeSet &Attrs)
ValueEmitPutChar (Value *Char, IRBuilder<> &B, const DataLayout *TD, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI)
ValueEmitPutS (Value *Str, IRBuilder<> &B, const DataLayout *TD, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI)
ValueEmitFPutC (Value *Char, Value *File, IRBuilder<> &B, const DataLayout *TD, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI)
ValueEmitFPutS (Value *Str, Value *File, IRBuilder<> &B, const DataLayout *TD, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI)
ValueEmitFWrite (Value *Ptr, Value *Size, Value *File, IRBuilder<> &B, const DataLayout *TD, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI)
bool bypassSlowDivision (Function &F, Function::iterator &I, const DenseMap< unsigned int, unsigned int > &BypassWidth)
ModuleCloneModule (const Module *M)
ModuleCloneModule (const Module *M, ValueToValueMapTy &VMap)
BasicBlockCloneBasicBlock (const BasicBlock *BB, ValueToValueMapTy &VMap, const Twine &NameSuffix="", Function *F=nullptr, ClonedCodeInfo *CodeInfo=nullptr)
FunctionCloneFunction (const Function *F, ValueToValueMapTy &VMap, bool ModuleLevelChanges, ClonedCodeInfo *CodeInfo=nullptr)
void CloneFunctionInto (Function *NewFunc, const Function *OldFunc, ValueToValueMapTy &VMap, bool ModuleLevelChanges, SmallVectorImpl< ReturnInst * > &Returns, const char *NameSuffix="", ClonedCodeInfo *CodeInfo=nullptr, ValueMapTypeRemapper *TypeMapper=nullptr, ValueMaterializer *Materializer=nullptr)
void CloneAndPruneFunctionInto (Function *NewFunc, const Function *OldFunc, ValueToValueMapTy &VMap, bool ModuleLevelChanges, SmallVectorImpl< ReturnInst * > &Returns, const char *NameSuffix="", ClonedCodeInfo *CodeInfo=nullptr, const DataLayout *DL=nullptr, Instruction *TheCall=nullptr)
bool InlineFunction (CallInst *C, InlineFunctionInfo &IFI, bool InsertLifetime=true)
bool InlineFunction (InvokeInst *II, InlineFunctionInfo &IFI, bool InsertLifetime=true)
bool InlineFunction (CallSite CS, InlineFunctionInfo &IFI, bool InsertLifetime=true)
unsigned getICmpCode (const ICmpInst *ICI, bool InvertPred=false)
ValuegetICmpValue (bool Sign, unsigned Code, Value *LHS, Value *RHS, CmpInst::Predicate &NewICmpPred)
bool PredicatesFoldable (CmpInst::Predicate p1, CmpInst::Predicate p2)
bool optimizeGlobalCtorsList (Module &M, function_ref< bool(Function *)> ShouldRemove)
bool isSafeToDestroyConstant (const Constant *C)
bool expandRemainder (BinaryOperator *Rem)
 Replace Rem with generated code.
bool expandDivision (BinaryOperator *Div)
 Replace Div with generated code.
bool expandRemainderUpTo32Bits (BinaryOperator *Rem)
 Replace Rem with generated code.
bool expandRemainderUpTo64Bits (BinaryOperator *Rem)
 Replace Rem with generated code.
bool expandDivisionUpTo32Bits (BinaryOperator *Div)
 Replace Rem with generated code.
bool expandDivisionUpTo64Bits (BinaryOperator *Div)
 Replace Rem with generated code.
bool ConstantFoldTerminator (BasicBlock *BB, bool DeleteDeadConditions=false, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr)
bool isInstructionTriviallyDead (Instruction *I, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr)
bool RecursivelyDeleteTriviallyDeadInstructions (Value *V, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr)
bool RecursivelyDeleteDeadPHINode (PHINode *PN, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr)
bool SimplifyInstructionsInBlock (BasicBlock *BB, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr)
void RemovePredecessorAndSimplify (BasicBlock *BB, BasicBlock *Pred, DataLayout *TD=nullptr)
void MergeBasicBlockIntoOnlyPred (BasicBlock *BB, Pass *P=nullptr)
bool TryToSimplifyUncondBranchFromEmptyBlock (BasicBlock *BB)
bool EliminateDuplicatePHINodes (BasicBlock *BB)
bool SimplifyCFG (BasicBlock *BB, const TargetTransformInfo &TTI, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr)
bool FlattenCFG (BasicBlock *BB, AliasAnalysis *AA=nullptr)
bool FoldBranchToCommonDest (BranchInst *BI, const DataLayout *DL=nullptr)
AllocaInstDemoteRegToStack (Instruction &X, bool VolatileLoads=false, Instruction *AllocaPoint=nullptr)
AllocaInstDemotePHIToStack (PHINode *P, Instruction *AllocaPoint=nullptr)
unsigned getOrEnforceKnownAlignment (Value *V, unsigned PrefAlign, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr, const Instruction *CxtI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr)
static unsigned getKnownAlignment (Value *V, const DataLayout *TD=nullptr, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr, const Instruction *CxtI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr)
 getKnownAlignment - Try to infer an alignment for the specified pointer.
template<typename IRBuilderTy >
ValueEmitGEPOffset (IRBuilderTy *Builder, const DataLayout &TD, User *GEP, bool NoAssumptions=false)
bool ConvertDebugDeclareToDebugValue (DbgDeclareInst *DDI, StoreInst *SI, DIBuilder &Builder)
bool ConvertDebugDeclareToDebugValue (DbgDeclareInst *DDI, LoadInst *LI, DIBuilder &Builder)
bool LowerDbgDeclare (Function &F)
DbgDeclareInstFindAllocaDbgDeclare (Value *V)
bool replaceDbgDeclareForAlloca (AllocaInst *AI, Value *NewAllocaAddress, DIBuilder &Builder)
bool removeUnreachableBlocks (Function &F)
 Remove all blocks that can not be reached from the function's entry.
void combineMetadata (Instruction *K, const Instruction *J, ArrayRef< unsigned > KnownIDs)
 Combine the metadata of two instructions so that K can replace J.
BasicBlockInsertPreheaderForLoop (Loop *L, Pass *P)
bool simplifyLoop (Loop *L, DominatorTree *DT, LoopInfo *LI, Pass *PP, AliasAnalysis *AA=nullptr, ScalarEvolution *SE=nullptr, const DataLayout *DL=nullptr, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr)
 Simplify each loop in a loop nest recursively.
bool formLCSSA (Loop &L, DominatorTree &DT, ScalarEvolution *SE=nullptr)
 Put loop into LCSSA form.
bool formLCSSARecursively (Loop &L, DominatorTree &DT, ScalarEvolution *SE=nullptr)
 Put a loop nest into LCSSA form.
void appendToGlobalCtors (Module &M, Function *F, int Priority)
void appendToGlobalDtors (Module &M, Function *F, int Priority)
 Same as appendToGlobalCtors(), but for global dtors.
GlobalVariablecollectUsedGlobalVariables (Module &M, SmallPtrSetImpl< GlobalValue * > &Set, bool CompilerUsed)
 Given "llvm.used" or "llvm.compiler.used" as a global name, collect the initializer elements of that global in Set and return the global itself.
bool isAllocaPromotable (const AllocaInst *AI)
 Return true if this alloca is legal for promotion.
void PromoteMemToReg (ArrayRef< AllocaInst * > Allocas, DominatorTree &DT, AliasSetTracker *AST=nullptr, AssumptionTracker *AT=nullptr)
 Promote the specified list of alloca instructions into scalar registers, inserting PHI nodes as appropriate.
bool simplifyUsersOfIV (PHINode *CurrIV, ScalarEvolution *SE, LPPassManager *LPM, SmallVectorImpl< WeakVH > &Dead, IVVisitor *V=nullptr)
bool simplifyLoopIVs (Loop *L, ScalarEvolution *SE, LPPassManager *LPM, SmallVectorImpl< WeakVH > &Dead)
PasscreateUnifyFunctionExitNodesPass ()
bool UnrollLoop (Loop *L, unsigned Count, unsigned TripCount, bool AllowRuntime, unsigned TripMultiple, LoopInfo *LI, Pass *PP, LPPassManager *LPM, AssumptionTracker *AT)
bool UnrollRuntimeLoopProlog (Loop *L, unsigned Count, LoopInfo *LI, LPPassManager *LPM)
static RemapFlags operator| (RemapFlags LHS, RemapFlags RHS)
ValueMapValue (const Value *V, ValueToValueMapTy &VM, RemapFlags Flags=RF_None, ValueMapTypeRemapper *TypeMapper=nullptr, ValueMaterializer *Materializer=nullptr)
void RemapInstruction (Instruction *I, ValueToValueMapTy &VM, RemapFlags Flags=RF_None, ValueMapTypeRemapper *TypeMapper=nullptr, ValueMaterializer *Materializer=nullptr)
MDNodeMapValue (const MDNode *V, ValueToValueMapTy &VM, RemapFlags Flags=RF_None, ValueMapTypeRemapper *TypeMapper=nullptr, ValueMaterializer *Materializer=nullptr)
ConstantMapValue (const Constant *V, ValueToValueMapTy &VM, RemapFlags Flags=RF_None, ValueMapTypeRemapper *TypeMapper=nullptr, ValueMaterializer *Materializer=nullptr)
static bool isTriviallyVectorizable (Intrinsic::ID ID)
 Identify if the intrinsic is trivially vectorizable.
static bool hasVectorInstrinsicScalarOpd (Intrinsic::ID ID, unsigned ScalarOpdIdx)
static Intrinsic::ID checkUnaryFloatSignature (const CallInst &I, Intrinsic::ID ValidIntrinsicID)
static Intrinsic::ID checkBinaryFloatSignature (const CallInst &I, Intrinsic::ID ValidIntrinsicID)
static Intrinsic::ID getIntrinsicIDForCall (CallInst *CI, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI)
BasicBlockPasscreateBBVectorizePass (const VectorizeConfig &C=VectorizeConfig())
PasscreateLoopVectorizePass (bool NoUnrolling=false, bool AlwaysVectorize=true)
PasscreateSLPVectorizerPass ()
bool vectorizeBasicBlock (Pass *P, BasicBlock &BB, const VectorizeConfig &C=VectorizeConfig())
 Vectorize the BasicBlock.
FunctionPasscreateFunctionTargetTransformInfoPass ()
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const LVILatticeVal &Val) LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_USED
static unsigned isDescribedByReg (const MachineInstr &MI)
static void dropRegDescribedVar (RegDescribedVarsMap &RegVars, unsigned RegNo, const MDNode *Var)
static void addRegDescribedVar (RegDescribedVarsMap &RegVars, unsigned RegNo, const MDNode *Var)
static void clobberRegisterUses (RegDescribedVarsMap &RegVars, unsigned RegNo, DbgValueHistoryMap &HistMap, const MachineInstr &ClobberingInstr)
template<typename Callable >
static void applyToClobberedRegisters (const MachineInstr &MI, const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI, Callable Func)
static const MachineInstrgetFirstEpilogueInst (const MachineBasicBlock &MBB)
static void collectChangingRegs (const MachineFunction *MF, const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI, std::set< unsigned > &Regs)
void calculateDbgValueHistory (const MachineFunction *MF, const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI, DbgValueHistoryMap &Result)
bool operator== (const DebugLocEntry::Value &A, const DebugLocEntry::Value &B)
 Compare two Values for equality.
bool operator< (const DebugLocEntry::Value &A, const DebugLocEntry::Value &B)
 Compare two pieces based on their offset.
static void EmitLabelDiff (MCStreamer &Streamer, const MCSymbol *From, const MCSymbol *To)
raw_ostreamWriteGraph (raw_ostream &O, const EdgeBundles &G, bool ShortNames, const Twine &Title)
SpillercreateInlineSpiller (MachineFunctionPass &pass, MachineFunction &mf, VirtRegMap &vrm)
 TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION (class DomTreeNodeBase< MachineBasicBlock >)
 TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION (class DominatorTreeBase< MachineBasicBlock >)
FunctionPasscreateMachineRegionInfoPass ()
cl::opt< boolForceTopDown ("misched-topdown", cl::Hidden, cl::desc("Force top-down list scheduling"))
cl::opt< boolForceBottomUp ("misched-bottomup", cl::Hidden, cl::desc("Force bottom-up list scheduling"))
MachineBasicBlock::iterator findPHICopyInsertPoint (MachineBasicBlock *MBB, MachineBasicBlock *SuccMBB, unsigned SrcReg)
SpillercreateSpiller (MachineFunctionPass &pass, MachineFunction &mf, VirtRegMap &vrm)
 Create and return a spiller object, as specified on the command line.
void __register_frame (void *p)
void __deregister_frame (void *p)
static int jit_noop ()
static void dumpSectionMemory (const SectionEntry &S, StringRef State)
static std::error_code getOffset (const SymbolRef &Sym, uint64_t &Result)
static uint64_t computeAllocationSizeForSections (std::vector< uint64_t > &SectionSizes, uint64_t Alignment)
static std::unique_ptr
< RuntimeDyldELF
createRuntimeDyldELF (RTDyldMemoryManager *MM, bool ProcessAllSections, RuntimeDyldCheckerImpl *Checker)
static std::unique_ptr
< RuntimeDyldMachO
createRuntimeDyldMachO (Triple::ArchType Arch, RTDyldMemoryManager *MM, bool ProcessAllSections, RuntimeDyldCheckerImpl *Checker)
static uint16_t applyPPClo (uint64_t value)
static uint16_t applyPPChi (uint64_t value)
static uint16_t applyPPCha (uint64_t value)
static uint16_t applyPPChigher (uint64_t value)
static uint16_t applyPPChighera (uint64_t value)
static uint16_t applyPPChighest (uint64_t value)
static uint16_t applyPPChighesta (uint64_t value)
static int64_t computeDelta (SectionEntry *A, SectionEntry *B)
SlotTrackercreateSlotTracker (const Module *M)
 Create a new SlotTracker for a Module.
static SlotTrackercreateSlotTracker (const Value *V)
static void WriteAsOperandInternal (raw_ostream &Out, const Value *V, TypePrinting *TypePrinter, SlotTracker *Machine, const Module *Context)
static const char * getPredicateText (unsigned predicate)
static void writeAtomicRMWOperation (raw_ostream &Out, AtomicRMWInst::BinOp Op)
static void WriteOptimizationInfo (raw_ostream &Out, const User *U)
static void WriteConstantInternal (raw_ostream &Out, const Constant *CV, TypePrinting &TypePrinter, SlotTracker *Machine, const Module *Context)
static void WriteMDNodeBodyInternal (raw_ostream &Out, const MDNode *Node, TypePrinting *TypePrinter, SlotTracker *Machine, const Module *Context)
static void PrintLinkage (GlobalValue::LinkageTypes LT, formatted_raw_ostream &Out)
static void PrintVisibility (GlobalValue::VisibilityTypes Vis, formatted_raw_ostream &Out)
static void PrintDLLStorageClass (GlobalValue::DLLStorageClassTypes SCT, formatted_raw_ostream &Out)
static void PrintThreadLocalModel (GlobalVariable::ThreadLocalMode TLM, formatted_raw_ostream &Out)
static void WriteMDNodeComment (const MDNode *Node, formatted_raw_ostream &Out)
ConstantConstantFoldCastInstruction (unsigned opcode, Constant *V, Type *DestTy)
ConstantConstantFoldSelectInstruction (Constant *Cond, Constant *V1, Constant *V2)
ConstantConstantFoldExtractElementInstruction (Constant *Val, Constant *Idx)
ConstantConstantFoldInsertElementInstruction (Constant *Val, Constant *Elt, Constant *Idx)
ConstantConstantFoldShuffleVectorInstruction (Constant *V1, Constant *V2, Constant *Mask)
ConstantConstantFoldExtractValueInstruction (Constant *Agg, ArrayRef< unsigned > Idxs)
ConstantConstantFoldBinaryInstruction (unsigned Opcode, Constant *V1, Constant *V2)
ConstantConstantFoldCompareInstruction (unsigned short predicate, Constant *C1, Constant *C2)
ConstantConstantFoldGetElementPtr (Constant *C, bool inBounds, ArrayRef< Constant * > Idxs)
ConstantConstantFoldGetElementPtr (Constant *C, bool inBounds, ArrayRef< Value * > Idxs)
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const MCFixup &AF)
MCAsmParserExtensioncreateDarwinAsmParser ()
MCAsmParserExtensioncreateELFAsmParser ()
MCAsmParserExtensioncreateCOFFAsmParser ()
static uint8_t CountOfUnwindCodes (std::vector< WinEH::Instruction > &Insns)
static void EmitAbsDifference (MCStreamer &Streamer, const MCSymbol *LHS, const MCSymbol *RHS)
static void EmitUnwindCode (MCStreamer &streamer, const MCSymbol *begin, WinEH::Instruction &inst)
static void EmitSymbolRefWithOfs (MCStreamer &streamer, const MCSymbol *Base, const MCSymbol *Other)
static void EmitRuntimeFunction (MCStreamer &streamer, const WinEH::FrameInfo *info)
static void EmitUnwindInfo (MCStreamer &streamer, WinEH::FrameInfo *info)
bool ConvertUTF8toWide (unsigned WideCharWidth, llvm::StringRef Source, char *&ResultPtr, const UTF8 *&ErrorPtr)
bool ConvertCodePointToUTF8 (unsigned Source, char *&ResultPtr)
bool hasUTF16ByteOrderMark (ArrayRef< char > S)
bool convertUTF16ToUTF8String (ArrayRef< char > SrcBytes, std::string &Out)
void * SearchForAddressOfSpecialSymbol (const char *symbolName)
raw_ostreamCreateInfoOutputFile ()
template<class T >
SmallVectorImpl< T >::const_pointer c_str (SmallVectorImpl< T > &str)
static void PrintMessage (ArrayRef< SMLoc > Loc, SourceMgr::DiagKind Kind, const Twine &Msg)
FunctionPasscreateAArch64DeadRegisterDefinitions ()
FunctionPasscreateAArch64ConditionalCompares ()
FunctionPasscreateAArch64AdvSIMDScalar ()
FunctionPasscreateAArch64BranchRelaxation ()
FunctionPasscreateAArch64ISelDag (AArch64TargetMachine &TM, CodeGenOpt::Level OptLevel)
FunctionPasscreateAArch64StorePairSuppressPass ()
FunctionPasscreateAArch64ExpandPseudoPass ()
 Returns an instance of the pseudo instruction expansion pass.
FunctionPasscreateAArch64LoadStoreOptimizationPass ()
ModulePasscreateAArch64PromoteConstantPass ()
FunctionPasscreateAArch64ConditionOptimizerPass ()
FunctionPasscreateAArch64AddressTypePromotionPass ()
FunctionPasscreateAArch64A57FPLoadBalancing ()
FunctionPasscreateAArch64A57PBQPRegAlloc ()
ImmutablePasscreateAArch64TargetTransformInfoPass (const AArch64TargetMachine *TM)
 Creates an ARM-specific Target Transformation Info pass.
FunctionPasscreateAArch64CleanupLocalDynamicTLSPass ()
FunctionPasscreateAArch64CollectLOHPass ()
void initializeAArch64AddressTypePromotionPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeAArch64CollectLOHPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeAArch64ConditionalComparesPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeAArch64ConditionOptimizerPass (PassRegistry &)
void emitFrameOffset (MachineBasicBlock &MBB, MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI, DebugLoc DL, unsigned DestReg, unsigned SrcReg, int Offset, const TargetInstrInfo *TII, MachineInstr::MIFlag=MachineInstr::NoFlags, bool SetNZCV=false)
bool rewriteAArch64FrameIndex (MachineInstr &MI, unsigned FrameRegIdx, unsigned FrameReg, int &Offset, const AArch64InstrInfo *TII)
int isAArch64FrameOffsetLegal (const MachineInstr &MI, int &Offset, bool *OutUseUnscaledOp=nullptr, unsigned *OutUnscaledOp=nullptr, int *EmittableOffset=nullptr)
 Check if the Offset is a valid frame offset for MI. The returned value reports the validity of the frame offset for MI. It uses the values defined by AArch64FrameOffsetStatus for that. If result == AArch64FrameOffsetCannotUpdate, MI cannot be updated to use an offset.eq If result & AArch64FrameOffsetIsLegal, Offset can completely be rewriten in MI. If result & AArch64FrameOffsetCanUpdate, Offset contains the amount that is off the limit of the legal offset. If set, OutUseUnscaledOp will contain the whether MI should be turned into an unscaled operator, which opcode is in OutUnscaledOp. If set, EmittableOffset contains the amount that can be set in MI (possibly with OutUnscaledOp if OutUseUnscaledOp is true) and that is a legal offset.
static bool isUncondBranchOpcode (int Opc)
static bool isCondBranchOpcode (int Opc)
static bool isIndirectBranchOpcode (int Opc)
void initializeAArch64PromoteConstantPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeAArch64TTIPass (PassRegistry &)
MCELFStreamercreateAArch64ELFStreamer (MCContext &Context, MCAsmBackend &TAB, raw_ostream &OS, MCCodeEmitter *Emitter, bool RelaxAll, bool NoExecStack)
MCCodeEmittercreateAArch64MCCodeEmitter (const MCInstrInfo &MCII, const MCRegisterInfo &MRI, const MCSubtargetInfo &STI, MCContext &Ctx)
MCAsmBackendcreateAArch64leAsmBackend (const Target &T, const MCRegisterInfo &MRI, StringRef TT, StringRef CPU)
MCAsmBackendcreateAArch64beAsmBackend (const Target &T, const MCRegisterInfo &MRI, StringRef TT, StringRef CPU)
MCObjectWritercreateAArch64ELFObjectWriter (raw_ostream &OS, uint8_t OSABI, bool IsLittleEndian)
MCObjectWritercreateAArch64MachObjectWriter (raw_ostream &OS, uint32_t CPUType, uint32_t CPUSubtype)
static unsigned getWRegFromXReg (unsigned Reg)
static unsigned getXRegFromWReg (unsigned Reg)
static unsigned getBRegFromDReg (unsigned Reg)
static unsigned getDRegFromBReg (unsigned Reg)
static const char * AArch64VectorLayoutToString (AArch64Layout::VectorLayout Layout)
static AArch64Layout::VectorLayout AArch64StringToVectorLayout (StringRef LayoutStr)
FunctionPasscreateARMISelDag (ARMBaseTargetMachine &TM, CodeGenOpt::Level OptLevel)
FunctionPasscreateA15SDOptimizerPass ()
FunctionPasscreateARMLoadStoreOptimizationPass (bool PreAlloc=false)
FunctionPasscreateARMExpandPseudoPass ()
FunctionPasscreateARMGlobalBaseRegPass ()
FunctionPasscreateARMGlobalMergePass (const TargetLowering *tli)
FunctionPasscreateARMConstantIslandPass ()
FunctionPasscreateMLxExpansionPass ()
FunctionPasscreateThumb2ITBlockPass ()
FunctionPasscreateARMOptimizeBarriersPass ()
FunctionPasscreateThumb2SizeReductionPass ()
ImmutablePasscreateARMTargetTransformInfoPass (const ARMBaseTargetMachine *TM)
 Creates an ARM-specific Target Transformation Info pass.
void LowerARMMachineInstrToMCInst (const MachineInstr *MI, MCInst &OutMI, ARMAsmPrinter &AP)
bool IsCPSRDead< MachineInstr > (MachineInstr *MI)
static const MachineInstrBuilderAddDefaultPred (const MachineInstrBuilder &MIB)
static const MachineInstrBuilderAddDefaultCC (const MachineInstrBuilder &MIB)
static const MachineInstrBuilderAddDefaultT1CC (const MachineInstrBuilder &MIB, bool isDead=false)
static const MachineInstrBuilderAddNoT1CC (const MachineInstrBuilder &MIB)
static bool isJumpTableBranchOpcode (int Opc)
static bool isPopOpcode (int Opc)
static bool isPushOpcode (int Opc)
ARMCC::CondCodes getInstrPredicate (const MachineInstr *MI, unsigned &PredReg)
int getMatchingCondBranchOpcode (int Opc)
unsigned canFoldARMInstrIntoMOVCC (unsigned Reg, MachineInstr *&MI, const MachineRegisterInfo &MRI)
unsigned convertAddSubFlagsOpcode (unsigned OldOpc)
void emitARMRegPlusImmediate (MachineBasicBlock &MBB, MachineBasicBlock::iterator &MBBI, DebugLoc dl, unsigned DestReg, unsigned BaseReg, int NumBytes, ARMCC::CondCodes Pred, unsigned PredReg, const ARMBaseInstrInfo &TII, unsigned MIFlags=0)
void emitT2RegPlusImmediate (MachineBasicBlock &MBB, MachineBasicBlock::iterator &MBBI, DebugLoc dl, unsigned DestReg, unsigned BaseReg, int NumBytes, ARMCC::CondCodes Pred, unsigned PredReg, const ARMBaseInstrInfo &TII, unsigned MIFlags=0)
void emitThumbRegPlusImmediate (MachineBasicBlock &MBB, MachineBasicBlock::iterator &MBBI, DebugLoc dl, unsigned DestReg, unsigned BaseReg, int NumBytes, const TargetInstrInfo &TII, const ARMBaseRegisterInfo &MRI, unsigned MIFlags=0)
bool tryFoldSPUpdateIntoPushPop (const ARMSubtarget &Subtarget, MachineFunction &MF, MachineInstr *MI, unsigned NumBytes)
bool rewriteARMFrameIndex (MachineInstr &MI, unsigned FrameRegIdx, unsigned FrameReg, int &Offset, const ARMBaseInstrInfo &TII)
bool rewriteT2FrameIndex (MachineInstr &MI, unsigned FrameRegIdx, unsigned FrameReg, int &Offset, const ARMBaseInstrInfo &TII)
static bool isARMArea1Register (unsigned Reg, bool isIOS)
static bool isARMArea2Register (unsigned Reg, bool isIOS)
static bool isARMArea3Register (unsigned Reg, bool isIOS)
static bool isCalleeSavedRegister (unsigned Reg, const MCPhysReg *CSRegs)
static bool f64AssignAPCS (unsigned &ValNo, MVT &ValVT, MVT &LocVT, CCValAssign::LocInfo &LocInfo, CCState &State, bool CanFail)
static bool CC_ARM_APCS_Custom_f64 (unsigned &ValNo, MVT &ValVT, MVT &LocVT, CCValAssign::LocInfo &LocInfo, ISD::ArgFlagsTy &ArgFlags, CCState &State)
static bool f64AssignAAPCS (unsigned &ValNo, MVT &ValVT, MVT &LocVT, CCValAssign::LocInfo &LocInfo, CCState &State, bool CanFail)
static bool CC_ARM_AAPCS_Custom_f64 (unsigned &ValNo, MVT &ValVT, MVT &LocVT, CCValAssign::LocInfo &LocInfo, ISD::ArgFlagsTy &ArgFlags, CCState &State)
static bool f64RetAssign (unsigned &ValNo, MVT &ValVT, MVT &LocVT, CCValAssign::LocInfo &LocInfo, CCState &State)
static bool RetCC_ARM_APCS_Custom_f64 (unsigned &ValNo, MVT &ValVT, MVT &LocVT, CCValAssign::LocInfo &LocInfo, ISD::ArgFlagsTy &ArgFlags, CCState &State)
static bool RetCC_ARM_AAPCS_Custom_f64 (unsigned &ValNo, MVT &ValVT, MVT &LocVT, CCValAssign::LocInfo &LocInfo, ISD::ArgFlagsTy &ArgFlags, CCState &State)
static bool CC_ARM_AAPCS_Custom_HA (unsigned &ValNo, MVT &ValVT, MVT &LocVT, CCValAssign::LocInfo &LocInfo, ISD::ArgFlagsTy &ArgFlags, CCState &State)
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &O, const ARMConstantPoolValue &V)
template<typename InstrType >
bool IsCPSRDead (InstrType *Instr)
template<typename InstrType >
bool isV8EligibleForIT (InstrType *Instr)
void initializeARMTTIPass (PassRegistry &)
bool IsCPSRDead< MCInst > (MCInst *Instr)
static const char * ARMCondCodeToString (ARMCC::CondCodes CC)
static bool isARMLowRegister (unsigned Reg)
MCStreamercreateMCAsmStreamer (MCContext &Ctx, formatted_raw_ostream &OS, bool isVerboseAsm, bool useDwarfDirectory, MCInstPrinter *InstPrint, MCCodeEmitter *CE, MCAsmBackend *TAB, bool ShowInst)
MCStreamercreateARMNullStreamer (MCContext &Ctx)
MCCodeEmittercreateARMLEMCCodeEmitter (const MCInstrInfo &MCII, const MCRegisterInfo &MRI, const MCSubtargetInfo &STI, MCContext &Ctx)
MCCodeEmittercreateARMBEMCCodeEmitter (const MCInstrInfo &MCII, const MCRegisterInfo &MRI, const MCSubtargetInfo &STI, MCContext &Ctx)
MCAsmBackendcreateARMAsmBackend (const Target &T, const MCRegisterInfo &MRI, StringRef TT, StringRef CPU, bool IsLittleEndian)
MCAsmBackendcreateARMLEAsmBackend (const Target &T, const MCRegisterInfo &MRI, StringRef TT, StringRef CPU)
MCAsmBackendcreateARMBEAsmBackend (const Target &T, const MCRegisterInfo &MRI, StringRef TT, StringRef CPU)
MCAsmBackendcreateThumbLEAsmBackend (const Target &T, const MCRegisterInfo &MRI, StringRef TT, StringRef CPU)
MCAsmBackendcreateThumbBEAsmBackend (const Target &T, const MCRegisterInfo &MRI, StringRef TT, StringRef CPU)
MCStreamercreateARMWinCOFFStreamer (MCContext &Context, MCAsmBackend &MAB, MCCodeEmitter &Emitter, raw_ostream &OS)
MCObjectWritercreateARMELFObjectWriter (raw_ostream &OS, uint8_t OSABI, bool IsLittleEndian)
 createARMELFObjectWriter - Construct an ELF Mach-O object writer.
MCObjectWritercreateARMMachObjectWriter (raw_ostream &OS, bool Is64Bit, uint32_t CPUType, uint32_t CPUSubtype)
 createARMMachObjectWriter - Construct an ARM Mach-O object writer.
MCObjectWritercreateARMWinCOFFObjectWriter (raw_ostream &OS, bool Is64Bit)
 createARMWinCOFFObjectWriter - Construct an ARM PE/COFF object writer.
MCRelocationInfocreateARMMachORelocationInfo (MCContext &Ctx)
 createARMMachORelocationInfo - Construct ARM Mach-O relocation info.
ARMCC::CondCodes getITInstrPredicate (const MachineInstr *MI, unsigned &PredReg)
FunctionPasscreateHexagonISelDag (HexagonTargetMachine &TM, CodeGenOpt::Level OptLevel)
FunctionPasscreateHexagonDelaySlotFillerPass (const TargetMachine &TM)
FunctionPasscreateHexagonFPMoverPass (const TargetMachine &TM)
FunctionPasscreateHexagonRemoveExtendArgs (const HexagonTargetMachine &TM)
FunctionPasscreateHexagonCFGOptimizer (const HexagonTargetMachine &TM)
FunctionPasscreateHexagonSplitTFRCondSets (const HexagonTargetMachine &TM)
FunctionPasscreateHexagonSplitConst32AndConst64 (const HexagonTargetMachine &TM)
FunctionPasscreateHexagonExpandPredSpillCode (const HexagonTargetMachine &TM)
FunctionPasscreateHexagonHardwareLoops ()
FunctionPasscreateHexagonPeephole ()
FunctionPasscreateHexagonFixupHwLoops ()
FunctionPasscreateHexagonNewValueJump ()
FunctionPasscreateHexagonCopyToCombine ()
FunctionPasscreateHexagonPacketizer ()
void HexagonLowerToMC (const MachineInstr *MI, HexagonMCInst &MCI, HexagonAsmPrinter &AP)
void initializeHexagonCFGOptimizerPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeHexagonCopyToCombinePass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeHexagonExpandPredSpillCodePass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeHexagonFixupHwLoopsPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeHexagonHardwareLoopsPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeHexagonDAGToDAGISelPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeHexagonNewValueJumpPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeHexagonPeepholePass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeHexagonRemoveExtendArgsPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeHexagonSplitTFRCondSetsPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeHexagonPacketizerPass (PassRegistry &)
MCStreameroperator<< (MCStreamer &OS, MipsABIFlagsSection &ABIFlagsSection)
MCELFStreamercreateMipsELFStreamer (MCContext &Context, MCAsmBackend &MAB, raw_ostream &OS, MCCodeEmitter *Emitter, const MCSubtargetInfo &STI, bool RelaxAll, bool NoExecStack)
MCCodeEmittercreateMipsMCCodeEmitterEB (const MCInstrInfo &MCII, const MCRegisterInfo &MRI, const MCSubtargetInfo &STI, MCContext &Ctx)
MCCodeEmittercreateMipsMCCodeEmitterEL (const MCInstrInfo &MCII, const MCRegisterInfo &MRI, const MCSubtargetInfo &STI, MCContext &Ctx)
bool isBasePlusOffsetMemoryAccess (unsigned Opcode, unsigned *AddrIdx, bool *IsStore=nullptr)
bool baseRegNeedsLoadStoreMask (unsigned Reg)
MCELFStreamercreateMipsNaClELFStreamer (MCContext &Context, MCAsmBackend &TAB, raw_ostream &OS, MCCodeEmitter *Emitter, const MCSubtargetInfo &STI, bool RelaxAll, bool NoExecStack)
MCAsmBackendcreateMipsAsmBackendEB32 (const Target &T, const MCRegisterInfo &MRI, StringRef TT, StringRef CPU)
MCAsmBackendcreateMipsAsmBackendEL32 (const Target &T, const MCRegisterInfo &MRI, StringRef TT, StringRef CPU)
MCAsmBackendcreateMipsAsmBackendEB64 (const Target &T, const MCRegisterInfo &MRI, StringRef TT, StringRef CPU)
MCAsmBackendcreateMipsAsmBackendEL64 (const Target &T, const MCRegisterInfo &MRI, StringRef TT, StringRef CPU)
MCObjectWritercreateMipsELFObjectWriter (raw_ostream &OS, uint8_t OSABI, bool IsLittleEndian, bool Is64Bit)
FunctionPasscreateMipsISelDag (MipsTargetMachine &TM)
FunctionPasscreateMipsOptimizePICCallPass (MipsTargetMachine &TM)
 Return an OptimizeCall object.
FunctionPasscreateMipsDelaySlotFillerPass (MipsTargetMachine &TM)
FunctionPasscreateMipsLongBranchPass (MipsTargetMachine &TM)
FunctionPasscreateMipsConstantIslandPass (MipsTargetMachine &tm)
ModulePasscreateMips16HardFloat (MipsTargetMachine &TM)
FunctionPasscreateMips16ISelDag (MipsTargetMachine &TM)
const MipsFrameLoweringcreateMips16FrameLowering (const MipsSubtarget &ST)
 Create MipsFrameLowering objects.
const MipsFrameLoweringcreateMipsSEFrameLowering (const MipsSubtarget &ST)
const MipsInstrInfocreateMips16InstrInfo (const MipsSubtarget &STI)
 Create MipsInstrInfo objects.
const MipsInstrInfocreateMipsSEInstrInfo (const MipsSubtarget &STI)
const MipsTargetLoweringcreateMips16TargetLowering (MipsTargetMachine &TM, const MipsSubtarget &STI)
 Create MipsTargetLowering objects.
const MipsTargetLoweringcreateMipsSETargetLowering (MipsTargetMachine &TM, const MipsSubtarget &STI)
FunctionPasscreateMipsModuleISelDag (MipsTargetMachine &TM)
ModulePasscreateMipsOs16 (MipsTargetMachine &TM)
FunctionPasscreateMipsSEISelDag (MipsTargetMachine &TM)
FunctionPasscreateMSP430ISelDag (MSP430TargetMachine &TM, CodeGenOpt::Level OptLevel)
FunctionPasscreateMSP430BranchSelectionPass ()
static const char * NVPTXCondCodeToString (NVPTXCC::CondCodes CC)
FunctionPasscreateNVPTXISelDag (NVPTXTargetMachine &TM, llvm::CodeGenOpt::Level OptLevel)
ModulePasscreateNVPTXAssignValidGlobalNamesPass ()
ModulePasscreateGenericToNVVMPass ()
FunctionPasscreateNVPTXFavorNonGenericAddrSpacesPass ()
ModulePasscreateNVVMReflectPass ()
ModulePasscreateNVVMReflectPass (const StringMap< int > &Mapping)
MachineFunctionPasscreateNVPTXPrologEpilogPass ()
MachineFunctionPasscreateNVPTXReplaceImageHandlesPass ()
FunctionPasscreateNVPTXImageOptimizerPass ()
bool isImageOrSamplerVal (const Value *, const Module *)
FunctionPasscreateAllocaHoisting ()
void initializeNVPTXAssignValidGlobalNamesPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeNVPTXFavorNonGenericAddrSpacesPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeGenericToNVVMPass (PassRegistry &)
FunctionPasscreateLowerAggrCopies ()
std::string getNVPTXRegClassName (TargetRegisterClass const *RC)
std::string getNVPTXRegClassStr (TargetRegisterClass const *RC)
void initializeNVVMReflectPass (PassRegistry &)
bool isParamLoad (const MachineInstr *MI)
static int encode_leb128 (uint64_t val, int *nbytes, char *space, int splen)
uint64_t encode_leb128 (const char *str)
void clearAnnotationCache (const llvm::Module *)
bool findOneNVVMAnnotation (const llvm::GlobalValue *, std::string, unsigned &)
bool findAllNVVMAnnotation (const llvm::GlobalValue *, std::string, std::vector< unsigned > &)
bool isTexture (const llvm::Value &)
bool isSurface (const llvm::Value &)
bool isSampler (const llvm::Value &)
bool isImage (const llvm::Value &)
bool isImageReadOnly (const llvm::Value &)
bool isImageWriteOnly (const llvm::Value &)
bool isImageReadWrite (const llvm::Value &)
bool isManaged (const llvm::Value &)
std::string getTextureName (const llvm::Value &)
std::string getSurfaceName (const llvm::Value &)
std::string getSamplerName (const llvm::Value &)
bool getMaxNTIDx (const llvm::Function &, unsigned &)
bool getMaxNTIDy (const llvm::Function &, unsigned &)
bool getMaxNTIDz (const llvm::Function &, unsigned &)
bool getReqNTIDx (const llvm::Function &, unsigned &)
bool getReqNTIDy (const llvm::Function &, unsigned &)
bool getReqNTIDz (const llvm::Function &, unsigned &)
bool getMinCTASm (const llvm::Function &, unsigned &)
bool isKernelFunction (const llvm::Function &)
bool getAlign (const llvm::Function &, unsigned index, unsigned &)
bool getAlign (const llvm::CallInst &, unsigned index, unsigned &)
bool isBarrierIntrinsic (llvm::Intrinsic::ID)
template<typename T >
std::vector< Tmake_vector (T A,...)
bool isMemorySpaceTransferIntrinsic (Intrinsic::ID id)
const ValueskipPointerTransfer (const Value *V, bool ignore_GEP_indices)
const ValueskipPointerTransfer (const Value *V, std::set< const Value * > &processed)
BasicBlockgetParentBlock (Value *v)
FunctiongetParentFunction (Value *v)
void dumpBlock (Value *v, char *blockName)
InstructiongetInst (Value *base, char *instName)
void dumpInst (Value *base, char *instName)
void dumpInstRec (Value *v, std::set< Instruction * > *visited)
void dumpInstRec (Value *v)
void dumpParent (Value *v)
MCCodeEmittercreatePPCMCCodeEmitter (const MCInstrInfo &MCII, const MCRegisterInfo &MRI, const MCSubtargetInfo &STI, MCContext &Ctx)
MCAsmBackendcreatePPCAsmBackend (const Target &T, const MCRegisterInfo &MRI, StringRef TT, StringRef CPU)
MCObjectWritercreatePPCELFObjectWriter (raw_ostream &OS, bool Is64Bit, bool IsLittleEndian, uint8_t OSABI)
 createPPCELFObjectWriter - Construct an PPC ELF object writer.
MCObjectWritercreatePPCMachObjectWriter (raw_ostream &OS, bool Is64Bit, uint32_t CPUType, uint32_t CPUSubtype)
 createPPCELFObjectWriter - Construct a PPC Mach-O object writer.
FunctionPasscreatePPCCTRLoops (PPCTargetMachine &TM)
FunctionPasscreatePPCCTRLoopsVerify ()
FunctionPasscreatePPCEarlyReturnPass ()
FunctionPasscreatePPCVSXCopyPass ()
FunctionPasscreatePPCVSXCopyCleanupPass ()
FunctionPasscreatePPCVSXFMAMutatePass ()
FunctionPasscreatePPCBranchSelectionPass ()
FunctionPasscreatePPCISelDag (PPCTargetMachine &TM)
void LowerPPCMachineInstrToMCInst (const MachineInstr *MI, MCInst &OutMI, AsmPrinter &AP, bool isDarwin)
ImmutablePasscreatePPCTargetTransformInfoPass (const PPCTargetMachine *TM)
 Creates an PPC-specific Target Transformation Info pass.
void initializePPCVSXFMAMutatePass (PassRegistry &)
void initializePPCBSelPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializePPCCTRLoopsPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializePPCCTRLoopsVerifyPass (PassRegistry &)
static const MachineInstrBuilderaddFrameReference (const MachineInstrBuilder &MIB, int FI, int Offset=0, bool mem=true)
void initializePPCVSXCopyPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializePPCVSXCopyCleanupPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializePPCEarlyReturnPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializePPCDAGToDAGISelPass (PassRegistry &)
bool CC_PPC32_SVR4_Custom_Dummy (unsigned &ValNo, MVT &ValVT, MVT &LocVT, CCValAssign::LocInfo &LocInfo, ISD::ArgFlagsTy &ArgFlags, CCState &State)
bool CC_PPC32_SVR4_Custom_AlignArgRegs (unsigned &ValNo, MVT &ValVT, MVT &LocVT, CCValAssign::LocInfo &LocInfo, ISD::ArgFlagsTy &ArgFlags, CCState &State)
bool CC_PPC32_SVR4_Custom_AlignFPArgRegs (unsigned &ValNo, MVT &ValVT, MVT &LocVT, CCValAssign::LocInfo &LocInfo, ISD::ArgFlagsTy &ArgFlags, CCState &State)
void initializePPCTTIPass (PassRegistry &)
FunctionPasscreateR600VectorRegMerger (TargetMachine &tm)
FunctionPasscreateR600TextureIntrinsicsReplacer ()
FunctionPasscreateR600ExpandSpecialInstrsPass (TargetMachine &tm)
FunctionPasscreateR600EmitClauseMarkers ()
FunctionPasscreateR600ClauseMergePass (TargetMachine &tm)
FunctionPasscreateR600Packetizer (TargetMachine &tm)
FunctionPasscreateR600ControlFlowFinalizer (TargetMachine &tm)
FunctionPasscreateAMDGPUCFGStructurizerPass ()
FunctionPasscreateSITypeRewriter ()
FunctionPasscreateSIAnnotateControlFlowPass ()
 Create the annotation pass.
FunctionPasscreateSILowerI1CopiesPass ()
FunctionPasscreateSIShrinkInstructionsPass ()
FunctionPasscreateSILowerControlFlowPass (TargetMachine &tm)
FunctionPasscreateSIFixSGPRCopiesPass (TargetMachine &tm)
FunctionPasscreateSIFixSGPRLiveRangesPass ()
FunctionPasscreateSICodeEmitterPass (formatted_raw_ostream &OS)
FunctionPasscreateSIInsertWaits (TargetMachine &tm)
void initializeSILowerI1CopiesPass (PassRegistry &)
FunctionPasscreateAMDGPUPromoteAlloca (const AMDGPUSubtarget &ST)
PasscreateAMDGPUStructurizeCFGPass ()
FunctionPasscreateAMDGPUISelDag (TargetMachine &tm)
 This pass converts a legalized DAG into a AMDGPU-specific.
ImmutablePasscreateAMDGPUTargetTransformInfoPass (const AMDGPUTargetMachine *TM)
 Creates an AMDGPU-specific Target Transformation Info pass.
void initializeSIFixSGPRLiveRangesPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeAMDGPUTTIPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeAMDGPUCFGStructurizerPass (PassRegistry &)
MCCodeEmittercreateR600MCCodeEmitter (const MCInstrInfo &MCII, const MCRegisterInfo &MRI, const MCSubtargetInfo &STI)
MCCodeEmittercreateSIMCCodeEmitter (const MCInstrInfo &MCII, const MCRegisterInfo &MRI, const MCSubtargetInfo &STI, MCContext &Ctx)
MCAsmBackendcreateAMDGPUAsmBackend (const Target &T, const MCRegisterInfo &MRI, StringRef TT, StringRef CPU)
MCObjectWritercreateAMDGPUELFObjectWriter (raw_ostream &OS)
void initializeR600EmitClauseMarkersPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeSIShrinkInstructionsPass (PassRegistry &)
MCCodeEmittercreateSparcMCCodeEmitter (const MCInstrInfo &MCII, const MCRegisterInfo &MRI, const MCSubtargetInfo &STI, MCContext &Ctx)
MCAsmBackendcreateSparcAsmBackend (const Target &T, const MCRegisterInfo &MRI, StringRef TT, StringRef CPU)
MCObjectWritercreateSparcELFObjectWriter (raw_ostream &OS, bool Is64Bit, uint8_t OSABI)
FunctionPasscreateSparcISelDag (SparcTargetMachine &TM)
FunctionPasscreateSparcDelaySlotFillerPass (TargetMachine &TM)
void LowerSparcMachineInstrToMCInst (const MachineInstr *MI, MCInst &OutMI, AsmPrinter &AP)
static const char * SPARCCondCodeToString (SPCC::CondCodes CC)
static unsigned HI22 (int64_t imm)
static unsigned LO10 (int64_t imm)
static unsigned HIX22 (int64_t imm)
static unsigned LOX10 (int64_t imm)
MCCodeEmittercreateSystemZMCCodeEmitter (const MCInstrInfo &MCII, const MCRegisterInfo &MRI, const MCSubtargetInfo &STI, MCContext &Ctx)
MCAsmBackendcreateSystemZMCAsmBackend (const Target &T, const MCRegisterInfo &MRI, StringRef TT, StringRef CPU)
MCObjectWritercreateSystemZObjectWriter (raw_ostream &OS, uint8_t OSABI)
FunctionPasscreateSystemZISelDag (SystemZTargetMachine &TM, CodeGenOpt::Level OptLevel)
FunctionPasscreateSystemZElimComparePass (SystemZTargetMachine &TM)
FunctionPasscreateSystemZShortenInstPass (SystemZTargetMachine &TM)
FunctionPasscreateSystemZLongBranchPass (SystemZTargetMachine &TM)
static const MachineInstrBuilderaddFrameReference (const MachineInstrBuilder &MIB, int FI)
 Add a BDX memory reference for frame object FI to MIB.
X86AsmInstrumentationCreateX86AsmInstrumentation (const MCTargetOptions &MCOptions, const MCContext &Ctx, const MCSubtargetInfo &STI)
bool isImmSExti16i8Value (uint64_t Value)
bool isImmSExti32i8Value (uint64_t Value)
bool isImmSExti64i8Value (uint64_t Value)
bool isImmSExti64i32Value (uint64_t Value)
bool EmitAnyX86InstComments (const MCInst *MI, raw_ostream &OS, const char *(*getRegName)(unsigned))
MCCodeEmittercreateX86MCCodeEmitter (const MCInstrInfo &MCII, const MCRegisterInfo &MRI, const MCSubtargetInfo &STI, MCContext &Ctx)
MCAsmBackendcreateX86_32AsmBackend (const Target &T, const MCRegisterInfo &MRI, StringRef TT, StringRef CPU)
MCAsmBackendcreateX86_64AsmBackend (const Target &T, const MCRegisterInfo &MRI, StringRef TT, StringRef CPU)
MCStreamercreateX86WinCOFFStreamer (MCContext &C, MCAsmBackend &AB, MCCodeEmitter *CE, raw_ostream &OS, bool RelaxAll)
MCObjectWritercreateX86MachObjectWriter (raw_ostream &OS, bool Is64Bit, uint32_t CPUType, uint32_t CPUSubtype)
 createX86MachObjectWriter - Construct an X86 Mach-O object writer.
MCObjectWritercreateX86ELFObjectWriter (raw_ostream &OS, bool IsELF64, uint8_t OSABI, uint16_t EMachine)
 createX86ELFObjectWriter - Construct an X86 ELF object writer.
MCObjectWritercreateX86WinCOFFObjectWriter (raw_ostream &OS, bool Is64Bit)
 createX86WinCOFFObjectWriter - Construct an X86 Win COFF object writer.
MCRelocationInfocreateX86_64MachORelocationInfo (MCContext &Ctx)
 createX86_64MachORelocationInfo - Construct X86-64 Mach-O relocation info.
MCRelocationInfocreateX86_64ELFRelocationInfo (MCContext &Ctx)
 createX86_64ELFORelocationInfo - Construct X86-64 ELF relocation info.
void DecodeINSERTPSMask (unsigned Imm, SmallVectorImpl< int > &ShuffleMask)
void DecodeMOVHLPSMask (unsigned NElts, SmallVectorImpl< int > &ShuffleMask)
void DecodeMOVLHPSMask (unsigned NElts, SmallVectorImpl< int > &ShuffleMask)
void DecodeMOVSLDUPMask (MVT VT, SmallVectorImpl< int > &ShuffleMask)
void DecodeMOVSHDUPMask (MVT VT, SmallVectorImpl< int > &ShuffleMask)
void DecodePALIGNRMask (MVT VT, unsigned Imm, SmallVectorImpl< int > &ShuffleMask)
void DecodePSHUFMask (MVT VT, unsigned Imm, SmallVectorImpl< int > &ShuffleMask)
void DecodePSHUFHWMask (MVT VT, unsigned Imm, SmallVectorImpl< int > &ShuffleMask)
void DecodePSHUFLWMask (MVT VT, unsigned Imm, SmallVectorImpl< int > &ShuffleMask)
void DecodeSHUFPMask (MVT VT, unsigned Imm, SmallVectorImpl< int > &ShuffleMask)
void DecodeUNPCKHMask (MVT VT, SmallVectorImpl< int > &ShuffleMask)
void DecodeUNPCKLMask (MVT VT, SmallVectorImpl< int > &ShuffleMask)
void DecodeVPERM2X128Mask (MVT VT, unsigned Imm, SmallVectorImpl< int > &ShuffleMask)
void DecodePSHUFBMask (const ConstantDataSequential *C, SmallVectorImpl< int > &ShuffleMask)
 Decode a PSHUFB mask from an IR-level vector constant.
void DecodePSHUFBMask (ArrayRef< uint64_t > RawMask, SmallVectorImpl< int > &ShuffleMask)
 Decode a PSHUFB mask from a raw array of constants such as from BUILD_VECTOR.
void DecodeBLENDMask (MVT VT, unsigned Imm, SmallVectorImpl< int > &ShuffleMask)
 Decode a BLEND immediate mask into a shuffle mask.
void DecodeVPERMMask (unsigned Imm, SmallVectorImpl< int > &ShuffleMask)
FunctionPasscreateX86ISelDag (X86TargetMachine &TM, CodeGenOpt::Level OptLevel)
FunctionPasscreateX86GlobalBaseRegPass ()
FunctionPasscreateCleanupLocalDynamicTLSPass ()
FunctionPasscreateX86FloatingPointStackifierPass ()
FunctionPasscreateX86IssueVZeroUpperPass ()
FunctionPasscreateEmitX86CodeToMemory ()
ImmutablePasscreateX86TargetTransformInfoPass (const X86TargetMachine *TM)
 Creates an X86-specific Target Transformation Info pass.
FunctionPasscreateX86PadShortFunctions ()
FunctionPasscreateX86FixupLEAs ()
bool CC_X86_AnyReg_Error (unsigned &, MVT &, MVT &, CCValAssign::LocInfo &, ISD::ArgFlagsTy &, CCState &)
static const MachineInstrBuilderaddDirectMem (const MachineInstrBuilder &MIB, unsigned Reg)
static const MachineInstrBuilderaddOffset (const MachineInstrBuilder &MIB, int Offset)
static const MachineInstrBuilderaddRegOffset (const MachineInstrBuilder &MIB, unsigned Reg, bool isKill, int Offset)
static const MachineInstrBuilderaddRegReg (const MachineInstrBuilder &MIB, unsigned Reg1, bool isKill1, unsigned Reg2, bool isKill2)
static const MachineInstrBuilderaddFullAddress (const MachineInstrBuilder &MIB, const X86AddressMode &AM)
static const MachineInstrBuilderaddFrameReference (const MachineInstrBuilder &MIB, int FI, int Offset=0)
static const MachineInstrBuilderaddConstantPoolReference (const MachineInstrBuilder &MIB, unsigned CPI, unsigned GlobalBaseReg, unsigned char OpFlags)
static bool isGlobalStubReference (unsigned char TargetFlag)
static bool isGlobalRelativeToPICBase (unsigned char TargetFlag)
static bool isScale (const MachineOperand &MO)
static bool isLeaMem (const MachineInstr *MI, unsigned Op)
static bool isMem (const MachineInstr *MI, unsigned Op)
static const IntrinsicDatagetIntrinsicWithChain (unsigned IntNo)
static const IntrinsicDatagetIntrinsicWithoutChain (unsigned IntNo)
static void verifyIntrinsicTables ()
unsigned getX86SubSuperRegister (unsigned Reg, MVT::SimpleValueType VT, bool High)
unsigned get512BitSuperRegister (unsigned Reg)
void initializeX86TTIPass (PassRegistry &)
void initializeXCoreLowerThreadLocalPass (PassRegistry &p)
FunctionPasscreateXCoreFrameToArgsOffsetEliminationPass ()
FunctionPasscreateXCoreISelDag (XCoreTargetMachine &TM, CodeGenOpt::Level OptLevel)
ModulePasscreateXCoreLowerThreadLocalPass ()
ImmutablePasscreateXCoreTargetTransformInfoPass (const XCoreTargetMachine *TM)
void initializeXCoreTTIPass (PassRegistry &)
static unsigned getComplexity (Value *V)
static ConstantAddOne (Constant *C)
 AddOne - Add one to a Constant.
static ConstantSubOne (Constant *C)
 SubOne - Subtract one from a Constant.
static bool CompareVars (const ASanStackVariableDescription &a, const ASanStackVariableDescription &b)
static size_t RoundUpTo (size_t X, size_t RoundTo)
static size_t VarAndRedzoneSize (size_t Size, size_t Alignment)
ArrayRef Convenience constructors
template<typename T >
ArrayRef< TmakeArrayRef (const T &OneElt)
 Construct an ArrayRef from a single element.
template<typename T >
ArrayRef< TmakeArrayRef (const T *data, size_t length)
 Construct an ArrayRef from a pointer and length.
template<typename T >
ArrayRef< TmakeArrayRef (const T *begin, const T *end)
 Construct an ArrayRef from a range.
template<typename T >
ArrayRef< TmakeArrayRef (const SmallVectorImpl< T > &Vec)
 Construct an ArrayRef from a SmallVector.
template<typename T , unsigned N>
ArrayRef< TmakeArrayRef (const SmallVector< T, N > &Vec)
 Construct an ArrayRef from a SmallVector.
template<typename T >
ArrayRef< TmakeArrayRef (const std::vector< T > &Vec)
 Construct an ArrayRef from a std::vector.
template<typename T , size_t N>
ArrayRef< TmakeArrayRef (const T(&Arr)[N])
 Construct an ArrayRef from a C array.
StringRef Comparison Operators
bool operator== (StringRef LHS, StringRef RHS)
bool operator!= (StringRef LHS, StringRef RHS)
bool operator< (StringRef LHS, StringRef RHS)
bool operator<= (StringRef LHS, StringRef RHS)
bool operator> (StringRef LHS, StringRef RHS)
bool operator>= (StringRef LHS, StringRef RHS)
std::string & operator+= (std::string &buffer, StringRef string)
Twine Inline Implementations
Twine operator+ (const Twine &LHS, const Twine &RHS)
Twine operator+ (const char *LHS, const StringRef &RHS)
Twine operator+ (const StringRef &LHS, const char *RHS)
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const Twine &RHS)


const unsigned int host_char_bit = 8
const unsigned int integerPartWidth
int(*)(const void *, const void *) get_array_pod_sort_comparator (const T &)
cl::opt< boolForceTopDown
cl::opt< boolForceBottomUp
char & AtomicExpandID = AtomicExpand::ID
char & MachineLoopInfoID = MachineLoopInfo::ID
 MachineLoopInfo - This pass is a loop analysis pass.
char & MachineDominatorsID
 MachineDominators - This pass is a machine dominators analysis pass.
char & MachineDominanceFrontierID = MachineDominanceFrontier::ID
 MachineDominanaceFrontier - This pass is a machine dominators analysis pass.
char & EdgeBundlesID
 EdgeBundles analysis - Bundle machine CFG edges.
char & LiveVariablesID = LiveVariables::ID
char & PHIEliminationID = PHIElimination::ID
char & LiveIntervalsID = LiveIntervals::ID
char & LiveStacksID = LiveStacks::ID
 LiveStacks pass. An analysis keeping track of the liveness of stack slots.
char & TwoAddressInstructionPassID = TwoAddressInstructionPass::ID
char & ProcessImplicitDefsID = ProcessImplicitDefs::ID
 ProcessImpicitDefs pass - This pass removes IMPLICIT_DEFs.
char & RegisterCoalescerID = RegisterCoalescer::ID
 RegisterCoalescer - This pass merges live ranges to eliminate copies.
char & MachineSchedulerID = MachineScheduler::ID
 MachineScheduler - This pass schedules machine instructions.
char & PostMachineSchedulerID = PostMachineScheduler::ID
 PostMachineScheduler - This pass schedules machine instructions postRA.
char & SpillPlacementID = SpillPlacement::ID
char & VirtRegRewriterID = VirtRegRewriter::ID
char & UnreachableMachineBlockElimID
char & DeadMachineInstructionElimID = DeadMachineInstructionElim::ID
 DeadMachineInstructionElim - This pass removes dead machine instructions.
char & PrologEpilogCodeInserterID = PEI::ID
char & ExpandPostRAPseudosID = ExpandPostRA::ID
char & PostRASchedulerID = PostRAScheduler::ID
char & BranchFolderPassID = BranchFolderPass::ID
char & MachineFunctionPrinterPassID = MachineFunctionPrinterPass::ID
 MachineFunctionPrinterPass - This pass prints out MachineInstr's.
char & TailDuplicateID = TailDuplicatePass::ID
char & MachineTraceMetricsID = MachineTraceMetrics::ID
char & EarlyIfConverterID = EarlyIfConverter::ID
char & MachineCombinerID = MachineCombiner::ID
char & StackColoringID = StackColoring::ID
char & IfConverterID = IfConverter::ID
 IfConverter - This pass performs machine code if conversion.
char & MachineBlockPlacementID = MachineBlockPlacement::ID
char & MachineBlockPlacementStatsID = MachineBlockPlacementStats::ID
char & GCMachineCodeAnalysisID = GCMachineCodeAnalysis::ID
char & MachineCSEID = MachineCSE::ID
 MachineCSE - This pass performs global CSE on machine instructions.
char & MachineLICMID = MachineLICM::ID
 MachineLICM - This pass performs LICM on machine instructions.
char & MachineSinkingID = MachineSinking::ID
 MachineSinking - This pass performs sinking on machine instructions.
char & MachineCopyPropagationID = MachineCopyPropagation::ID
char & PeepholeOptimizerID = PeepholeOptimizer::ID
char & OptimizePHIsID = OptimizePHIs::ID
char & StackSlotColoringID = StackSlotColoring::ID
 StackSlotColoring - This pass performs stack slot coloring.
char & LocalStackSlotAllocationID = LocalStackSlotPass::ID
char & ExpandISelPseudosID = ExpandISelPseudos::ID
 ExpandISelPseudos - This pass expands pseudo-instructions.
char & UnpackMachineBundlesID = UnpackMachineBundles::ID
 UnpackMachineBundles - This pass unpack machine instruction bundles.
char & FinalizeMachineBundlesID = FinalizeMachineBundles::ID
char & StackMapLivenessID = StackMapLiveness::ID
BinaryOperator Alloca
BinaryOperator AllocaInst Trunc
BinaryOperator AllocaInst TruncInst SExt
BinaryOperator AllocaInst
TruncInst SExtInst 
BinaryOperator AllocaInst
TruncInst SExtInst FPToSIInst 
BinaryOperator AllocaInst
TruncInst SExtInst FPToSIInst
BinaryOperator AllocaInst
TruncInst SExtInst FPToSIInst
SIToFPInst FPExtInst 
BinaryOperator AllocaInst
TruncInst SExtInst FPToSIInst
SIToFPInst FPExtInst
BinaryOperator AllocaInst
TruncInst SExtInst FPToSIInst
SIToFPInst FPExtInst
IntToPtrInst AddrSpaceCastInst 
BinaryOperator AllocaInst
TruncInst SExtInst FPToSIInst
SIToFPInst FPExtInst
IntToPtrInst AddrSpaceCastInst
FCmpInst CallInst 
BinaryOperator AllocaInst
TruncInst SExtInst FPToSIInst
SIToFPInst FPExtInst
IntToPtrInst AddrSpaceCastInst
FCmpInst CallInst Instruction 
BinaryOperator AllocaInst
TruncInst SExtInst FPToSIInst
SIToFPInst FPExtInst
IntToPtrInst AddrSpaceCastInst
FCmpInst CallInst Instruction
BinaryOperator AllocaInst
TruncInst SExtInst FPToSIInst
SIToFPInst FPExtInst
IntToPtrInst AddrSpaceCastInst
FCmpInst CallInst Instruction
VAArgInst InsertElementInst 
BinaryOperator AllocaInst
TruncInst SExtInst FPToSIInst
SIToFPInst FPExtInst
IntToPtrInst AddrSpaceCastInst
FCmpInst CallInst Instruction
VAArgInst InsertElementInst
const char AsmRewritePrecedence []
bool TimePassesIsEnabled = false
 This is the storage for the -time-passes option.
bool DebugFlag
bool EnableDebugBuffering = false
static const unsigned char BitReverseTable256 [256]
 Macro compressed bit reversal table for 256 bits.
const float huge_valf = HUGE_VALF
SourceMgr SrcMgr
unsigned ErrorsPrinted = 0
char & DemoteRegisterToMemoryID = RegToMem::ID
char & BreakCriticalEdgesID
char & LoopSimplifyID = LoopSimplify::ID
char & LowerSwitchID
char & LowerInvokePassID
char & InstructionNamerID
char & InstructionSimplifierID = InstSimplifier::ID
static const int kAsanStackLeftRedzoneMagic = 0xf1
static const int kAsanStackMidRedzoneMagic = 0xf2
static const int kAsanStackRightRedzoneMagic = 0xf3
static const unsigned NumStratifiedAttrs = 32
cl::opt< boolDumpCriticalPathLength ("misched-dcpl", cl::Hidden, cl::desc("Print critical path length to stdout"))
cl::opt< boolEnablePatchPointLiveness ("enable-patchpoint-liveness", cl::Hidden, cl::init(true), cl::desc("Enable PatchPoint Liveness Analysis Pass"))
const unsigned int maxExponent = 16383
const unsigned int maxPrecision = 113
const unsigned int maxPowerOfFiveExponent = maxExponent + maxPrecision - 1
const unsigned int maxPowerOfFiveParts
Target TheAArch64leTarget
Target TheAArch64beTarget
Target TheARM64Target
static const uint16_t SRegList []
static const uint16_t DRegList []
static const uint16_t QRegList [] = { ARM::Q0, ARM::Q1, ARM::Q2, ARM::Q3 }
const MCInstrDesc ARMInsts []
Target TheARMLETarget
Target TheThumbLETarget
Target TheARMBETarget
Target TheThumbBETarget
cl::opt< boolReuseFrameIndexVals
Target TheCppBackendTarget
bool flag_aligned_memcpy
Target TheHexagonTarget
const MCInstrDesc MipsInsts []
Target TheMipselTarget
Target TheMipsTarget
Target TheMips64Target
Target TheMips64elTarget
static const unsigned MIPS_NACL_BUNDLE_ALIGN = 4u
Target TheMSP430Target
const unsigned AnnotationNameLen = 9
const char PropertyAnnotationNames [PROPERTY_LAST+1][AnnotationNameLen+1]
static const char * NamedMDForAnnotations = "nvvm.annotations"
Target TheNVPTXTarget32
Target TheNVPTXTarget64
static RegisterPass
< NVPTXAllocaHoisting
X ("alloca-hoisting","Hoisting alloca instructions in non-entry ""blocks to the entry block")
Target ThePPC32Target
Target ThePPC64Target
Target ThePPC64LETarget
char & SILowerI1CopiesID = SILowerI1Copies::ID
char & SIFixSGPRLiveRangesID = SIFixSGPRLiveRanges::ID
Target TheAMDGPUTarget
 The target for the AMDGPU backend.
Target TheSparcTarget
Target TheSparcV9Target
Target TheSystemZTarget
Target TheX86_32Target
Target TheX86_64Target
static const IntrinsicData IntrinsicsWithChain []
static const IntrinsicData IntrinsicsWithoutChain []
Target TheXCoreTarget
static const unsigned CodeModelLargeSize = 256
static const size_t kMinAlignment = 16

Detailed Description

List of target independent CodeGen pass IDs.

Specialize WriteGraph, the standard implementation won't work.

SSAUpdaterTraits<MachineSSAUpdater> - Traits for the SSAUpdaterImpl template, specialized for MachineSSAUpdater.

Typedef Documentation

typedef const void* llvm::AnalysisID

Definition at line 47 of file Pass.h.

The standard BumpPtrAllocator which just uses the default template paramaters.

Definition at line 354 of file Allocator.h.

typedef bool llvm::CCAssignFn(unsigned ValNo, MVT ValVT, MVT LocVT, CCValAssign::LocInfo LocInfo, ISD::ArgFlagsTy ArgFlags, CCState &State)

CCAssignFn - This function assigns a location for Val, updating State to reflect the change. It returns 'true' if it failed to handle Val.

Definition at line 153 of file CallingConvLower.h.

typedef bool llvm::CCCustomFn(unsigned &ValNo, MVT &ValVT, MVT &LocVT, CCValAssign::LocInfo &LocInfo, ISD::ArgFlagsTy &ArgFlags, CCState &State)

CCCustomFn - This function assigns a location for Val, possibly updating all args to reflect changes and indicates if it handled it. It must set isCustom if it handles the arg and returns true.

Definition at line 160 of file CallingConvLower.h.

Definition at line 126 of file InstIterator.h.

Definition at line 86 of file IR/CFG.h.

Definition at line 191 of file DebugInfo.h.

typedef SmallVector<std::pair<uint64_t, DILineInfo>, 16> llvm::DILineInfoTable

Definition at line 50 of file DIContext.h.

Definition at line 208 of file DebugInfo.h.

Definition at line 211 of file DebugInfo.h.

Maps from type identifier to the actual MDNode.

Definition at line 53 of file DebugInfo.h.

Definition at line 210 of file DebugInfo.h.

typedef DenseMap<DivOpInfo, DivPhiNodes> llvm::DivCacheTy

Definition at line 71 of file BypassSlowDivision.cpp.

Definition at line 47 of file Dominators.h.

typedef std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t> > llvm::DWARFAddressRangesVector

DWARFAddressRangesVector - represents a set of absolute address ranges.

Definition at line 18 of file DWARFDebugRangeList.h.

typedef void(* llvm::fatal_error_handler_t)(void *user_data, const std::string &reason, bool gen_crash_diag)

An error handler callback.

Definition at line 26 of file ErrorHandling.h.

Definition at line 351 of file FoldingSet.h.

Definition at line 235 of file IntervalIterator.h.

GCMetadataPrinterRegistry - The GC assembly printer registry uses all the defaults from Registry.

Definition at line 29 of file GCMetadataPrinter.h.

The GC strategy registry uses all the defaults from Registry.

Definition at line 46 of file GCStrategy.h.

Definition at line 83 of file GetElementPtrTypeIterator.h.

typedef bool llvm::Hexagon_CCAssignFn(unsigned ValNo, EVT ValVT, EVT LocVT, CCValAssign::LocInfo LocInfo, ISD::ArgFlagsTy ArgFlags, Hexagon_CCState &State, int NonVarArgsParams, int CurrentParam, bool ForceMem)

Hexagon_CCAssignFn - This function assigns a location for Val, updating State to reflect the change.

Definition at line 35 of file HexagonCallingConvLower.h.

Definition at line 315 of file SlotIndexes.h.

InsnRange - This is used to track range of instructions with identical lexical scope.

Definition at line 34 of file LexicalScopes.h.

Definition at line 122 of file InstIterator.h.

Definition at line 259 of file InstrProfReader.h.

typedef uint64_t llvm::integerPart

Definition at line 35 of file APInt.h.

Definition at line 237 of file IntervalIterator.h.

LargestSDNode - The largest SDNode class.

Definition at line 2019 of file SelectionDAGNodes.h.

Definition at line 29 of file LiveIntervalUnion.h.

Definition at line 731 of file ScalarEvolutionExpressions.h.

Definition at line 35 of file MachineDominators.h.

typedef void*(* llvm::MachinePassCtor)()

Definition at line 26 of file MachinePassRegistry.h.

Definition at line 200 of file MCLinkerOptimizationHint.h.

Definition at line 201 of file MCLinkerOptimizationHint.h.

typedef uint16_t llvm::MCPhysReg

An unsigned integer type large enough to represent all physical registers, but not necessarily virtual registers.

Definition at line 27 of file MCRegisterInfo.h.

Definition at line 43 of file MCStreamer.h.

MostAlignedSDNode - The SDNode class with the greatest alignment requirement.

Definition at line 2024 of file SelectionDAGNodes.h.

Definition at line 26 of file MCTargetAsmParser.h.

Definition at line 31 of file RegAllocPBQP.h.

typedef void* llvm::PointerTy

Definition at line 23 of file GenericValue.h.

PostIncLoopSet - A set of loops.

Definition at line 64 of file ScalarEvolutionNormalization.h.

Definition at line 84 of file IR/CFG.h.

Definition at line 199 of file InstrProfReader.h.

Definition at line 200 of file InstrProfReader.h.

Use a SparseMultiSet to track physical registers. Storage is only allocated once for the pass. It can be cleared in constant time and reused without any frees.

Definition at line 61 of file ScheduleDAGInstrs.h.

typedef DenseMap< uint64_t, std::pair< uint8_t, int64_t > > llvm::RelocAddrMap

Definition at line 114 of file DIContext.h.

Definition at line 29 of file MCExpr.h.

typedef std::pair<Value*, Value*> llvm::SizeOffsetEvalType

Definition at line 212 of file MemoryBuiltins.h.

typedef std::pair<APInt, APInt> llvm::SizeOffsetType

Definition at line 155 of file MemoryBuiltins.h.

Definition at line 48 of file StratifiedSets.h.

Definition at line 29 of file StratifiedSets.h.

Definition at line 246 of file IR/CFG.h.

Definition at line 244 of file IR/CFG.h.

Perform the action using Records, and write output to OS.

true on error, false otherwise

Definition at line 23 of file Main.h.

typedef std::vector<UseListOrder> llvm::UseListOrderStack

Definition at line 52 of file UseListOrder.h.

Definition at line 49 of file Value.h.

typedef std::vector<GenericValue> llvm::ValuePlaneTy

Definition at line 634 of file ScalarEvolutionExpressions.h.

Definition at line 22 of file ValueMapper.h.

Use SparseSet as a SparseMap by relying on the fact that it never compares ValueT's, only unsigned keys. This allows the set to be cleared between scheduling regions in constant time as long as ValueT does not require a destructor.

Definition at line 67 of file ScheduleDAGInstrs.h.

Track local uses of virtual registers. These uses are gathered by the DAG builder and may be consulted by the scheduler to avoid iterating an entire vreg use list.

Definition at line 72 of file ScheduleDAGInstrs.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

anonymous enum

Definition at line 29 of file X86ShuffleDecode.h.

anonymous enum

Definition at line 23 of file MCELFSymbolFlags.h.

Use to report the frame offset status in isAArch64FrameOffsetLegal.


Offset cannot apply.


Offset is legal.


Offset can apply, at least partly.

Definition at line 212 of file AArch64InstrInfo.h.


Definition at line 22 of file NVPTXBaseInfo.h.

Enum used to categorize the alignment types stored by LayoutAlignElem.


An invalid alignment.


Integer type alignment.


Vector type alignment.


Floating point type alignment.


Aggregate alignment.

Definition at line 47 of file DataLayout.h.


Definition at line 30 of file MCTargetAsmParser.h.


Definition at line 37 of file Instructions.h.


Definition at line 144 of file ReaderWriter.h.


Definition at line 16 of file DAGCombine.h.

Defines the different supported kind of a diagnostic. This enum should be extended with a new ID for each added concrete subclass.


Definition at line 47 of file DiagnosticInfo.h.

Defines the different supported severity of a diagnostic.


Definition at line 36 of file DiagnosticInfo.h.

Selects which debug sections get dumped.


Definition at line 84 of file DIContext.h.


Definition at line 30 of file MCELFSymbolFlags.h.

enum llvm::errc

Definition at line 36 of file Errc.h.


No exception support.


DWARF-like instruction based exceptions.


setjmp/longjmp based exceptions



Definition at line 44 of file MCAsmInfo.h.


Definition at line 24 of file InstrProf.h.


Definition at line 19 of file X86IntrinsicsInfo.h.


Definition at line 33 of file Metadata.h.

Enum that represents what fraction of the LSB truncated bits of an fp number represent.

This essentially combines the roles of guard and sticky bits.


Definition at line 32 of file APFloat.h.

MachOSymbolFlags - We store the value for the 'desc' symbol field in the lowest 16 bits of the implementation defined flags.


Definition at line 24 of file MCMachOSymbolFlags.h.


.syntax (ARM/ELF)


.subsections_via_symbols (MachO)


.code16 (X86) / .code 16 (ARM)


.code32 (X86) / .code 32 (ARM)


.code64 (X86)

Definition at line 47 of file MCDirectives.h.




