OpenSSL  1.0.1c
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cswift.h File Reference

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struct  _SW_U64
struct  _SW_CRT
struct  _SW_EXP
struct  _SW_DSA
struct  _SW_NVDATA
struct  _SW_PARAM


#define SW_OK   (0L)
#define SW_ERR_BASE   (-10000L)
#define SW_ERR_NO_CARD   (SW_ERR_BASE-1) /* The Card is not present */
#define SW_ERR_CARD_NOT_READY   (SW_ERR_BASE-2) /* The card has not powered */
#define SW_ERR_TIME_OUT   (SW_ERR_BASE-3) /* Execution of a command */
#define SW_ERR_NO_EXECUTE   (SW_ERR_BASE-4) /* The Card failed to */
#define SW_ERR_INPUT_NULL_PTR   (SW_ERR_BASE-5) /* a required pointer is */
#define SW_ERR_INPUT_SIZE   (SW_ERR_BASE-6) /* size is invalid, too */
#define SW_ERR_PENDING   (SW_ERR_BASE-8) /* A request is already out- */
#define SW_ERR_AVAILABLE   (SW_ERR_BASE-9) /* A result is available. */
#define SW_ERR_NO_PENDING   (SW_ERR_BASE-10)/* No request is pending. */
#define SW_ERR_NO_MEMORY   (SW_ERR_BASE-11)/* Not enough memory */
#define SW_ERR_BAD_ALGORITHM   (SW_ERR_BASE-12)/* Invalid algorithm type */
#define SW_ERR_MISSING_KEY   (SW_ERR_BASE-13)/* No key is associated with */
#define SW_ERR_KEY_CMD_MISMATCH   (SW_ERR_BASE-14)/* Cannot perform requested */
#define SW_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED   (SW_ERR_BASE-15)/* Not implemented */
#define SW_ERR_BAD_COMMAND   (SW_ERR_BASE-16)/* Bad command code */
#define SW_ERR_BAD_ITEM_SIZE   (SW_ERR_BASE-17)/* too small or too large in */
#define SW_ERR_BAD_ACCNUM   (SW_ERR_BASE-18)/* Bad accelerator number */
#define SW_ERR_SELFTEST_FAIL   (SW_ERR_BASE-19)/* At least one of the self */
#define SW_ERR_MISALIGN   (SW_ERR_BASE-20)/* Certain alogrithms require*/
#define SW_ERR_OUTPUT_NULL_PTR   (SW_ERR_BASE-21)/* a required pointer is */
#define SW_ERR_OUTPUT_SIZE   (SW_ERR_BASE-22)/* size is invalid, too */
#define SW_ERR_FIRMWARE_CHECKSUM   (SW_ERR_BASE-23)/* firmware checksum mismatch*/
#define SW_ERR_UNKNOWN_FIRMWARE   (SW_ERR_BASE-24)/* unknown firmware error */
#define SW_ERR_INTERRUPT   (SW_ERR_BASE-25)/* request is abort when */
#define SW_ERR_NVWRITE_FAIL   (SW_ERR_BASE-26)/* error in writing to Non- */
#define SW_ERR_NVWRITE_RANGE   (SW_ERR_BASE-27)/* out of range error in */
#define SW_ERR_RNG_ERROR   (SW_ERR_BASE-28)/* Random Number Generation */
#define SW_ERR_DSS_FAILURE   (SW_ERR_BASE-29)/* DSS Sign or Verify failure*/
#define SW_ERR_MODEXP_FAILURE   (SW_ERR_BASE-30)/* Failure in various math */
#define SW_ERR_ONBOARD_MEMORY   (SW_ERR_BASE-31)/* Error in accessing on - */
#define SW_ERR_FIRMWARE_VERSION   (SW_ERR_BASE-32)/* Wrong version in firmware */
#define SW_ERR_ZERO_WORKING_ACCELERATOR   (SW_ERR_BASE-44)/* All accelerators are bad */
#define SW_ALG_CRT   1
#define SW_ALG_EXP   2
#define SW_ALG_DSA   3
#define SW_ALG_NVDATA   4
#define SW_CMD_MODEXP_CRT   1 /* perform Modular Exponentiation using */
#define SW_CMD_MODEXP   2 /* perform Modular Exponentiation */
#define SW_CMD_DSS_SIGN   3 /* perform DSS sign */
#define SW_CMD_DSS_VERIFY   4 /* perform DSS verify */
#define SW_CMD_RAND   5 /* perform random number generation */
#define SW_CMD_NVREAD   6 /* perform read to nonvolatile RAM */
#define SW_CMD_NVWRITE   7 /* perform write to nonvolatile RAM */
#define SW_OS_INVALID_HANDLE   (-1)


