_xd3_addr_cache | |
_xd3_config | |
_xd3_desect | |
_xd3_dinst | |
_xd3_hash_cfg | |
_xd3_hinst | |
_xd3_iopt_buflist | |
_xd3_output | |
_xd3_rinst | |
_xd3_rlist | |
_xd3_sec_cfg | |
_xd3_slist | |
_xd3_smatcher | |
_xd3_source | |
_xd3_stream | |
_xd3_whole_state | |
_xd3_wininfo | |
_xd3_winst | |
psAttackQueueMessage::AAttack | |
NetBase::AccessPointers | Struct used by MessageCracker and ToString to distribute a number of access pointers |
ActionHandler | This class handles mode messages from the server, specifying actions for a clicked location |
ActionManager | Handles the map interaction system |
ActionResponseOp | This script operation makes an npc do an action, like greet or bow, as part of his response to a player event |
ActiveSpell | ActiveSpells |
AdminCmdData | Base class for all the data classes for admin commands |
AdminCmdDataAction | Class for some action (guildentrance creation) |
AdminCmdDataAssignFaction | Class for assigning awards for factions |
AdminCmdDataAward | Class for awarding rewards command |
AdminCmdDataBadText | Class for searching for bad npc text |
AdminCmdDataBan | Class for banning a player |
AdminCmdDataChangeGuildLeader | Class for guild leader changing command |
AdminCmdDataChangeGuildName | Class for name changing a guild |
AdminCmdDataChangeName | Class for name changing of a player |
AdminCmdDataChangeNPCType | Class for changing npc types |
AdminCmdDataCheckItem | Class for item check command |
AdminCmdDataCrystal | Base class for creating treasure hunts |
AdminCmdDataDeath | Class for commands for instantly killing a user (player) |
AdminCmdDataDebugNPC | Class for changing npc debug level |
AdminCmdDataDebugTribe | Class for changing tribe debug level |
AdminCmdDataDeleteChar | Class for commands deleting a player |
AdminCmdDataDeputize | Class for deputize command |
AdminCmdDataDisableQuest | Class for disabling/enabling a quest |
AdminCmdDataFactory | Class containing object factory for AdminCmdData objects |
AdminCmdDataFog | Class for fog command |
AdminCmdDataGameMasterEvent | Class for game event command |
AdminCmdDataHire | Class for game event command |
AdminCmdDataImpersonate | Class for impersonation command |
AdminCmdDataInfo | Class for commands creating items |
AdminCmdDataItem | Class for commands creating items |
AdminCmdDataItemTarget | Class for transfering items |
AdminCmdDataKey | Class for key (lock) related commands |
AdminCmdDataKillNPC | Class for killing and reloading a npc |
AdminCmdDataList | Class for list command |
AdminCmdDataListWarnings | Class for issuing player warnings |
AdminCmdDataLoadQuest | Class for loading/reloading quests |
AdminCmdDataLocation | Class for location command |
AdminCmdDataModify | Class for modifying command |
AdminCmdDataMorph | Class for morph command |
AdminCmdDataNPCClientQuit | Class for terminating the server |
AdminCmdDataPath | Class for handling path commands |
AdminCmdDataPercept | Class for percepting a npc |
AdminCmdDataPetition | Class for petitions |
AdminCmdDataQuest | Class for examing/modifying quests |
AdminCmdDataReload | Class for reloading item stats |
AdminCmdDataRndMsgTest | Class for sending sequenced test message |
AdminCmdDataRunScript | Class for a command running a script |
AdminCmdDataScale | Class for scale command |
AdminCmdDataSectorTarget | Class for commands with a sector target |
AdminCmdDataServerQuit | Class for terminating the server |
AdminCmdDataSet | Class for setting attributes on a player |
AdminCmdDataSetItem | Class for setting item names and descriptions |
AdminCmdDataSetKillExp | Class for setting the killing exp |
AdminCmdDataSetLabelColor | Class for setting labels |
AdminCmdDataSetQuality | Class for setting quality for an item command |
AdminCmdDataSetSkill | Class for setskill command |
AdminCmdDataSetStackable | Class for un/setting, displaying information on stackable items |
AdminCmdDataSetTrait | Class for setting traits or retrieving info |
AdminCmdDataSimple | Simple one word commands |
AdminCmdDataSlide | Class for sliding a player command |
AdminCmdDataTarget | Base class for all commands that need a target to work on |
AdminCmdDataTargetReason | Class for commands that only need a target and a reason |
AdminCmdDataTeleport | Class for teleport command |
AdminCmdDataTime | Class for time command |
AdminCmdDataUpdateRespawn | Class for player/npc respawn update |