.data_region jt8


.data_region jt16


.data_region jt32



Definition at line 55 of file MCDirectives.h.

MCFixupKind - Extensible enumeration to represent the type of a fixup.


A one-byte fixup.


A two-byte fixup.


A four-byte fixup.


A eight-byte fixup.


A one-byte pc relative fixup.


A two-byte pc relative fixup.


A four-byte pc relative fixup.


A eight-byte pc relative fixup.


A one-byte gp relative fixup.


A two-byte gp relative fixup.


A four-byte gp relative fixup.


A eight-byte gp relative fixup.


A one-byte section relative fixup.


A two-byte section relative fixup.


A four-byte section relative fixup.


A eight-byte section relative fixup.


Definition at line 23 of file MCFixup.h.

Linker Optimization Hint Type.


Adrp xY, _v1 -> Adrp xY, _v2.


Adrp _v -> Ldr _v.


Adrp _v -> Add _v -> Ldr.


Adrp _v -> Ldr _v -> Ldr.


Adrp _v -> Add _v -> Str.


Adrp _v -> Ldr _v -> Str.


Adrp _v -> Add _v.


Adrp _v -> Ldr _v.

Definition at line 33 of file MCLinkerOptimizationHint.h.


Not a valid directive.


.type _foo, STT_FUNC # aka


.type _foo, STT_GNU_IFUNC


.type _foo, STT_OBJECT # aka


.type _foo, STT_TLS # aka


.type _foo, STT_COMMON # aka


.type _foo, STT_NOTYPE # aka


.type _foo,



.hidden (ELF)


.indirect_symbol (MachO)


.internal (ELF)


.lazy_reference (MachO)


.local (ELF)


.no_dead_strip (MachO)


.symbol_resolver (MachO)


.private_extern (MachO)


.protected (ELF)


.reference (MachO)




.weak_definition (MachO)


.weak_reference (MachO)


.weak_def_can_be_hidden (MachO)

Definition at line 19 of file MCDirectives.h.





Definition at line 63 of file MCDirectives.h.


Definition at line 607 of file ARMISelLowering.h.

A simple null object to allow implicit construction of Optional<T> and similar types without having to spell out the specialization's name.


Definition at line 22 of file None.h.

ParmContext - This enum tracks whether calling convention lowering is in the context of prologue or call generation. Not all backends make use of this information.


Definition at line 167 of file CallingConvLower.h.


Definition at line 103 of file LegacyPassManagers.h.


Definition at line 67 of file Pass.h.

Different types of internal pass managers. External pass managers (PassManager and FunctionPassManager) are not represented here. Ordering of pass manager types is important here.














Definition at line 55 of file Pass.h.


Definition at line 33 of file NVPTXBaseInfo.h.

RemapFlags - These are flags that the value mapping APIs allow.


RF_NoModuleLevelChanges - If this flag is set, the remapper knows that only local values within a function (such as an instruction or argument) are mapped, not global values like functions and global metadata.


RF_IgnoreMissingEntries - If this flag is set, the remapper ignores entries that are not in the value map. If it is unset, it aborts if an operand is asked to be remapped which doesn't exist in the mapping.

Definition at line 51 of file ValueMapper.h.


Definition at line 27 of file ScalarEvolutionExpressions.h.

SelectPatternFlavor - We can match a variety of different patterns for select operations.


Definition at line 38 of file InstCombine.h.


Definition at line 48 of file Instructions.h.

TransformKind - Different types of transformations that TransformForPostIncUse can do.


Normalize - Normalize according to the given loops.


NormalizeAutodetect - Detect post-inc opportunities on new expressions, update the given loop set, and normalize.


Denormalize - Perform the inverse transform on the expression with the given loop set.

Definition at line 52 of file ScalarEvolutionNormalization.h.

The behavior an operation has on an input of 0.


The returned value is undefined.


The returned value is numeric_limits<T>::max()


The returned value is numeric_limits<T>::digits.

Definition at line 30 of file MathExtras.h.

Function Documentation

void llvm::__deregister_frame ( void *  p)
void llvm::__register_frame ( void *  p)
static AArch64Layout::VectorLayout llvm::AArch64StringToVectorLayout ( StringRef  LayoutStr) [inline, static]
static const char* llvm::AArch64VectorLayoutToString ( AArch64Layout::VectorLayout  Layout) [inline, static]
int64_t llvm::abs64 ( int64_t  x) [inline]

abs64 - absolute value of a 64-bit int. Not all environments support "abs" on whatever their name for the 64-bit int type is. The absolute value of the largest negative number is undefined, as with "abs".

Definition at line 614 of file MathExtras.h.

Referenced by getNewAlignmentDiff(), llvm::ARMTargetLowering::isLegalAddImmediate(), and llvm::ARMTargetLowering::isLegalICmpImmediate().

static const MachineInstrBuilder& llvm::addConstantPoolReference ( const MachineInstrBuilder &  MIB,
unsigned  CPI,
unsigned  GlobalBaseReg,
unsigned char  OpFlags 
) [inline, static]

addConstantPoolReference - This function is used to add a reference to the base of a constant value spilled to the per-function constant pool. The reference uses the abstract ConstantPoolIndex which is retained until either machine code emission or assembly output. In PIC mode on x86-32, the GlobalBaseReg parameter can be used to make this a GlobalBaseReg-relative reference.

Definition at line 175 of file X86InstrBuilder.h.

References llvm::MachineInstrBuilder::addConstantPoolIndex(), llvm::MachineInstrBuilder::addImm(), and llvm::MachineInstrBuilder::addReg().

static const MachineInstrBuilder& llvm::AddDefaultCC ( const MachineInstrBuilder &  MIB) [inline, static]
static const MachineInstrBuilder& llvm::AddDefaultPred ( const MachineInstrBuilder &  MIB) [inline, static]

Definition at line 382 of file ARMBaseInstrInfo.h.

References llvm::MachineInstrBuilder::addImm(), llvm::MachineInstrBuilder::addReg(), and llvm::ARMCC::AL.

Referenced by llvm::ARMFrameLowering::adjustForSegmentedStacks(), llvm::ARMBaseInstrInfo::breakPartialRegDependency(), llvm::Thumb1InstrInfo::copyPhysReg(), llvm::Thumb2InstrInfo::copyPhysReg(), llvm::ARMBaseInstrInfo::copyPhysReg(), llvm::Thumb1RegisterInfo::eliminateFrameIndex(), emitAlignedDPRCS2Restores(), emitAlignedDPRCS2Spills(), llvm::Thumb1FrameLowering::emitEpilogue(), llvm::ARMFrameLowering::emitEpilogue(), llvm::ARMTargetLowering::EmitInstrWithCustomInserter(), emitPostLd(), emitPostSt(), llvm::Thumb1FrameLowering::emitPrologue(), llvm::ARMFrameLowering::emitPrologue(), emitT2RegPlusImmediate(), emitThumbConstant(), emitThumbRegPlusImmediate(), emitThumbRegPlusImmInReg(), llvm::ARMBaseInstrInfo::expandLoadStackGuardBase(), llvm::ARMBaseInstrInfo::expandPostRAPseudo(), llvm::ARMBaseInstrInfo::FoldImmediate(), llvm::Thumb1InstrInfo::loadRegFromStackSlot(), llvm::Thumb2InstrInfo::loadRegFromStackSlot(), llvm::ARMBaseInstrInfo::loadRegFromStackSlot(), llvm::ARMBaseRegisterInfo::materializeFrameBaseRegister(), llvm::Thumb1FrameLowering::restoreCalleeSavedRegisters(), llvm::Thumb1RegisterInfo::rewriteFrameIndex(), rewriteT2FrameIndex(), llvm::Thumb1RegisterInfo::saveScavengerRegister(), llvm::ARMBaseInstrInfo::setExecutionDomain(), llvm::Thumb1FrameLowering::spillCalleeSavedRegisters(), llvm::Thumb1InstrInfo::storeRegToStackSlot(), llvm::Thumb2InstrInfo::storeRegToStackSlot(), and llvm::ARMBaseInstrInfo::storeRegToStackSlot().

static const MachineInstrBuilder& llvm::AddDefaultT1CC ( const MachineInstrBuilder &  MIB,
bool  isDead = false 
) [inline, static]
static const MachineInstrBuilder& llvm::addDirectMem ( const MachineInstrBuilder &  MIB,
unsigned  Reg 
) [inline, static]

addDirectMem - This function is used to add a direct memory reference to the current instruction -- that is, a dereference of an address in a register, with no scale, index or displacement. An example is: DWORD PTR [EAX].

Definition at line 91 of file X86InstrBuilder.h.

References llvm::MachineInstrBuilder::addImm(), and llvm::MachineInstrBuilder::addReg().

static const MachineInstrBuilder& llvm::addFrameReference ( const MachineInstrBuilder &  MIB,
int  FI 
) [inline, static]
static const MachineInstrBuilder& llvm::addFrameReference ( const MachineInstrBuilder &  MIB,
int  FI,
int  Offset = 0,
bool  mem = true 
) [inline, static]

addFrameReference - This function is used to add a reference to the base of an abstract object on the stack frame of the current function. This reference has base register as the FrameIndex offset until it is resolved. This allows a constant offset to be specified as well...

Definition at line 33 of file PPCInstrBuilder.h.

References llvm::MachineInstrBuilder::addFrameIndex(), and llvm::MachineInstrBuilder::addImm().

Referenced by llvm::SystemZInstrInfo::loadRegFromStackSlot(), llvm::PPCRegisterInfo::lowerCRBitRestore(), llvm::PPCRegisterInfo::lowerCRBitSpilling(), llvm::PPCRegisterInfo::lowerCRRestore(), llvm::PPCRegisterInfo::lowerCRSpilling(), llvm::PPCRegisterInfo::lowerVRSAVERestore(), llvm::PPCRegisterInfo::lowerVRSAVESpilling(), restoreCRs(), llvm::PPCFrameLowering::spillCalleeSavedRegisters(), and llvm::SystemZInstrInfo::storeRegToStackSlot().

static const MachineInstrBuilder& llvm::addFrameReference ( const MachineInstrBuilder &  MIB,
int  FI,
int  Offset = 0 
) [inline, static]

addFrameReference - This function is used to add a reference to the base of an abstract object on the stack frame of the current function. This reference has base register as the FrameIndex offset until it is resolved. This allows a constant offset to be specified as well...

Definition at line 149 of file X86InstrBuilder.h.

References llvm::MachineInstrBuilder::addFrameIndex(), addOffset(), llvm::MachineInstr::getDesc(), llvm::MachinePointerInfo::getFixedStack(), llvm::MachineFunction::getFrameInfo(), llvm::MachineFunction::getMachineMemOperand(), llvm::MachineFrameInfo::getObjectAlignment(), llvm::MachineFrameInfo::getObjectSize(), llvm::MachineInstr::getParent(), llvm::MachineBasicBlock::getParent(), llvm::MCInstrDesc::mayLoad(), llvm::MCInstrDesc::mayStore(), llvm::AArch64CC::MI, llvm::MachineMemOperand::MOLoad, and llvm::MachineMemOperand::MOStore.

static const MachineInstrBuilder& llvm::addFullAddress ( const MachineInstrBuilder &  MIB,
const X86AddressMode &  AM 
) [inline, static]
void llvm::addNodeToInterval ( Interval *  Int,
BasicBlock *  BB 
) [inline]

Definition at line 68 of file IntervalIterator.h.

References llvm::Interval::Nodes.

void llvm::addNodeToInterval ( Interval *  Int,
Interval *  I 
) [inline]

Definition at line 79 of file IntervalIterator.h.

References llvm::Interval::Nodes.

static const MachineInstrBuilder& llvm::AddNoT1CC ( const MachineInstrBuilder &  MIB) [inline, static]

Definition at line 398 of file ARMBaseInstrInfo.h.

References llvm::MachineInstrBuilder::addReg().

static const MachineInstrBuilder& llvm::addOffset ( const MachineInstrBuilder &  MIB,
int  Offset 
) [inline, static]
static Constant* llvm::AddOne ( Constant *  C) [inline, static]
static void llvm::addRegDescribedVar ( RegDescribedVarsMap &  RegVars,
unsigned  RegNo,
const MDNode *  Var 
) [static]

Definition at line 92 of file DbgValueHistoryCalculator.cpp.

Referenced by calculateDbgValueHistory().

static const MachineInstrBuilder& llvm::addRegOffset ( const MachineInstrBuilder &  MIB,
unsigned  Reg,
bool  isKill,
int  Offset 
) [inline, static]

addRegOffset - This function is used to add a memory reference of the form [Reg + Offset], i.e., one with no scale or index, but with a displacement. An example is: DWORD PTR [EAX + 4].

Definition at line 108 of file X86InstrBuilder.h.

References addOffset(), llvm::MachineInstrBuilder::addReg(), and getKillRegState().

Referenced by llvm::X86FrameLowering::adjustForHiPEPrologue(), llvm::X86FrameLowering::emitEpilogue(), llvm::X86FrameLowering::emitPrologue(), and emitSPUpdate().

static const MachineInstrBuilder& llvm::addRegReg ( const MachineInstrBuilder &  MIB,
unsigned  Reg1,
bool  isKill1,
unsigned  Reg2,
bool  isKill2 
) [inline, static]

addRegReg - This function is used to add a memory reference of the form: [Reg + Reg].

Definition at line 115 of file X86InstrBuilder.h.

References llvm::MachineInstrBuilder::addImm(), llvm::MachineInstrBuilder::addReg(), and getKillRegState().

uintptr_t llvm::alignAddr ( void *  Addr,
size_t  Alignment 
) [inline]

Aligns Addr to Alignment bytes, rounding up.

Alignment should be a power of two. This method rounds up, so alignAddr(7, 4) == 8 and alignAddr(8, 4) == 8.

Definition at line 557 of file MathExtras.h.

References isPowerOf2_64().

Referenced by alignmentAdjustment(), llvm::BumpPtrAllocatorImpl< AllocatorT, SlabSize, SizeThreshold >::Allocate(), and llvm::SpecificBumpPtrAllocator< SCC >::DestroyAll().

size_t llvm::alignmentAdjustment ( void *  Ptr,
size_t  Alignment 
) [inline]

Returns the necessary adjustment for aligning Ptr to Alignment bytes, rounding up.

Definition at line 568 of file MathExtras.h.

References alignAddr().

Referenced by llvm::BumpPtrAllocatorImpl< AllocatorT, SlabSize, SizeThreshold >::Allocate().

template<typename T >
unsigned llvm::alignOf ( ) [inline]

alignOf - A templated function that returns the minimum alignment of of a type. This provides no extra functionality beyond the AlignOf class besides some cosmetic cleanliness. Example usage: alignOf<int>() returns the alignment of an int.

Definition at line 58 of file AlignOf.h.

void llvm::appendToGlobalCtors ( Module M,
Function F,
int  Priority 

Append F to the list of global ctors of module M with the given Priority. This wraps the function in the appropriate structure and stores it along side other global constructors. For details see http://llvm.org/docs/LangRef.html#intg_global_ctors

Definition at line 72 of file ModuleUtils.cpp.

References appendToGlobalArray().

void llvm::appendToGlobalDtors ( Module M,
Function F,
int  Priority 

Same as appendToGlobalCtors(), but for global dtors.

Definition at line 76 of file ModuleUtils.cpp.

References appendToGlobalArray().

static const SCEV* llvm::apply ( const SCEV *  Scev,
LoopToScevMapT &  Map,
ScalarEvolution &  SE 
) [inline, static]

Applies the Map (Loop -> SCEV) to the given Scev.

Definition at line 827 of file ScalarEvolutionExpressions.h.

References llvm::SCEVApplyRewriter::rewrite().

static uint16_t llvm::applyPPCha ( uint64_t  value) [inline, static]

Definition at line 726 of file RuntimeDyldELF.cpp.

static uint16_t llvm::applyPPChi ( uint64_t  value) [inline, static]

Definition at line 722 of file RuntimeDyldELF.cpp.

static uint16_t llvm::applyPPChigher ( uint64_t  value) [inline, static]

Definition at line 730 of file RuntimeDyldELF.cpp.

static uint16_t llvm::applyPPChighera ( uint64_t  value) [inline, static]

Definition at line 734 of file RuntimeDyldELF.cpp.

static uint16_t llvm::applyPPChighest ( uint64_t  value) [inline, static]

Definition at line 738 of file RuntimeDyldELF.cpp.

static uint16_t llvm::applyPPChighesta ( uint64_t  value) [inline, static]

Definition at line 742 of file RuntimeDyldELF.cpp.

static uint16_t llvm::applyPPClo ( uint64_t  value) [inline, static]

Definition at line 720 of file RuntimeDyldELF.cpp.

template<typename Callable >
static void llvm::applyToClobberedRegisters ( const MachineInstr &  MI,
const TargetRegisterInfo *  TRI,
Callable  Func 
) [static]

Check if statistics are enabled.

Definition at line 96 of file Statistic.cpp.

References Enabled.

static const char* llvm::ARMCondCodeToString ( ARMCC::CondCodes  CC) [inline, static]
template<class T , std::size_t N>
LLVM_CONSTEXPR size_t llvm::array_lengthof ( T(&)  [N]) [inline]

Find the length of an array.

Definition at line 295 of file STLExtras.h.

References N.

Referenced by llvm::AArch64TargetLowering::AArch64TargetLowering(), llvm::TargetLoweringBase::addRegisterClass(), AnalyzeArguments(), llvm::ARMBaseInstrInfo::ARMBaseInstrInfo(), llvm::AtomicSDNode::AtomicSDNode(), canLowerByDroppingEvenElements(), CC_PPC32_SVR4_Custom_AlignArgRegs(), CC_PPC32_SVR4_Custom_AlignFPArgRegs(), CombineSymbolTypes(), convertAddSubFlagsOpcode(), llvm::PPCInstrInfo::DefinesPredicate(), llvm::MCDwarfLineTableHeader::Emit(), llvm::ArrayRef< uint64_t >::equals(), llvm::AArch64SysReg::SysRegMapper::fromString(), getAllocationData(), llvm::SystemZFrameLowering::getCalleeSavedSpillSlots(), llvm::PPCFrameLowering::getCalleeSavedSpillSlots(), getConcreteOpcode(), llvm::TargetLoweringBase::getCondCodeAction(), llvm::MCAsmBackend::getFixupKindInfo(), getLdStNInstrDesc(), llvm::SelectionDAG::getMachineNode(), llvm::TargetLoweringBase::getNumRegisters(), llvm::TargetLoweringBase::getOperationAction(), llvm::TargetLoweringBase::getRegisterType(), llvm::object::MachOObjectFile::getRelocationTypeName(), llvm::MipsRegisterInfo::getReservedRegs(), llvm::AMDGPURegisterInfo::getSubRegFromChannel(), llvm::TargetLoweringBase::getTypeConversion(), llvm::TargetLoweringBase::hasTargetDAGCombine(), llvm::raw_ostream::indent(), llvm::TargetLoweringBase::initActions(), isF128SoftLibCall(), isImageOrSamplerVal(), llvm::TargetLoweringBase::isTypeLegal(), lookup(), lookupAVX2(), LookupNEONLdSt(), LowerVECTOR_SHUFFLE_256(), llvm::MipsSETargetLowering::MipsSETargetLowering(), llvm::SelectionDAG::MorphNodeTo(), llvm::AArch64SysReg::MRSMapper::MRSMapper(), llvm::AArch64SysReg::MSRMapper::MSRMapper(), llvm::Triple::normalize(), llvm::TargetLoweringBase::setCondCodeAction(), llvm::TargetLoweringBase::setOperationAction(), llvm::TargetLoweringBase::setTargetDAGCombine(), llvm::SystemZFrameLowering::SystemZFrameLowering(), and llvm::AArch64SysReg::SysRegMapper::toString().

template<class IteratorTy >
void llvm::array_pod_sort ( IteratorTy  Start,
IteratorTy  End 
) [inline]

array_pod_sort - This sorts an array with the specified start and end extent. This is just like std::sort, except that it calls qsort instead of using an inlined template. qsort is slightly slower than std::sort, but most sorts are not performance critical in LLVM and std::sort has to be template instantiated for each type, leading to significant measured code bloat. This function should generally be used instead of std::sort where possible.

This function assumes that you have simple POD-like types that can be compared with std::less and can be moved with memcpy. If this isn't true, you should use std::sort.

NOTE: If qsort_r were portable, we could allow a custom comparator and default to std::less.

Definition at line 335 of file STLExtras.h.

References get_array_pod_sort_comparator, and llvm::LibFunc::qsort.

Referenced by accumulateAndSortLibcalls(), llvm::AttributeSetNode::get(), llvm::PassNameParser::printOptionInfo(), llvm::TargetRegistry::printRegisteredTargetsForVersion(), llvm::Inliner::removeDeadFunctions(), setUsedInitializer(), SimplifyBranchOnICmpChain(), llvm::InstCombiner::SliceUpIllegalIntegerPHI(), sortRelocs(), TurnSwitchRangeIntoICmp(), and ValuesOverlap().

template<class IteratorTy >
void llvm::array_pod_sort ( IteratorTy  Start,
IteratorTy  End,
int(*)(const typename std::iterator_traits< IteratorTy >::value_type *, const typename std::iterator_traits< IteratorTy >::value_type *)  Compare 
) [inline]

Definition at line 343 of file STLExtras.h.

References llvm::MCID::Compare, and llvm::LibFunc::qsort.

template<typename T >
int llvm::array_pod_sort_comparator ( const void *  P1,
const void *  P2 
) [inline]

Adapt std::less<T> for array_pod_sort.

Definition at line 301 of file STLExtras.h.

Definition at line 249 of file MipsNaClELFStreamer.cpp.

References llvm::X86II::T8.

const std::error_category & llvm::BitcodeErrorCategory ( )

Definition at line 3505 of file BitcodeReader.cpp.

Referenced by make_error_code().

double llvm::BitsToDouble ( uint64_t  Bits) [inline]

BitsToDouble - This function takes a 64-bit integer and returns the bit equivalent double.

Definition at line 488 of file MathExtras.h.

References llvm::tgtok::Bits, and T.

float llvm::BitsToFloat ( uint32_t  Bits) [inline]

BitsToFloat - This function takes a 32-bit integer and returns the bit equivalent float.

Definition at line 499 of file MathExtras.h.

References llvm::tgtok::Bits, F(), I, and T.

MachineInstrBuilder llvm::BuildMI ( MachineFunction &  MF,
DebugLoc  DL,
const MCInstrDesc &  MCID 
) [inline]

BuildMI - Builder interface. Specify how to create the initial instruction itself.

Definition at line 228 of file MachineInstrBuilder.h.

References llvm::MachineFunction::CreateMachineInstr().

Referenced by llvm::MachineBasicBlock::addLiveIn(), llvm::X86FrameLowering::adjustForHiPEPrologue(), llvm::X86FrameLowering::adjustForSegmentedStacks(), llvm::ARMFrameLowering::adjustForSegmentedStacks(), llvm::MipsSEInstrInfo::adjustStackPtr(), llvm::SparcInstrInfo::AnalyzeBranch(), llvm::ARMBaseInstrInfo::breakPartialRegDependency(), llvm::Mips16InstrInfo::BuildAddiuSpImm(), llvm::R600InstrInfo::buildDefaultInstruction(), llvm::SIInstrInfo::buildIndirectRead(), llvm::SIInstrInfo::buildIndirectWrite(), BuildMI(), llvm::SIInstrInfo::buildMovInstr(), llvm::PPCInstrInfo::commuteInstruction(), llvm::FastISel::constrainOperandRegClass(), llvm::ARMBaseInstrInfo::convertToThreeAddress(), llvm::SystemZInstrInfo::convertToThreeAddress(), llvm::Thumb1InstrInfo::copyPhysReg(), llvm::Thumb2InstrInfo::copyPhysReg(), llvm::Mips16InstrInfo::copyPhysReg(), llvm::MipsSEInstrInfo::copyPhysReg(), llvm::NVPTXInstrInfo::copyPhysReg(), llvm::MSP430InstrInfo::copyPhysReg(), llvm::XCoreInstrInfo::copyPhysReg(), llvm::SIInstrInfo::copyPhysReg(), llvm::SparcInstrInfo::copyPhysReg(), llvm::HexagonInstrInfo::copyPhysReg(), llvm::AArch64InstrInfo::copyPhysReg(), llvm::PPCInstrInfo::copyPhysReg(), llvm::ARMBaseInstrInfo::copyPhysReg(), llvm::SystemZInstrInfo::copyPhysReg(), llvm::AArch64InstrInfo::copyPhysRegTuple(), llvm::MSP430FrameLowering::eliminateCallFramePseudoInstr(), llvm::XCoreFrameLowering::eliminateCallFramePseudoInstr(), llvm::PPCFrameLowering::eliminateCallFramePseudoInstr(), llvm::X86FrameLowering::eliminateCallFramePseudoInstr(), llvm::SIRegisterInfo::eliminateFrameIndex(), llvm::MSP430RegisterInfo::eliminateFrameIndex(), llvm::SparcRegisterInfo::eliminateFrameIndex(), llvm::SystemZRegisterInfo::eliminateFrameIndex(), llvm::HexagonRegisterInfo::eliminateFrameIndex(), llvm::PPCRegisterInfo::eliminateFrameIndex(), emitAlignedDPRCS2Restores(), emitAlignedDPRCS2Spills(), emitARMRegPlusImmediate(), llvm::PPCTargetLowering::EmitAtomicBinary(), llvm::AArch64FrameLowering::emitCalleeSavedFrameMoves(), llvm::X86FrameLowering::emitCalleeSavedFrameMoves(), EmitCfiOffset(), llvm::InstrEmitter::EmitDbgValue(), EmitDefCfaOffset(), EmitDefCfaRegister(), llvm::PPCTargetLowering::emitEHSjLjLongJmp(), llvm::PPCTargetLowering::emitEHSjLjSetJmp(), llvm::Mips16FrameLowering::emitEpilogue(), llvm::HexagonFrameLowering::emitEpilogue(), llvm::MipsSEFrameLowering::emitEpilogue(), llvm::SparcFrameLowering::emitEpilogue(), llvm::Thumb1FrameLowering::emitEpilogue(), llvm::MSP430FrameLowering::emitEpilogue(), llvm::ARMFrameLowering::emitEpilogue(), llvm::XCoreFrameLowering::emitEpilogue(), llvm::PPCFrameLowering::emitEpilogue(), llvm::X86FrameLowering::emitEpilogue(), llvm::AArch64TargetLowering::EmitF128CSEL(), llvm::AArch64InstrInfo::emitFrameIndexDebugValue(), emitFrameOffset(), emitGPDisp(), emitIncrement(), llvm::R600TargetLowering::EmitInstrWithCustomInserter(), llvm::SITargetLowering::EmitInstrWithCustomInserter(), llvm::MSP430TargetLowering::EmitInstrWithCustomInserter(), llvm::XCoreTargetLowering::EmitInstrWithCustomInserter(), llvm::ARMTargetLowering::EmitInstrWithCustomInserter(), llvm::PPCTargetLowering::EmitInstrWithCustomInserter(), llvm::MachineRegisterInfo::EmitLiveInCopies(), llvm::Thumb2RegisterInfo::emitLoadConstPool(), llvm::Thumb1RegisterInfo::emitLoadConstPool(), llvm::ARMBaseRegisterInfo::emitLoadConstPool(), EmitMonitor(), llvm::PPCTargetLowering::EmitPartwordAtomicBinary(), llvm::TargetLoweringBase::emitPatchPoint(), EmitPCMPSTRI(), EmitPCMPSTRM(), emitPostLd(), emitPostSt(), llvm::Mips16FrameLowering::emitPrologue(), llvm::MipsSEFrameLowering::emitPrologue(), llvm::HexagonFrameLowering::emitPrologue(), llvm::NVPTXFrameLowering::emitPrologue(), llvm::SparcFrameLowering::emitPrologue(), llvm::Thumb1FrameLowering::emitPrologue(), llvm::MSP430FrameLowering::emitPrologue(), llvm::XCoreFrameLowering::emitPrologue(), llvm::ARMFrameLowering::emitPrologue(), llvm::PPCFrameLowering::emitPrologue(), llvm::AArch64FrameLowering::emitPrologue(), llvm::X86FrameLowering::emitPrologue(), llvm::SystemZFrameLowering::emitPrologue(), llvm::MSP430TargetLowering::EmitShiftInstr(), emitSPUpdate(), emitT2RegPlusImmediate(), emitThumbConstant(), emitThumbRegPlusImmediate(), emitThumbRegPlusImmInReg(), EmitXBegin(), llvm::SparcTargetLowering::expandAtomicRMW(), expandLoadStackGuard(), llvm::ARMBaseInstrInfo::expandLoadStackGuardBase(), llvm::SIInstrInfo::expandPostRAPseudo(), llvm::AArch64InstrInfo::expandPostRAPseudo(), llvm::SparcTargetLowering::expandSelectCC(), llvm::FastISel::fastEmitInst_(), llvm::FastISel::fastEmitInst_extractsubreg(), llvm::FastISel::fastEmitInst_i(), llvm::FastISel::fastEmitInst_ii(), llvm::FastISel::fastEmitInst_r(), llvm::FastISel::fastEmitInst_rf(), llvm::FastISel::fastEmitInst_ri(), llvm::FastISel::fastEmitInst_rii(), llvm::FastISel::fastEmitInst_rr(), llvm::FastISel::fastEmitInst_rri(), llvm::FastISel::fastEmitInst_rrii(), llvm::FastISel::fastEmitInst_rrr(), llvm::ARMBaseInstrInfo::FoldImmediate(), llvm::SystemZInstrInfo::foldMemoryOperandImpl(), forceReg(), llvm::AArch64InstrInfo::genAlternativeCodeSequence(), llvm::MipsInstrInfo::genInstrWithNewOpc(), genMadd(), genMaddR(), llvm::SparcInstrInfo::getGlobalBaseReg(), HandleVRSaveUpdate(), IfNeededExtSP(), IfNeededLDAWSP(), llvm::XCoreInstrInfo::InsertBranch(), llvm::MipsInstrInfo::InsertBranch(), llvm::NVPTXInstrInfo::InsertBranch(), llvm::HexagonInstrInfo::InsertBranch(), llvm::SparcInstrInfo::InsertBranch(), llvm::MSP430InstrInfo::InsertBranch(), llvm::ARMBaseInstrInfo::InsertBranch(), llvm::PPCInstrInfo::InsertBranch(), llvm::AArch64InstrInfo::InsertBranch(), llvm::SystemZInstrInfo::InsertBranch(), llvm::R600InstrInfo::InsertBranch(), insertCopy(), insertDivByZeroTrap(), InsertFPConstInst(), InsertFPImmInst(), InsertLDR_STR(), InsertNewDef(), llvm::MipsInstrInfo::insertNoop(), llvm::PPCInstrInfo::insertNoop(), llvm::SIInstrInfo::insertNOPs(), llvm::PPCInstrInfo::insertSelect(), llvm::AArch64InstrInfo::insertSelect(), InsertSPConstInst(), InsertSPImmInst(), llvm::SIInstrInfo::legalizeOperands(), llvm::SIInstrInfo::legalizeOpWithMove(), llvm::MipsSEInstrInfo::loadImmediate(), llvm::Mips16InstrInfo::loadImmediate(), llvm::XCoreInstrInfo::loadImmediate(), llvm::SystemZInstrInfo::loadImmediate(), llvm::Mips16InstrInfo::loadRegFromStack(), llvm::MipsSEInstrInfo::loadRegFromStack(), llvm::Thumb1InstrInfo::loadRegFromStackSlot(), llvm::Thumb2InstrInfo::loadRegFromStackSlot(), llvm::MSP430InstrInfo::loadRegFromStackSlot(), llvm::XCoreInstrInfo::loadRegFromStackSlot(), llvm::SIInstrInfo::loadRegFromStackSlot(), llvm::SparcInstrInfo::loadRegFromStackSlot(), llvm::HexagonInstrInfo::loadRegFromStackSlot(), llvm::AArch64InstrInfo::loadRegFromStackSlot(), llvm::ARMBaseInstrInfo::loadRegFromStackSlot(), llvm::SystemZInstrInfo::loadRegFromStackSlot(), llvm::PPCRegisterInfo::lowerCRBitRestore(), llvm::PPCRegisterInfo::lowerCRBitSpilling(), llvm::PPCRegisterInfo::lowerCRRestore(), llvm::PPCRegisterInfo::lowerCRSpilling(), llvm::PPCRegisterInfo::lowerDynamicAlloc(), llvm::PPCRegisterInfo::lowerVRSAVERestore(), llvm::PPCRegisterInfo::lowerVRSAVESpilling(), llvm::Mips16InstrInfo::makeFrame(), MakeM0Inst(), llvm::AArch64RegisterInfo::materializeFrameBaseRegister(), llvm::PPCRegisterInfo::materializeFrameBaseRegister(), llvm::ARMBaseRegisterInfo::materializeFrameBaseRegister(), llvm::SIInstrInfo::moveSMRDToVALU(), llvm::SIInstrInfo::moveToVALU(), llvm::PPCInstrInfo::optimizeCompareInstr(), llvm::ARMBaseInstrInfo::optimizeSelect(), llvm::ARMBaseInstrInfo::reMaterialize(), replaceFI(), llvm::SystemZFrameLowering::restoreCalleeSavedRegisters(), llvm::Thumb1FrameLowering::restoreCalleeSavedRegisters(), llvm::MSP430FrameLowering::restoreCalleeSavedRegisters(), llvm::AArch64FrameLowering::restoreCalleeSavedRegisters(), llvm::X86FrameLowering::restoreCalleeSavedRegisters(), restoreCRs(), llvm::Mips16InstrInfo::restoreFrame(), RestoreSpillList(), llvm::SelectionDAGISel::runOnMachineFunction(), llvm::Thumb1RegisterInfo::saveScavengerRegister(), llvm::FastISel::selectBitCast(), llvm::FastISel::selectCall(), llvm::FastISel::selectIntrinsicCall(), llvm::FastISel::selectPatchpoint(), llvm::FastISel::selectStackmap(), llvm::FunctionLoweringInfo::set(), setCallTargetReg(), llvm::ARMBaseInstrInfo::setExecutionDomain(), llvm::SystemZFrameLowering::spillCalleeSavedRegisters(), llvm::Thumb1FrameLowering::spillCalleeSavedRegisters(), llvm::MSP430FrameLowering::spillCalleeSavedRegisters(), llvm::AArch64FrameLowering::spillCalleeSavedRegisters(), llvm::PPCFrameLowering::spillCalleeSavedRegisters(), llvm::X86FrameLowering::spillCalleeSavedRegisters(), llvm::SIInstrInfo::splitSMRD(), llvm::Mips16InstrInfo::storeRegToStack(), llvm::MipsSEInstrInfo::storeRegToStack(), llvm::Thumb1InstrInfo::storeRegToStackSlot(), llvm::Thumb2InstrInfo::storeRegToStackSlot(), llvm::MSP430InstrInfo::storeRegToStackSlot(), llvm::XCoreInstrInfo::storeRegToStackSlot(), llvm::SIInstrInfo::storeRegToStackSlot(), llvm::SparcInstrInfo::storeRegToStackSlot(), llvm::HexagonInstrInfo::storeRegToStackSlot(), llvm::AArch64InstrInfo::storeRegToStackSlot(), llvm::ARMBaseInstrInfo::storeRegToStackSlot(), llvm::SystemZInstrInfo::storeRegToStackSlot(), tryOrrMovk(), trySequenceOfOnes(), and tryToreplicateChunks().

MachineInstrBuilder llvm::BuildMI ( MachineFunction &  MF,
DebugLoc  DL,
const MCInstrDesc &  MCID,
unsigned  DestReg 
) [inline]

BuildMI - This version of the builder sets up the first operand as a destination virtual register.

Definition at line 237 of file MachineInstrBuilder.h.

References llvm::MachineFunction::CreateMachineInstr(), and llvm::RegState::Define.

MachineInstrBuilder llvm::BuildMI ( MachineBasicBlock &  BB,
MachineBasicBlock::iterator  I,
DebugLoc  DL,
const MCInstrDesc &  MCID,
unsigned  DestReg 
) [inline]

BuildMI - This version of the builder inserts the newly-built instruction before the given position in the given MachineBasicBlock, and sets up the first operand as a destination virtual register.

Definition at line 249 of file MachineInstrBuilder.h.

References llvm::MachineInstrBuilder::addReg(), llvm::MachineFunction::CreateMachineInstr(), llvm::RegState::Define, llvm::MachineBasicBlock::getParent(), llvm::MachineBasicBlock::insert(), and llvm::AArch64CC::MI.

MachineInstrBuilder llvm::BuildMI ( MachineBasicBlock &  BB,
MachineBasicBlock::instr_iterator  I,
DebugLoc  DL,
const MCInstrDesc &  MCID,
unsigned  DestReg 
) [inline]
MachineInstrBuilder llvm::BuildMI ( MachineBasicBlock &  BB,
MachineInstr *  I,
DebugLoc  DL,
const MCInstrDesc &  MCID,
unsigned  DestReg 
) [inline]

Definition at line 271 of file MachineInstrBuilder.h.

References BuildMI(), I, and llvm::MachineInstr::isInsideBundle().

MachineInstrBuilder llvm::BuildMI ( MachineBasicBlock &  BB,
MachineBasicBlock::iterator  I,
DebugLoc  DL,
const MCInstrDesc &  MCID 
) [inline]

BuildMI - This version of the builder inserts the newly-built instruction before the given position in the given MachineBasicBlock, and does NOT take a destination register.

Definition at line 289 of file MachineInstrBuilder.h.

References llvm::MachineFunction::CreateMachineInstr(), llvm::MachineBasicBlock::getParent(), llvm::MachineBasicBlock::insert(), and llvm::AArch64CC::MI.

MachineInstrBuilder llvm::BuildMI ( MachineBasicBlock &  BB,
MachineBasicBlock::instr_iterator  I,
DebugLoc  DL,
const MCInstrDesc &  MCID 
) [inline]
MachineInstrBuilder llvm::BuildMI ( MachineBasicBlock &  BB,
MachineInstr *  I,
DebugLoc  DL,
const MCInstrDesc &  MCID 
) [inline]

Definition at line 309 of file MachineInstrBuilder.h.

References BuildMI(), I, and llvm::MachineInstr::isInsideBundle().

MachineInstrBuilder llvm::BuildMI ( MachineBasicBlock *  BB,
DebugLoc  DL,
const MCInstrDesc &  MCID 
) [inline]

BuildMI - This version of the builder inserts the newly-built instruction at the end of the given MachineBasicBlock, and does NOT take a destination register.

Definition at line 326 of file MachineInstrBuilder.h.

References BuildMI(), and llvm::MachineBasicBlock::end().

MachineInstrBuilder llvm::BuildMI ( MachineBasicBlock *  BB,
DebugLoc  DL,
const MCInstrDesc &  MCID,
unsigned  DestReg 
) [inline]

BuildMI - This version of the builder inserts the newly-built instruction at the end of the given MachineBasicBlock, and sets up the first operand as a destination virtual register.

Definition at line 336 of file MachineInstrBuilder.h.

References BuildMI(), and llvm::MachineBasicBlock::end().

MachineInstrBuilder llvm::BuildMI ( MachineFunction &  MF,
DebugLoc  DL,
const MCInstrDesc &  MCID,
bool  IsIndirect,
unsigned  Reg,
unsigned  Offset,
const MDNode *  MD 
) [inline]

BuildMI - This version of the builder builds a DBG_VALUE intrinsic for either a value in a register or a register-indirect+offset address. The convention is that a DBG_VALUE is indirect iff the second operand is an immediate.

Definition at line 348 of file MachineInstrBuilder.h.

References llvm::MachineInstrBuilder::addImm(), llvm::MachineInstrBuilder::addMetadata(), llvm::MachineInstrBuilder::addReg(), BuildMI(), and llvm::RegState::Debug.

MachineInstrBuilder llvm::BuildMI ( MachineBasicBlock &  BB,
MachineBasicBlock::iterator  I,
DebugLoc  DL,
const MCInstrDesc &  MCID,
bool  IsIndirect,
unsigned  Reg,
unsigned  Offset,
const MDNode *  MD 
) [inline]

BuildMI - This version of the builder builds a DBG_VALUE intrinsic for either a value in a register or a register-indirect+offset address and inserts it at position I.

Definition at line 373 of file MachineInstrBuilder.h.

References BuildMI(), llvm::MachineBasicBlock::getParent(), llvm::MachineBasicBlock::insert(), and llvm::AArch64CC::MI.

This optimization identifies DIV instructions that can be profitably bypassed and carried out with a shorter, faster divide.

Definition at line 223 of file BypassSlowDivision.cpp.

References llvm::X86ISD::BT, llvm::DenseMapBase< DerivedT, KeyT, ValueT, KeyInfoT >::end(), llvm::DenseMapBase< DerivedT, KeyT, ValueT, KeyInfoT >::find(), llvm::IntegerType::get(), llvm::IntegerType::getBitWidth(), and reuseOrInsertFastDiv().

uint16_t llvm::ByteSwap_16 ( uint16_t  Value) [inline]

ByteSwap_16 - This function returns a byte-swapped representation of the 16-bit argument, Value.

Definition at line 375 of file MathExtras.h.

References llvm::sys::SwapByteOrder_16().

Referenced by llvm::APInt::byteSwap().

uint32_t llvm::ByteSwap_32 ( uint32_t  Value) [inline]

ByteSwap_32 - This function returns a byte-swapped representation of the 32-bit argument, Value.

Definition at line 381 of file MathExtras.h.

References llvm::sys::SwapByteOrder_32().

Referenced by llvm::APInt::byteSwap().

uint64_t llvm::ByteSwap_64 ( uint64_t  Value) [inline]

ByteSwap_64 - This function returns a byte-swapped representation of the 64-bit argument, Value.

Definition at line 387 of file MathExtras.h.

References llvm::sys::SwapByteOrder_64().

Referenced by llvm::APInt::byteSwap().

template<class T >
SmallVectorImpl<T>::const_pointer llvm::c_str ( SmallVectorImpl< T > &  str)
template<class FuncT , class NodeT >
void llvm::Calculate ( DominatorTreeBase< typename GraphTraits< NodeT >::NodeType > &  DT,
FuncT &  F 
template<class FuncT , class N >
void llvm::Calculate ( DominatorTreeBase< typename GraphTraits< N >::NodeType > &  DT,
FuncT &  F 

DominatorTree - Calculate the immediate dominator tree for a function.

void llvm::calculateDbgValueHistory ( const MachineFunction *  MF,
const TargetRegisterInfo *  TRI,
DbgValueHistoryMap &  Result 
void llvm::calculateSpillWeightsAndHints ( LiveIntervals LIS,
MachineFunction MF,
const MachineLoopInfo MLI,
const MachineBlockFrequencyInfo MBFI,
VirtRegAuxInfo::NormalizingFn  norm = normalizeSpillWeight 
template<typename PassName >
Pass* llvm::callDefaultCtor ( )

Definition at line 86 of file PassSupport.h.

bool llvm::callIsSmall ( ImmutableCallSite  CS)

Check whether a call will lower to something small.

This tests checks whether this callsite will lower to something significantly cheaper than a traditional call, often a single instruction. Note that if isInstructionFree(CS.getInstruction()) would return true, so will this function.

template<typename PassName >
Pass* llvm::callTargetMachineCtor ( TargetMachine *  TM)

Definition at line 88 of file PassSupport.h.

unsigned llvm::canFoldARMInstrIntoMOVCC ( unsigned  Reg,
MachineInstr *&  MI,
const MachineRegisterInfo &  MRI 

Determine if MI can be folded into an ARM MOVCC instruction, and return the opcode of the SSA instruction representing the conditional MI.

CannotBeNegativeZero - Return true if we can prove that the specified FP value is never equal to -0.0.

CannotBeNegativeZero - Return true if we can prove that the specified FP value is never equal to -0.0.

NOTE: this function will need to be revisited when we support non-default rounding modes!

Definition at line 1961 of file ValueTracking.cpp.

References dyn_cast(), F(), llvm::Operator::getOpcode(), llvm::User::getOperand(), I, and llvm::LibFunc::sqrt.

Referenced by SimplifyFAddInst(), and SimplifyFSubInst().

template<typename T >
static size_t llvm::capacity_in_bytes ( const T x) [inline, static]

Definition at line 23 of file Capacity.h.

template<typename T , unsigned N>
static size_t llvm::capacity_in_bytes ( const SmallVector< T, N > &  X) [inline, static]

Definition at line 882 of file SmallVector.h.

References llvm::SmallVectorBase::capacity_in_bytes().

template<typename KeyT , typename ValueT , typename KeyInfoT >
static size_t llvm::capacity_in_bytes ( const DenseMap< KeyT, ValueT, KeyInfoT > &  X) [inline, static]
template<class X , class Y >
std::enable_if<!is_simple_type<Y>::value, typename cast_retty<X, const Y>::ret_type>::type llvm::cast ( const Y Val) [inline]

Definition at line 222 of file Casting.h.

References X, and Y.

template<class X , class Y >
cast_retty<X, Y>::ret_type llvm::cast ( Y Val) [inline]

Definition at line 229 of file Casting.h.

References X, and Y.

template<class X , class Y >
cast_retty<X, Y *>::ret_type llvm::cast ( Y Val) [inline]

Definition at line 236 of file Casting.h.

References X, and Y.

template<class X , class Y >
LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED_RESULT cast_retty<X, Y *>::ret_type llvm::cast_or_null ( Y Val) [inline]

Definition at line 247 of file Casting.h.

Value * llvm::CastToCStr ( Value V,
IRBuilder<> &  B 
static bool llvm::CC_ARM_AAPCS_Custom_f64 ( unsigned ValNo,
MVT &  ValVT,
MVT &  LocVT,
CCValAssign::LocInfo &  LocInfo,
ISD::ArgFlagsTy &  ArgFlags,
CCState &  State 
) [static]

Definition at line 112 of file ARMCallingConv.h.

References f64AssignAAPCS(), and llvm::MVT::v2f64.

static bool llvm::CC_ARM_AAPCS_Custom_HA ( unsigned ValNo,
MVT &  ValVT,
MVT &  LocVT,
CCValAssign::LocInfo &  LocInfo,
ISD::ArgFlagsTy &  ArgFlags,
CCState &  State 
) [static]
static bool llvm::CC_ARM_APCS_Custom_f64 ( unsigned ValNo,
MVT &  ValVT,
MVT &  LocVT,
CCValAssign::LocInfo &  LocInfo,
ISD::ArgFlagsTy &  ArgFlags,
CCState &  State 
) [static]

Definition at line 58 of file ARMCallingConv.h.

References f64AssignAPCS(), and llvm::MVT::v2f64.

bool llvm::CC_PPC32_SVR4_Custom_AlignArgRegs ( unsigned ValNo,
CCValAssign::LocInfo LocInfo,
ISD::ArgFlagsTy ArgFlags,
CCState State 
bool llvm::CC_PPC32_SVR4_Custom_AlignFPArgRegs ( unsigned ValNo,
CCValAssign::LocInfo LocInfo,
ISD::ArgFlagsTy ArgFlags,
CCState State 
bool llvm::CC_PPC32_SVR4_Custom_Dummy ( unsigned ValNo,
CCValAssign::LocInfo LocInfo,
ISD::ArgFlagsTy ArgFlags,
CCState State 

Definition at line 2127 of file PPCISelLowering.cpp.

bool llvm::CC_X86_AnyReg_Error ( unsigned ,
MVT &  ,
MVT &  ,
CCValAssign::LocInfo &  ,
ISD::ArgFlagsTy &  ,
CCState &   
) [inline]

Definition at line 23 of file X86CallingConv.h.

References llvm_unreachable.

static Intrinsic::ID llvm::checkBinaryFloatSignature ( const CallInst &  I,
Intrinsic::ID  ValidIntrinsicID 
) [static]
bool llvm::CheckBitcodeOutputToConsole ( raw_ostream stream_to_check,
bool  print_warning = true 

Check for output written to a console.

Determine if the raw_ostream provided is connected to a terminal. If so, generate a warning message to errs() advising against display of bitcode and return true. Otherwise just return false.

stream_to_checkThe stream to be checked
print_warningControl whether warnings are printed

Definition at line 21 of file SystemUtils.cpp.

References errs(), and llvm::raw_ostream::is_displayed().

void llvm::checkForCycles ( const SDNode N,
const SelectionDAG DAG = nullptr,
bool  force = false 

Definition at line 6792 of file SelectionDAG.cpp.

References checkForCyclesHelper().

void llvm::checkForCycles ( const SelectionDAG DAG,
bool  force = false 
Type* llvm::checkGEPType ( Type Ty) [inline]

Definition at line 781 of file Instructions.h.

Referenced by llvm::GetElementPtrInst::getGEPReturnType().

static Intrinsic::ID llvm::checkUnaryFloatSignature ( const CallInst &  I,
Intrinsic::ID  ValidIntrinsicID 
) [static]

Definition at line 38 of file NVPTXUtilities.cpp.

References annotationCache, and Lock.

Referenced by llvm::NVPTXAsmPrinter::doFinalization().

static void llvm::clobberRegisterUses ( RegDescribedVarsMap &  RegVars,
unsigned  RegNo,
DbgValueHistoryMap &  HistMap,
const MachineInstr &  ClobberingInstr 
) [static]
void llvm::CloneAndPruneFunctionInto ( Function NewFunc,
const Function OldFunc,
ValueToValueMapTy VMap,
bool  ModuleLevelChanges,
SmallVectorImpl< ReturnInst * > &  Returns,
const char *  NameSuffix = "",
ClonedCodeInfo CodeInfo = nullptr,
const DataLayout DL = nullptr,
Instruction TheCall = nullptr 

CloneAndPruneFunctionInto - This works exactly like CloneFunctionInto, except that it does some simple constant prop and DCE on the fly. The effect of this is to copy significantly less code in cases where (for example) a function call with constant arguments is inlined, and those constant arguments cause a significant amount of code in the callee to be dead. Since this doesn't produce an exactly copy of the input, it can't be used for things like CloneFunction or CloneModule.

If ModuleLevelChanges is false, VMap contains no non-identity GlobalValue mappings.

CloneAndPruneFunctionInto - This works exactly like CloneFunctionInto, except that it does some simple constant prop and DCE on the fly. The effect of this is to copy significantly less code in cases where (for example) a function call with constant arguments is inlined, and those constant arguments cause a significant amount of code in the callee to be dead. Since this doesn't produce an exact copy of the input, it can't be used for things like CloneFunction or CloneModule.

Definition at line 419 of file CloneFunction.cpp.

References llvm::Function::arg_begin(), llvm::Function::arg_end(), llvm::BasicBlock::back(), llvm::BasicBlock::begin(), llvm::Function::begin(), ConstantFoldTerminator(), llvm::ValueMap< KeyT, ValueT, Config >::count(), DeleteDeadBlock(), dyn_cast(), llvm::Function::end(), llvm::Instruction::eraseFromParent(), llvm::BasicBlock::eraseFromParent(), llvm::UndefValue::get(), llvm::Function::getBasicBlockList(), llvm::Function::getEntryBlock(), llvm::PHINode::getIncomingBlock(), llvm::PHINode::getIncomingValue(), llvm::BasicBlock::getInstList(), llvm::PHINode::getNumIncomingValues(), llvm::Instruction::getParent(), llvm::BasicBlock::getSinglePredecessor(), llvm::BranchInst::getSuccessor(), llvm::BasicBlock::getTerminator(), llvm::Value::getType(), I, llvm::BranchInst::isConditional(), MapValue(), llvm::AArch64CC::NV, pred_begin(), pred_end(), llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, isPodLike< T >::value >::push_back(), llvm::iplist< NodeTy, Traits >::push_back(), recursivelySimplifyInstruction(), RemapInstruction(), llvm::PHINode::removeIncomingValue(), llvm::Value::replaceAllUsesWith(), RF_NoModuleLevelChanges, RF_None, llvm::PHINode::setIncomingBlock(), llvm::PHINode::setIncomingValue(), and llvm::SmallVectorTemplateCommon< T >::size().

Referenced by InlineFunction().

BasicBlock * llvm::CloneBasicBlock ( const BasicBlock BB,
ValueToValueMapTy VMap,
const Twine NameSuffix = "",
Function F = nullptr,
ClonedCodeInfo CodeInfo = nullptr 

CloneBasicBlock - Return a copy of the specified basic block, but without embedding the block into a particular function. The block returned is an exact copy of the specified basic block, without any remapping having been performed. Because of this, this is only suitable for applications where the basic block will be inserted into the same function that it was cloned from (loop unrolling would use this, for example).

Also, note that this function makes a direct copy of the basic block, and can thus produce illegal LLVM code. In particular, it will copy any PHI nodes from the original block, even though there are no predecessors for the newly cloned block (thus, phi nodes will have to be updated). Also, this block will branch to the old successors of the original block: these successors will have to have any PHI nodes updated to account for the new incoming edges.

The correlation between instructions in the source and result basic blocks is recorded in the VMap map.

If you have a particular suffix you'd like to use to add to any cloned names, specify it as the optional third parameter.

If you would like the basic block to be auto-inserted into the end of a function, you can specify it as the optional fourth parameter.

If you would like to collect additional information about the cloned function, you can specify a ClonedCodeInfo object with the optional fifth parameter.

Definition at line 38 of file CloneFunction.cpp.

References llvm::BasicBlock::begin(), llvm::Instruction::clone(), llvm::ClonedCodeInfo::ContainsCalls, llvm::ClonedCodeInfo::ContainsDynamicAllocas, llvm::BasicBlock::Create(), llvm::BasicBlock::end(), F(), llvm::BasicBlock::getContext(), llvm::Function::getEntryBlock(), llvm::BasicBlock::getInstList(), llvm::Value::getName(), llvm::BasicBlock::getParent(), llvm::Value::hasName(), llvm::ARM_PROC::IE, llvm::iplist< NodeTy, Traits >::push_back(), and llvm::Value::setName().

Referenced by CloneFunctionInto(), CloneLoopBlocks(), and UnrollLoop().

Function * llvm::CloneFunction ( const Function F,
ValueToValueMapTy VMap,
bool  ModuleLevelChanges,
ClonedCodeInfo CodeInfo = nullptr 

CloneFunction - Return a copy of the specified function, but without embedding the function into another module. Also, any references specified in the VMap are changed to refer to their mapped value instead of the original one. If any of the arguments to the function are in the VMap, the arguments are deleted from the resultant function. The VMap is updated to include mappings from all of the instructions and basicblocks in the function from their old to new values. The final argument captures information about the cloned code if non-null.

If ModuleLevelChanges is false, VMap contains no non-identity GlobalValue mappings, and debug info metadata will not be cloned.

CloneFunction - Return a copy of the specified function, but without embedding the function into another module. Also, any references specified in the VMap are changed to refer to their mapped value instead of the original one. If any of the arguments to the function are in the VMap, the arguments are deleted from the resultant function. The VMap is updated to include mappings from all of the instructions and basicblocks in the function from their old to new values.

Definition at line 213 of file CloneFunction.cpp.

References llvm::Function::arg_begin(), llvm::Function::arg_end(), CloneDebugInfoMetadata(), CloneFunctionInto(), llvm::ValueMap< KeyT, ValueT, Config >::count(), llvm::Function::Create(), llvm::FunctionType::get(), llvm::Function::getFunctionType(), llvm::GlobalValue::getLinkage(), llvm::Value::getName(), llvm::FunctionType::getReturnType(), I, and llvm::FunctionType::isVarArg().

void llvm::CloneFunctionInto ( Function NewFunc,
const Function OldFunc,
ValueToValueMapTy VMap,
bool  ModuleLevelChanges,
SmallVectorImpl< ReturnInst * > &  Returns,
const char *  NameSuffix = "",
ClonedCodeInfo CodeInfo = nullptr,
ValueMapTypeRemapper TypeMapper = nullptr,
ValueMaterializer Materializer = nullptr 

CloneModule - Return an exact copy of the specified module

CloneModule - Return an exact copy of the specified module. This is not as easy as it might seem because we have to worry about making copies of global variables and functions, and making their (initializers and references, respectively) refer to the right globals.

Definition at line 27 of file CloneModule.cpp.

static void llvm::collectChangingRegs ( const MachineFunction *  MF,
const TargetRegisterInfo *  TRI,
std::set< unsigned > &  Regs 
) [static]

Given "llvm.used" or "llvm.compiler.used" as a global name, collect the initializer elements of that global in Set and return the global itself.

Definition at line 81 of file ModuleUtils.cpp.

References G, llvm::Module::getGlobalVariable(), llvm::GlobalVariable::getInitializer(), llvm::User::getNumOperands(), llvm::User::getOperand(), llvm::GlobalVariable::hasInitializer(), I, llvm::SmallPtrSetImpl< PtrType >::insert(), Name, and llvm::Value::stripPointerCastsNoFollowAliases().

void llvm::combineMetadata ( Instruction K,
const Instruction J,
ArrayRef< unsigned KnownIDs 
static bool llvm::CompareVars ( const ASanStackVariableDescription &  a,
const ASanStackVariableDescription &  b 
) [inline, static]
static uint64_t llvm::computeAllocationSizeForSections ( std::vector< uint64_t > &  SectionSizes,
uint64_t  Alignment 
) [static]

Definition at line 260 of file RuntimeDyld.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::RuntimeDyldImpl::computeTotalAllocSize().

void llvm::ComputeASanStackFrameLayout ( SmallVectorImpl< ASanStackVariableDescription > &  Vars,
size_t  Granularity,
size_t  MinHeaderSize,
ASanStackFrameLayout *  Layout 
static int64_t llvm::computeDelta ( SectionEntry A,
SectionEntry B 
) [static]
template<typename T >
unsigned llvm::ComputeEditDistance ( ArrayRef< T FromArray,
ArrayRef< T ToArray,
bool  AllowReplacements = true,
unsigned  MaxEditDistance = 0 

Determine the edit distance between two sequences.

FromArraythe first sequence to compare.
ToArraythe second sequence to compare.
AllowReplacementswhether to allow element replacements (change one element into another) as a single operation, rather than as two operations (an insertion and a removal).
MaxEditDistanceIf non-zero, the maximum edit distance that this routine is allowed to compute. If the edit distance will exceed that maximum, returns MaxEditDistance+1.
the minimum number of element insertions, removals, or (if AllowReplacements is true) replacements needed to transform one of the given sequences into the other. If zero, the sequences are identical.

Definition at line 43 of file edit_distance.h.

References llvm::ArrayRef< T >::size().

Referenced by llvm::StringRef::edit_distance().

void llvm::computeKnownBits ( Value V,
APInt KnownZero,
APInt KnownOne,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
unsigned  Depth = 0,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr,
const Instruction CxtI = nullptr,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr 

Determine which bits of V are known to be either zero or one and return them in the KnownZero/KnownOne bit sets.

This function is defined on values with integer type, values with pointer type (but only if TD is non-null), and vectors of integers. In the case where V is a vector, the known zero and known one values are the same width as the vector element, and the bit is set only if it is true for all of the elements in the vector.

Definition at line 103 of file ValueTracking.cpp.

References safeCxtI().

Referenced by computeKnownBits(), llvm::InstCombiner::computeKnownBits(), computeKnownBitsAddSub(), computeKnownBitsFromAssume(), computeKnownBitsMul(), ComputeNumSignBits(), ComputeSignBit(), EliminateDeadSwitchCases(), llvm::ScalarEvolution::GetMinTrailingZeros(), getOrEnforceKnownAlignment(), llvm::ScalarEvolution::getUnsignedRange(), isKnownNonZero(), isKnownToBeAPowerOfTwo(), isSafeToSpeculativelyExecute(), isZero(), MaskedValueIsZero(), SimplifyICmpInst(), SymbolicallyEvaluateBinop(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitAdd(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitCallInst(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitICmpInstWithInstAndIntCst(), and llvm::InstCombiner::visitReturnInst().

void llvm::computeKnownBitsFromRangeMetadata ( const MDNode Ranges,
APInt KnownZero 

Compute known bits from the range metadata. KnownZero the set of bits that are known to be zero

Definition at line 306 of file ValueTracking.cpp.

References countLeadingZeros(), llvm::APInt::getBitWidth(), llvm::APInt::getHighBitsSet(), llvm::MDNode::getNumOperands(), llvm::MDNode::getOperand(), and llvm::ConstantInt::getValue().

Referenced by computeKnownBits(), and llvm::SelectionDAG::computeKnownBits().

unsigned llvm::ComputeLinearIndex ( Type Ty,
const unsigned Indices,
const unsigned IndicesEnd,
unsigned  CurIndex = 0 

ComputeLinearIndex - Given an LLVM IR aggregate type and a sequence of insertvalue or extractvalue indices that identify a member, return the linearized index of the start of the member.

Definition at line 37 of file CodeGen/Analysis.cpp.

Referenced by ComputeLinearIndex(), and llvm::FastISel::selectExtractValue().

unsigned llvm::ComputeLinearIndex ( Type Ty,
ArrayRef< unsigned Indices,
unsigned  CurIndex = 0 
) [inline]
bool llvm::ComputeMultiple ( Value V,
unsigned  Base,
Value *&  Multiple,
bool  LookThroughSExt = false,
unsigned  Depth = 0 

ComputeMultiple - This function computes the integer multiple of Base that equals V. If successful, it returns true and returns the multiple in Multiple. If unsuccessful, it returns false. Also, if V can be simplified to an integer, then the simplified V is returned in Val. Look through sext only if LookThroughSExt=true.

ComputeMultiple - This function computes the integer multiple of Base that equals V. If successful, it returns true and returns the multiple in Multiple. If unsuccessful, it returns false. It looks through SExt instructions only if LookThroughSExt is true.

Definition at line 1839 of file ValueTracking.cpp.

References dyn_cast(), llvm::ConstantInt::get(), llvm::APInt::getBitWidth(), llvm::Value::getContext(), llvm::APInt::getLimitedValue(), llvm::ConstantExpr::getMul(), llvm::Operator::getOpcode(), llvm::User::getOperand(), llvm::Value::getType(), llvm::ConstantInt::getValue(), llvm::ConstantExpr::getZExt(), llvm::ConstantInt::getZExtValue(), I, llvm::Type::isIntegerTy(), MaxDepth, llvm::APInt::setBit(), and SExt.

Referenced by computeArraySize().

unsigned llvm::ComputeNumSignBits ( Value Op,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
unsigned  Depth = 0,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr,
const Instruction CxtI = nullptr,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr 

ComputeNumSignBits - Return the number of times the sign bit of the register is replicated into the other bits. We know that at least 1 bit is always equal to the sign bit (itself), but other cases can give us information. For example, immediately after an "ashr X, 2", we know that the top 3 bits are all equal to each other, so we return 3.

'Op' must have a scalar integer type.

Definition at line 158 of file ValueTracking.cpp.

References safeCxtI().

Referenced by ComputeNumSignBits(), llvm::InstCombiner::ComputeNumSignBits(), llvm::ScalarEvolution::getSignedRange(), SimplifyAShrInst(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitSExt(), and llvm::InstCombiner::visitShl().

void llvm::ComputeSignBit ( Value V,
bool KnownZero,
bool KnownOne,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
unsigned  Depth = 0,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr,
const Instruction CxtI = nullptr,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr 

ComputeSignBit - Determine whether the sign bit is known to be zero or one. Convenience wrapper around computeKnownBits.

Definition at line 115 of file ValueTracking.cpp.

References safeCxtI().

Referenced by isKnownNonZero(), and SimplifyICmpInst().

ComputeUsesVAFloatArgument - Determine if any floating-point values are being passed to this variadic function, and set the MachineModuleInfo's usesVAFloatArgument flag if so. This flag is used to emit an undefined reference to _fltused on Windows, which will link in MSVCRT's floating-point support.

Definition at line 432 of file FunctionLoweringInfo.cpp.

References llvm::CallInst::getArgOperand(), llvm::CallInst::getCalledValue(), llvm::Type::getContainedType(), llvm::CallInst::getNumArgOperands(), llvm::Value::getType(), llvm::FunctionType::isVarArg(), po_begin(), po_end(), llvm::MachineModuleInfo::setUsesVAFloatArgument(), and llvm::MachineModuleInfo::usesVAFloatArgument().

Referenced by llvm::FastISel::selectCall().

void llvm::ComputeValueVTs ( const TargetLowering TLI,
Type Ty,
SmallVectorImpl< EVT > &  ValueVTs,
SmallVectorImpl< uint64_t > *  Offsets = nullptr,
uint64_t  StartingOffset = 0 
constant_iterator llvm::constant_begin ( const Function *  F) [inline]

Definition at line 83 of file ConstantsScanner.h.

constant_iterator llvm::constant_end ( const Function *  F) [inline]

Definition at line 87 of file ConstantsScanner.h.

Constant * llvm::ConstantFoldCall ( Function F,
ArrayRef< Constant * >  Operands,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI = nullptr 

ConstantFoldCall - Attempt to constant fold a call to the specified function with the specified arguments, returning null if unsuccessful.

Definition at line 1768 of file ConstantFolding.cpp.

References ConstantFoldScalarCall(), ConstantFoldVectorCall(), llvm::Function::getIntrinsicID(), llvm::Value::getName(), llvm::Function::getReturnType(), llvm::Value::hasName(), and Name.

Referenced by ConstantFoldInstOperands(), and SimplifyCall().

Constant * llvm::ConstantFoldCastInstruction ( unsigned  opcode,
Constant V,
Type DestTy 
opcodeThe opcode of the cast
VThe source constant
DestTyThe destination type

Definition at line 510 of file ConstantFold.cpp.

References AddrSpaceCast, llvm::APFloat::Bogus, llvm::CallingConv::C, llvm::WinEH::CE, llvm::APFloat::convert(), llvm::APFloat::convertFromAPInt(), llvm::APFloat::convertToInteger(), ExtractConstantBytes(), FoldBitCast(), foldConstantCastPair(), FPExt, FPToSI, llvm::IntegerType::get(), llvm::ConstantInt::get(), llvm::ConstantFP::get(), llvm::ConstantVector::get(), llvm::ConstantPointerNull::get(), llvm::UndefValue::get(), getBitWidth(), llvm::ConstantExpr::getCast(), llvm::CastInst::getCastOpcode(), llvm::Value::getContext(), llvm::SequentialType::getElementType(), llvm::ConstantExpr::getExtractElement(), llvm::Type::getFltSemantics(), getFoldedAlignOf(), getFoldedOffsetOf(), getFoldedSizeOf(), llvm::ConstantExpr::getMul(), llvm::Constant::getNullValue(), llvm::APInt::getNullValue(), llvm::ConstantExpr::getPointerCast(), llvm::Type::getPrimitiveSizeInBits(), llvm::Value::getType(), llvm::Type::getVectorNumElements(), llvm::APFloat::IEEEdouble, llvm::APFloat::IEEEhalf, llvm::APFloat::IEEEquad, llvm::APFloat::IEEEsingle, IntToPtr, llvm::Type::isArrayTy(), llvm::Type::isDoubleTy(), llvm::Type::isFloatTy(), llvm::Type::isFP128Ty(), llvm::Type::isHalfTy(), llvm::Constant::isNullValue(), llvm::ConstantInt::isOne(), llvm::Type::isPPC_FP128Ty(), llvm::Type::isStructTy(), llvm::Type::isVectorTy(), llvm::Type::isX86_FP80Ty(), llvm::Type::isX86_MMXTy(), llvm_unreachable, llvm::APFloat::PPCDoubleDouble, llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, isPodLike< T >::value >::push_back(), llvm::APFloat::rmNearestTiesToEven, llvm::APFloat::rmTowardZero, SExt, SIToFP, Trunc, and llvm::APFloat::x87DoubleExtended.

Referenced by getFoldedCast().

Constant * llvm::ConstantFoldCompareInstOperands ( unsigned  Predicate,
Constant Ops0,
Constant Ops1,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI = nullptr 
Constant * llvm::ConstantFoldCompareInstruction ( unsigned short  predicate,
Constant C1,
Constant C2 

Definition at line 1602 of file ConstantFold.cpp.

References llvm::CmpInst::BAD_FCMP_PREDICATE, llvm::CmpInst::BAD_ICMP_PREDICATE, llvm::APFloat::cmpEqual, llvm::APFloat::cmpGreaterThan, llvm::APFloat::cmpLessThan, llvm::APFloat::cmpUnordered, llvm::APFloat::compare(), evaluateFCmpRelation(), evaluateICmpRelation(), llvm::CmpInst::FCMP_FALSE, llvm::CmpInst::FCMP_OEQ, llvm::CmpInst::FCMP_OGE, llvm::CmpInst::FCMP_OGT, llvm::CmpInst::FCMP_OLE, llvm::CmpInst::FCMP_OLT, llvm::CmpInst::FCMP_ONE, llvm::CmpInst::FCMP_ORD, llvm::CmpInst::FCMP_TRUE, llvm::CmpInst::FCMP_UEQ, llvm::CmpInst::FCMP_UGE, llvm::CmpInst::FCMP_UGT, llvm::CmpInst::FCMP_ULE, llvm::CmpInst::FCMP_ULT, llvm::CmpInst::FCMP_UNE, llvm::CmpInst::FCMP_UNO, llvm::IntegerType::get(), llvm::ConstantInt::get(), llvm::VectorType::get(), llvm::ConstantVector::get(), llvm::UndefValue::get(), llvm::Constant::getAllOnesValue(), llvm::ConstantExpr::getBitCast(), llvm::ConstantExpr::getCast(), llvm::ConstantExpr::getCompare(), llvm::Value::getContext(), llvm::ConstantExpr::getExtractElement(), llvm::ConstantInt::getFalse(), llvm::ConstantExpr::getICmp(), llvm::Type::getInt1Ty(), llvm::ConstantExpr::getNot(), llvm::Constant::getNullValue(), llvm::User::getOperand(), llvm::CmpInst::getSwappedPredicate(), llvm::ConstantInt::getTrue(), llvm::ConstantExpr::getTrunc(), llvm::Value::getType(), llvm::Type::getVectorNumElements(), llvm::ConstantExpr::getXor(), llvm::CmpInst::ICMP_EQ, llvm::CmpInst::ICMP_NE, llvm::CmpInst::ICMP_SGE, llvm::CmpInst::ICMP_SGT, llvm::CmpInst::ICMP_SLE, llvm::CmpInst::ICMP_SLT, llvm::CmpInst::ICMP_UGE, llvm::CmpInst::ICMP_UGT, llvm::CmpInst::ICMP_ULE, llvm::CmpInst::ICMP_ULT, llvm::ICmpInst::isEquality(), llvm::Type::isFloatingPointTy(), llvm::Type::isIntegerTy(), llvm::Constant::isNullValue(), llvm::CmpInst::isSigned(), llvm::CmpInst::isTrueWhenEqual(), llvm::Type::isVectorTy(), llvm_unreachable, llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, isPodLike< T >::value >::push_back(), SExt, llvm::APInt::sge(), llvm::APInt::sgt(), llvm::APInt::sle(), llvm::APInt::slt(), llvm::APInt::uge(), llvm::APInt::ugt(), llvm::APInt::ule(), llvm::APInt::ult(), and llvm::NVPTX::PTXLdStInstCode::V2.

Referenced by llvm::ConstantExpr::getFCmp(), and llvm::ConstantExpr::getICmp().

ConstantFoldConstantExpression - Attempt to fold the constant expression using the specified DataLayout. If successful, the constant result is result is returned, if not, null is returned.

Definition at line 993 of file ConstantFolding.cpp.

References ConstantFoldConstantExpressionImpl().

Referenced by AddReachableCodeToWorklist(), CastGEPIndices(), ConstantFoldInstruction(), emitGlobalConstantImpl(), llvm::ScalarEvolution::getOffsetOfExpr(), GetShiftedValue(), llvm::ScalarEvolution::getSizeOfExpr(), nvptx::LowerConstant(), lowerConstant(), and SymbolicallyEvaluateGEP().

Constant * llvm::ConstantFoldGetElementPtr ( Constant C,
bool  inBounds,
ArrayRef< Constant * >  Idxs 

Definition at line 2158 of file ConstantFold.cpp.

References ConstantFoldGetElementPtrImpl().

Referenced by llvm::ConstantExpr::getGetElementPtr().

Constant * llvm::ConstantFoldGetElementPtr ( Constant C,
bool  inBounds,
ArrayRef< Value * >  Idxs 

Definition at line 2164 of file ConstantFold.cpp.

References ConstantFoldGetElementPtrImpl().

ConstantFoldInsertValueInstruction - Attempt to constant fold an insertvalue instruction with the specified operands and indices. The constant result is returned if successful; if not, null is returned.

Definition at line 854 of file ConstantFold.cpp.

References llvm::CallingConv::C, llvm::ArrayRef< T >::empty(), llvm::ConstantArray::get(), llvm::ConstantStruct::get(), llvm::ConstantVector::get(), llvm::Constant::getAggregateElement(), llvm::Value::getType(), llvm::Type::getVectorNumElements(), llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, isPodLike< T >::value >::push_back(), llvm::ArrayRef< T >::slice(), and llvm::AArch64DB::ST.

Referenced by llvm::ConstantExpr::getInsertValue(), and SimplifyInsertValueInst().

Constant * llvm::ConstantFoldInstOperands ( unsigned  Opcode,
Type DestTy,
ArrayRef< Constant * >  Ops,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI = nullptr 

ConstantFoldInstOperands - Attempt to constant fold an instruction with the specified operands. If successful, the constant result is returned, if not, null is returned. Note that this function can fail when attempting to fold instructions like loads and stores, which have no constant expression form.

ConstantFoldInstOperands - Attempt to constant fold an instruction with the specified opcode and operands. If successful, the constant result is returned, if not, null is returned. Note that this function can fail when attempting to fold instructions like loads and stores, which have no constant expression form.

TODO: This function neither utilizes nor preserves nsw/nuw/inbounds/etc information, due to only being passed an opcode and operands. Constant folding using this function strips this information.

Definition at line 1010 of file ConstantFolding.cpp.