typedef long SW_STATUS
typedef unsigned char SW_BYTE
typedef unsigned short SW_U16
typedef unsigned long SW_U32
typedef struct _SW_U64 SW_U64
typedef SW_U32 SW_ALGTYPE
typedef SW_U32 SW_STATE
typedef SW_U32 SW_COMMAND_BITMAP [4]
typedef int SW_OSHANDLE
typedef struct _SW_CRT SW_CRT
typedef struct _SW_EXP SW_EXP
typedef struct _SW_DSA SW_DSA
typedef struct _SW_NVDATA SW_NVDATA
typedef struct _SW_PARAM SW_PARAM
typedef SW_STATUS SW_CALLCONV t_swAcquireAccContext (SW_CONTEXT_HANDLE *hac)
typedef SW_STATUS SW_CALLCONV t_swAttachKeyParam (SW_CONTEXT_HANDLE hac, SW_PARAM *key_params)
typedef SW_STATUS SW_CALLCONV t_swSimpleRequest (SW_CONTEXT_HANDLE hac, SW_COMMAND_CODE cmd, SW_LARGENUMBER pin[], SW_U32 pin_count, SW_LARGENUMBER pout[], SW_U32 pout_count)
typedef SW_STATUS SW_CALLCONV t_swReleaseAccContext (SW_CONTEXT_HANDLE hac)

Macro Definition Documentation

#define SW_ALG_CRT   1

Definition at line 133 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_ALG_DSA   3

Definition at line 135 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_ALG_EXP   2

Definition at line 134 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_ALG_NVDATA   4

Definition at line 136 of file cswift.h.


Definition at line 177 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_CMD_DSS_SIGN   3 /* perform DSS sign */

Definition at line 142 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_CMD_DSS_VERIFY   4 /* perform DSS verify */

Definition at line 143 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_CMD_MODEXP   2 /* perform Modular Exponentiation */

Definition at line 141 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_CMD_MODEXP_CRT   1 /* perform Modular Exponentiation using */

Definition at line 139 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_CMD_NVREAD   6 /* perform read to nonvolatile RAM */

Definition at line 145 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_CMD_NVWRITE   7 /* perform write to nonvolatile RAM */

Definition at line 146 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_CMD_RAND   5 /* perform random number generation */

Definition at line 144 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_ERR_AVAILABLE   (SW_ERR_BASE-9) /* A result is available. */

Definition at line 68 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_ERR_BAD_ACCNUM   (SW_ERR_BASE-18)/* Bad accelerator number */

Definition at line 90 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_ERR_BAD_ALGORITHM   (SW_ERR_BASE-12)/* Invalid algorithm type */

Definition at line 71 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_ERR_BAD_COMMAND   (SW_ERR_BASE-16)/* Bad command code */

Definition at line 86 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_ERR_BAD_ITEM_SIZE   (SW_ERR_BASE-17)/* too small or too large in */

Definition at line 87 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_ERR_BASE   (-10000L)

Definition at line 51 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_ERR_CARD_NOT_READY   (SW_ERR_BASE-2) /* The card has not powered */

Definition at line 53 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_ERR_DSS_FAILURE   (SW_ERR_BASE-29)/* DSS Sign or Verify failure*/

Definition at line 120 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_ERR_FIRMWARE_CHECKSUM   (SW_ERR_BASE-23)/* firmware checksum mismatch*/

Definition at line 106 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_ERR_FIRMWARE_VERSION   (SW_ERR_BASE-32)/* Wrong version in firmware */

Definition at line 125 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_ERR_INPUT_NULL_PTR   (SW_ERR_BASE-5) /* a required pointer is */

Definition at line 59 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_ERR_INPUT_SIZE   (SW_ERR_BASE-6) /* size is invalid, too */

Definition at line 61 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_ERR_INTERRUPT   (SW_ERR_BASE-25)/* request is abort when */

Definition at line 111 of file cswift.h.


