LLVM API Documentation

llvm::opt::Arg Member List
This is the complete list of members for llvm::opt::Arg, including all inherited members.
Arg(const Option Opt, StringRef Spelling, unsigned Index, const Arg *BaseArg=nullptr)llvm::opt::Arg
Arg(const Option Opt, StringRef Spelling, unsigned Index, const char *Value0, const Arg *BaseArg=nullptr)llvm::opt::Arg
Arg(const Option Opt, StringRef Spelling, unsigned Index, const char *Value0, const char *Value1, const Arg *BaseArg=nullptr)llvm::opt::Arg
claim() const llvm::opt::Arg [inline]
containsValue(StringRef Value) const llvm::opt::Arg [inline]
dump() const llvm::opt::Arg
getAsString(const ArgList &Args) const llvm::opt::Arg
getBaseArg() const llvm::opt::Arg [inline]
getIndex() const llvm::opt::Arg [inline]
getNumValues() const llvm::opt::Arg [inline]
getOption() const llvm::opt::Arg [inline]
getOwnsValues() const llvm::opt::Arg [inline]
getSpelling() const llvm::opt::Arg [inline]
getValue(unsigned N=0) const llvm::opt::Arg [inline]
getValues()llvm::opt::Arg [inline]
isClaimed() const llvm::opt::Arg [inline]
render(const ArgList &Args, ArgStringList &Output) const llvm::opt::Arg
renderAsInput(const ArgList &Args, ArgStringList &Output) const llvm::opt::Arg
setBaseArg(const Arg *_BaseArg)llvm::opt::Arg [inline]
setOwnsValues(bool Value) const llvm::opt::Arg [inline]