References AddrSpaceCast, llvm::ArrayRef< T >::back(), llvm::CallingConv::C, Call, canConstantFoldCallTo(), CastGEPIndices(), llvm::WinEH::CE, ConstantFoldCall(), ExtractElement(), F(), FCmp, FoldBitCast(), FPExt, FPToSI, llvm::ConstantInt::get(), llvm::ConstantExpr::get(), llvm::ConstantExpr::getAnd(), llvm::ConstantExpr::getBitCast(), llvm::ConstantExpr::getCast(), llvm::ConstantExpr::getExtractElement(), llvm::ConstantExpr::getGetElementPtr(), llvm::ConstantExpr::getInsertElement(), llvm::ConstantExpr::getIntegerCast(), llvm::APInt::getLowBitsSet(), llvm::Type::getPointerAddressSpace(), llvm::DataLayout::getPointerTypeSizeInBits(), llvm::Type::getScalarSizeInBits(), llvm::ConstantExpr::getSelect(), llvm::ConstantExpr::getShuffleVector(), llvm::Value::getType(), InsertElement, IntToPtr, llvm::Instruction::isBinaryOp(), llvm_unreachable, llvm::MCID::Select, SExt, SIToFP, llvm::ArrayRef< T >::size(), llvm::ArrayRef< T >::slice(), SymbolicallyEvaluateBinop(), SymbolicallyEvaluateGEP(), and Trunc.

Referenced by CanShareConstantPoolEntry(), ConstantFold(), ConstantFoldCompareInstOperands(), ConstantFoldConstantExpressionImpl(), ConstantFoldInstruction(), EvaluateExpression(), SimplifyAddInst(), SimplifyAndInst(), SimplifyBinOp(), SimplifyDiv(), SimplifyFAddInst(), SimplifyFMulInst(), SimplifyFSubInst(), SimplifyMulInst(), SimplifyOrInst(), SimplifyRem(), SimplifyShift(), SimplifySubInst(), SimplifyTruncInst(), SimplifyWithOpReplaced(), and SimplifyXorInst().

Constant * llvm::ConstantFoldInstruction ( Instruction I,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI = nullptr 

ConstantFoldInstruction - Try to constant fold the specified instruction. If successful, the constant result is returned, if not, null is returned. Note that this fails if not all of the operands are constant. Otherwise, this function can only fail when attempting to fold instructions like loads and stores, which have no constant expression form.

Definition at line 895 of file ConstantFolding.cpp.

References llvm::CallingConv::C, ConstantFoldCompareInstOperands(), ConstantFoldConstantExpression(), ConstantFoldInstOperands(), ConstantFoldLoadInst(), dyn_cast(), llvm::UndefValue::get(), llvm::ConstantExpr::getExtractValue(), llvm::ConstantExpr::getInsertValue(), llvm::Instruction::getOpcode(), llvm::Value::getType(), LI, llvm::User::op_begin(), llvm::User::op_end(), and llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, isPodLike< T >::value >::push_back().

Referenced by AddReachableCodeToWorklist(), CleanupConstantGlobalUsers(), ConstantPropUsersOf(), llvm::InstCombiner::DoOneIteration(), and SimplifyInstruction().

ConstantFoldLoadThroughGEPConstantExpr - Given a constant and a getelementptr constantexpr, return the constant value being addressed by the constant expression, or null if something is funny and we can't decide.

Definition at line 1198 of file ConstantFolding.cpp.

References llvm::CallingConv::C, llvm::Constant::getAggregateElement(), llvm::User::getNumOperands(), and llvm::User::getOperand().

Referenced by CleanupConstantGlobalUsers(), ConstantFoldLoadFromConstPtr(), and isSimpleEnoughPointerToCommit().

ConstantFoldLoadThroughGEPIndices - Given a constant and getelementptr indices (with an *implied* zero pointer index that is not in the list), return the constant value being addressed by a virtual load, or null if something is funny and we can't decide.

Definition at line 1217 of file ConstantFolding.cpp.

References llvm::CallingConv::C, llvm::Constant::getAggregateElement(), and llvm::ArrayRef< T >::size().

bool llvm::ConstantFoldTerminator ( BasicBlock BB,
bool  DeleteDeadConditions = false,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI = nullptr 

ConstantFoldTerminator - If a terminator instruction is predicated on a constant value, convert it into an unconditional branch to the constant destination. This is a nontrivial operation because the successors of this basic block must have their PHI nodes updated. Also calls RecursivelyDeleteTriviallyDeadInstructions() on any branch/switch conditions and indirectbr addresses this might make dead if DeleteDeadConditions is true.

Definition at line 61 of file Local.cpp.

References llvm::SmallVectorTemplateCommon< T >::back(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateBr(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateCondBr(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateICmpEQ(), dyn_cast(), llvm::Instruction::eraseFromParent(), llvm::SwitchInst::CaseIteratorT< SwitchInstTy, ConstantIntTy, BasicBlockTy >::getCaseSuccessor(), llvm::SwitchInst::CaseIteratorT< SwitchInstTy, ConstantIntTy, BasicBlockTy >::getCaseValue(), llvm::BasicBlock::getContext(), llvm::MDNode::getNumOperands(), llvm::MDNode::getOperand(), llvm::BasicBlock::getParent(), llvm::BasicBlock::getTerminator(), llvm::ConstantInt::getValue(), llvm::APInt::getZExtValue(), llvm::LLVMContext::MD_prof, llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, isPodLike< T >::value >::pop_back(), llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, isPodLike< T >::value >::push_back(), RecursivelyDeleteTriviallyDeadInstructions(), llvm::BasicBlock::removePredecessor(), llvm::Instruction::setMetadata(), and std::swap().

Referenced by CloneAndPruneFunctionInto(), and markAliveBlocks().

Map pseudo instructions that imply an 'S' bit onto real opcodes. Whether the instruction is encoded with an 'S' bit is determined by the optional CPSR def operand.

Definition at line 1890 of file ARMBaseInstrInfo.cpp.

References AddSubFlagsOpcodeMap, array_lengthof(), and AddSubFlagsOpcodePair::MachineOpc.

Referenced by llvm::ARMTargetLowering::AdjustInstrPostInstrSelection(), and llvm::ARMAsmPrinter::EmitInstruction().

bool llvm::ConvertCodePointToUTF8 ( unsigned  Source,
char *&  ResultPtr 
template<class TypeTy , class CompareTy >
int llvm::ConvertCostTableLookup ( const TypeConversionCostTblEntry< TypeTy > *  Tbl,
unsigned  len,
int  ISD,
CompareTy  Dst,
CompareTy  Src 

Find in type conversion cost table, TypeTy must be comparable to CompareTy by ==

Definition at line 59 of file CostTable.h.

Referenced by ConvertCostTableLookup().

template<class TypeTy , class CompareTy , unsigned N>
int llvm::ConvertCostTableLookup ( const TypeConversionCostTblEntry< TypeTy >(&)  Tbl[N],
int  ISD,
CompareTy  Dst,
CompareTy  Src 

Find in type conversion cost table, TypeTy must be comparable to CompareTy by ==

Definition at line 73 of file CostTable.h.

References ConvertCostTableLookup().

===---------------------------------------------------------------------===// Dbg Intrinsic utilities Inserts a llvm.dbg.value intrinsic before a store to an alloca'd value that has an associated llvm.dbg.decl intrinsic.

Inserts a llvm.dbg.value intrinsic before a store to an alloca'd value that has an associated llvm.dbg.decl intrinsic.

Definition at line 993 of file Local.cpp.

References dyn_cast(), llvm::Instruction::getDebugLoc(), llvm::User::getOperand(), llvm::DbgDeclareInst::getVariable(), llvm::DIBuilder::insertDbgValueIntrinsic(), LdStHasDebugValue(), llvm::Instruction::setDebugLoc(), and SExt.

Referenced by LowerDbgDeclare(), promoteSingleBlockAlloca(), and rewriteSingleStoreAlloca().

Inserts a llvm.dbg.value intrinsic before a load of an alloca'd value that has an associated llvm.dbg.decl intrinsic.

Definition at line 1022 of file Local.cpp.

References llvm::Instruction::getDebugLoc(), llvm::User::getOperand(), llvm::DbgDeclareInst::getVariable(), llvm::DIBuilder::insertDbgValueIntrinsic(), LdStHasDebugValue(), LI, and llvm::Instruction::setDebugLoc().

bool llvm::convertUTF16ToUTF8String ( ArrayRef< char >  SrcBytes,
std::string &  Out 
bool llvm::ConvertUTF8toWide ( unsigned  WideCharWidth,
llvm::StringRef  Source,
char *&  ResultPtr,
const UTF8 *&  ErrorPtr 
template<class TypeTy , class CompareTy >
int llvm::CostTableLookup ( const CostTblEntry< TypeTy > *  Tbl,
unsigned  len,
int  ISD,
CompareTy  Ty 

Find in cost table, TypeTy must be comparable to CompareTy by ==.

Definition at line 30 of file CostTable.h.

Referenced by CostTableLookup().

template<class TypeTy , class CompareTy , unsigned N>
int llvm::CostTableLookup ( const CostTblEntry< TypeTy >(&)  Tbl[N],
int  ISD,
CompareTy  Ty 

Find in cost table, TypeTy must be comparable to CompareTy by ==.

Definition at line 42 of file CostTable.h.

References CostTableLookup().

unsigned llvm::CountLeadingOnes_32 ( uint32_t  Value) [inline]

CountLeadingOnes_32 - this function performs the operation of counting the number of ones from the most significant bit to the first zero bit. Ex. CountLeadingOnes_32(0xFF0FFF00) == 8. Returns 32 if the word is all ones.

Definition at line 395 of file MathExtras.h.

References countLeadingZeros().

Referenced by llvm::ARM::isBitFieldInvertedMask().

unsigned llvm::CountLeadingOnes_64 ( uint64_t  Value) [inline]

CountLeadingOnes_64 - This function performs the operation of counting the number of ones from the most significant bit to the first zero bit (64 bit edition.) Returns 64 if the word is all ones.

Definition at line 403 of file MathExtras.h.

References countLeadingZeros().

Referenced by llvm::APInt::countLeadingOnes(), isSeveralBitsExtractOpFromShr(), and isStartChunk().

template<typename T >
std::enable_if< std::numeric_limits< T >::is_integer &&std::numeric_limits< T >::is_signed, std::size_t >::type llvm::countLeadingZeros ( T  Val,
ZeroBehavior  ZB = ZB_Width 
static uint8_t llvm::CountOfUnwindCodes ( std::vector< WinEH::Instruction > &  Insns) [static]
unsigned llvm::CountPopulation_32 ( uint32_t  Value) [inline]

CountPopulation_32 - this function counts the number of set bits in a value. Ex. CountPopulation(0xF000F000) = 8 Returns 0 if the word is zero.

Definition at line 426 of file MathExtras.h.

Referenced by llvm::BitVector::count(), llvm::SparseBitVectorElement< ElementSize >::count(), llvm::SmallBitVector::count(), and ExpandPowI().

unsigned llvm::CountPopulation_64 ( uint64_t  Value) [inline]
unsigned llvm::CountTrailingOnes_32 ( uint32_t  Value) [inline]

CountTrailingOnes_32 - this function performs the operation of counting the number of ones from the least significant bit to the first zero bit. Ex. CountTrailingOnes_32(0x00FF00FF) == 8. Returns 32 if the word is all ones.

Definition at line 411 of file MathExtras.h.

References countTrailingZeros().

Referenced by isBitfieldExtractOpFromAnd(), and llvm::ARM::isBitFieldInvertedMask().

unsigned llvm::CountTrailingOnes_64 ( uint64_t  Value) [inline]

CountTrailingOnes_64 - This function performs the operation of counting the number of ones from the least significant bit to the first zero bit (64 bit edition.) Returns 64 if the word is all ones.

Definition at line 419 of file MathExtras.h.

References countTrailingZeros().

Referenced by CheckForMaskedLoad(), llvm::APInt::countPopulation(), FoldMaskAndShiftToScale(), isBitfieldExtractOpFromAnd(), isBitfieldPositioningOp(), isEndChunk(), llvm::AArch64_AM::processLogicalImmediate(), and llvm::SelectionDAGBuilder::visitBitTestCase().

template<typename T >
std::enable_if< std::numeric_limits< T >::is_integer &&std::numeric_limits< T >::is_signed, std::size_t >::type llvm::countTrailingZeros ( T  Val,
ZeroBehavior  ZB = ZB_Width 

Definition at line 709 of file A15SDOptimizer.cpp.

aa Exhaustive Alias Analysis Precision true FunctionPass * llvm::createAAEvalPass ( )

Definition at line 88 of file AliasAnalysisEvaluator.cpp.

Definition at line 698 of file AArch64A57FPLoadBalancing.cpp.

Definition at line 150 of file AArch64AddressTypePromotion.cpp.

Definition at line 393 of file AArch64AdvSIMDScalarPass.cpp.

createAArch64BranchRelaxation - returns an instance of the constpool island pass.

Definition at line 511 of file AArch64BranchRelaxation.cpp.

Definition at line 145 of file AArch64CleanupLocalDynamicTLSPass.cpp.

createAArch64CollectLOHPass - returns an instance of the Statistic for linker optimization pass.

Definition at line 1099 of file AArch64CollectLOH.cpp.

Definition at line 768 of file AArch64ConditionalCompares.cpp.

Definition at line 121 of file AArch64ConditionOptimizer.cpp.

Definition at line 133 of file AArch64DeadRegisterDefinitionsPass.cpp.

MCObjectWriter * llvm::createAArch64ELFObjectWriter ( raw_ostream OS,
uint8_t  OSABI,
bool  IsLittleEndian 

Definition at line 251 of file AArch64ELFObjectWriter.cpp.

References createELFObjectWriter().

MCELFStreamer * llvm::createAArch64ELFStreamer ( MCContext Context,
MCAsmBackend TAB,
raw_ostream OS,
MCCodeEmitter Emitter,
bool  RelaxAll,
bool  NoExecStack 

Definition at line 150 of file AArch64ELFStreamer.cpp.

Referenced by createMCStreamer().

Returns an instance of the pseudo instruction expansion pass.

Definition at line 735 of file AArch64ExpandPseudoInsts.cpp.

createAArch64ISelDag - This pass converts a legalized DAG into a AArch64-specific DAG, ready for instruction scheduling.

Definition at line 3047 of file AArch64ISelDAGToDAG.cpp.

createARMLoadStoreOptimizationPass - returns an instance of the load / store optimization pass.

Definition at line 951 of file AArch64LoadStoreOptimizer.cpp.

MCObjectWriter * llvm::createAArch64MachObjectWriter ( raw_ostream OS,
uint32_t  CPUType,
uint32_t  CPUSubtype 

Definition at line 391 of file AArch64MachObjectWriter.cpp.

References createMachObjectWriter().

Definition at line 206 of file AArch64MCCodeEmitter.cpp.

Referenced by LLVMInitializeAArch64TargetMC().

aarch64 promote AArch64 Promote Constant false ModulePass * llvm::createAArch64PromoteConstantPass ( )

Definition at line 216 of file AArch64PromoteConstant.cpp.

Definition at line 63 of file AArch64StorePairSuppress.cpp.

Creates an ARM-specific Target Transformation Info pass.

Referenced by llvm::AArch64TargetMachine::addAnalysisPasses().

Definition at line 96 of file AddDiscriminators.cpp.

Definition at line 44 of file NVPTXAllocaHoisting.cpp.

always Inliner for always_inline false Pass * llvm::createAlwaysInlinerPass ( )

createAlwaysInlinerPass - Return a new pass object that inlines only functions that are marked as "always_inline".

Definition at line 77 of file InlineAlways.cpp.

Referenced by LLVMAddAlwaysInlinerPass().

Pass * llvm::createAlwaysInlinerPass ( bool  InsertLifetime)

Definition at line 79 of file InlineAlways.cpp.

Definition at line 136 of file AMDGPUAsmBackend.cpp.

Referenced by LLVMInitializeR600TargetMC().

Definition at line 1910 of file AMDILCFGStructurizer.cpp.

Definition at line 36 of file AMDGPUELFObjectWriter.cpp.

References createELFObjectWriter().

This pass converts a legalized DAG into a AMDGPU-specific.

Definition at line 124 of file AMDGPUISelDAGToDAG.cpp.

Definition at line 390 of file AMDGPUPromoteAlloca.cpp.

Creates an AMDGPU-specific Target Transformation Info pass.

Referenced by llvm::AMDGPUTargetMachine::addAnalysisPasses().

Promote by reference arguments to false Pass * llvm::createArgumentPromotionPass ( unsigned  maxElements = 3)

createArgumentPromotionPass - This pass promotes "by reference" arguments to be passed by value if the number of elements passed is smaller or equal to maxElements (maxElements == 0 means always promote).

Definition at line 105 of file ArgumentPromotion.cpp.

Referenced by LLVMAddArgumentPromotionPass(), and llvm::PassManagerBuilder::populateModulePassManager().

MCAsmBackend * llvm::createARMAsmBackend ( const Target T,
const MCRegisterInfo MRI,
StringRef  TT,
StringRef  CPU,
bool  IsLittleEndian 

Definition at line 784 of file ARMAsmBackend.cpp.

References createARMAsmBackend().

Referenced by LLVMInitializeARMTargetMC().

Definition at line 427 of file ARMMCCodeEmitter.cpp.

Referenced by LLVMInitializeARMTargetMC().

createARMConstantIslandPass - returns an instance of the constpool island pass.

Definition at line 373 of file ARMConstantIslandPass.cpp.

MCObjectWriter * llvm::createARMELFObjectWriter ( raw_ostream OS,
uint8_t  OSABI,
bool  IsLittleEndian 

createARMELFObjectWriter - Construct an ELF Mach-O object writer.

Definition at line 231 of file ARMELFObjectWriter.cpp.

References createELFObjectWriter().

MCELFStreamer * llvm::createARMELFStreamer ( MCContext Context,
MCAsmBackend TAB,
raw_ostream OS,
MCCodeEmitter Emitter,
bool  RelaxAll,
bool  NoExecStack,
bool  IsThumb 

Definition at line 1342 of file ARMELFStreamer.cpp.

References llvm::ELF::EF_ARM_EABI_VER5.

Referenced by createMCStreamer().

createARMExpandPseudoPass - returns an instance of the pseudo instruction expansion pass.

Definition at line 1363 of file ARMExpandPseudoInsts.cpp.

Definition at line 171 of file ARMInstrInfo.cpp.

createARMISelDag - This pass converts a legalized DAG into a ARM-specific DAG, ready for instruction scheduling.

Definition at line 3485 of file ARMISelDAGToDAG.cpp.

Definition at line 778 of file ARMAsmBackend.cpp.

References createARMAsmBackend().

Referenced by LLVMInitializeARMTargetMC().

Definition at line 420 of file ARMMCCodeEmitter.cpp.

Referenced by LLVMInitializeARMTargetMC().

createARMLoadStoreOptimizationPass - returns an instance of the load / store optimization pass.

Definition at line 2138 of file ARMLoadStoreOptimizer.cpp.

MCObjectWriter * llvm::createARMMachObjectWriter ( raw_ostream OS,
bool  Is64Bit,
uint32_t  CPUType,
uint32_t  CPUSubtype 

createARMMachObjectWriter - Construct an ARM Mach-O object writer.

Definition at line 485 of file ARMMachObjectWriter.cpp.

References createMachObjectWriter().

createARMMachORelocationInfo - Construct ARM Mach-O relocation info.

createARMMachORelocationInfo - Construct an ARM Mach-O RelocationInfo.

Definition at line 41 of file ARMMachORelocationInfo.cpp.

Referenced by createARMMCRelocationInfo().

Definition at line 1336 of file ARMELFStreamer.cpp.

References createNullStreamer().

Referenced by LLVMInitializeARMTargetMC().

createARMOptimizeBarriersPass - Returns an instance of the remove double barriers pass.

Definition at line 99 of file ARMOptimizeBarriersPass.cpp.

Creates an ARM-specific Target Transformation Info pass.

Referenced by llvm::ARMBaseTargetMachine::addAnalysisPasses().

createARMWinCOFFObjectWriter - Construct an ARM PE/COFF object writer.

Definition at line 77 of file ARMWinCOFFObjectWriter.cpp.

References createWinCOFFObjectWriter().

MCStreamer * llvm::createARMWinCOFFStreamer ( MCContext Context,
MCAsmBackend MAB,
MCCodeEmitter Emitter,
raw_ostream OS 

createARMWinCOFFStreamer - Construct a PE/COFF machine code streamer which will generate a PE/COFF object file.

Definition at line 41 of file ARMWinCOFFStreamer.cpp.

Referenced by createMCStreamer().

MCStreamer * llvm::createAsmStreamer ( MCContext Ctx,
formatted_raw_ostream OS,
bool  isVerboseAsm,
bool  useDwarfDirectory,
MCInstPrinter InstPrint,
MCCodeEmitter CE,
MCAsmBackend TAB,
bool  ShowInst 

createAsmStreamer - Create a machine code streamer which will print out assembly for the native target, suitable for compiling with a native assembler.

InstPrint- If given, the instruction printer to use. If not given the MCInst representation will be printed. This method takes ownership of InstPrint.
CE- If given, a code emitter to use to show the instruction encoding inline with the assembly. This method takes ownership of CE.
TAB- If given, a target asm backend to use to show the fixup information in conjunction with encoding information. This method takes ownership of TAB.
ShowInst- Whether to show the MCInst representation inline with the assembly.

Definition at line 1309 of file MCAsmStreamer.cpp.

Referenced by createMCAsmStreamer(), createMCAsmStreamer(), and createXCoreMCAsmStreamer().

createBarrierNoopPass - This pass is purely a module pass barrier in a pass manager.

Definition at line 43 of file BarrierNoopPass.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::PassManagerBuilder::populateModulePassManager().

BasicRegisterAllocation Pass - This pass implements a degenerate global register allocator using the basic regalloc framework.

Definition at line 295 of file RegAllocBasic.cpp.

Create a basic TargetTransformInfo analysis pass.

This pass implements the target transform info analysis using the target independent information available to the LLVM code generator.

Referenced by llvm::XCoreTargetMachine::addAnalysisPasses(), llvm::ARMBaseTargetMachine::addAnalysisPasses(), llvm::PPCTargetMachine::addAnalysisPasses(), llvm::AArch64TargetMachine::addAnalysisPasses(), llvm::AMDGPUTargetMachine::addAnalysisPasses(), and llvm::LLVMTargetMachine::addAnalysisPasses().

Create and return a pass that writes the module to the specified ostream. Note that this pass is designed for use with the legacy pass manager.

Definition at line 45 of file BitcodeWriterPass.cpp.

createBlockExtractorPass - This pass extracts all blocks (except those specified in the argument list) from the functions in the module.

Definition at line 209 of file BoundsChecking.cpp.

createBURRListDAGScheduler - This creates a bottom up register usage reduction list scheduler.

Definition at line 2980 of file ScheduleDAGRRList.cpp.

References llvm::TargetSubtargetInfo::getInstrInfo(), llvm::TargetSubtargetInfo::getRegisterInfo(), llvm::TargetMachine::getSubtargetImpl(), llvm::SelectionDAGISel::MF, TII, llvm::SelectionDAGISel::TM, and llvm::SystemZISD::TM.

Referenced by createDefaultScheduler().

Definition at line 90 of file CallPrinter.cpp.

Definition at line 162 of file CFGPrinter.cpp.

Definition at line 158 of file CFGPrinter.cpp.

template<typename FunctionPassT >
CGSCCToFunctionPassAdaptor<FunctionPassT> llvm::createCGSCCToFunctionPassAdaptor ( FunctionPassT  Pass)

A function to deduce a function pass type and wrap it in the templated adaptor.

Definition at line 585 of file CGSCCPassManager.h.

createCleanupLocalDynamicTLSPass() - This pass combines multiple accesses to local-dynamic TLS variables so that the TLS base address for the module is only fetched once per execution path through the function.

Definition at line 5636 of file X86InstrInfo.cpp.

FunctionPass* llvm::createCodeGenPreparePass ( const TargetMachine *  TM = nullptr)

createCodeGenPreparePass - Transform the code to expose more pattern matching during instruction selection.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addCodeGenPrepare().

Definition at line 776 of file COFFAsmParser.cpp.

Definition at line 183 of file ConstantHoisting.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addIRPasses().

createConstantMergePass - This function returns a new pass that merges duplicate global constants together into a single constant that is shared. This is useful because some passes (ie TraceValues) insert a lot of string constants into the program, regardless of whether or not they duplicate an existing string.

Referenced by LLVMAddConstantMergePass(), and llvm::PassManagerBuilder::populateModulePassManager().

Definition at line 60 of file ConstantProp.cpp.

Referenced by LLVMAddConstantPropagationPass().

Definition at line 74 of file CostModel.cpp.

createDAGLinearizer - This creates a "no-scheduling" scheduler which linearize the DAG using topological order.

Definition at line 799 of file ScheduleDAGFast.cpp.

References llvm::SelectionDAGISel::MF.

Definition at line 913 of file DarwinAsmParser.cpp.

ModulePass* llvm::createDataFlowSanitizerPass ( StringRef  ABIListFile = StringRef(),
void *(*)()  getArgTLS = nullptr,
void *(*)()  getRetValTLS = nullptr 

createDeadArgEliminationPass - This pass removes arguments from functions which are not used by the body of the function.

Referenced by LLVMAddDeadArgEliminationPass(), and llvm::PassManagerBuilder::populateModulePassManager().

DeadArgHacking pass - Same as DAE, but delete arguments of external functions as well. This is definitely not safe, and should only be used by bugpoint.

Definition at line 189 of file DeadArgumentElimination.cpp.

Definition at line 137 of file DCE.cpp.

Create a debug-info verifier pass.

Check a module for validity of debug info. This is essentially a pass wrapped around the debug-info parts of verifyModule(). When the pass detects a verification error it is always printed to stderr, and by default they are fatal. You can override that by passing false to FatalErrors.

Note that this creates a pass suitable for the legacy pass manager. It has nothing to do with VerifierPass.

Definition at line 2696 of file Verifier.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addIRPasses(), llvm::TargetPassConfig::addISelPrepare(), and llvm::PassManagerBuilder::populateLTOPassManager().

ModulePass * llvm::createDebugIRPass ( bool  HideDebugIntrinsics,
bool  HideDebugMetadata,
StringRef  Directory = StringRef(),
StringRef  Filename = StringRef() 

createDebugIRPass - Enable interactive stepping through LLVM IR in LLDB (or GDB) and generate a file with the LLVM IR to be displayed in the debugger.

Existing debug metadata is preserved (but may be modified) in order to allow accessing variables in the original source. The line table and file information is modified to correspond to the lines in the LLVM IR. If Filename and Directory are empty, a file name is generated based on existing debug information. If no debug information is available, a temporary file name is generated.

HideDebugIntrinsicsOmit debug intrinsics in emitted IR source file.
HideDebugMetadataOmit debug metadata in emitted IR source file.
DirectoryEmbed this directory in the debug information.
FilenameEmbed this file name in the debug information.

Definition at line 610 of file DebugIR.cpp.

createDebugIRPass - Enable interactive stepping through LLVM IR in LLDB (or GDB) with an existing IR file on disk. When creating a DebugIR pass with this function, no source file is output to disk and the existing one is unmodified. Debug metadata in the Module is created/updated to point to the existing textual IR file on disk. NOTE: If the IR file to be debugged is not on disk, use the version of this function with parameters in order to generate the file that will be seen by the debugger.

Definition at line 617 of file DebugIR.cpp.

PBQPRegisterAllocation Pass - This pass implements the Partitioned Boolean Quadratic Prograaming (PBQP) based register allocator.

Definition at line 623 of file RegAllocPBQP.cpp.

References createPBQPRegisterAllocator(), and pbqpCoalescing.

Definition at line 131 of file Reg2Mem.cpp.

Referenced by LLVMAddDemoteMemoryToRegisterPass().

createDependenceAnalysisPass - This creates an instance of the DependenceAnalysis pass.

Definition at line 126 of file DependenceAnalysis.cpp.

Definition at line 228 of file DomPrinter.cpp.

Definition at line 236 of file DomPrinter.cpp.

Definition at line 232 of file DomPrinter.cpp.

createDwarfEHPass - This pass mulches exception handling code into a form adapted to code generation. Required if using dwarf exception handling.

Definition at line 69 of file DwarfEHPrepare.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addPassesToHandleExceptions().

Definition at line 758 of file ELFAsmParser.cpp.

Construct a new ELF writer instance.

MOTW- The target specific ELF writer subclass.
OS- The stream to write to.
The constructed object writer.

Definition at line 1834 of file ELFObjectWriter.cpp.

Referenced by createAArch64ELFObjectWriter(), createAMDGPUELFObjectWriter(), createARMELFObjectWriter(), createMipsELFObjectWriter(), createPPCELFObjectWriter(), createSparcELFObjectWriter(), createSystemZObjectWriter(), and createX86ELFObjectWriter().

MCStreamer * llvm::createELFStreamer ( MCContext Ctx,
MCAsmBackend TAB,
raw_ostream OS,
MCCodeEmitter CE,
bool  RelaxAll,
bool  NoExecStack 

createELFStreamer - Create a machine code streamer which will generate ELF format object files.

Definition at line 544 of file MCELFStreamer.cpp.

References llvm::MCObjectStreamer::getAssembler(), llvm::MCAssembler::setNoExecStack(), and llvm::MCAssembler::setRelaxAll().

Referenced by createMCStreamer(), and createSystemZMCObjectStreamer().

createX86EmitCodeToMemory - Returns a pass that converts a register allocated function into raw machine code in a dynamically allocated chunk of memory.

createExecutionDependencyFixPass - This pass fixes execution time problems with dependent instructions, such as switching execution domains to match.

The pass will examine instructions using and defining registers in RC.

Definition at line 797 of file ExecutionDepsFix.cpp.

createFastDAGScheduler - This creates a "fast" scheduler.

Definition at line 794 of file ScheduleDAGFast.cpp.

References llvm::SelectionDAGISel::MF.

FastRegisterAllocation Pass - This pass register allocates as fast as possible. It is best suited for debug code where live ranges are short.

Definition at line 1112 of file RegAllocFast.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::createTargetRegisterAllocator().

Definition at line 49 of file FlattenCFGPass.cpp.

createFunctionAttrsPass - This pass discovers functions that do not access memory, or only read memory, and gives them the readnone/readonly attribute. It also discovers function arguments that are not captured by the function and marks them with the nocapture attribute.

Definition at line 146 of file FunctionAttrs.cpp.

Referenced by LLVMAddFunctionAttrsPass(), and llvm::PassManagerBuilder::populateModulePassManager().

createFunctionInliningPass - Return a new pass object that uses a heuristic to inline direct function calls to small functions.

The Threshold can be passed directly, or asked to be computed from the given optimization and size optimization arguments.

The -inline-threshold command line option takes precedence over the threshold given here.

Definition at line 85 of file InlineSimple.cpp.

Referenced by LLVMAddFunctionInliningPass(), LLVMPassManagerBuilderPopulateLTOPassManager(), and LLVMPassManagerBuilderUseInlinerWithThreshold().

Definition at line 87 of file InlineSimple.cpp.

Pass * llvm::createFunctionInliningPass ( unsigned  OptLevel,
unsigned  SizeOptLevel 

Definition at line 91 of file InlineSimple.cpp.

Definition at line 29 of file FunctionTargetTransformInfo.cpp.

Creates a pass to print GC metadata.

Definition at line 110 of file GCMetadata.cpp.

References Printer.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addMachinePasses().

GCLowering Pass - Performs target-independent LLVM IR transformations for highly portable strategies.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addIRPasses().

ModulePass* llvm::createGCOVProfilerPass ( const GCOVOptions &  Options = GCOVOptions::getDefault())

Definition at line 69 of file NVPTXGenericToNVVM.cpp.

createGlobalDCEPass - This transform is designed to eliminate unreachable internal globals (functions or global variables)

Referenced by LLVMAddGlobalDCEPass(), and llvm::PassManagerBuilder::populateModulePassManager().

Definition at line 360 of file GlobalMerge.cpp.

createGlobalOptimizerPass - This function returns a new pass that optimizes non-address taken internal globals.

Definition at line 101 of file GlobalOpt.cpp.

Referenced by LLVMAddGlobalOptimizerPass(), and llvm::PassManagerBuilder::populateModulePassManager().

globalsmodref Simple mod ref analysis for false Pass * llvm::createGlobalsModRefPass ( )

Definition at line 202 of file GlobalsModRef.cpp.

std::string llvm::createGraphFilename ( const Twine Name,
int FD 

Greedy register allocation pass - This pass implements a global register allocator for optimized builds.

Definition at line 402 of file RegAllocGreedy.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::createTargetRegisterAllocator().

ModulePass * llvm::createGVExtractionPass ( std::vector< GlobalValue * > &  GVs,
bool  deleteFn = false 

createGVExtractionPass - If deleteFn is true, this pass deletes the specified global values. Otherwise, it deletes as much of the module as possible, except for the global values specified.

Definition at line 151 of file ExtractGV.cpp.

Definition at line 729 of file GVN.cpp.

Referenced by LLVMAddGVNPass(), and llvm::PassManagerBuilder::populateModulePassManager().

Definition at line 251 of file HexagonCFGOptimizer.cpp.

Definition at line 674 of file HexagonCopyToCombine.cpp.

Definition at line 203 of file HexagonExpandPredSpillCode.cpp.

Definition at line 292 of file HexagonHardwareLoops.cpp.

createHexagonISelDag - This pass converts a legalized DAG into a Hexagon-specific DAG, ready for instruction scheduling.

Definition at line 182 of file HexagonISelDAGToDAG.cpp.

Definition at line 654 of file HexagonNewValueJump.cpp.

Definition at line 1423 of file HexagonVLIWPacketizer.cpp.

Definition at line 343 of file HexagonPeephole.cpp.

Definition at line 87 of file HexagonRemoveSZExtArgs.cpp.

Definition at line 179 of file HexagonSplitConst32AndConst64.cpp.

Definition at line 235 of file HexagonSplitTFRCondSets.cpp.

createHybridListDAGScheduler - This creates a bottom up register pressure aware list scheduler that make use of latency information to avoid stalls for long latency instructions in low register pressure mode. In high register pressure mode it schedules to reduce register pressure.

Definition at line 3008 of file ScheduleDAGRRList.cpp.

References llvm::TargetSubtargetInfo::getInstrInfo(), llvm::TargetSubtargetInfo::getRegisterInfo(), llvm::TargetMachine::getSubtargetImpl(), llvm::SelectionDAGISel::getTargetLowering(), llvm::SelectionDAGISel::MF, TII, llvm::SelectionDAGISel::TM, and llvm::SystemZISD::TM.

Referenced by createDefaultScheduler().

createILPListDAGScheduler - This creates a bottom up register pressure aware list scheduler that tries to increase instruction level parallelism in low register pressure mode. In high register pressure mode it schedules to reduce register pressure.

Definition at line 3024 of file ScheduleDAGRRList.cpp.

References llvm::TargetSubtargetInfo::getInstrInfo(), llvm::TargetSubtargetInfo::getRegisterInfo(), llvm::TargetMachine::getSubtargetImpl(), llvm::SelectionDAGISel::getTargetLowering(), llvm::SelectionDAGISel::MF, TII, llvm::SelectionDAGISel::TM, and llvm::SystemZISD::TM.

Referenced by createDefaultScheduler().

Induction Variable false Pass * llvm::createIndVarSimplifyPass ( )
DIVariable llvm::createInlinedVariable ( MDNode DV,
MDNode InlinedScope,
LLVMContext VMContext 

createInlinedVariable - Create a new inlined variable based on current variable.

DVCurrent Variable.
InlinedScopeLocation at current variable is inlined.

Definition at line 920 of file DebugInfo.cpp.

References llvm::MDNode::get(), llvm::MDNode::getNumOperands(), llvm::MDNode::getOperand(), and llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, isPodLike >::push_back().

Referenced by fixupLineNumbers().

Create and return a spiller that will insert spill code directly instead of deferring though VirtRegMap.

Definition at line 188 of file InlineSpiller.cpp.

Referenced by createSpiller().

Definition at line 114 of file SimplifyInstructions.cpp.

createInternalizePass - This pass loops over all of the functions in the input module, internalizing all globals (functions and variables) it can.

The symbols in ExportList are never internalized.

The symbol in DSOList are internalized if it is safe to drop them from the symbol table.

Note that commandline options that are used with the above function are not used now!

Definition at line 222 of file Internalize.cpp.

Referenced by LLVMAddInternalizePass().

createInternalizePass - Same as above, but with an empty exportList.

Definition at line 220 of file Internalize.cpp.

createIPConstantPropagationPass - This pass propagates constants from call sites into the bodies of functions.

Referenced by LLVMAddIPConstantPropagationPass().

Interprocedural Sparse Conditional Constant false ModulePass * llvm::createIPSCCPPass ( )

createIPSCCPPass - This pass propagates constants from call sites into the bodies of functions, and keeps track of whether basic blocks are executable in the process.

Definition at line 1656 of file SCCP.cpp.

Referenced by LLVMAddIPSCCPPass(), and llvm::PassManagerBuilder::populateModulePassManager().

iv Induction Variable true Pass * llvm::createIVUsersPass ( )

Definition at line 42 of file IVUsers.cpp.

Creates a JumpInstrTables pass for the given type of jump table.

Definition at line 54 of file JumpInstrTables.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::LLVMTargetMachine::addPassesToEmitFile().

createJumpInstrTables - This pass creates jump-instruction tables.

Definition at line 49 of file JumpInstrTables.cpp.

References llvm::JumpTable::Single.

createLazyValueInfoPass - This creates an instance of the LazyValueInfo pass.

Definition at line 49 of file LazyValueInfo.cpp.

Definition at line 281 of file LCSSA.cpp.

createLibCallAliasAnalysisPass - Create an alias analysis pass that knows about the semantics of a set of libcalls specified by LCI. The newly constructed pass takes ownership of the pointer that is provided.

Create a lint pass.

Check a module or function.

Definition at line 703 of file Lint.cpp.

loop Delete dead false Pass * llvm::createLoopDeletionPass ( )

createLoopExtractorPass - This pass extracts all natural loops from the program into a function if it can.

loop Recognize loop false Pass * llvm::createLoopIdiomPass ( )

Definition at line 67 of file LoopInstSimplify.cpp.

Pass * llvm::createLoopRotatePass ( int  MaxHeaderSize = -1)

Definition at line 790 of file LoopSimplify.cpp.

Definition at line 5051 of file LoopStrengthReduce.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addIRPasses().

Pass * llvm::createLoopUnrollPass ( int  Threshold = -1,
int  Count = -1,
int  AllowPartial = -1,
int  Runtime = -1 
loop Unswitch false Pass * llvm::createLoopUnswitchPass ( bool  OptimizeForSize = false)
Pass * llvm::createLoopVectorizePass ( bool  NoUnrolling = false,
bool  AlwaysVectorize = true 

Definition at line 203 of file NVPTXLowerAggrCopies.cpp.

Referenced by LLVMAddLowerSwitchPass().

MachineFunctionPass* llvm::createMachineFunctionPrinterPass ( raw_ostream &  OS,
const std::string &  Banner = "" 

MachineFunctionPrinter pass - This pass prints out the machine function to the given stream as a debugging tool.

Referenced by INITIALIZE_PASS(), and llvm::TargetPassConfig::printAndVerify().

Definition at line 136 of file MachineRegionInfo.cpp.

FunctionPass* llvm::createMachineVerifierPass ( const char *  Banner = nullptr)

createMachineVerifierPass - This pass verifies cenerated machine code instructions for correctness.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::printAndVerify().

Construct a new Mach-O writer instance.

This routine takes ownership of the target writer subclass.

MOTW- The target specific Mach-O writer subclass.
OS- The stream to write to.
The constructed object writer.

Definition at line 1035 of file MachObjectWriter.cpp.

Referenced by createAArch64MachObjectWriter(), createARMMachObjectWriter(), createPPCMachObjectWriter(), and createX86MachObjectWriter().

MCStreamer * llvm::createMachOStreamer ( MCContext Ctx,
MCAsmBackend TAB,
raw_ostream OS,
MCCodeEmitter CE,
bool  RelaxAll = false,
bool  LabelSections = false 

createMachOStreamer - Create a machine code streamer which will generate Mach-O format object files.

Takes ownership of TAB and CE.

Definition at line 456 of file MCMachOStreamer.cpp.

Referenced by createMCStreamer().

Create an MCAsmParser instance.

Definition at line 4722 of file AsmParser.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::object::IRObjectFile::IRObjectFile().

MCStreamer * llvm::createMCAsmStreamer ( MCContext Ctx,
formatted_raw_ostream OS,
bool  isVerboseAsm,
bool  useDwarfDirectory,
MCInstPrinter InstPrint,
MCCodeEmitter CE,
MCAsmBackend TAB,
bool  ShowInst 

Definition at line 37 of file MCRelocationInfo.cpp.

Referenced by createARMMCRelocationInfo(), and createX86MCRelocationInfo().

MCSymbolizer * llvm::createMCSymbolizer ( StringRef  TT,
LLVMOpInfoCallback  GetOpInfo,
LLVMSymbolLookupCallback  SymbolLookUp,
void *  DisInfo,
MCContext Ctx,
MCRelocationInfo RelInfo 

Definition at line 187 of file MCExternalSymbolizer.cpp.

print Print MemDeps of true FunctionPass * llvm::createMemDepPrinter ( )

Definition at line 86 of file MemDepPrinter.cpp.

createMergedLoadStoreMotionPass - The public interface to this file.

Definition at line 160 of file MergedLoadStoreMotion.cpp.

References MergedLoadStoreMotion.

Referenced by LLVMAddMergedLoadStoreMotionPass(), and llvm::PassManagerBuilder::populateModulePassManager().

createMergeFunctionsPass - This pass discovers identical functions and collapses them.

Definition at line 1137 of file MergeFunctions.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::PassManagerBuilder::populateModulePassManager().

Create MipsFrameLowering objects.

Definition at line 188 of file Mips16FrameLowering.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::MipsFrameLowering::create().

Definition at line 539 of file Mips16HardFloat.cpp.

References Mips16HardFloat.

Create MipsInstrInfo objects.

Definition at line 452 of file Mips16InstrInfo.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::MipsInstrInfo::create().

Definition at line 320 of file Mips16ISelDAGToDAG.cpp.

Referenced by createMipsISelDag().

Create MipsTargetLowering objects.

Definition at line 156 of file Mips16ISelLowering.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::MipsTargetLowering::create().

Definition at line 403 of file MipsAsmBackend.cpp.

Referenced by LLVMInitializeMipsTargetMC().

Definition at line 419 of file MipsAsmBackend.cpp.

Referenced by LLVMInitializeMipsTargetMC().

Definition at line 395 of file MipsAsmBackend.cpp.

Referenced by LLVMInitializeMipsTargetMC().

Definition at line 411 of file MipsAsmBackend.cpp.

Referenced by LLVMInitializeMipsTargetMC().

createMipsLongBranchPass - Returns a pass that converts branches to long branches.

Definition at line 444 of file MipsConstantIslandPass.cpp.

createMipsDelaySlotFillerPass - Returns a pass that fills in delay slots in Mips MachineFunctions

Definition at line 533 of file MipsDelaySlotFiller.cpp.

MCObjectWriter * llvm::createMipsELFObjectWriter ( raw_ostream OS,
uint8_t  OSABI,
bool  IsLittleEndian,
bool  Is64Bit 
MCELFStreamer * llvm::createMipsELFStreamer ( MCContext Context,
MCAsmBackend MAB,
raw_ostream OS,
MCCodeEmitter Emitter,
const MCSubtargetInfo STI,
bool  RelaxAll,
bool  NoExecStack 

Definition at line 38 of file MipsELFStreamer.cpp.

Referenced by createMCStreamer().

createMipsISelDag - This pass converts a legalized DAG into a MIPS-specific DAG, ready for instruction scheduling.

Definition at line 236 of file MipsISelDAGToDAG.cpp.

References createMips16ISelDag(), createMipsSEISelDag(), llvm::MipsTargetMachine::getSubtargetImpl(), and llvm::MipsSubtarget::inMips16Mode().

createMipsLongBranchPass - Returns a pass that converts branches to long branches.

Definition at line 99 of file MipsLongBranch.cpp.

Definition at line 36 of file MipsMCCodeEmitter.cpp.

Referenced by LLVMInitializeMipsTargetMC().

Definition at line 43 of file MipsMCCodeEmitter.cpp.

Referenced by LLVMInitializeMipsTargetMC().

llvm::FunctionPass * llvm::createMipsModuleISelDag ( MipsTargetMachine &  TM)

createMipsISelDag - This pass converts a legalized DAG into a MIPS-specific DAG, ready for instruction scheduling.

Definition at line 32 of file MipsModuleISelDAGToDAG.cpp.

MCELFStreamer * llvm::createMipsNaClELFStreamer ( MCContext Context,
MCAsmBackend TAB,
raw_ostream OS,
MCCodeEmitter Emitter,
const MCSubtargetInfo STI,
bool  RelaxAll,
bool  NoExecStack 

Definition at line 254 of file MipsNaClELFStreamer.cpp.


Referenced by createMCStreamer().

Return an OptimizeCall object.

Definition at line 299 of file MipsOptimizePICCall.cpp.

Definition at line 143 of file MipsOs16.cpp.

Definition at line 703 of file MipsSEFrameLowering.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::MipsFrameLowering::create().

Definition at line 638 of file MipsSEInstrInfo.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::MipsInstrInfo::create().

Definition at line 876 of file MipsSEISelDAGToDAG.cpp.

Referenced by createMipsISelDag().

Definition at line 231 of file MipsSEISelLowering.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::MipsTargetLowering::create().

Definition at line 395 of file MLxExpansionPass.cpp.

template<typename FunctionPassT >
ModuleToFunctionPassAdaptor<FunctionPassT> llvm::createModuleToFunctionPassAdaptor ( FunctionPassT  Pass)

A function to deduce a function pass type and wrap it in the templated adaptor.

Definition at line 1024 of file IR/PassManager.h.

template<typename CGSCCPassT >
ModuleToPostOrderCGSCCPassAdaptor<CGSCCPassT> llvm::createModuleToPostOrderCGSCCPassAdaptor ( CGSCCPassT  Pass)

A function to deduce a function pass type and wrap it in the templated adaptor.

Definition at line 371 of file CGSCCPassManager.h.

createMSP430BranchSelectionPass - returns an instance of the Branch Selection Pass

Definition at line 52 of file MSP430BranchSelector.cpp.

createMSP430ISelDag - This pass converts a legalized DAG into a MSP430-specific DAG, ready for instruction scheduling.

Definition at line 131 of file MSP430ISelDAGToDAG.cpp.

Create the base case instance of a pass in the TTI analysis group.

This class provides the base case for the stack of TTI analyzes. It doesn't delegate to anything and uses the STTI and VTTI objects passed in to satisfy the queries.

Referenced by llvm::MipsTargetMachine::addAnalysisPasses().

createNullStreamer - Create a dummy machine code streamer, which does nothing. This is useful for timing the assembler front end.

Definition at line 42 of file MCNullStreamer.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::LLVMTargetMachine::addPassesToEmitFile(), createARMNullStreamer(), and createMipsNullStreamer().

Definition at line 82 of file NVPTXAssignValidGlobalNames.cpp.

Definition at line 193 of file NVPTXFavorNonGenericAddrSpaces.cpp.

Definition at line 176 of file NVPTXImageOptimizer.cpp.

createNVPTXISelDag - This pass converts a legalized DAG into a NVPTX-specific DAG, ready for instruction scheduling.

Definition at line 46 of file NVPTXISelDAGToDAG.cpp.

Definition at line 44 of file NVPTXPrologEpilogPass.cpp.

Definition at line 187 of file NVPTXReplaceImageHandles.cpp.

Definition at line 79 of file NVVMReflect.cpp.

Definition at line 83 of file NVVMReflect.cpp.

Definition at line 103 of file ObjCARCContract.cpp.

objc ObjC ARC false Pass * llvm::createObjCARCOptPass ( )

Definition at line 1173 of file ObjCARCOpts.cpp.

createPartialInliningPass - This pass inlines parts of functions.

FunctionPass * llvm::createPBQPRegisterAllocator ( std::unique_ptr< PBQPBuilder builder,
char *  customPassID = nullptr 

Definition at line 244 of file DomPrinter.cpp.

Definition at line 252 of file DomPrinter.cpp.

Definition at line 240 of file DomPrinter.cpp.

Definition at line 47 of file PostDominators.cpp.

Definition at line 248 of file DomPrinter.cpp.

Definition at line 154 of file PPCCTRLoops.cpp.

Definition at line 165 of file PPCCTRLoops.cpp.

MCObjectWriter * llvm::createPPCELFObjectWriter ( raw_ostream OS,
bool  Is64Bit,
bool  IsLittleEndian,
uint8_t  OSABI 

createPPCELFObjectWriter - Construct an PPC ELF object writer.

Definition at line 412 of file PPCELFObjectWriter.cpp.

References createELFObjectWriter().

createPPCISelDag - This pass converts a legalized DAG into a PowerPC-specific DAG, ready for instruction scheduling.

Definition at line 2198 of file PPCISelDAGToDAG.cpp.

MCObjectWriter * llvm::createPPCMachObjectWriter ( raw_ostream OS,
bool  Is64Bit,
uint32_t  CPUType,
uint32_t  CPUSubtype 

createPPCELFObjectWriter - Construct a PPC Mach-O object writer.

Definition at line 383 of file PPCMachObjectWriter.cpp.

References createMachObjectWriter().

Creates an PPC-specific Target Transformation Info pass.

Referenced by llvm::PPCTargetMachine::addAnalysisPasses().

Definition at line 1872 of file PPCInstrInfo.cpp.

BasicBlockPass * llvm::createPrintBasicBlockPass ( llvm::raw_ostream OS,
const std::string &  Banner = "" 

Create and return a pass that writes the BB to the specified raw_ostream.

Definition at line 124 of file IRPrintingPasses.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::BasicBlockPass::createPrinterPass().

FunctionPass * llvm::createPrintFunctionPass ( llvm::raw_ostream OS,
const std::string &  Banner = "" 

Create and return a pass that prints functions to the specified raw_ostream as they are processed.

Definition at line 119 of file IRPrintingPasses.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addIRPasses(), llvm::TargetPassConfig::addISelPrepare(), llvm::legacy::FunctionPassManagerImpl::createPrinterPass(), and llvm::FunctionPass::createPrinterPass().

ModulePass* llvm::createPrintModulePass ( raw_ostream &  OS,
const std::string &  Banner = "" 

Definition at line 93 of file Mem2Reg.cpp.

Referenced by LLVMAddPromoteMemoryToRegisterPass().

prune Remove unused exception handling info false false Pass * llvm::createPruneEHPass ( ) [final]

createPruneEHPass - Return a new pass object which transforms invoke instructions into calls, if the callee can _not_ unwind the stack.

Definition at line 59 of file PruneEH.cpp.

Referenced by LLVMAddPruneEHPass(), and llvm::PassManagerBuilder::populateModulePassManager().

Definition at line 204 of file R600ClauseMergePass.cpp.

Definition at line 681 of file R600ControlFlowFinalizer.cpp.

Definition at line 333 of file R600EmitClauseMarkers.cpp.

Definition at line 55 of file R600ExpandSpecialInstrs.cpp.

Definition at line 83 of file R600MCCodeEmitter.cpp.

Referenced by createAMDGPUMCCodeEmitter().

Definition at line 406 of file R600Packetizer.cpp.

Definition at line 301 of file R600TextureIntrinsicsReplacer.cpp.

Definition at line 381 of file R600OptimizeVectorRegisters.cpp.

Definition at line 169 of file RegionInfo.cpp.

Definition at line 217 of file RegionPrinter.cpp.

Definition at line 209 of file RegionPrinter.cpp.

Definition at line 213 of file RegionPrinter.cpp.

static std::unique_ptr<RuntimeDyldELF> llvm::createRuntimeDyldELF ( RTDyldMemoryManager MM,
bool  ProcessAllSections,
RuntimeDyldCheckerImpl Checker 
) [static]

Definition at line 782 of file RuntimeDyld.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::RuntimeDyld::loadObject().

static std::unique_ptr<RuntimeDyldMachO> llvm::createRuntimeDyldMachO ( Triple::ArchType  Arch,
RTDyldMemoryManager MM,
bool  ProcessAllSections,
RuntimeDyldCheckerImpl Checker 
) [static]

Definition at line 791 of file RuntimeDyld.cpp.

References llvm::RuntimeDyldMachO::create().

Referenced by llvm::RuntimeDyld::loadObject().

Definition at line 753 of file SampleProfile.cpp.

References SampleProfileFile.

Definition at line 757 of file SampleProfile.cpp.

Definition at line 69 of file ScalarEvolutionAliasAnalysis.cpp.

Definition at line 663 of file Scalarizer.cpp.

Referenced by LLVMAddScalarizerPass().

FunctionPass* llvm::createScalarReplAggregatesPass ( signed  Threshold = -1,
bool  UseDomTree = true,
signed  StructMemberThreshold = -1,
signed  ArrayElementThreshold = -1,
signed  ScalarLoadThreshold = -1 
separate const offset from Split GEPs to a variadic base and a constant offset for better false FunctionPass * llvm::createSeparateConstOffsetFromGEPPass ( )

Definition at line 292 of file SeparateConstOffsetFromGEP.cpp.

Create the annotation pass.

Definition at line 327 of file SIAnnotateControlFlow.cpp.

FunctionPass* llvm::createSICodeEmitterPass ( formatted_raw_ostream &  OS)

Definition at line 114 of file SIFixSGPRCopies.cpp.

Definition at line 70 of file SIFixSGPRLiveRanges.cpp.

Definition at line 120 of file SIInsertWaits.cpp.

Definition at line 112 of file SILowerControlFlow.cpp.

Definition at line 68 of file SILowerI1Copies.cpp.

Definition at line 79 of file SIMCCodeEmitter.cpp.

Referenced by createAMDGPUMCCodeEmitter().

createSingleLoopExtractorPass - This pass extracts one natural loop from the program into a function if it can. This is used by bugpoint.

Definition at line 155 of file LoopExtractor.cpp.

Definition at line 72 of file Sink.cpp.

Definition at line 69 of file SIShrinkInstructions.cpp.

Definition at line 160 of file SITypeRewriter.cpp.

createSjLjEHPreparePass - This pass adapts exception handling code to use the GCC-style builtin setjmp/longjmp (sjlj) to handling EH control flow.

Definition at line 86 of file SjLjEHPrepare.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addPassesToHandleExceptions().

Create a new SlotTracker for a Module.

Definition at line 606 of file AsmWriter.cpp.

static SlotTracker* llvm::createSlotTracker ( const Value V) [static]

Definition at line 610 of file AsmWriter.cpp.

createBURRListDAGScheduler - This creates a bottom up list scheduler that schedules nodes in source code order when possible.

Definition at line 2994 of file ScheduleDAGRRList.cpp.

References llvm::TargetSubtargetInfo::getInstrInfo(), llvm::TargetSubtargetInfo::getRegisterInfo(), llvm::TargetMachine::getSubtargetImpl(), llvm::SelectionDAGISel::MF, TII, llvm::SelectionDAGISel::TM, and llvm::SystemZISD::TM.

Referenced by createDefaultScheduler().

Definition at line 256 of file SparcAsmBackend.cpp.

Referenced by LLVMInitializeSparcTargetMC().

createSparcDelaySlotFillerPass - Returns a pass that fills in delay slots in Sparc MachineFunctions

Definition at line 102 of file DelaySlotFiller.cpp.

MCObjectWriter * llvm::createSparcELFObjectWriter ( raw_ostream OS,
bool  Is64Bit,
uint8_t  OSABI 

Definition at line 107 of file SparcELFObjectWriter.cpp.

References createELFObjectWriter().

createSparcISelDag - This pass converts a legalized DAG into a SPARC-specific DAG, ready for instruction scheduling.

Definition at line 220 of file SparcISelDAGToDAG.cpp.

Definition at line 75 of file SparcMCCodeEmitter.cpp.

Referenced by LLVMInitializeSparcTargetMC().

Create and return a spiller object, as specified on the command line.

Definition at line 176 of file Spiller.cpp.

References createInlineSpiller(), llvm_unreachable, and spillerOpt.

FunctionPass * llvm::createSROAPass ( bool  RequiresDomTree = true)

createStackProtectorPass - This pass adds stack protectors to functions.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addISelPrepare().

createStripDeadPrototypesPass - This pass removes any function declarations (prototypes) that are not used.

Definition at line 72 of file StripDeadPrototypes.cpp.

Referenced by LLVMAddStripDeadPrototypesPass(), and llvm::PassManagerBuilder::populateModulePassManager().

Create the pass.

Definition at line 889 of file StructurizeCFG.cpp.

Definition at line 95 of file SystemZElimCompare.cpp.

Definition at line 337 of file SystemZISelDAGToDAG.cpp.

Definition at line 169 of file SystemZLongBranch.cpp.

Definition at line 95 of file SystemZMCCodeEmitter.cpp.

Referenced by LLVMInitializeSystemZTargetMC().

Definition at line 111 of file SystemZMCObjectWriter.cpp.

References createELFObjectWriter().

Definition at line 51 of file SystemZShortenInst.cpp.

Definition at line 123 of file ThreadSanitizer.cpp.

createThumb2ITBlockPass - Returns an instance of the Thumb2 IT blocks insertion pass.

Definition at line 281 of file Thumb2ITBlockPass.cpp.

createThumb2SizeReductionPass - Returns an instance of the Thumb2 size reduction pass.

Definition at line 1032 of file Thumb2SizeReduction.cpp.

Definition at line 796 of file ARMAsmBackend.cpp.

References createARMAsmBackend().

Referenced by LLVMInitializeARMTargetMC().

Definition at line 790 of file ARMAsmBackend.cpp.

References createARMAsmBackend().

Referenced by LLVMInitializeARMTargetMC().

createUnreachableBlockEliminationPass - The LLVM code generator does not work well with unreachable basic blocks (what live ranges make sense for a block that cannot be reached?). As such, a code generator should either not instruction select unreachable blocks, or run this pass as its last LLVM modifying pass to clean up blocks that are not reachable from the entry block.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addIRPasses(), and llvm::TargetPassConfig::addPassesToHandleExceptions().

Create a verifier pass.

Check a module or function for validity. This is essentially a pass wrapped around the above verifyFunction and verifyModule routines and functionality. When the pass detects a verification error it is always printed to stderr, and by default they are fatal. You can override that by passing false to FatalErrors.

Note that this creates a pass suitable for the legacy pass manager. It has nothing to do with VerifierPass.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addIRPasses(), llvm::TargetPassConfig::addISelPrepare(), LLVMAddVerifierPass(), and llvm::PassManagerBuilder::populateLTOPassManager().

createVLIWDAGScheduler - This creates a top-down list scheduler.

createVLIWDAGScheduler - Scheduler for VLIW targets. This creates top down DFA driven list scheduler with clustering heuristic to control register pressure.

Definition at line 280 of file ScheduleDAGVLIW.cpp.

References llvm::SelectionDAGISel::AA, and llvm::SelectionDAGISel::MF.

Referenced by createDefaultScheduler().

Construct a new Win COFF writer instance.

MOTW- The target specific WinCOFF writer subclass.
OS- The stream to write to.
The constructed object writer.

Definition at line 1095 of file WinCOFFObjectWriter.cpp.

Referenced by createARMWinCOFFObjectWriter(), and createX86WinCOFFObjectWriter().

createX86_64ELFORelocationInfo - Construct X86-64 ELF relocation info.

createX86ELFRelocationInfo - Construct an X86 Mach-O RelocationInfo.

Definition at line 132 of file X86ELFRelocationInfo.cpp.

Referenced by createX86MCRelocationInfo().

createX86_64MachORelocationInfo - Construct X86-64 Mach-O relocation info.

createX86_64MachORelocationInfo - Construct an X86-64 Mach-O RelocationInfo.

Definition at line 114 of file X86MachORelocationInfo.cpp.

Referenced by createX86MCRelocationInfo().

X86AsmInstrumentation * llvm::CreateX86AsmInstrumentation ( const MCTargetOptions &  MCOptions,
const MCContext &  Ctx,
const MCSubtargetInfo &  STI 
MCObjectWriter * llvm::createX86ELFObjectWriter ( raw_ostream OS,
bool  IsELF64,
uint8_t  OSABI,
uint16_t  EMachine 

createX86ELFObjectWriter - Construct an X86 ELF object writer.

Definition at line 265 of file X86ELFObjectWriter.cpp.

References createELFObjectWriter().

createX86FixupLEAs - Return a a pass that selectively replaces certain instructions (like add, sub, inc, dec, some shifts, and some multiplies) by equivalent LEA instructions, in order to eliminate execution delays in some Atom processors.

Definition at line 149 of file X86FixupLEAs.cpp.

createX86FloatingPointStackifierPass - This function returns a pass which converts floating point register references and pseudo instructions into floating point stack references and physical instructions.

Definition at line 284 of file X86FloatingPoint.cpp.

createX86GlobalBaseRegPass - This pass initializes a global base register for PIC on x86-32.

Definition at line 5522 of file X86InstrInfo.cpp.

FunctionPass * llvm::createX86ISelDag ( X86TargetMachine &  TM,
CodeGenOpt::Level  OptLevel 

createX86ISelDag - This pass converts a legalized DAG into a X86-specific DAG, ready for instruction scheduling.

Definition at line 2793 of file X86ISelDAGToDAG.cpp.

createX86IssueVZeroUpperPass - This pass inserts AVX vzeroupper instructions before each call to avoid transition penalty between functions encoded with AVX and SSE.

Definition at line 91 of file X86VZeroUpper.cpp.

MCObjectWriter * llvm::createX86MachObjectWriter ( raw_ostream OS,
bool  Is64Bit,
uint32_t  CPUType,
uint32_t  CPUSubtype 

createX86MachObjectWriter - Construct an X86 Mach-O object writer.

Definition at line 601 of file X86MachObjectWriter.cpp.

References createMachObjectWriter().

Definition at line 172 of file X86MCCodeEmitter.cpp.

Referenced by LLVMInitializeX86TargetMC().

createX86PadShortFunctions - Return a pass that pads short functions with NOOPs. This will prevent a stall when returning on the Atom.

Definition at line 89 of file X86PadShortFunction.cpp.

Creates an X86-specific Target Transformation Info pass.

createX86WinCOFFObjectWriter - Construct an X86 Win COFF object writer.

Definition at line 91 of file X86WinCOFFObjectWriter.cpp.

References createWinCOFFObjectWriter().

createX86WinCOFFStreamer - Construct an X86 Windows COFF machine code streamer which will generate PE/COFF format object files.

Takes ownership of AB and CE.

Definition at line 52 of file X86WinCOFFStreamer.cpp.

Referenced by createMCStreamer().

createXCoreFrameToArgsOffsetEliminationPass - returns an instance of the Frame to args offset elimination pass

Definition at line 41 of file XCoreFrameToArgsOffsetElim.cpp.

createXCoreISelDag - This pass converts a legalized DAG into a XCore-specific DAG, ready for instruction scheduling.

Definition at line 85 of file XCoreISelDAGToDAG.cpp.

dbgs - Return a circular-buffered debug stream.

dbgs() - This returns a reference to a raw_ostream for debugging messages. If debugging is disabled it returns errs(). Use it like: dbgs() << "foo" << "bar";

Definition at line 102 of file Debug.cpp.

References llvm::sys::AddSignalHandler(), debug_user_sig_handler(), DebugBufferSize, DebugFlag, EnableDebugBuffering, and errs().

Referenced by llvm::InstCombineWorklist::Add(), addChainDependency(), llvm::ExecutionEngine::addGlobalMapping(), llvm::InstCombineWorklist::AddInitialGroup(), llvm::TargetPassConfig::addIRPasses(), llvm::TargetPassConfig::addISelPrepare(), llvm::PMDataManager::addLowerLevelRequiredPass(), llvm::TargetPassConfig::addMachinePasses(), AddReachableCodeToWorklist(), llvm::DwarfUnit::addRegisterOpPiece(), llvm::DIEHash::addSLEB128(), llvm::BlockFrequencyInfoImplBase::addToDist(), llvm::DIEHash::addULEB128(), llvm::IVUsers::AddUsersImpl(), AdjustStackOffset(), llvm::AggressiveAntiDepBreaker::AggressiveAntiDepBreaker(), llvm::RegAllocBase::allocatePhysRegs(), llvm::AllocationOrder::AllocationOrder(), llvm::HexagonInstrInfo::AnalyzeBranch(), llvm::Hexagon_CCState::AnalyzeCallOperands(), llvm::CCState::AnalyzeCallOperands(), llvm::MipsTargetLowering::MipsCC::analyzeCallOperands(), llvm::Hexagon_CCState::AnalyzeCallResult(), llvm::CCState::AnalyzeCallResult(), llvm::Hexagon_CCState::AnalyzeFormalArguments(), llvm::CCState::AnalyzeFormalArguments(), llvm::MipsTargetLowering::MipsCC::analyzeFormalArguments(), AnalyzeLoadFromClobberingWrite(), llvm::Hexagon_CCState::AnalyzeReturn(), llvm::CCState::AnalyzeReturn(), llvm::LiveRegMatrix::assign(), llvm::SelectionDAG::AssignTopologicalOrder(), llvm::CriticalAntiDepBreaker::BreakAntiDependencies(), llvm::AggressiveAntiDepBreaker::BreakAntiDependencies(), BreakUpSubtract(), BUCompareLatency(), llvm::PBQPBuilderWithCoalescing::build(), llvm::SchedBoundary::bumpCycle(), llvm::SchedBoundary::bumpNode(), BURRSort(), llvm::LiveRangeEdit::calculateRegClassAndHint(), calculateSpillWeightsAndHints(), CanPropagatePredecessorsForPHIs(), llvm::RuntimeDyldCheckerImpl::check(), llvm::GenericScheduler::checkAcyclicLatency(), checkForCyclesHelper(), llvm::SchedBoundary::checkHazard(), clampStackAlignment(), collectInvolvedReg(), llvm::SCEVAddRecExpr::collectParametricTerms(), completeEphemeralValues(), llvm::ObjectSizeOffsetVisitor::compute(), llvm::SCEVAddRecExpr::computeAccessFunctions(), computeADRP(), llvm::ScheduleDAGMILive::computeCyclicCriticalPath(), llvm::LiveIntervals::computeDeadValues(), llvm::BlockFrequencyInfoImplBase::computeLoopScale(), computeOthers(), convertFloatingToInteger(), llvm::SchedBoundary::countResource(), createIrreducibleLoop(), llvm::X86Disassembler::Debug(), debug_user_sig_handler(), DeleteInstructionInBlock(), llvm::SCEVAddRecExpr::delinearize(), llvm::DependenceAnalysis::depends(), llvm::Constant::destroyConstantImpl(), llvm::BlockFrequencyInfoImplBase::distributeMass(), llvm::BlockFrequencyInfoImpl< BT >::doFunction(), llvm::InstCombiner::DoOneIteration(), llvm::Comdat::dump(), llvm::MCLabel::dump(), llvm::BranchProbability::dump(), llvm::RegisterPressure::dump(), llvm::MachineLoop::dump(), llvm::MCValue::dump(), llvm::LiveDebugVariables::dump(), llvm::ILPValue::dump(), llvm::MCParsedAsmOperand::dump(), llvm::LatencyPriorityQueue::dump(), llvm::PHITransAddr::dump(), llvm::SubtargetFeatures::dump(), llvm::ValueEnumerator::dump(), llvm::DIEAbbrev::dump(), llvm::DominanceFrontierBase< BlockT >::dump(), llvm::DebugLoc::dump(), llvm::CallGraph::dump(), llvm::LiveVariables::VarInfo::dump(), llvm::Trace::dump(), llvm::LexicalScope::dump(), llvm::bfi_detail::BlockMass::dump(), llvm::Type::dump(), llvm::MachineJumpTableInfo::dump(), llvm::Pass::dump(), llvm::ResourcePriorityQueue::dump(), llvm::SCEV::dump(), llvm::LivePhysRegs::dump(), llvm::DwarfAccelTable::Atom::dump(), llvm::MCOperand::dump(), llvm::MCSymbol::dump(), llvm::PMStack::dump(), llvm::DIDescriptor::dump(), llvm::SlotIndex::dump(), llvm::MachineConstantPool::dump(), llvm::IVUsers::dump(), llvm::VirtRegMap::dump(), llvm::AliasSet::dump(), llvm::LiveRange::Segment::dump(), llvm::MCInst::dump(), llvm::Value::dump(), llvm::DIE::dump(), llvm::DominanceFrontier::dump(), llvm::CallGraphNode::dump(), llvm::DIEValue::dump(), llvm::DwarfAccelTable::dump(), llvm::ConstantRange::dump(), llvm::GCOVFunction::dump(), llvm::MachineFunction::dump(), llvm::NamedMDNode::dump(), llvm::GCOVBlock::dump(), llvm::AttributeSet::dump(), llvm::SlotIndexes::dump(), llvm::CallGraphWrapperPass::dump(), llvm::AliasSetTracker::dump(), llvm::SplitEditor::dump(), llvm::RegPressureTracker::dump(), llvm::ScaledNumberBase::dump(), llvm::RegionBase< Tr >::dump(), llvm::Twine::dump(), llvm::BlockFrequencyInfoImplBase::dump(), llvm::Loop::dump(), llvm::DIETypeSignature::dump(), llvm::SUnit::dump(), llvm::LiveRange::dump(), llvm::ReadyQueue::dump(), llvm::LiveInterval::dump(), llvm::Module::dump(), llvm::MachineFrameInfo::dump(), llvm::ConstantUniqueMap< ConstantStruct >::dump(), llvm::MachineBasicBlock::dump(), llvm::SDNode::dump(), llvm::RegionInfoBase< Tr >::dump(), llvm::MachineInstr::dump(), llvm::SelectionDAG::dump(), llvm::APInt::dump(), llvm::SUnit::dumpAll(), llvm::PMTopLevelManager::dumpArguments(), sampleprof::SampleProfileReader::dumpFunctionProfile(), llvm::PMDataManager::dumpLastUses(), dumpMachineInstrRangeWithSlotIndex(), llvm::ScheduleDAGSDNodes::dumpNode(), DumpNodes(), llvm::PMDataManager::dumpPassArguments(), llvm::PMDataManager::dumpPassInfo(), llvm::Pass::dumpPassStructure(), llvm::FPPassManager::dumpPassStructure(), llvm::SDNode::dumpr(), dumpRegSetPressure(), llvm::RuntimeDyldMachO::dumpRelocationToResolve(), llvm::Twine::dumpRepr(), llvm::SDNode::dumprWithDepth(), llvm::ScheduleDAGSDNodes::dumpSchedule(), llvm::ScheduleDAGMI::dumpSchedule(), llvm::SchedBoundary::dumpScheduledState(), dumpSectionMemory(), dumpSmallBitVector(), llvm::DWARFContextInMemory::DWARFContextInMemory(), llvm::LiveRangeEdit::eliminateDeadDefs(), EliminateDeadSwitchCases(), llvm::RuntimeDyldImpl::emitCommonSymbols(), llvm::PPCDispatchGroupSBHazardRecognizer::EmitInstruction(), llvm::TargetLowering::EmitInstrWithCustomInserter(), llvm::RuntimeDyldImpl::emitSection(), llvm::SplitEditor::enterIntvAfter(), llvm::SplitEditor::enterIntvAtEnd(), llvm::SplitEditor::enterIntvBefore(), llvm::InstCombiner::EraseInstFromFunction(), EvaluateStaticConstructor(), executeCmpInst(), executeFAddInst(), executeFCMP_OEQ(), executeFCMP_OGE(), executeFCMP_OGT(), executeFCMP_OLE(), executeFCMP_OLT(), executeFCMP_ONE(), executeFDivInst(), executeFMulInst(), executeFRemInst(), executeFSubInst(), executeICMP_EQ(), executeICMP_NE(), executeICMP_SGE(), executeICMP_SGT(), executeICMP_SLE(), executeICMP_SLT(), executeICMP_UGE(), executeICMP_UGT(), executeICMP_ULE(), executeICMP_ULT(), llvm::ARMBaseInstrInfo::expandPostRAPseudo(), extractInteger(), extractVector(), fdbgs(), llvm::SchedDFSImpl::finalize(), llvm::ScalarEvolution::findArrayDimensions(), llvm::SSAUpdaterImpl< UpdaterT >::FindAvailableVals(), findCallees(), llvm::GCStrategy::findCustomSafePoints(), findGCD(), findIrreducibleHeaders(), llvm::SchedBoundary::findMaxLatency(), llvm::RegScavenger::FindUnusedReg(), llvm::SplitEditor::finish(), llvm::ScheduleDAGInstrs::fixupKills(), FoldBlockIntoPredecessor(), FoldBranchToCommonDest(), llvm::InstCombiner::FoldShiftByConstant(), FoldTwoEntryPHINode(), llvm::ARMTargetLowering::functionArgumentNeedsConsecutiveRegisters(), llvm::FunctionLoweringInfo::getArgumentFrameIndex(), llvm::ScoreboardHazardRecognizer::getHazardType(), llvm::Mips16InstrInfo::getInlineAsmLength(), llvm::InlineCostAnalysis::getInlineCost(), GetLoadValueForLoad(), llvm::RegPressureTracker::getMaxUpwardPressureDelta(), getNewAlignment(), getNewAlignmentDiff(), llvm::SchedBoundary::getOtherResourceCount(), getPreStartForSignExtend(), llvm::DependenceAnalysis::getSplitIteration(), llvm::MachineSSAUpdater::GetValueInMiddleOfBlock(), llvm::SSAUpdater::GetValueInMiddleOfBlock(), hasOutsideLoopUser(), hasVRegCycleUse(), llvm::ExecutionEngine::InitializeMemory(), llvm::ScheduleDAGMILive::initRegPressure(), initVRegCycle(), InlineCallIfPossible(), insertCopy(), insertInteger(), InsertPreheaderForLoop(), insertUniqueBackedgeBlock(), insertVector(), llvm::MachineTraceMetrics::Ensemble::invalidate(), llvm::MachineTraceMetrics::invalidate(), isProfitableChain(), isStridedPtr(), KnuthDiv(), llvm::LazyCallGraph::LazyCallGraph(), llvm::SplitEditor::leaveIntvAfter(), llvm::SplitEditor::leaveIntvAtTop(), llvm::SplitEditor::leaveIntvBefore(), LinearizeExprTree(), llvm_unreachable_internal(), llvm::RuntimeDyldImpl::loadObject(), llvm::HexagonTargetLowering::LowerCall(), llvm::object::MachORebaseEntry::moveNext(), llvm::object::MachOBindEntry::moveNext(), llvm::AggressiveAntiDepBreaker::Observe(), OptimizeAwayTrappingUsesOfLoads(), optimizeGlobalCtorsList(), llvm::OptLevelChanger::OptLevelChanger(), llvm::SplitEditor::overlapIntv(), llvm::BlockFrequencyInfoImplBase::packageLoop(), llvm::cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(), performBitcastCombine(), performConcatVectorsCombine(), llvm::GCStrategy::performCustomLowering(), llvm::MipsSETargetLowering::PerformDAGCombine(), PerformHeapAllocSRoA(), llvm::R600SchedStrategy::pickNode(), llvm::ConvergingVLIWScheduler::pickNode(), llvm::GenericScheduler::pickNode(), llvm::PostGenericScheduler::pickNode(), llvm::GenericScheduler::pickNodeBidirectional(), llvm::RuntimeDyldMachO::populateIndirectSymbolPointersSection(), llvm::TargetPassConfig::printAndVerify(), PrintOps(), printReachingDef(), llvm::AArch64FrameLowering::processFunctionBeforeCalleeSavedScan(), llvm::RuntimeDyldELF::processRelocationRef(), ProfitableToMerge(), reachedUsesToDefs(), llvm::RuntimeDyldImpl::reassignSectionAddress(), registerADRCandidate(), llvm::GenericScheduler::registerRoots(), llvm::PostGenericScheduler::registerRoots(), llvm::R600SchedStrategy::releaseBottomNode(), llvm::ScheduleDAGMI::releasePred(), llvm::ScheduleDAGMI::releaseSucc(), llvm::R600SchedStrategy::releaseTopNode(), llvm::PMDataManager::removeDeadPasses(), llvm::LazyCallGraph::SCC::removeInterSCCEdge(), llvm::PMDataManager::removeNotPreservedAnalysis(), llvm::SlotIndexes::renumberIndexes(), llvm::SCEVExpander::replaceCongruentIVs(), llvm::InstCombiner::ReplaceInstUsesWith(), replaceSymbolicStrideSCEV(), ReplaceUsesOfWith(), llvm::GenericScheduler::reschedulePhysRegCopies(), llvm::VLIWResourceModel::reserveResources(), llvm::MipsTargetMachine::resetSubtarget(), llvm::SelectionDAGBuilder::resolveDanglingDebugInfo(), llvm::RuntimeDyldImpl::resolveExternalSymbols(), llvm::RuntimeDyldImpl::resolveRelocations(), llvm::AArch64FrameLowering::restoreCalleeSavedRegisters(), rewriteLoopExitBlock(), llvm::CGSCCPassManager::run(), llvm::VerifierPass::run(), llvm::DAGTypeLegalizer::run(), llvm::Interpreter::run(), llvm::ModulePassManager::run(), llvm::FunctionPassManager::run(), llvm::BranchProbabilityInfo::runOnFunction(), llvm::RGPassManager::runOnFunction(), llvm::StackMapLiveness::runOnMachineFunction(), llvm::SelectionDAGISel::runOnMachineFunction(), llvm::SlotIndexes::runOnMachineFunction(), llvm::MipsOs16::runOnModule(), llvm::Inliner::runOnSCC(), llvm::RegScavenger::scavengeRegister(), llvm::R600SchedStrategy::schedNode(), llvm::VLIWMachineScheduler::schedule(), llvm::ScheduleDAGMI::schedule(), llvm::ScheduleDAGMILive::schedule(), llvm::PMTopLevelManager::schedulePass(), llvm::SchedDFSResult::scheduleTree(), llvm::ConvergingVLIWScheduler::SchedulingCost(), llvm::ScoreboardHazardRecognizer::ScoreboardHazardRecognizer(), llvm::SelectionDAGISel::SelectCodeCommon(), llvm::FastISel::selectIntrinsicCall(), llvm::SplitEditor::selectIntv(), separateNestedLoop(), llvm::StackMaps::serializeToStackMapSection(), llvm::BranchProbabilityInfo::setEdgeWeight(), llvm::GenericSchedulerBase::setPolicy(), llvm::ARMBaseRegisterInfo::shouldCoalesce(), llvm::LiveIntervals::shrinkToUses(), SimplifyBranchOnICmpChain(), SimplifyCondBranchToCondBranch(), SimplifyCondBranchToTwoReturns(), simplifyOneLoop(), SinkThenElseCodeToEnd(), llvm::LoopPass::skipOptnoneFunction(), llvm::FunctionPass::skipOptnoneFunction(), llvm::BasicBlockPass::skipOptnoneFunction(), llvm::InstCombiner::SliceUpIllegalIntegerPHI(), llvm::SparseSolver::Solve(), speculatePHINodeLoads(), speculateSelectInstLoads(), SpeculativelyExecuteBB(), llvm::AArch64FrameLowering::spillCalleeSavedRegisters(), llvm::MachineBasicBlock::SplitCriticalEdge(), llvm::SplitEditor::splitLiveThroughBlock(), llvm::SplitEditor::splitRegInBlock(), llvm::SplitEditor::splitRegOutBlock(), SRAGlobal(), llvm::DbgValueHistoryMap::startInstrRange(), llvm::ExecutionEngine::StoreValueToMemory(), llvm::ConvergingVLIWScheduler::traceCandidate(), llvm::GenericSchedulerBase::traceCandidate(), tracePick(), truncateIVUse(), llvm::GenericScheduler::tryCandidate(), tryLowerToSLI(), tryPromoteAllocaToVector(), TryToShrinkGlobalToBoolean(), TryToSimplifyUncondBranchFromEmptyBlock(), llvm::LiveRegMatrix::unassign(), UnrollLoop(), unwrapLoop(), llvm::LiveIntervals::HMEditor::updateAllRanges(), llvm::ScheduleDAGMILive::updatePressureDiffs(), llvm::ScheduleDAGMILive::updateScheduledPressure(), llvm::MipsSubtarget::useConstantIslands(), llvm::SplitEditor::useIntv(), llvm::ValueHandleBase::ValueIsDeleted(), llvm::ValueHandleBase::ValueIsRAUWd(), llvm::ScalarEvolution::verifyAnalysis(), verifyCTRBranch(), VerifyPHIs(), llvm::ScheduleDAG::VerifyScheduledDAG(), llvm::Interpreter::visitAllocaInst(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitAllocaInst(), llvm::Interpreter::visitBinaryOperator(), llvm::Interpreter::visitExtractElementInst(), llvm::Interpreter::visitFCmpInst(), llvm::Interpreter::visitICmpInst(), llvm::ObjectSizeOffsetVisitor::visitInstruction(), llvm::ObjectSizeOffsetEvaluator::visitInstruction(), llvm::Interpreter::visitLoadInst(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitSExt(), llvm::Interpreter::visitStoreInst(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitTrunc(), llvm::Interpreter::visitVAArgInst(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitZExt(), llvm::MachObjectWriter::WriteObject(), llvm::OptLevelChanger::~OptLevelChanger(), llvm::Value::~Value(), and llvm::ValueSymbolTable::~ValueSymbolTable().

void llvm::DecodeBLENDMask ( MVT  VT,
unsigned  Imm,
SmallVectorImpl< int > &  ShuffleMask 

Decode a BLEND immediate mask into a shuffle mask.

