LLVM API Documentation

llvm::APSInt Member List
This is the complete list of members for llvm::APSInt, including all inherited members.
abs() const llvm::APInt [inline]
And(const APSInt &RHS) const llvm::APSInt [inline]
llvm::APInt::And(const APInt &RHS) const llvm::APInt [inline]
APInt(unsigned numBits, uint64_t val, bool isSigned=false)llvm::APInt [inline]
APInt(unsigned numBits, ArrayRef< uint64_t > bigVal)llvm::APInt
APInt(unsigned numBits, unsigned numWords, const uint64_t bigVal[])llvm::APInt
APInt(unsigned numBits, StringRef str, uint8_t radix)llvm::APInt
APInt(const APInt &that)llvm::APInt [inline]
APInt(APInt &&that)llvm::APInt [inline]
APInt()llvm::APInt [inline, explicit]
APSInt()llvm::APSInt [inline, explicit]
APSInt(uint32_t BitWidth, bool isUnsigned=true)llvm::APSInt [inline, explicit]
APSInt(APInt I, bool isUnsigned=true)llvm::APSInt [inline, explicit]
ashr(unsigned shiftAmt) const llvm::APInt
ashr(const APInt &shiftAmt) const llvm::APInt
bitsToDouble() const llvm::APInt [inline]
bitsToFloat() const llvm::APInt [inline]
byteSwap() const llvm::APInt
ceilLogBase2() const llvm::APInt [inline]
clearAllBits()llvm::APInt [inline]
clearBit(unsigned bitPosition)llvm::APInt
countLeadingOnes() const llvm::APInt
countLeadingZeros() const llvm::APInt [inline]
countPopulation() const llvm::APInt [inline]
countTrailingOnes() const llvm::APInt [inline]
countTrailingZeros() const llvm::APInt
doubleToBits(double V)llvm::APInt [inline, static]
dump() const llvm::APInt
eq(const APInt &RHS) const llvm::APInt [inline]
exactLogBase2() const llvm::APInt [inline]
extend(uint32_t width) const llvm::APSInt [inline]
extOrTrunc(uint32_t width) const llvm::APSInt [inline]
flipAllBits()llvm::APInt [inline]
flipBit(unsigned bitPosition)llvm::APInt
floatToBits(float V)llvm::APInt [inline, static]
getActiveBits() const llvm::APInt [inline]
getActiveWords() const llvm::APInt [inline]
getAllOnesValue(unsigned numBits)llvm::APInt [inline, static]
getBitsNeeded(StringRef str, uint8_t radix)llvm::APInt [static]
getBitsSet(unsigned numBits, unsigned loBit, unsigned hiBit)llvm::APInt [inline, static]
getBitWidth() const llvm::APInt [inline]
getBoolValue() const llvm::APInt [inline]
getHiBits(unsigned numBits) const llvm::APInt
getHighBitsSet(unsigned numBits, unsigned hiBitsSet)llvm::APInt [inline, static]
getLimitedValue(uint64_t Limit=~0ULL) const llvm::APInt [inline]
getLoBits(unsigned numBits) const llvm::APInt
getLowBitsSet(unsigned numBits, unsigned loBitsSet)llvm::APInt [inline, static]
getMaxValue(uint32_t numBits, bool Unsigned)llvm::APSInt [inline, static]
llvm::APInt::getMaxValue(unsigned numBits)llvm::APInt [inline, static]
getMinSignedBits() const llvm::APInt [inline]
getMinValue(uint32_t numBits, bool Unsigned)llvm::APSInt [inline, static]
llvm::APInt::getMinValue(unsigned numBits)llvm::APInt [inline, static]
getNullValue(unsigned numBits)llvm::APInt [inline, static]
getNumSignBits() const llvm::APInt [inline]
getNumWords() const llvm::APInt [inline]
getNumWords(unsigned BitWidth)llvm::APInt [inline, static]
getOneBitSet(unsigned numBits, unsigned BitNo)llvm::APInt [inline, static]
getRawData() const llvm::APInt [inline]
getSExtValue() const llvm::APInt [inline]
getSignBit(unsigned BitWidth)llvm::APInt [inline, static]
getSignedMaxValue(unsigned numBits)llvm::APInt [inline, static]
getSignedMinValue(unsigned numBits)llvm::APInt [inline, static]