AdminCmdDataWeather | Class for weather command |
AdminCmdDataWeatherEffect | Base class for manipulating weather effects |
AdminCmdOnOffToggleParser | Base class for on, off, toggle string Parser |
AdminCmdRewardParser | Class for parsing rewards data from a command string and storing it |
AdminCmdSubCommandParser | Class for storing subcommands for a specific word position |
AdminCmdTargetParser | Class for parsing a target of a admin command |
AdminManager | Admin manager that handles GM commands and general game control |
AdviceManager | AdviceManager keeps track of all the invitations of any kind that are pending, using a collection of PendingAdvice objects |
AdvisorStruct | Holds data on an 'advisor' in the world |
allocator | |
ApplicativeScript | ApplicativeScript is the applied script container |
google_breakpad::AppMemory | |
ArmorVsWeapon | |
AssessOperation | Will send an assessment request to the server |
Tribe::Asset | |
AssignQuestResponseOp | This script operation makes an npc assign one out of a list of quest to a player, as part of his response to a player event |
AssignQuestSelectOp | This script operation is a pre operation to the AssignQuestResponseOp that is inserted at the start of the ResponseOp script list and it will select the quest that will be assigned in the AssingQuestResponseOp later |
AttackerHistory | A record in a gemActor's attacker history |
AttackPerception | Whenever an NPC is attacked by a player, this perception is passed to the attacked npc |
psCharVerificationMesg::Attribute | |
AuthenticationServer | Authentication handling |
google_breakpad::AutoCriticalSection | |
Autoexec | Class handling autoexecution of commands at the startup |
AutoexecCommand | |
AutoMemorizeOperation | Turn on and off auto remembering of perceptions |
BanEntry | |
BankManager | |
BanManager | Holds list of banned accounts and IP ranges |
BaseMusicalScore< MeasureType, MeasureElementType > | Implements a musical score |
Behavior | A set of operations building a generic behavior for a NPC |
BehaviorSet | This is the set of Behaviors available for an NPC |
PathDefinition::Bonus | |
BorderDefinition | Defines the images that make the border up |
breakpad_uuid_command | |
BubbleChatType | |
psBuddyManager::Buddy | |
psBuddyListMsg::BuddyData | |
Buffable< T > | Buffables |
BuildOperation | Will build a tribe building |
BusyOperation | Will Set the busy indicator for an NPC |
CachedData | |
psInventoryCache::CachedItemDescription | |
CacheManager::CachedObject | |
CacheManager | This class manages the caching of data that is unchanging during server operation |
CalAnimationCallback | |
CastOperation | Let the NPC cast a spell |
CCheck | |
celEdge | This is a mapnode Graph for CEL |
celGraph | This is a mapnode Graph for CEL |
celNode | |
celPath | This is a mapnode Path for CEL |
ChangeBrainOperation | Let the NPC change brain |
CharacterAttribute | Base class for several other classes which hold character attributes of different sorts |
CharCreationManager | Server manager for character creation |
CharStat | |
charVariable | This is used to char a charVariable |
ChaseOperation | Detect and chase a target until reached o out of bound |
gemActor::ChatHistoryEntry | Info: Stores a chat history element |
ChatManager | |
ChatSettings | Struct for returning and setting settings |
CheckQuestTimeoutOp | This script operation is a pre operation to the AssingQuestResponseOp that is inserted at the start of the ResponseOp script list and it will check if the selected response is available and if not send a give response back to the player and terminate the response script |
Chord | |
CircleOperation | Moving entails a circle with radius at a velocity and an animation action |
ClampedPositiveBuffable< T > | A special form of buffable that is clamped to always return a positive number |
Client | This class collects data of a netclient |
ClientConnectionSet | This class is a list of several CLient objects, it's designed for finding clients very fast based on their clientnum or their IP address |
google_breakpad::ClientInfo | |
ClientIterator | |
ClientMsgHandler | |
ClientSongManager | This class connect the GUI and the server side of the instruments system to the sound plugin |
ClientStatusLogger | Logs client status to document |
ClientVersion | |
CmdHandler | |
CmdSubscription | |