Definition at line 277 of file X86ShuffleDecode.cpp.

References llvm::MVT::getVectorNumElements(), and llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, isPodLike >::push_back().

Referenced by EmitAnyX86InstComments().

void llvm::DecodeINSERTPSMask ( unsigned  Imm,
SmallVectorImpl< int > &  ShuffleMask 
void llvm::DecodeMOVHLPSMask ( unsigned  NElts,
SmallVectorImpl< int > &  ShuffleMask 
void llvm::DecodeMOVLHPSMask ( unsigned  NElts,
SmallVectorImpl< int > &  ShuffleMask 
void llvm::DecodeMOVSHDUPMask ( MVT  VT,
SmallVectorImpl< int > &  ShuffleMask 
void llvm::DecodeMOVSLDUPMask ( MVT  VT,
SmallVectorImpl< int > &  ShuffleMask 
void llvm::DecodePALIGNRMask ( MVT  VT,
unsigned  Imm,
SmallVectorImpl< int > &  ShuffleMask 
void llvm::DecodePSHUFBMask ( const ConstantDataSequential *  C,
SmallVectorImpl< int > &  ShuffleMask 
void llvm::DecodePSHUFBMask ( ArrayRef< uint64_t >  RawMask,
SmallVectorImpl< int > &  ShuffleMask 

Decode a PSHUFB mask from a raw array of constants such as from BUILD_VECTOR.

Definition at line 258 of file X86ShuffleDecode.cpp.

References llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, isPodLike >::push_back(), llvm::ArrayRef< T >::size(), and SM_SentinelZero.

void llvm::DecodePSHUFHWMask ( MVT  VT,
unsigned  Imm,
SmallVectorImpl< int > &  ShuffleMask 
void llvm::DecodePSHUFLWMask ( MVT  VT,
unsigned  Imm,
SmallVectorImpl< int > &  ShuffleMask 
void llvm::DecodePSHUFMask ( MVT  VT,
unsigned  Imm,
SmallVectorImpl< int > &  ShuffleMask 

DecodePSHUFMask - This decodes the shuffle masks for pshufd, and vpermilp*. VT indicates the type of the vector allowing it to handle different datatypes and vector widths.

Definition at line 103 of file X86ShuffleDecode.cpp.

References llvm::MVT::getSizeInBits(), llvm::MVT::getVectorNumElements(), and llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, isPodLike >::push_back().

Referenced by EmitAnyX86InstComments(), and getTargetShuffleMask().

void llvm::DecodeSHUFPMask ( MVT  VT,
unsigned  Imm,
SmallVectorImpl< int > &  ShuffleMask 

DecodeSHUFPMask - This decodes the shuffle masks for shufp*. VT indicates the type of the vector allowing it to handle different datatypes and vector widths.

Definition at line 154 of file X86ShuffleDecode.cpp.

References llvm::MVT::getSizeInBits(), llvm::MVT::getVectorNumElements(), and llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, isPodLike >::push_back().

Referenced by EmitAnyX86InstComments(), and getTargetShuffleMask().

int64_t llvm::decodeSLEB128 ( const uint8_t *  p,
unsigned n = nullptr 
) [inline]

Utility function to decode a SLEB128 value.

Definition at line 94 of file LEB128.h.

uint64_t llvm::decodeULEB128 ( const uint8_t *  p,
unsigned n = nullptr 
) [inline]

Utility function to decode a ULEB128 value.

Definition at line 80 of file LEB128.h.

Referenced by decodeTestingFormat(), and llvm::coverage::RawCoverageReader::readULEB128().

void llvm::DecodeUNPCKHMask ( MVT  VT,
SmallVectorImpl< int > &  ShuffleMask 

DecodeUNPCKHMask - This decodes the shuffle masks for unpckhps/unpckhpd and punpckh*. VT indicates the type of the vector allowing it to handle different datatypes and vector widths.

Definition at line 176 of file X86ShuffleDecode.cpp.

References llvm::MVT::getSizeInBits(), llvm::MVT::getVectorNumElements(), and llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, isPodLike >::push_back().

Referenced by EmitAnyX86InstComments(), and getTargetShuffleMask().

void llvm::DecodeUNPCKLMask ( MVT  VT,
SmallVectorImpl< int > &  ShuffleMask 

DecodeUNPCKLMask - This decodes the shuffle masks for unpcklps/unpcklpd and punpckl*. VT indicates the type of the vector allowing it to handle different datatypes and vector widths.

Definition at line 196 of file X86ShuffleDecode.cpp.

References llvm::MVT::getSizeInBits(), llvm::MVT::getVectorNumElements(), and llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, isPodLike >::push_back().

Referenced by EmitAnyX86InstComments(), and getTargetShuffleMask().

void llvm::DecodeVPERM2X128Mask ( MVT  VT,
unsigned  Imm,
SmallVectorImpl< int > &  ShuffleMask 
void llvm::DecodeVPERMMask ( unsigned  Imm,
SmallVectorImpl< int > &  ShuffleMask 

DecodeVPERMMask - this decodes the shuffle masks for VPERMQ/VPERMPD. No VT provided since it only works on 256-bit, 4 element vectors.

Definition at line 286 of file X86ShuffleDecode.cpp.

References llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, isPodLike >::push_back().

Referenced by EmitAnyX86InstComments(), and getTargetShuffleMask().

template<typename Container >
void llvm::DeleteContainerPointers ( Container &  C)

For a container of pointers, deletes the pointers and then clears the container.

Definition at line 361 of file STLExtras.h.

References I.

template<typename Container >
void llvm::DeleteContainerSeconds ( Container &  C)

In a container of pairs (usually a map) whose second element is a pointer, deletes the second elements and then clears the container.

Definition at line 370 of file STLExtras.h.

References I.

Referenced by llvm::LLVMContextImpl::~LLVMContextImpl().

bool llvm::DeleteDeadPHIs ( BasicBlock BB,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI = nullptr 

DeleteDeadPHIs - Examine each PHI in the given block and delete it if it is dead. Also recursively delete any operands that become dead as a result. This includes tracing the def-use list from the PHI to see if it is ultimately unused or if it reaches an unused cycle. Return true if any PHIs were deleted.

DeleteDeadPHIs - Examine each PHI in the given block and delete it if it is dead. Also recursively delete any operands that become dead as a result. This includes tracing the def-use list from the PHI to see if it is ultimately unused or if it reaches an unused cycle.

Definition at line 98 of file BasicBlockUtils.cpp.

References llvm::BasicBlock::begin(), dyn_cast(), I, llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, isPodLike >::push_back(), RecursivelyDeleteDeadPHINode(), and llvm::SmallVectorTemplateCommon< T, typename >::size().

template<class T >
void llvm::deleter ( T Ptr) [inline]

Definition at line 189 of file STLExtras.h.

AllocaInst * llvm::DemotePHIToStack ( PHINode P,
Instruction AllocaPoint = nullptr 

DemotePHIToStack - This function takes a virtual register computed by a phi node and replaces it with a slot in the stack frame, allocated via alloca. The phi node is deleted and it returns the pointer to the alloca inserted.

DemotePHIToStack - This function takes a virtual register computed by a PHI node and replaces it with a slot in the stack frame allocated via alloca. The PHI node is deleted. It returns the pointer to the alloca inserted.

Definition at line 110 of file DemoteRegToStack.cpp.

References llvm::BasicBlock::begin(), llvm::Instruction::eraseFromParent(), F(), llvm::Function::getEntryBlock(), llvm::PHINode::getIncomingBlock(), llvm::PHINode::getIncomingValue(), llvm::Value::getName(), llvm::PHINode::getNumIncomingValues(), llvm::Instruction::getParent(), llvm::BasicBlock::getParent(), llvm::BasicBlock::getTerminator(), llvm::Value::getType(), llvm::Value::replaceAllUsesWith(), and llvm::Value::use_empty().

AllocaInst * llvm::DemoteRegToStack ( Instruction I,
bool  VolatileLoads = false,
Instruction AllocaPoint = nullptr 

DemoteRegToStack - This function takes a virtual register computed by an Instruction and replaces it with a slot in the stack frame, allocated via alloca. This allows the CFG to be changed around without fear of invalidating the SSA information for the value. It returns the pointer to the alloca inserted to create a stack slot for X.

DemoteRegToStack - This function takes a virtual register computed by an Instruction and replaces it with a slot in the stack frame, allocated via alloca. This allows the CFG to be changed around without fear of invalidating the SSA information for the value. It returns the pointer to the alloca inserted to create a stack slot for I.

Definition at line 24 of file DemoteRegToStack.cpp.

References llvm::BasicBlock::begin(), llvm::Instruction::eraseFromParent(), F(), llvm::Function::getEntryBlock(), llvm::BasicBlock::getFirstInsertionPt(), llvm::Value::getName(), llvm::InvokeInst::getNormalDest(), llvm::Instruction::getParent(), llvm::BasicBlock::getParent(), llvm::BasicBlock::getSinglePredecessor(), GetSuccessorNumber(), llvm::Value::getType(), I, isCriticalEdge(), llvm::User::replaceUsesOfWith(), SplitCriticalEdge(), llvm::Value::use_empty(), and llvm::Instruction::user_back().

template<class T >
iterator_range<df_iterator<T> > llvm::depth_first ( const T G)

Definition at line 213 of file DepthFirstIterator.h.

References df_begin(), and df_end().

Referenced by llvm::LoopBase< BlockT, LoopT >::verifyLoop().

template<class T , class SetTy >
iterator_range<df_ext_iterator<T, SetTy> > llvm::depth_first_ext ( const T G,
SetTy S 

Definition at line 235 of file DepthFirstIterator.h.

References df_ext_begin(), and df_ext_end().

Referenced by llvm::LiveVariables::runOnMachineFunction().

template<class T >
df_iterator<T> llvm::df_begin ( const T G)
template<class T >
df_iterator<T> llvm::df_end ( const T G)
template<class T , class SetTy >
df_ext_iterator<T, SetTy> llvm::df_ext_begin ( const T G,
SetTy S 
template<class T , class SetTy >
df_ext_iterator<T, SetTy> llvm::df_ext_end ( const T G,
SetTy S 
template<class GraphT >
unsigned llvm::DFSPass ( DominatorTreeBase< typename GraphT::NodeType > &  DT,
typename GraphT::NodeType *  V,
unsigned  N 
int llvm::DiffFilesWithTolerance ( StringRef  NameA,
StringRef  NameB,
double  AbsTol,
double  RelTol,
std::string *  Error = nullptr 

DiffFilesWithTolerance - Compare the two files specified, returning 0 if the files match, 1 if they are different, and 2 if there is a file error. This function allows you to specify an absolute and relative FP error that is allowed to exist. If you specify a string to fill in for the error option, it will set the string to an error message if an error occurs, or if the files are different.

DiffFilesWithTolerance - Compare the two files specified, returning 0 if the files match, 1 if they are different, and 2 if there is a file error. This function differs from DiffFiles in that you can specify an absolete and relative FP error that is allowed to exist. If you specify a string to fill in for the error option, it will set the string to an error message if an error occurs, allowing the caller to distinguish between a failed diff and a file system error.

Definition at line 173 of file FileUtilities.cpp.

References BackupNumber(), CompareNumbers(), llvm::ErrorOr< T >::get(), llvm::MemoryBuffer::getBufferEnd(), llvm::MemoryBuffer::getBufferSize(), llvm::MemoryBuffer::getBufferStart(), llvm::ErrorOr< T >::getError(), llvm::MemoryBuffer::getFile(), isNumberChar(), and llvm::LibFunc::memcmp.

template<class BlockT , class LoopT >
static void llvm::discoverAndMapSubloop ( LoopT *  L,
ArrayRef< BlockT * >  Backedges,
LoopInfoBase< BlockT, LoopT > *  LI,
DominatorTreeBase< BlockT > &  DomTree 
) [static]

Stable LoopInfo Analysis - Build a loop tree using stable iterators so the result does / not depend on use list (block predecessor) order. Discover a subloop with the specified backedges such that: All blocks within this loop are mapped to this loop or a subloop. And all subloops within this loop have their parent loop set to this loop or a subloop.

Definition at line 346 of file LoopInfoImpl.h.

References llvm::ArrayRef< T >::begin(), llvm::LoopInfoBase< BlockT, LoopT >::changeLoopFor(), llvm::ArrayRef< T >::end(), llvm::LoopInfoBase< BlockT, LoopT >::getLoopFor(), and llvm::DominatorTreeBase< NodeT >::isReachableFromEntry().

Referenced by llvm::LoopInfoBase< BlockT, LoopT >::Analyze().

bool llvm::DisplayGraph ( StringRef  Filename,
bool  wait = true,
GraphProgram::Name  program = GraphProgram::DOT 
uint64_t llvm::DoubleToBits ( double  Double) [inline]

DoubleToBits - This function takes a double and returns the bit equivalent 64-bit integer. Note that copying doubles around changes the bits of NaNs on some hosts, notably x86, so this routine cannot be used if these bits are needed.

Definition at line 512 of file MathExtras.h.

References T.

static void llvm::dropRegDescribedVar ( RegDescribedVarsMap &  RegVars,
unsigned  RegNo,
const MDNode *  Var 
) [static]

Definition at line 78 of file DbgValueHistoryCalculator.cpp.

References I.

Referenced by calculateDbgValueHistory().

template<unsigned ElementSize>
void llvm::dump ( const SparseBitVector< ElementSize > &  LHS,
raw_ostream &  out 
void llvm::dumpBlock ( Value v,
char *  blockName 
void llvm::dumpInst ( Value base,
char *  instName 

Definition at line 496 of file NVPTXUtilities.cpp.

References llvm::Value::dump(), getInst(), and I.

void llvm::dumpInstRec ( Value v,
std::set< Instruction * > *  visited 

Definition at line 503 of file NVPTXUtilities.cpp.

References I.

Referenced by dumpInstRec().

void llvm::dumpInstRec ( Value v)

Definition at line 519 of file NVPTXUtilities.cpp.

References dumpInstRec().

void llvm::dumpParent ( Value v)

Definition at line 528 of file NVPTXUtilities.cpp.

References F(), and I.

static void llvm::dumpSectionMemory ( const SectionEntry S,
StringRef  State 
) [static]
template<class X , class Y >
LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED_RESULT std::enable_if< !is_simple_type<Y>::value, typename cast_retty<X, const Y>::ret_type>::type llvm::dyn_cast ( const Y Val) [inline]

Definition at line 265 of file Casting.h.

Referenced by llvm::GEPOperator::accumulateConstantOffset(), AddAliasScopeMetadata(), AddCombineToVPADDL(), AddPHINodeEntriesForMappedBlock(), AddPredecessorToBlock(), AddReachableCodeToWorklist(), adjustForFNeg(), llvm::X86FrameLowering::adjustForHiPEPrologue(), adjustForLTGFR(), adjustForTestUnderMask(), adjustZeroCmp(), llvm::DebugRecVH::allUsesReplacedWith(), AnalyzeLoadFromClobberingMemInst(), llvm::SelectInst::areInvalidOperands(), llvm::RecordRecTy::baseClassOf(), BuildConstantFromSCEV(), BuildSubAggregate(), cacheAnnotationFromMD(), llvm::EHStreamer::callToNoUnwindFunction(), canBeCheaplyTransformed(), CanEvaluateSExtd(), CanEvaluateShifted(), CanEvaluateShuffled(), CanEvaluateTruncated(), CanEvaluateZExtd(), canExpandBackedgeTakenCount(), canFoldInAddressingMode(), canFoldIVIncExpr(), canIfConvertPHINodes(), CannotBeNegativeZero(), CanPropagatePredecessorsForPHIs(), CanSelectOperandBeMappingIntoPredBlock(), canTrapImpl(), llvm::CastInst::castIsValid(), ChangeVSETULTtoVSETULE(), CheapToScalarize(), CheckAndImm(), checkBoolTestSetCCCombine(), CheckInteger(), CheckOrImm(), CleanupPointerRootUsers(), ClearSubclassDataAfterReassociation(), CloneAliasScopeMetadata(), CloneAndPruneFunctionInto(), CloneNodeWithValues(), CollectAddOperandsWithScales(), CollectInsertionElements(), llvm::InstCombiner::commonPointerCastTransforms(), computeKnownBits(), llvm::AMDGPUTargetLowering::computeKnownBitsForTargetNode(), ComputeMultiple(), ComputeNumSignBits(), llvm::AMDGPUTargetLowering::ComputeNumSignBitsForTargetNode(), computePointerICmp(), ConnectProlog(), ConstantFoldGetElementPtrImpl(), ConstantFoldInsertElementInstruction(), ConstantFoldInstruction(), ConstantFoldLoadFromConstPtr(), ConstantFoldLoadThroughBitcast(), ConstantFoldSelectInstruction(), ConstantFoldTerminator(), ConstHasGlobalValuePredicate(), contains(), ConvertDebugDeclareToDebugValue(), llvm::TypedInit::convertInitializerBitRange(), llvm::TypedInit::convertInitListSlice(), convertMemSetToLoop(), convertTransferToLoop(), copyGVAttributes(), createPHIsForSplitLoopExit(), createReplacementInstr(), decomposeBitTestICmp(), DecomposeGEPExpression(), DecomposeSimpleLinearExpr(), DeleteDeadPHIs(), DemandedBitsLHSMask(), llvm::BitcodeReader::Dematerialize(), llvm::DependenceAnalysis::depends(), detectLog2OfHalf(), llvm::DominatorTree::dominates(), DominatesMergePoint(), llvm::Value::DoPHITranslation(), EliminateDuplicatePHINodes(), llvm::HexagonSelectionDAGInfo::EmitTargetCodeForMemcpy(), llvm::X86SelectionDAGInfo::EmitTargetCodeForMemcpy(), llvm::ARMSelectionDAGInfo::EmitTargetCodeForMemcpy(), llvm::AArch64SelectionDAGInfo::EmitTargetCodeForMemset(), llvm::SystemZSelectionDAGInfo::EmitTargetCodeForMemset(), llvm::X86SelectionDAGInfo::EmitTargetCodeForMemset(), EmitVectorComparison(), llvm::ARMAsmPrinter::EmitXXStructor(), EraseTerminatorInstAndDCECond(), llvm::SetTheory::evaluate(), EvaluateExpression(), evaluateFCmpRelation(), EvaluateGEPOffsetExpression(), evaluateICmpRelation(), EvaluateOperation(), expandDivision(), llvm::ARMTargetLowering::ExpandInlineAsm(), expandRemainder(), ExtractBranchMetadata(), ExtractConstantBytes(), ExtractEquivalentCondition(), extractMallocCall(), ExtractTypeInfo(), FindInitTrampoline(), FindInitTrampolineFromAlloca(), FindLoopCounter(), llvm::SelectionDAGBuilder::FindMergedConditions(), FindPHIForConditionForwarding(), FindPhiPredForUseInBlock(), llvm::MCAssembler::Finish(), fixupFPReturnAndCall(), llvm::BinOpInit::Fold(), llvm::TernOpInit::Fold(), llvm::InstCombiner::FoldAndOfICmps(), FoldBitCast(), FoldBranchToCommonDest(), llvm::InstCombiner::FoldCmpLoadFromIndexedGlobal(), FoldCondBranchOnPHI(), llvm::SelectionDAG::FoldConstantArithmetic(), llvm::InstCombiner::foldFMulConst(), llvm::InstCombiner::FoldICmpShrCst(), foldLogOpOfMaskedICmps(), FoldOperand(), FoldOperationIntoSelectOperand(), llvm::InstCombiner::FoldOrOfICmps(), llvm::InstCombiner::FoldOrWithConstants(), FoldReinterpretLoadFromConstPtr(), foldSelectICmpAnd(), foldSelectICmpAndOr(), llvm::InstCombiner::FoldShiftByConstant(), FoldTwoEntryPHINode(), llvm::InstCombiner::FoldXorWithConstants(), ForeachHelper(), llvm::ScalarEvolution::forgetValue(), GatherConstantCompares(), genLoopLimit(), GEPToVectorIndex(), llvm::RecordRecTy::get(), llvm::GlobalAlias::getBaseObject(), llvm::CallSiteBase< Function, Value, User, Instruction, CallInst, InvokeInst, User::op_iterator >::getCalledFunction(), llvm::CallInst::getCalledFunction(), llvm::InvokeInst::getCalledFunction(), getCommonReturnValue(), getConstantEvolvingPHI(), getConstantEvolvingPHIOperands(), GetConstantInt(), getConstantStringInfo(), llvm::ExecutionEngine::getConstantValue(), getEdgeValueLocal(), llvm::ListInit::getElementAsRecord(), getExactSDiv(), getExtendTypeForNode(), llvm::ConstantInt::getFalse(), llvm::BasicBlock::getFirstNonPHIOrDbgOrLifetime(), getGatherNode(), GetIfCondition(), getIndexedTypeInternal(), getInsertPointForUses(), llvm::SCEVExpander::getIVIncOperand(), llvm::TargetLoweringObjectFile::getKindForGlobal(), getKnownConstant(), llvm::BasicBlock::getLandingPadInst(), getLocForWrite(), getLoopPhiForCounter(), getLoopTest(), llvm::SelectionDAG::getMemcpy(), getMemcpyLoadsAndStores(), llvm::SelectionDAG::getMemmove(), getMemmoveLoadsAndStores(), llvm::SelectionDAG::getMemset(), getMemSetPatternValue(), getMemsetStores(), llvm::ScalarEvolution::getMulExpr(), llvm::VarInit::getName(), llvm::RecordVal::getName(), llvm::Record::getName(), getNaturalGEPRecursively(), llvm::SelectionDAG::getNode(), getNoopInput(), llvm::SCEVAddRecExpr::getNumIterationsInRange(), GetOffsetFromIndex(), getOpenCLAlignment(), llvm::NamedMDNode::getOperand(), llvm::ARMBaseInstrInfo::getOperandLatency(), llvm::MemoryDependenceAnalysis::getPointerDependencyFrom(), getPredicateResult(), getPrefetchNode(), getPreStartForSignExtend(), llvm::NVPTXTargetLowering::getPrototype(), llvm::Constant::getRelocationInfo(), getScatterNode(), getShuffleAndOtherOprd(), llvm::ScalarEvolution::getSignExtendExpr(), llvm::ScalarEvolution::getSmallConstantTripCount(), llvm::ScalarEvolution::getSmallConstantTripMultiple(), llvm::DependenceAnalysis::getSplitIteration(), llvm::SparcTargetLowering::getSRetArgSize(), getStrideFromPointer(), getTargetShuffleMask(), llvm::BasicBlock::getTerminatingMustTailCall(), llvm::BasicBlock::getTerminator(), llvm::ConstantInt::getTrue(), getTypeOfMaskedICmp(), getTypePartition(), llvm::ScalarEvolution::getUDivExactExpr(), llvm::ScalarEvolution::getUDivExpr(), getUniqueCastUse(), GetUnrollMetadata(), getValueFromFromCondition(), llvm::SSAUpdater::GetValueInMiddleOfBlock(), getVShiftImm(), getVZextMovL(), getWeakRef(), HandleCallsInBlockInlinedThroughInvoke(), hasComputableBounds(), hasConcreteDefImpl(), HasNoDuplicateCall(), hasReturnsTwiceAttr(), llvm::ARMConstantPoolConstant::hasSameValue(), llvm::ARMConstantPoolSymbol::hasSameValue(), llvm::ARMConstantPoolMBB::hasSameValue(), llvm::FastISel::hasTrivialKill(), HoistThenElseCodeToIf(), llvm::CompositeType::indexValid(), INITIALIZE_PASS(), InlineCallIfPossible(), InlineFunction(), insertVector(), InstCombineLoadCast(), InstCombineStoreToCast(), llvm::SSAUpdaterTraits< SSAUpdater >::InstrIsPHI(), InstructionDereferencesPointer(), isAllConstantBuildVector(), isAllOnes(), isAssumeIntrinsic(), isBLACompatibleAddress(), isBSwapHWordElement(), isCalleeLoad(), isConstantBuildVectorOrConstantInt(), IsConstantOffsetFromGlobal(), IsConstantOne(), isConstantSplatVector(), llvm::Constant::isConstantUsed(), llvm::TargetLowering::isConstFalseVal(), llvm::TargetLowering::isConstTrueVal(), isConstVecPow2(), llvm::BitcodeReader::isDematerializable(), isDereferenceablePointer(), llvm::Type::isEmptyTy(), isExistingPhi(), isExtendedBUILD_VECTOR(), isFiniteNonZeroFp(), isFMulOrFDivWithConstant(), isFormingBranchFromSelectProfitable(), isFreeCall(), llvm::TargetLowering::isGAPlusOffset(), llvm::ConstantExpr::isGEPWithNoNotionalOverIndexing(), llvm::HexagonTargetObjectFile::IsGlobalInSmallSection(), llvm::MipsTargetObjectFile::IsGlobalInSmallSection(), isHighCostExpansion(), isImageOrSamplerVal(), llvm::X86Operand::isImmSExti16i8(), llvm::X86Operand::isImmSExti32i8(), llvm::X86Operand::isImmSExti64i32(), llvm::X86Operand::isImmSExti64i8(), isInTailCallPosition(), llvm::ScalarEvolution::isKnownPredicate(), isLikelyComplexAddressComputation(), llvm::ScalarEvolution::isLoopBackedgeGuardedByCond(), llvm::ScalarEvolution::isLoopEntryGuardedByCond(), isLoopInvariant(), isNaturalMemoryOperand(), llvm::SCEV::isNonConstantNegative(), isNormalFp(), llvm::ISD::isNormalLoad(), llvm::ISD::isNormalStore(), isOnlyCopiedFromConstantGlobal(), IsPointerOffset(), llvm::PHITransAddr::IsPotentiallyPHITranslatable(), llvm::objcarc::IsPotentialRetainableObjPtr(), isProfitableToFoldUnconditional(), llvm::DominatorTree::isReachableFromEntry(), isReportingError(), isSafePHIToSpeculate(), isSafeSelectToSpeculate(), isSafeSROAElementUse(), isSafeToHoistInvoke(), isSafeToSpeculateStore(), isSafeToSpeculativelyExecute(), isSameCompare(), isScaledConstantInRange(), isSelect01(), isSetCC(), isSimpleEnoughPointerToCommit(), isSimpleIVUser(), isSimpleShift(), isStridedPtr(), llvm::MCAssembler::isThumbFunc(), isTruncateOf(), isTypeCongruent(), isUndefShift(), llvm::Value::isUsedInBasicBlock(), llvm::Instruction::isUsedOutsideOfBlock(), IsUserOfGlobalSafeForSRA(), llvm::ShuffleVectorInst::isValidOperands(), isVectorAllOnes(), isVectorPromotionViable(), isVSplat(), isXor1OfSetCC(), isZero(), isZeroLengthArray(), isZeroOrAllOnes(), IVUseShouldUsePostIncValue(), llvm::ARMTargetLowering::LowerAsmOperandForConstraint(), llvm::PPCTargetLowering::LowerAsmOperandForConstraint(), llvm::TargetLowering::LowerAsmOperandForConstraint(), llvm::NVPTXTargetLowering::LowerCall(), nvptx::LowerConstant(), lowerConstant(), LowerF128Load(), LowerF128Store(), llvm::SITargetLowering::LowerFormalArguments(), LowerScalarImmediateShift(), llvm::IntrinsicLowering::LowerToByteSwap(), LowerVectorIntExtend(), LowerXOR(), LowerZERO_EXTEND_AVX512(), MaintainNoSignedWrap(), MapValue(), llvm::PatternMatch::specific_intval::match(), llvm::PatternMatch::MaxMin_match< CmpInst_t, LHS_t, RHS_t, Pred_t >::match(), llvm::PatternMatch::IntrinsicID_match::match(), MatchingStackOffset(), matchPairwiseReduction(), matchPairwiseReductionAtLevel(), matchRotateSub(), MatchSelectPattern(), matchVectorSplittingReduction(), llvm::BitcodeReader::Materialize(), mergeEmptyReturnBlocks(), needsLFTR(), onlyUsedByLifetimeMarkers(), OptimizeGlobalAddressOfMalloc(), llvm::TargetLowering::ParseConstraints(), passingValueIsAlwaysUndefined(), patchReplacementInstruction(), performANDCombine(), PerformANDCombine(), PerformAndCombine(), PerformBFICombine(), llvm::SITargetLowering::PerformDAGCombine(), llvm::AMDGPUTargetLowering::PerformDAGCombine(), llvm::SystemZTargetLowering::PerformDAGCombine(), performDSPShiftCombine(), PerformMULCombine(), PerformMulCombine(), PerformORCombine(), PerformOrCombine(), performSELECTCombine(), PerformSHLCombine(), performSRACombine(), PerformZExtCombine(), llvm::AArch64InstPrinter::printAlignedLabel(), printExpr(), llvm::DebugInfoFinder::processDeclare(), ProcessUAddIdiom(), ProcessUGT_ADDCST_ADD(), llvm::DebugInfoFinder::processValue(), llvm::ListInit::Profile(), promoteSingleBlockAlloca(), PushLoopPHIs(), QualifyName(), RecognizePersonality(), RecursivelyDeleteTriviallyDeadInstructions(), llvm::Constant::removeDeadConstantUsers(), removeDeadUsersOfConstant(), RemoveInstInputs(), llvm::BasicBlock::removePredecessor(), removeUndefIntroducingPredecessor(), ReorganizeVector(), llvm::SCEVExpander::replaceCongruentIVs(), replaceConstantExprOp(), llvm::LoopInfo::replacementPreservesLCSSAForm(), llvm::BasicBlock::replaceSuccessorsPhiUsesWith(), llvm::OpInit::resolveListElementReference(), llvm::VarInit::resolveListElementReference(), llvm::TernOpInit::resolveReferences(), rewriteNonInstructionUses(), RewriteUsesOfClonedInstructions(), llvm::NVPTXLowerAggrCopies::runOnFunction(), llvm::NVPTXAllocaHoisting::runOnFunction(), llvm::ExecutionEngine::runStaticConstructorsDestructors(), safeCxtI(), selectCCOpsAreFMaxCompatible(), llvm::FastISel::selectExtractValue(), llvm::FunctionLoweringInfo::set(), SetLoopAlreadyUnrolled(), shouldConvertUse(), shouldSwapCmpOperands(), ShrinkDemandedConstant(), llvm::TargetLowering::TargetLoweringOpt::ShrinkDemandedConstant(), SimplifyAssociativeBinOp(), SimplifyBranchOnICmpChain(), SimplifyCall(), SimplifyCondBranchToCondBranch(), llvm::TargetLowering::SimplifyDemandedBits(), SimplifyICmpInst(), SimplifyIndirectBrOnSelect(), simplifyOneLoop(), SimplifyOrInst(), SimplifySwitchOnSelect(), SimplifyWithOpReplaced(), SinkShiftAndTruncate(), SinkThenElseCodeToEnd(), llvm::InstCombiner::SliceUpIllegalIntegerPHI(), SolveQuadraticEquation(), SpeculativelyExecuteBB(), llvm::BasicBlock::splitBasicBlock(), SplitCriticalSideEffectEdges(), llvm::DbgInfoIntrinsic::StripCast(), stripGetElementPtr(), swapMayExposeCSEOpportunities(), SymbolicallyEvaluateGEP(), ThreadBinOpOverSelect(), tryCombineCRC32(), tryCombineToBSL(), tryLowerToSLI(), TryMULWIDECombine(), tryPromoteAllocaToVector(), TryToOptimizeStoreOfMallocToGlobal(), TryToSimplifyUncondBranchWithICmpInIt(), UnrollLoop(), UpdateCallGraphAfterInlining(), upgradeGlobalArray(), llvm::yaml::MappingTraits< std::unique_ptr< ELFYAML::Section > >::validate(), ValueDominatesPHI(), llvm::SSAUpdaterTraits< SSAUpdater >::ValueIsPHI(), llvm::InlineAsm::Verify(), VerifySubExpr(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitAdd(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitAllocaInst(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitAnd(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitCallInst(), llvm::ObjectSizeOffsetVisitor::visitCallSite(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitFAdd(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitFCmpInst(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitFMul(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitFPToSI(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitFPToUI(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitFPTrunc(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitGetElementPtrInst(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitICmpInst(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitICmpInstWithCastAndCast(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitICmpInstWithInstAndIntCst(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitInsertValueInst(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitLandingPadInst(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitMul(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitOr(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitSelectInstWithICmp(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitShuffleVectorInst(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitXor(), and llvm::InstCombiner::visitZExt().

template<class X , class Y >
LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED_RESULT cast_retty<X, Y>::ret_type llvm::dyn_cast ( Y Val) [inline]

Definition at line 271 of file Casting.h.

template<class X , class Y >
LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED_RESULT cast_retty<X, Y *>::ret_type llvm::dyn_cast ( Y Val) [inline]

Definition at line 277 of file Casting.h.

template<class X , class Y >
LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED_RESULT cast_retty<X, Y *>::ret_type llvm::dyn_cast_or_null ( Y Val) [inline]

Definition at line 286 of file Casting.h.

static void llvm::EmitAbsDifference ( MCStreamer &  Streamer,
const MCSymbol *  LHS,
const MCSymbol *  RHS 
) [static]
bool llvm::EmitAnyX86InstComments ( const MCInst MI,
raw_ostream OS,
const char *(*)(unsigned getRegName 
void llvm::emitARMRegPlusImmediate ( MachineBasicBlock MBB,
MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI,
DebugLoc  dl,
unsigned  DestReg,
unsigned  BaseReg,
int  NumBytes,
ARMCC::CondCodes  Pred,
unsigned  PredReg,
const ARMBaseInstrInfo TII,
unsigned  MIFlags = 0 
Value * llvm::EmitBinaryFloatFnCall ( Value Op1,
Value Op2,
StringRef  Name,
IRBuilder<> &  B,
const AttributeSet Attrs 

EmitUnaryFloatFnCall - Emit a call to the binary function named 'Name' (e.g. 'fmin'). This function is known to take type matching 'Op1' and 'Op2' and return one value with the same type. If 'Op1/Op2' are long double, 'l' is added as the suffix of name, if 'Op1/Op2' are float, we add a 'f' suffix.

EmitBinaryFloatFnCall - Emit a call to the binary function named 'Name' (e.g. 'fmin'). This function is known to take type matching 'Op1' and 'Op2' and return one value with the same type. If 'Op1/Op2' are long double, 'l' is added as the suffix of name, if 'Op1/Op2' is a float, we add a 'f' suffix.

Definition at line 324 of file BuildLibCalls.cpp.

References AppendTypeSuffix(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateCall2(), F(), llvm::IRBuilderBase::GetInsertBlock(), llvm::Module::getOrInsertFunction(), llvm::BasicBlock::getParent(), llvm::GlobalValue::getParent(), llvm::Value::getType(), llvm::CallInst::setAttributes(), llvm::CallInst::setCallingConv(), and llvm::Value::stripPointerCasts().

Value * llvm::EmitFPutC ( Value Char,
Value File,
IRBuilder<> &  B,
const DataLayout TD,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI 
Value * llvm::EmitFPutS ( Value Str,
Value File,
IRBuilder<> &  B,
const DataLayout TD,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI 
void llvm::emitFrameOffset ( MachineBasicBlock MBB,
MachineBasicBlock::iterator  MBBI,
DebugLoc  DL,
unsigned  DestReg,
unsigned  SrcReg,
int  Offset,
const TargetInstrInfo TII,
MachineInstr::MIFlag  Flag = MachineInstr::NoFlags,
bool  SetNZCV = false 

emitFrameOffset - Emit instructions as needed to set DestReg to SrcReg plus Offset. This is intended to be used from within the prolog/epilog insertion (PEI) pass, where a virtual scratch register may be allocated if necessary, to be replaced by the scavenger at the end of PEI.

Definition at line 1982 of file AArch64InstrInfo.cpp.

References llvm::MachineInstrBuilder::addImm(), BuildMI(), llvm::MCInstrInfo::get(), llvm::AArch64_AM::getShifterImm(), llvm::AArch64_AM::LSL, and llvm::MachineInstrBuilder::setMIFlag().

Referenced by llvm::AArch64FrameLowering::eliminateCallFramePseudoInstr(), llvm::AArch64RegisterInfo::eliminateFrameIndex(), llvm::AArch64FrameLowering::emitEpilogue(), llvm::AArch64FrameLowering::emitPrologue(), and rewriteAArch64FrameIndex().

Value * llvm::EmitFWrite ( Value Ptr,
Value Size,
Value File,
IRBuilder<> &  B,
const DataLayout TD,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI 
template<typename IRBuilderTy >
Value* llvm::EmitGEPOffset ( IRBuilderTy *  Builder,
const DataLayout &  TD,
User *  GEP,
bool  NoAssumptions = false 

EmitGEPOffset - Given a getelementptr instruction/constantexpr, emit the code necessary to compute the offset from the base pointer (without adding in the base pointer). Return the result as a signed integer of intptr size. When NoAssumptions is true, no assumptions about index computation not overflowing is made.

Definition at line 196 of file Local.h.

References gep_type_begin(), llvm::ConstantInt::get(), llvm::StructLayout::getElementOffset(), llvm::ConstantExpr::getIntegerCast(), llvm::DataLayout::getIntPtrType(), llvm::ConstantExpr::getMul(), llvm::Value::getName(), llvm::Constant::getNullValue(), llvm::DataLayout::getStructLayout(), llvm::Value::getType(), llvm::DataLayout::getTypeAllocSize(), llvm::GEPOperator::isInBounds(), llvm::SystemZISD::OC, llvm::User::op_begin(), and llvm::User::op_end().

Referenced by llvm::InstCombiner::FoldGEPICmp(), llvm::InstCombiner::OptimizePointerDifference(), and llvm::ObjectSizeOffsetEvaluator::visitGEPOperator().

static void llvm::EmitLabelDiff ( MCStreamer &  Streamer,
const MCSymbol *  From,
const MCSymbol *  To 
) [static]
void llvm::emitLoopInterleaveWarning ( LLVMContext Ctx,
const Function Fn,
const DebugLoc DLoc,
const Twine Msg 

Emit a warning when loop interleaving is specified but fails. Fn is the function triggering the warning, DLoc is the debug location where the diagnostic is generated. Msg is the message string to use.

Definition at line 204 of file DiagnosticInfo.cpp.

References llvm::LLVMContext::diagnose().

void llvm::emitLoopVectorizeWarning ( LLVMContext Ctx,
const Function Fn,
const DebugLoc DLoc,
const Twine Msg 

Emit a warning when loop vectorization is specified but fails. Fn is the function triggering the warning, DLoc is the debug location where the diagnostic is generated. Msg is the message string to use.

Definition at line 198 of file DiagnosticInfo.cpp.

References llvm::LLVMContext::diagnose().

Value * llvm::EmitMemChr ( Value Ptr,
Value Val,
Value Len,
IRBuilder<> &  B,
const DataLayout TD,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI 
Value * llvm::EmitMemCmp ( Value Ptr1,
Value Ptr2,
Value Len,
IRBuilder<> &  B,
const DataLayout TD,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI 
Value * llvm::EmitMemCpyChk ( Value Dst,
Value Src,
Value Len,
Value ObjSize,
IRBuilder<> &  B,
const DataLayout TD,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI 
void llvm::emitOptimizationRemark ( LLVMContext Ctx,
const char *  PassName,
const Function Fn,
const DebugLoc DLoc,
const Twine Msg 

Emit an optimization-applied message. PassName is the name of the pass emitting the message. If -Rpass= is given and PassName matches the regular expression in -Rpass, then the remark will be emitted. Fn is the function triggering the remark, DLoc is the debug location where the diagnostic is generated. Msg is the message string to use.

Definition at line 171 of file DiagnosticInfo.cpp.

References llvm::LLVMContext::diagnose().

Referenced by llvm::Inliner::runOnSCC(), and UnrollLoop().

void llvm::emitOptimizationRemarkAnalysis ( LLVMContext Ctx,
const char *  PassName,
const Function Fn,
const DebugLoc DLoc,
const Twine Msg 

Emit an optimization analysis remark message. PassName is the name of the pass emitting the message. If -Rpass-analysis= is given and PassName matches the regular expression in -Rpass, then the remark will be emitted. Fn is the function triggering the remark, DLoc is the debug location where the diagnostic is generated. Msg is the message string to use.

Definition at line 184 of file DiagnosticInfo.cpp.

References llvm::LLVMContext::diagnose().

Referenced by emitAnalysis().

void llvm::emitOptimizationRemarkMissed ( LLVMContext Ctx,
const char *  PassName,
const Function Fn,
const DebugLoc DLoc,
const Twine Msg 

Emit an optimization-missed message. PassName is the name of the pass emitting the message. If -Rpass-missed= is given and PassName matches the regular expression in -Rpass, then the remark will be emitted. Fn is the function triggering the remark, DLoc is the debug location where the diagnostic is generated. Msg is the message string to use.

Definition at line 177 of file DiagnosticInfo.cpp.

References llvm::LLVMContext::diagnose().

Referenced by llvm::Inliner::runOnSCC().

Value * llvm::EmitPutChar ( Value Char,
IRBuilder<> &  B,
const DataLayout TD,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI 
Value * llvm::EmitPutS ( Value Str,
IRBuilder<> &  B,
const DataLayout TD,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI 
static void llvm::EmitRuntimeFunction ( MCStreamer &  streamer,
const WinEH::FrameInfo *  info 
) [static]

emitSourceFileHeader - Output an LLVM style file header to the specified raw_ostream.

Definition at line 35 of file TableGenBackend.cpp.

References MAX_LINE_LEN, llvm::cl::Prefix, printLine(), llvm::StringRef::size(), and llvm::StringRef::slice().

Value * llvm::EmitStrChr ( Value Ptr,
char  C,
IRBuilder<> &  B,
const DataLayout TD,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI 
Value * llvm::EmitStrCpy ( Value Dst,
Value Src,
IRBuilder<> &  B,
const DataLayout TD,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI,
StringRef  Name = "strcpy" 
Value * llvm::EmitStrLen ( Value Ptr,
IRBuilder<> &  B,
const DataLayout TD,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI 

EmitStrLen - Emit a call to the strlen function to the builder, for the specified pointer. Ptr is required to be some pointer type, and the return value has 'intptr_t' type.

EmitStrLen - Emit a call to the strlen function to the builder, for the specified pointer. This always returns an integer value of size intptr_t.

Definition at line 36 of file BuildLibCalls.cpp.

References CastToCStr(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateCall(), F(), llvm::AttributeSet::FunctionIndex, llvm::BasicBlock::getContext(), llvm::Module::getContext(), llvm::IRBuilderBase::GetInsertBlock(), llvm::IRBuilderBase::getInt8PtrTy(), llvm::DataLayout::getIntPtrType(), llvm::Module::getOrInsertFunction(), llvm::BasicBlock::getParent(), llvm::GlobalValue::getParent(), llvm::TargetLibraryInfo::has(), llvm::Attribute::NoCapture, llvm::Attribute::NoUnwind, llvm::Attribute::ReadOnly, llvm::CallInst::setCallingConv(), llvm::Constant::stripPointerCasts(), and llvm::LibFunc::strlen.

Value * llvm::EmitStrNCmp ( Value Ptr1,
Value Ptr2,
Value Len,
IRBuilder<> &  B,
const DataLayout TD,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI 
Value * llvm::EmitStrNCpy ( Value Dst,
Value Src,
Value Len,
IRBuilder<> &  B,
const DataLayout TD,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI,
StringRef  Name = "strncpy" 
Value * llvm::EmitStrNLen ( Value Ptr,
Value MaxLen,
IRBuilder<> &  B,
const DataLayout TD,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI 
static void llvm::EmitSymbolRefWithOfs ( MCStreamer &  streamer,
const MCSymbol *  Base,
const MCSymbol *  Other 
) [static]
void llvm::emitT2RegPlusImmediate ( MachineBasicBlock MBB,
MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI,
DebugLoc  dl,
unsigned  DestReg,
unsigned  BaseReg,
int  NumBytes,
ARMCC::CondCodes  Pred,
unsigned  PredReg,
const ARMBaseInstrInfo TII,
unsigned  MIFlags = 0 
void llvm::emitThumbRegPlusImmediate ( MachineBasicBlock MBB,
MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI,
DebugLoc  dl,
unsigned  DestReg,
unsigned  BaseReg,
int  NumBytes,
const TargetInstrInfo TII,
const ARMBaseRegisterInfo MRI,
unsigned  MIFlags = 0 
Value * llvm::EmitUnaryFloatFnCall ( Value Op,
StringRef  Name,
IRBuilder<> &  B,
const AttributeSet Attrs 

EmitUnaryFloatFnCall - Emit a call to the unary function named 'Name' (e.g. 'floor'). This function is known to take a single of type matching 'Op' and returns one value with the same type. If 'Op' is a long double, 'l' is added as the suffix of name, if 'Op' is a float, we add a 'f' suffix.

Definition at line 303 of file BuildLibCalls.cpp.

References AppendTypeSuffix(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateCall(), F(), llvm::IRBuilderBase::GetInsertBlock(), llvm::Module::getOrInsertFunction(), llvm::BasicBlock::getParent(), llvm::GlobalValue::getParent(), llvm::Value::getType(), llvm::CallInst::setAttributes(), llvm::CallInst::setCallingConv(), and llvm::Value::stripPointerCasts().

static void llvm::EmitUnwindCode ( MCStreamer &  streamer,
const MCSymbol *  begin,
WinEH::Instruction &  inst 
) [static]
static void llvm::EmitUnwindInfo ( MCStreamer &  streamer,
WinEH::FrameInfo *  info 
) [static]

Enable the collection and printing of statistics.

Definition at line 92 of file Statistic.cpp.

References Enabled.

static int llvm::encode_leb128 ( uint64_t  val,
int nbytes,
char *  space,
int  splen 
) [static]

Definition at line 36 of file NVPTXutil.cpp.

References DATA_MASK, DIGIT_WIDTH, llvm::sys::path::end(), and MORE_BYTES.

Referenced by encode_leb128().

uint64_t llvm::encode_leb128 ( const char *  str)

Definition at line 61 of file NVPTXutil.cpp.

References encode_leb128(), and llvm::LibFunc::strlen.

void llvm::encodeSLEB128 ( int64_t  Value,
raw_ostream &  OS 
) [inline]

Utility function to encode a SLEB128 value to an output stream.

Definition at line 23 of file LEB128.h.

Referenced by llvm::MCStreamer::EmitSLEB128IntValue(), and llvm::MCDwarfLineAddr::Encode().

void llvm::encodeULEB128 ( uint64_t  Value,
raw_ostream &  OS,
unsigned  Padding = 0 
) [inline]
unsigned llvm::encodeULEB128 ( uint64_t  Value,
uint8_t *  p,
unsigned  Padding = 0 
) [inline]

Utility function to encode a ULEB128 value to a buffer. Returns the length in bytes of the encoded value.

Definition at line 58 of file LEB128.h.

errs() - This returns a reference to a raw_ostream for standard error. Use it like: errs() << "foo" << "bar";

Definition at line 663 of file raw_ostream.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::MipsTargetMachine::addAnalysisPasses(), llvm::Interpreter::callExternalFunction(), CheckBitcodeOutputToConsole(), checkForCyclesHelper(), llvm::SelectionDAG::clearGraphAttrs(), CrashHandler(), llvm::EngineBuilder::create(), createDependencyFile(), createGraphFilename(), CreateInfoOutputFile(), dbgs(), llvm::LLVMContext::diagnose(), DisplayGraph(), llvm::SubMultiClassReference::dump(), llvm::RecTy::dump(), llvm::opt::Arg::dump(), llvm::ARMConstantPoolValue::dump(), llvm::MCFragment::dump(), llvm::opt::Option::dump(), llvm::Init::dump(), llvm::LiveRangeUpdater::dump(), llvm::MCSectionData::dump(), llvm::MCSymbolData::dump(), llvm::MCAssembler::dump(), llvm::RecordVal::dump(), llvm::Record::dump(), llvm::MultiClass::dump(), llvm::RecordKeeper::dump(), dumpDataAux(), llvm::RGPassManager::dumpPassStructure(), llvm::LPPassManager::dumpPassStructure(), llvm::DWARFContextInMemory::DWARFContextInMemory(), llvm::XCoreFrameLowering::eliminateCallFramePseudoInstr(), llvm::XCoreRegisterInfo::eliminateFrameIndex(), llvm::MipsRegisterInfo::eliminateFrameIndex(), llvm::AMDGPUAsmPrinter::EmitInstruction(), llvm::MCStreamer::EmitRawTextImpl(), llvm::cl::Option::error(), ExecGraphViewer(), ferrs(), llvm::MCAssembler::Finish(), llvm::SubtargetFeatures::getFeatureBits(), llvm::SelectionDAG::getGraphAttrs(), GetOptionInfo(), llvm::MCSubtargetInfo::getSchedModelForCPU(), llvm::LeakDetectorImpl< Value >::hasGarbage(), Help(), INITIALIZE_PASS(), lle_X_sprintf(), LLVMSetLinkage(), LLVMVerifyFunction(), LLVMVerifyModule(), llvm::IntrinsicLowering::LowerIntrinsicCall(), llvm::PluginLoader::operator=(), OptimizeGlobalAddressOfMalloc(), llvm::DWARFDebugLoc::parse(), llvm::DWARFDebugLocDWO::parse(), llvm::cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(), llvm::PassNameParser::passRegistered(), llvm::PrinterTrait< T >::print(), llvm::PrinterTrait< Value >::print(), llvm::detail::printBumpPtrAllocatorStats(), PrintError(), PrintLoadStoreResults(), llvm::SourceMgr::PrintMessage(), PrintModRefResults(), PrintPercent(), PrintRecyclerStats(), PrintResults(), PrintWarning(), llvm::RandomNumberGenerator::RandomNumberGenerator(), llvm::GCOVFile::readGCDA(), llvm::GCOVFunction::readGCDA(), llvm::GCOVBuffer::readGCDAFormat(), llvm::GCOVFunction::readGCNO(), llvm::GCOVBuffer::readGCNOFormat(), llvm::GCOVBuffer::readGCOVVersion(), llvm::GCOVBuffer::readInt(), llvm::GCOVBuffer::readString(), llvm::GenericScheduler::registerRoots(), llvm::PostGenericScheduler::registerRoots(), removeUseSoftFloat(), llvm::DOTGraphTraitsPrinter< AnalysisT, IsSimple, GraphT, AnalysisGraphTraitsT >::runOnFunction(), llvm::MipsModuleDAGToDAGISel::runOnMachineFunction(), llvm::Mips16HardFloat::runOnModule(), llvm::DOTGraphTraitsModulePrinter< AnalysisT, IsSimple, GraphT, AnalysisGraphTraitsT >::runOnModule(), llvm::SelectionDAG::setGraphAttrs(), llvm::SelectionDAG::setGraphColor(), llvm::SelectionDAG::setSubgraphColor(), TableGenMain(), llvm::SubtargetFeatures::ToggleFeature(), llvm::PHITransAddr::Verify(), llvm::DominatorTree::verifyDomTree(), VerifySubExpr(), llvm::MachineRegisterInfo::verifyUseList(), llvm::BlockFrequencyInfo::view(), llvm::MachineBlockFrequencyInfo::view(), llvm::MachineFunction::viewCFG(), llvm::MachineFunction::viewCFGOnly(), llvm::SelectionDAG::viewGraph(), llvm::ScheduleDAGMI::viewGraph(), llvm::ScheduleDAG::viewGraph(), llvm::Interpreter::visitInstruction(), and WriteGraph().

template<class GraphT >
GraphT::NodeType* llvm::Eval ( DominatorTreeBase< typename GraphT::NodeType > &  DT,
typename GraphT::NodeType *  VIn,
unsigned  LastLinked 

Replace Div with generated code.

Generate code to divide two integers, replacing Div with the generated code. This currently generates code similarly to compiler-rt's implementations, but future work includes generating more specialized code when more information about the operands are known. Implements both 32bit and 64bit scalar division.

Definition at line 434 of file IntegerDivision.cpp.

References llvm::User::dropAllReferences(), dyn_cast(), llvm::Instruction::eraseFromParent(), generateSignedDivisionCode(), generateUnsignedDivisionCode(), llvm::IRBuilderBase::GetInsertPoint(), llvm::Type::getIntegerBitWidth(), llvm::BinaryOperator::getOpcode(), llvm::User::getOperand(), llvm::Value::getType(), llvm::Type::isVectorTy(), llvm_unreachable, and llvm::Value::replaceAllUsesWith().

Referenced by expandDivisionUpTo32Bits(), expandDivisionUpTo64Bits(), and expandRemainder().

Replace Rem with generated code.

Replace Div with emulation code.

Generate code to divide two integers, replacing Div with the generated code. Uses ExpandDivision with a 32bit Div which makes it useful for targets with little or no support for less than 32 bit arithmetic.

Generate code to divide two integers of bitwidth up to 32 bits. Uses the above routines and extends the inputs/truncates the outputs to operate in 32 bits; that is, these routines are good for targets that have no or very little support for smaller than 32 bit integer arithmetic.

Definition at line 586 of file IntegerDivision.cpp.

References llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateSDiv(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateSExt(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateTrunc(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateUDiv(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateZExt(), llvm::User::dropAllReferences(), llvm::Instruction::eraseFromParent(), expandDivision(), llvm::IRBuilderBase::getInt32Ty(), llvm::Type::getIntegerBitWidth(), llvm::BinaryOperator::getOpcode(), llvm::User::getOperand(), llvm::Value::getType(), llvm::Type::isVectorTy(), llvm_unreachable, llvm::Value::replaceAllUsesWith(), and Trunc.

Replace Rem with generated code.

Replace Div with emulation code.

Generate code to divide two integers, replacing Div with the generated code. Uses ExpandDivision with a 64bit Div.

Generate code to divide two integers of bitwidth up to 64 bits. Uses the above routines and extends the inputs/truncates the outputs to operate in 64 bits.

Definition at line 636 of file IntegerDivision.cpp.

References llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateSDiv(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateSExt(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateTrunc(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateUDiv(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateZExt(), llvm::User::dropAllReferences(), llvm::Instruction::eraseFromParent(), expandDivision(), llvm::IRBuilderBase::getInt64Ty(), llvm::Type::getIntegerBitWidth(), llvm::BinaryOperator::getOpcode(), llvm::User::getOperand(), llvm::Value::getType(), llvm::Type::isVectorTy(), llvm_unreachable, llvm::Value::replaceAllUsesWith(), and Trunc.

Replace Rem with generated code.

Generate code to calculate the remainder of two integers, replacing Rem with the generated code. This currently generates code using the udiv expansion, but future work includes generating more specialized code, e.g. when more information about the operands are known. Implements both 32bit and 64bit scalar division.

Definition at line 376 of file IntegerDivision.cpp.

References llvm::User::dropAllReferences(), dyn_cast(), llvm::Instruction::eraseFromParent(), expandDivision(), generatedUnsignedRemainderCode(), generateSignedRemainderCode(), llvm::IRBuilderBase::GetInsertPoint(), llvm::Type::getIntegerBitWidth(), llvm::BinaryOperator::getOpcode(), llvm::User::getOperand(), llvm::Value::getType(), llvm::Type::isVectorTy(), llvm_unreachable, and llvm::Value::replaceAllUsesWith().

Referenced by expandRemainderUpTo32Bits(), and expandRemainderUpTo64Bits().

Replace Rem with generated code.

Replace Rem with emulation code.

Generate code to calculate the remainder of two integers, replacing Rem with the generated code. Uses ExpandReminder with a 32bit Rem which makes it useful for targets with little or no support for less than 32 bit arithmetic.

Generate code to compute the remainder of two integers of bitwidth up to 32 bits. Uses the above routines and extends the inputs/truncates the outputs to operate in 32 bits; that is, these routines are good for targets that have no or very little suppport for smaller than 32 bit integer arithmetic.

Definition at line 485 of file IntegerDivision.cpp.

References llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateSExt(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateSRem(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateTrunc(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateURem(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateZExt(), llvm::User::dropAllReferences(), llvm::Instruction::eraseFromParent(), expandRemainder(), llvm::IRBuilderBase::getInt32Ty(), llvm::Type::getIntegerBitWidth(), llvm::BinaryOperator::getOpcode(), llvm::User::getOperand(), llvm::Value::getType(), llvm::Type::isVectorTy(), llvm_unreachable, llvm::Value::replaceAllUsesWith(), and Trunc.

Replace Rem with generated code.

Replace Rem with emulation code.

Generate code to calculate the remainder of two integers, replacing Rem with the generated code. Uses ExpandReminder with a 64bit Rem.

Generate code to compute the remainder of two integers of bitwidth up to 64 bits. Uses the above routines and extends the inputs/truncates the outputs to operate in 64 bits.

Definition at line 535 of file IntegerDivision.cpp.

References llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateSExt(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateSRem(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateTrunc(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateURem(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateZExt(), llvm::User::dropAllReferences(), llvm::Instruction::eraseFromParent(), expandRemainder(), llvm::IRBuilderBase::getInt64Ty(), llvm::Type::getIntegerBitWidth(), llvm::BinaryOperator::getOpcode(), llvm::User::getOperand(), llvm::Value::getType(), llvm::Type::isVectorTy(), llvm_unreachable, llvm::Value::replaceAllUsesWith(), and Trunc.

llvm::EXTERN_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION ( class DomTreeNodeBase< MachineBasicBlock >  )
llvm::EXTERN_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION ( class DominatorTreeBase< MachineBasicBlock >  )
llvm::EXTERN_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION ( class DomTreeNodeBase< BasicBlock >  )
llvm::EXTERN_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION ( class DominatorTreeBase< BasicBlock >  )
llvm::EXTERN_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION ( void Calculate< Function LLVM_COMMA BasicBlock * >  DominatorTreeBase< GraphTraits< BasicBlock * >::NodeType > &DT LLVM_COMMAFunction &F)
llvm::EXTERN_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION ( void Calculate< Function LLVM_COMMA Inverse< BasicBlock * > >  DominatorTreeBase< GraphTraits< Inverse< BasicBlock * > >::NodeType > &DTLLVM_COMMA Function &F)
llvm::EXTERN_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION ( class RegionBase< RegionTraits< MachineFunction >>  )
llvm::EXTERN_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION ( class RegionNodeBase< RegionTraits< MachineFunction >>  )
llvm::EXTERN_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION ( class RegionInfoBase< RegionTraits< MachineFunction >>  )
llvm::EXTERN_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION ( class DominanceFrontierBase< BasicBlock >  )
llvm::EXTERN_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION ( class ForwardDominanceFrontierBase< BasicBlock >  )
llvm::EXTERN_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION ( class RegionBase< RegionTraits< Function >>  )
llvm::EXTERN_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION ( class RegionNodeBase< RegionTraits< Function >>  )
llvm::EXTERN_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION ( class RegionInfoBase< RegionTraits< Function >>  )

extractCallocCall - Returns the corresponding CallInst if the instruction is a calloc call.

Definition at line 310 of file MemoryBuiltins.cpp.

References I, and isCallocLikeFn().

Referenced by extractCallocCall().

static CallInst* llvm::extractCallocCall ( Value *  I,
const TargetLibraryInfo *  TLI 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 122 of file MemoryBuiltins.h.

References extractCallocCall().

extractMallocCall - Returns the corresponding CallInst if the instruction is a malloc call. Since CallInst::CreateMalloc() only creates calls, we ignore InvokeInst here.

Definition at line 204 of file MemoryBuiltins.cpp.

References dyn_cast(), I, and isMallocLikeFn().

Referenced by extractMallocCall(), isArrayMalloc(), and OptimizeOnceStoredGlobal().

static CallInst* llvm::extractMallocCall ( Value *  I,
const TargetLibraryInfo *  TLI 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 80 of file MemoryBuiltins.h.

References extractMallocCall().

ExtractTypeInfo - Returns the type info, possibly bitcast, encoded in V.

Definition at line 112 of file CodeGen/Analysis.cpp.

References dyn_cast(), llvm::GlobalVariable::getInitializer(), llvm::Value::getName(), llvm::GlobalVariable::hasInitializer(), and llvm::Value::stripPointerCasts().

Referenced by AddCatchInfo().

static bool llvm::f64AssignAAPCS ( unsigned ValNo,
MVT &  ValVT,
MVT &  LocVT,
CCValAssign::LocInfo &  LocInfo,
CCState &  State,
bool  CanFail 
) [static]
static bool llvm::f64AssignAPCS ( unsigned ValNo,
MVT &  ValVT,
MVT &  LocVT,
CCValAssign::LocInfo &  LocInfo,
CCState &  State,
bool  CanFail 
) [static]
static bool llvm::f64RetAssign ( unsigned ValNo,
MVT &  ValVT,
MVT &  LocVT,
CCValAssign::LocInfo &  LocInfo,
CCState &  State 
) [static]

fdbgs() - This returns a reference to a formatted_raw_ostream for debug output. Use it like: fdbgs() << "foo" << "bar";

fdbgs() - This returns a reference to a formatted_raw_ostream for the debug stream. Use it like: fdbgs() << "foo" << "bar";

Definition at line 103 of file FormattedStream.cpp.

References dbgs().

ferrs() - This returns a reference to a formatted_raw_ostream for standard error. Use it like: ferrs() << "foo" << "bar";

Definition at line 96 of file FormattedStream.cpp.

References errs().

void llvm::finalizeBundle ( MachineBasicBlock &  MBB,
MachineBasicBlock::instr_iterator  FirstMI,
MachineBasicBlock::instr_iterator  LastMI 

finalizeBundle - Finalize a machine instruction bundle which includes a sequence of instructions starting from FirstMI to LastMI (exclusive). This routine adds a BUNDLE instruction to represent the bundle, it adds IsInternalRead markers to MachineOperands which are defined inside the bundle, and it copies externally visible defs and uses to the BUNDLE instruction.

Referenced by llvm::VLIWPacketizerList::endPacket(), and finalizeBundles().

MachineBasicBlock::instr_iterator llvm::finalizeBundle ( MachineBasicBlock &  MBB,
MachineBasicBlock::instr_iterator  FirstMI 

finalizeBundle - Same functionality as the previous finalizeBundle except the last instruction in the bundle is not provided as an input. This is used in cases where bundles are pre-determined by marking instructions with 'InsideBundle' marker. It returns the MBB instruction iterator that points to the end of the bundle.

finalizeBundles - Finalize instruction bundles in the specified MachineFunction. Return true if any bundles are finalized.

Definition at line 224 of file MachineInstrBundle.cpp.

References llvm::MachineFunction::begin(), llvm::MachineFunction::end(), finalizeBundle(), I, llvm::MachineBasicBlock::instr_begin(), and llvm::MachineBasicBlock::instr_end().

Referenced by INITIALIZE_PASS().

bool llvm::findAllNVVMAnnotation ( const llvm::GlobalValue gv,
std::string  prop,
std::vector< unsigned > &  retval 

FindAllocaDbgDeclare - Finds the llvm.dbg.declare intrinsic corresponding to an alloca, if any.

FindAllocaDbgDeclare - Finds the llvm.dbg.declare intrinsic describing the alloca 'V', if any.

Definition at line 1091 of file Local.cpp.

References llvm::Value::getContext(), llvm::MDNode::getIfExists(), and llvm::Value::users().

Referenced by replaceDbgDeclareForAlloca().

Value * llvm::FindAvailableLoadedValue ( Value Ptr,
BasicBlock ScanBB,
BasicBlock::iterator ScanFrom,
unsigned  MaxInstsToScan = 6,
AliasAnalysis AA = nullptr,
AAMDNodes AATags = nullptr 

FindAvailableLoadedValue - Scan the ScanBB block backwards (starting at the instruction before ScanFrom) checking to see if we have the value at the memory address *Ptr locally available within a small number of instructions. If the value is available, return it.

If not, return the iterator for the last validated instruction that the value would be live through. If we scanned the entire block and didn't find something that invalidates *Ptr or provides it, ScanFrom would be left at begin() and this returns null. ScanFrom could also be left

MaxInstsToScan specifies the maximum instructions to scan in the block. If it is set to 0, it will scan the whole block. You can also optionally specify an alias analysis implementation, which makes this more precise.

If AATags is non-null and a load or store is found, the AA tags from the load or store are recorded there. If there are no AA tags or if no access is found, it is left unmodified.

Definition at line 139 of file Loads.cpp.

References AreEquivalentAddressValues(), llvm::BasicBlock::begin(), llvm::AliasAnalysis::getModRefInfo(), llvm::Value::getType(), llvm::AliasAnalysis::getTypeStoreSize(), LI, llvm::Instruction::mayWriteToMemory(), and llvm::AliasAnalysis::Mod.

Referenced by llvm::InstCombiner::visitLoadInst().

template<typename T >
std::enable_if< std::numeric_limits< T >::is_integer &&std::numeric_limits< T >::is_signed, T >::type llvm::findFirstSet ( T  Val,
ZeroBehavior  ZB = ZB_Max 

Get the index of the first set bit starting from the least significant bit.

Only unsigned integral types are allowed.

ZBthe behavior on an input of 0. Only ZB_Max and ZB_Undefined are valid arguments.

Definition at line 186 of file MathExtras.h.

References countTrailingZeros(), ZB_Max, and ZB_Undefined.

Referenced by isStringOfOnes().

void llvm::FindFunctionBackedges ( const Function F,
SmallVectorImpl< std::pair< const BasicBlock *, const BasicBlock * > > &  Result 

Analyze the specified function to find all of the loop backedges in the function and return them. This is a relatively cheap (compared to computing dominators and loop info) analysis.

The output is added to Result, as pairs of <from,to> edge info.

FindFunctionBackedges - Analyze the specified function to find all of the loop backedges in the function and return them. This is a relatively cheap (compared to computing dominators and loop info) analysis.

The output is added to Result, as pairs of <from,to> edge info.

Definition at line 27 of file CFG.cpp.

References llvm::SmallVectorTemplateCommon< T >::back(), llvm::SmallPtrSetImpl< PtrType >::count(), llvm::SmallVectorBase::empty(), llvm::SmallPtrSetImpl< PtrType >::erase(), llvm::Function::getEntryBlock(), I, llvm::SmallPtrSetImpl< PtrType >::insert(), llvm::SmallVectorImpl< T >::pop_back_val(), llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, isPodLike< T >::value >::push_back(), succ_begin(), and succ_end().

Value * llvm::FindInsertedValue ( Value V,
ArrayRef< unsigned idx_range,
Instruction InsertBefore = nullptr 

FindInsertedValue - Given an aggregrate and an sequence of indices, see if the scalar value indexed is already around as a register, for example if it were inserted directly into the aggregrate.

If InsertBefore is not null, this function will duplicate (modified) insertvalues when a part of a nested struct is extracted.

Definition at line 2164 of file ValueTracking.cpp.