getSplat(unsigned NewLen, const APInt &V)llvm::APInt [inline, static]
getZExtValue() const llvm::APInt [inline]
hash_value(const APInt &Arg)llvm::APInt [friend]
intersects(const APInt &RHS) const llvm::APInt [inline]
isAllOnesValue() const llvm::APInt [inline]
isIntN(unsigned N) const llvm::APInt [inline]
isMaxSignedValue() const llvm::APInt [inline]
isMaxValue() const llvm::APInt [inline]
isMinSignedValue() const llvm::APInt [inline]
isMinValue() const llvm::APInt [inline]
isNegative() const llvm::APInt [inline]
isNonNegative() const llvm::APInt [inline]
isPowerOf2() const llvm::APInt [inline]
isSameValue(const APSInt &I1, const APSInt &I2)llvm::APSInt [inline, static]
llvm::APInt::isSameValue(const APInt &I1, const APInt &I2)llvm::APInt [inline, static]
isSignBit() const llvm::APInt [inline]
isSigned() const llvm::APSInt [inline]
isSignedIntN(unsigned N) const llvm::APInt [inline]
isStrictlyPositive() const llvm::APInt [inline]
isUnsigned() const llvm::APSInt [inline]
logBase2() const llvm::APInt [inline]
lshr(unsigned shiftAmt) const llvm::APInt
lshr(const APInt &shiftAmt) const llvm::APInt
magic() const llvm::APInt
magicu(unsigned LeadingZeros=0) const llvm::APInt
multiplicativeInverse(const APInt &modulo) const llvm::APInt
ne(const APInt &RHS) const llvm::APInt [inline]
nearestLogBase2() const llvm::APInt [inline]
needsCleanup() const llvm::APInt [inline]
operator!() const llvm::APInt [inline]
operator!=(const APSInt &RHS) const llvm::APSInt [inline]
operator!=(int64_t RHS) const llvm::APSInt [inline]
llvm::APInt::operator!=(const APInt &RHS) const llvm::APInt [inline]
llvm::APInt::operator!=(uint64_t Val) const llvm::APInt [inline]
operator%(const APSInt &RHS) const llvm::APSInt [inline]
operator%=(const APSInt &RHS)llvm::APSInt [inline]
operator&(const APSInt &RHS) const llvm::APSInt [inline]
llvm::APInt::operator&(const APInt &RHS) const llvm::APInt [inline]
operator&=(const APSInt &RHS)llvm::APSInt [inline]
llvm::APInt::operator&=(const APInt &RHS)llvm::APInt
operator*(const APSInt &RHS) const llvm::APSInt [inline]
llvm::APInt::operator*(const APInt &RHS) const llvm::APInt
operator*=(const APSInt &RHS)llvm::APSInt [inline]
llvm::APInt::operator*=(const APInt &RHS)llvm::APInt
operator+(const APSInt &RHS) const llvm::APSInt [inline]
llvm::APInt::operator+(const APInt &RHS) const llvm::APInt
llvm::APInt::operator+(uint64_t RHS) const llvm::APInt [inline]
operator++()llvm::APSInt [inline]
operator++(int)llvm::APSInt [inline]
operator+=(const APSInt &RHS)llvm::APSInt [inline]
llvm::APInt::operator+=(const APInt &RHS)llvm::APInt
operator-() const llvm::APSInt [inline]
operator-(const APSInt &RHS) const llvm::APSInt [inline]
llvm::APInt::operator-(const APInt &RHS) const llvm::APInt
llvm::APInt::operator-(uint64_t RHS) const llvm::APInt [inline]
operator--()llvm::APSInt [inline]
operator--(int)llvm::APSInt [inline]
operator-=(const APSInt &RHS)llvm::APSInt [inline]
llvm::APInt::operator-=(const APInt &RHS)llvm::APInt
operator/(const APSInt &RHS) const llvm::APSInt [inline]
operator/=(const APSInt &RHS)llvm::APSInt [inline]
operator<(const APSInt &RHS) const llvm::APSInt [inline]
operator<<(unsigned Bits) const llvm::APSInt [inline]
llvm::APInt::operator<<(const APInt &Bits) const llvm::APInt [inline]
operator<<=(unsigned Amt)llvm::APSInt [inline]
operator<=(const APSInt &RHS) const llvm::APSInt [inline]
operator=(APInt RHS)llvm::APSInt [inline]
operator=(uint64_t RHS)llvm::APSInt [inline]