ColumnDef | Defines the structure of the list box table |
CombatManager | This class handles all calculations around combat, using statistics and information from the pspccharacterinfo Prop Classes for both the attacker and the target |
CombinationConstruction | Each item has a list of items required for its construction |
ComboWrapper | |
COMMAND | This is a little class to store an array of commands and functions to call with each command |
CommandGroup | Defines a command group |
CommandList | Defines a command listing |
CompleteQuestResponseOp | This script operation makes an npc complete a quest for a player, as part of his response to a player event |
Config | Holds an updater configuration file |
NetBase::Connection | This class holds data for a connection |
ConsoleOut | Simple static class for controlled user output |
constraint | |
psViewContainerDescription::ContainerContents | |
ControlOperation | Control another actor |
ConvexVolume | |
CopyLocateOperation | Will copy a locate |
RecipeManager::Correspondence | Keeps details about the matches between script actions and NPC Operations |
google_breakpad::CpuSet | |
CraftComboInfo | Each item contains craft information about a craft combination |
CraftSkills | Each item contains the craft skills for the craft step |
CraftTransInfo | Each item contains craft information about a craft transformation step |
google_breakpad::ExceptionHandler::CrashContext | |
google_breakpad::CrashGenerationClient | |
google_breakpad::CrashGenerationServer | |
google_breakpad::CrashReportSender | |
CreationChoice | A Creation Choice that the client can make |
csArray | |
csComparator< csRef< psNetPacketEntry >, csRef< psNetPacketEntry > > | |
csHashComputer< PacketKey > | |
csHashComputer< SockAddress > | |
csHashComputerStruct | |
csRefCount | |
csSyncRefCount | |
curl_certinfo | |
curl_forms | |
curl_httppost | |
curl_khkey | |
curl_slist | |
curl_sockaddr | |
curl_version_info_data | |
CURLMsg | |
BaseMusicalScore< MeasureType, MeasureElementType >::Cursor | This is part of the BaseMusicalScore API |
CustomChoice | Defines a character creation choice for change of appearance |
google_breakpad::CustomClientInfo | |
google_breakpad::CustomInfoEntry | |
Tribe::CyclicRecipe | |
DamageHistory | An AttackerHistory entry for a regular, one-time damaging attack |
DamagePerception | Whenever an NPC is hit for damage by a melee hit or a spell, this perception is passed to the damaged npc |
DeathPerception | The network layer is notified of any deaths from players or NPCs on the server |
DebugOperation | Debug will turn on and off debug for the npc |
psNPCClient::DeferredNPC | Keep information about deferred NPCs during loading |
DelayedLoader | |
PerceptOperation::DelayedPerceptOperationGameEvent | |
DeleteNPCOperation | Let the NPC delete it self |
DequipOperation | Dequip will tell the npc to dequip a item |
gemNPC::DialogCounter | |
DialogHistory | This class right now holds a simple circular MRU list of responses, so the npc can tell if he is getting the same question over and over |
DialogHistory::DialogHistoryEntry | |
psDialogMenuMessage::DialogResponse | |
NpcDialogMenu::DialogTrigger | |
google_breakpad::DirectoryReader | |
psCamera::DistanceCfg | |
DoAdminCommandResponseOp | This script operation executes an admin command |
DOTHistory | An AttackerHistory entry for a DOT (damage over time) attack |
Downloader | |
DropOperation | Drop will make the NPC drop whatever he is holding |
gemActor::DRstate | |
dtBVNode | Bounding volume node |
dtCompressedTile | |
dtCrowd | Provides local steering behaviors for a group of agents |
dtCrowdAgent | Represents an agent managed by a dtCrowd object |
dtCrowdAgentAnimation | |
dtCrowdAgentDebugInfo | |
dtCrowdAgentParams | Configuration parameters for a crowd agent |
dtCrowdNeighbour | Provides neighbor data for agents managed by the crowd |
dtLink | Defines a link between polygons |
dtLocalBoundary | |
dtMeshHeader | Provides high level information related to a dtMeshTile object |
dtMeshTile | Defines a navigation mesh tile |
dtNavMesh | A navigation mesh based on tiles of convex polygons |
dtNavMeshCreateParams | Represents the source data used to build an navigation mesh tile |
dtNavMeshParams | Configuration parameters used to define multi-tile navigation meshes. The values are used to allocate space during the initialization of a navigation mesh |