References llvm::SmallVectorImpl< T >::append(), llvm::ArrayRef< T >::begin(), BuildSubAggregate(), llvm::CallingConv::C, llvm::ArrayRef< T >::empty(), llvm::ArrayRef< T >::end(), llvm::ExtractValueInst::getIndexedType(), llvm::Value::getType(), I, llvm::Type::isArrayTy(), llvm::Type::isStructTy(), makeArrayRef(), llvm::SmallVectorImpl< T >::reserve(), llvm::SmallVectorTemplateCommon< T >::size(), llvm::ArrayRef< T >::size(), and llvm::ArrayRef< T >::slice().

Referenced by BuildSubAggregate().

template<typename T >
std::enable_if< std::numeric_limits< T >::is_integer &&std::numeric_limits< T >::is_signed, T >::type llvm::findLastSet ( T  Val,
ZeroBehavior  ZB = ZB_Max 

Get the index of the last set bit starting from the least significant bit.

Only unsigned integral types are allowed.

ZBthe behavior on an input of 0. Only ZB_Max and ZB_Undefined are valid arguments.

Definition at line 209 of file MathExtras.h.

References countLeadingZeros(), and ZB_Undefined.

Referenced by llvm::SystemZSelectionDAGInfo::EmitTargetCodeForMemset().

bool llvm::findOneNVVMAnnotation ( const llvm::GlobalValue gv,
std::string  prop,
unsigned retval 
bool llvm::FlattenCFG ( BasicBlock BB,
AliasAnalysis AA = nullptr 

FlatternCFG - This function is used to flatten a CFG. For example, it uses parallel-and and parallel-or mode to collapse

FlattenCFG - This function is used to flatten a CFG. For example, it uses parallel-and and parallel-or mode to collapse

Definition at line 487 of file FlattenCFG.cpp.

Referenced by iterativelyFlattenCFG().

uint32_t llvm::FloatToBits ( float  Float) [inline]

FloatToBits - This function takes a float and returns the bit equivalent 32-bit integer. Note that copying floats around changes the bits of NaNs on some hosts, notably x86, so this routine cannot be used if these bits are needed.

Definition at line 525 of file MathExtras.h.

References F(), llvm::NVPTX::PTXLdStInstCode::Float, I, and T.

Referenced by llvm::PPC::get_VSPLTI_elt().

FoldBranchToCommonDest - If this basic block is ONLY a setcc and a branch, and if a predecessor branches to us and one of our successors, fold the setcc into the predecessor and use logical operations to pick the right destination.

FoldBranchToCommonDest - If this basic block is simple enough, and if a predecessor branches to us and one of our successors, fold the block into the predecessor and use logical operations to pick the right destination.

Definition at line 1976 of file SimplifyCFG.cpp.

References AddPredecessorToBlock(), llvm::APIntOps::And(), llvm::SmallVectorTemplateCommon< T >::begin(), llvm::BasicBlock::begin(), llvm::WinEH::CE, checkCSEInPredecessor(), llvm::Instruction::clone(), llvm::BranchInst::Create(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateBinOp(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateNot(), dbgs(), DEBUG, llvm::Instruction::dropUnknownMetadata(), dyn_cast(), llvm::SmallVectorTemplateCommon< T >::end(), llvm::BasicBlock::end(), EraseTerminatorInstAndDCECond(), ExtractBranchMetadata(), FitWeights(), llvm::BasicBlock::front(), llvm::BranchInst::getCondition(), llvm::Value::getContext(), llvm::BasicBlock::getInstList(), llvm::CmpInst::getInversePredicate(), llvm::Value::getName(), llvm::User::getOperand(), llvm::Instruction::getParent(), llvm::BasicBlock::getSinglePredecessor(), llvm::BranchInst::getSuccessor(), llvm::BasicBlock::getTerminator(), llvm::ConstantInt::getType(), llvm::Value::hasOneUse(), I, llvm::iplist< NodeTy, Traits >::insert(), llvm::Instruction::insertBefore(), llvm::BranchInst::isConditional(), llvm::Type::isIntegerTy(), llvm::ConstantInt::isOne(), isProfitableToFoldUnconditional(), isSafeToSpeculativelyExecute(), llvm::BranchInst::isUnconditional(), llvm::LLVMContext::MD_dbg, llvm::LLVMContext::MD_prof, llvm::APIntOps::Or(), pred_begin(), pred_end(), llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, isPodLike< T >::value >::push_back(), llvm::User::replaceUsesOfWith(), SafeToMergeTerminators(), llvm::BranchInst::setCondition(), llvm::Instruction::setMetadata(), llvm::Value::setName(), llvm::CmpInst::setPredicate(), llvm::BranchInst::setSuccessor(), llvm::SmallVectorTemplateCommon< T >::size(), llvm::BranchInst::swapSuccessors(), and llvm::Value::takeName().

Referenced by simplifyOneLoop().

FoldReturnIntoUncondBranch - This method duplicates the specified return instruction into a predecessor which ends in an unconditional branch. If the return instruction returns a value defined by a PHI, propagate the right value into the return. It returns the new return instruction in the predecessor.

Definition at line 615 of file BasicBlockUtils.cpp.

References llvm::Instruction::clone(), llvm::Instruction::eraseFromParent(), llvm::BasicBlock::getInstList(), llvm::BasicBlock::getTerminator(), llvm::iplist< NodeTy, Traits >::insert(), llvm::User::op_begin(), llvm::User::op_end(), llvm::iplist< NodeTy, Traits >::push_back(), llvm::BasicBlock::removePredecessor(), and llvm::User::setOperand().

void llvm::FoldSingleEntryPHINodes ( BasicBlock BB,
Pass P = nullptr 

FoldSingleEntryPHINodes - We know that BB has one predecessor. If there are any single-entry PHI nodes in it, fold them away. This handles the case when all entries to the PHI nodes in a block are guaranteed equal, such as when the block has exactly one predecessor.

Definition at line 68 of file BasicBlockUtils.cpp.

References llvm::BasicBlock::begin(), llvm::AliasAnalysis::deleteValue(), llvm::UndefValue::get(), llvm::Pass::getAnalysisIfAvailable(), and llvm::MemoryDependenceAnalysis::removeInstruction().

Referenced by FoldBlockIntoPredecessor(), FoldCondBranchOnPHI(), and MergeBlockIntoPredecessor().

cl::opt<bool> llvm::ForceBottomUp ( "misched-bottomup"  ,
cl::Hidden  ,
cl::  desc"Force bottom-up list scheduling" 
cl::opt<bool> llvm::ForceTopDown ( "misched-topdown"  ,
cl::Hidden  ,
cl::  desc"Force top-down list scheduling" 
template<typename T >
format_object1<T> llvm::format ( const char *  Fmt,
const T Val 
) [inline]

These are helper functions used to produce formatted output. They use template type deduction to construct the appropriate instance of the format_object class to simplify their construction.

This is typically used like:

   OS << format("%0.4f", myfloat) << '\n';

Definition at line 189 of file Format.h.

Referenced by dbgprintf(), llvm::DWARFCompileUnit::dump(), llvm::DWARFTypeUnit::dump(), llvm::DWARFDebugInfoEntryMinimal::dump(), llvm::DWARFAbbreviationDeclaration::dump(), llvm::DWARFDebugLoc::dump(), llvm::DWARFDebugAbbrev::dump(), llvm::DWARFDebugArangeSet::dump(), llvm::DWARFFormValue::dump(), llvm::DWARFDebugRangeList::dump(), llvm::DWARFContext::dump(), llvm::DWARFDebugLocDWO::dump(), llvm::DWARFDebugLine::Prologue::dump(), llvm::DWARFDebugLine::Row::dump(), llvm::DWARFDebugInfoEntryMinimal::dumpAttribute(), dumpPubSection(), llvm::RuntimeDyldMachO::dumpRelocationToResolve(), dumpSectionMemory(), llvm::DWARFContextInMemory::DWARFContextInMemory(), llvm::RuntimeDyldImpl::emitCommonSymbols(), emitGlobalConstantDataSequential(), emitGlobalConstantImpl(), llvm::AMDGPUAsmPrinter::EmitInstruction(), llvm::RuntimeDyldImpl::emitSection(), llvm::RuntimeDyldCheckerExprEval::evaluate(), llvm::MCInstPrinter::formatDec(), llvm::MCInstPrinter::formatHex(), getSizeForEncoding(), Help(), llvm::RuntimeDyldImpl::loadObject(), llvm::object::MachORebaseEntry::moveNext(), llvm::object::MachOBindEntry::moveNext(), llvm::raw_ostream::operator<<(), llvm::DWARFDebugFrame::parse(), llvm::BranchProbability::print(), llvm::ILPValue::print(), llvm::TimeRecord::print(), llvm::DIEAbbrev::print(), llvm::DIE::print(), llvm::FileInfo::print(), llvm::DIEEntry::print(), llvm::DIETypeSignature::print(), llvm::AArch64InstPrinter::printFPImmOperand(), llvm::AArch64InstPrinter::printHexImm(), printRelocationTargetName(), llvm::AArch64InstPrinter::printSIMDType10Operand(), PrintStatistics(), printVal(), llvm::RuntimeDyldImpl::reassignSectionAddress(), llvm::RuntimeDyldImpl::resolveExternalSymbols(), llvm::RuntimeDyldImpl::resolveRelocations(), llvm::MD5::stringifyResult(), and llvm::AArch64ExternalSymbolizer::tryAddingSymbolicOperand().

template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
format_object2<T1, T2> llvm::format ( const char *  Fmt,
const T1 Val1,
const T2 &  Val2 
) [inline]

Definition at line 194 of file Format.h.

template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 >
format_object3<T1, T2, T3> llvm::format ( const char *  Fmt,
const T1 Val1,
const T2 &  Val2,
const T3 &  Val3 
) [inline]

Definition at line 200 of file Format.h.

template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 >
format_object4<T1, T2, T3, T4> llvm::format ( const char *  Fmt,
const T1 Val1,
const T2 &  Val2,
const T3 &  Val3,
const T4 &  Val4 
) [inline]

Definition at line 206 of file Format.h.

template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 >
format_object5<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5> llvm::format ( const char *  Fmt,
const T1 Val1,
const T2 &  Val2,
const T3 &  Val3,
const T4 &  Val4,
const T5 &  Val5 
) [inline]

Definition at line 213 of file Format.h.

template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 , typename T6 >
format_object6<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> llvm::format ( const char *  Fmt,
const T1 Val1,
const T2 &  Val2,
const T3 &  Val3,
const T4 &  Val4,
const T5 &  Val5,
const T6 &  Val6 
) [inline]

Definition at line 222 of file Format.h.

bool llvm::formLCSSA ( Loop L,
DominatorTree DT,
ScalarEvolution SE = nullptr 

Put loop into LCSSA form.

Looks at all instructions in the loop which have uses outside of the current loop. For each, an LCSSA PHI node is inserted and the uses outside the loop are rewritten to use this node.

LoopInfo and DominatorTree are required and preserved.

If ScalarEvolution is passed in, it will be preserved.

Returns true if any modifications are made to the loop.

Definition at line 183 of file LCSSA.cpp.

References llvm::BasicBlock::begin(), llvm::LoopBase< BlockT, LoopT >::block_begin(), llvm::LoopBase< BlockT, LoopT >::block_end(), blockDominatesAnExit(), llvm::SmallVectorBase::empty(), llvm::BasicBlock::end(), llvm::ScalarEvolution::forgetLoop(), llvm::LoopBase< BlockT, LoopT >::getExitBlocks(), I, llvm::Loop::isLCSSAForm(), and processInstruction().

Referenced by formLCSSARecursively().

bool llvm::formLCSSARecursively ( Loop L,
DominatorTree DT,
ScalarEvolution SE = nullptr 

Put a loop nest into LCSSA form.

Process a loop nest depth first.

This recursively forms LCSSA for a loop nest.

LoopInfo and DominatorTree are required and preserved.

If ScalarEvolution is passed in, it will be preserved.

Returns true if any modifications are made to the loop.

Definition at line 231 of file LCSSA.cpp.

References llvm::LoopBase< BlockT, LoopT >::begin(), llvm::LoopBase< BlockT, LoopT >::end(), formLCSSA(), llvm::AArch64CC::LE, and LI.

Referenced by UnrollLoop().

fouts() - This returns a reference to a formatted_raw_ostream for standard output. Use it like: fouts() << "foo" << "bar";

Definition at line 89 of file FormattedStream.cpp.

References outs().

Construct DITypeIdentifierMap by going through retained types of each CU.

Update DITypeIdentifierMap by going through retained types of each CU.

Definition at line 986 of file DebugInfo.cpp.

References llvm::NamedMDNode::getNumOperands(), llvm::NamedMDNode::getOperand(), llvm::DenseMapBase< DerivedT, KeyT, ValueT, KeyInfoT >::insert(), and P.

Referenced by llvm::DwarfDebug::beginModule().

gep_type_iterator llvm::gep_type_begin ( const User *  GEP) [inline]
gep_type_iterator llvm::gep_type_begin ( const User &  GEP) [inline]
template<typename T >
generic_gep_type_iterator<const T *> llvm::gep_type_begin ( Type Op0,
ArrayRef< T A 
) [inline]
gep_type_iterator llvm::gep_type_end ( const User *  GEP) [inline]
gep_type_iterator llvm::gep_type_end ( const User &  GEP) [inline]
template<typename T >
generic_gep_type_iterator<const T *> llvm::gep_type_end ( Type ,
ArrayRef< T A 
) [inline]

Definition at line 712 of file X86RegisterInfo.cpp.

References llvm_unreachable.

Referenced by copyPhysRegOpcode_AVX512().

bool llvm::getAlign ( const llvm::Function F,
unsigned  index,
unsigned align 
bool llvm::getAlign ( const llvm::CallInst I,
unsigned  index,
unsigned align 

Definition at line 321 of file NVPTXUtilities.cpp.

References llvm::Instruction::getMetadata().

bool llvm::getAsSignedInteger ( StringRef  Str,
unsigned  Radix,
long long &  Result 
bool llvm::getAsUnsignedInteger ( StringRef  Str,
unsigned  Radix,
unsigned long long &  Result 

Helper functions for StringRef::getAsInteger.

GetAsUnsignedInteger - Workhorse method that converts a integer character sequence of radix up to 36 to an unsigned long long value.

Definition at line 339 of file StringRef.cpp.

References llvm::StringRef::empty(), GetAutoSenseRadix(), and llvm::StringRef::substr().

Referenced by getAsSignedInteger(), and parsePhysicalReg().

std::string llvm::getBitcodeTargetTriple ( MemoryBufferRef  Buffer,
LLVMContext Context 

Read the header of the specified bitcode buffer and extract just the triple information. If successful, this returns a string. On error, this returns "".

Definition at line 3589 of file BitcodeReader.cpp.

References llvm::ErrorOr< T >::get(), and llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer().

Referenced by llvm::LTOModule::isBitcodeForTarget().

static unsigned llvm::getBRegFromDReg ( unsigned  Reg) [inline, static]

Definition at line 109 of file AArch64BaseInfo.h.

MachineBasicBlock::instr_iterator llvm::getBundleEnd ( MachineInstr *  MI) [inline]

Return an iterator pointing beyond the bundle containing MI.

Definition at line 62 of file MachineInstrBundle.h.

References I, and llvm::AArch64CC::MI.

Return an iterator pointing beyond the bundle containing MI.

Definition at line 71 of file MachineInstrBundle.h.

References I, and llvm::AArch64CC::MI.

MachineInstr* llvm::getBundleStart ( MachineInstr *  MI) [inline]
const MachineInstr* llvm::getBundleStart ( const MachineInstr *  MI) [inline]

Definition at line 53 of file MachineInstrBundle.h.

References I, and llvm::AArch64CC::MI.

static unsigned llvm::getComplexity ( Value *  V) [inline, static]

getComplexity: Assign a complexity or rank value to LLVM Values... 0 -> undef, 1 -> Const, 2 -> Other, 3 -> Arg, 3 -> Unary, 4 -> OtherInst

Definition at line 50 of file InstCombine.h.

References llvm::BinaryOperator::isFNeg(), llvm::BinaryOperator::isNeg(), and llvm::BinaryOperator::isNot().

Referenced by llvm::InstCombiner::visitFCmpInst(), and llvm::InstCombiner::visitICmpInst().

bool llvm::getConstantStringInfo ( const Value V,
StringRef Str,
uint64_t  Offset = 0,
bool  TrimAtNul = true 

getConstantStringInfo - This function computes the length of a null-terminated C string pointed to by V. If successful, it returns true and returns the string in Str. If unsuccessful, it returns false. This does not include the trailing nul character by default. If TrimAtNul is set to false, then this returns any trailing nul characters as well as any other characters that come after it.

getConstantStringInfo - This function computes the length of a null-terminated C string pointed to by V. If successful, it returns true and returns the string in Str. If unsuccessful, it returns false.

Definition at line 2290 of file ValueTracking.cpp.

References dyn_cast(), llvm::StringRef::find(), llvm::Type::getArrayNumElements(), llvm::ConstantDataSequential::getAsString(), llvm::SequentialType::getElementType(), llvm::GlobalVariable::getInitializer(), llvm::ConstantDataArray::getType(), llvm::ConstantInt::getZExtValue(), llvm::GlobalVariable::hasDefinitiveInitializer(), llvm::GlobalVariable::isConstant(), llvm::Constant::isNullValue(), llvm::ConstantDataSequential::isString(), llvm::ConstantInt::isZero(), llvm::Value::stripPointerCasts(), and llvm::StringRef::substr().

Referenced by ConstantFoldLoadFromConstPtr(), GetStringLengthH(), and isMemSrcFromString().

DataStreamer * llvm::getDataFileStreamer ( const std::string &  Filename,
std::string *  Err 

Definition at line 81 of file DataStream.cpp.

Return Debug Info Metadata Version by checking module flags.

Definition at line 1565 of file DebugInfo.cpp.

References llvm::Module::getModuleFlag().

Referenced by UpgradeDebugInfo().

Definition at line 406 of file MachineInstrBuilder.h.

References llvm::RegState::Debug.

getDICompositeType - Find underlying composite type.

Definition at line 968 of file DebugInfo.cpp.

References llvm::DIDescriptor::isCompositeType(), and llvm::DIDescriptor::isDerivedType().

static unsigned llvm::getDRegFromBReg ( unsigned  Reg) [inline, static]

Definition at line 149 of file AArch64BaseInfo.h.

ISD::CondCode llvm::getFCmpCondCode ( FCmpInst::Predicate  Pred)
static const MachineInstr* llvm::getFirstEpilogueInst ( const MachineBasicBlock &  MBB) [static]

getFnSpecificMDNode - Return a NameMDNode, if available, that is suitable to hold function specific information.

Definition at line 902 of file DebugInfo.cpp.

References fixupSubprogramName(), llvm::Module::getNamedMetadata(), Name, and llvm::SmallString< InternalLen >::str().

Referenced by llvm::DIBuilder::finalize().

getGlobalContext - Returns a global context. This is for LLVM clients that only care about operating on a single thread.

Definition at line 30 of file LLVMContext.cpp.

References GlobalContext.

Referenced by llvm::LTOModule::isBitcodeForTarget(), LLVMGetGlobalContext(), LLVMIntPtrType(), LLVMIntPtrTypeForAS(), LLVMModuleCreateWithName(), and LLVMParseBitcode().

unsigned llvm::getICmpCode ( const ICmpInst ICI,
bool  InvertPred = false 

getICmpCode - Encode a icmp predicate into a three bit mask. These bits are carefully arranged to allow folding of expressions such as:

(A < B) | (A > B) --> (A != B)

Note that this is only valid if the first and second predicates have the same sign. Is illegal to do: (A u< B) | (A s> B)

Three bits are used to represent the condition, as follows: 0 A > B 1 A == B 2 A < B

<=> Value Definition 000 0 Always false 001 1 A > B 010 2 A == B 011 3 A >= B 100 4 A < B 101 5 A != B 110 6 A <= B 111 7 Always true

Definition at line 44 of file CmpInstAnalysis.cpp.

References llvm::CmpInst::getInversePredicate(), llvm::CmpInst::getPredicate(), llvm::CmpInst::ICMP_EQ, llvm::CmpInst::ICMP_NE, llvm::CmpInst::ICMP_SGE, llvm::CmpInst::ICMP_SGT, llvm::CmpInst::ICMP_SLE, llvm::CmpInst::ICMP_SLT, llvm::CmpInst::ICMP_UGE, llvm::CmpInst::ICMP_UGT, llvm::CmpInst::ICMP_ULE, llvm::CmpInst::ICMP_ULT, and llvm_unreachable.

Referenced by llvm::InstCombiner::FoldAndOfICmps(), llvm::InstCombiner::FoldOrOfICmps(), and llvm::InstCombiner::visitXor().

ISD::CondCode llvm::getICmpCondCode ( ICmpInst::Predicate  Pred)
Value * llvm::getICmpValue ( bool  Sign,
unsigned  Code,
Value LHS,
Value RHS,
CmpInst::Predicate NewICmpPred 

getICmpValue - This is the complement of getICmpCode, which turns an opcode and two operands into either a constant true or false, or the predicate for a new ICmp instruction. The sign is passed in to determine which kind of predicate to use in the new icmp instruction. Non-NULL return value will be a true or false constant. NULL return means a new ICmp is needed. The predicate for which is output in NewICmpPred.

Definition at line 72 of file CmpInstAnalysis.cpp.

References llvm::ConstantInt::get(), llvm::Value::getType(), llvm::CmpInst::ICMP_EQ, llvm::CmpInst::ICMP_NE, llvm::CmpInst::ICMP_SGE, llvm::CmpInst::ICMP_SGT, llvm::CmpInst::ICMP_SLE, llvm::CmpInst::ICMP_SLT, llvm::CmpInst::ICMP_UGE, llvm::CmpInst::ICMP_UGT, llvm::CmpInst::ICMP_ULE, llvm::CmpInst::ICMP_ULT, llvm_unreachable, and llvm::CmpInst::makeCmpResultType().

Referenced by getNewICmpValue().

Value * llvm::GetIfCondition ( BasicBlock BB,
BasicBlock *&  IfTrue,
BasicBlock *&  IfFalse 

GetIfCondition - Check whether BB is the merge point of a if-region. If so, return the boolean condition that determines which entry into BB will be taken. Also, return by references the block that will be entered from if the condition is true, and the block that will be entered if the condition is false.

GetIfCondition - Given a basic block (BB) with two predecessors, check to see if the merge at this block is due to an "if condition". If so, return the boolean condition that determines which entry into BB will be taken. Also, return by references the block that will be entered from if the condition is true, and the block that will be entered if the condition is false.

This does no checking to see if the true/false blocks have large or unsavory instructions in them.

Definition at line 756 of file BasicBlockUtils.cpp.

References llvm::BasicBlock::begin(), dyn_cast(), llvm::BranchInst::getCondition(), llvm::PHINode::getIncomingBlock(), llvm::PHINode::getNumIncomingValues(), llvm::BasicBlock::getSinglePredecessor(), llvm::BranchInst::getSuccessor(), llvm::BasicBlock::getTerminator(), llvm::BranchInst::isConditional(), pred_begin(), pred_end(), and std::swap().

Referenced by FoldTwoEntryPHINode().

Definition at line 391 of file MachineInstrBuilder.h.

References llvm::RegState::Implicit.

Referenced by addSavedGPR().

Instruction * llvm::getInst ( Value base,
char *  instName 

Definition at line 403 of file MachineInstrBuilder.h.

References llvm::RegState::InternalRead.

static Intrinsic::ID llvm::getIntrinsicIDForCall ( CallInst *  CI,
const TargetLibraryInfo *  TLI 
) [static]

getITInstrPredicate - Valid only in Thumb2 mode. This function is identical to llvm::getInstrPredicate except it returns AL for conditional branch instructions which are "predicated", but are not in IT blocks.

Definition at line 634 of file Thumb2InstrInfo.cpp.

References llvm::ARMCC::AL, getInstrPredicate(), and llvm::MachineInstr::getOpcode().

Referenced by llvm::Thumb2InstrInfo::isLegalToSplitMBBAt().

Definition at line 394 of file MachineInstrBuilder.h.

References llvm::RegState::Kill.

Referenced by addRegOffset(), addRegReg(), addSavedGPR(), llvm::PPCInstrInfo::commuteInstruction(), llvm::SystemZInstrInfo::convertToThreeAddress(), llvm::Thumb1InstrInfo::copyPhysReg(), llvm::Thumb2InstrInfo::copyPhysReg(), llvm::Mips16InstrInfo::copyPhysReg(), llvm::MipsSEInstrInfo::copyPhysReg(), llvm::NVPTXInstrInfo::copyPhysReg(), llvm::MSP430InstrInfo::copyPhysReg(), llvm::XCoreInstrInfo::copyPhysReg(), llvm::SIInstrInfo::copyPhysReg(), llvm::SparcInstrInfo::copyPhysReg(), llvm::HexagonInstrInfo::copyPhysReg(), llvm::AArch64InstrInfo::copyPhysReg(), llvm::PPCInstrInfo::copyPhysReg(), llvm::ARMBaseInstrInfo::copyPhysReg(), llvm::SystemZInstrInfo::copyPhysReg(), llvm::AArch64InstrInfo::copyPhysRegTuple(), llvm::PPCFrameLowering::emitEpilogue(), llvm::PPCFrameLowering::emitPrologue(), emitThumbRegPlusImmediate(), llvm::FastISel::fastEmitInst_extractsubreg(), llvm::FastISel::fastEmitInst_r(), llvm::FastISel::fastEmitInst_rf(), llvm::FastISel::fastEmitInst_ri(), llvm::FastISel::fastEmitInst_rii(), llvm::FastISel::fastEmitInst_rr(), llvm::FastISel::fastEmitInst_rri(), llvm::FastISel::fastEmitInst_rrii(), llvm::FastISel::fastEmitInst_rrr(), llvm::ARMBaseInstrInfo::FoldImmediate(), genMadd(), genMaddR(), getPrologueDeath(), insertCopy(), insertDivByZeroTrap(), InsertFPConstInst(), InsertFPImmInst(), InsertLDR_STR(), InsertSPConstInst(), InsertSPImmInst(), llvm::PPCRegisterInfo::lowerCRBitSpilling(), llvm::PPCRegisterInfo::lowerCRSpilling(), llvm::PPCRegisterInfo::lowerDynamicAlloc(), llvm::PPCRegisterInfo::lowerVRSAVESpilling(), restoreCRs(), llvm::Thumb1FrameLowering::spillCalleeSavedRegisters(), llvm::PPCFrameLowering::spillCalleeSavedRegisters(), llvm::Mips16InstrInfo::storeRegToStack(), llvm::MipsSEInstrInfo::storeRegToStack(), llvm::Thumb1InstrInfo::storeRegToStackSlot(), llvm::Thumb2InstrInfo::storeRegToStackSlot(), llvm::MSP430InstrInfo::storeRegToStackSlot(), llvm::XCoreInstrInfo::storeRegToStackSlot(), llvm::SparcInstrInfo::storeRegToStackSlot(), llvm::HexagonInstrInfo::storeRegToStackSlot(), llvm::AArch64InstrInfo::storeRegToStackSlot(), llvm::ARMBaseInstrInfo::storeRegToStackSlot(), and llvm::SystemZInstrInfo::storeRegToStackSlot().

static unsigned llvm::getKnownAlignment ( Value *  V,
const DataLayout *  TD = nullptr,
AssumptionTracker *  AT = nullptr,
const Instruction *  CxtI = nullptr,
const DominatorTree *  DT = nullptr 
) [inline, static]

getKnownAlignment - Try to infer an alignment for the specified pointer.

Definition at line 182 of file Local.h.

References getOrEnforceKnownAlignment().

Referenced by llvm::InstCombiner::visitCallInst().

ErrorOr< Module * > llvm::getLazyBitcodeModule ( std::unique_ptr< MemoryBuffer > &&  Buffer,
LLVMContext Context 

Read the header of the specified bitcode buffer and prepare for lazy deserialization of function bodies. If successful, this moves Buffer. On error, this *does not* move Buffer.

Definition at line 3548 of file BitcodeReader.cpp.

References getLazyBitcodeModuleImpl().

Referenced by llvm::object::IRObjectFile::createIRObjectFile(), getLazyIRModule(), and LLVMGetBitcodeModuleInContext().

std::unique_ptr< Module > llvm::getLazyIRFileModule ( StringRef  Filename,
SMDiagnostic Err,
LLVMContext Context 

If the given file holds a bitcode image, return a Module for it which does lazy deserialization of function bodies. Otherwise, attempt to parse it as LLVM Assembly and return a fully populated Module.

Definition at line 51 of file IRReader.cpp.

References llvm::SourceMgr::DK_Error, llvm::ErrorOr< T >::get(), llvm::ErrorOr< T >::getError(), llvm::MemoryBuffer::getFileOrSTDIN(), and getLazyIRModule().

getMallocAllocatedType - Returns the Type allocated by malloc call. The Type depends on the number of bitcast uses of the malloc call: 0: PointerType is the malloc calls' return type. 1: PointerType is the bitcast's result type. >1: Unique PointerType cannot be determined, return NULL.

Definition at line 289 of file MemoryBuiltins.cpp.

References llvm::SequentialType::getElementType(), and getMallocType().

Referenced by computeArraySize(), OptimizeOnceStoredGlobal(), PerformHeapAllocSRoA(), and TryToOptimizeStoreOfMallocToGlobal().

Value * llvm::getMallocArraySize ( CallInst CI,
const DataLayout DL,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI,
bool  LookThroughSExt = false 

getMallocArraySize - Returns the array size of a malloc call. If the argument passed to malloc is a multiple of the size of the malloced type, then return that multiple. For non-array mallocs, the multiple is constant 1. Otherwise, return NULL for mallocs whose array size cannot be determined.

Definition at line 300 of file MemoryBuiltins.cpp.

References computeArraySize(), and isMallocLikeFn().

Referenced by TryToOptimizeStoreOfMallocToGlobal().

getMallocType - Returns the PointerType resulting from the malloc call. The PointerType depends on the number of bitcast uses of the malloc call: 0: PointerType is the malloc calls' return type. 1: PointerType is the bitcast's result type. >1: Unique PointerType cannot be determined, return NULL.

getMallocType - Returns the PointerType resulting from the malloc call. The PointerType depends on the number of bitcast uses of the malloc call: 0: PointerType is the calls' return type. 1: PointerType is the bitcast's result type. >1: Unique PointerType cannot be determined, return NULL.

Definition at line 257 of file MemoryBuiltins.cpp.

References llvm::Value::getType(), isMallocLikeFn(), llvm::Value::user_begin(), and llvm::Value::user_end().

Referenced by getMallocAllocatedType().

Definition at line 1703 of file ARMBaseInstrInfo.cpp.

References llvm_unreachable.

Referenced by llvm::ARMBaseInstrInfo::PredicateInstruction().

Get the next available kind ID for a plugin diagnostic. Each time this function is called, it returns a different number. Therefore, a plugin that wants to "identify" its own classes with a dynamic identifier, just have to use this method to get a new ID and assign it to each of its classes. The returned ID will be greater than or equal to DK_FirstPluginKind. Thus, the plugin identifiers will not conflict with the DiagnosticKind values.

Definition at line 89 of file DiagnosticInfo.cpp.

References llvm::sys::AtomicIncrement(), and DK_FirstPluginKind.

BasicBlock* llvm::getNodeHeader ( BasicBlock *  BB) [inline]

Definition at line 49 of file IntervalIterator.h.

BasicBlock* llvm::getNodeHeader ( Interval *  I) [inline]

Definition at line 50 of file IntervalIterator.h.

References llvm::Interval::getHeaderNode().

Definition at line 128 of file StreamableMemoryObject.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::BitstreamReader::init().

Definition at line 29 of file NVPTXRegisterInfo.cpp.

Definition at line 51 of file NVPTXRegisterInfo.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::NVPTXAsmPrinter::getVirtualRegisterName().

bool llvm::getObjectSize ( const Value Ptr,
uint64_t &  Size,
const DataLayout DL,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI,
bool  RoundToAlign = false 

Compute the size of the object pointed by Ptr. Returns true and the object size in Size if successful, and false otherwise. In this context, by object we mean the region of memory starting at Ptr to the end of the underlying object pointed to by Ptr. If RoundToAlign is true, then Size is rounded up to the aligment of allocas, byval arguments, and global variables.

Compute the size of the object pointed by Ptr. Returns true and the object size in Size if successful, and false otherwise. If RoundToAlign is true, then Size is rounded up to the aligment of allocas, byval arguments, and global variables.

Definition at line 366 of file MemoryBuiltins.cpp.

References llvm::ObjectSizeOffsetVisitor::compute(), llvm::Value::getContext(), and llvm::APInt::ult().

Referenced by computePointerICmp(), getObjectSize(), getPointerSize(), isObjectSize(), isObjectSmallerThan(), and llvm::InstCombiner::visitCallInst().

static std::error_code llvm::getOffset ( const SymbolRef Sym,
uint64_t &  Result 
) [static]
static StringRef llvm::getOrdinalSuffix ( unsigned  Val) [inline, static]

Returns the English suffix for an ordinal integer (-st, -nd, -rd, -th).

Definition at line 150 of file StringExtras.h.

unsigned llvm::getOrEnforceKnownAlignment ( Value V,
unsigned  PrefAlign,
const DataLayout DL = nullptr,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr,
const Instruction CxtI = nullptr,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr 

getOrEnforceKnownAlignment - If the specified pointer has an alignment that we can determine, return it, otherwise return 0. If PrefAlign is specified, and it is more than the alignment of the ultimate object, see if we can increase the alignment of the ultimate object, making this check succeed.

Definition at line 941 of file Local.cpp.

References Align(), computeKnownBits(), enforceKnownAlignment(), llvm::DataLayout::getPointerTypeSizeInBits(), llvm::Value::getType(), llvm::Type::isPointerTy(), and llvm::Value::MaximumAlignment.

Referenced by getKnownAlignment(), HandleByValArgument(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitAllocaInst(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitCallInst(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitLoadInst(), and llvm::InstCombiner::visitStoreInst().

getOrInsertFnSpecificMDNode - Return a NameMDNode that is suitable to hold function specific information.

Definition at line 910 of file DebugInfo.cpp.

References fixupSubprogramName(), llvm::Module::getOrInsertNamedMetadata(), Name, and llvm::SmallString< InternalLen >::str().

Referenced by llvm::DIBuilder::createLocalVariable().

Definition at line 441 of file NVPTXUtilities.cpp.

References I.

Definition at line 451 of file NVPTXUtilities.cpp.

References F(), and I.

Referenced by dumpBlock(), and getInst().

Value * llvm::GetPointerBaseWithConstantOffset ( Value Ptr,
int64_t &  Offset,
const DataLayout DL 
static const Value* llvm::GetPointerBaseWithConstantOffset ( const Value *  Ptr,
int64_t &  Offset,
const DataLayout *  TD 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 144 of file ValueTracking.h.

References GetPointerBaseWithConstantOffset().

static const char* llvm::getPredicateText ( unsigned  predicate) [static]
void llvm::GetReturnInfo ( Type ReturnType,
AttributeSet  attr,
SmallVectorImpl< ISD::OutputArg > &  Outs,
const TargetLowering TLI 

Given an LLVM IR type and return type attributes, compute the return value EVTs and flags, and optionally also the offsets, if the return value is being lowered to memory.

Get the EVTs and ArgFlags collections that represent the legalized return type of the given function. This does not require a DAG or a return value, and is suitable for use before any DAGs for the function are constructed. TODO: Move this out of TargetLowering.cpp.

Definition at line 1297 of file TargetLoweringBase.cpp.

References llvm::ISD::ANY_EXTEND, llvm::EVT::bitsLT(), ComputeValueVTs(), llvm::Type::getContext(), llvm::TargetLoweringBase::getNumRegisters(), llvm::TargetLoweringBase::getRegisterType(), llvm::AttributeSet::hasAttribute(), llvm::MVT::i32, llvm::Attribute::InReg, llvm::EVT::isInteger(), llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, isPodLike >::push_back(), llvm::AttributeSet::ReturnIndex, llvm::ISD::ArgFlagsTy::setInReg(), llvm::ISD::ArgFlagsTy::setSExt(), llvm::ISD::ArgFlagsTy::setZExt(), llvm::Attribute::SExt, llvm::ISD::SIGN_EXTEND, llvm::SmallVectorTemplateCommon< T >::size(), llvm::ISD::ZERO_EXTEND, and llvm::Attribute::ZExt.

Referenced by llvm::FastISel::lowerCallTo(), llvm::TargetLowering::LowerCallTo(), and llvm::FunctionLoweringInfo::set().

std::string llvm::getSamplerName ( const llvm::Value val)

Definition at line 251 of file NVPTXUtilities.cpp.

References llvm::Value::getName(), and llvm::Value::hasName().

unsigned llvm::getSLEB128Size ( int64_t  Value)

Utility function to get the size of the SLEB128-encoded value.

Definition at line 30 of file LEB128.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::EHStreamer::computeActionsTable(), and llvm::DIEInteger::SizeOf().

BasicBlock* llvm::getSourceGraphNode ( Function *  ,
BasicBlock *  BB 
) [inline]
Interval* llvm::getSourceGraphNode ( IntervalPartition *  IP,
BasicBlock *  BB 
) [inline]

Definition at line 59 of file IntervalIterator.h.

References llvm::IntervalPartition::getBlockInterval().

Module * llvm::getStreamedBitcodeModule ( const std::string &  name,
DataStreamer streamer,
LLVMContext Context,
std::string *  ErrMsg = nullptr 

getStreamedBitcodeModule - Read the header of the specified stream and prepare for lazy deserialization and streaming of function bodies. On error, this returns null, and fills in *ErrMsg with an error description if ErrMsg is non-null.

Definition at line 3553 of file BitcodeReader.cpp.

References llvm::BitcodeReader::ParseBitcodeInto(), and llvm::Module::setMaterializer().

uint64_t llvm::GetStringLength ( Value V)

GetStringLength - If we can compute the length of the string pointed to by the specified pointer, return 'len+1'. If we can't, return 0.

Definition at line 2424 of file ValueTracking.cpp.

References GetStringLengthH(), llvm::Value::getType(), and llvm::Type::isPointerTy().

Referenced by isFortifiedCallFoldable(), and llvm::ObjectSizeOffsetVisitor::visitCallSite().

Search for the specified successor of basic block BB and return its position in the terminator instruction's list of successors. It is an error to call this with a block that is not a successor.

GetSuccessorNumber - Search for the specified successor of basic block BB and return its position in the terminator instruction's list of successors. It is an error to call this with a block that is not a successor.

Definition at line 72 of file CFG.cpp.

References llvm::TerminatorInst::getNumSuccessors(), llvm::TerminatorInst::getSuccessor(), and llvm::BasicBlock::getTerminator().

Referenced by DemoteRegToStack(), SplitCriticalSideEffectEdges(), and SplitEdge().

std::string llvm::getSurfaceName ( const llvm::Value val)

Definition at line 246 of file NVPTXUtilities.cpp.

References llvm::Value::getName(), and llvm::Value::hasName().

std::string llvm::getTextureName ( const llvm::Value val)

Definition at line 241 of file NVPTXUtilities.cpp.

References llvm::Value::getName(), and llvm::Value::hasName().

std::pair< StringRef, StringRef > llvm::getToken ( StringRef  Source,
StringRef  Delimiters = " \t\n\v\f\r" 

getToken - This function extracts one token from source, ignoring any leading characters that appear in the Delimiters string, and ending the token at any of the characters that appear in the Delimiters string. If there are no tokens in the source string, an empty string is returned. The function returns a pair containing the extracted token and the remaining tail string.

Definition at line 38 of file StringExtras.cpp.

References llvm::StringRef::find_first_not_of(), llvm::StringRef::find_first_of(), llvm::StringRef::slice(), and llvm::StringRef::substr().

Referenced by llvm::LTOCodeGenerator::setCodeGenDebugOptions(), and SplitString().

unsigned llvm::getULEB128Size ( uint64_t  Value)
Value * llvm::GetUnderlyingObject ( Value V,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
unsigned  MaxLookup = 6 

GetUnderlyingObject - This method strips off any GEP address adjustments and pointer casts from the specified value, returning the original object being addressed. Note that the returned value has pointer type if the specified value does. If the MaxLookup value is non-zero, it limits the number of instructions to be stripped off.

Definition at line 2435 of file ValueTracking.cpp.

References AddrSpaceCast, llvm::Operator::getOpcode(), llvm::Value::getType(), I, llvm::Type::isPointerTy(), llvm::JumpTable::Simplified, and SimplifyInstruction().

Referenced by AnalyzeLoadFromClobberingMemInst(), llvm::AliasAnalysis::callCapturesBefore(), ConstantFoldLoadFromConstPtr(), llvm::MemoryDependenceAnalysis::getPointerDependencyFrom(), llvm::objcarc::GetUnderlyingObjCPtr(), GetUnderlyingObject(), GetUnderlyingObjects(), InstructionDereferencesPointer(), isOverwrite(), and underlyingObjectsAlias().

static const Value* llvm::GetUnderlyingObject ( const Value *  V,
const DataLayout *  TD = nullptr,
unsigned  MaxLookup = 6 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 170 of file ValueTracking.h.

References GetUnderlyingObject().

void llvm::GetUnderlyingObjects ( Value V,
SmallVectorImpl< Value * > &  Objects,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
unsigned  MaxLookup = 6 

GetUnderlyingObjects - This method is similar to GetUnderlyingObject except that it can look through phi and select instructions and return multiple objects.

Definition at line 2465 of file ValueTracking.cpp.

References llvm::SmallVectorBase::empty(), GetUnderlyingObject(), llvm::SmallPtrSetImpl< PtrType >::insert(), P, llvm::SmallVectorImpl< T >::pop_back_val(), and llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, isPodLike >::push_back().

Referenced by AddAliasScopeMetadata(), and getUnderlyingObjects().

static unsigned llvm::getWRegFromXReg ( unsigned  Reg) [inline, static]

Definition at line 29 of file AArch64BaseInfo.h.

Referenced by llvm::AArch64InstPrinter::printInst().

static unsigned llvm::getXRegFromWReg ( unsigned  Reg) [inline, static]

Definition at line 69 of file AArch64BaseInfo.h.

uint64_t llvm::GreatestCommonDivisor64 ( uint64_t  A,
uint64_t  B 
) [inline]

GreatestCommonDivisor64 - Return the greatest common divisor of the two values using Euclid's algorithm.

Definition at line 477 of file MathExtras.h.

References llvm::ARM_PROC::A, and T.

Referenced by llvm::NVPTXTargetLowering::LowerCall(), and UnrollLoop().

void* llvm::GVTOP ( const GenericValue &  GV) [inline]
llvm::HANDLE_BINARY_INST ( 20  ,
Shl  ,
BinaryOperator llvm::HANDLE_BINARY_INST ( 22  ,
AShr  ,
BinaryOperator AllocaInst TruncInst llvm::HANDLE_CAST_INST ( 34  ,
ZExt  ,
BinaryOperator AllocaInst TruncInst SExtInst llvm::HANDLE_CAST_INST ( 36  ,
BinaryOperator AllocaInst llvm::HANDLE_MEMORY_INST ( 27  ,
Load  ,
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 , typename T6 >
hash_code llvm::hash_combine ( const T1 arg1,
const T2 &  arg2,
const T3 &  arg3,
const T4 &  arg4,
const T5 &  arg5,
const T6 &  arg6 
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 >
hash_code llvm::hash_combine ( const T1 arg1,
const T2 &  arg2,
const T3 &  arg3,
const T4 &  arg4,
const T5 &  arg5 
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 >
hash_code llvm::hash_combine ( const T1 arg1,
const T2 &  arg2,
const T3 &  arg3,
const T4 &  arg4 
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 >
hash_code llvm::hash_combine ( const T1 arg1,
const T2 &  arg2,
const T3 &  arg3 
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
hash_code llvm::hash_combine ( const T1 arg1,
const T2 &  arg2 
template<typename T1 >
hash_code llvm::hash_combine ( const T1 arg1)
template<typename InputIteratorT >
hash_code llvm::hash_combine_range ( InputIteratorT  first,
InputIteratorT  last 

Compute a hash_code for a sequence of values.

This hashes a sequence of values. It produces the same hash_code as 'hash_combine(a, b, c, ...)', but can run over arbitrary sized sequences and is significantly faster given pointers and types which can be hashed as a sequence of bytes.

Definition at line 486 of file Hashing.h.

References llvm::hashing::detail::hash_combine_range_impl().

Referenced by llvm::FoldingSetNodeIDRef::ComputeHash(), llvm::ConstantAggrKeyType< ConstantClass >::getHash(), llvm::ConstantExprKeyType::getHash(), llvm::AnonStructTypeKeyInfo::getHashValue(), llvm::FunctionTypeKeyInfo::getHashValue(), llvm::MachineInstrExpressionTrait::getHashValue(), and hash_value().

template<typename T >
std::enable_if< is_integral_or_enum< T >::value, hash_code >::type llvm::hash_value ( T  value)

Compute a hash_code for any integer value.

Note that this function is intended to compute the same hash_code for a particular value without regard to the pre-promotion type. This is in contrast to hash_combine which may produce different hash_codes for differing argument types even if they would implicit promote to a common type without changing the value.

Definition at line 737 of file Hashing.h.

References llvm::hashing::detail::hash_integer_value().

template<typename T >
hash_code llvm::hash_value ( const T ptr)

Compute a hash_code for a pointer's address.

N.B.: This hashes the *address*. Not the value and not the type.

Definition at line 743 of file Hashing.h.

References llvm::hashing::detail::hash_integer_value().

template<typename T , typename U >
hash_code llvm::hash_value ( const std::pair< T, U > &  arg)

Compute a hash_code for a pair of objects.

Definition at line 751 of file Hashing.h.

References hash_combine().

template<typename T >
hash_code llvm::hash_value ( const std::basic_string< T > &  arg)

Compute a hash_code for a standard string.

Definition at line 758 of file Hashing.h.

References hash_combine_range().

Compute a hash_code for a StringRef.

Definition at line 483 of file StringRef.cpp.

References llvm::StringRef::begin(), llvm::StringRef::end(), and hash_combine_range().

Note that this includes the same information in the hash that isIdenticalTo uses for comparison. It is thus suited for use in hash tables which use that function for equality comparisons only.

Definition at line 216 of file MachineInstr.cpp.

References llvm::MachineOperand::getBlockAddress(), llvm::MachineOperand::getCFIIndex(), llvm::MachineOperand::getCImm(), llvm::MachineOperand::getFPImm(), llvm::MachineOperand::getGlobal(), llvm::MachineOperand::getImm(), llvm::MachineOperand::getIndex(), llvm::MachineOperand::getMBB(), llvm::MachineOperand::getMCSymbol(), llvm::MachineOperand::getMetadata(), llvm::MachineOperand::getOffset(), llvm::MachineOperand::getReg(), llvm::MachineOperand::getRegMask(), llvm::MachineOperand::getSubReg(), llvm::MachineOperand::getSymbolName(), llvm::MachineOperand::getTargetFlags(), llvm::MachineOperand::getType(), hash_combine(), llvm::MachineOperand::isDef(), llvm_unreachable, llvm::MachineOperand::MO_BlockAddress, llvm::MachineOperand::MO_CFIIndex, llvm::MachineOperand::MO_CImmediate, llvm::MachineOperand::MO_ConstantPoolIndex, llvm::MachineOperand::MO_ExternalSymbol, llvm::MachineOperand::MO_FPImmediate, llvm::MachineOperand::MO_FrameIndex, llvm::MachineOperand::MO_GlobalAddress, llvm::MachineOperand::MO_Immediate, llvm::MachineOperand::MO_JumpTableIndex, llvm::MachineOperand::MO_MachineBasicBlock, llvm::MachineOperand::MO_MCSymbol, llvm::MachineOperand::MO_Metadata, llvm::MachineOperand::MO_Register, llvm::MachineOperand::MO_RegisterLiveOut, llvm::MachineOperand::MO_RegisterMask, and llvm::MachineOperand::MO_TargetIndex.

static unsigned llvm::HashString ( StringRef  Str,
unsigned  Result = 0 
) [inline, static]

HashString - Hash function for strings.

This is the Bernstein hash function.

Definition at line 143 of file StringExtras.h.

References llvm::StringRef::size().

Referenced by llvm::StringMapImpl::FindKey(), and llvm::StringMapImpl::LookupBucketFor().

hasInlineAsmMemConstraint - Return true if the inline asm instruction being processed uses a memory 'm' constraint.

Definition at line 132 of file CodeGen/Analysis.cpp.

References llvm::TargetLowering::C_Memory, llvm::InlineAsm::ConstraintInfo::Codes, llvm::TargetLowering::getConstraintType(), and llvm::InlineAsm::ConstraintInfo::isIndirect.

bool llvm::hasUTF16ByteOrderMark ( ArrayRef< char >  S)

Definition at line 78 of file ConvertUTFWrapper.cpp.

References llvm::ArrayRef< T >::size().

Referenced by ExpandResponseFile().

static bool llvm::hasVectorInstrinsicScalarOpd ( Intrinsic::ID  ID,
unsigned  ScalarOpdIdx 
) [static]

Definition at line 60 of file VectorUtils.h.

Definition at line 42 of file HexagonMCInstLower.cpp.

References llvm::MCInst::addOperand(), llvm::APFloat::bitcastToAPInt(), llvm::MCSymbolRefExpr::Create(), llvm::MCOperand::CreateExpr(), llvm::MCOperand::CreateImm(), llvm::MCOperand::CreateReg(), llvm::MachineInstr::dump(), llvm::MachineOperand::getBlockAddress(), llvm::AsmPrinter::GetBlockAddressSymbol(), llvm::AsmPrinter::GetCPISymbol(), llvm::MachineInstr::getDesc(), llvm::AsmPrinter::GetExternalSymbolSymbol(), llvm::MachineOperand::getFPImm(), llvm::MachineOperand::getGlobal(), llvm::MachineOperand::getImm(), llvm::MachineOperand::getIndex(), llvm::AsmPrinter::GetJTISymbol(), llvm::MachineOperand::getMBB(), llvm::MachineInstr::getNumOperands(), llvm::MachineInstr::getOpcode(), llvm::MachineInstr::getOperand(), llvm::APInt::getRawData(), llvm::MachineOperand::getReg(), llvm::AsmPrinter::getSymbol(), llvm::MachineBasicBlock::getSymbol(), llvm::MachineOperand::getSymbolName(), GetSymbolRef(), llvm::MachineOperand::getType(), llvm::ConstantFP::getValueAPF(), llvm::MachineOperand::isImplicit(), llvm_unreachable, llvm::MachineOperand::MO_BlockAddress, llvm::MachineOperand::MO_ConstantPoolIndex, llvm::MachineOperand::MO_ExternalSymbol, llvm::MachineOperand::MO_FPImmediate, llvm::MachineOperand::MO_GlobalAddress, llvm::MachineOperand::MO_Immediate, llvm::MachineOperand::MO_JumpTableIndex, llvm::MachineOperand::MO_MachineBasicBlock, llvm::MachineOperand::MO_Register, llvm::AsmPrinter::OutContext, llvm::HexagonMCInst::setDesc(), and llvm::MCInst::setOpcode().

Referenced by llvm::HexagonAsmPrinter::EmitInstruction().

static char llvm::hexdigit ( unsigned  X,
bool  LowerCase = false 
) [inline, static]

hexdigit - Return the hexadecimal character for the given number X (which should be less than 16).

Definition at line 26 of file StringExtras.h.

Referenced by llvm::MCFragment::dump(), PrintEscapedString(), llvm::AssemblyWriter::printNamedMDNode(), utohex_buffer(), and llvm::yaml::BinaryRef::writeAsHex().

static unsigned llvm::hexDigitValue ( char  C) [inline, static]

Interpret the given character C as a hexadecimal digit and return its value.

If C is not a valid hex digit, -1U is returned.

Definition at line 40 of file StringExtras.h.

Referenced by trailingHexadecimalFraction(), and UnEscapeLexed().

static unsigned llvm::HI22 ( int64_t  imm) [inline, static]

Definition at line 117 of file Sparc.h.

Referenced by HIX22(), and replaceFI().

uint32_t llvm::Hi_32 ( uint64_t  Value) [inline]

Hi_32 - This function returns the high 32 bits of a 64 bit value.

Definition at line 255 of file MathExtras.h.

static unsigned llvm::HIX22 ( int64_t  imm) [inline, static]

Definition at line 125 of file Sparc.h.

References HI22().

Referenced by replaceFI().

template<class T >
idf_iterator<T> llvm::idf_begin ( const T G)
template<class T >
idf_iterator<T> llvm::idf_end ( const T G)
template<class T , class SetTy >
idf_ext_iterator<T, SetTy> llvm::idf_ext_begin ( const T G,
SetTy S 
template<class T , class SetTy >
idf_ext_iterator<T, SetTy> llvm::idf_ext_end ( const T G,
SetTy S 
void llvm::initializeAAEvalPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeAnalysis().

void llvm::initializeADCEPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

void llvm::initializeAddDiscriminatorsPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeAddressSanitizerModulePass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeAddressSanitizerPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeAliasAnalysisAnalysisGroup ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeAliasAnalysisCounterPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeAnalysis().

void llvm::initializeAliasDebuggerPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeAnalysis().

void llvm::initializeAliasSetPrinterPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeAnalysis().

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

void llvm::InitializeAllAsmParsers ( ) [inline]

InitializeAllAsmParsers - The main program should call this function if it wants all asm parsers that LLVM is configured to support, to make them available via the TargetRegistry.

It is legal for a client to make multiple calls to this function.

Definition at line 96 of file TargetSelect.h.

void llvm::InitializeAllAsmPrinters ( ) [inline]

InitializeAllAsmPrinters - The main program should call this function if it wants all asm printers that LLVM is configured to support, to make them available via the TargetRegistry.

It is legal for a client to make multiple calls to this function.

Definition at line 86 of file TargetSelect.h.

InitializeAllDisassemblers - The main program should call this function if it wants all disassemblers that LLVM is configured to support, to make them available via the TargetRegistry.

It is legal for a client to make multiple calls to this function.

Definition at line 106 of file TargetSelect.h.

void llvm::InitializeAllTargetInfos ( ) [inline]

InitializeAllTargetInfos - The main program should call this function if it wants access to all available targets that LLVM is configured to support, to make them available via the TargetRegistry.

It is legal for a client to make multiple calls to this function.

Definition at line 53 of file TargetSelect.h.

Referenced by InitializeAllTargets().

void llvm::InitializeAllTargetMCs ( ) [inline]

InitializeAllTargetMCs - The main program should call this function if it wants access to all available target MC that LLVM is configured to support, to make them available via the TargetRegistry.

It is legal for a client to make multiple calls to this function.

Definition at line 76 of file TargetSelect.h.

void llvm::InitializeAllTargets ( ) [inline]

InitializeAllTargets - The main program should call this function if it wants access to all available target machines that LLVM is configured to support, to make them available via the TargetRegistry.

It is legal for a client to make multiple calls to this function.

Definition at line 63 of file TargetSelect.h.

References InitializeAllTargetInfos().

void llvm::initializeAlwaysInlinerPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeIPO().

void llvm::initializeAnalysis ( PassRegistry Registry)

initializeAnalysis - Initialize all passes linked into the Analysis library.

Definition at line 22 of file Analysis/Analysis.cpp.

References initializeAAEvalPass(), initializeAliasAnalysisAnalysisGroup(), initializeAliasAnalysisCounterPass(), initializeAliasDebuggerPass(), initializeAliasSetPrinterPass(), initializeBasicAliasAnalysisPass(), initializeBlockFrequencyInfoPass(), initializeBranchProbabilityInfoPass(), initializeCFGOnlyPrinterPass(), initializeCFGOnlyViewerPass(), initializeCFGPrinterPass(), initializeCFGViewerPass(), initializeCFLAliasAnalysisPass(), initializeCostModelAnalysisPass(), initializeDelinearizationPass(), initializeDependenceAnalysisPass(), initializeDominanceFrontierPass(), initializeDomOnlyPrinterPass(), initializeDomOnlyViewerPass(), initializeDomPrinterPass(), initializeDomViewerPass(), initializeInstCountPass(), initializeIntervalPartitionPass(), initializeIVUsersPass(), initializeJumpInstrTableInfoPass(), initializeLazyValueInfoPass(), initializeLibCallAliasAnalysisPass(), initializeLintPass(), initializeLoopInfoPass(), initializeMemDepPrinterPass(), initializeMemoryDependenceAnalysisPass(), initializeModuleDebugInfoPrinterPass(), initializeNoAAPass(), initializePostDominatorTreePass(), initializePostDomOnlyPrinterPass(), initializePostDomOnlyViewerPass(), initializePostDomPrinterPass(), initializePostDomViewerPass(), initializeRegionInfoPassPass(), initializeRegionOnlyPrinterPass(), initializeRegionOnlyViewerPass(), initializeRegionPrinterPass(), initializeRegionViewerPass(), initializeScalarEvolutionAliasAnalysisPass(), initializeScalarEvolutionPass(), initializeScopedNoAliasAAPass(), initializeTargetTransformInfoAnalysisGroup(), and initializeTypeBasedAliasAnalysisPass().

Referenced by LLVMInitializeAnalysis().

void llvm::initializeArgPromotionPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeIPO().

void llvm::initializeAssumptionTrackerPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeAtomicExpandPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeCodeGen().

void llvm::initializeBarrierNoopPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeIPO().

void llvm::initializeBasicAliasAnalysisPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeAnalysis().

void llvm::initializeBasicTTIPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeCodeGen().

void llvm::initializeBBVectorizePass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeVectorization().

void llvm::initializeBlockExtractorPassPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeIPO().

void llvm::initializeBlockFrequencyInfoPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeBoundsCheckingPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeBranchFolderPassPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeCodeGen().

void llvm::initializeBranchProbabilityInfoPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeBreakCriticalEdgesPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeCallGraphPrinterPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeIPA().

void llvm::initializeCallGraphViewerPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeIPA().

void llvm::initializeCallGraphWrapperPassPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeCFGOnlyPrinterPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeCFGOnlyViewerPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeAnalysis().

void llvm::initializeCFGPrinterPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeCFGSimplifyPassPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

void llvm::initializeCFGViewerPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeAnalysis().

void llvm::initializeCFLAliasAnalysisPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeAnalysis().

void llvm::initializeCodeGen ( PassRegistry Registry)

initializeCodeGen - Initialize all passes linked into the CodeGen library.

Definition at line 22 of file CodeGen.cpp.

References initializeAtomicExpandPass(), initializeBasicTTIPass(), initializeBranchFolderPassPass(), initializeCodeGenPreparePass(), initializeDeadMachineInstructionElimPass(), initializeEarlyIfConverterPass(), initializeExpandISelPseudosPass(), initializeExpandPostRAPass(), initializeFinalizeMachineBundlesPass(), initializeGCMachineCodeAnalysisPass(), initializeGCModuleInfoPass(), initializeIfConverterPass(), initializeLiveDebugVariablesPass(), initializeLiveIntervalsPass(), initializeLiveStacksPass(), initializeLiveVariablesPass(), initializeLocalStackSlotPassPass(), initializeLowerIntrinsicsPass(), initializeMachineBlockFrequencyInfoPass(), initializeMachineBlockPlacementPass(), initializeMachineBlockPlacementStatsPass(), initializeMachineCombinerPass(), initializeMachineCopyPropagationPass(), initializeMachineCSEPass(), initializeMachineDominatorTreePass(), initializeMachineFunctionPrinterPassPass(), initializeMachineLICMPass(), initializeMachineLoopInfoPass(), initializeMachineModuleInfoPass(), initializeMachinePostDominatorTreePass(), initializeMachineSchedulerPass(), initializeMachineSinkingPass(), initializeMachineVerifierPassPass(), initializeOptimizePHIsPass(), initializePeepholeOptimizerPass(), initializePEIPass(), initializePHIEliminationPass(), initializePostMachineSchedulerPass(), initializePostRASchedulerPass(), initializeProcessImplicitDefsPass(), initializeRegisterCoalescerPass(), initializeSlotIndexesPass(), initializeStackColoringPass(), initializeStackMapLivenessPass(), initializeStackProtectorPass(), initializeStackSlotColoringPass(), initializeTailDuplicatePassPass(), initializeTargetPassConfigPass(), initializeTwoAddressInstructionPassPass(), initializeUnpackMachineBundlesPass(), initializeUnreachableBlockElimPass(), initializeUnreachableMachineBlockElimPass(), initializeVirtRegMapPass(), and initializeVirtRegRewriterPass().

Referenced by LLVMInitializeCodeGen(), and llvm::TargetPassConfig::TargetPassConfig().

void llvm::initializeCodeGenPreparePass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeCodeGen().

void llvm::initializeConstantHoistingPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

void llvm::initializeConstantMergePass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeIPO().

void llvm::initializeConstantPropagationPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

void llvm::initializeCore ( PassRegistry Registry)

initializeCore - Initialize all passes linked into the TransformUtils library.

Definition at line 47 of file Core.cpp.

References initializeDominatorTreeWrapperPassPass(), initializePrintBasicBlockPassPass(), initializePrintFunctionPassWrapperPass(), initializePrintModulePassWrapperPass(), and initializeVerifierLegacyPassPass().

Referenced by LLVMInitializeCore().

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

void llvm::initializeCostModelAnalysisPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeAnalysis().

void llvm::initializeDAEPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeIPO().

void llvm::initializeDAHPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeIPO().

void llvm::initializeDataFlowSanitizerPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeDataLayoutPassPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeDCEPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

void llvm::initializeDeadInstEliminationPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

Referenced by initializeCodeGen().

void llvm::initializeDebugIRPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeDelinearizationPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeAnalysis().

void llvm::initializeDependenceAnalysisPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeDominanceFrontierPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeDomOnlyPrinterPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeDomOnlyViewerPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeAnalysis().

void llvm::initializeDomPrinterPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeDomViewerPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeAnalysis().

void llvm::initializeDSEPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

void llvm::initializeEarlyCSEPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

void llvm::initializeEarlyIfConverterPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeCodeGen().

void llvm::initializeEdgeBundlesPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeExpandISelPseudosPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeCodeGen().

void llvm::initializeExpandPostRAPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeCodeGen().

void llvm::initializeFinalizeMachineBundlesPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeCodeGen().

void llvm::initializeFindUsedTypesPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeFlattenCFGPassPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

void llvm::initializeFunctionAttrsPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeIPO().

void llvm::initializeGCMachineCodeAnalysisPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeCodeGen().

void llvm::initializeGCModuleInfoPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeGCOVProfilerPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeGlobalDCEPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeIPO().

void llvm::initializeGlobalMergePass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeGlobalOptPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeIPO().

void llvm::initializeGlobalsModRefPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeIPA().

void llvm::initializeGVNPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

Definition at line 247 of file HexagonCFGOptimizer.cpp.

References CALL_ONCE_INITIALIZATION, and initializePassOnce().

Definition at line 194 of file HexagonISelDAGToDAG.cpp.

References CALL_ONCE_INITIALIZATION, and initializePassOnce().

Definition at line 230 of file HexagonSplitTFRCondSets.cpp.

References CALL_ONCE_INITIALIZATION, and initializePassOnce().

void llvm::initializeIfConverterPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeCodeGen().

void llvm::initializeIndVarSimplifyPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

void llvm::initializeInlineCostAnalysisPass ( PassRegistry &  )

initializeInstCombine - Initialize all passes linked into the ScalarOpts library.

Definition at line 80 of file InstructionCombining.cpp.

References initializeInstCombinerPass().

Referenced by LLVMInitializeInstCombine().

void llvm::initializeInstCombinerPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeInstCountPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeAnalysis().

void llvm::initializeInstNamerPass ( PassRegistry &  )

initializeInstrumentation - Initialize all passes linked into the Instrumentation library.

initializeInstrumentation - Initialize all passes in the TransformUtils library.

Definition at line 23 of file Instrumentation.cpp.

References initializeAddressSanitizerModulePass(), initializeAddressSanitizerPass(), initializeBoundsCheckingPass(), initializeDataFlowSanitizerPass(), initializeGCOVProfilerPass(), initializeMemorySanitizerPass(), and initializeThreadSanitizerPass().

Referenced by LLVMInitializeInstrumentation().

void llvm::initializeInstSimplifierPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeInternalizePassPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by INITIALIZE_PASS(), and initializeIPO().

void llvm::initializeIntervalPartitionPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeIPA ( PassRegistry Registry)

initializeIPA - Initialize all passes linked into the IPA library.

Definition at line 21 of file IPA.cpp.

References initializeCallGraphPrinterPass(), initializeCallGraphViewerPass(), initializeCallGraphWrapperPassPass(), initializeFindUsedTypesPass(), and initializeGlobalsModRefPass().

Referenced by LLVMInitializeIPA().

void llvm::initializeIPCPPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeIPO().

void llvm::initializeIPO ( PassRegistry Registry)
void llvm::initializeIPSCCPPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

void llvm::initializeIVUsersPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeJumpInstrTableInfoPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeJumpInstrTablesPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeJumpThreadingPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

void llvm::initializeLazyValueInfoPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeLCSSAPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeLibCallAliasAnalysisPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeLICMPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

void llvm::initializeLintPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeAnalysis().

void llvm::initializeLiveDebugVariablesPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeLiveIntervalsPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeLiveRegMatrixPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeLiveStacksPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeLiveVariablesPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeLoadCombinePass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

void llvm::initializeLoaderPassPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeLocalStackSlotPassPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeCodeGen().

void llvm::initializeLoopDeletionPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

void llvm::initializeLoopExtractorPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeIPO().

void llvm::initializeLoopIdiomRecognizePass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

void llvm::initializeLoopInfoPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeLoopInstSimplifyPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

void llvm::initializeLoopRerollPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

void llvm::initializeLoopRotatePass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

void llvm::initializeLoopSimplifyPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeLoopStrengthReducePass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

void llvm::initializeLoopUnrollPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

void llvm::initializeLoopUnswitchPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

void llvm::initializeLoopVectorizePass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeVectorization().

void llvm::initializeLowerAtomicPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

void llvm::initializeLowerExpectIntrinsicPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

void llvm::initializeLowerIntrinsicsPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeCodeGen().

void llvm::initializeLowerInvokePass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeLowerSwitchPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeMachineBlockPlacementPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeCodeGen().

Referenced by initializeCodeGen().

void llvm::initializeMachineCombinerPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeCodeGen().

void llvm::initializeMachineCopyPropagationPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeCodeGen().

void llvm::initializeMachineCSEPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeCodeGen().

void llvm::initializeMachineDominatorTreePass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeCodeGen().

void llvm::initializeMachineLICMPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeCodeGen().

void llvm::initializeMachineLoopInfoPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeMachineModuleInfoPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeMachineRegionInfoPassPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeMachineSchedulerPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeCodeGen().

void llvm::initializeMachineSinkingPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeCodeGen().

void llvm::initializeMachineTraceMetricsPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeMachineVerifierPassPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeCodeGen().

void llvm::initializeMemCpyOptPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

void llvm::initializeMemDepPrinterPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeAnalysis().

void llvm::initializeMemorySanitizerPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeMergedLoadStoreMotionPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

void llvm::initializeMergeFunctionsPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeIPO().

void llvm::initializeMetaRenamerPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeModuleDebugInfoPrinterPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeAnalysis().

InitializeNativeTarget - The main program should call this function to initialize the native target corresponding to the host. This is useful for JIT applications to ensure that the target gets linked in correctly.

It is legal for a client to make multiple calls to this function.

Definition at line 116 of file TargetSelect.h.


InitializeNativeTargetAsmParser - The main program should call this function to initialize the native target asm parser.

Definition at line 142 of file TargetSelect.h.


InitializeNativeTargetAsmPrinter - The main program should call this function to initialize the native target asm printer.

Definition at line 130 of file TargetSelect.h.


InitializeNativeTargetDisassembler - The main program should call this function to initialize the native target disassembler.

Definition at line 154 of file TargetSelect.h.


void llvm::initializeNoAAPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeAnalysis().

void llvm::initializeNoTTIPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeObjCARCAliasAnalysisPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeObjCARCAPElimPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeObjCARCOpts().

void llvm::initializeObjCARCContractPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeObjCARCOpts().

void llvm::initializeObjCARCExpandPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeObjCARCOpts().

void llvm::initializeObjCARCOptPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeObjCARCOpts().

initializeObjCARCOpts - Initialize all passes linked into the ObjCARCOpts library.

initializeObjCARCOptsPasses - Initialize all passes linked into the ObjCARCOpts library.

Definition at line 39 of file ObjCARC.cpp.

References initializeObjCARCAliasAnalysisPass(), initializeObjCARCAPElimPass(), initializeObjCARCContractPass(), initializeObjCARCExpandPass(), and initializeObjCARCOptPass().

Referenced by LLVMInitializeObjCARCOpts().

void llvm::initializeOptimizePHIsPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeCodeGen().

void llvm::initializePartialInlinerPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeIPO().

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

void llvm::initializePeepholeOptimizerPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeCodeGen().

void llvm::initializePEIPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializePHIEliminationPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeCodeGen().

void llvm::initializePostDominatorTreePass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializePostDomOnlyPrinterPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializePostDomOnlyViewerPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeAnalysis().

void llvm::initializePostDomPrinterPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializePostDomViewerPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeAnalysis().

void llvm::initializePostMachineSchedulerPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializePostRASchedulerPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeCodeGen().

Definition at line 2209 of file PPCISelDAGToDAG.cpp.

References CALL_ONCE_INITIALIZATION, and initializePassOnce().

void llvm::initializePPCVSXFMAMutatePass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializePrintBasicBlockPassPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeCore().

Referenced by initializeCore().

void llvm::initializePrintModulePassWrapperPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeCore().

void llvm::initializeProcessImplicitDefsPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeCodeGen().

void llvm::initializePromotePassPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializePruneEHPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeIPO().

void llvm::initializeReassociatePass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

void llvm::initializeRegionInfoPassPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeRegionOnlyPrinterPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeRegionOnlyViewerPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeAnalysis().

void llvm::initializeRegionPrinterPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeAnalysis().

void llvm::initializeRegionViewerPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeAnalysis().

void llvm::initializeRegisterCoalescerPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeCodeGen().

void llvm::initializeRegToMemPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

void llvm::initializeSampleProfileLoaderPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

Referenced by initializeAnalysis().

void llvm::initializeScalarEvolutionPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeScalarizerPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

initializeScalarOpts - Initialize all passes linked into the ScalarOpts library.

initializeScalarOptsPasses - Initialize all passes linked into the ScalarOpts library.

Definition at line 29 of file Scalar.cpp.

References initializeADCEPass(), initializeAlignmentFromAssumptionsPass(), initializeCFGSimplifyPassPass(), initializeConstantHoistingPass(), initializeConstantPropagationPass(), initializeCorrelatedValuePropagationPass(), initializeDCEPass(), initializeDeadInstEliminationPass(), initializeDSEPass(), initializeEarlyCSEPass(), initializeFlattenCFGPassPass(), initializeGVNPass(), initializeIndVarSimplifyPass(), initializeIPSCCPPass(), initializeJumpThreadingPass(), initializeLICMPass(), initializeLoadCombinePass(), initializeLoopDeletionPass(), initializeLoopIdiomRecognizePass(), initializeLoopInstSimplifyPass(), initializeLoopRerollPass(), initializeLoopRotatePass(), initializeLoopStrengthReducePass(), initializeLoopUnrollPass(), initializeLoopUnswitchPass(), initializeLowerAtomicPass(), initializeLowerExpectIntrinsicPass(), initializeMemCpyOptPass(), initializeMergedLoadStoreMotionPass(), initializePartiallyInlineLibCallsPass(), initializeReassociatePass(), initializeRegToMemPass(), initializeSampleProfileLoaderPass(), initializeScalarizerPass(), initializeSCCPPass(), initializeSeparateConstOffsetFromGEPPass(), initializeSinkingPass(), initializeSROA_DTPass(), initializeSROA_SSAUpPass(), initializeSROAPass(), initializeStructurizeCFGPass(), and initializeTailCallElimPass().

Referenced by LLVMInitializeScalarOpts().

void llvm::initializeSCCPPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

void llvm::initializeScopedNoAliasAAPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeAnalysis().

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

void llvm::initializeSIFixSGPRLiveRangesPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeSILowerI1CopiesPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeSimpleInlinerPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeIPO().

void llvm::initializeSingleLoopExtractorPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeIPO().

void llvm::initializeSinkingPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

void llvm::initializeSlotIndexesPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeSLPVectorizerPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeVectorization().

void llvm::initializeSpillPlacementPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeSROA_DTPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

void llvm::initializeSROA_SSAUpPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

void llvm::initializeSROAPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

void llvm::initializeStackColoringPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeCodeGen().

void llvm::initializeStackMapLivenessPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeStackProtectorPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeStackSlotColoringPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeCodeGen().

void llvm::initializeStripDeadDebugInfoPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeIPO().

Referenced by initializeIPO().

void llvm::initializeStripDebugDeclarePass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeIPO().

void llvm::initializeStripNonDebugSymbolsPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeIPO().

void llvm::initializeStripSymbolsPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeIPO().

void llvm::initializeStructurizeCFGPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

void llvm::initializeTailCallElimPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeScalarOpts().

void llvm::initializeTailDuplicatePassPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeCodeGen().

void llvm::initializeTarget ( PassRegistry Registry)

initializeCodeGen - Initialize all passes linked into the CodeGen library.

Definition at line 36 of file Target.cpp.

References initializeDataLayoutPassPass(), and initializeTargetLibraryInfoPass().

Referenced by LLVMInitializeTarget().

void llvm::initializeTargetLibraryInfoPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeTargetPassConfigPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeCodeGen().

Referenced by initializeAnalysis().

void llvm::initializeThreadSanitizerPass ( PassRegistry &  )

initializeTransformUtils - Initialize all passes linked into the TransformUtils library.

initializeTransformUtils - Initialize all passes in the TransformUtils library.

Definition at line 23 of file Utils.cpp.

References initializeAddDiscriminatorsPass(), initializeBreakCriticalEdgesPass(), initializeInstNamerPass(), initializeInstSimplifierPass(), initializeLCSSAPass(), initializeLoopSimplifyPass(), initializeLowerInvokePass(), initializeLowerSwitchPass(), initializeMetaRenamerPass(), initializePromotePassPass(), and initializeUnifyFunctionExitNodesPass().

