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pkcs12.c File Reference
#include <openssl/opensslconf.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "apps.h"
#include <openssl/crypto.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <openssl/pem.h>
#include <openssl/pkcs12.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


#define PROG   pkcs12_main
#define NOKEYS   0x1
#define NOCERTS   0x2
#define INFO   0x4
#define CLCERTS   0x8
#define CACERTS   0x10


int get_cert_chain (X509 *cert, X509_STORE *store, STACK_OF(X509)**chain)
int dump_certs_keys_p12 (BIO *out, PKCS12 *p12, char *pass, int passlen, int options, char *pempass)
int dump_certs_pkeys_bags (BIO *out, STACK_OF(PKCS12_SAFEBAG)*bags, char *pass, int passlen, int options, char *pempass)
int dump_certs_pkeys_bag (BIO *out, PKCS12_SAFEBAG *bags, char *pass, int passlen, int options, char *pempass)
int print_attribs (BIO *out, STACK_OF(X509_ATTRIBUTE)*attrlst, const char *name)
void hex_prin (BIO *out, unsigned char *buf, int len)
int alg_print (BIO *x, X509_ALGOR *alg)
int cert_load (BIO *in, STACK_OF(X509)*sk)
int MAIN (int, char **)


const EVP_CIPHERenc

Macro Definition Documentation

#define CACERTS   0x10

Definition at line 80 of file pkcs12.c.

#define CLCERTS   0x8

Definition at line 79 of file pkcs12.c.

#define INFO   0x4

Definition at line 78 of file pkcs12.c.

#define NOCERTS   0x2

Definition at line 77 of file pkcs12.c.

#define NOKEYS   0x1

Definition at line 76 of file pkcs12.c.

#define PROG   pkcs12_main

Definition at line 71 of file pkcs12.c.

Function Documentation

int alg_print ( BIO x,
X509_ALGOR alg 

Definition at line 854 of file pkcs12.c.

int cert_load ( BIO in,
STACK_OF(X509)*  sk 

Definition at line 871 of file pkcs12.c.

int dump_certs_keys_p12 ( BIO out,
PKCS12 p12,
char *  pass,
int  passlen,
int  options,
char *  pempass 

Definition at line 697 of file pkcs12.c.

int dump_certs_pkeys_bag ( BIO out,
char *  pass,
int  passlen,
int  options,
char *  pempass 

Definition at line 753 of file pkcs12.c.

int dump_certs_pkeys_bags ( BIO out,
char *  pass,
int  passlen,
int  options,
char *  pempass 

Definition at line 739 of file pkcs12.c.

int get_cert_chain ( X509 cert,
X509_STORE store,
STACK_OF(X509)**  chain 

Definition at line 827 of file pkcs12.c.

void hex_prin ( BIO out,
unsigned char *  buf,
int  len 

Definition at line 953 of file pkcs12.c.

int MAIN ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

Definition at line 87 of file asn1pars.c.

int print_attribs ( BIO out,
STACK_OF(X509_ATTRIBUTE)*  attrlst,
const char *  name 

Definition at line 898 of file pkcs12.c.

Variable Documentation

const EVP_CIPHER* enc

Definition at line 73 of file pkcs12.c.