dtNavMeshQuery | Provides the ability to perform pathfinding related queries against a navigation mesh |
dtNode | |
dtNodePool | |
dtNodeQueue | |
dtObstacleAvoidanceDebugData | |
dtObstacleAvoidanceParams | |
dtObstacleAvoidanceQuery | |
dtObstacleCircle | |
dtObstacleSegment | |
dtOffMeshConnection | Defines an navigation mesh off-mesh connection within a dtMeshTile object. An off-mesh connection is a user defined traversable connection made up to two vertices |
dtPathCorridor | Represents a dynamic polygon corridor used to plan agent movement. , |
dtPathQueue | |
dtPoly | Defines a polyogn within a dtMeshTile object |
dtPolyDetail | Defines the location of detail sub-mesh data within a dtMeshTile |
dtProximityGrid | |
dtQueryFilter | Defines polygon filtering and traversal costs for navigation mesh query operations |
dtTileCache | |
dtTileCacheAlloc | |
dtTileCacheCompressor | |
dtTileCacheContour | |
dtTileCacheContourSet | |
dtTileCacheLayer | |
dtTileCacheLayerHeader | |
dtTileCacheMeshProcess | |
dtTileCacheObstacle | |
dtTileCacheParams | |
dtTileCachePolyMesh | |
duDebugDraw | Abstract debug draw interface |
duDisplayList | |
duFileIO | |
DummySoundControl | This is just a dummy implementation of iSoundControl |
DummySoundManager | This is a dummy implementation of iSoundManager |
google_breakpad::dyld_all_image_infos32 | |
google_breakpad::dyld_all_image_infos64 | |
google_breakpad::dyld_image_info32 | |
google_breakpad::dyld_image_info64 | |
google_breakpad::DynamicImage | |
google_breakpad::DynamicImageRef | |
google_breakpad::DynamicImages | |
EatOperation | Eat will take a bite of a nearby dead actor and add resource to tribe wealth |
EconomyManager::Economy | |
EconomyManager | |
eControlManager | |
Edge | Represents the Edge in a PathNetwork |
EEditApp | |
EEditCameraToolbox | This handles the camera controls toolbox |
EEditEditEffectToolbox | This allows you to edit the effect |
EEditError | |
EEditErrorToolbox | This displays effect errors |
EEditFPSToolbox | This handles the displaying of FPS and controlling the cap |
EEditInputboxManager | A class that manages the inputbox windows |
EEditLoadEffectToolbox | This allows you to load an effect |
EEditLoadMapToolbox | This allows loading of a new map |
EEditParticleListToolbox | This allows you to open/edit particle systems |
EEditPositionToolbox | This handles the effect position object |
EEditRenderToolbox | This handles the effect render toolbox |
EEditReporter | A csReporterListener for eedit |
EEditRequestCombo | |
EEditSelectEditAnchor | A dialog window to edit effect anchor |
EEditSelectEditAnchorKeyFrame | A dialog window to edit an anchor keyframe |
EEditSelectFloat | A dialog window to select a floating point value |
EEditSelectList | A dialog window to select from a list of values |
EEditSelectNewAnchor | A dialog window to select a new effect anchor |
EEditSelectNewAnchorKeyFrame | A dialog window to select a new effect anchor keyframe |
EEditSelectString | A dialog window to select a string value |
EEditSelectVec3 | A dialog window to select a 3D vector value |
EEditSelectYesNo | A dialog window to select a yes or no value |
EEditShortcutKey | |
EEditShortcutsToolbox | This manages the shortcuts |
EEditTargetToolbox | This handles the effect target object |
EEditToolbox | A base class for all eedit toolbox windows |
EEditToolboxManager | A class that manages a group of toolbox windows |
google_breakpad::ElfClass32 | |
google_breakpad::ElfClass64 | |
psUserCommands::EMOTE | Struct to hold our emote data |
UserManager::EMOTE | Struct to hold our emote data |
EmoteOperation | Emote will make the NPC show an emotion |
EmptyMathStatement | This holds an empty statement that shall not be executed but is used for control flow statements, e.g |
Endgame_Spec | |
Endgame_TileSpec | |
EntityManager | Manages CEL entities on the server |
EquipOperation | Equip will tell the npc to equip a item |
EventManager | This class handles all queueing and invoking of timed events, such as combat, spells, NPC dialog responses, range weapons, or NPC respawning |
google_breakpad::ExceptionHandler | |
google_breakpad::ExceptionInfo | |
Exchange | A basic exchange |
ExchangeManager | |
ExchangingCharacter | ExchangingCharacter holds relevant information about character that is participating in exchange of items with another character |
Faction | An ingame faction group |