Referenced by LLVMInitializeTransformUtils().

Referenced by initializeCodeGen().

void llvm::initializeTypeBasedAliasAnalysisPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeAnalysis().

void llvm::initializeUnifyFunctionExitNodesPass ( PassRegistry &  )
void llvm::initializeUnpackMachineBundlesPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeCodeGen().

void llvm::initializeUnreachableBlockElimPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeCodeGen().

Referenced by initializeCodeGen().

initializeVectorization - Initialize all passes linked into the Vectorize library.

initializeVectorizationPasses - Initialize all passes linked into the Vectorization library.

Definition at line 28 of file Vectorize.cpp.

References initializeBBVectorizePass(), initializeLoopVectorizePass(), and initializeSLPVectorizerPass().

Referenced by LLVMInitializeVectorization().

void llvm::initializeVerifierLegacyPassPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeCore().

void llvm::initializeVirtRegMapPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeCodeGen().

void llvm::initializeVirtRegRewriterPass ( PassRegistry &  )

Referenced by initializeCodeGen().

void llvm::initializeXCoreLowerThreadLocalPass ( PassRegistry &  p)
bool llvm::InlineFunction ( CallInst C,
InlineFunctionInfo IFI,
bool  InsertLifetime = true 

InlineFunction - This function inlines the called function into the basic block of the caller. This returns false if it is not possible to inline this call. The program is still in a well defined state if this occurs though.

Note that this only does one level of inlining. For example, if the instruction 'call B' is inlined, and 'B' calls 'C', then the call to 'C' now exists in the instruction stream. Similarly this will inline a recursive function by one level.

Definition at line 50 of file InlineFunction.cpp.

Referenced by InlineCallIfPossible(), and InlineFunction().

bool llvm::InlineFunction ( InvokeInst II,
InlineFunctionInfo IFI,
bool  InsertLifetime = true 

Definition at line 54 of file InlineFunction.cpp.

References InlineFunction().

bool llvm::InlineFunction ( CallSite  CS,
InlineFunctionInfo IFI,
bool  InsertLifetime = true 

InlineFunction - This function inlines the called function into the basic block of the caller. This returns false if it is not possible to inline this call. The program is still in a well defined state if this occurs though.

Note that this only does one level of inlining. For example, if the instruction 'call B' is inlined, and 'B' calls 'C', then the call to 'C' now exists in the instruction stream. Similarly this will inline a recursive function by one level.

Definition at line 842 of file InlineFunction.cpp.

References llvm::InlineFunctionInfo::AA, AddAliasScopeMetadata(), llvm::PHINode::addIncoming(), llvm::CallSiteBase< FunTy, ValTy, UserTy, InstrTy, CallTy, InvokeTy, IterTy >::arg_begin(), llvm::Function::arg_begin(), llvm::Function::arg_end(), llvm::CallSiteBase< FunTy, ValTy, UserTy, InstrTy, CallTy, InvokeTy, IterTy >::arg_size(), llvm::Function::arg_size(), llvm::InlineFunctionInfo::AT, llvm::Function::back(), llvm::BasicBlock::begin(), llvm::Function::begin(), llvm::InlineFunctionInfo::CG, CloneAliasScopeMetadata(), CloneAndPruneFunctionInto(), llvm::ClonedCodeInfo::ContainsCalls, llvm::ClonedCodeInfo::ContainsDynamicAllocas, llvm::PHINode::Create(), llvm::BranchInst::Create(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateBitCast(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateRet(), llvm::InlineFunctionInfo::DL, llvm::CallSiteBase< FunTy, ValTy, UserTy, InstrTy, CallTy, InvokeTy, IterTy >::doesNotThrow(), dyn_cast(), llvm::SmallVectorBase::empty(), llvm::Function::end(), llvm::iplist< NodeTy, Traits >::erase(), llvm::Instruction::eraseFromParent(), llvm::BasicBlock::eraseFromParent(), fixupLineNumbers(), llvm::AssumptionTracker::forgetCachedAssumptions(), llvm::ConstantInt::get(), llvm::UndefValue::get(), llvm::AllocaInst::getAllocatedType(), llvm::AllocaInst::getArraySize(), llvm::Function::getBasicBlockList(), llvm::CallSiteBase< FunTy, ValTy, UserTy, InstrTy, CallTy, InvokeTy, IterTy >::getCalledFunction(), llvm::Value::getContext(), llvm::Instruction::getDebugLoc(), llvm::Intrinsic::getDeclaration(), llvm::Function::getEntryBlock(), llvm::Function::getFunctionType(), llvm::Function::getGC(), llvm::BasicBlock::getInstList(), llvm::CallSiteBase< FunTy, ValTy, UserTy, InstrTy, CallTy, InvokeTy, IterTy >::getInstruction(), llvm::Type::getInt64Ty(), llvm::BasicBlock::getLandingPadInst(), llvm::Value::getName(), llvm::InvokeInst::getNormalDest(), llvm::Instruction::getOpcode(), llvm::Function::getParamAlignment(), llvm::Instruction::getParent(), llvm::BasicBlock::getParent(), llvm::GlobalValue::getParent(), llvm::LandingPadInst::getPersonalityFn(), llvm::Function::getReturnType(), llvm::ReturnInst::getReturnValue(), llvm::CallInst::getTailCallKind(), llvm::BasicBlock::getTerminatingMustTailCall(), llvm::BasicBlock::getTerminator(), llvm::Value::getType(), llvm::DataLayout::getTypeAllocSize(), llvm::InvokeInst::getUnwindDest(), HandleByValArgument(), HandleByValArgumentInit(), HandleInlinedInvoke(), llvm::Function::hasGC(), hasLifetimeMarkers(), I, llvm::CallSiteBase< FunTy, ValTy, UserTy, InstrTy, CallTy, InvokeTy, IterTy >::isByValArgument(), llvm::GlobalValue::isDeclaration(), llvm::CallInst::isMustTailCall(), llvm::FunctionType::isVarArg(), llvm::TargetOpcode::PHI, llvm::iplist< NodeTy, Traits >::pop_back(), pred_begin(), pred_end(), llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, isPodLike< T >::value >::push_back(), llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, isPodLike >::push_back(), llvm::Value::replaceAllUsesWith(), llvm::InlineFunctionInfo::reset(), llvm::Instruction::setDebugLoc(), llvm::CallInst::setDoesNotThrow(), llvm::Function::setGC(), llvm::User::setOperand(), llvm::CallInst::setTailCallKind(), SimplifyInstruction(), llvm::SmallVectorTemplateCommon< T, typename >::size(), llvm::SmallVectorTemplateCommon< T >::size(), llvm::iplist< NodeTy, Traits >::splice(), llvm::BasicBlock::splitBasicBlock(), llvm::InlineFunctionInfo::StaticAllocas, std::swap(), llvm::CallInst::TCK_None, UINT64_MAX, UpdateCallGraphAfterInlining(), and llvm::Value::use_empty().

inst_iterator llvm::inst_begin ( Function *  F) [inline]
const_inst_iterator llvm::inst_begin ( const Function *  F) [inline]

Definition at line 130 of file InstIterator.h.

inst_iterator llvm::inst_begin ( Function &  F) [inline]

Definition at line 136 of file InstIterator.h.

const_inst_iterator llvm::inst_begin ( const Function &  F) [inline]

Definition at line 138 of file InstIterator.h.

inst_iterator llvm::inst_end ( Function *  F) [inline]
const_inst_iterator llvm::inst_end ( const Function *  F) [inline]

Definition at line 133 of file InstIterator.h.

inst_iterator llvm::inst_end ( Function &  F) [inline]

Definition at line 137 of file InstIterator.h.

const_inst_iterator llvm::inst_end ( const Function &  F) [inline]

Definition at line 141 of file InstIterator.h.

void llvm::install_fatal_error_handler ( fatal_error_handler_t  handler,
void *  user_data = nullptr 

install_fatal_error_handler - Installs a new error handler to be used whenever a serious (non-recoverable) error is encountered by LLVM.

If no error handler is installed the default is to print the error message to stderr, and call exit(1). If an error handler is installed then it is the handler's responsibility to log the message, it will no longer be printed to stderr. If the error handler returns, then exit(1) will be called.

It is dangerous to naively use an error handler which throws an exception. Even though some applications desire to gracefully recover from arbitrary faults, blindly throwing exceptions through unfamiliar code isn't a way to achieve this.

user_data- An argument which will be passed to the install error handler.

Definition at line 46 of file ErrorHandling.cpp.

References ErrorHandler, ErrorHandlerMutex, ErrorHandlerUserData, and Lock.

Referenced by LLVMInstallFatalErrorHandler(), and llvm::ScopedFatalErrorHandler::ScopedFatalErrorHandler().

const std::error_category & llvm::instrprof_category ( )

Definition at line 58 of file InstrProf.cpp.

References llvm::CallingConv::C.

Referenced by make_error_code().

function_interval_iterator llvm::intervals_begin ( Function *  F,
bool  DeleteInts = true 
) [inline]
interval_part_interval_iterator llvm::intervals_begin ( IntervalPartition &  IP,
bool  DeleteIntervals = true 
) [inline]

Definition at line 249 of file IntervalIterator.h.

interval_part_interval_iterator llvm::intervals_end ( IntervalPartition &  IP) [inline]

Definition at line 253 of file IntervalIterator.h.

Definition at line 263 of file DepthFirstIterator.h.

References idf_begin(), and idf_end().

template<class T , class SetTy >
iterator_range<idf_ext_iterator<T, SetTy> > llvm::inverse_depth_first_ext ( const T G,
SetTy S 

Definition at line 287 of file DepthFirstIterator.h.

References idf_ext_begin(), and idf_ext_end().

template<class T >
ipo_iterator<T> llvm::ipo_begin ( T  G,
bool  Reverse = false 
template<class T >
ipo_iterator<T> llvm::ipo_end ( T  G)
template<class T , class SetType >
ipo_ext_iterator<T, SetType> llvm::ipo_ext_begin ( T  G,
SetType &  S 
template<class T , class SetType >
ipo_ext_iterator<T, SetType> llvm::ipo_ext_end ( T  G,
SetType &  S 
template<class X , class Y >
LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED_RESULT bool llvm::isa ( const Y Val) [inline]

Definition at line 132 of file Casting.h.

References X, and Y.

Referenced by llvm::DwarfUnit::applySubprogramAttributes(), and llvm::MCDwarfLoc::setIsa().

int llvm::isAArch64FrameOffsetLegal ( const MachineInstr MI,
int Offset,
bool OutUseUnscaledOp = nullptr,
unsigned OutUnscaledOp = nullptr,
int EmittableOffset = nullptr 

Check if the Offset is a valid frame offset for MI. The returned value reports the validity of the frame offset for MI. It uses the values defined by AArch64FrameOffsetStatus for that. If result == AArch64FrameOffsetCannotUpdate, MI cannot be updated to use an offset.eq If result & AArch64FrameOffsetIsLegal, Offset can completely be rewriten in MI. If result & AArch64FrameOffsetCanUpdate, Offset contains the amount that is off the limit of the legal offset. If set, OutUseUnscaledOp will contain the whether MI should be turned into an unscaled operator, which opcode is in OutUnscaledOp. If set, EmittableOffset contains the amount that can be set in MI (possibly with OutUnscaledOp if OutUseUnscaledOp is true) and that is a legal offset.

Definition at line 2076 of file AArch64InstrInfo.cpp.

References AArch64FrameOffsetCannotUpdate, AArch64FrameOffsetCanUpdate, AArch64FrameOffsetIsLegal, llvm::MachineOperand::getImm(), llvm::MachineInstr::getOpcode(), llvm::MachineInstr::getOperand(), and llvm_unreachable.

Referenced by llvm::AArch64RegisterInfo::isFrameOffsetLegal(), and rewriteAArch64FrameIndex().

Return true if this alloca is legal for promotion.

This is true if there are only loads, stores, and lifetime markers (transitively) using this alloca. This also enforces that there is only ever one layer of bitcasts or GEPs between the alloca and the lifetime markers.

Definition at line 60 of file PromoteMemoryToRegister.cpp.

References llvm::PointerType::getAddressSpace(), llvm::Type::getInt8PtrTy(), llvm::AllocaInst::getType(), LI, onlyUsedByLifetimeMarkers(), and llvm::Value::users().

bool llvm::isAllocationFn ( const Value V,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI,
bool  LookThroughBitCast = false 

Tests if a value is a call or invoke to a library function that allocates or reallocates memory (either malloc, calloc, realloc, or strdup like).

Definition at line 151 of file MemoryBuiltins.cpp.

References AnyAlloc, and getAllocationData().

Referenced by CleanupPointerRootUsers(), isNoAliasFn(), IsSafeComputationToRemove(), and llvm::InstCombiner::visitGetElementPtrInst().

bool llvm::isAllocLikeFn ( const Value V,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI,
bool  LookThroughBitCast = false 

Tests if a value is a call or invoke to a library function that allocates memory (either malloc, calloc, or strdup like).

Definition at line 182 of file MemoryBuiltins.cpp.

References AllocLike, and getAllocationData().

Referenced by isInstructionTriviallyDead().

static bool llvm::isARMArea1Register ( unsigned  Reg,
bool  isIOS 
) [inline, static]

isARMArea1Register - Returns true if the register is a low register (r0-r7) or a stack/pc register that we should push/pop.

Definition at line 38 of file ARMBaseRegisterInfo.h.

References ARM, R2, R4, and R6.

Referenced by llvm::ARMFrameLowering::restoreCalleeSavedRegisters(), and llvm::ARMFrameLowering::spillCalleeSavedRegisters().

static bool llvm::isARMArea2Register ( unsigned  Reg,
bool  isIOS 
) [inline, static]
static bool llvm::isARMArea3Register ( unsigned  Reg,
bool  isIOS 
) [inline, static]
static bool llvm::isARMLowRegister ( unsigned  Reg) [inline, static]

isArrayMalloc - Returns the corresponding CallInst if the instruction is a call to malloc whose array size can be determined and the array size is not constant 1. Otherwise, return NULL.

Definition at line 238 of file MemoryBuiltins.cpp.

References computeArraySize(), and extractMallocCall().

bool llvm::isAtLeastAcquire ( AtomicOrdering  Ord) [inline]

Returns true if the ordering is at least as strong as acquire (i.e. acquire, acq_rel or seq_cst)

Definition at line 55 of file Instructions.h.

References Acquire, AcquireRelease, and SequentiallyConsistent.

Referenced by llvm::AArch64TargetLowering::emitLoadLinked(), llvm::ARMTargetLowering::emitLoadLinked(), and llvm::MemoryDependenceAnalysis::getPointerDependencyFrom().

bool llvm::isAtLeastRelease ( AtomicOrdering  Ord) [inline]

Returns true if the ordering is at least as strong as release (i.e. release, acq_rel or seq_cst)

Definition at line 63 of file Instructions.h.

References AcquireRelease, Release, and SequentiallyConsistent.

Referenced by llvm::AArch64TargetLowering::emitStoreConditional(), llvm::ARMTargetLowering::emitStoreConditional(), and llvm::MemoryDependenceAnalysis::getPointerDependencyFrom().

Definition at line 340 of file NVPTXUtilities.cpp.

bool llvm::isBasePlusOffsetMemoryAccess ( unsigned  Opcode,
unsigned AddrIdx,
bool IsStore = nullptr 
static bool llvm::isBinOpWithFlags ( unsigned  Opcode) [static]
bool llvm::isBitcode ( const unsigned char *  BufPtr,
const unsigned char *  BufEnd 
) [inline]

isBitcode - Return true if the given bytes are the magic bytes for LLVM IR bitcode, either with or without a wrapper.

Definition at line 92 of file ReaderWriter.h.

References isBitcodeWrapper(), and isRawBitcode().

Referenced by getLazyIRModule(), and parseIR().

bool llvm::isBitcodeWrapper ( const unsigned char *  BufPtr,
const unsigned char *  BufEnd 
) [inline]

isBitcodeWrapper - Return true if the given bytes are the magic bytes for an LLVM IR bitcode wrapper.

Definition at line 64 of file ReaderWriter.h.

Referenced by isBitcode().

isBytewiseValue - If the specified value can be set by repeating the same byte in memory, return the i8 value that it is represented with. This is true for all i8 values obviously, but is also true for i32 0, i32 -1, i16 0xF0F0, double 0.0 etc. If the value can't be handled with a repeated byte store (e.g. i16 0x1234), return null.

Definition at line 2014 of file ValueTracking.cpp.

References llvm::CallingConv::C, llvm::ConstantInt::get(), llvm::ConstantExpr::getBitCast(), llvm::APInt::getBitWidth(), llvm::Value::getContext(), llvm::Type::getInt32Ty(), llvm::Type::getInt64Ty(), llvm::Type::getInt8Ty(), llvm::Constant::getNullValue(), llvm::Value::getType(), I, llvm::Type::isIntegerTy(), isPowerOf2_32(), llvm::APInt::lshr(), and llvm::APInt::trunc().

static bool llvm::isCalleeSavedRegister ( unsigned  Reg,
const MCPhysReg *  CSRegs 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 75 of file ARMBaseRegisterInfo.h.

Referenced by isCSRestore(), and tryFoldSPUpdateIntoPushPop().

bool llvm::isCallocLikeFn ( const Value V,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI,
bool  LookThroughBitCast = false 

Tests if a value is a call or invoke to a library function that allocates zero-filled memory (such as calloc).

Definition at line 175 of file MemoryBuiltins.cpp.

References CallocLike, and getAllocationData().

Referenced by extractCallocCall(), and llvm::MemoryDependenceAnalysis::getPointerDependencyFrom().

static bool llvm::isCondBranchOpcode ( int  Opc) [inline, static]
template<typename InstrType >
bool llvm::IsCPSRDead ( InstrType *  Instr)

Referenced by isV8EligibleForIT().

bool llvm::IsCPSRDead< MCInst > ( MCInst Instr) [inline]

Definition at line 8167 of file ARMAsmParser.cpp.

bool llvm::isCriticalEdge ( const TerminatorInst TI,
unsigned  SuccNum,
bool  AllowIdenticalEdges = false 

Return true if the specified edge is a critical edge. Critical edges are edges from a block with multiple successors to a block with multiple predecessors.

isCriticalEdge - Return true if the specified edge is a critical edge. Critical edges are edges from a block with multiple successors to a block with multiple predecessors.

Definition at line 87 of file CFG.cpp.

References llvm::TerminatorInst::getNumSuccessors(), llvm::TerminatorInst::getSuccessor(), I, pred_begin(), and pred_end().

Referenced by DemoteRegToStack(), and SplitCriticalEdge().

isCurrentDebugType - Return true if the specified string is the debug type specified on the command line, or if none was specified on the command line with the -debug-only=X option.

Definition at line 89 of file Debug.cpp.

References CurrentDebugType.

static unsigned llvm::isDescribedByReg ( const MachineInstr &  MI) [static]
static CallInst* llvm::isFreeCall ( Value *  I,
const TargetLibraryInfo *  TLI 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 135 of file MemoryBuiltins.h.

References isFreeCall().

static bool llvm::isGlobalRelativeToPICBase ( unsigned char  TargetFlag) [inline, static]

isGlobalRelativeToPICBase - Return true if the specified global value reference is relative to a 32-bit PIC base (X86ISD::GlobalBaseReg). If this is true, the addressing mode has the PIC base register added in (e.g. EBX).

Definition at line 102 of file X86InstrInfo.h.


static bool llvm::isGlobalStubReference ( unsigned char  TargetFlag) [inline, static]

isGlobalStubReference - Return true if the specified TargetFlag operand is a reference to a stub for a global, not the global itself.

Definition at line 85 of file X86InstrInfo.h.


isIdentifiedFunctionLocal - Return true if V is umabigously identified at the function-level. Different IdentifiedFunctionLocals can't alias. Further, an IdentifiedFunctionLocal can not alias with any function arguments other than itself, which is not necessarily true for IdentifiedObjects.

Definition at line 556 of file AliasAnalysis.cpp.

References isNoAliasArgument(), and isNoAliasCall().

Referenced by AddAliasScopeMetadata().

isIdentifiedObject - Return true if this pointer refers to a distinct and identifiable object. This returns true for: Global Variables and Functions (but not Global Aliases) Allocas ByVal and NoAlias Arguments NoAlias returns (e.g. calls to malloc)

isIdentifiedObject - Return true if this pointer refers to a distinct and identifiable object. This returns true for: Global Variables and Functions (but not Global Aliases) Allocas and Mallocs ByVal and NoAlias Arguments NoAlias returns

Definition at line 539 of file AliasAnalysis.cpp.

References llvm::ARM_PROC::A, and isNoAliasCall().

Referenced by llvm::AliasAnalysis::callCapturesBefore(), getUnderlyingObjectsForInstr(), isObjectSmallerThan(), and isUnsafeMemoryObject().

Definition at line 223 of file NVPTXUtilities.cpp.

References isImageReadOnly(), isImageReadWrite(), and isImageWriteOnly().

bool llvm::isImageOrSamplerVal ( const Value arg,
const Module context 
bool llvm::isImmSExti16i8Value ( uint64_t  Value) [inline]

Definition at line 15 of file X86AsmParserCommon.h.

Referenced by convert16i16to16ri8(), and llvm::X86Operand::isImmSExti16i8().

bool llvm::isImmSExti32i8Value ( uint64_t  Value) [inline]

Definition at line 21 of file X86AsmParserCommon.h.

Referenced by convert32i32to32ri8(), and llvm::X86Operand::isImmSExti32i8().

bool llvm::isImmSExti64i32Value ( uint64_t  Value) [inline]

Definition at line 32 of file X86AsmParserCommon.h.

Referenced by llvm::X86Operand::isImmSExti64i32().

bool llvm::isImmSExti64i8Value ( uint64_t  Value) [inline]

Definition at line 27 of file X86AsmParserCommon.h.

Referenced by convert64i32to64ri8(), and llvm::X86Operand::isImmSExti64i8().

static bool llvm::isIndirectBranchOpcode ( int  Opc) [inline, static]
int llvm::IsInf ( float  f)

Platform-independent wrappers for the C99 isinf() function.

Definition at line 46 of file IsInf.cpp.

int llvm::IsInf ( double  d)

Definition at line 47 of file IsInf.cpp.

template<unsigned N>
bool llvm::isInt ( int64_t  x) [inline]

isInt - Checks if an integer fits into the given bit width.

Definition at line 272 of file MathExtras.h.

References N.

bool llvm::isInt< 16 > ( int64_t  x) [inline]
bool llvm::isInt< 32 > ( int64_t  x) [inline]
bool llvm::isInt< 8 > ( int64_t  x) [inline]
bool llvm::isIntN ( unsigned  N,
int64_t  x 
) [inline]

isIntN - Checks if an signed integer fits into the given (dynamic) bit width.

Definition at line 330 of file MathExtras.h.

Referenced by adjustFixupValue(), llvm::MCStreamer::EmitIntValue(), isExtendedBUILD_VECTOR(), and llvm::TargetLowering::SimplifyDemandedBits().

static bool llvm::isJumpTableBranchOpcode ( int  Opc) [inline, static]

Definition at line 413 of file ARMBaseInstrInfo.h.

Referenced by llvm::ARMBaseInstrInfo::AnalyzeBranch().

bool llvm::isKnownNonNull ( const Value V,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI = nullptr 

isKnownNonNull - Return true if this pointer couldn't possibly be null by its definition. This returns true for allocas, non-extern-weak globals and byval arguments.

isKnownNonNull - Return true if we know that the specified value is never null.

Definition at line 2612 of file ValueTracking.cpp.

References llvm::ARM_PROC::A, and isOperatorNewLikeFn().

Referenced by computePointerICmp(), and isKnownNonZero().

bool llvm::isKnownNonZero ( Value V,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
unsigned  Depth = 0,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr,
const Instruction CxtI = nullptr,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr 

isKnownNonZero - Return true if the given value is known to be non-zero when defined. For vectors return true if every element is known to be non-zero when defined. Supports values with integer or pointer type and vectors of integers.

Definition at line 137 of file ValueTracking.cpp.

References safeCxtI().

Referenced by computeKnownBitsMul(), isGEPKnownNonNull(), isKnownNonZero(), isSafeToSpeculativelyExecute(), and SimplifyICmpInst().

bool llvm::isKnownToBeAPowerOfTwo ( Value V,
bool  OrZero = false,
unsigned  Depth = 0,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr,
const Instruction CxtI = nullptr,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr 

isKnownToBeAPowerOfTwo - Return true if the given value is known to have exactly one bit set when defined. For vectors return true if every element is known to be a power of two when defined. Supports values with integer or pointer type and vectors of integers. If 'OrZero' is set then returns true if the given value is either a power of two or zero.

Definition at line 126 of file ValueTracking.cpp.

References safeCxtI().

Referenced by computeKnownBitsFromAssume(), llvm::InstCombiner::FoldOrOfICmps(), isKnownNonZero(), isKnownToBeAPowerOfTwo(), SimplifyAndInst(), simplifyValueKnownNonZero(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitICmpInst(), and llvm::InstCombiner::visitURem().

static bool llvm::isLeaMem ( const MachineInstr *  MI,
unsigned  Op 
) [inline, static]
bool llvm::isMallocLikeFn ( const Value V,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI,
bool  LookThroughBitCast = false 

Tests if a value is a call or invoke to a library function that allocates uninitialized memory (such as malloc).

Definition at line 168 of file MemoryBuiltins.cpp.

References getAllocationData(), and MallocLike.

Referenced by extractMallocCall(), getMallocArraySize(), getMallocType(), and llvm::MemoryDependenceAnalysis::getPointerDependencyFrom().

bool llvm::isMask_32 ( uint32_t  Value) [inline]

isMask_32 - This function returns true if the argument is a sequence of ones starting at the least significant bit with the remainder zero (32 bit version). Ex. isMask_32(0x0000FFFFU) == true.

Definition at line 337 of file MathExtras.h.

Referenced by isImmMskBitp(), and isShiftedMask_32().

bool llvm::isMask_64 ( uint64_t  Value) [inline]

isMask_64 - This function returns true if the argument is a sequence of ones starting at the least significant bit with the remainder zero (64 bit version).

Definition at line 344 of file MathExtras.h.

Referenced by llvm::AArch64TargetLowering::isDesirableToCommuteWithShift(), isSeveralBitsExtractOpFromShr(), isShiftedMask_64(), and PerformAndCombine().

static bool llvm::isMem ( const MachineInstr *  MI,
unsigned  Op 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 351 of file NVPTXUtilities.cpp.

Referenced by skipPointerTransfer().

int llvm::IsNAN ( float  f)

Platform-independent wrappers for the C99 isnan() function.

Definition at line 31 of file IsNAN.cpp.

int llvm::IsNAN ( double  d)

Definition at line 32 of file IsNAN.cpp.

isNoAliasArgument - Return true if this is an argument with the noalias attribute.

Definition at line 525 of file AliasAnalysis.cpp.

References llvm::ARM_PROC::A.

Referenced by isIdentifiedFunctionLocal().

isNoAliasCall - Return true if this pointer is returned by a noalias function.

Definition at line 516 of file AliasAnalysis.cpp.

References llvm::Attribute::NoAlias, and llvm::CallSiteBase< FunTy, ValTy, UserTy, InstrTy, CallTy, InvokeTy, IterTy >::paramHasAttr().

Referenced by isIdentifiedFunctionLocal(), isIdentifiedObject(), isNonEscapingLocalObject(), and PointerMayBeCaptured().

bool llvm::isNoAliasFn ( const Value V,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI,
bool  LookThroughBitCast = false 

Tests if a value is a call or invoke to a function that returns a NoAlias pointer (including malloc/calloc/realloc/strdup-like functions).

Definition at line 158 of file MemoryBuiltins.cpp.

References hasNoAliasAttr(), and isAllocationFn().

Referenced by llvm::MemoryDependenceAnalysis::getPointerDependencyFrom().

bool llvm::isOperatorNewLikeFn ( const Value V,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI,
bool  LookThroughBitCast = false 

Tests if a value is a call or invoke to a library function that allocates memory and never returns null (such as operator new).

Definition at line 196 of file MemoryBuiltins.cpp.

References getAllocationData(), and OpNewLike.

Referenced by isKnownNonNull().

static bool llvm::isPopOpcode ( int  Opc) [inline, static]

Definition at line 423 of file ARMBaseInstrInfo.h.

Referenced by isCSRestore(), and tryFoldSPUpdateIntoPushPop().

bool llvm::isPotentiallyReachable ( const Instruction From,
const Instruction To,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr,
const LoopInfo LI = nullptr 

Determine whether instruction 'To' is reachable from 'From', returning true if uncertain.

Determine whether there is a path from From to To within a single function. Returns false only if we can prove that once 'From' has been executed then 'To' can not be executed. Conservatively returns true.

This function is linear with respect to the number of blocks in the CFG, walking down successors from From to reach To, with a fixed threshold. Using DT or LI allows us to answer more quickly. LI reduces the cost of an entire loop of any number of blocsk to be the same as the cost of a single block. DT reduces the cost by allowing the search to terminate when we find a block that dominates the block containing 'To'. DT is most useful on branchy code but not loops, and LI is most useful on code with loops but does not help on branchy code outside loops.

Definition at line 186 of file CFG.cpp.

References llvm::BasicBlock::end(), llvm::Function::getEntryBlock(), llvm::LoopInfo::getLoopFor(), llvm::Instruction::getParent(), llvm::BasicBlock::getParent(), I, isPotentiallyReachableInner(), succ_begin(), and succ_end().

bool llvm::isPotentiallyReachable ( const BasicBlock From,
const BasicBlock To,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr,
const LoopInfo LI = nullptr 

Determine whether block 'To' is reachable from 'From', returning true if uncertain.

Determine whether there is a path from From to To within a single function. Returns false only if we can prove that once 'From' has been reached then 'To' can not be executed. Conservatively returns true.

Definition at line 174 of file CFG.cpp.

References llvm::BasicBlock::getParent(), isPotentiallyReachableInner(), and llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, isPodLike >::push_back().

bool llvm::isPowerOf2_32 ( uint32_t  Value) [inline]
bool llvm::isPowerOf2_64 ( uint64_t  Value) [inline]
static bool llvm::isPushOpcode ( int  Opc) [inline, static]

Definition at line 429 of file ARMBaseInstrInfo.h.

Referenced by tryFoldSPUpdateIntoPushPop().

bool llvm::isRawBitcode ( const unsigned char *  BufPtr,
const unsigned char *  BufEnd 
) [inline]

isRawBitcode - Return true if the given bytes are the magic bytes for raw LLVM IR bitcode (without a wrapper).

Definition at line 78 of file ReaderWriter.h.

Referenced by isBitcode().

bool llvm::isReallocLikeFn ( const Value V,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI,
bool  LookThroughBitCast = false 

Tests if a value is a call or invoke to a library function that reallocates memory (such as realloc).

Definition at line 189 of file MemoryBuiltins.cpp.

References getAllocationData(), and ReallocLike.

It is safe to destroy a constant iff it is only used by constants itself. Note that constants cannot be cyclic, so this test is pretty easy to implement recursively.

Definition at line 34 of file GlobalStatus.cpp.

References llvm::Value::users().

Referenced by analyzeGlobalAux(), CleanupConstantGlobalUsers(), CleanupPointerRootUsers(), and isSafeSROAElementUse().

Return true if the given expression is safe to expand in the sense that all materialized values are safe to speculate.

Definition at line 1855 of file ScalarEvolutionExpander.cpp.

References visitAll().

bool llvm::isSafeToLoadUnconditionally ( Value V,
Instruction ScanFrom,
unsigned  Align,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr 

isSafeToLoadUnconditionally - Return true if we know that executing a load from this value cannot trap. If it is not obviously safe to load from the specified pointer, we do a quick local scan of the basic block containing ScanFrom, to determine if the address is already accessed.

Definition at line 56 of file Loads.cpp.

References Align(), AreEquivalentAddressValues(), llvm::BasicBlock::begin(), llvm::SequentialType::getElementType(), llvm::Instruction::getParent(), GetPointerBaseWithConstantOffset(), llvm::DataLayout::getPrefTypeAlignment(), llvm::Value::getType(), llvm::DataLayout::getTypeStoreSize(), llvm::Type::isSized(), and LI.

Referenced by isSafePHIToSpeculate(), isSafeSelectToSpeculate(), and llvm::InstCombiner::visitLoadInst().

isSafeToSpeculativelyExecute - Return true if the instruction does not have any effects besides calculating the result and does not have undefined behavior.

This method never returns true for an instruction that returns true for mayHaveSideEffects; however, this method also does some other checks in addition. It checks for undefined behavior, like dividing by zero or loading from an invalid pointer (but not for undefined results, like a shift with a shift amount larger than the width of the result). It checks for malloc and alloca because speculatively executing them might cause a memory leak. It also returns false for instructions related to control flow, specifically terminators and PHI nodes.

This method only looks at the instruction itself and its operands, so if this method returns true, it is safe to move the instruction as long as the correct dominance relationships for the operands and users hold. However, this method can return true for instructions that read memory; for such instructions, moving them may change the resulting value.

Definition at line 2510 of file ValueTracking.cpp.

References Alloca, llvm::CallingConv::C, Call, computeKnownBits(), dyn_cast(), llvm::LibFunc::fabs, getBitWidth(), llvm::User::getNumOperands(), llvm::Operator::getOpcode(), llvm::User::getOperand(), llvm::Instruction::getParent(), llvm::BasicBlock::getParent(), llvm::LoadInst::getPointerOperand(), llvm::Value::getType(), llvm::Function::hasFnAttribute(), llvm::Value::isDereferenceablePointer(), isKnownNonZero(), llvm::LoadInst::isUnordered(), LandingPad, LI, llvm::SPII::Load, llvm::TargetOpcode::PHI, llvm::MipsISD::Ret, llvm::Attribute::SanitizeThread, llvm::LibFunc::sqrt, llvm::SPII::Store, and VAArg.

Referenced by llvm::IVUsers::AddUsersImpl(), CanPHITrans(), completeEphemeralValues(), ComputeSpeculationCost(), DominatesMergePoint(), FoldBranchToCommonDest(), HoistThenElseCodeToIf(), InstructionWillNotHaveChain(), isEphemeralValueOf(), isInTailCallPosition(), isValidAssumeForContext(), llvm::Loop::makeLoopInvariant(), shouldSpeculateInstrs(), and SpeculativelyExecuteBB().

static bool llvm::isScale ( const MachineOperand &  MO) [inline, static]

Definition at line 116 of file X86InstrInfo.h.

References llvm::MachineOperand::getImm(), and llvm::MachineOperand::isImm().

Referenced by isLeaMem().

template<unsigned N, unsigned S>
bool llvm::isShiftedInt ( int64_t  x) [inline]

isShiftedInt<N,S> - Checks if a signed integer is an N bit number shifted left by S.

Definition at line 292 of file MathExtras.h.

bool llvm::isShiftedMask_32 ( uint32_t  Value) [inline]

isShiftedMask_32 - This function returns true if the argument contains a sequence of ones with the remainder zero (32 bit version.) Ex. isShiftedMask_32(0x0000FF00U) == true.

Definition at line 351 of file MathExtras.h.

References isMask_32().

bool llvm::isShiftedMask_64 ( uint64_t  Value) [inline]

isShiftedMask_64 - This function returns true if the argument contains a sequence of ones with the remainder zero (64 bit version.)

Definition at line 357 of file MathExtras.h.

References isMask_64().

Referenced by isBitfieldPositioningOp(), and isShiftedMask().

template<unsigned N, unsigned S>
bool llvm::isShiftedUInt ( uint64_t  x) [inline]

isShiftedUInt<N,S> - Checks if a unsigned integer is an N bit number shifted left by S.

Definition at line 318 of file MathExtras.h.

Definition at line 142 of file NVPTXUtilities.cpp.

References findOneNVVMAnnotation(), PROPERTY_ISSURFACE, and PropertyAnnotationNames.

Referenced by INITIALIZE_PASS().

Definition at line 129 of file NVPTXUtilities.cpp.

References findOneNVVMAnnotation(), PROPERTY_ISTEXTURE, and PropertyAnnotationNames.

Referenced by INITIALIZE_PASS().

static bool llvm::isTriviallyVectorizable ( Intrinsic::ID  ID) [inline, static]

Identify if the intrinsic is trivially vectorizable.

This method returns true if the intrinsic's argument types are all scalars for the scalar form of the intrinsic and all vectors for the vector form of the intrinsic.

Definition at line 28 of file VectorUtils.h.

References llvm::LibFunc::ceil, llvm::LibFunc::copysign, llvm::LibFunc::cos, llvm::LibFunc::exp, llvm::LibFunc::exp2, llvm::LibFunc::fabs, llvm::LibFunc::floor, llvm::LibFunc::log, llvm::LibFunc::log10, llvm::LibFunc::log2, llvm::LibFunc::nearbyint, llvm::LibFunc::pow, llvm::LibFunc::rint, llvm::LibFunc::round, llvm::LibFunc::sin, llvm::LibFunc::sqrt, and llvm::LibFunc::trunc.

Referenced by getIntrinsicIDForCall().

template<unsigned N>
bool llvm::isUInt ( uint64_t  x) [inline]

isUInt - Checks if an unsigned integer fits into the given bit width.

Definition at line 298 of file MathExtras.h.

References N.

bool llvm::isUInt< 16 > ( uint64_t  x) [inline]
bool llvm::isUInt< 32 > ( uint64_t  x) [inline]

Definition at line 311 of file MathExtras.h.

Referenced by llvm::MCDwarfFrameEmitter::EncodeAdvanceLoc(), and foldImmediates().

bool llvm::isUInt< 8 > ( uint64_t  x) [inline]
bool llvm::isUIntN ( unsigned  N,
uint64_t  x 
) [inline]

isUIntN - Checks if an unsigned integer fits into the given (dynamic) bit width.

Definition at line 324 of file MathExtras.h.

Referenced by llvm::MCStreamer::EmitIntValue(), llvm::MCDwarfFrameEmitter::EncodeAdvanceLoc(), isExtendedBUILD_VECTOR(), and llvm::SelectionDAGBuilder::visitBitTestHeader().

static bool llvm::isUncondBranchOpcode ( int  Opc) [inline, static]
template<typename InstrType >
bool llvm::isV8EligibleForIT ( InstrType *  Instr) [inline]

Definition at line 25 of file ARMFeatures.h.

References IsCPSRDead().

Referenced by llvm::ARMBaseInstrInfo::isPredicable().

bool llvm::isValidAssumeForContext ( const Instruction I,
const Instruction CxtI,
const DataLayout DL = nullptr,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr 

Return true if it is valid to use the assumptions provided by an assume intrinsic, I, at the point in the control-flow identified by the context instruction, CxtI.

Definition at line 441 of file ValueTracking.cpp.

Referenced by computeKnownBitsFromAssume().

static bool llvm::isValidMCLOHType ( unsigned  Kind) [inline, static]
static std::string llvm::itostr ( int64_t  X) [inline, static]
static int llvm::jit_noop ( ) [static]
template<typename IteratorT >
std::string llvm::join ( IteratorT  Begin,
IteratorT  End,
StringRef  Separator 
) [inline]

Joins the strings in the range [Begin, End), adding Separator between the elements.

Definition at line 205 of file StringExtras.h.

References join_impl().

template<typename IteratorT >
std::string llvm::join_impl ( IteratorT  Begin,
IteratorT  End,
StringRef  Separator,
) [inline]

Definition at line 169 of file StringExtras.h.

Referenced by join().

template<typename IteratorT >
std::string llvm::join_impl ( IteratorT  Begin,
IteratorT  End,
StringRef  Separator,
) [inline]

Definition at line 184 of file StringExtras.h.

References I, and llvm::StringRef::size().

Creates an erlang-compatible garbage collector.

Definition at line 44 of file ErlangGC.cpp.

Creates an erlang-compatible metadata printer.

Definition at line 48 of file ErlangGCPrinter.cpp.

Creates an ocaml-compatible garbage collector.

FIXME: Collector instances are not useful on their own. These no longer serve any purpose except to link in the plugins.

Definition at line 32 of file OcamlGC.cpp.

Creates an ocaml-compatible metadata printer.

Definition at line 46 of file OcamlGCPrinter.cpp.

Creates a shadow stack garbage collector. This collector requires no code generator support.

Definition at line 196 of file ShadowStackGC.cpp.

lintFunction - Check a function for errors, printing messages on stderr.

fThe function to be checked

Definition at line 709 of file Lint.cpp.

References llvm::GlobalValue::getParent(), and llvm::GlobalValue::isDeclaration().

void llvm::lintModule ( const Module M)

Check a module.

This should only be used for debugging, because it plays games with PassManagers and stuff.

lintModule - Check a module for errors, printing messages on stderr.

MThe module to be checked

Definition at line 721 of file Lint.cpp.

void llvm::llvm_execute_on_thread ( void(*)(void *)  UserFn,
void *  UserData,
unsigned  RequestedStackSize = 0 

llvm_execute_on_thread - Execute the given UserFn on a separate thread, passing it the provided UserData.

This function does not guarantee that the code will actually be executed on a separate thread or honoring the requested stack size, but tries to do so where system support is available.

UserFn- The callback to execute.
UserData- An argument to pass to the callback function.
RequestedStackSize- If non-zero, a requested size (in bytes) for the thread stack.

Definition at line 44 of file Threading.cpp.

References ExecuteOnThread_Dispatch().

Referenced by llvm::CrashRecoveryContext::RunSafelyOnThread().

llvm_shutdown - Deallocate and destroy all ManagedStatic variables.

Definition at line 85 of file ManagedStatic.cpp.

References llvm::ManagedStaticBase::destroy(), getManagedStaticMutex(), Lock, and StaticList.

Referenced by LLVMShutdown(), and llvm::llvm_shutdown_obj::~llvm_shutdown_obj().

void llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal ( const char *  msg = nullptr,
const char *  file = nullptr,
unsigned  line = 0 

This function calls abort(), and prints the optional message to stderr. Use the llvm_unreachable macro (that adds location info), instead of calling this function directly.

Definition at line 105 of file ErrorHandling.cpp.

References dbgs().

static unsigned llvm::LO10 ( int64_t  imm) [inline, static]

Definition at line 121 of file Sparc.h.

Referenced by LOX10(), and replaceFI().

uint32_t llvm::Lo_32 ( uint64_t  Value) [inline]

Lo_32 - This function returns the low 32 bits of a 64 bit value.

Definition at line 260 of file MathExtras.h.

static cl::opt<PluginLoader, false, cl::parser<std::string> > llvm::LoadOpt ( "load"  ,
cl::ZeroOrMore  ,
cl::  value_desc"pluginfilename",
cl::  desc"Load the specified plugin" 
) [static]
unsigned llvm::Log2_32 ( uint32_t  Value) [inline]
unsigned llvm::Log2_32_Ceil ( uint32_t  Value) [inline]
unsigned llvm::Log2_64 ( uint64_t  Value) [inline]

Log2_64 - This function returns the floor log base 2 of the specified value, -1 if the value is zero. (64 bit edition.)

Definition at line 458 of file MathExtras.h.

References countLeadingZeros().

Referenced by llvm::FastISel::fastEmit_ri_(), genConstMult(), isConstVecPow2(), llvm::AArch64TargetLowering::isLegalAddressingMode(), matchRotateSub(), PerformMulCombine(), PerformVCVTCombine(), PerformVDIVCombine(), and llvm::FastISel::selectBinaryOp().

unsigned llvm::Log2_64_Ceil ( uint64_t  Value) [inline]

Log2_64_Ceil - This function returns the ceil log base 2 of the specified value, 64 if the value is zero. (64 bit edition.)

Definition at line 471 of file MathExtras.h.

References countLeadingZeros().

Referenced by genConstMult(), and llvm::ArrayRecycler< T, Align >::Capacity::get().

void llvm::LowerPPCMachineInstrToMCInst ( const MachineInstr MI,
MCInst OutMI,
AsmPrinter AP,
bool  isDarwin 
static unsigned llvm::LOX10 ( int64_t  imm) [inline, static]

Definition at line 129 of file Sparc.h.

References LO10().

Referenced by replaceFI().

uint64_t llvm::Make_64 ( uint32_t  High,
uint32_t  Low 
) [inline]

Make_64 - This functions makes a 64-bit integer from a high / low pair of 32-bit integers.

Definition at line 266 of file MathExtras.h.

std::error_code llvm::make_error_code ( instrprof_error  E) [inline]

Definition at line 40 of file InstrProf.h.

References instrprof_category().

std::error_code llvm::make_error_code ( errc  E) [inline]

Definition at line 78 of file Errc.h.

std::error_code llvm::make_error_code ( BitcodeError  E) [inline]
template<class T >
iterator_range<T> llvm::make_range ( T  x,
T  y 
template<class T >
std::enable_if<!std::is_array<T>::value, std::unique_ptr<T> >::type llvm::make_unique ( )

Definition at line 421 of file STLExtras.h.

References T.

Referenced by llvm::RuntimeDyldELF::createObjectImage().

template<class T , class Arg1 >
std::enable_if<!std::is_array<T>::value, std::unique_ptr<T> >::type llvm::make_unique ( Arg1 &&  arg1)

Definition at line 427 of file STLExtras.h.

References T.

template<class T , class Arg1 , class Arg2 >
std::enable_if<!std::is_array<T>::value, std::unique_ptr<T> >::type llvm::make_unique ( Arg1 &&  arg1,
Arg2 &&  arg2 

Definition at line 433 of file STLExtras.h.

References T.

template<class T , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 >
std::enable_if<!std::is_array<T>::value, std::unique_ptr<T> >::type llvm::make_unique ( Arg1 &&  arg1,
Arg2 &&  arg2,
Arg3 &&  arg3 

Definition at line 440 of file STLExtras.h.

References T.

template<class T , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 >
std::enable_if<!std::is_array<T>::value, std::unique_ptr<T> >::type llvm::make_unique ( Arg1 &&  arg1,
Arg2 &&  arg2,
Arg3 &&  arg3,
Arg4 &&  arg4 

Definition at line 448 of file STLExtras.h.

References T.

template<class T , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 , class Arg5 >
std::enable_if<!std::is_array<T>::value, std::unique_ptr<T> >::type llvm::make_unique ( Arg1 &&  arg1,
Arg2 &&  arg2,
Arg3 &&  arg3,
Arg4 &&  arg4,
Arg5 &&  arg5 

Definition at line 456 of file STLExtras.h.

References T.

template<class T , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 , class Arg5 , class Arg6 >
std::enable_if<!std::is_array<T>::value, std::unique_ptr<T> >::type llvm::make_unique ( Arg1 &&  arg1,
Arg2 &&  arg2,
Arg3 &&  arg3,
Arg4 &&  arg4,
Arg5 &&  arg5,
Arg6 &&  arg6 

Definition at line 466 of file STLExtras.h.

References T.

template<class T , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 , class Arg5 , class Arg6 , class Arg7 >
std::enable_if<!std::is_array<T>::value, std::unique_ptr<T> >::type llvm::make_unique ( Arg1 &&  arg1,
Arg2 &&  arg2,
Arg3 &&  arg3,
Arg4 &&  arg4,
Arg5 &&  arg5,
Arg6 &&  arg6,
Arg7 &&  arg7 

Definition at line 477 of file STLExtras.h.

References T.

template<class T , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 , class Arg5 , class Arg6 , class Arg7 , class Arg8 >
std::enable_if<!std::is_array<T>::value, std::unique_ptr<T> >::type llvm::make_unique ( Arg1 &&  arg1,
Arg2 &&  arg2,
Arg3 &&  arg3,
Arg4 &&  arg4,
Arg5 &&  arg5,
Arg6 &&  arg6,
Arg7 &&  arg7,
Arg8 &&  arg8 

Definition at line 489 of file STLExtras.h.

References T.

template<class T , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 , class Arg5 , class Arg6 , class Arg7 , class Arg8 , class Arg9 >
std::enable_if<!std::is_array<T>::value, std::unique_ptr<T> >::type llvm::make_unique ( Arg1 &&  arg1,
Arg2 &&  arg2,
Arg3 &&  arg3,
Arg4 &&  arg4,
Arg5 &&  arg5,
Arg6 &&  arg6,
Arg7 &&  arg7,
Arg8 &&  arg8,
Arg9 &&  arg9 

Definition at line 501 of file STLExtras.h.

References T.

template<class T , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 , class Arg5 , class Arg6 , class Arg7 , class Arg8 , class Arg9 , class Arg10 >
std::enable_if<!std::is_array<T>::value, std::unique_ptr<T> >::type llvm::make_unique ( Arg1 &&  arg1,
Arg2 &&  arg2,
Arg3 &&  arg3,
Arg4 &&  arg4,
Arg5 &&  arg5,
Arg6 &&  arg6,
Arg7 &&  arg7,
Arg8 &&  arg8,
Arg9 &&  arg9,
Arg10 &&  arg10 

Definition at line 514 of file STLExtras.h.

References T.

template<class T >
std::enable_if<std::is_array<T>::value &&std::extent<T>::value == 0, std::unique_ptr<T> >::type llvm::make_unique ( size_t  n)

Definition at line 527 of file STLExtras.h.

template<typename T >
std::vector<T> llvm::make_vector ( T  A,
) [inline]

make_vector - Helper function which is useful for building temporary vectors to pass into type construction of CallInst ctors. This turns a null terminated list of pointers (or other value types) into a real live vector.

Definition at line 70 of file NVPTXUtilities.h.

References T.

template<typename T >
ArrayRef<T> llvm::makeArrayRef ( const T OneElt)

Construct an ArrayRef from a single element.

Definition at line 345 of file ArrayRef.h.

Referenced by llvm::APInt::APInt(), appendToGlobalArray(), BuildSubAggregate(), CombineBaseUpdate(), CombineVLDDUP(), llvm::APFloat::convertFromZeroExtendedInteger(), createCast(), DecodeFixedType(), llvm::Instruction::dropUnknownMetadata(), llvm::StringRef::edit_distance(), llvm::ARMSelectionDAGInfo::EmitTargetCodeForMemcpy(), llvm::ARM::WinEH::ExceptionDataRecord::EpilogueScopes(), ExtractSubVector(), llvm::MD5::final(), FindInsertedValue(), GenerateTBL(), get64BitArgumentGPRs(), get64BitArgumentXMMs(), getBuildVectorSplat(), llvm::ConstantExpr::getGetElementPtr(), llvm::ShuffleVectorSDNode::getMask(), llvm::MachineTraceMetrics::getProcResourceCycles(), llvm::MachineTraceMetrics::Ensemble::getProcResourceDepths(), llvm::MachineTraceMetrics::Ensemble::getProcResourceHeights(), llvm::TargetRegisterClass::getRawAllocationOrder(), llvm::object::ELFFile< ELFT >::getSectionContents(), llvm::object::MachOObjectFile::getSectionRawFinalSegmentName(), llvm::object::MachOObjectFile::getSectionRawName(), llvm::ConstantDataArray::getString(), llvm::object::COFFObjectFile::getSymbolAuxData(), getTypePartition(), llvm::MipsTargetLowering::MipsCC::intArgRegs(), LLVMBuildCall(), LLVMBuildInvoke(), LLVMConstExtractValue(), LLVMConstInsertValue(), LLVMConstIntOfArbitraryPrecision(), LLVMConstNamedStruct(), LLVMConstStructInContext(), LLVMConstVector(), LLVMMDNodeInContext(), llvm::SystemZTargetLowering::LowerFormalArguments(), lowerMSASplatZExt(), llvm::SDNode::ops(), performANDCombine(), performNEONPostLDSTCombine(), performSRACombine(), PrepareCall(), llvm::SMDiagnostic::print(), llvm::AttributeSetNode::Profile(), llvm::AttributeSetImpl::Profile(), llvm::RawInstrProfReader< IntPtrT >::readNextRecord(), llvm::coverage::ObjectFileCoverageMappingReader::readNextRecord(), llvm::LiveRangeEdit::regs(), SymbolicallyEvaluateGEP(), llvm::APFloat::toString(), llvm::ARM::WinEH::ExceptionDataRecord::UnwindByteCode(), llvm::MD5::update(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitCallInst(), and llvm::InstCombiner::visitExtractValueInst().

template<typename T >
ArrayRef<T> llvm::makeArrayRef ( const T data,
size_t  length 

Construct an ArrayRef from a pointer and length.

Definition at line 351 of file ArrayRef.h.

template<typename T >
ArrayRef<T> llvm::makeArrayRef ( const T begin,
const T end 

Construct an ArrayRef from a range.

Definition at line 357 of file ArrayRef.h.

References llvm::sys::path::begin(), and llvm::sys::path::end().

template<typename T >
ArrayRef<T> llvm::makeArrayRef ( const SmallVectorImpl< T > &  Vec)

Construct an ArrayRef from a SmallVector.

Definition at line 363 of file ArrayRef.h.

template<typename T , unsigned N>
ArrayRef<T> llvm::makeArrayRef ( const SmallVector< T, N > &  Vec)

Construct an ArrayRef from a SmallVector.

Definition at line 369 of file ArrayRef.h.

template<typename T >
ArrayRef<T> llvm::makeArrayRef ( const std::vector< T > &  Vec)

Construct an ArrayRef from a std::vector.

Definition at line 375 of file ArrayRef.h.

template<typename T , size_t N>
ArrayRef<T> llvm::makeArrayRef ( const T(&)  Arr[N])

Construct an ArrayRef from a C array.

Definition at line 381 of file ArrayRef.h.

template<class ItTy , class FuncTy >
mapped_iterator<ItTy, FuncTy> llvm::map_iterator ( const ItTy &  I,
FuncTy  F 
) [inline]
Value * llvm::MapValue ( const Value V,
ValueToValueMapTy VM,
RemapFlags  Flags = RF_None,
ValueMapTypeRemapper TypeMapper = nullptr,
ValueMaterializer Materializer = nullptr 
MDNode* llvm::MapValue ( const MDNode *  V,
ValueToValueMapTy &  VM,
RemapFlags  Flags = RF_None,
ValueMapTypeRemapper *  TypeMapper = nullptr,
ValueMaterializer *  Materializer = nullptr 
) [inline]

MapValue - provide versions that preserve type safety for MDNode and Constants.

Definition at line 81 of file ValueMapper.h.

References MapValue().

Constant* llvm::MapValue ( const Constant *  V,
ValueToValueMapTy &  VM,
RemapFlags  Flags = RF_None,
ValueMapTypeRemapper *  TypeMapper = nullptr,
ValueMaterializer *  Materializer = nullptr 
) [inline]

Definition at line 88 of file ValueMapper.h.

References MapValue().

std::error_code llvm::mapWindowsError ( unsigned  EV)
bool llvm::MaskedValueIsZero ( Value V,
const APInt Mask,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
unsigned  Depth = 0,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr,
const Instruction CxtI = nullptr,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr 

MaskedValueIsZero - Return true if 'V & Mask' is known to be zero. We use this predicate to simplify operations downstream. Mask is known to be zero for bits that V cannot have.

This function is defined on values with integer type, values with pointer type (but only if TD is non-null), and vectors of integers. In the case where V is a vector, the mask, known zero, and known one values are the same width as the vector element, and the bit is set only if it is true for all of the elements in the vector.

Definition at line 147 of file ValueTracking.cpp.

References safeCxtI().

Referenced by CanEvaluateShifted(), GetLinearExpression(), llvm::InstCombiner::MaskedValueIsZero(), SimplifyOrInst(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitAdd(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitAnd(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitAShr(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitLShr(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitMul(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitOr(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitSDiv(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitShl(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitSRem(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitXor(), and llvm::InstCombiner::visitZExt().

static StringRef llvm::MCLOHDirectiveName ( ) [inline, static]

Definition at line 44 of file MCLinkerOptimizationHint.h.

static StringRef llvm::MCLOHIdToName ( MCLOHType  Kind) [inline, static]

Definition at line 66 of file MCLinkerOptimizationHint.h.

References MCLOHCaseIdToName.

static int llvm::MCLOHIdToNbArgs ( MCLOHType  Kind) [inline, static]
static int llvm::MCLOHNameToId ( StringRef  Name) [inline, static]

Definition at line 52 of file MCLinkerOptimizationHint.h.

References MCLOHCaseNameToId, and Name.

void llvm::MergeBasicBlockIntoOnlyPred ( BasicBlock DestBB,
Pass P = nullptr 

MergeBasicBlockIntoOnlyPred - BB is a block with one predecessor and its predecessor is known to have one successor (BB!). Eliminate the edge between them, moving the instructions in the predecessor into BB. This deletes the predecessor block.

MergeBasicBlockIntoOnlyPred - DestBB is a block with one predecessor and its predecessor is known to have one successor (DestBB!). Eliminate the edge between them, moving the instructions in the predecessor into DestBB and deleting the predecessor block.

Definition at line 489 of file Local.cpp.

References llvm::BasicBlock::begin(), llvm::DominatorTreeBase< NodeT >::changeImmediateDominator(), llvm::BlockAddress::destroyConstant(), llvm::Instruction::eraseFromParent(), llvm::BasicBlock::eraseFromParent(), llvm::DominatorTreeBase< NodeT >::eraseNode(), llvm::ConstantInt::get(), llvm::BlockAddress::get(), llvm::UndefValue::get(), llvm::Pass::getAnalysisIfAvailable(), llvm::DomTreeNodeBase< NodeT >::getBlock(), llvm::Value::getContext(), llvm::Function::getEntryBlock(), llvm::DomTreeNodeBase< NodeT >::getIDom(), llvm::BasicBlock::getInstList(), llvm::Type::getInt32Ty(), llvm::ConstantExpr::getIntToPtr(), llvm::DominatorTreeBase< NodeT >::getNode(), llvm::BasicBlock::getParent(), llvm::BasicBlock::getSinglePredecessor(), llvm::BasicBlock::getTerminator(), llvm::Value::getType(), llvm::BasicBlock::hasAddressTaken(), llvm::BasicBlock::moveAfter(), llvm::Value::replaceAllUsesWith(), and llvm::iplist< NodeTy, Traits >::splice().

bool llvm::MergeBlockIntoPredecessor ( BasicBlock BB,
Pass P = nullptr 
uint64_t llvm::MinAlign ( uint64_t  A,
uint64_t  B 
) [inline]
template<class T , class V >
std::enable_if< !std::is_constructible< T, V >::value, typename std::remove_reference< V >::type >::type & llvm::moveIfMoveConstructible ( V &  Val)

Definition at line 29 of file ErrorOr.h.

uint64_t llvm::NextPowerOf2 ( uint64_t  A) [inline]
static float llvm::normalizeSpillWeight ( float  UseDefFreq,
unsigned  Size 
) [inline, static]

Normalize the spill weight of a live interval.

The spill weight of a live interval is computed as:

(sum(use freq) + sum(def freq)) / (K + size)

UseDefFreqExpected number of executed use and def instructions per function call. Derived from block frequencies.
SizeSize of live interval as returnexd by getSize()

Definition at line 34 of file CalcSpillWeights.h.

References llvm::SlotIndex::InstrDist.

static const char* llvm::NVPTXCondCodeToString ( NVPTXCC::CondCodes  CC) [inline, static]
template<class C >
void* llvm::object_creator ( )

object_creator - Helper method for ManagedStatic.

Definition at line 25 of file ManagedStatic.h.

References llvm::CallingConv::C.

uint64_t llvm::OffsetToAlignment ( uint64_t  Value,
uint64_t  Align 
) [inline]

Returns the offset to the next integer (mod 2**64) that is greater than or equal to Value and is a multiple of Align. Align must be non-zero.

Definition at line 607 of file MathExtras.h.

References RoundUpToAlignment().

Referenced by llvm::MCAssembler::computeFragmentSize(), llvm::OnDiskChainedHashTableGenerator< Info >::Emit(), llvm::RuntimeDyldImpl::emitCommonSymbols(), llvm::MachObjectWriter::getPaddingSize(), llvm::MachObjectWriter::WriteLinkerOptionsLoadCommand(), and llvm::MachObjectWriter::WriteObject().

onlyUsedByLifetimeMarkers - Return true if the only users of this pointer are lifetime markers.

Definition at line 2498 of file ValueTracking.cpp.

References dyn_cast(), llvm::IntrinsicInst::getIntrinsicID(), and llvm::Value::users().

Referenced by isAllocaPromotable(), and tryToMakeAllocaBePromotable().

bool llvm::operator!= ( const MCTargetOptions &  LHS,
const MCTargetOptions &  RHS 
) [inline]

Definition at line 52 of file MCTargetOptions.h.

bool llvm::operator!= ( const MachineLocation &  LHS,
const MachineLocation &  RHS 
) [inline]

Definition at line 77 of file MachineLocation.h.

template<typename T , typename U >
void llvm::operator!= ( const Optional< T > &  X,
const Optional< U > &  Y 

Poison comparison between two Optional objects. Clients needs to explicitly compare the underlying values and account for empty Optional objects.

This routine will never be defined. It returns void to help diagnose errors at compile time.

template<typename PT1 , typename PT2 >
static bool llvm::operator!= ( PointerUnion< PT1, PT2 >  lhs,
PointerUnion< PT1, PT2 >  rhs 
) [static]

Definition at line 193 of file PointerUnion.h.

References llvm::PointerUnion< PT1, PT2 >::getOpaqueValue().

template<class T , class U >
bool llvm::operator!= ( const IntrusiveRefCntPtr< T > &  A,
const IntrusiveRefCntPtr< U > &  B 
) [inline]

Definition at line 210 of file IntrusiveRefCntPtr.h.

References llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr< T >::get().

template<class T , class U >
bool llvm::operator!= ( const IntrusiveRefCntPtr< T > &  A,
U *  B 
) [inline]

Definition at line 224 of file IntrusiveRefCntPtr.h.

References llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr< T >::get().

template<class T , class U >
bool llvm::operator!= ( T A,
const IntrusiveRefCntPtr< U > &  B 
) [inline]

Definition at line 238 of file IntrusiveRefCntPtr.h.

References llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr< T >::get().

template<typename T >
bool llvm::operator!= ( const T LHS,
const ilist_iterator< const T > &  RHS 

Definition at line 252 of file ilist.h.

template<class T >
bool llvm::operator!= ( std::nullptr_t  A,
const IntrusiveRefCntPtr< T > &  B 

Definition at line 255 of file IntrusiveRefCntPtr.h.

template<typename T >
bool llvm::operator!= ( T LHS,
const ilist_iterator< T > &  RHS 

Definition at line 260 of file ilist.h.

References llvm::ilist_iterator< NodeTy >::getNodePtrUnchecked().

template<class T >
bool llvm::operator!= ( const IntrusiveRefCntPtr< T > &  A,
std::nullptr_t  B 

Definition at line 260 of file IntrusiveRefCntPtr.h.

bool llvm::operator!= ( const TargetOptions &  LHS,
const TargetOptions &  RHS 
) [inline]

Definition at line 268 of file TargetOptions.h.

bool llvm::operator!= ( int64_t  V1,
const APSInt &  V2 
) [inline]

Definition at line 295 of file APSInt.h.

template<typename T >
bool llvm::operator!= ( ArrayRef< T LHS,
ArrayRef< T RHS 
) [inline]

Definition at line 393 of file ArrayRef.h.

bool llvm::operator!= ( StringRef  LHS,
StringRef  RHS 
) [inline]

Definition at line 524 of file StringRef.h.

bool llvm::operator!= ( uint64_t  V1,
const APInt &  V2 
) [inline]

Definition at line 1720 of file APInt.h.

SmallBitVector llvm::operator& ( const SmallBitVector &  LHS,
const SmallBitVector &  RHS 
) [inline]

Definition at line 575 of file SmallBitVector.h.

template<unsigned ElementSize>
SparseBitVector<ElementSize> llvm::operator& ( const SparseBitVector< ElementSize > &  LHS,
const SparseBitVector< ElementSize > &  RHS 
) [inline]

Definition at line 862 of file SparseBitVector.h.

template<unsigned ElementSize>
bool llvm::operator&= ( SparseBitVector< ElementSize > *  LHS,
const SparseBitVector< ElementSize > &  RHS 
) [inline]

Definition at line 838 of file SparseBitVector.h.

template<unsigned ElementSize>
bool llvm::operator&= ( SparseBitVector< ElementSize > &  LHS,
const SparseBitVector< ElementSize > *  RHS 
) [inline]

Definition at line 844 of file SparseBitVector.h.

template<typename T >
void llvm::operator+ ( int  ,
ilist_iterator< T  
template<typename T >
void llvm::operator+ ( ilist_iterator< T ,
template<class _Iterator , class Func >
mapped_iterator<_Iterator, Func> llvm::operator+ ( typename mapped_iterator< _Iterator, Func >::difference_type  N,
const mapped_iterator< _Iterator, Func > &  X 
) [inline]
Twine llvm::operator+ ( const Twine &  LHS,
const Twine &  RHS 
) [inline]

Definition at line 502 of file Twine.h.

References llvm::Twine::concat().

Twine llvm::operator+ ( const char *  LHS,
const StringRef &  RHS 
) [inline]

Additional overload to guarantee simplified codegen; this is equivalent to concat().

Definition at line 509 of file Twine.h.

Twine llvm::operator+ ( const StringRef &  LHS,
const char *  RHS 
) [inline]

Additional overload to guarantee simplified codegen; this is equivalent to concat().

Definition at line 516 of file Twine.h.

std::string& llvm::operator+= ( std::string &  buffer,
StringRef  string 
) [inline]

Definition at line 544 of file StringRef.h.

template<typename T >
void llvm::operator- ( int  ,
ilist_iterator< T  
template<typename T >
void llvm::operator- ( ilist_iterator< T ,
template<unsigned ElementSize>
SparseBitVector<ElementSize> llvm::operator- ( const SparseBitVector< ElementSize > &  LHS,
const SparseBitVector< ElementSize > &  RHS 
) [inline]
template<typename T , typename U >
void llvm::operator< ( const Optional< T > &  X,
const Optional< U > &  Y 

Poison comparison between two Optional objects. Clients needs to explicitly compare the underlying values and account for empty Optional objects.

This routine will never be defined. It returns void to help diagnose errors at compile time.

bool llvm::operator< ( const DebugLocEntry::Value &  A,
const DebugLocEntry::Value &  B 
) [inline]

Compare two pieces based on their offset.

Definition at line 164 of file DebugLocEntry.h.

References llvm::DIVariable::getPieceOffset(), and llvm::DebugLocEntry::Value::getVariable().

bool llvm::operator< ( SlotIndex  V,
const IdxMBBPair &  IM 
) [inline]

Definition at line 317 of file SlotIndexes.h.

bool llvm::operator< ( const IdxMBBPair &  IM,
SlotIndex  V 
) [inline]

Definition at line 321 of file SlotIndexes.h.

bool llvm::operator< ( StringRef  LHS,
StringRef  RHS 
) [inline]

Definition at line 528 of file StringRef.h.

References llvm::StringRef::compare().

bool llvm::operator< ( SlotIndex  V,
const LiveRange::Segment &  S 
) [inline]

Definition at line 573 of file LiveInterval.h.

References llvm::LiveRange::Segment::start.

bool llvm::operator< ( const LiveRange::Segment &  S,
SlotIndex  V 
) [inline]

Definition at line 577 of file LiveInterval.h.

References llvm::LiveRange::Segment::start.

MCStreamer & llvm::operator<< ( MCStreamer OS,
MipsABIFlagsSection ABIFlagsSection 
raw_ostream& llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  OS,
const MCLabel &  Label 
) [inline]

Definition at line 52 of file MCLabel.h.

References llvm::MCLabel::print().

raw_ostream& llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  OS,
const Comdat &  C 
) [inline]

Definition at line 59 of file Comdat.h.

raw_ostream& llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  OS,
const MachineConstantPoolValue &  V 
) [inline]

Definition at line 65 of file MachineConstantPool.h.

References llvm::MachineConstantPoolValue::print().

raw_ostream& llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  OS,
const MCParsedAsmOperand &  MO 
) [inline]

Definition at line 80 of file MCParsedAsmOperand.h.

References llvm::MCParsedAsmOperand::print().

raw_ostream& llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  OS,
const BranchProbability &  Prob 
) [inline]

Definition at line 83 of file BranchProbability.h.

References llvm::BranchProbability::print().

raw_ostream& llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  OS,
const MCExpr &  E 
) [inline]

Definition at line 127 of file MCExpr.h.

References llvm::MCExpr::print().

raw_ostream& llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  O,
const ARMConstantPoolValue &  V 
) [inline]

Definition at line 128 of file ARMConstantPoolValue.h.

References llvm::ARMConstantPoolValue::print().

raw_ostream& llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  OS,
const RecTy &  Ty 
) [inline]

Definition at line 135 of file Record.h.

References llvm::RecTy::print().

raw_ostream& llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  OS,
const LivePhysRegs &  LR 
) [inline]

Definition at line 139 of file LivePhysRegs.h.

References llvm::LivePhysRegs::print().

raw_ostream& llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  OS,
const SCEV &  S 
) [inline]

Definition at line 152 of file ScalarEvolution.h.

References llvm::SCEV::print().

template<class NodeT >
raw_ostream& llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  o,
const DomTreeNodeBase< NodeT > *  Node 
) [inline]
raw_ostream& llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  OS,
const MCSymbol &  Sym 
) [inline]

Definition at line 159 of file MCSymbol.h.

References llvm::MCSymbol::print().

raw_ostream& llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  OS,
const VirtRegMap &  VRM 
) [inline]

Definition at line 184 of file VirtRegMap.h.

References llvm::VirtRegMap::print().

LLVM_DUMP_METHOD raw_ostream & llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream OS,
const ILPValue Val 

Definition at line 1536 of file ScheduleDAGInstrs.cpp.

References llvm::ILPValue::print().

raw_ostream& llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  OS,
const MCOperand &  MO 
) [inline]

Definition at line 192 of file MCInst.h.

References llvm::MCOperand::print().

raw_ostream& llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  OS,
const MCInst &  MI 
) [inline]

Definition at line 197 of file MCInst.h.

References llvm::MCInst::print().

raw_ostream & llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream OS,
const MachineMemOperand MRO 

Definition at line 477 of file MachineInstr.cpp.

raw_ostream& llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  OS,
const ConstantRange &  CR 
) [inline]

Definition at line 265 of file ConstantRange.h.

References llvm::ConstantRange::print().

raw_ostream& llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  OS,
const AliasSet &  AS 
) [inline]

Definition at line 276 of file AliasSetTracker.h.

References llvm::AliasSet::print().

raw_ostream & llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream OS,
const LVILatticeVal &  Val 

Definition at line 281 of file LazyValueInfo.cpp.

raw_ostream& llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  OS,
const APSInt &  I 
) [inline]

Definition at line 299 of file APSInt.h.

References llvm::APSInt::isSigned(), and llvm::APInt::print().

raw_ostream& llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  os,
SlotIndex  li 
) [inline]

Definition at line 310 of file SlotIndexes.h.

References llvm::SlotIndex::print().

template<class BlockT , class LoopT >
raw_ostream& llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  OS,
const LoopBase< BlockT, LoopT > &  Loop 

Definition at line 343 of file LoopInfo.h.

References llvm::LoopBase< BlockT, LoopT >::print().

raw_ostream& llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  OS,
const MachineTraceMetrics::Trace &  Tr 
) [inline]

Definition at line 385 of file MachineTraceMetrics.h.

References llvm::MachineTraceMetrics::Trace::print().

raw_ostream& llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  OS,
const MachineTraceMetrics::Ensemble &  En 
) [inline]
static raw_ostream& llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  OS,
Type T 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 426 of file Type.h.

References llvm::Type::print().

raw_ostream& llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  OS,
const AliasSetTracker &  AST 
) [inline]

Definition at line 432 of file AliasSetTracker.h.

References llvm::AliasSetTracker::print().

raw_ostream& llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  OS,
const Value &  V 
) [inline]

Definition at line 495 of file Value.h.

References llvm::Value::print().

raw_ostream& llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  OS,
const Twine &  RHS 
) [inline]

Definition at line 520 of file Twine.h.

References llvm::Twine::print().

raw_ostream& llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  OS,
const LiveRange &  LR 
) [inline]

Definition at line 521 of file LiveInterval.h.

References llvm::LiveRange::print().

raw_ostream& llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  OS,
const Init &  I 
) [inline]

Definition at line 554 of file Record.h.

References llvm::Init::print().

raw_ostream& llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  OS,
const LiveInterval &  LI 
) [inline]

Definition at line 566 of file LiveInterval.h.

References llvm::LiveInterval::print().

raw_ostream & llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream OS,
const LiveRange::Segment S 
raw_ostream& llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  OS,
const LiveRangeUpdater &  X 
) [inline]

Definition at line 635 of file LiveInterval.h.

References llvm::LiveRangeUpdater::print().

template<class Tr >
raw_ostream & llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  OS,
const RegionNodeBase< Tr > &  Node 
) [inline]
raw_ostream& llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  O,
const Module &  M 
) [inline]

An raw_ostream inserter for modules.

Definition at line 643 of file Module.h.

References llvm::Module::print().

raw_ostream & llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream OS,
const MachineBasicBlock MBB 

Definition at line 69 of file MachineBasicBlock.cpp.

References llvm::MachineBasicBlock::print().

raw_ostream& llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  OS,
const MachineOperand &  MO 
) [inline]

Definition at line 718 of file MachineOperand.h.

References llvm::MachineOperand::print().

template<class DigitsT >
raw_ostream& llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  OS,
const ScaledNumber< DigitsT > &  X 

Definition at line 741 of file ScaledNumber.h.

References X.

static raw_ostream& llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  OS,
const PrintReg &  PR 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 917 of file TargetRegisterInfo.h.

References llvm::PrintReg::print().

static raw_ostream& llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  OS,
const PrintRegUnit &  PR 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 941 of file TargetRegisterInfo.h.

References llvm::PrintRegUnit::print().

static raw_ostream& llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  OS,
const PrintVRegOrUnit &  PR 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 955 of file TargetRegisterInfo.h.

References llvm::PrintVRegOrUnit::print().

raw_ostream& llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream OS,
const MCFixup AF 
raw_ostream& llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  OS,
const MachineInstr &  MI 
) [inline]

Definition at line 1220 of file MachineInstr.h.