llvm::APInt::operator=(const APInt &RHS)llvm::APInt [inline]
llvm::APInt::operator=(APInt &&that)llvm::APInt [inline]
operator==(const APSInt &RHS) const llvm::APSInt [inline]
operator==(int64_t RHS) const llvm::APSInt [inline]
llvm::APInt::operator==(const APInt &RHS) const llvm::APInt [inline]
llvm::APInt::operator==(uint64_t Val) const llvm::APInt [inline]
operator>(const APSInt &RHS) const llvm::APSInt [inline]
operator>=(const APSInt &RHS) const llvm::APSInt [inline]
operator>>(unsigned Amt) const llvm::APSInt [inline]
operator>>=(unsigned Amt)llvm::APSInt [inline]
operator[](unsigned bitPosition) const llvm::APInt [inline]
operator^(const APSInt &RHS) const llvm::APSInt [inline]
llvm::APInt::operator^(const APInt &RHS) const llvm::APInt [inline]
operator^=(const APSInt &RHS)llvm::APSInt [inline]
llvm::APInt::operator^=(const APInt &RHS)llvm::APInt
operator|(const APSInt &RHS) const llvm::APSInt [inline]
llvm::APInt::operator|(const APInt &RHS) const llvm::APInt [inline]
operator|=(const APSInt &RHS)llvm::APSInt [inline]
llvm::APInt::operator|=(const APInt &RHS)llvm::APInt
llvm::APInt::operator|=(uint64_t RHS)llvm::APInt [inline]
operator~() const llvm::APSInt [inline]
Or(const APSInt &RHS) const llvm::APSInt [inline]
llvm::APInt::Or(const APInt &RHS) const llvm::APInt [inline]
print(raw_ostream &OS, bool isSigned) const llvm::APInt
Profile(FoldingSetNodeID &ID) const llvm::APSInt
rotl(unsigned rotateAmt) const llvm::APInt
rotl(const APInt &rotateAmt) const llvm::APInt
rotr(unsigned rotateAmt) const llvm::APInt
rotr(const APInt &rotateAmt) const llvm::APInt
roundToDouble(bool isSigned) const llvm::APInt
roundToDouble() const llvm::APInt [inline]
sadd_ov(const APInt &RHS, bool &Overflow) const llvm::APInt
sdiv(const APInt &RHS) const llvm::APInt
sdiv_ov(const APInt &RHS, bool &Overflow) const llvm::APInt
sdivrem(const APInt &LHS, const APInt &RHS, APInt &Quotient, APInt &Remainder)llvm::APInt [static]
setAllBits()llvm::APInt [inline]
setBit(unsigned bitPosition)llvm::APInt
setIsSigned(bool Val)llvm::APSInt [inline]
setIsUnsigned(bool Val)llvm::APSInt [inline]
sext(unsigned width) const llvm::APInt
sextOrSelf(unsigned width) const llvm::APInt
sextOrTrunc(unsigned width) const llvm::APInt
sge(const APInt &RHS) const llvm::APInt [inline]
sge(uint64_t RHS) const llvm::APInt [inline]
sgt(const APInt &RHS) const llvm::APInt [inline]
sgt(uint64_t RHS) const llvm::APInt [inline]
shl(unsigned shiftAmt) const llvm::APInt [inline]
shl(const APInt &shiftAmt) const llvm::APInt
signedRoundToDouble() const llvm::APInt [inline]
sle(const APInt &RHS) const llvm::APInt [inline]
sle(uint64_t RHS) const llvm::APInt [inline]
slt(const APInt &RHS) const llvm::APInt
slt(uint64_t RHS) const llvm::APInt [inline]
smul_ov(const APInt &RHS, bool &Overflow) const llvm::APInt
sqrt() const llvm::APInt
srem(const APInt &RHS) const llvm::APInt
sshl_ov(unsigned Amt, bool &Overflow) const llvm::APInt
ssub_ov(const APInt &RHS, bool &Overflow) const llvm::APInt
tcAdd(integerPart *, const integerPart *, integerPart carry, unsigned)llvm::APInt [static]
tcAnd(integerPart *, const integerPart *, unsigned int)llvm::APInt [static]
tcAssign(integerPart *, const integerPart *, unsigned int)llvm::APInt [static]
tcClearBit(integerPart *, unsigned int bit)llvm::APInt [static]
tcCompare(const integerPart *, const integerPart *, unsigned int)llvm::APInt [static]