FactionLifeEvent | This struct stores the values and text used for the dynamically generated life events based on factions |
psFactionMessage::FactionPair | |
FactionPerception | Deliver a faction based perception |
pawsSkillWindow::FactionRating | |
FactionResponseOp | This script operation adjust a given faction |
FactionSet | This class is a set of faction structures |
FactionStanding | This struct stores the particular score of a particular player to a particular faction |
FastRefCount | |
google_breakpad::FileID | |
FileStat | |
FileUtil | |
FloodBuffRow | |
FogWeatherObject | Fog |
Edge::ForwardIterator | Implementation of Iterator for FORWARD direction |
FrozenBuffable | |
FunctionParser | |
FunctionParser_cd | |
FunctionParser_cf | |
FunctionParser_cld | |
FunctionParser_f | |
FunctionParser_gmpint | |
FunctionParser_ld | |
FunctionParser_li | |
FunctionParser_mpfr | |
FunctionParserBase< Value_t > | |
FunctionParserBase< Value_t >::FunctionWrapper | |
gemActionLocation | |
gemActiveObject | Any PS Object with which a player may have interaction (i.e |
gemActor | Any semi-autonomous object, either a player or an NPC |
GEMClientActionLocation | An action location on the client |
GEMClientActor | This is a player or another 'alive' entity on the client |
GEMClientItem | An item on the client |
GEMClientObject | An object that the client knows about |
gemContainer | GemContainers are the public containers in the world for crafting, like forges or ovens |
gemItem | |
gemMesh | This is a helper class that defines a mesh on the server |
gemNPC | |
gemNPCActor | |
gemNPCItem | |
gemNPCObject | |
gemObject | A gemObject is any solid, graphical object visible in PS with normal physics and normal collision detection |
gemPet | |
GEMSupervisor | This class holds the refs to the core factories, etc in CEL |
GenericRefQueue< queuetype, refType > | A queue of smart pointers with locking facilties for multi-threading |
GiveItemResponseOp | This script operation makes an npc give an item to a player, as part of his response to a player event |
GlobalIterator | |
glyphSlotInfo | Used by psCharacter::CreateGlyphList() |
GMEventManager | GameMaster Events manager class |
GMEventsAssignment | Structure for assigned GM Events |
GmpInt | |
GroupAttackPerception | Whenever an NPC is attacked by a grouop, this perception is passed to the attacked npc |
GroupManager | Main PlayerGroup Manager that holds all the groups |
google_breakpad::GUIDString | |
GUIHandler | This class receives all network messages from the server which affect the GUI or are displayable by the GUI |
GuildAwardResponseOp | This script operation makes an npc do an action, like greet or bow, as part of his response to a player event |
GuildManager | |
guildMemberInfo | |
GuildNotifySubscription | Information about client that asked us to tell him when some guild data change |
HateList | This object represents the entities which have attacked or hurt the NPC and prioritizes them |
HateListEntry | |
HateListOperation | Hate list modifications |
Heap< T > | |
HireManager | The Hire Manager will manage all aspects related to hiring of NPCs |
HireResponseOp | This script operation makes an npc manage hires as part of his response to a player event |
HireSession | The Hire Sessin will manage all aspects related to a specefic hiring of a NPC |
google_breakpad::HTTPUpload | |
iBase | |
iCachedObject | |
iCancelAction | ICancelAction |
iCmdSubscriber | This interface must be implemented by objects that want to receive command line strings messages |
iCommandCatcher | This defines an interface for intercepting commands instead of handling them locally in the server console |
Icon | Map windows to their pawsButtons on the control panel |
MathScriptEngine::IDConverter | |
iDeathCallback | This class generically allows objects to be notified when a gemActor dies |
iDeathNotificationObject | |
iDeleteNotificationObject | |
iDeleteObjectCallback | This class generically allows objects to be notified when a gemObject is removed |
iEEditRequestComboCallback | |
iEffectIDAllocator | Helper interface to allocate effect IDs |
pawsMouse::ImgSize | |
Index | |
iNetSubscriber | This interface must be implemented by objects that want to receive network messages |
InfoShare | |
InputGeom | |
InstanceObject | |
Instrument | This class represent a musical instrument |