References llvm::MachineInstr::print().

raw_ostream& llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  OS,
const RecordVal &  RV 
) [inline]

Definition at line 1379 of file Record.h.

References llvm::RecordVal::print().

raw_ostream & llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream OS,
const Record R 
raw_ostream& llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  OS,
const APInt &  I 
) [inline]

Definition at line 1722 of file APInt.h.

References llvm::APInt::print().

raw_ostream & llvm::operator<< ( raw_ostream OS,
const RecordKeeper RK 
template<typename T , typename U >
void llvm::operator<= ( const Optional< T > &  X,
const Optional< U > &  Y 

Poison comparison between two Optional objects. Clients needs to explicitly compare the underlying values and account for empty Optional objects.

This routine will never be defined. It returns void to help diagnose errors at compile time.

bool llvm::operator<= ( StringRef  LHS,
StringRef  RHS 
) [inline]

Definition at line 532 of file StringRef.h.

References llvm::StringRef::compare().

bool llvm::operator== ( const MCTargetOptions &  LHS,
const MCTargetOptions &  RHS 
) [inline]

Definition at line 37 of file MCTargetOptions.h.

References ARE_EQUAL, DwarfVersion(), and ShowMCInst().

template<typename T , typename U >
void llvm::operator== ( const Optional< T > &  X,
const Optional< U > &  Y 

Poison comparison between two Optional objects. Clients needs to explicitly compare the underlying values and account for empty Optional objects.

This routine will never be defined. It returns void to help diagnose errors at compile time.

bool llvm::operator== ( const DebugLocEntry::Value &  A,
const DebugLocEntry::Value &  B 
) [inline]
template<typename PT1 , typename PT2 >
static bool llvm::operator== ( PointerUnion< PT1, PT2 >  lhs,
PointerUnion< PT1, PT2 >  rhs 
) [static]

Definition at line 187 of file PointerUnion.h.

References llvm::PointerUnion< PT1, PT2 >::getOpaqueValue().

template<class T , class U >
bool llvm::operator== ( const IntrusiveRefCntPtr< T > &  A,
const IntrusiveRefCntPtr< U > &  B 
) [inline]

Definition at line 203 of file IntrusiveRefCntPtr.h.

References llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr< T >::get().

template<class T , class U >
bool llvm::operator== ( const IntrusiveRefCntPtr< T > &  A,
U *  B 
) [inline]

Definition at line 217 of file IntrusiveRefCntPtr.h.

References llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr< T >::get().

template<class T , class U >
bool llvm::operator== ( T A,
const IntrusiveRefCntPtr< U > &  B 
) [inline]

Definition at line 231 of file IntrusiveRefCntPtr.h.

References llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr< T >::get().

bool llvm::operator== ( const TargetOptions &  LHS,
const TargetOptions &  RHS 
) [inline]

Definition at line 242 of file TargetOptions.h.

References ARE_EQUAL, DisableTailCalls(), and TrapFuncName().

template<class T >
bool llvm::operator== ( std::nullptr_t  A,
const IntrusiveRefCntPtr< T > &  B 

Definition at line 245 of file IntrusiveRefCntPtr.h.

template<class T >
bool llvm::operator== ( const IntrusiveRefCntPtr< T > &  A,
std::nullptr_t  B 

Definition at line 250 of file IntrusiveRefCntPtr.h.

References llvm::ARM_PROC::A.

template<typename T >
bool llvm::operator== ( const T LHS,
const ilist_iterator< const T > &  RHS 

Definition at line 256 of file ilist.h.

References llvm::ilist_iterator< NodeTy >::getNodePtrUnchecked().

template<typename T >
bool llvm::operator== ( T LHS,
const ilist_iterator< T > &  RHS 

Definition at line 264 of file ilist.h.

References llvm::ilist_iterator< NodeTy >::getNodePtrUnchecked().

template<class T , class E >
std::enable_if<std::is_error_code_enum<E>::value || std::is_error_condition_enum<E>::value, bool>::type llvm::operator== ( ErrorOr< T > &  Err,

Definition at line 284 of file ErrorOr.h.

References llvm::tgtok::Code.

bool llvm::operator== ( int64_t  V1,
const APSInt &  V2 
) [inline]

Definition at line 292 of file APSInt.h.

template<typename T >
bool llvm::operator== ( ArrayRef< T LHS,
ArrayRef< T RHS 
) [inline]

Definition at line 388 of file ArrayRef.h.

References llvm::ArrayRef< T >::equals().

bool llvm::operator== ( StringRef  LHS,
StringRef  RHS 
) [inline]

Definition at line 520 of file StringRef.h.

References llvm::StringRef::equals().

bool llvm::operator== ( uint64_t  V1,
const APInt &  V2 
) [inline]
template<typename T , typename U >
void llvm::operator> ( const Optional< T > &  X,
const Optional< U > &  Y 

Poison comparison between two Optional objects. Clients needs to explicitly compare the underlying values and account for empty Optional objects.

This routine will never be defined. It returns void to help diagnose errors at compile time.

bool llvm::operator> ( StringRef  LHS,
StringRef  RHS 
) [inline]

Definition at line 536 of file StringRef.h.

References llvm::StringRef::compare().

template<typename T , typename U >
void llvm::operator>= ( const Optional< T > &  X,
const Optional< U > &  Y 

Poison comparison between two Optional objects. Clients needs to explicitly compare the underlying values and account for empty Optional objects.

This routine will never be defined. It returns void to help diagnose errors at compile time.

bool llvm::operator>= ( StringRef  LHS,
StringRef  RHS 
) [inline]

Definition at line 540 of file StringRef.h.

References llvm::StringRef::compare().

SmallBitVector llvm::operator^ ( const SmallBitVector &  LHS,
const SmallBitVector &  RHS 
) [inline]

Definition at line 589 of file SmallBitVector.h.

static RemapFlags llvm::operator| ( RemapFlags  LHS,
RemapFlags  RHS 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 65 of file ValueMapper.h.

SmallBitVector llvm::operator| ( const SmallBitVector &  LHS,
const SmallBitVector &  RHS 
) [inline]

Definition at line 582 of file SmallBitVector.h.

template<unsigned ElementSize>
SparseBitVector<ElementSize> llvm::operator| ( const SparseBitVector< ElementSize > &  LHS,
const SparseBitVector< ElementSize > &  RHS 
) [inline]

Definition at line 853 of file SparseBitVector.h.

template<unsigned ElementSize>
bool llvm::operator|= ( SparseBitVector< ElementSize > &  LHS,
const SparseBitVector< ElementSize > *  RHS 
) [inline]

Definition at line 826 of file SparseBitVector.h.

template<unsigned ElementSize>
bool llvm::operator|= ( SparseBitVector< ElementSize > *  LHS,
const SparseBitVector< ElementSize > &  RHS 
) [inline]

Definition at line 832 of file SparseBitVector.h.

bool llvm::optimizeGlobalCtorsList ( Module &  M,
function_ref< bool(Function *)>  ShouldRemove 

Call "ShouldRemove" for every entry in M's global_ctor list and remove the entries for which it returns true. Return true if anything changed.

Definition at line 137 of file CtorUtils.cpp.

References dbgs(), DEBUG, llvm::Function::empty(), and F().

bool llvm::overlap ( const LiveInterval::Segment &  VRSeg,
const IntervalMap< SlotIndex, LiveInterval * >::const_iterator &  LUSeg 
) [inline]
std::unique_ptr< Module > llvm::parseAssembly ( MemoryBufferRef  F,
SMDiagnostic Err,
LLVMContext Context 

Parse LLVM Assembly from a MemoryBuffer.

parseAssemblyFile and parseAssemblyString are wrappers around this function.

FThe MemoryBuffer containing assembly
ErrError result info.
ContextContext in which to allocate globals info.

Definition at line 32 of file Parser.cpp.

References llvm::MemoryBufferRef::getBufferIdentifier(), and parseAssemblyInto().

Referenced by getLazyIRModule(), parseAssemblyFile(), parseAssemblyString(), and parseIR().

std::unique_ptr< Module > llvm::parseAssemblyFile ( StringRef  Filename,
SMDiagnostic Error,
LLVMContext Context 

Parse LLVM Assembly from a file.

This function is the main interface to the LLVM Assembly Parser. It parses an ASCII file that (presumably) contains LLVM Assembly code. It returns a Module (intermediate representation) with the corresponding features. Note that this does not verify that the generated Module is valid, so you should run the verifier after parsing the file to check that it is okay.

FilenameThe name of the file to parse
ErrorError result info.
ContextContext in which to allocate globals info.

Definition at line 44 of file Parser.cpp.

References llvm::SourceMgr::DK_Error, llvm::ErrorOr< T >::get(), llvm::ErrorOr< T >::getError(), llvm::MemoryBuffer::getFileOrSTDIN(), and parseAssembly().

This function is the low-level interface to the LLVM Assembly Parser. This is kept as an independent function instead of being inlined into parseAssembly for the convenience of interactive users that want to add recently parsed bits to an existing module.

FThe MemoryBuffer containing assembly
MThe module to add data to.
ErrError result info.
true on error.

Definition at line 24 of file Parser.cpp.

References llvm::SourceMgr::AddNewSourceBuffer(), llvm::MemoryBufferRef::getBuffer(), and llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer().

Referenced by parseAssembly().

std::unique_ptr< Module > llvm::parseAssemblyString ( StringRef  AsmString,
SMDiagnostic Error,
LLVMContext Context 

Parse LLVM Assembly from a string.

The function is a secondary interface to the LLVM Assembly Parser. It parses an ASCII string that (presumably) contains LLVM Assembly code. It returns a Module (intermediate representation) with the corresponding features. Note that this does not verify that the generated Module is valid, so you should run the verifier after parsing the file to check that it is okay.

AsmStringThe string containing assembly
ErrorError result info.
ContextContext in which to allocate globals info.

Definition at line 58 of file Parser.cpp.

References F(), and parseAssembly().

Read the specified bitcode file, returning the module.

Definition at line 3569 of file BitcodeReader.cpp.

References llvm::ErrorOr< T >::get(), getLazyBitcodeModuleImpl(), llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(), and llvm::Module::materializeAllPermanently().

Referenced by LLVMParseBitcodeInContext(), and parseIR().

std::unique_ptr< Module > llvm::parseIR ( MemoryBufferRef  Buffer,
SMDiagnostic Err,
LLVMContext Context 
std::unique_ptr< Module > llvm::parseIRFile ( StringRef  Filename,
SMDiagnostic Err,
LLVMContext Context 

If the given file holds a bitcode image, return a Module for it. Otherwise, attempt to parse it as LLVM Assembly and return a Module for it.

Definition at line 83 of file IRReader.cpp.

References llvm::SourceMgr::DK_Error, llvm::ErrorOr< T >::get(), llvm::ErrorOr< T >::getError(), llvm::MemoryBuffer::getFileOrSTDIN(), and parseIR().

template<class T >
po_iterator<T> llvm::po_begin ( T  G)
template<class T >
po_iterator<T> llvm::po_end ( T  G)
template<class T , class SetType >
po_ext_iterator<T, SetType> llvm::po_ext_begin ( T  G,
SetType &  S 
template<class T , class SetType >
po_ext_iterator<T, SetType> llvm::po_ext_end ( T  G,
SetType &  S 
bool llvm::PointerMayBeCaptured ( const Value V,
bool  ReturnCaptures,
bool  StoreCaptures 

PointerMayBeCaptured - Return true if this pointer value may be captured by the enclosing function (which is required to exist). This routine can be expensive, so consider caching the results. The boolean ReturnCaptures specifies whether returning the value (or part of it) from the function counts as capturing it or not. The boolean StoreCaptures specified whether storing the value (or part of it) into memory anywhere automatically counts as capturing it or not.

Definition at line 122 of file CaptureTracking.cpp.

Referenced by isNonEscapingLocalObject(), and PointerMayBeCapturedBefore().

void llvm::PointerMayBeCaptured ( const Value V,
CaptureTracker Tracker 
bool llvm::PointerMayBeCapturedBefore ( const Value V,
bool  ReturnCaptures,
bool  StoreCaptures,
const Instruction I,
DominatorTree DT,
bool  IncludeI = false 

PointerMayBeCapturedBefore - Return true if this pointer value may be captured by the enclosing function (which is required to exist). If a DominatorTree is provided, only captures which happen before the given instruction are considered. This routine can be expensive, so consider caching the results. The boolean ReturnCaptures specifies whether returning the value (or part of it) from the function counts as capturing it or not. The boolean StoreCaptures specified whether storing the value (or part of it) into memory anywhere automatically counts as capturing it or not. Captures by the provided instruction are considered if the final parameter is true.

PointerMayBeCapturedBefore - Return true if this pointer value may be captured by the enclosing function (which is required to exist). If a DominatorTree is provided, only captures which happen before the given instruction are considered. This routine can be expensive, so consider caching the results. The boolean ReturnCaptures specifies whether returning the value (or part of it) from the function counts as capturing it or not. The boolean StoreCaptures specified whether storing the value (or part of it) into memory anywhere automatically counts as capturing it or not.

Definition at line 147 of file CaptureTracking.cpp.

References PointerMayBeCaptured().

Referenced by AddAliasScopeMetadata(), and llvm::AliasAnalysis::callCapturesBefore().

uint64_t llvm::PowerOf2Floor ( uint64_t  A) [inline]

Returns the power of two which is less than or equal to the given value. Essentially, it is a floor operation across the domain of powers of two.

Definition at line 586 of file MathExtras.h.

References countLeadingZeros(), and ZB_Undefined.

pred_iterator llvm::pred_begin ( BasicBlock *  BB) [inline]

Definition at line 88 of file IR/CFG.h.

const_pred_iterator llvm::pred_begin ( const BasicBlock *  BB) [inline]

Definition at line 89 of file IR/CFG.h.

Interval::pred_iterator llvm::pred_begin ( Interval *  I) [inline]

pred_begin/pred_end - define methods so that Intervals may be used just like BasicBlocks can with the pred_* functions, and *pred_iterator.

Definition at line 114 of file Interval.h.

References llvm::Interval::Predecessors.

Referenced by addBlockAndPredsToSet(), buildExtractionBlockSet(), CanPropagatePredecessorsForPHIs(), llvm::GraphTraits< Inverse< Interval * > >::child_begin(), llvm::GraphTraits< Inverse< BasicBlock * > >::child_begin(), llvm::GraphTraits< Inverse< const BasicBlock * > >::child_begin(), CloneAndPruneFunctionInto(), ConnectProlog(), DeleteDeadBlock(), llvm::DominatorTree::dominates(), llvm::SSAUpdaterTraits< SSAUpdater >::FindPredecessorBlocks(), FindUnconditionalPreds(), FoldBranchToCommonDest(), FoldTwoEntryPHINode(), GetBestDestForJumpOnUndef(), llvm::Loop::getCanonicalInductionVariable(), GetIfCondition(), llvm::PredIteratorCache::GetPreds(), llvm::BasicBlock::getSinglePredecessor(), llvm::Loop::getUniqueExitBlocks(), llvm::BasicBlock::getUniquePredecessor(), llvm::SSAUpdater::GetValueInMiddleOfBlock(), llvm::Loop::hasDedicatedExits(), InlineFunction(), InsertPreheaderForLoop(), insertUniqueBackedgeBlock(), isCriticalEdge(), llvm::Interval::isLoop(), IsValueFullyAvailableInBlock(), MarkBlocksLiveIn(), mergeEmptyReturnBlocks(), llvm::AssemblyWriter::printBasicBlock(), llvm::BasicBlock::removePredecessor(), rewriteLoopExitBlock(), separateNestedLoop(), SimplifyCondBranchToCondBranch(), simplifyOneLoop(), SinkThenElseCodeToEnd(), SplitCriticalEdge(), SplitLandingPadPredecessors(), and TryToSimplifyUncondBranchFromEmptyBlock().

pred_iterator llvm::pred_end ( BasicBlock *  BB) [inline]

Definition at line 92 of file IR/CFG.h.

const_pred_iterator llvm::pred_end ( const BasicBlock *  BB) [inline]

Definition at line 93 of file IR/CFG.h.

Interval::pred_iterator llvm::pred_end ( Interval *  I) [inline]

PredicatesFoldable - Return true if both predicates match sign or if at least one of them is an equality comparison (which is signless).

Definition at line 92 of file CmpInstAnalysis.cpp.

References llvm::ICmpInst::isEquality(), and llvm::CmpInst::isSigned().

Referenced by llvm::InstCombiner::FoldAndOfICmps(), llvm::InstCombiner::FoldOrOfICmps(), and llvm::InstCombiner::visitXor().

template<class NodeT >
void llvm::PrintDomTree ( const DomTreeNodeBase< NodeT > *  N,
raw_ostream &  o,
unsigned  Lev 
) [inline]

Definition at line 164 of file GenericDomTree.h.

References I, and llvm::raw_ostream::indent().

void llvm::PrintError ( ArrayRef< SMLoc >  ErrorLoc,
const Twine &  Msg 

Definition at line 53 of file TableGen/Error.cpp.

References llvm::SourceMgr::DK_Error, and PrintMessage().

Referenced by llvm::TGParser::Error(), and PrintFatalError().

void llvm::PrintError ( const char *  Loc,
const Twine &  Msg 
void llvm::PrintError ( const Twine &  Msg)

Definition at line 61 of file TableGen/Error.cpp.

References errs().

void llvm::PrintFatalError ( const Twine &  Msg)
void llvm::PrintFatalError ( ArrayRef< SMLoc >  ErrorLoc,
const Twine &  Msg 

Definition at line 70 of file TableGen/Error.cpp.

References PrintError().

static void llvm::PrintLinkage ( GlobalValue::LinkageTypes  LT,
formatted_raw_ostream Out 
) [static]
static void llvm::PrintMessage ( ArrayRef< SMLoc >  Loc,
SourceMgr::DiagKind  Kind,
const Twine &  Msg 
) [static]
void llvm::PrintRecyclerStats ( size_t  Size,
size_t  Align,
size_t  FreeListSize 

PrintRecyclingAllocatorStats - Helper for RecyclingAllocator for printing statistics.

Definition at line 37 of file Allocator.cpp.

References errs().

Referenced by llvm::Recycler< MachineBasicBlock >::PrintStats().

Print statistics to the file returned by CreateInfoOutputFile().

Definition at line 139 of file Statistic.cpp.

References CreateInfoOutputFile(), Enabled, llvm::raw_ostream::flush(), StatInfo, and Stats.

static void llvm::PrintThreadLocalModel ( GlobalVariable::ThreadLocalMode  TLM,
formatted_raw_ostream Out 
) [static]
void llvm::PrintWarning ( ArrayRef< SMLoc >  WarningLoc,
const Twine &  Msg 

Definition at line 41 of file TableGen/Error.cpp.

References llvm::SourceMgr::DK_Warning, and PrintMessage().

void llvm::PrintWarning ( const char *  Loc,
const Twine &  Msg 
void llvm::PrintWarning ( const Twine &  Msg)

Definition at line 49 of file TableGen/Error.cpp.

References errs().

void llvm::PromoteMemToReg ( ArrayRef< AllocaInst * >  Allocas,
DominatorTree DT,
AliasSetTracker AST = nullptr,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr 

Promote the specified list of alloca instructions into scalar registers, inserting PHI nodes as appropriate.

This function makes use of DominanceFrontier information. This function does not modify the CFG of the function at all. All allocas must be from the same function.

If AST is specified, the specified tracker is updated to reflect changes made to the IR.

Definition at line 1070 of file PromoteMemoryToRegister.cpp.

References llvm::ArrayRef< T >::empty().

GenericValue llvm::PTOGV ( void *  P) [inline]
Init * llvm::QualifyName ( Record CurRec,
MultiClass CurMultiClass,
Init Name,
const std::string &  Scoper 

QualifyName - Return an Init with a qualifier prefix referring to CurRec's name.

Definition at line 2041 of file Record.cpp.

References dyn_cast(), llvm::BinOpInit::Fold(), llvm::StringInit::get(), llvm::BinOpInit::get(), llvm::Record::getNameInit(), llvm::Intrinsic::getType(), Name, llvm::MultiClass::Rec, llvm::BinOpInit::STRCONCAT, and Type.

Referenced by llvm::UnOpInit::Fold(), and QualifyName().

Init * llvm::QualifyName ( Record CurRec,
MultiClass CurMultiClass,
const std::string &  Name,
const std::string &  Scoper 

QualifyName - Return an Init with a qualifier prefix referring to CurRec's name.

Definition at line 2070 of file Record.cpp.

References llvm::StringInit::get(), and QualifyName().

RecursivelyDeleteDeadPHINode - If the specified value is an effectively dead PHI node, due to being a def-use chain of single-use nodes that either forms a cycle or is terminated by a trivially dead instruction, delete it. If that makes any of its operands trivially dead, delete them too, recursively. Return true if a change was made.

Definition at line 385 of file Local.cpp.

References areAllUsesEqual(), llvm::UndefValue::get(), I, llvm::SmallPtrSetImpl< PtrType >::insert(), and RecursivelyDeleteTriviallyDeadInstructions().

Referenced by DeleteDeadPHIs().

RecursivelyDeleteTriviallyDeadInstructions - If the specified value is a trivially dead instruction, delete it. If that makes any of its operands trivially dead, delete them too, recursively. Return true if any instructions were deleted.

Definition at line 328 of file Local.cpp.

References dyn_cast(), llvm::SmallVectorBase::empty(), llvm::Instruction::eraseFromParent(), llvm::User::getNumOperands(), llvm::User::getOperand(), I, isInstructionTriviallyDead(), llvm::SmallVectorImpl< T >::pop_back_val(), llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, isPodLike< T >::value >::push_back(), llvm::User::setOperand(), and llvm::Value::use_empty().

Referenced by ConstantFoldTerminator(), llvm::objcarc::EraseInstruction(), EraseTerminatorInstAndDCECond(), RecursivelyDeleteDeadPHINode(), SimplifyInstructionsInBlock(), and UnrollLoop().

bool llvm::recursivelySimplifyInstruction ( Instruction I,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI = nullptr,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr 

Recursively attempt to simplify an instruction.

This routine uses SimplifyInstruction to simplify 'I', and if successful replaces uses of 'I' with the simplified value. It then recurses on each of the users impacted. It returns true if any simplifications were performed.

Definition at line 3582 of file InstructionSimplify.cpp.

References replaceAndRecursivelySimplifyImpl().

Referenced by CloneAndPruneFunctionInto(), RemovePredecessorAndSimplify(), and SimplifyInstructionsInBlock().

llvm::RegionGraphTraits ( MachineRegion  ,
llvm::RegionGraphTraits ( Region  ,
llvm::RegionNodeGraphTraits ( MachineRegionNode  ,
MachineBasicBlock  ,
llvm::RegionNodeGraphTraits ( RegionNode  ,
BasicBlock  ,
void llvm::RemapInstruction ( Instruction I,
ValueToValueMapTy VMap,
RemapFlags  Flags = RF_None,
ValueMapTypeRemapper TypeMapper = nullptr,
ValueMaterializer Materializer = nullptr 

Restores default error handling behaviour.

Definition at line 54 of file ErrorHandling.cpp.

References ErrorHandler, ErrorHandlerMutex, ErrorHandlerUserData, and Lock.

Referenced by LLVMResetFatalErrorHandler(), and llvm::ScopedFatalErrorHandler::~ScopedFatalErrorHandler().

template<typename T >
void llvm::RemoveFromVector ( std::vector< T * > &  V,
T N 
) [inline]

Definition at line 46 of file LoopInfo.h.

References I.

Referenced by llvm::LoopBase< BasicBlock, Loop >::removeBlockFromLoop().

void llvm::RemovePredecessorAndSimplify ( BasicBlock BB,
BasicBlock Pred,
DataLayout TD = nullptr 

RemovePredecessorAndSimplify - Like BasicBlock::removePredecessor, this method is called when we're about to delete Pred as a predecessor of BB. If BB contains any PHI nodes, this drops the entries in the PHI nodes for Pred.

Unlike the removePredecessor method, this attempts to simplify uses of PHI nodes that collapse into identity values. For example, if we have: x = phi(1, 0, 0, 0) y = and x, z

.. and delete the predecessor corresponding to the '1', this will attempt to recursively fold the 'and' to 0.

RemovePredecessorAndSimplify - Like BasicBlock::removePredecessor, this method is called when we're about to delete Pred as a predecessor of BB. If BB contains any PHI nodes, this drops the entries in the PHI nodes for Pred.

Unlike the removePredecessor method, this attempts to simplify uses of PHI nodes that collapse into identity values. For example, if we have: x = phi(1, 0, 0, 0) y = and x, z

.. and delete the predecessor corresponding to the '1', this will attempt to recursively fold the and to 0.

Definition at line 457 of file Local.cpp.

References llvm::BasicBlock::begin(), llvm::BasicBlock::front(), recursivelySimplifyInstruction(), and llvm::BasicBlock::removePredecessor().

Remove all blocks that can not be reached from the function's entry.

Returns true if any basic block was removed.

removeUnreachableBlocksFromFn - Remove blocks that are not reachable, even if they are in a dead cycle. Return true if a change was made, false otherwise.

Definition at line 1280 of file Local.cpp.

References llvm::Function::begin(), llvm::SmallPtrSetImpl< PtrType >::count(), llvm::Function::end(), llvm::iplist< NodeTy, Traits >::erase(), llvm::Function::getBasicBlockList(), I, markAliveBlocks(), llvm::SmallPtrSetImplBase::size(), llvm::Function::size(), succ_begin(), and succ_end().

bool llvm::replaceAndRecursivelySimplify ( Instruction I,
Value SimpleV,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI = nullptr,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr 

Replace all uses of 'I' with 'SimpleV' and simplify the uses recursively.

This first performs a normal RAUW of I with SimpleV. It then recursively attempts to simplify those users updated by the operation. The 'I' instruction must not be equal to the simplified value 'SimpleV'.

The function returns true if any simplifications were performed.

Definition at line 3590 of file InstructionSimplify.cpp.

References replaceAndRecursivelySimplifyImpl().

bool llvm::replaceDbgDeclareForAlloca ( AllocaInst AI,
Value NewAllocaAddress,
DIBuilder Builder 

ReplaceInstWithInst - Replace the instruction specified by BI with the instruction specified by I. The original instruction is deleted and BI is updated to point to the new instruction.

Definition at line 218 of file BasicBlockUtils.cpp.

References llvm::Instruction::getParent(), llvm::iplist< NodeTy, Traits >::insert(), and ReplaceInstWithValue().

Referenced by ReplaceInstWithInst(), SplitBlockAndInsertIfThen(), and SplitBlockAndInsertIfThenElse().

void llvm::ReplaceInstWithInst ( Instruction From,
Instruction To 

ReplaceInstWithInst - Replace the instruction specified by From with the instruction specified by To.

Definition at line 236 of file BasicBlockUtils.cpp.

References llvm::BasicBlock::getInstList(), llvm::Instruction::getParent(), and ReplaceInstWithInst().

ReplaceInstWithValue - Replace all uses of an instruction (specified by BI) with a value, then remove and delete the original instruction.

Definition at line 199 of file BasicBlockUtils.cpp.

References llvm::iplist< NodeTy, Traits >::erase(), llvm::Value::hasName(), I, llvm::Value::replaceAllUsesWith(), and llvm::Value::takeName().

Referenced by ReplaceInstWithInst().

void llvm::report_fatal_error ( const char *  reason,
bool  gen_crash_diag = true 

Reports a serious error, calling any installed error handler. These functions are intended to be used for error conditions which are outside the control of the compiler (I/O errors, invalid user input, etc.)

If no error handler is installed the default is to print the message to standard error, followed by a newline. After the error handler is called this function will call exit(1), it does not return.

Definition at line 60 of file ErrorHandling.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::MCJIT::addObjectFile(), llvm::TargetPassConfig::addPass(), adjustFixupValue(), llvm::X86FrameLowering::adjustForSegmentedStacks(), llvm::ARMFrameLowering::adjustForSegmentedStacks(), llvm::RegAllocBase::allocatePhysRegs(), applyOverride(), llvm::ARMTargetMachine::ARMTargetMachine(), llvm::yaml::Stream::begin(), llvm::MachObjectWriter::BindIndirectSymbols(), llvm::Interpreter::callExternalFunction(), llvm::MCELFStreamer::ChangeSection(), llvm::MCObjectStreamer::ChangeSection(), checkInterfaceFunction(), checkMachOComdat(), llvm::MCAssembler::computeFragmentSize(), llvm::TargetSchedModel::computeOperandLatency(), llvm::NVPTXInstrInfo::copyPhysReg(), createAArch64MCCodeGenInfo(), llvm::SpecialCaseList::createOrDie(), createXCoreMCCodeGenInfo(), llvm::object::ELFFile< ELFT >::ELFFile(), llvm::MCELFStreamer::EmitBundleAlignMode(), llvm::MCELFStreamer::EmitBundleLock(), llvm::MCELFStreamer::EmitBundleUnlock(), llvm::MCStreamer::EmitCFIStartProc(), llvm::MCWinCOFFStreamer::EmitCommonSymbol(), llvm::RuntimeDyldImpl::emitCommonSymbols(), llvm::MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveModuleOddSPReg(), llvm::MachineInstr::emitError(), llvm::AsmPrinter::EmitFunctionEntryLabel(), EmitGCCInlineAsmStr(), llvm::ExecutionEngine::emitGlobals(), llvm::MCStreamer::EmitGPRel32Value(), llvm::MCStreamer::EmitGPRel64Value(), llvm::TargetLoweringObjectFileMachO::emitModuleFlags(), EmitMSInlineAsmStr(), llvm::MCJIT::emitObject(), llvm::XCoreFrameLowering::emitPrologue(), llvm::Thumb1FrameLowering::emitPrologue(), llvm::RuntimeDyldImpl::emitSection(), llvm::MCELFStreamer::EmitValueImpl(), llvm::MCELFStreamer::EmitValueToAlignment(), llvm::MCObjectStreamer::EmitWeakReference(), llvm::MCStreamer::EmitWinCFIAllocStack(), llvm::MCStreamer::EmitWinCFIEndChained(), llvm::MCStreamer::EmitWinCFIEndProc(), llvm::MCStreamer::EmitWinCFIPushFrame(), llvm::MCStreamer::EmitWinCFISaveReg(), llvm::MCStreamer::EmitWinCFISaveXMM(), llvm::MCStreamer::EmitWinCFISetFrame(), llvm::MCStreamer::EmitWinCFIStartProc(), llvm::MCStreamer::EmitWinEHHandler(), llvm::MCStreamer::EmitWinEHHandlerData(), llvm::CodeExtractor::extractCodeRegion(), llvm::MCContext::FatalError(), llvm::RuntimeDyldELF::finalizeLoad(), llvm::MCStreamer::Finish(), foldPatchpoint(), llvm::MCJIT::generateCodeForModule(), llvm::object::ELFObjectFile< ELFT >::getArch(), llvm::TargetLoweringObjectFileELF::getCFIPersonalitySymbol(), getComdatGVForCOFF(), llvm::ExecutionEngine::getConstantValue(), llvm::GCOVOptions::getDefault(), getELFComdat(), llvm::XCoreTargetObjectFile::getExplicitSectionGlobal(), llvm::TargetLoweringObjectFileMachO::getExplicitSectionGlobal(), llvm::object::ELFObjectFile< ELFT >::getFileFormatName(), getFixupKindLog2Size(), getInt(), getLabelOffset(), GetOptionInfo(), llvm::RTDyldMemoryManager::getPointerToNamedFunction(), llvm::MCJIT::getPointerToNamedFunction(), llvm::PPCTargetLowering::getRegisterByName(), llvm::TargetLowering::getRegisterByName(), llvm::object::ELFObjectFile< ELFT >::getRelocationAddend(), llvm::object::COFFObjectFile::getRelocationAddress(), llvm::object::ELFObjectFile< ELFT >::getRelocationSymbol(), llvm::object::ELFObjectFile< ELFT >::getRelocationType(), llvm::object::MachOObjectFile::getRelocationValueString(), getRelocType(), llvm::object::ELFObjectFile< ELFT >::getROffset(), GetScratchRegister(), llvm::object::ELFFile< ELFT >::getSection(), llvm::object::ELFFile< ELFT >::getString(), llvm::MachObjectWriter::getSymbolAddress(), llvm::object::COFFObjectFile::getSymbolAuxData(), getSymbolOffsetImpl(), llvm::TargetLoweringObjectFile::getTTypeReference(), llvm::MCAsmLayout::layoutFragment(), LLVMGetRelocationAddress(), LLVMGetRelocationOffset(), LLVMGetRelocationType(), LLVMGetRelocationTypeName(), LLVMGetRelocationValueString(), LLVMGetSectionAddress(), LLVMGetSectionContainsSymbol(), LLVMGetSectionContents(), LLVMGetSectionName(), LLVMGetSectionSize(), LLVMGetSymbolAddress(), LLVMGetSymbolName(), LLVMGetSymbolSize(), LLVMMoveToContainingSection(), LLVMVerifyFunction(), LLVMVerifyModule(), llvm::RuntimeDyld::loadObject(), llvm::ExecutionEngine::LoadValueFromMemory(), nvptx::LowerConstant(), lowerConstant(), llvm::SparcTargetLowering::LowerFormalArguments_32(), LowerInterruptReturn(), LowerINTRINSIC_W_CHAIN(), llvm::IntrinsicLowering::LowerIntrinsicCall(), llvm::MipsSubtarget::MipsSubtarget(), llvm::DWARFDebugFrame::parse(), llvm::TargetLowering::ParseConstraints(), llvm::FrameEntry::parseInstructions(), llvm::NVPTXInstPrinter::printRegName(), printRelocationTargetName(), llvm::AsmPrinter::PrintSpecial(), report_fatal_error(), llvm::RuntimeDyldImpl::resolveExternalSymbols(), llvm::VerifierPass::run(), llvm::legacy::FunctionPassManager::run(), llvm::ExecutionEngine::runFunctionAsMain(), llvm::LiveVariables::runOnMachineFunction(), llvm::DebugIR::runOnModule(), llvm::SelectionDAGISel::SelectInlineAsmMemoryOperands(), llvm::XCoreTargetObjectFile::SelectSectionForGlobal(), llvm::object::COFFObjectFile::toSymb(), llvm::object::ELFFile< ELFT >::VerifyStrTab(), llvm::Interpreter::visitUnreachableInst(), writeFragment(), llvm::MachObjectWriter::WriteNlist(), llvm::MCAssembler::writeSectionData(), and llvm::raw_fd_ostream::~raw_fd_ostream().

void llvm::report_fatal_error ( const std::string &  reason,
bool  gen_crash_diag = true 

Definition at line 64 of file ErrorHandling.cpp.

References report_fatal_error().

void llvm::report_fatal_error ( StringRef  reason,
bool  gen_crash_diag = true 

Definition at line 68 of file ErrorHandling.cpp.

References report_fatal_error().

void llvm::report_fatal_error ( const Twine reason,
bool  gen_crash_diag = true 
RecTy * llvm::resolveTypes ( RecTy T1,
RecTy T2 

resolveTypes - Find a common type that T1 and T2 convert to. Return 0 if no such type exists.

Definition at line 390 of file Record.cpp.

References llvm::RecordRecTy::get(), and llvm::RecTy::typeIsConvertibleTo().

static bool llvm::RetCC_ARM_AAPCS_Custom_f64 ( unsigned ValNo,
MVT &  ValVT,
MVT &  LocVT,
CCValAssign::LocInfo &  LocInfo,
ISD::ArgFlagsTy &  ArgFlags,
CCState &  State 
) [static]

Definition at line 155 of file ARMCallingConv.h.

References RetCC_ARM_APCS_Custom_f64().

static bool llvm::RetCC_ARM_APCS_Custom_f64 ( unsigned ValNo,
MVT &  ValVT,
MVT &  LocVT,
CCValAssign::LocInfo &  LocInfo,
ISD::ArgFlagsTy &  ArgFlags,
CCState &  State 
) [static]

Definition at line 144 of file ARMCallingConv.h.

References f64RetAssign(), and llvm::MVT::v2f64.

Referenced by RetCC_ARM_AAPCS_Custom_f64().

template<typename T >
T llvm::reverseBits ( T  Val)

Reverse the bits in Val.

Definition at line 240 of file MathExtras.h.

References BitReverseTable256, and llvm::LibFunc::memcpy.

bool llvm::rewriteAArch64FrameIndex ( MachineInstr MI,
unsigned  FrameRegIdx,
unsigned  FrameReg,
int Offset,
const AArch64InstrInfo TII 
bool llvm::rewriteARMFrameIndex ( MachineInstr MI,
unsigned  FrameRegIdx,
unsigned  FrameReg,
int Offset,
const ARMBaseInstrInfo TII 
bool llvm::rewriteT2FrameIndex ( MachineInstr MI,
unsigned  FrameRegIdx,
unsigned  FrameReg,
int Offset,
const ARMBaseInstrInfo TII 
static size_t llvm::RoundUpTo ( size_t  X,
size_t  RoundTo 
) [static]

Definition at line 36 of file ASanStackFrameLayout.cpp.

Referenced by VarAndRedzoneSize().

uint64_t llvm::RoundUpToAlignment ( uint64_t  Value,
uint64_t  Align 
) [inline]
template<class T >
scc_iterator<T> llvm::scc_begin ( const T G)

Construct the begin iterator for a deduced graph type T.

Definition at line 224 of file SCCIterator.h.

References llvm::scc_iterator< GraphT, GT >::begin().

Referenced by llvm::BlockFrequencyInfoImplBase::analyzeIrreducible().

template<class T >
scc_iterator<Inverse<T> > llvm::scc_begin ( const Inverse< T > &  G)

Construct the begin iterator for a deduced graph type T's Inverse<T>.

Definition at line 234 of file SCCIterator.h.

References llvm::sys::path::begin().

template<class T >
scc_iterator<T> llvm::scc_end ( const T G)

Construct the end iterator for a deduced graph type T.

Definition at line 229 of file SCCIterator.h.

References llvm::scc_iterator< GraphT, GT >::end().

template<class T >
scc_iterator<Inverse<T> > llvm::scc_end ( const Inverse< T > &  G)

Construct the end iterator for a deduced graph type T's Inverse<T>.

Definition at line 239 of file SCCIterator.h.

References llvm::sys::path::end().

void * llvm::SearchForAddressOfSpecialSymbol ( const char *  symbolName)
template<class S1Ty , class S2Ty >
S1Ty llvm::set_difference ( const S1Ty &  S1,
const S2Ty &  S2 

set_difference(A, B) - Return A - B

Definition at line 51 of file SetOperations.h.

void llvm::set_fixed_execution_hash_seed ( size_t  fixed_value)

Override the execution seed with a fixed value.

This hashing library uses a per-execution seed designed to change on each run with high probability in order to ensure that the hash codes are not attackable and to ensure that output which is intended to be stable does not rely on the particulars of the hash codes produced.

That said, there are use cases where it is important to be able to reproduce *exactly* a specific behavior. To that end, we provide a function which will forcibly set the seed to a fixed value. This must be done at the start of the program, before any hashes are computed. Also, it cannot be undone. This makes it thread-hostile and very hard to use outside of immediately on start of a simple program designed for reproducible behavior.

Definition at line 27 of file Hashing.cpp.

References llvm::hashing::detail::fixed_seed_override.

template<class S1Ty , class S2Ty >
void llvm::set_intersect ( S1Ty &  S1,
const S2Ty &  S2 

set_intersect(A, B) - Compute A := A ^ B Identical to set_intersection, except that it works on set<>'s and is nicer to use. Functionally, this iterates through S1, removing elements that are not contained in S2.

Definition at line 40 of file SetOperations.h.

References I.

template<class S1Ty , class S2Ty >
void llvm::set_subtract ( S1Ty &  S1,
const S2Ty &  S2 

set_subtract(A, B) - Compute A := A - B

Definition at line 63 of file SetOperations.h.

template<class S1Ty , class S2Ty >
bool llvm::set_union ( S1Ty &  S1,
const S2Ty &  S2 

set_union(A, B) - Compute A := A u B, return whether A changed.

Definition at line 23 of file SetOperations.h.

void llvm::setCurrentDebugType ( const char *  Type)

setCurrentDebugType - Set the current debug type, as if the -debug-only=X option were specified. Note that DebugFlag also needs to be set to true for debug output to be produced.

Definition at line 97 of file Debug.cpp.

References CurrentDebugType, and Type.

void llvm::setPreserveAssemblyUseListOrder ( bool  ShouldPreserve)

Definition at line 41 of file UseListOrder.cpp.

References PreserveAssemblyUseListOrder.

void llvm::setPreserveBitcodeUseListOrder ( bool  ShouldPreserve)

Definition at line 37 of file UseListOrder.cpp.

References PreserveBitcodeUseListOrder.

Definition at line 33 of file UseListOrder.cpp.

References PreserveAssemblyUseListOrder.

Referenced by llvm::AssemblyWriter::printModule().

Whether to preserve use-list ordering.

Definition at line 29 of file UseListOrder.cpp.

References PreserveBitcodeUseListOrder.

Referenced by llvm::ValueEnumerator::ValueEnumerator(), WriteFunction(), and WriteModule().

template<unsigned B>
int32_t llvm::SignExtend32 ( uint32_t  x) [inline]

SignExtend32 - Sign extend B-bit number x to 32-bit int. Usage int32_t r = SignExtend32<5>(x);

Definition at line 620 of file MathExtras.h.

Referenced by llvm::PPC::get_VSPLTI_elt().

int32_t llvm::SignExtend32 ( uint32_t  X,
unsigned  B 
) [inline]

Sign extend number in the bottom B bits of X to a 32-bit int. Requires 0 < B <= 32.

Definition at line 626 of file MathExtras.h.

template<unsigned B>
int64_t llvm::SignExtend64 ( uint64_t  x) [inline]
int64_t llvm::SignExtend64 ( uint64_t  X,
unsigned  B 
) [inline]

Sign extend number in the bottom B bits of X to a 64-bit int. Requires 0 < B <= 64.

Definition at line 638 of file MathExtras.h.

Value * llvm::SimplifyAddInst ( Value LHS,
Value RHS,
bool  isNSW,
bool  isNUW,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI = nullptr,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr,
const Instruction CxtI = nullptr 

SimplifyAddInst - Given operands for an Add, see if we can fold the result. If not, this returns null.

Definition at line 582 of file InstructionSimplify.cpp.

References RecursionLimit.

Referenced by SimplifyBinOp(), SimplifyInstruction(), and llvm::InstCombiner::visitAdd().

Value * llvm::SimplifyAndInst ( Value LHS,
Value RHS,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI = nullptr,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr,
const Instruction CxtI = nullptr 

SimplifyAndInst - Given operands for an And, see if we can fold the result. If not, this returns null.

Definition at line 1569 of file InstructionSimplify.cpp.

References RecursionLimit.

Referenced by SimplifyBinOp(), SimplifyInstruction(), SimplifyMulInst(), ThreadCmpOverSelect(), and llvm::InstCombiner::visitAnd().

Value * llvm::SimplifyAShrInst ( Value Op0,
Value Op1,
bool  isExact,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI = nullptr,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr,
const Instruction CxtI = nullptr 

SimplifyAShrInst - Given operands for a AShr, see if we can fold the result. If not, this returns null.

Definition at line 1414 of file InstructionSimplify.cpp.

References RecursionLimit.

Referenced by SimplifyBinOp(), SimplifyInstruction(), and llvm::InstCombiner::visitAShr().

Value * llvm::SimplifyBinOp ( unsigned  Opcode,
Value LHS,
Value RHS,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI = nullptr,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr,
const Instruction CxtI = nullptr 

SimplifyBinOp - Given operands for a BinaryOperator, see if we can fold the result. If not, this returns null.

Definition at line 3268 of file InstructionSimplify.cpp.

References RecursionLimit.

Referenced by ExpandBinOp(), SimplifyAssociativeBinOp(), SimplifySubInst(), SimplifyWithOpReplaced(), ThreadBinOpOverPHI(), ThreadBinOpOverSelect(), and tryFactorization().

Value * llvm::SimplifyCall ( Value V,
User::op_iterator  ArgBegin,
User::op_iterator  ArgEnd,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI = nullptr,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr,
const Instruction CxtI = nullptr 

Given a function and iterators over arguments, see if we can fold the result.

If this call could not be simplified returns null.

Definition at line 3361 of file InstructionSimplify.cpp.

References RecursionLimit.

Referenced by SimplifyCall(), and SimplifyInstruction().

Value * llvm::SimplifyCall ( Value V,
ArrayRef< Value * >  Args,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI = nullptr,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr,
const Instruction CxtI = nullptr 

Given a function and set of arguments, see if we can fold the result.

If this call could not be simplified returns null.

Definition at line 3370 of file InstructionSimplify.cpp.

References llvm::ArrayRef< T >::begin(), llvm::ArrayRef< T >::end(), RecursionLimit, and SimplifyCall().

bool llvm::SimplifyCFG ( BasicBlock BB,
const TargetTransformInfo TTI,
const DataLayout DL = nullptr,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr 

SimplifyCFG - This function is used to do simplification of a CFG. For example, it adjusts branches to branches to eliminate the extra hop, it eliminates unreachable basic blocks, and does other "peephole" optimization of the CFG. It returns true if a modification was made, possibly deleting the basic block that was pointed to.

SimplifyCFG - This function is used to do simplification of a CFG. For example, it adjusts branches to branches to eliminate the extra hop, it eliminates unreachable basic blocks, and does other "peephole" optimization of the CFG. It returns true if a modification was made.

Definition at line 4231 of file SimplifyCFG.cpp.

Referenced by iterativelySimplifyCFG(), and TryToSimplifyUncondBranchWithICmpInIt().

Value * llvm::SimplifyCmpInst ( unsigned  Predicate,
Value LHS,
Value RHS,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI = nullptr,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr,
const Instruction CxtI = nullptr 

SimplifyCmpInst - Given operands for a CmpInst, see if we can fold the result. If not, this returns null.

Definition at line 3285 of file InstructionSimplify.cpp.

References RecursionLimit.

Referenced by SimplifyWithOpReplaced(), ThreadCmpOverPHI(), and ThreadCmpOverSelect().

Value * llvm::SimplifyFAddInst ( Value LHS,
Value RHS,
FastMathFlags  FMF,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI = nullptr,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr,
const Instruction CxtI = nullptr 

Given operands for an FAdd, see if we can fold the result. If not, this returns null.

Definition at line 968 of file InstructionSimplify.cpp.

References RecursionLimit.

Referenced by SimplifyBinOp(), SimplifyInstruction(), and llvm::InstCombiner::visitFAdd().

Value * llvm::SimplifyFCmpInst ( unsigned  Predicate,
Value LHS,
Value RHS,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI = nullptr,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr,
const Instruction CxtI = nullptr 

SimplifyFCmpInst - Given operands for an FCmpInst, see if we can fold the result. If not, this returns null.

Definition at line 2970 of file InstructionSimplify.cpp.

References RecursionLimit.

Referenced by SimplifyCmpInst(), SimplifyInstruction(), and llvm::InstCombiner::visitFCmpInst().

Value * llvm::SimplifyFDivInst ( Value LHS,
Value RHS,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI = nullptr,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr,
const Instruction CxtI = nullptr 

SimplifyFDivInst - Given operands for an FDiv, see if we can fold the result. If not, this returns null.

Definition at line 1126 of file InstructionSimplify.cpp.

References RecursionLimit.

Referenced by SimplifyBinOp(), SimplifyInstruction(), and llvm::InstCombiner::visitFDiv().

Value * llvm::SimplifyFMulInst ( Value LHS,
Value RHS,
FastMathFlags  FMF,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI = nullptr,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr,
const Instruction CxtI = nullptr 

Given operands for an FMul, see if we can fold the result. If not, this returns null.

Definition at line 984 of file InstructionSimplify.cpp.

References RecursionLimit.

Referenced by SimplifyBinOp(), SimplifyInstruction(), and llvm::InstCombiner::visitFMul().

Value * llvm::SimplifyFRemInst ( Value LHS,
Value RHS,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI = nullptr,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr,
const Instruction CxtI = nullptr 

SimplifyFRemInst - Given operands for an FRem, see if we can fold the result. If not, this returns null.

Definition at line 1247 of file InstructionSimplify.cpp.

References RecursionLimit.

Referenced by SimplifyBinOp(), SimplifyInstruction(), and llvm::InstCombiner::visitFRem().

Value * llvm::SimplifyFSubInst ( Value LHS,
Value RHS,
FastMathFlags  FMF,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI = nullptr,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr,
const Instruction CxtI = nullptr 

Given operands for an FSub, see if we can fold the result. If not, this returns null.

Definition at line 976 of file InstructionSimplify.cpp.

References RecursionLimit.

Referenced by SimplifyBinOp(), SimplifyInstruction(), and llvm::InstCombiner::visitFSub().

Value * llvm::SimplifyGEPInst ( ArrayRef< Value * >  Ops,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI = nullptr,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr,
const Instruction CxtI = nullptr 

SimplifyGEPInst - Given operands for an GetElementPtrInst, see if we can fold the result. If not, this returns null.

Definition at line 3103 of file InstructionSimplify.cpp.

References RecursionLimit.

Referenced by SimplifyInstruction(), and llvm::InstCombiner::visitGetElementPtrInst().

Value * llvm::SimplifyICmpInst ( unsigned  Predicate,
Value LHS,
Value RHS,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI = nullptr,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr,
Instruction CxtI = nullptr 

SimplifyICmpInst - Given operands for an ICmpInst, see if we can fold the result. If not, this returns null.

Definition at line 2871 of file InstructionSimplify.cpp.

References RecursionLimit.

Referenced by SimplifyCmpInst(), SimplifyICmpInst(), SimplifyInstruction(), and llvm::InstCombiner::visitICmpInst().

Value * llvm::SimplifyInsertValueInst ( Value Agg,
Value Val,
ArrayRef< unsigned Idxs,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI = nullptr,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr,
const Instruction CxtI = nullptr 

SimplifyInsertValueInst - Given operands for an InsertValueInst, see if we can fold the result. If not, this returns null.

Definition at line 3139 of file InstructionSimplify.cpp.

References RecursionLimit.

Referenced by SimplifyInstruction().

Value * llvm::SimplifyInstruction ( Instruction I,
const DataLayout DL = nullptr,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI = nullptr,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr 

SimplifyInstruction - See if we can compute a simplified version of this instruction. If not, this returns null.

If called on unreachable code, the above logic may report that the instruction simplified to itself. Make life easier for users by detecting that case here, returning a safe value instead.

Definition at line 3380 of file InstructionSimplify.cpp.

References llvm::APIntOps::And(), llvm::CallSiteBase< FunTy, ValTy, UserTy, InstrTy, CallTy, InvokeTy, IterTy >::arg_begin(), llvm::CallSiteBase< FunTy, ValTy, UserTy, InstrTy, CallTy, InvokeTy, IterTy >::arg_end(), Call, ConstantFoldInstruction(), FCmp, llvm::UndefValue::get(), llvm::InsertValueInst::getAggregateOperand(), llvm::CallSiteBase< FunTy, ValTy, UserTy, InstrTy, CallTy, InvokeTy, IterTy >::getCalledValue(), llvm::Instruction::getFastMathFlags(), llvm::InsertValueInst::getIndices(), llvm::InsertValueInst::getInsertedValueOperand(), llvm::Instruction::getOpcode(), llvm::User::getOperand(), llvm::Value::getType(), I, LShr, llvm::User::op_begin(), llvm::User::op_end(), llvm::APIntOps::Or(), llvm::TargetOpcode::PHI, llvm::MCID::Select, SimplifyAddInst(), SimplifyAndInst(), SimplifyAShrInst(), SimplifyCall(), SimplifyFAddInst(), SimplifyFCmpInst(), SimplifyFDivInst(), SimplifyFMulInst(), SimplifyFRemInst(), SimplifyFSubInst(), SimplifyGEPInst(), SimplifyICmpInst(), SimplifyInsertValueInst(), SimplifyLShrInst(), SimplifyMulInst(), SimplifyOrInst(), SimplifyPHINode(), SimplifySDivInst(), SimplifySelectInst(), SimplifyShlInst(), SimplifySRemInst(), SimplifySubInst(), SimplifyTruncInst(), SimplifyUDivInst(), SimplifyURemInst(), SimplifyXorInst(), Trunc, and llvm::APIntOps::Xor().

Referenced by DecomposeGEPExpression(), findPHIToPartitionLoops(), FoldCondBranchOnPHI(), FoldTwoEntryPHINode(), GetUnderlyingObject(), llvm::SSAUpdater::GetValueInMiddleOfBlock(), InlineFunction(), replaceAndRecursivelySimplifyImpl(), llvm::SCEVExpander::replaceCongruentIVs(), simplifyOneLoop(), TryToSimplifyUncondBranchWithICmpInIt(), UnrollLoop(), and llvm::InstCombiner::visitPHINode().

bool llvm::SimplifyInstructionsInBlock ( BasicBlock BB,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI = nullptr 

SimplifyInstructionsInBlock - Scan the specified basic block and try to simplify any instructions in it and recursively delete dead instructions.

This returns true if it changed the code, note that it can delete instructions in other blocks as well in this block.

Definition at line 410 of file Local.cpp.

References llvm::BasicBlock::begin(), llvm::BasicBlock::end(), RecursivelyDeleteTriviallyDeadInstructions(), and recursivelySimplifyInstruction().

bool llvm::simplifyLoop ( Loop L,
DominatorTree DT,
LoopInfo LI,
Pass PP,
AliasAnalysis AA = nullptr,
ScalarEvolution SE = nullptr,
const DataLayout DL = nullptr,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr 

Simplify each loop in a loop nest recursively.

This takes a potentially un-simplified loop L (and its children) and turns it into a simplified loop nest with preheaders and single backedges. It will optionally update AliasAnalysis and ScalarEvolution analyses if passed into it.

Definition at line 715 of file LoopSimplify.cpp.

References llvm::LoopBase< BlockT, LoopT >::begin(), llvm::SmallVectorBase::empty(), llvm::LoopBase< BlockT, LoopT >::end(), I, LI, llvm::SmallVectorImpl< T >::pop_back_val(), llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, isPodLike< T >::value >::push_back(), simplifyOneLoop(), and llvm::SmallVectorTemplateCommon< T >::size().

Referenced by UnrollLoop().

SimplifyLoopIVs - Simplify users of induction variables within this loop. This does not actually change or add IVs.

simplifyLoopIVs - Simplify users of induction variables within this loop. This does not actually change or add IVs.

Definition at line 462 of file SimplifyIndVar.cpp.

References llvm::BasicBlock::begin(), llvm::LoopBase< BlockT, LoopT >::getHeader(), I, and simplifyUsersOfIV().

Referenced by UnrollLoop().

Value * llvm::SimplifyLShrInst ( Value Op0,
Value Op1,
bool  isExact,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI = nullptr,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr,
const Instruction CxtI = nullptr 

SimplifyLShrInst - Given operands for a LShr, see if we can fold the result. If not, this returns null.

Definition at line 1371 of file InstructionSimplify.cpp.

References RecursionLimit.

Referenced by SimplifyBinOp(), SimplifyInstruction(), and llvm::InstCombiner::visitLShr().

Value * llvm::SimplifyMulInst ( Value LHS,
Value RHS,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI = nullptr,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr,
const Instruction CxtI = nullptr 

SimplifyMulInst - Given operands for a Mul, see if we can fold the result. If not, this returns null.

Definition at line 995 of file InstructionSimplify.cpp.

References RecursionLimit.

Referenced by SimplifyBinOp(), SimplifyInstruction(), and llvm::InstCombiner::visitMul().

Value * llvm::SimplifyOrInst ( Value LHS,
Value RHS,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI = nullptr,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr,
const Instruction CxtI = nullptr 

SimplifyOrInst - Given operands for an Or, see if we can fold the result. If not, this returns null.

Definition at line 1753 of file InstructionSimplify.cpp.

References RecursionLimit.

Referenced by SimplifyBinOp(), SimplifyInstruction(), ThreadCmpOverSelect(), and llvm::InstCombiner::visitOr().

Value * llvm::SimplifySDivInst ( Value LHS,
Value RHS,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI = nullptr,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr,
const Instruction CxtI = nullptr 

SimplifySDivInst - Given operands for an SDiv, see if we can fold the result. If not, this returns null.

Definition at line 1085 of file InstructionSimplify.cpp.

References RecursionLimit.

Referenced by SimplifyBinOp(), SimplifyInstruction(), and llvm::InstCombiner::visitSDiv().

Value * llvm::SimplifySelectInst ( Value Cond,
Value TrueVal,
Value FalseVal,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI = nullptr,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr,
const Instruction CxtI = nullptr 

SimplifySelectInst - Given operands for a SelectInst, see if we can fold the result. If not, this returns null.

Definition at line 3011 of file InstructionSimplify.cpp.

References RecursionLimit.

Referenced by SimplifyInstruction(), and llvm::InstCombiner::visitSelectInst().

Value * llvm::SimplifyShlInst ( Value Op0,
Value Op1,
bool  isNSW,
bool  isNUW,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI = nullptr,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr,
const Instruction CxtI = nullptr 

SimplifyShlInst - Given operands for a Shl, see if we can fold the result. If not, this returns null.

Definition at line 1339 of file InstructionSimplify.cpp.

References RecursionLimit.

Referenced by SimplifyBinOp(), SimplifyInstruction(), and llvm::InstCombiner::visitShl().

Value * llvm::SimplifySRemInst ( Value LHS,
Value RHS,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI = nullptr,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr,
const Instruction CxtI = nullptr 

SimplifySRemInst - Given operands for an SRem, see if we can fold the result. If not, this returns null.

Definition at line 1206 of file InstructionSimplify.cpp.

References RecursionLimit.

Referenced by SimplifyBinOp(), SimplifyInstruction(), and llvm::InstCombiner::visitSRem().

Value * llvm::SimplifySubInst ( Value LHS,
Value RHS,
bool  isNSW,
bool  isNUW,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI = nullptr,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr,
const Instruction CxtI = nullptr 

SimplifySubInst - Given operands for a Sub, see if we can fold the result. If not, this returns null.

Definition at line 789 of file InstructionSimplify.cpp.

References RecursionLimit.

Referenced by SimplifyBinOp(), SimplifyInstruction(), and llvm::InstCombiner::visitSub().

Value * llvm::SimplifyTruncInst ( Value Op,
Type Ty,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI = nullptr,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr,
const Instruction CxtI = nullptr 

SimplifyTruncInst - Given operands for an TruncInst, see if we can fold the result. If not, this returns null.

Definition at line 3192 of file InstructionSimplify.cpp.

References RecursionLimit.

Referenced by SimplifyInstruction(), and SimplifySubInst().

Value * llvm::SimplifyUDivInst ( Value LHS,
Value RHS,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI = nullptr,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr,
const Instruction CxtI = nullptr 

SimplifyUDivInst - Given operands for a UDiv, see if we can fold the result. If not, this returns null.

Definition at line 1104 of file InstructionSimplify.cpp.

References RecursionLimit.

Referenced by SimplifyBinOp(), SimplifyInstruction(), and llvm::InstCombiner::visitUDiv().

Value * llvm::SimplifyURemInst ( Value LHS,
Value RHS,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI = nullptr,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr,
const Instruction CxtI = nullptr 

SimplifyURemInst - Given operands for a URem, see if we can fold the result. If not, this returns null.

Definition at line 1225 of file InstructionSimplify.cpp.

References RecursionLimit.

Referenced by SimplifyBinOp(), SimplifyInstruction(), and llvm::InstCombiner::visitURem().

bool llvm::simplifyUsersOfIV ( PHINode CurrIV,
ScalarEvolution SE,
LPPassManager LPM,
SmallVectorImpl< WeakVH > &  Dead,
IVVisitor V = nullptr 

simplifyUsersOfIV - Simplify instructions that use this induction variable by using ScalarEvolution to analyze the IV's recurrence.

Definition at line 451 of file SimplifyIndVar.cpp.

References llvm::Pass::getAnalysis(), llvm::LoopInfo::getLoopFor(), llvm::Instruction::getParent(), and LI.

Referenced by simplifyLoopIVs().

Value * llvm::SimplifyXorInst ( Value LHS,
Value RHS,
const DataLayout TD = nullptr,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI = nullptr,
const DominatorTree DT = nullptr,
AssumptionTracker AT = nullptr,
const Instruction CxtI = nullptr 

SimplifyXorInst - Given operands for a Xor, see if we can fold the result. If not, this returns null.

Definition at line 1810 of file InstructionSimplify.cpp.

References RecursionLimit.

Referenced by SimplifyAddInst(), SimplifyBinOp(), SimplifyInstruction(), SimplifySubInst(), ThreadCmpOverSelect(), and llvm::InstCombiner::visitXor().

bool llvm::SkipBitcodeWrapperHeader ( const unsigned char *&  BufPtr,
const unsigned char *&  BufEnd,
bool  VerifyBufferSize 
) [inline]

SkipBitcodeWrapperHeader - Some systems wrap bc files with a special header for padding or other reasons. The format of this header is:

struct bc_header { uint32_t Magic; // 0x0B17C0DE uint32_t Version; // Version, currently always 0. uint32_t BitcodeOffset; // Offset to traditional bitcode file. uint32_t BitcodeSize; // Size of traditional bitcode file. ... potentially other gunk ... };

This function is called when we find a file with a matching magic number. In this case, skip down to the subsection of the file that is actually a BC file. If 'VerifyBufferSize' is true, check that the buffer is large enough to contain the whole bitcode file.

Definition at line 114 of file ReaderWriter.h.

const Value * llvm::skipPointerTransfer ( const Value V,
bool  ignore_GEP_indices 
const Value * llvm::skipPointerTransfer ( const Value V,
std::set< const Value * > &  processed 
static const char* llvm::SPARCCondCodeToString ( SPCC::CondCodes  CC) [inline, static]
BasicBlock * llvm::SplitBlock ( BasicBlock Old,
Instruction SplitPt,
Pass P 

SplitBlock - Split the specified block at the specified instruction - every thing before SplitPt stays in Old and everything starting with SplitPt moves to a new block. The two blocks are joined by an unconditional branch and the loop info is updated.

Definition at line 273 of file BasicBlockUtils.cpp.

References llvm::DominatorTreeBase< NodeT >::addNewBlock(), llvm::DominatorTreeBase< NodeT >::changeImmediateDominator(), llvm::Pass::getAnalysisIfAvailable(), llvm::Value::getName(), llvm::DominatorTreeBase< NodeT >::getNode(), I, LI, and llvm::BasicBlock::splitBasicBlock().

Referenced by SplitEdge(), and UnrollRuntimeLoopProlog().

TerminatorInst * llvm::SplitBlockAndInsertIfThen ( Value Cond,
Instruction SplitBefore,
bool  Unreachable,
MDNode BranchWeights = nullptr,
DominatorTree DT = nullptr 

SplitBlockAndInsertIfThen - Split the containing block at the specified instruction - everything before and including SplitBefore stays in the old basic block, and everything after SplitBefore is moved to a new block. The two blocks are connected by a conditional branch (with value of Cmp being the condition). Before: Head SplitBefore Tail After: Head if (Cond) ThenBlock SplitBefore Tail

If Unreachable is true, then ThenBlock ends with UnreachableInst, otherwise it branches to Tail. Returns the NewBasicBlock's terminator.

Updates DT if given.

SplitBlockAndInsertIfThen - Split the containing block at the specified instruction - everything before and including SplitBefore stays in the old basic block, and everything after SplitBefore is moved to a new block. The two blocks are connected by a conditional branch (with value of Cmp being the condition). Before: Head SplitBefore Tail After: Head if (Cond) ThenBlock SplitBefore Tail

If Unreachable is true, then ThenBlock ends with UnreachableInst, otherwise it branches to Tail. Returns the NewBasicBlock's terminator.

Definition at line 673 of file BasicBlockUtils.cpp.

References llvm::DominatorTreeBase< NodeT >::addNewBlock(), llvm::CallingConv::C, llvm::DominatorTreeBase< NodeT >::changeImmediateDominator(), llvm::BasicBlock::Create(), llvm::BranchInst::Create(), llvm::BasicBlock::getContext(), llvm::Instruction::getDebugLoc(), llvm::DominatorTreeBase< NodeT >::getNode(), llvm::Instruction::getParent(), llvm::BasicBlock::getParent(), llvm::BasicBlock::getTerminator(), llvm::LLVMContext::MD_prof, ReplaceInstWithInst(), llvm::Instruction::setDebugLoc(), llvm::Instruction::setMetadata(), and llvm::BasicBlock::splitBasicBlock().

void llvm::SplitBlockAndInsertIfThenElse ( Value Cond,
Instruction SplitBefore,
TerminatorInst **  ThenTerm,
TerminatorInst **  ElseTerm,
MDNode BranchWeights = nullptr 

SplitBlockAndInsertIfThenElse is similar to SplitBlockAndInsertIfThen, but also creates the ElseBlock. Before: Head SplitBefore Tail After: Head if (Cond) ThenBlock else ElseBlock SplitBefore Tail

Definition at line 725 of file BasicBlockUtils.cpp.

References llvm::CallingConv::C, llvm::BasicBlock::Create(), llvm::BranchInst::Create(), llvm::BasicBlock::getContext(), llvm::Instruction::getDebugLoc(), llvm::Instruction::getParent(), llvm::BasicBlock::getParent(), llvm::BasicBlock::getTerminator(), llvm::LLVMContext::MD_prof, ReplaceInstWithInst(), llvm::Instruction::setDebugLoc(), llvm::Instruction::setMetadata(), and llvm::BasicBlock::splitBasicBlock().

BasicBlock * llvm::SplitBlockPredecessors ( BasicBlock BB,
ArrayRef< BasicBlock * >  Preds,
const char *  Suffix,
Pass P = nullptr 

SplitBlockPredecessors - This method transforms BB by introducing a new basic block into the function, and moving some of the predecessors of BB to be predecessors of the new block. The new predecessors are indicated by the Preds array, which has NumPreds elements in it. The new block is given a suffix of 'Suffix'. This function returns the new block.

This currently updates the LLVM IR, AliasAnalysis, DominatorTree, DominanceFrontier, LoopInfo, and LCCSA but no other analyses. In particular, it does not preserve LoopSimplify (because it's complicated to handle the case where one of the edges being split is an exit of a loop with other exits).

SplitBlockPredecessors - This method transforms BB by introducing a new basic block into the function, and moving some of the predecessors of BB to be predecessors of the new block. The new predecessors are indicated by the Preds array, which has NumPreds elements in it. The new block is given a suffix of 'Suffix'.

This currently updates the LLVM IR, AliasAnalysis, DominatorTree, LoopInfo, and LCCSA but no other analyses. In particular, it does not preserve LoopSimplify (because it's complicated to handle the case where one of the edges being split is an exit of a loop with other exits).

Definition at line 463 of file BasicBlockUtils.cpp.

References llvm::BasicBlock::begin(), llvm::BasicBlock::Create(), llvm::BranchInst::Create(), llvm::UndefValue::get(), llvm::BasicBlock::getContext(), llvm::Value::getName(), llvm::BasicBlock::getParent(), I, llvm::ArrayRef< T >::size(), UpdateAnalysisInformation(), and UpdatePHINodes().

Referenced by ConnectProlog(), InsertPreheaderForLoop(), rewriteLoopExitBlock(), separateNestedLoop(), and SplitCriticalEdge().

BasicBlock * llvm::SplitCriticalEdge ( TerminatorInst TI,
unsigned  SuccNum,
Pass P = nullptr,
bool  MergeIdenticalEdges = false,
bool  DontDeleteUselessPhis = false,
bool  SplitLandingPads = false 

SplitCriticalEdge - If this edge is a critical edge, insert a new node to split the critical edge. This will update DominatorTree and DominatorFrontier information if it is available, thus calling this pass will not invalidate either of them. This returns the new block if the edge was split, null otherwise.

If MergeIdenticalEdges is true (not the default), *all* edges from TI to the specified successor will be merged into the same critical edge block. This is most commonly interesting with switch instructions, which may have many edges to any one destination. This ensures that all edges to that dest go to one block instead of each going to a different block, but isn't the standard definition of a "critical edge".

It is invalid to call this function on a critical edge that starts at an IndirectBrInst. Splitting these edges will almost always create an invalid program because the address of the new block won't be the one that is jumped to.

SplitCriticalEdge - If this edge is a critical edge, insert a new node to split the critical edge. This will update DominatorTree information if it is available, thus calling this pass will not invalidate either of them. This returns the new block if the edge was split, null otherwise.

If MergeIdenticalEdges is true (not the default), *all* edges from TI to the specified successor will be merged into the same critical edge block. This is most commonly interesting with switch instructions, which may have many edges to any one destination. This ensures that all edges to that dest go to one block instead of each going to a different block, but isn't the standard definition of a "critical edge".

It is invalid to call this function on a critical edge that starts at an IndirectBrInst. Splitting these edges will almost always create an invalid program because the address of the new block won't be the one that is jumped to.

Definition at line 141 of file BreakCriticalEdges.cpp.

References llvm::SmallVectorTemplateCommon< T >::back(), llvm::BasicBlock::begin(), llvm::SmallVectorImpl< T >::clear(), llvm::BasicBlock::Create(), llvm::BranchInst::Create(), createPHIsForSplitLoopExit(), llvm::SmallVectorBase::empty(), llvm::Pass::getAnalysisIfAvailable(), llvm::LoopInfo::getBase(), llvm::PHINode::getBasicBlockIndex(), llvm::Function::getBasicBlockList(), llvm::Value::getContext(), llvm::Instruction::getDebugLoc(), llvm::DominatorTreeWrapperPass::getDomTree(), llvm::PHINode::getIncomingBlock(), llvm::LoopInfo::getLoopFor(), llvm::Value::getName(), llvm::TerminatorInst::getNumSuccessors(), llvm::Instruction::getParent(), llvm::BasicBlock::getParent(), llvm::TerminatorInst::getSuccessor(), I, llvm::iplist< NodeTy, Traits >::insert(), isCriticalEdge(), llvm::BasicBlock::isLandingPad(), LCSSAID, LI, LoopSimplifyID, llvm::Pass::mustPreserveAnalysisID(), llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, isPodLike< T >::value >::pop_back(), pred_begin(), pred_end(), llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, isPodLike< T >::value >::push_back(), llvm::BasicBlock::removePredecessor(), llvm::PHINode::setIncomingBlock(), llvm::TerminatorInst::setSuccessor(), and SplitBlockPredecessors().

Referenced by DemoteRegToStack(), SplitCriticalEdge(), SplitCriticalSideEffectEdges(), and SplitEdge().

BasicBlock* llvm::SplitCriticalEdge ( BasicBlock *  BB,
succ_iterator  SI,
Pass P = nullptr 
) [inline]
bool llvm::SplitCriticalEdge ( BasicBlock *  Succ,
pred_iterator  PI,
Pass P = nullptr 
) [inline]

SplitCriticalEdge - If the edge from *PI to BB is not critical, return false. Otherwise, split all edges between the two blocks and return true. This updates all of the same analyses as the other SplitCriticalEdge function. If P is specified, it updates the analyses described above.

Definition at line 107 of file BasicBlockUtils.h.

References llvm::TerminatorInst::getNumSuccessors(), llvm::TerminatorInst::getSuccessor(), P, and SplitCriticalEdge().

BasicBlock* llvm::SplitCriticalEdge ( BasicBlock *  Src,
BasicBlock *  Dst,
Pass P = nullptr,
bool  MergeIdenticalEdges = false,
bool  DontDeleteUselessPHIs = false 
) [inline]

SplitCriticalEdge - If an edge from Src to Dst is critical, split the edge and return true, otherwise return false. This method requires that there be an edge between the two blocks. If P is specified, it updates the analyses described above.

Definition at line 121 of file BasicBlockUtils.h.

References llvm::TerminatorInst::getNumSuccessors(), llvm::TerminatorInst::getSuccessor(), llvm::BasicBlock::getTerminator(), P, and SplitCriticalEdge().

BasicBlock * llvm::SplitEdge ( BasicBlock BB,
BasicBlock Succ,
Pass P 
void llvm::SplitLandingPadPredecessors ( BasicBlock OrigBB,
ArrayRef< BasicBlock * >  Preds,
const char *  Suffix1,
const char *  Suffix2,
Pass P,
SmallVectorImpl< BasicBlock * > &  NewBBs 

SplitLandingPadPredecessors - This method transforms the landing pad, OrigBB, by introducing two new basic blocks into the function. One of those new basic blocks gets the predecessors listed in Preds. The other basic block gets the remaining predecessors of OrigBB. The landingpad instruction OrigBB is clone into both of the new basic blocks. The new blocks are given the suffixes 'Suffix1' and 'Suffix2', and are returned in the NewBBs vector.

This currently updates the LLVM IR, AliasAnalysis, DominatorTree, DominanceFrontier, LoopInfo, and LCCSA but no other analyses. In particular, it does not preserve LoopSimplify (because it's complicated to handle the case where one of the edges being split is an exit of a loop with other exits).

Definition at line 516 of file BasicBlockUtils.cpp.

References llvm::PHINode::addIncoming(), llvm::SmallVectorTemplateCommon< T >::begin(), llvm::Instruction::clone(), llvm::BasicBlock::Create(), llvm::PHINode::Create(), llvm::BranchInst::Create(), llvm::SmallVectorBase::empty(), llvm::SmallVectorTemplateCommon< T >::end(), llvm::Instruction::eraseFromParent(), llvm::BasicBlock::getContext(), llvm::BasicBlock::getFirstInsertionPt(), llvm::BasicBlock::getInstList(), llvm::BasicBlock::getLandingPadInst(), llvm::Value::getName(), llvm::BasicBlock::getParent(), llvm::BasicBlock::getTerminator(), llvm::Value::getType(), llvm::iplist< NodeTy, Traits >::insert(), llvm::BasicBlock::isLandingPad(), pred_begin(), pred_end(), llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, isPodLike< T >::value >::push_back(), llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, isPodLike >::push_back(), llvm::Value::replaceAllUsesWith(), llvm::Value::setName(), llvm::ArrayRef< T >::size(), UpdateAnalysisInformation(), and UpdatePHINodes().

Referenced by ConnectProlog(), InsertPreheaderForLoop(), and rewriteLoopExitBlock().

void llvm::SplitString ( StringRef  Source,
SmallVectorImpl< StringRef > &  OutFragments,
StringRef  Delimiters = " \t\n\v\f\r" 

SplitString - Split up the specified string according to the specified delimiters, appending the result fragments to the output list.