Definition at line 63 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_ERR_KEY_CMD_MISMATCH   (SW_ERR_BASE-14)/* Cannot perform requested */

Definition at line 77 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_ERR_MISALIGN   (SW_ERR_BASE-20)/* Certain alogrithms require*/

Definition at line 96 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_ERR_MISSING_KEY   (SW_ERR_BASE-13)/* No key is associated with */

Definition at line 73 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_ERR_MODEXP_FAILURE   (SW_ERR_BASE-30)/* Failure in various math */

Definition at line 121 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_ERR_NO_CARD   (SW_ERR_BASE-1) /* The Card is not present */

Definition at line 52 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_ERR_NO_EXECUTE   (SW_ERR_BASE-4) /* The Card failed to */

Definition at line 57 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_ERR_NO_MEMORY   (SW_ERR_BASE-11)/* Not enough memory */

Definition at line 70 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_ERR_NO_PENDING   (SW_ERR_BASE-10)/* No request is pending. */

Definition at line 69 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED   (SW_ERR_BASE-15)/* Not implemented */

Definition at line 84 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_ERR_NVWRITE_FAIL   (SW_ERR_BASE-26)/* error in writing to Non- */

Definition at line 114 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_ERR_NVWRITE_RANGE   (SW_ERR_BASE-27)/* out of range error in */

Definition at line 116 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_ERR_ONBOARD_MEMORY   (SW_ERR_BASE-31)/* Error in accessing on - */

Definition at line 123 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_ERR_OUTPUT_NULL_PTR   (SW_ERR_BASE-21)/* a required pointer is */

Definition at line 100 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_ERR_OUTPUT_SIZE   (SW_ERR_BASE-22)/* size is invalid, too */

Definition at line 103 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_ERR_PENDING   (SW_ERR_BASE-8) /* A request is already out- */

Definition at line 65 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_ERR_RNG_ERROR   (SW_ERR_BASE-28)/* Random Number Generation */

Definition at line 118 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_ERR_SELFTEST_FAIL   (SW_ERR_BASE-19)/* At least one of the self */

Definition at line 91 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_ERR_TIME_OUT   (SW_ERR_BASE-3) /* Execution of a command */

Definition at line 55 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_ERR_UNKNOWN_FIRMWARE   (SW_ERR_BASE-24)/* unknown firmware error */

Definition at line 109 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_ERR_ZERO_WORKING_ACCELERATOR   (SW_ERR_BASE-44)/* All accelerators are bad */

Definition at line 128 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_OK   (0L)

Definition at line 50 of file cswift.h.

#define SW_OS_INVALID_HANDLE   (-1)

Definition at line 176 of file cswift.h.

Typedef Documentation

typedef SW_U32 SW_ALGTYPE

Definition at line 148 of file cswift.h.

typedef unsigned char SW_BYTE

Definition at line 26 of file cswift.h.


Definition at line 151 of file cswift.h.

Definition at line 150 of file cswift.h.

Definition at line 215 of file cswift.h.

typedef struct _SW_CRT SW_CRT
typedef struct _SW_DSA SW_DSA
typedef struct _SW_EXP SW_EXP
typedef struct _SW_NVDATA SW_NVDATA
typedef int SW_OSHANDLE

Definition at line 175 of file cswift.h.

typedef struct _SW_PARAM SW_PARAM
typedef SW_U32 SW_STATE

Definition at line 149 of file cswift.h.

typedef long SW_STATUS

Definition at line 25 of file cswift.h.

typedef unsigned short SW_U16

Definition at line 27 of file cswift.h.

typedef unsigned long SW_U32

Definition at line 32 of file cswift.h.

typedef struct _SW_U64 SW_U64
typedef SW_STATUS SW_CALLCONV t_swAcquireAccContext(SW_CONTEXT_HANDLE *hac)

Definition at line 220 of file cswift.h.

typedef SW_STATUS SW_CALLCONV t_swAttachKeyParam(SW_CONTEXT_HANDLE hac, SW_PARAM *key_params)

Definition at line 221 of file cswift.h.

typedef SW_STATUS SW_CALLCONV t_swReleaseAccContext(SW_CONTEXT_HANDLE hac)

Definition at line 229 of file cswift.h.

typedef SW_STATUS SW_CALLCONV t_swSimpleRequest(SW_CONTEXT_HANDLE hac, SW_COMMAND_CODE cmd, SW_LARGENUMBER pin[], SW_U32 pin_count, SW_LARGENUMBER pout[], SW_U32 pout_count)

Definition at line 223 of file cswift.h.