InstrumentManager | This class keeps and manage the musical instruments |
IntroduceResponseOp | This script operation introduces an npc |
IntroductionManager | |
InventoryPerception | This perception is used when a item is added or removed from inventory |
InventoryTransaction | |
InvisibleOperation | Invisible will make the npc invisible |
iOnColorEnteredAction | |
iOnFileSelectedAction | |
iOnItemChosenAction | |
iOnMeterEnteredListener | Interface implemented by a pawsMeterPromptWindow listener |
iOnNumberEnteredAction | |
iOnStringEnteredAction | This interface defines the callback used by pawsStringPromptWindow to notify another window of a supplied answer |
iOptionsClass | |
iPawsImage | |
iPAWSSubscriber | |
iScriptableVar | |
EEditInputboxManager::iSelectEditAnchor | |
EEditInputboxManager::iSelectEditAnchorKeyFrame | |
EEditInputboxManager::iSelectFloat | |
EEditInputboxManager::iSelectList | |
EEditInputboxManager::iSelectNewAnchor | |
EEditInputboxManager::iSelectNewAnchorKeyFrame | |
EEditInputboxManager::iSelectString | |
EEditInputboxManager::iSelectVec3 | |
EEditInputboxManager::iSelectYesNo | |
iSongManagerListener | This interface implemets a listener to client song events |
iSoundControl | |
iSoundControlListener | Interface to implement to handle SoundControl's events |
iSpellModifier | ISpellModifiers |
psGMSpawnItems::Item | |
psGUIInventoryMessage::ItemDescription | A small struct to hold item info after read out of message |
psGMSpawnMods::ItemModifier | |
ItemPerception | Whenever an NPC is close to an item, this perception is passed to the npc |
ItemRequirement | This is a struct used by item stats to say that a person must have a certain level at a certain skill to use the weapon effectively |
ItemSupplyDemandInfo | |
Edge::Iterator | Iterator base class for Forward and Reverse Iterators |
pawsWidget::iWidgetData | A class that can be inherited to store extra data in a widget |
KnowledgeArea | |
psEntityLabels::labelRow | This describes one row of text displayed on entity label |
google_breakpad::LibcurlWrapper | |
LifeEventChoice | Defines the structure needed to send a life event across the network |
LightingList | |
LightingSetting | |
google_breakpad::LineReader | |
google_breakpad::LinuxDumper | |
google_breakpad::LinuxPtraceDumper | |
NPC::Locate | Structure to hold located positions |
LocateOperation | Locate is a very powerful function which will find the nearest object of the named tag, within a range |
Location | A Location is a named place on the map, located dynamically by NPCs as scripted |
LocationManager | Manager that manage all locations and location types |
LocationPerception | Whenever an NPC is close to an location, this perception is passed to the npc |
LocationType | This stores a vector of positions listing a set of points defining a common type of location, such as a list of burning fires or guard stations--whatever the NPCs need |
LogCSV | |
google_breakpad::LogMessageVoidify | |
google_breakpad::LogStream | |
LoopBeginOperation | LoopBegin operation will only print LoopBegin for debug purpose |
LoopEndOperation | LoopEnd operation will jump back to the beginning of the loop |
LootEntry | This class holds one loot possibility for a killed npc |
LootEntrySet | This class stores an array of LootEntry and calculates required loot on a newly dead mob |
LootModifier | This class holds one loot modifier The lootRandomizer contions arrays of these |
LootOperation | Loot will make the NPC loot specified items |
LootRandomizer | This class stores an array of LootModifiers and randomizes loot stats |
MacCrashReport | |
mach_msg_port_descriptor_t | |
google_breakpad::MachMessage | |
google_breakpad::MachMsgPortDescriptor | |
google_breakpad::MachPortSender | |
google_breakpad::MachReceiveMessage | |
google_breakpad::MachSendMessage | |
google_breakpad::MappingEntry | |
google_breakpad::MappingInfo | |
MaterialSet | Defines a material set |
MathEnvironment | A specific MathEnvironment to be used in a MathScript |
MathExpression | The base expression class |
MathScript | A MathScript is a mini-program to run |
MathScriptEngine | This holds all the formulas loaded from the MathScript table and provides a container for them |
MathStatement | This holds one line of a (potentially) multi-line script |
MathVar | This holds information about a specific variable in a specific MathEnvironment to be used for MathScripts and allows setting/retrieving all data related to it |