Definition at line 51 of file StringExtras.cpp.

References getToken(), and llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, isPodLike >::push_back().

Referenced by llvm::ARMTargetLowering::ExpandInlineAsm(), and llvm::sys::Process::FindInEnvPath().

StrInStrNoCase - Portable version of strcasestr. Locates the first occurrence of string 's1' in string 's2', ignoring case. Returns the offset of s2 in s1 or npos if s2 cannot be found.

Definition at line 22 of file StringExtras.cpp.

References llvm::StringRef::equals_lower(), N, llvm::StringRef::npos, llvm::StringRef::size(), and llvm::StringRef::substr().

Strip debug info in the module if it exists. To do this, we remove all calls to the debugger intrinsics and any named metadata for debugging. We also remove debug locations for instructions. Return true if module is modified.

Definition at line 1516 of file DebugInfo.cpp.

References llvm::Module::begin(), llvm::Module::end(), llvm::Instruction::eraseFromParent(), llvm::NamedMDNode::eraseFromParent(), llvm::Module::getFunction(), llvm::NamedMDNode::getName(), llvm::AArch64CC::MI, llvm::Module::named_metadata_begin(), llvm::Module::named_metadata_end(), and llvm::StringRef::startswith().

Referenced by UpgradeDebugInfo().

static Constant* llvm::SubOne ( Constant *  C) [inline, static]
Interval::succ_iterator llvm::succ_begin ( Interval *  I) [inline]
succ_iterator llvm::succ_begin ( BasicBlock *  BB) [inline]

Definition at line 248 of file IR/CFG.h.

References llvm::BasicBlock::getTerminator().

succ_const_iterator llvm::succ_begin ( const BasicBlock *  BB) [inline]

Definition at line 251 of file IR/CFG.h.

References llvm::BasicBlock::getTerminator().

template<class NodeType , class BlockT , class RegionT >
RNSuccIterator<NodeType, BlockT, RegionT> llvm::succ_begin ( NodeType *  Node) [inline]

Definition at line 256 of file RegionIterator.h.

References Node.

Interval::succ_iterator llvm::succ_end ( Interval *  I) [inline]
succ_iterator llvm::succ_end ( BasicBlock *  BB) [inline]

Definition at line 254 of file IR/CFG.h.

References llvm::BasicBlock::getTerminator().

succ_const_iterator llvm::succ_end ( const BasicBlock *  BB) [inline]

Definition at line 257 of file IR/CFG.h.

References llvm::BasicBlock::getTerminator().

template<class NodeType , class BlockT , class RegionT >
RNSuccIterator<NodeType, BlockT, RegionT> llvm::succ_end ( NodeType *  Node) [inline]

Definition at line 261 of file RegionIterator.h.

References Node.

int llvm::TableGenMain ( char *  argv0,
TableGenMainFn *  MainFn 
static StringRef llvm::toStringRef ( bool  B) [inline, static]

Construct a string ref from a boolean.

Definition at line 32 of file StringExtras.h.

const SCEV * llvm::TransformForPostIncUse ( TransformKind  Kind,
const SCEV S,
Instruction User,
Value OperandValToReplace,
PostIncLoopSet Loops,
ScalarEvolution SE,
DominatorTree DT 

TransformForPostIncUse - Transform the given expression according to the given transformation kind.

Top level driver for transforming an expression DAG into its requested post-inc form (either "Normalized" or "Denormalized").

Definition at line 245 of file ScalarEvolutionNormalization.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::IVUsers::AddUsersImpl(), and llvm::IVUsers::getExpr().

TryToSimplifyUncondBranchFromEmptyBlock - BB is known to contain an unconditional branch, and contains no instructions other than PHI nodes, potential debug intrinsics and the branch. If possible, eliminate BB by rewriting all the predecessors to branch to the successor block and return true. If we can't transform, return false.

TryToSimplifyUncondBranchFromEmptyBlock - BB is known to contain an unconditional branch, and contains no instructions other than PHI nodes, potential side-effect free intrinsics and the branch. If possible, eliminate BB by rewriting all the predecessors to branch to the successor block and return true. If we can't transform, return false.

Definition at line 743 of file Local.cpp.

References llvm::BasicBlock::begin(), CanPropagatePredecessorsForPHIs(), dbgs(), DEBUG, llvm::Instruction::eraseFromParent(), llvm::BasicBlock::eraseFromParent(), llvm::BasicBlock::front(), llvm::Function::getEntryBlock(), llvm::BasicBlock::getInstList(), llvm::BasicBlock::getParent(), llvm::BasicBlock::getTerminator(), I, pred_begin(), pred_end(), redirectValuesFromPredecessorsToPhi(), and llvm::Value::replaceAllUsesWith().

bool llvm::UnrollLoop ( Loop L,
unsigned  Count,
unsigned  TripCount,
bool  AllowRuntime,
unsigned  TripMultiple,
LoopInfo LI,
Pass PP,
LPPassManager LPM,
AssumptionTracker AT 

Unroll the given loop by Count. The loop must be in LCSSA form. Returns true if unrolling was successful, or false if the loop was unmodified. Unrolling can only fail when the loop's latch block is not terminated by a conditional branch instruction. However, if the trip count (and multiple) are not known, loop unrolling will mostly produce more code that is no faster.

TripCount is generally defined as the number of times the loop header executes. UnrollLoop relaxes the definition to permit early exits: here TripCount is the iteration on which control exits LatchBlock if no early exits were taken. Note that UnrollLoop assumes that the loop counter test terminates LatchBlock in order to remove unnecesssary instances of the test. In other words, control may exit the loop prior to TripCount iterations via an early branch, but control may not exit the loop from the LatchBlock's terminator prior to TripCount iterations.

Similarly, TripMultiple divides the number of times that the LatchBlock may execute without exiting the loop.

The LoopInfo Analysis that is passed will be kept consistent.

If a LoopPassManager is passed in, and the loop is fully removed, it will be removed from the LoopPassManager as well. LPM can also be NULL.

This utility preserves LoopInfo. If DominatorTree or ScalarEvolution are available from the Pass it must also preserve those analyses.

Definition at line 156 of file LoopUnroll.cpp.

References llvm::LoopBase< BlockT, LoopT >::addBasicBlockToLoop(), llvm::PHINode::addIncoming(), llvm::sys::path::begin(), llvm::ValueMap< KeyT, ValueT, Config >::begin(), llvm::BasicBlock::begin(), llvm::LoopBlocksDFS::beginRPO(), CloneBasicBlock(), llvm::LoopBase< BlockT, LoopT >::contains(), llvm::BranchInst::Create(), dbgs(), DEBUG, DEBUG_TYPE, llvm::LPPassManager::deleteLoopFromQueue(), dyn_cast(), emitOptimizationRemark(), llvm::SmallVectorBase::empty(), llvm::sys::path::const_iterator::end, llvm::ValueMap< KeyT, ValueT, Config >::end(), llvm::LoopBlocksDFS::endRPO(), llvm::iplist< NodeTy, Traits >::erase(), llvm::Instruction::eraseFromParent(), F(), llvm::ValueMap< KeyT, ValueT, Config >::find(), FoldBlockIntoPredecessor(), llvm::AssumptionTracker::forgetCachedAssumptions(), llvm::ScalarEvolution::forgetLoop(), formLCSSARecursively(), llvm::Pass::getAnalysisIfAvailable(), llvm::LoopInfo::getBase(), llvm::Function::getBasicBlockList(), llvm::LoopBase< BlockT, LoopT >::getBlocks(), llvm::Function::getContext(), llvm::DataLayoutPass::getDataLayout(), llvm::LoopBase< BlockT, LoopT >::getHeader(), llvm::PHINode::getIncomingValueForBlock(), llvm::BasicBlock::getInstList(), llvm::LoopInfo::getLoopFor(), llvm::LoopBase< BlockT, LoopT >::getLoopLatch(), llvm::LoopBase< BlockT, LoopT >::getLoopPreheader(), llvm::Value::getName(), llvm::BasicBlock::getParent(), llvm::LoopBase< BlockT, LoopT >::getParentLoop(), llvm::Loop::getStartLoc(), llvm::BranchInst::getSuccessor(), llvm::BasicBlock::getTerminator(), GreatestCommonDivisor64(), llvm::BasicBlock::hasAddressTaken(), I, isInstructionTriviallyDead(), llvm::Loop::isSafeToClone(), llvm::BranchInst::isUnconditional(), llvm::LoopBlocksDFS::perform(), llvm::SmallVectorImpl< T >::pop_back_val(), llvm::iplist< NodeTy, Traits >::push_back(), llvm::DominatorTreeBase< NodeT >::recalculate(), RecursivelyDeleteTriviallyDeadInstructions(), RemapInstruction(), llvm::PHINode::removeIncomingValue(), llvm::Value::replaceAllUsesWith(), llvm::LoopInfo::replacementPreservesLCSSAForm(), llvm::ValueMapIterator< DenseMapT, KeyT >::ValueTypeProxy::second, llvm::BranchInst::setSuccessor(), SimplifyInstruction(), simplifyLoop(), simplifyLoopIVs(), succ_begin(), succ_end(), T, and UnrollRuntimeLoopProlog().

bool llvm::UnrollRuntimeLoopProlog ( Loop L,
unsigned  Count,
LoopInfo LI,
LPPassManager LPM 

Insert code in the prolog code when unrolling a loop with a run-time trip-count.

This method assumes that the loop unroll factor is total number of loop bodes in the loop after unrolling. (Some folks refer to the unroll factor as the number of *extra* copies added). We assume also that the loop unroll factor is a power-of-two. So, after unrolling the loop, the number of loop bodies executed is 2, 4, 8, etc. Note - LLVM converts the if-then-sequence to a switch instruction in SimplifyCFG.cpp. Then, the backend decides how code for the switch instruction is generated.

extraiters = tripcount % loopfactor if (extraiters == 0) jump Loop: if (extraiters == loopfactor) jump L1 if (extraiters == loopfactor-1) jump L2 ... L1: LoopBody; L2: LoopBody; ... if tripcount < loopfactor jump End Loop: ... End:

Definition at line 228 of file LoopUnrollRuntime.cpp.

References llvm::sys::path::begin(), CloneLoopBlocks(), ConnectProlog(), llvm::BasicBlock::Create(), llvm::BranchInst::Create(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateAnd(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateIsNotNull(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateIsNull(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateOr(), llvm::sys::path::const_iterator::end, llvm::Function::end(), F(), llvm::ScalarEvolution::forgetLoop(), llvm::ConstantInt::get(), llvm::ScalarEvolution::getAddExpr(), llvm::Pass::getAnalysisIfAvailable(), llvm::LPPassManager::getAsPass(), llvm::ScalarEvolution::getBackedgeTakenCount(), llvm::LoopInfo::getBase(), llvm::Function::getBasicBlockList(), llvm::ScalarEvolution::getConstant(), llvm::BasicBlock::getContext(), llvm::LoopBase< BlockT, LoopT >::getExitingBlock(), llvm::LoopBase< BlockT, LoopT >::getHeader(), llvm::LoopBase< BlockT, LoopT >::getLoopLatch(), llvm::LoopBase< BlockT, LoopT >::getLoopPreheader(), llvm::BasicBlock::getParent(), llvm::LoopBase< BlockT, LoopT >::getParentLoop(), llvm::BasicBlock::getTerminator(), llvm::SCEV::getType(), llvm::Value::getType(), llvm::Loop::getUniqueExitBlock(), I, llvm::CmpInst::ICMP_EQ, llvm::Type::isIntegerTy(), llvm::Loop::isLoopSimplifyForm(), llvm::LoopBlocksDFS::perform(), RemapInstruction(), RF_IgnoreMissingEntries, RF_NoModuleLevelChanges, llvm::TerminatorInst::setSuccessor(), llvm::iplist< NodeTy, Traits >::splice(), SplitBlock(), and SplitEdge().

Referenced by UnrollLoop().

LLVMContext** llvm::unwrap ( LLVMContextRef Tys) [inline]

Definition at line 188 of file LLVMContext.h.

Definition at line 453 of file DataLayout.h.

Referenced by LLVMABIAlignmentOfType(), LLVMABISizeOfType(), LLVMAddAggressiveDCEPass(), LLVMAddAlias(), LLVMAddAlignmentFromAssumptionsPass(), LLVMAddAlwaysInlinerPass(), LLVMAddAnalysisPasses(), LLVMAddArgumentPromotionPass(), LLVMAddBasicAliasAnalysisPass(), LLVMAddBBVectorizePass(), LLVMAddCase(), LLVMAddCFGSimplificationPass(), LLVMAddClause(), LLVMAddConstantMergePass(), LLVMAddConstantPropagationPass(), LLVMAddCorrelatedValuePropagationPass(), LLVMAddDeadArgEliminationPass(), LLVMAddDeadStoreEliminationPass(), LLVMAddDemoteMemoryToRegisterPass(), LLVMAddDestination(), LLVMAddEarlyCSEPass(), LLVMAddFunction(), LLVMAddFunctionAttrsPass(), LLVMAddFunctionInliningPass(), LLVMAddGlobal(), LLVMAddGlobalDCEPass(), LLVMAddGlobalInAddressSpace(), LLVMAddGlobalMapping(), LLVMAddGlobalOptimizerPass(), LLVMAddGVNPass(), LLVMAddIncoming(), LLVMAddIndVarSimplifyPass(), LLVMAddInstructionCombiningPass(), LLVMAddInternalizePass(), LLVMAddIPConstantPropagationPass(), LLVMAddIPSCCPPass(), LLVMAddJumpThreadingPass(), LLVMAddLICMPass(), LLVMAddLoopDeletionPass(), LLVMAddLoopIdiomPass(), LLVMAddLoopRerollPass(), LLVMAddLoopRotatePass(), LLVMAddLoopUnrollPass(), LLVMAddLoopUnswitchPass(), LLVMAddLoopVectorizePass(), LLVMAddLowerExpectIntrinsicPass(), LLVMAddLowerSwitchPass(), LLVMAddMemCpyOptPass(), LLVMAddMergedLoadStoreMotionPass(), LLVMAddModule(), LLVMAddNamedMetadataOperand(), LLVMAddPartiallyInlineLibCallsPass(), LLVMAddPromoteMemoryToRegisterPass(), LLVMAddPruneEHPass(), LLVMAddReassociatePass(), LLVMAddScalarizerPass(), LLVMAddScalarReplAggregatesPass(), LLVMAddScalarReplAggregatesPassSSA(), LLVMAddScalarReplAggregatesPassWithThreshold(), LLVMAddSCCPPass(), LLVMAddScopedNoAliasAAPass(), LLVMAddSLPVectorizePass(), LLVMAddStripDeadPrototypesPass(), LLVMAddStripSymbolsPass(), LLVMAddTailCallEliminationPass(), LLVMAddTargetData(), LLVMAddTargetLibraryInfo(), LLVMAddTypeBasedAliasAnalysisPass(), LLVMAddVerifierPass(), LLVMAlignOf(), LLVMAppendBasicBlockInContext(), LLVMArrayType(), LLVMBasicBlockAsValue(), LLVMBlockAddress(), LLVMBuildAdd(), LLVMBuildAddrSpaceCast(), LLVMBuildAggregateRet(), LLVMBuildAlloca(), LLVMBuildAnd(), LLVMBuildArrayAlloca(), LLVMBuildArrayMalloc(), LLVMBuildAShr(), LLVMBuildAtomicRMW(), LLVMBuildBinOp(), LLVMBuildBitCast(), LLVMBuildBr(), LLVMBuildCall(), LLVMBuildCast(), LLVMBuildCondBr(), LLVMBuildExactSDiv(), LLVMBuildExtractElement(), LLVMBuildExtractValue(), LLVMBuildFAdd(), LLVMBuildFCmp(), LLVMBuildFDiv(), LLVMBuildFence(), LLVMBuildFMul(), LLVMBuildFNeg(), LLVMBuildFPCast(), LLVMBuildFPExt(), LLVMBuildFPToSI(), LLVMBuildFPToUI(), LLVMBuildFPTrunc(), LLVMBuildFree(), LLVMBuildFRem(), LLVMBuildFSub(), LLVMBuildGEP(), LLVMBuildGlobalString(), LLVMBuildGlobalStringPtr(), LLVMBuildICmp(), LLVMBuildInBoundsGEP(), LLVMBuildIndirectBr(), LLVMBuildInsertElement(), LLVMBuildInsertValue(), LLVMBuildIntCast(), LLVMBuildIntToPtr(), LLVMBuildInvoke(), LLVMBuildIsNotNull(), LLVMBuildIsNull(), LLVMBuildLandingPad(), LLVMBuildLoad(), LLVMBuildLShr(), LLVMBuildMalloc(), LLVMBuildMul(), LLVMBuildNeg(), LLVMBuildNot(), LLVMBuildNSWAdd(), LLVMBuildNSWMul(), LLVMBuildNSWNeg(), LLVMBuildNSWSub(), LLVMBuildNUWAdd(), LLVMBuildNUWMul(), LLVMBuildNUWNeg(), LLVMBuildNUWSub(), LLVMBuildOr(), LLVMBuildPhi(), LLVMBuildPointerCast(), LLVMBuildPtrDiff(), LLVMBuildPtrToInt(), LLVMBuildResume(), LLVMBuildRet(), LLVMBuildRetVoid(), LLVMBuildSDiv(), LLVMBuildSelect(), LLVMBuildSExt(), LLVMBuildSExtOrBitCast(), LLVMBuildShl(), LLVMBuildShuffleVector(), LLVMBuildSIToFP(), LLVMBuildSRem(), LLVMBuildStore(), LLVMBuildStructGEP(), LLVMBuildSub(), LLVMBuildSwitch(), LLVMBuildTrunc(), LLVMBuildTruncOrBitCast(), LLVMBuildUDiv(), LLVMBuildUIToFP(), LLVMBuildUnreachable(), LLVMBuildURem(), LLVMBuildVAArg(), LLVMBuildXor(), LLVMBuildZExt(), LLVMBuildZExtOrBitCast(), LLVMByteOrder(), LLVMCallFrameAlignmentOfType(), LLVMClearInsertionPosition(), LLVMConstAddrSpaceCast(), LLVMConstAllOnes(), LLVMConstArray(), LLVMConstBitCast(), LLVMConstFPCast(), LLVMConstFPExt(), LLVMConstFPToSI(), LLVMConstFPToUI(), LLVMConstFPTrunc(), LLVMConstInlineAsm(), LLVMConstIntCast(), LLVMConstIntToPtr(), LLVMConstNamedStruct(), LLVMConstNull(), LLVMConstPointerCast(), LLVMConstPtrToInt(), LLVMConstReal(), LLVMConstRealOfString(), LLVMConstRealOfStringAndSize(), LLVMConstSExt(), LLVMConstSExtOrBitCast(), LLVMConstSIToFP(), LLVMConstStringInContext(), LLVMConstStructInContext(), LLVMConstTrunc(), LLVMConstTruncOrBitCast(), LLVMConstUIToFP(), LLVMConstZExt(), LLVMConstZExtOrBitCast(), LLVMContextDispose(), LLVMContextSetDiagnosticHandler(), LLVMContextSetYieldCallback(), LLVMCopyStringRepOfTargetData(), LLVMCreateBuilderInContext(), LLVMCreateExecutionEngineForModule(), LLVMCreateFunctionPassManagerForModule(), LLVMCreateGenericValueOfFloat(), LLVMCreateInterpreterForModule(), LLVMCreateJITCompilerForModule(), LLVMCreateMCJITCompilerForModule(), LLVMCreateObjectFile(), LLVMCreateTargetMachine(), LLVMDeleteBasicBlock(), LLVMDisposeBuilder(), LLVMDisposeExecutionEngine(), LLVMDisposeGenericValue(), LLVMDisposeMCJITMemoryManager(), LLVMDisposeMemoryBuffer(), LLVMDisposeModule(), LLVMDisposeModuleProvider(), LLVMDisposeObjectFile(), LLVMDisposePassManager(), LLVMDisposeRelocationIterator(), LLVMDisposeSectionIterator(), LLVMDisposeSymbolIterator(), LLVMDisposeTargetData(), LLVMDisposeTargetMachine(), LLVMDoubleTypeInContext(), LLVMDumpModule(), LLVMDumpType(), LLVMDumpValue(), LLVMElementAtOffset(), LLVMFindFunction(), LLVMFloatTypeInContext(), LLVMFP128TypeInContext(), LLVMFunctionType(), LLVMGenericValueIntWidth(), LLVMGenericValueToFloat(), LLVMGenericValueToInt(), LLVMGenericValueToPointer(), LLVMGetAsString(), LLVMGetBasicBlockParent(), LLVMGetBasicBlockTerminator(), LLVMGetBitcodeModuleInContext(), LLVMGetBufferSize(), LLVMGetBufferStart(), LLVMGetCurrentDebugLocation(), LLVMGetDataLayout(), LLVMGetDiagInfoDescription(), LLVMGetDiagInfoSeverity(), LLVMGetElementAsConstant(), LLVMGetExecutionEngineTargetData(), LLVMGetExecutionEngineTargetMachine(), LLVMGetFirstFunction(), LLVMGetFirstGlobal(), LLVMGetFirstInstruction(), LLVMGetFirstUse(), LLVMGetICmpPredicate(), LLVMGetInsertBlock(), LLVMGetInstructionCallConv(), LLVMGetInstructionOpcode(), LLVMGetIntrinsicID(), LLVMGetLastFunction(), LLVMGetLastGlobal(), LLVMGetLastInstruction(), LLVMGetMDKindIDInContext(), LLVMGetMDNodeNumOperands(), LLVMGetMDNodeOperands(), LLVMGetMDString(), LLVMGetModuleContext(), LLVMGetNamedFunction(), LLVMGetNamedGlobal(), LLVMGetNamedMetadataNumOperands(), LLVMGetNamedMetadataOperands(), LLVMGetNextBasicBlock(), LLVMGetNextTarget(), LLVMGetNextUse(), LLVMGetNumOperands(), LLVMGetOperand(), LLVMGetOperandUse(), LLVMGetPointerToGlobal(), LLVMGetPreviousBasicBlock(), LLVMGetRelocationAddress(), LLVMGetRelocationOffset(), LLVMGetRelocations(), LLVMGetRelocationSymbol(), LLVMGetRelocationType(), LLVMGetRelocationTypeName(), LLVMGetRelocationValueString(), LLVMGetSectionAddress(), LLVMGetSectionContainsSymbol(), LLVMGetSectionContents(), LLVMGetSectionName(), LLVMGetSections(), LLVMGetSectionSize(), LLVMGetSymbolAddress(), LLVMGetSymbolName(), LLVMGetSymbols(), LLVMGetSymbolSize(), LLVMGetTarget(), LLVMGetTargetDescription(), LLVMGetTargetMachineCPU(), LLVMGetTargetMachineData(), LLVMGetTargetMachineFeatureString(), LLVMGetTargetMachineTarget(), LLVMGetTargetMachineTriple(), LLVMGetTargetName(), LLVMGetTypeByName(), LLVMGetTypeContext(), LLVMGetTypeKind(), LLVMGetUndef(), LLVMGetUsedValue(), LLVMGetUser(), LLVMGetValueName(), LLVMHalfTypeInContext(), LLVMInitializeAnalysis(), LLVMInitializeCodeGen(), LLVMInitializeCore(), LLVMInitializeInstCombine(), LLVMInitializeInstrumentation(), LLVMInitializeIPA(), LLVMInitializeIPO(), LLVMInitializeObjCARCOpts(), LLVMInitializeScalarOpts(), LLVMInitializeTarget(), LLVMInitializeTransformUtils(), LLVMInitializeVectorization(), LLVMInsertBasicBlockInContext(), LLVMInsertIntoBuilder(), LLVMInsertIntoBuilderWithName(), LLVMInt16TypeInContext(), LLVMInt1TypeInContext(), LLVMInt32TypeInContext(), LLVMInt64TypeInContext(), LLVMInt8TypeInContext(), LLVMIntPtrType(), LLVMIntPtrTypeForAS(), LLVMIntPtrTypeForASInContext(), LLVMIntPtrTypeInContext(), LLVMIntTypeInContext(), LLVMIsConstant(), LLVMIsConstantString(), LLVMIsNull(), LLVMIsRelocationIteratorAtEnd(), LLVMIsSectionIteratorAtEnd(), LLVMIsSymbolIteratorAtEnd(), LLVMIsUndef(), LLVMLabelTypeInContext(), LLVMLinkModules(), LLVMMDNodeInContext(), LLVMMDStringInContext(), LLVMModuleCreateWithNameInContext(), LLVMMoveBasicBlockAfter(), LLVMMoveBasicBlockBefore(), LLVMMoveToContainingSection(), LLVMMoveToNextRelocation(), LLVMMoveToNextSection(), LLVMMoveToNextSymbol(), LLVMOffsetOfElement(), LLVMParseBitcodeInContext(), LLVMParseIRInContext(), LLVMPassManagerBuilderDispose(), LLVMPassManagerBuilderPopulateFunctionPassManager(), LLVMPassManagerBuilderPopulateLTOPassManager(), LLVMPassManagerBuilderPopulateModulePassManager(), LLVMPassManagerBuilderSetDisableUnitAtATime(), LLVMPassManagerBuilderSetDisableUnrollLoops(), LLVMPassManagerBuilderSetOptLevel(), LLVMPassManagerBuilderSetSizeLevel(), LLVMPassManagerBuilderUseInlinerWithThreshold(), LLVMPointerSize(), LLVMPointerSizeForAS(), LLVMPointerType(), LLVMPositionBuilder(), LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(), LLVMPositionBuilderBefore(), LLVMPPCFP128TypeInContext(), LLVMPreferredAlignmentOfGlobal(), LLVMPreferredAlignmentOfType(), LLVMPrintModuleToFile(), LLVMPrintModuleToString(), LLVMPrintTypeToString(), LLVMPrintValueToString(), LLVMRemoveBasicBlockFromParent(), LLVMRemoveModule(), LLVMReplaceAllUsesWith(), LLVMRunFunction(), LLVMRunFunctionAsMain(), LLVMRunPassManager(), LLVMRunStaticConstructors(), LLVMRunStaticDestructors(), LLVMSetCurrentDebugLocation(), LLVMSetDataLayout(), LLVMSetInstDebugLocation(), LLVMSetInstructionCallConv(), LLVMSetModuleInlineAsm(), LLVMSetOperand(), LLVMSetTarget(), LLVMSetTargetMachineAsmVerbosity(), LLVMSetValueName(), LLVMSizeOf(), LLVMSizeOfTypeInBits(), LLVMStoreSizeOfType(), LLVMStructCreateNamed(), LLVMStructSetBody(), LLVMStructTypeInContext(), LLVMTargetHasAsmBackend(), LLVMTargetHasJIT(), LLVMTargetHasTargetMachine(), LLVMTargetMachineEmit(), LLVMTypeIsSized(), LLVMTypeOf(), LLVMValueIsBasicBlock(), LLVMVectorType(), LLVMVerifyModule(), LLVMVoidTypeInContext(), LLVMWriteBitcodeToFD(), LLVMWriteBitcodeToFile(), LLVMX86FP80TypeInContext(), and LLVMX86MMXTypeInContext().

Type** llvm::unwrap ( LLVMTypeRef Tys) [inline]

Definition at line 475 of file Type.h.

Definition at line 654 of file Module.h.

Value** llvm::unwrap ( LLVMValueRef Vals) [inline]

Definition at line 679 of file Value.h.

template<typename T >
T** llvm::unwrap ( LLVMValueRef Vals,
unsigned  Length 
) [inline]

Definition at line 684 of file Value.h.

References I, and T.

Value * llvm::UpgradeBitCastExpr ( unsigned  Opc,
Constant C,
Type DestTy 

This is an auto-upgrade for bitcast constant expression between pointers with different address spaces: the instruction is replaced by a pair ptrtoint+inttoptr.

Definition at line 580 of file AutoUpgrade.cpp.

References llvm::Value::getContext(), llvm::Type::getInt64Ty(), llvm::ConstantExpr::getIntToPtr(), llvm::Type::getPointerAddressSpace(), llvm::ConstantExpr::getPtrToInt(), llvm::Value::getType(), and llvm::Type::isPtrOrPtrVectorTy().

Instruction * llvm::UpgradeBitCastInst ( unsigned  Opc,
Value V,
Type DestTy,
Instruction *&  Temp 

This is an auto-upgrade for bitcast between pointers with different address spaces: the instruction is replaced by a pair ptrtoint+inttoptr.

Definition at line 558 of file AutoUpgrade.cpp.

References llvm::CastInst::Create(), llvm::Value::getContext(), llvm::Type::getInt64Ty(), llvm::Type::getPointerAddressSpace(), llvm::Value::getType(), IntToPtr, and llvm::Type::isPtrOrPtrVectorTy().

This is an auto-upgrade hook for any old intrinsic function syntaxes which need to have both the function updated as well as all calls updated to the new function. This should only be run in a post-processing fashion so that it can update all calls to the old function.

Definition at line 511 of file AutoUpgrade.cpp.

References llvm::Function::eraseFromParent(), UpgradeIntrinsicCall(), UpgradeIntrinsicFunction(), llvm::Value::user_begin(), and llvm::Value::user_end().

Check the debug info version number, if it is out-dated, drop the debug info. Return true if module is modified.

Definition at line 602 of file AutoUpgrade.cpp.

References DEBUG_METADATA_VERSION, llvm::LLVMContext::diagnose(), llvm::Module::getContext(), getDebugMetadataVersionFromModule(), StripDebugInfo(), and llvm::IndexedInstrProf::Version.

Referenced by llvm::BitcodeReader::MaterializeModule().

This checks for global variables which should be upgraded. It returns true if it requires upgrading.

Definition at line 237 of file AutoUpgrade.cpp.

If the TBAA tag for the given instruction uses the scalar TBAA format, we upgrade it to the struct-path aware TBAA format.

Definition at line 530 of file AutoUpgrade.cpp.

References llvm::MDNode::get(), llvm::Value::getContext(), llvm::Type::getInt64Ty(), llvm::Instruction::getMetadata(), llvm::Constant::getNullValue(), llvm::MDNode::getNumOperands(), llvm::MDNode::getOperand(), llvm::LLVMContext::MD_tbaa, and llvm::Instruction::setMetadata().

Referenced by llvm::BitcodeReader::MaterializeModule().

void llvm::UpgradeIntrinsicCall ( CallInst CI,
Function NewFn 

This is the complement to the above, replacing a specific call to an intrinsic function with a call to the specified new function.

Definition at line 245 of file AutoUpgrade.cpp.

References llvm::CallInst::arg_operands(), llvm::SmallVectorTemplateCommon< T, typename >::back(), llvm::CallingConv::C, llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateBitCast(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateCall(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateCall2(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateCall3(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateICmpEQ(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateICmpSGT(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateInsertElement(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateLoad(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateSExt(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateShuffleVector(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateStore(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateTrunc(), llvm::IRBuilder< preserveNames, T, Inserter >::CreateZExt(), llvm::StringRef::endswith(), llvm::Instruction::eraseFromParent(), llvm::ConstantInt::get(), llvm::MDNode::get(), llvm::VectorType::get(), llvm::ConstantVector::get(), llvm::UndefValue::get(), llvm::CallInst::getArgOperand(), llvm::CallInst::getCalledFunction(), llvm::Value::getContext(), llvm::Intrinsic::getDeclaration(), llvm::IRBuilderBase::getFalse(), llvm::Type::getFloatTy(), llvm::IRBuilderBase::getInt32(), llvm::Type::getInt32Ty(), llvm::Type::getInt64Ty(), llvm::IRBuilderBase::getInt8(), llvm::Type::getInt8Ty(), llvm::Function::getIntrinsicID(), llvm::Module::getMDKindID(), llvm::Value::getName(), llvm::CallInst::getNumArgOperands(), llvm::Instruction::getParent(), llvm::GlobalValue::getParent(), llvm::Type::getPointerTo(), llvm::Value::getType(), llvm::PointerType::getUnqual(), llvm::Type::getVectorElementType(), llvm::Type::getVectorNumElements(), I, llvm_unreachable, llvm::SPII::Load, Name, Node, llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, isPodLike< T >::value >::push_back(), llvm::Value::replaceAllUsesWith(), llvm::StoreInst::setAlignment(), llvm::IRBuilderBase::SetInsertPoint(), llvm::Instruction::setMetadata(), llvm::Value::setName(), llvm::StringRef::startswith(), llvm::StringRef::str(), and llvm::StringRef::substr().

Referenced by llvm::BitcodeReader::Materialize(), llvm::BitcodeReader::MaterializeModule(), and UpgradeCallsToIntrinsic().

This is a more granular function that simply checks an intrinsic function for upgrading, and returns true if it requires upgrading. It may return null in NewFn if the all calls to the original intrinsic function should be transformed to non-function-call instructions.

Definition at line 224 of file AutoUpgrade.cpp.

References llvm::Intrinsic::getAttributes(), llvm::Function::getContext(), llvm::Function::getIntrinsicID(), llvm::Function::setAttributes(), and UpgradeIntrinsicFunction1().

Referenced by UpgradeCallsToIntrinsic().

void llvm::UpgradeMDStringConstant ( std::string &  String)

Upgrade a metadata string constant in place.

Definition at line 615 of file AutoUpgrade.cpp.

template<typename IntTy >
static char* llvm::utohex_buffer ( IntTy  X,
char *  BufferEnd,
bool  LowerCase = false 
) [inline, static]

utohex_buffer - Emit the specified number into the buffer specified by BufferEnd, returning a pointer to the start of the string. This can be used like this: (note that the buffer must be large enough to handle any number): char Buffer[40]; printf("0x%s", utohex_buffer(X, Buffer+40));

This should only be used with unsigned types.

Definition at line 56 of file StringExtras.h.

References hexdigit(), and X.

Referenced by utohexstr(), and WriteConstantInternal().

static std::string llvm::utohexstr ( uint64_t  X,
bool  LowerCase = false 
) [inline, static]
static std::string llvm::utostr ( uint64_t  X,
bool  isNeg = false 
) [inline, static]
static std::string llvm::utostr_32 ( uint32_t  X,
bool  isNeg = false 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 77 of file StringExtras.h.

static size_t llvm::VarAndRedzoneSize ( size_t  Size,
size_t  Alignment 
) [static]

Definition at line 43 of file ASanStackFrameLayout.cpp.

References RoundUpTo().

Referenced by ComputeASanStackFrameLayout().

Vectorize the BasicBlock.

BBThe BasicBlock to be vectorized
PThe current running pass, should require AliasAnalysis and ScalarEvolution. After the vectorization, AliasAnalysis, ScalarEvolution and CFG are preserved.
True if the BB is changed, false otherwise.

Definition at line 3206 of file BBVectorize.cpp.

bool llvm::verifyFunction ( const Function F,
raw_ostream OS = nullptr 

Check a function for errors, useful for use when debugging a pass.

If there are no errors, the function returns false. If an error is found, a message describing the error is written to OS (if non-null) and true is returned.

Definition at line 2598 of file Verifier.cpp.

References llvm::GlobalValue::isDeclaration().

Referenced by llvm::CodeExtractor::extractCodeRegion(), LLVMVerifyFunction(), and llvm::VerifierPass::run().

static void llvm::verifyIntrinsicTables ( ) [static]
bool llvm::verifyModule ( const Module M,
raw_ostream OS = nullptr 

Check a module for errors.

If there are no errors, the function returns false. If an error is found, a message describing the error is written to OS (if non-null) and true is returned.

Definition at line 2610 of file Verifier.cpp.

References llvm::Module::begin(), llvm::Module::end(), and I.

Referenced by LLVMVerifyModule(), and llvm::VerifierPass::run().

template<typename GraphType >
void llvm::ViewGraph ( const GraphType &  G,
const Twine &  Name,
bool  ShortNames = false,
const Twine &  Title = "",
GraphProgram::Name  Program = GraphProgram::DOT 
template<typename SV >
void llvm::visitAll ( const SCEV *  Root,
SV &  Visitor 

Use SCEVTraversal to visit all nodes in the givien expression tree.

Definition at line 629 of file ScalarEvolutionExpressions.h.

References T, and llvm::SCEVTraversal< SV >::visitAll().

Referenced by llvm::SCEVAddRecExpr::collectParametricTerms(), llvm::ScalarEvolution::hasOperand(), and isSafeToExpand().

LLVMCodeModel llvm::wrap ( CodeModel::Model  Model) [inline]
LLVMContextRef* llvm::wrap ( const LLVMContext **  Tys) [inline]

Definition at line 192 of file LLVMContext.h.

LLVMTargetDataRef llvm::wrap ( const DataLayout *  P) [inline]

Definition at line 457 of file DataLayout.h.

Referenced by LLVMAddAlias(), LLVMAddFunction(), LLVMAddGlobal(), LLVMAddGlobalInAddressSpace(), LLVMAlignOf(), LLVMAppendBasicBlockInContext(), LLVMArrayType(), LLVMBasicBlockAsValue(), LLVMBlockAddress(), LLVMBuildAdd(), LLVMBuildAddrSpaceCast(), LLVMBuildAggregateRet(), LLVMBuildAlloca(), LLVMBuildAnd(), LLVMBuildArrayAlloca(), LLVMBuildArrayMalloc(), LLVMBuildAShr(), LLVMBuildAtomicRMW(), LLVMBuildBinOp(), LLVMBuildBitCast(), LLVMBuildBr(), LLVMBuildCall(), LLVMBuildCast(), LLVMBuildCondBr(), LLVMBuildExactSDiv(), LLVMBuildExtractElement(), LLVMBuildExtractValue(), LLVMBuildFAdd(), LLVMBuildFCmp(), LLVMBuildFDiv(), LLVMBuildFence(), LLVMBuildFMul(), LLVMBuildFNeg(), LLVMBuildFPCast(), LLVMBuildFPExt(), LLVMBuildFPToSI(), LLVMBuildFPToUI(), LLVMBuildFPTrunc(), LLVMBuildFree(), LLVMBuildFRem(), LLVMBuildFSub(), LLVMBuildGEP(), LLVMBuildGlobalString(), LLVMBuildGlobalStringPtr(), LLVMBuildICmp(), LLVMBuildInBoundsGEP(), LLVMBuildIndirectBr(), LLVMBuildInsertElement(), LLVMBuildInsertValue(), LLVMBuildIntCast(), LLVMBuildIntToPtr(), LLVMBuildInvoke(), LLVMBuildIsNotNull(), LLVMBuildIsNull(), LLVMBuildLandingPad(), LLVMBuildLoad(), LLVMBuildLShr(), LLVMBuildMalloc(), LLVMBuildMul(), LLVMBuildNeg(), LLVMBuildNot(), LLVMBuildNSWAdd(), LLVMBuildNSWMul(), LLVMBuildNSWNeg(), LLVMBuildNSWSub(), LLVMBuildNUWAdd(), LLVMBuildNUWMul(), LLVMBuildNUWNeg(), LLVMBuildNUWSub(), LLVMBuildOr(), LLVMBuildPhi(), LLVMBuildPointerCast(), LLVMBuildPtrDiff(), LLVMBuildPtrToInt(), LLVMBuildResume(), LLVMBuildRet(), LLVMBuildRetVoid(), LLVMBuildSDiv(), LLVMBuildSelect(), LLVMBuildSExt(), LLVMBuildSExtOrBitCast(), LLVMBuildShl(), LLVMBuildShuffleVector(), LLVMBuildSIToFP(), LLVMBuildSRem(), LLVMBuildStore(), LLVMBuildStructGEP(), LLVMBuildSub(), LLVMBuildSwitch(), LLVMBuildTrunc(), LLVMBuildTruncOrBitCast(), LLVMBuildUDiv(), LLVMBuildUIToFP(), LLVMBuildUnreachable(), LLVMBuildURem(), LLVMBuildVAArg(), LLVMBuildXor(), LLVMBuildZExt(), LLVMBuildZExtOrBitCast(), LLVMConstAdd(), LLVMConstAddrSpaceCast(), LLVMConstAllOnes(), LLVMConstAnd(), LLVMConstArray(), LLVMConstAShr(), LLVMConstBitCast(), LLVMConstExactSDiv(), LLVMConstExtractElement(), LLVMConstExtractValue(), LLVMConstFAdd(), LLVMConstFCmp(), LLVMConstFDiv(), LLVMConstFMul(), LLVMConstFNeg(), LLVMConstFPCast(), LLVMConstFPExt(), LLVMConstFPToSI(), LLVMConstFPToUI(), LLVMConstFPTrunc(), LLVMConstFRem(), LLVMConstFSub(), LLVMConstGEP(), LLVMConstICmp(), LLVMConstInBoundsGEP(), LLVMConstInlineAsm(), LLVMConstInsertElement(), LLVMConstInsertValue(), LLVMConstInt(), LLVMConstIntCast(), LLVMConstIntOfArbitraryPrecision(), LLVMConstIntOfString(), LLVMConstIntOfStringAndSize(), LLVMConstIntToPtr(), LLVMConstLShr(), LLVMConstMul(), LLVMConstNamedStruct(), LLVMConstNeg(), LLVMConstNot(), LLVMConstNSWAdd(), LLVMConstNSWMul(), LLVMConstNSWNeg(), LLVMConstNSWSub(), LLVMConstNull(), LLVMConstNUWAdd(), LLVMConstNUWMul(), LLVMConstNUWNeg(), LLVMConstNUWSub(), LLVMConstOr(), LLVMConstPointerCast(), LLVMConstPointerNull(), LLVMConstPtrToInt(), LLVMConstReal(), LLVMConstRealOfString(), LLVMConstRealOfStringAndSize(), LLVMConstSDiv(), LLVMConstSelect(), LLVMConstSExt(), LLVMConstSExtOrBitCast(), LLVMConstShl(), LLVMConstShuffleVector(), LLVMConstSIToFP(), LLVMConstSRem(), LLVMConstStringInContext(), LLVMConstStructInContext(), LLVMConstSub(), LLVMConstTrunc(), LLVMConstTruncOrBitCast(), LLVMConstUDiv(), LLVMConstUIToFP(), LLVMConstURem(), LLVMConstVector(), LLVMConstXor(), LLVMConstZExt(), LLVMConstZExtOrBitCast(), LLVMContextCreate(), LLVMCreateBuilderInContext(), LLVMCreateExecutionEngineForModule(), LLVMCreateFunctionPassManagerForModule(), LLVMCreateGenericValueOfFloat(), LLVMCreateGenericValueOfInt(), LLVMCreateGenericValueOfPointer(), LLVMCreateInterpreterForModule(), LLVMCreateJITCompilerForModule(), LLVMCreateMCJITCompilerForModule(), LLVMCreateMemoryBufferWithContentsOfFile(), LLVMCreateMemoryBufferWithMemoryRange(), LLVMCreateMemoryBufferWithMemoryRangeCopy(), LLVMCreateMemoryBufferWithSTDIN(), LLVMCreateObjectFile(), LLVMCreatePassManager(), LLVMCreateSimpleMCJITMemoryManager(), LLVMCreateTargetData(), LLVMCreateTargetMachine(), LLVMFindFunction(), LLVMFunctionType(), LLVMGetBasicBlockParent(), LLVMGetBasicBlocks(), LLVMGetBasicBlockTerminator(), LLVMGetBitcodeModuleInContext(), LLVMGetCurrentDebugLocation(), LLVMGetElementAsConstant(), LLVMGetElementType(), LLVMGetEntryBasicBlock(), LLVMGetExecutionEngineTargetData(), LLVMGetExecutionEngineTargetMachine(), LLVMGetFirstBasicBlock(), LLVMGetFirstFunction(), LLVMGetFirstGlobal(), LLVMGetFirstInstruction(), LLVMGetFirstParam(), LLVMGetFirstTarget(), LLVMGetFirstUse(), LLVMGetGlobalContext(), LLVMGetGlobalParent(), LLVMGetGlobalPassRegistry(), LLVMGetIncomingBlock(), LLVMGetIncomingValue(), LLVMGetInitializer(), LLVMGetInsertBlock(), LLVMGetInstructionParent(), LLVMGetLastBasicBlock(), LLVMGetLastFunction(), LLVMGetLastGlobal(), LLVMGetLastInstruction(), LLVMGetLastParam(), LLVMGetMDNodeOperands(), LLVMGetMetadata(), LLVMGetModuleContext(), LLVMGetNamedFunction(), LLVMGetNamedGlobal(), LLVMGetNamedMetadataOperands(), LLVMGetNextBasicBlock(), LLVMGetNextFunction(), LLVMGetNextGlobal(), LLVMGetNextInstruction(), LLVMGetNextParam(), LLVMGetNextTarget(), LLVMGetNextUse(), LLVMGetOperand(), LLVMGetOperandUse(), LLVMGetParam(), LLVMGetParamParent(), LLVMGetParams(), LLVMGetParamTypes(), LLVMGetPreviousBasicBlock(), LLVMGetPreviousFunction(), LLVMGetPreviousGlobal(), LLVMGetPreviousInstruction(), LLVMGetPreviousParam(), LLVMGetRelocations(), LLVMGetRelocationSymbol(), LLVMGetReturnType(), LLVMGetSections(), LLVMGetStructElementTypes(), LLVMGetSwitchDefaultDest(), LLVMGetSymbols(), LLVMGetTargetFromName(), LLVMGetTargetFromTriple(), LLVMGetTargetMachineData(), LLVMGetTargetMachineTarget(), LLVMGetTypeByName(), LLVMGetTypeContext(), LLVMGetUndef(), LLVMGetUsedValue(), LLVMGetUser(), LLVMInsertBasicBlockInContext(), LLVMIntPtrType(), LLVMIntPtrTypeForAS(), LLVMIntPtrTypeForASInContext(), LLVMIntPtrTypeInContext(), LLVMIntTypeInContext(), LLVMLabelTypeInContext(), LLVMMDNodeInContext(), LLVMMDStringInContext(), LLVMModuleCreateWithName(), LLVMModuleCreateWithNameInContext(), LLVMParseBitcode(), LLVMParseBitcodeInContext(), LLVMParseIRInContext(), LLVMPassManagerBuilderCreate(), LLVMPointerType(), LLVMRemoveModule(), LLVMRunFunction(), LLVMSizeOf(), LLVMStructCreateNamed(), LLVMStructTypeInContext(), LLVMTypeOf(), LLVMValueAsBasicBlock(), LLVMVectorType(), and LLVMVoidTypeInContext().

LLVMTypeRef* llvm::wrap ( Type **  Tys) [inline]

Definition at line 479 of file Type.h.

LLVMValueRef* llvm::wrap ( const Value **  Vals) [inline]

Definition at line 693 of file Value.h.

static void llvm::WriteAsOperandInternal ( raw_ostream Out,
const Value V,
TypePrinting TypePrinter,
SlotTracker Machine,
const Module Context 
) [static]
static void llvm::writeAtomicRMWOperation ( raw_ostream Out,
AtomicRMWInst::BinOp  Op 
) [static]
void llvm::WriteBitcodeToFile ( const Module M,
raw_ostream Out 

WriteBitcodeToFile - Write the specified module to the specified raw output stream. For streams where it matters, the given stream should be in "binary" mode.

WriteBitcodeToFile - Write the specified module to the specified output stream.

Definition at line 2002 of file BitcodeWriter.cpp.

References llvm::SmallVectorTemplateCommon< T >::begin(), DarwinBCHeaderSize, llvm::BitstreamWriter::Emit(), EmitDarwinBCHeaderAndTrailer(), llvm::SmallVectorTemplateCommon< T >::front(), llvm::Module::getTargetTriple(), llvm::SmallVectorImpl< T >::insert(), llvm::SmallVectorImpl< T >::reserve(), llvm::SmallVectorTemplateCommon< T >::size(), llvm::raw_ostream::write(), and WriteModule().

Referenced by LLVMWriteBitcodeToFD(), LLVMWriteBitcodeToFile(), llvm::BitcodeWriterPass::run(), and llvm::LTOCodeGenerator::writeMergedModules().

static void llvm::WriteConstantInternal ( raw_ostream Out,
const Constant CV,
TypePrinting TypePrinter,
SlotTracker Machine,
const Module Context 
) [static]
raw_ostream& llvm::WriteGraph ( raw_ostream O,
const EdgeBundles G,
bool  ShortNames,
const Twine Title 

Definition at line 73 of file EdgeBundles.cpp.

References G.

template<typename GraphType >
raw_ostream& llvm::WriteGraph ( raw_ostream &  O,
const GraphType &  G,
bool  ShortNames = false,
const Twine &  Title = "" 
template<typename GraphType >
std::string llvm::WriteGraph ( const GraphType &  G,
const Twine &  Name,
bool  ShortNames = false,
const Twine &  Title = "" 

Definition at line 325 of file GraphWriter.h.

References createGraphFilename(), errs(), N, llvm::Twine::str(), and WriteGraph().

static void llvm::WriteMDNodeBodyInternal ( raw_ostream Out,
const MDNode Node,
TypePrinting TypePrinter,
SlotTracker Machine,
const Module Context 
) [static]

Definition at line 1254 of file AsmWriter.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::AssemblyWriter::printMDNodeBody().

static void llvm::WriteMDNodeComment ( const MDNode Node,
formatted_raw_ostream Out 
) [static]
static void llvm::WriteOptimizationInfo ( raw_ostream Out,
const User U 
) [static]

Definition at line 941 of file AsmWriter.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::AssemblyWriter::printInstruction().

Variable Documentation

Definition at line 55 of file NVPTXBaseInfo.h.

Referenced by AddThumb1SBit().

Initial value:

Definition at line 44 of file MCTargetAsmParser.h.

Referenced by rewritesSort().

char & llvm::AtomicExpandID = AtomicExpand::ID

AtomicExpandID -- Lowers atomic operations in terms of either cmpxchg load-linked/store-conditional loops.

Definition at line 54 of file AtomicExpandPass.cpp.

Initial value:
#define R2(n) 
#define R4(n) 
#define R6(n) 
  R6(0), R6(2), R6(1), R6(3)


Macro compressed bit reversal table for 256 bits.


Definition at line 228 of file MathExtras.h.

Referenced by reverseBits().

char & llvm::BranchFolderPassID = BranchFolderPass::ID

BranchFolding - This pass performs machine code CFG based optimizations to delete branches to branches, eliminate branches to successor blocks (creating fall throughs), and eliminating branches over branches.

Definition at line 85 of file BranchFolding.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addMachineLateOptimization(), and overridePass().

char & llvm::DeadMachineInstructionElimID = DeadMachineInstructionElim::ID

DeadMachineInstructionElim - This pass removes dead machine instructions.

Definition at line 51 of file DeadMachineInstructionElim.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addMachineSSAOptimization(), and overridePass().

DebugFlag - This boolean is set to true if the '-debug' command line option is specified. This should probably not be referenced directly, instead, use the DEBUG macro below.

Definition at line 36 of file Debug.cpp.

Referenced by dbgs().

char & llvm::DemoteRegisterToMemoryID = RegToMem::ID

Definition at line 130 of file Reg2Mem.cpp.

const uint16_t llvm::DRegList[] [static]
Initial value:
 { ARM::D0, ARM::D1, ARM::D2, ARM::D3,
                                     ARM::D4, ARM::D5, ARM::D6, ARM::D7 }

Definition at line 167 of file ARMCallingConv.h.

Referenced by CC_ARM_AAPCS_Custom_HA().

cl::opt<bool> llvm::DumpCriticalPathLength("misched-dcpl", cl::Hidden, cl::desc("Print critical path length to stdout"))
char & llvm::EarlyIfConverterID = EarlyIfConverter::ID

EarlyIfConverter - This pass performs if-conversion on SSA form by inserting cmov instructions.

Definition at line 608 of file EarlyIfConversion.cpp.

Referenced by overridePass().

EdgeBundles analysis - Bundle machine CFG edges.

EnableDebugBuffering - This defaults to false. If true, the debug stream will install signal handlers to dump any buffered debug output. It allows clients to selectively allow the debug stream to install signal handlers if they are certain there will be no conflict.

EnableDebugBuffering - Turn on signal handler installation.

Definition at line 135 of file Debug.cpp.

Referenced by dbgs().

cl::opt<bool> llvm::EnablePatchPointLiveness("enable-patchpoint-liveness", cl::Hidden, cl::init(true), cl::desc("Enable PatchPoint Liveness Analysis Pass"))

Definition at line 23 of file TableGen/Error.cpp.

Referenced by PrintMessage(), and TableGenMain().

char & llvm::ExpandISelPseudosID = ExpandISelPseudos::ID

ExpandISelPseudos - This pass expands pseudo-instructions.

Definition at line 44 of file ExpandISelPseudos.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addMachinePasses().

char & llvm::ExpandPostRAPseudosID = ExpandPostRA::ID

ExpandPostRAPseudos - This pass expands pseudo instructions after register allocation.

Definition at line 60 of file ExpandPostRAPseudos.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addMachinePasses().

char & llvm::FinalizeMachineBundlesID = FinalizeMachineBundles::ID

FinalizeMachineBundles - This pass finalize machine instruction bundles (created earlier, e.g. during pre-RA scheduling).

Definition at line 86 of file MachineInstrBundle.cpp.

cl::opt<bool> llvm::ForceBottomUp("misched-bottomup", cl::Hidden, cl::desc("Force bottom-up list scheduling"))
cl::opt<bool> llvm::ForceTopDown("misched-topdown", cl::Hidden, cl::desc("Force top-down list scheduling"))
char & llvm::GCMachineCodeAnalysisID = GCMachineCodeAnalysis::ID

GCMachineCodeAnalysis - Target-independent pass to mark safe points in machine code. Must be added very late during code generation, just prior to output, and importantly after all CFG transformations (such as branch folding).

Definition at line 331 of file GCStrategy.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addGCPasses().

get_array_pod_sort_comparator - This is an internal helper function used to get type deduction of T right.

Definition at line 314 of file STLExtras.h.

Referenced by array_pod_sort().

Definition at line 41 of file APInt.h.

char & llvm::IfConverterID = IfConverter::ID

IfConverter - This pass performs machine code if conversion.

Definition at line 268 of file IfConversion.cpp.

Remove redundant false char & llvm::InstructionSimplifierID = InstSimplifier::ID

Definition at line 111 of file SimplifyInstructions.cpp.

Definition at line 48 of file X86IntrinsicsInfo.h.

Referenced by getIntrinsicWithChain(), and verifyIntrinsicTables().

Definition at line 123 of file X86IntrinsicsInfo.h.

Referenced by getIntrinsicWithoutChain(), and verifyIntrinsicTables().

Definition at line 24 of file ASanStackFrameLayout.h.

Referenced by ComputeASanStackFrameLayout().

Definition at line 25 of file ASanStackFrameLayout.h.

Referenced by ComputeASanStackFrameLayout().

Definition at line 26 of file ASanStackFrameLayout.h.

Referenced by ComputeASanStackFrameLayout().

const size_t llvm::kMinAlignment = 16 [static]

Definition at line 34 of file ASanStackFrameLayout.cpp.

Referenced by ComputeASanStackFrameLayout().

char & llvm::LCSSAID = LCSSA::ID

Definition at line 282 of file LCSSA.cpp.

Referenced by SplitCriticalEdge(), and UpdateAnalysisInformation().

LiveIntervals - This analysis keeps track of the live ranges of virtual and physical registers.

Definition at line 48 of file LiveIntervalAnalysis.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addOptimizedRegAlloc().

Live Stack Slot false char & llvm::LiveStacksID = LiveStacks::ID

LiveStacks pass. An analysis keeping track of the liveness of stack slots.

Definition at line 36 of file LiveStackAnalysis.cpp.

LiveVariables pass - This pass computes the set of blocks in which each variable is life and sets machine operand kill flags.

Definition at line 45 of file LiveVariables.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addOptimizedRegAlloc().

char & llvm::LocalStackSlotAllocationID = LocalStackSlotPass::ID

LocalStackSlotAllocation - This pass assigns local frame indices to stack slots relative to one another and allocates base registers to access them when it is estimated by the target to be out of range of normal frame pointer or stack pointer index addressing.

Definition at line 96 of file LocalStackSlotAllocation.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addMachinePasses(), and llvm::TargetPassConfig::addMachineSSAOptimization().

loop Canonicalize natural false char & llvm::LoopSimplifyID = LoopSimplify::ID

Definition at line 789 of file LoopSimplify.cpp.

Referenced by SplitCriticalEdge().

char & llvm::MachineBlockPlacementID = MachineBlockPlacement::ID

MachineBlockPlacement - This pass places basic blocks based on branch probabilities.

Definition at line 254 of file MachineBlockPlacement.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addBlockPlacement(), and overridePass().

char & llvm::MachineBlockPlacementStatsID = MachineBlockPlacementStats::ID

MachineBlockPlacementStats - This pass collects statistics about the basic block placement using branch probabilities and block frequency information.

Definition at line 1167 of file MachineBlockPlacement.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addBlockPlacement().

char & llvm::MachineCombinerID = MachineCombiner::ID

This pass performs instruction combining using trace metrics to estimate critical-path and resource depth.

Definition at line 84 of file MachineCombiner.cpp.

char & llvm::MachineCopyPropagationID = MachineCopyPropagation::ID

MachineCopyPropagation - This pass performs copy propagation on machine instructions.

Definition at line 61 of file MachineCopyPropagation.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addMachineLateOptimization(), and overridePass().

char & llvm::MachineCSEID = MachineCSE::ID

MachineCSE - This pass performs global CSE on machine instructions.

Definition at line 109 of file MachineCSE.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addMachineSSAOptimization(), and overridePass().

MachineDominanaceFrontier - This pass is a machine dominators analysis pass.

Definition at line 38 of file MachineDominanceFrontier.cpp.

MachineDominators - This pass is a machine dominators analysis pass.

Referenced by llvm::LiveIntervals::getAnalysisUsage().

char & llvm::MachineFunctionPrinterPassID = MachineFunctionPrinterPass::ID

MachineFunctionPrinterPass - This pass prints out MachineInstr's.

Definition at line 54 of file MachineFunctionPrinterPass.cpp.

char & llvm::MachineLICMID = MachineLICM::ID

MachineLICM - This pass performs LICM on machine instructions.

Definition at line 300 of file MachineLICM.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addMachineSSAOptimization(), overridePass(), and llvm::TargetPassConfig::TargetPassConfig().

MachineLoopInfo - This pass is a loop analysis pass.

Definition at line 35 of file MachineLoopInfo.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addOptimizedRegAlloc(), and llvm::LiveIntervals::getAnalysisUsage().

char & llvm::MachineSchedulerID = MachineScheduler::ID

MachineScheduler - This pass schedules machine instructions.

Definition at line 145 of file MachineScheduler.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addOptimizedRegAlloc(), overridePass(), and llvm::TargetPassConfig::TargetPassConfig().

char & llvm::MachineSinkingID = MachineSinking::ID

MachineSinking - This pass performs sinking on machine instructions.

Definition at line 127 of file MachineSink.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addMachineSSAOptimization(), and overridePass().

MachineTraceMetrics - This pass computes critical path and CPU resource usage in an ensemble of traces.

Definition at line 31 of file MachineTraceMetrics.cpp.

Definition at line 89 of file APFloat.cpp.

Referenced by powerOf5().

Definition at line 91 of file APFloat.cpp.

Initial value:
 2 + ((maxPowerOfFiveExponent * 815)
                                                / (351 * integerPartWidth))

Definition at line 92 of file APFloat.cpp.

Referenced by powerOf5().

Definition at line 90 of file APFloat.cpp.

Referenced by getInstDesc().

const char* llvm::NamedMDForAnnotations = "nvvm.annotations" [static]

Definition at line 85 of file NVPTXBaseInfo.h.

Referenced by cacheAnnotationFromMD().

Definition at line 42 of file StratifiedSets.h.

char & llvm::OptimizePHIsID = OptimizePHIs::ID

OptimizePHIs - This pass optimizes machine instruction PHIs to take advantage of opportunities created during DAG legalization.

Definition at line 61 of file OptimizePHIs.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addMachineSSAOptimization().

char & llvm::PeepholeOptimizerID = PeepholeOptimizer::ID

PeepholeOptimizer - This pass performs peephole optimizations - like extension and comparison eliminations.

Definition at line 296 of file PeepholeOptimizer.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addMachineSSAOptimization().

char & llvm::PHIEliminationID = PHIElimination::ID

PHIElimination - This pass eliminates machine instruction PHI nodes by inserting copy instructions. This destroys SSA information, but is the desired input for some register allocators. This pass is "required" by these register allocator like this: AU.addRequiredID(PHIEliminationID);

Definition at line 110 of file PHIElimination.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addFastRegAlloc(), and llvm::TargetPassConfig::addOptimizedRegAlloc().

char & llvm::PostMachineSchedulerID = PostMachineScheduler::ID

PostMachineScheduler - This pass schedules machine instructions postRA.

Definition at line 175 of file MachineScheduler.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addMachinePasses().

char & llvm::PostRASchedulerID = PostRAScheduler::ID

createPostRAScheduler - This pass performs post register allocation scheduling.

Definition at line 190 of file PostRASchedulerList.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addMachinePasses(), and overridePass().

PowerPC VSX FMA false char & llvm::PPCVSXFMAMutateID = PPCVSXFMAMutate::ID

Definition at line 1868 of file PPCInstrInfo.cpp.

char & llvm::ProcessImplicitDefsID = ProcessImplicitDefs::ID

ProcessImpicitDefs pass - This pass removes IMPLICIT_DEFs.

Definition at line 52 of file ProcessImplicitDefs.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addOptimizedRegAlloc().

PrologEpilogCodeInserter - This pass inserts prolog and epilog code, and eliminates abstract frame references.

Definition at line 52 of file PrologEpilogInserter.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addMachinePasses().

Initial value:


Definition at line 56 of file NVPTXBaseInfo.h.

Referenced by getAlign(), getMaxNTIDx(), getMaxNTIDy(), getMaxNTIDz(), getMinCTASm(), getReqNTIDx(), getReqNTIDy(), getReqNTIDz(), isImageReadOnly(), isImageReadWrite(), isImageWriteOnly(), isKernelFunction(), isManaged(), isSampler(), isSurface(), and isTexture().

const uint16_t llvm::QRegList[] = { ARM::Q0, ARM::Q1, ARM::Q2, ARM::Q3 } [static]

Definition at line 169 of file ARMCallingConv.h.

Referenced by CC_ARM_AAPCS_Custom_HA().

char & llvm::RegisterCoalescerID = RegisterCoalescer::ID

RegisterCoalescer - This pass merges live ranges to eliminate copies.

end anonymous namespace

Definition at line 203 of file RegisterCoalescer.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addOptimizedRegAlloc().

char & llvm::SIFixSGPRLiveRangesID = SIFixSGPRLiveRanges::ID

Definition at line 68 of file SIFixSGPRLiveRanges.cpp.

char & llvm::SILowerI1CopiesID = SILowerI1Copies::ID

Definition at line 66 of file SILowerI1Copies.cpp.

spill code Spill Code Placement true char & llvm::SpillPlacementID = SpillPlacement::ID

SpillPlacement analysis. Suggest optimal placement of spill code between basic blocks.

Definition at line 53 of file SpillPlacement.cpp.

const uint16_t llvm::SRegList[] [static]
Initial value:
 { ARM::S0,  ARM::S1,  ARM::S2,  ARM::S3,
                                     ARM::S4,  ARM::S5,  ARM::S6,  ARM::S7,
                                     ARM::S8,  ARM::S9,  ARM::S10, ARM::S11,
                                     ARM::S12, ARM::S13, ARM::S14,  ARM::S15 }

Definition at line 163 of file ARMCallingConv.h.

Referenced by CC_ARM_AAPCS_Custom_HA().

char & llvm::StackColoringID = StackColoring::ID

StackSlotColoring - This pass performs stack coloring and merging. It merges disjoint allocas to reduce the stack size.

Definition at line 178 of file StackColoring.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addMachineSSAOptimization().

StackMapLiveness - This pass analyses the register live-out set of stackmap/patchpoint intrinsics and attaches the calculated information to the intrinsic for later emission to the StackMap.

Definition at line 43 of file StackMapLivenessAnalysis.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addMachinePasses().

char & llvm::StackSlotColoringID = StackSlotColoring::ID

StackSlotColoring - This pass performs stack slot coloring.

Definition at line 118 of file StackSlotColoring.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addOptimizedRegAlloc(), and overridePass().

char & llvm::TailDuplicateID = TailDuplicatePass::ID

TailDuplicate - Duplicate blocks with unconditional branches into tails of their predecessors.

Definition at line 130 of file TailDuplication.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addMachineLateOptimization(), overridePass(), and llvm::TargetPassConfig::TargetPassConfig().

This is the storage for the -time-passes option.

If the user specifies the -time-passes argument on an LLVM tool command line then the value of this boolean will be true, otherwise false.

Definition at line 26 of file IRReader.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::AsmPrinter::doFinalization(), llvm::DwarfDebug::DwarfDebug(), llvm::AsmPrinter::EmitFunctionBody(), llvm::AsmPrinter::EmitFunctionHeader(), llvm::AsmPrinter::EmitGlobalVariable(), and parseIR().

Definition at line 146 of file InstVisitor.h.

Referenced by BuildNew(), CanEvaluateSExtd(), CanEvaluateShuffled(), CanEvaluateTruncated(), CanEvaluateZExtd(), llvm::CastInst::castIsValid(), llvm::TruncInst::classof(), collectFailStats(), computeKnownBits(), ComputeNumSignBits(), ComputeSpeculationCost(), ConstantFoldCastInstruction(), ConstantFoldInstOperands(), llvm::CastInst::Create(), llvm::CastInst::CreateIntegerCast(), createReplacementInstr(), llvm::IRBuilder< true, TargetFolder >::CreateTrunc(), llvm::CastInst::CreateTruncOrBitCast(), evaluateICmpRelation(), expandDivisionUpTo32Bits(), expandDivisionUpTo64Bits(), expandRemainderUpTo32Bits(), expandRemainderUpTo64Bits(), llvm::ScalarEvolution::getAddExpr(), llvm::ConstantExpr::getAsInstruction(), llvm::ConstantExpr::getCast(), llvm::CastInst::getCastOpcode(), llvm::ExecutionEngine::getConstantValue(), GetDecodedCastOpcode(), GetEncodedCastOpcode(), llvm::objcarc::GetInstructionClass(), llvm::ConstantExpr::getIntegerCast(), llvm::Instruction::getOpcodeName(), llvm::ScalarEvolution::getSignedRange(), llvm::ConstantExpr::getTrunc(), llvm::ScalarEvolution::getUnsignedRange(), getWideOperand(), llvm::ConstantExpr::getWithOperands(), insertFastDiv(), llvm::TargetLoweringBase::InstructionOpcodeToISD(), llvm::CastInst::isIntegerCast(), llvm::CastInst::isNoopCast(), nvptx::LowerConstant(), lowerConstant(), llvm::SCEV::print(), ProcessUMulZExtIdiom(), llvm::FastISel::selectOperator(), shouldSpeculateInstrs(), SimplifyICmpInst(), SimplifyInstruction(), llvm::TargetLowering::SimplifySetCC(), SimplifyTruncInst(), truncateIVUse(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitICmpInstWithInstAndIntCst(), and llvm::InstCombiner::visitZExt().

Two Address instruction false char & llvm::TwoAddressInstructionPassID = TwoAddressInstructionPass::ID

TwoAddressInstruction - This pass reduces two-address instructions to use two operands. This destroys SSA information but it is desired by register allocators.

Definition at line 172 of file TwoAddressInstructionPass.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addFastRegAlloc(), and llvm::TargetPassConfig::addOptimizedRegAlloc().

char & llvm::UnpackMachineBundlesID = UnpackMachineBundles::ID

UnpackMachineBundles - This pass unpack machine instruction bundles.

Definition at line 35 of file MachineInstrBundle.cpp.

UnreachableMachineBlockElimination - This pass removes unreachable machine basic blocks.

Referenced by llvm::LiveVariables::getAnalysisUsage().

char & llvm::VirtRegRewriterID = VirtRegRewriter::ID

VirtRegRewriter pass. Rewrite virtual registers to physical registers as assigned in VirtRegMap.

Definition at line 180 of file VirtRegMap.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::TargetPassConfig::addOptimizedRegAlloc().

RegisterPass<NVPTXAllocaHoisting> llvm::X("alloca-hoisting","Hoisting alloca instructions in non-entry ""blocks to the entry block") [static]

Referenced by llvm::ConstantRange::add(), llvm::AliasSetTracker::add(), llvm::cl::parser< const PassInfo * >::addLiteralOption(), cast(), checkForNegativeOperand(), llvm::InstCombiner::commonIDivTransforms(), createAArch64MCCodeGenInfo(), createAArch64MCInstrInfo(), createAArch64MCRegisterInfo(), createAArch64MCSubtargetInfo(), createAMDGPUMCCodeGenInfo(), createAMDGPUMCInstrInfo(), createAMDGPUMCRegisterInfo(), createAMDGPUMCSubtargetInfo(), createARMMCCodeGenInfo(), createARMMCInstrInfo(), createARMMCRegisterInfo(), llvm::ARM_MC::createARMMCSubtargetInfo(), createHexagonMCCodeGenInfo(), createHexagonMCInstrInfo(), createHexagonMCRegisterInfo(), createHexagonMCSubtargetInfo(), createMipsMCCodeGenInfo(), createMipsMCInstrInfo(), createMipsMCRegisterInfo(), createMipsMCSubtargetInfo(), createMSP430MCCodeGenInfo(), createMSP430MCInstrInfo(), createMSP430MCRegisterInfo(), createMSP430MCSubtargetInfo(), createNVPTXMCCodeGenInfo(), createNVPTXMCInstrInfo(), createNVPTXMCRegisterInfo(), createNVPTXMCSubtargetInfo(), createPPCMCCodeGenInfo(), createPPCMCInstrInfo(), createPPCMCRegisterInfo(), createPPCMCSubtargetInfo(), createSparcMCCodeGenInfo(), createSparcMCInstrInfo(), createSparcMCRegisterInfo(), createSparcMCSubtargetInfo(), createSparcV9MCCodeGenInfo(), createSystemZMCCodeGenInfo(), createSystemZMCInstrInfo(), createSystemZMCRegisterInfo(), createSystemZMCSubtargetInfo(), createX86MCCodeGenInfo(), createX86MCInstrInfo(), createX86MCRegisterInfo(), llvm::X86_MC::createX86MCSubtargetInfo(), createXCoreMCCodeGenInfo(), createXCoreMCInstrInfo(), createXCoreMCRegisterInfo(), createXCoreMCSubtargetInfo(), expandExp(), expandExp2(), expandLog(), expandLog10(), expandLog2(), expandPow(), llvm::OnDiskChainedHashTable< Info >::find(), llvm::InstCombiner::FoldICmpDivCst(), foldSelectICmpAndOr(), llvm::InstCombiner::FoldShiftByConstant(), llvm::PMDataManager::freePass(), genConstMult(), llvm::SDNode::getVTList(), isa(), isKnownNonZero(), isKnownToBeAPowerOfTwo(), LLVMInitializeAArch64AsmParser(), LLVMInitializeAArch64AsmPrinter(), LLVMInitializeAArch64Target(), LLVMInitializeAArch64TargetMC(), LLVMInitializeARMAsmParser(), LLVMInitializeARMAsmPrinter(), LLVMInitializeARMTarget(), LLVMInitializeARMTargetInfo(), LLVMInitializeARMTargetMC(), LLVMInitializeCppBackendTarget(), LLVMInitializeHexagonAsmPrinter(), LLVMInitializeHexagonTarget(), LLVMInitializeHexagonTargetInfo(), LLVMInitializeHexagonTargetMC(), LLVMInitializeMipsAsmParser(), LLVMInitializeMipsAsmPrinter(), LLVMInitializeMipsTarget(), LLVMInitializeMipsTargetInfo(), LLVMInitializeMipsTargetMC(), LLVMInitializeMSP430AsmPrinter(), LLVMInitializeMSP430Target(), LLVMInitializeMSP430TargetInfo(), LLVMInitializeMSP430TargetMC(), LLVMInitializeNVPTXAsmPrinter(), LLVMInitializeNVPTXBackendAsmPrinter(), LLVMInitializeNVPTXTarget(), LLVMInitializeNVPTXTargetInfo(), LLVMInitializeNVPTXTargetMC(), LLVMInitializePowerPCTargetInfo(), LLVMInitializeR600Target(), LLVMInitializeSparcAsmPrinter(), LLVMInitializeSparcTarget(), LLVMInitializeSparcTargetInfo(), LLVMInitializeSparcTargetMC(), LLVMInitializeSystemZAsmParser(), LLVMInitializeSystemZAsmPrinter(), LLVMInitializeSystemZTarget(), LLVMInitializeSystemZTargetInfo(), LLVMInitializeX86AsmParser(), LLVMInitializeX86AsmPrinter(), LLVMInitializeX86Target(), LLVMInitializeX86TargetInfo(), LLVMInitializeXCoreAsmPrinter(), LLVMInitializeXCoreTarget(), LLVMInitializeXCoreTargetInfo(), LLVMInitializeXCoreTargetMC(), lowerFCOPYSIGN32(), lowerFCOPYSIGN64(), LowerSDIV_v4i8(), operator<<(), llvm::UseListOrder::operator=(), OptimizeAndOrXor(), llvm::SetVector< Type * >::remove(), llvm::RGPassManager::runOnFunction(), llvm::LPPassManager::runOnFunction(), llvm::FPPassManager::runOnFunction(), llvm::TargetLowering::TargetLoweringOpt::ShrinkDemandedOp(), SimplifyAShrInst(), SimplifyDiv(), SimplifyFSubInst(), SimplifyLShrInst(), SimplifyMulInst(), SimplifyShlInst(), SimplifySubInst(), llvm::opt::StrCmpOptionNameIgnoreCase(), llvm::ConstantRange::sub(), sub_1(), tryLowerToSLI(), utohex_buffer(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitAdd(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitAnd(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitAShr(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitBranchInst(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitCallInst(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitFCmpInst(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitFDiv(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitICmpInst(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitICmpInstWithInstAndIntCst(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitMul(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitSub(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitUDiv(), llvm::InstCombiner::visitZExt(), and wrap().