
dtCrowd Member List

This is the complete list of members for dtCrowd, including all inherited members.
addAgent(const float *pos, const dtCrowdAgentParams *params)dtCrowd
getActiveAgents(dtCrowdAgent **agents, const int maxAgents)dtCrowd
getAgent(const int idx)dtCrowd
getAgentCount() const dtCrowd
getEditableFilter()dtCrowd [inline]
getFilter() const dtCrowd [inline]
getGrid() const dtCrowd [inline]
getNavMeshQuery() const dtCrowd [inline]
getObstacleAvoidanceParams(const int idx) const dtCrowd
getPathQueue() const dtCrowd [inline]
getQueryExtents() const dtCrowd [inline]
getVelocitySampleCount() const dtCrowd [inline]
init(const int maxAgents, const float maxAgentRadius, dtNavMesh *nav)dtCrowd
removeAgent(const int idx)dtCrowd
requestMoveTarget(const int idx, dtPolyRef ref, const float *pos)dtCrowd
requestMoveVelocity(const int idx, const float *vel)dtCrowd
resetMoveTarget(const int idx)dtCrowd
setObstacleAvoidanceParams(const int idx, const dtObstacleAvoidanceParams *params)dtCrowd
update(const float dt, dtCrowdAgentDebugInfo *debug)dtCrowd
updateAgentParameters(const int idx, const dtCrowdAgentParams *params)dtCrowd