MDCPUInformation | |
MDCVHeader | |
MDCVInfoPDB20 | |
MDCVInfoPDB70 | |
MDException | |
MDFloatingSaveAreaARM | |
MDFloatingSaveAreaPPC | |
MDFloatingSaveAreaSPARC | |
MDFloatingSaveAreaX86 | |
MDImageDebugMisc | |
MDLocationDescriptor | |
MDMemoryDescriptor | |
MDRawAssertionInfo | |
MDRawBreakpadInfo | |
MDRawContextAMD64 | |
MDRawContextARM | |
MDRawContextBase | |
MDRawContextPPC | |
MDRawContextPPC64 | |
MDRawContextSPARC | |
MDRawContextX86 | |
MDRawDebug | |
MDRawDirectory | |
MDRawExceptionStream | |
MDRawHeader | |
MDRawLinkMap | |
MDRawMemoryInfo | |
MDRawMemoryInfoList | |
MDRawMemoryList | |
MDRawMiscInfo | |
MDRawModule | |
MDRawModuleList | |
MDRawSystemInfo | |
MDRawThread | |
MDRawThreadList | |
MDString | |
MDSystemTime | |
MDTimeZoneInformation | |
MDVectorSaveAreaPPC | |
MDVSFixedFileInfo | |
MDXmmSaveArea32AMD64 | |
Measure< MeasureElementType > | A measure containing measure elements |
Measure< MeasureElementType >::MeasureAttributes | Keep general attributes that can change from a measure to another like key signature, beats and tempo |
MeasureElement | An element of a measure with a given duration |
MeleeOperation | Melee will tell the npc to attack the most hated entity within range |
Tribe::MemberID | |
MemorizeOperation | Memorize will make the npc to setup a spawn point here |
Tribe::Memory | |
google_breakpad::MemoryMappedFile | |
google_breakpad::MemoryRange | |
psMainWidget::mesgOption | Used to store an option about on screen options |
psEffectObjTrail::MeshAnimControl | |
psEffectObjQuad::MeshAnimControl | |
psEffectObjSpire::MeshAnimControl | |
psEffectObjStar::MeshAnimControl | |
google_breakpad::MachMessage::MessageDataPacket | |
pawsMessageTextBox::MessageLine | |
pawsMultilineEditTextBox::MessageLine | |
MessageManager< SubClass > | Provides a manager to facilitate subscriptions |
MessageManagerBase | Base server-side class for subscriptions |
pawsMessageTextBox::MessageSegment | |
google_breakpad::minidump_size< T > | |
google_breakpad::minidump_size< MDCVInfoPDB20 > | |
google_breakpad::minidump_size< MDCVInfoPDB70 > | |
google_breakpad::minidump_size< MDImageDebugMisc > | |
google_breakpad::minidump_size< MDRawMemoryList > | |
google_breakpad::minidump_size< MDRawModule > | |
google_breakpad::minidump_size< MDRawModuleList > | |
google_breakpad::minidump_size< MDRawThreadList > | |
google_breakpad::minidump_size< MDString > | |
google_breakpad::MinidumpDescriptor | |
google_breakpad::MinidumpFileWriter | |
google_breakpad::MinidumpGenerator | |
MiniGameManager | Handles minigame sessions |
MinigamePlayer | Structure to hold player data |
Mirror | |
ModeHandler | This class handles mode messages from the server, specifying "normal", or "combat" or "death", or whatever |
Model | |
BankManager::MoneyEvent | |
MoneyResponseOp | This script operation makes an npc give money to the player |
MovementOperation | Abstract common class for Move operations that use paths |
MoveOperation | Moving entails a velocity vector and an animation action |
MovePathOperation | MovePath specifies the name of a path and an animation action |
MoveToOperation | Moving to a spot entails a position vector, a linear velocity, and an animation action |
MpfrFloat | |
MsgEntry | The structure of 1 queue entry (pointer to a message) |
MsgHandler | This class is the client's and server's main interface for either sending network messages out or getting notified about inbound ones which have been received |
Multiplier | Multipliers |
MusicXMLElement | Extends the class MeasureElement by adding the ability to parse MusicXML |
MuteBuffable | |
NameGenerationSystem | |
NameGenerator | |
NaturalResource | This class keeps natural resource concentrations across the world |
NavGen | |
NavigateOperation | Navigate moves the NPC to the position and orientation of the last located thing |
NearNaturalResource | This class keeps the hit of natural resources found for the player and allows ordering of them in an array |
NetBase | This class acts as a base for client/server net classes |
NetManager | This is the network thread handling packets sending/receiving to/from network other threads can register a message queue and the network thread will sort messages for them and put them in their queue |
NetPacketQueueRefCount | |
psWeatherMessage::NetWeatherInfo | |