tcComplement(integerPart *, unsigned int)llvm::APInt [static]
tcDecrement(integerPart *, unsigned int)llvm::APInt [static]
tcDivide(integerPart *lhs, const integerPart *rhs, integerPart *remainder, integerPart *scratch, unsigned int parts)llvm::APInt [static]
tcExtract(integerPart *, unsigned int dstCount, const integerPart *, unsigned int srcBits, unsigned int srcLSB)llvm::APInt [static]
tcExtractBit(const integerPart *, unsigned int bit)llvm::APInt [static]
tcFullMultiply(integerPart *, const integerPart *, const integerPart *, unsigned, unsigned)llvm::APInt [static]
tcIncrement(integerPart *, unsigned int)llvm::APInt [static]
tcIsZero(const integerPart *, unsigned int)llvm::APInt [static]
tcLSB(const integerPart *, unsigned int)llvm::APInt [static]
tcMSB(const integerPart *parts, unsigned int n)llvm::APInt [static]
tcMultiply(integerPart *, const integerPart *, const integerPart *, unsigned)llvm::APInt [static]
tcMultiplyPart(integerPart *dst, const integerPart *src, integerPart multiplier, integerPart carry, unsigned int srcParts, unsigned int dstParts, bool add)llvm::APInt [static]
tcNegate(integerPart *, unsigned int)llvm::APInt [static]
tcOr(integerPart *, const integerPart *, unsigned int)llvm::APInt [static]
tcSet(integerPart *, integerPart, unsigned int)llvm::APInt [static]
tcSetBit(integerPart *, unsigned int bit)llvm::APInt [static]
tcSetLeastSignificantBits(integerPart *, unsigned int, unsigned int bits)llvm::APInt [static]
tcShiftLeft(integerPart *, unsigned int parts, unsigned int count)llvm::APInt [static]
tcShiftRight(integerPart *, unsigned int parts, unsigned int count)llvm::APInt [static]
tcSubtract(integerPart *, const integerPart *, integerPart carry, unsigned)llvm::APInt [static]
tcXor(integerPart *, const integerPart *, unsigned int)llvm::APInt [static]
toString(SmallVectorImpl< char > &Str, unsigned Radix=10) const llvm::APSInt [inline]
toString(unsigned Radix) const llvm::APSInt [inline]
llvm::APInt::toString(SmallVectorImpl< char > &Str, unsigned Radix, bool Signed, bool formatAsCLiteral=false) const llvm::APInt
llvm::APInt::toString(unsigned Radix, bool Signed) const llvm::APInt
toStringSigned(SmallVectorImpl< char > &Str, unsigned Radix=10) const llvm::APInt [inline]
toStringUnsigned(SmallVectorImpl< char > &Str, unsigned Radix=10) const llvm::APInt [inline]
trunc(uint32_t width) const llvm::APSInt [inline]
llvm::APInt::trunc(unsigned width) const llvm::APInt
uadd_ov(const APInt &RHS, bool &Overflow) const llvm::APInt
udiv(const APInt &RHS) const llvm::APInt
udivrem(const APInt &LHS, const APInt &RHS, APInt &Quotient, APInt &Remainder)llvm::APInt [static]
uge(const APInt &RHS) const llvm::APInt [inline]
uge(uint64_t RHS) const llvm::APInt [inline]
ugt(const APInt &RHS) const llvm::APInt [inline]
ugt(uint64_t RHS) const llvm::APInt [inline]
ule(const APInt &RHS) const llvm::APInt [inline]
ule(uint64_t RHS) const llvm::APInt [inline]
ult(const APInt &RHS) const llvm::APInt
ult(uint64_t RHS) const llvm::APInt [inline]
umul_ov(const APInt &RHS, bool &Overflow) const llvm::APInt
urem(const APInt &RHS) const llvm::APInt
usub_ov(const APInt &RHS, bool &Overflow) const llvm::APInt
Xor(const APSInt &RHS) const llvm::APSInt [inline]
llvm::APInt::Xor(const APInt &RHS) const llvm::APInt [inline]
zext(unsigned width) const llvm::APInt
zextOrSelf(unsigned width) const llvm::APInt
zextOrTrunc(unsigned width) const llvm::APInt
~APInt()llvm::APInt [inline]