psAttackBookMessage::NetworkAttack | |
psCharacterDetailsMessage::NetworkDetailSkill | |
psRequestGlyphsMessage::NetworkGlyph | |
NetworkManager | Handle all network messages inn and out of the NPC Client |
psSpellBookMessage::NetworkSpell | |
NOPOperation | No Operation(NOP) Operation |
Note | A single note in a musical score |
Note::NoteContext | Used to keep track of previous altered notes in the current measure |
NPC | This object represents each NPC managed by this superclient |
NPCCmdPerception | Whenever an NPC Cmd is received this perception is fired |
NPCCmdResponseOp | This script operation send a perception/command to the npc client |
NPCDialogDict | |
NpcDialogMenu | Holds the trigger menu, if it exists, for a given location in a dialog |
NpcGui | |
NPCManager | |
npcMesh | This is a helper class that defines a mesh on the server |
psNPCRaceListMessage::NPCRaceInfo_t | |
NpcResponse | This class holds several possible responses and an action script for the npc to run whenever an appropriate trigger is triggered |
NPCStatus | This class is used to record the status of the npcclient to display it on a website so people can see the status of it |
NpcTerm | A phrase recognized by the dialog system |
NpcTrigger | |
NpcTriggerGroupEntry | |
NpcTriggerOrdering< K, K2 > | |
NpcTriggerSentence | Sentence written by the user represented as sequence of known terms |
NPCType | A collection of behaviors and reactions will represent a type of npc |
OfferRewardResponseOp | This script operation makes an npc offer a list of possible rewards that the player can chose from (upon quest completion) |
optionEntry | This class rappresents an option tree which comes from the server_options table |
OrderedMessageChannel | This class holds the structure for guaranteed inbound ordering of certain message types |
Overridable< T > | Overridables |
OverridableRace | |
OwnerActionPerception | Whenever an NPCPet is told by it's owner to stay, this perception is passed to the NPCPet |
OwnerCmdPerception | Whenever an NPCPet is told by it's owner to stay, this perception is passed to the NPCPet |
PacketKey | |
google_breakpad::PageAllocator | |
google_breakpad::PageStdAllocator< T > | |
PaladinJr | |
ParameterData | |
PathDefinition | Used to define a path in character creation |
google_breakpad::PathnameStripper | |
pawsActionLocationWindow | |
pawsActiveMagicWindow | This handles all the details about how the spell cancel works |
pawsAttackBookWindow | This handles all the details about how the spell book works |
pawsBankWindow | The bank window in PlaneShift |
pawsBartenderWindow | |
pawsBaseWidgetFactory | |
pawsBookReadingWindow | A window that shows the description of an item |
pawsBorder | This is a class that draws the border around a widget |
pawsBubbleChatType | |
pawsBuddyWindow | The buddy window that shows your current list of in game 'friends' |
pawsButton | A simple button widget |
pawsCharacterPickerWindow | Where players can pick which character ( from the account ) that they to play as |
pawsCharBirth | |
pawsCharDescription | |
pawsCharParents | Handles the Parent screen in character creation |
pawsChatHistory | This stores the text the player has entered into their edit window |
pawsChatWindow | Main Chat window for PlaneShift |
pawsCheckBox | A combination widget that has a check box and a text label |
pawsCheckTreeNode | |
pawsChildhoodWindow | This is the character creation screen where player selects childhood details |
pawsColorInput | |
pawsColorPromptWindow | PawsColorPromptWindow is window that lets the user enter a color by the use of three sliders and a color preview |
pawsComboBox | A basic combo box widget |
pawsComboPromptWindow | PawsComboPromptWindow is window that lets the user choose item from combo box |
pawsConfigActiveMagic | |
pawsConfigAutoexec | |
pawsConfigCamera | |
pawsConfigCameraFactory | |
pawsConfigChat | |
pawsConfigChatBubbles | |
pawsConfigChatFilter | |
pawsConfigChatFont | |
pawsConfigChatLogs | |
pawsConfigChatTabCompletion | |
pawsConfigChatTabs | Configuration panel for chat window tabs |
pawsConfigDetails | |
pawsConfigEntityInteraction | Class pawsConfigEntityInteraction is option screen for configuration of player's interaction with entities |
pawsConfigEntityLabels | Class pawsConfigEntityLabels is options screen for configuration of entity labels (see client/entitylabels.h) |
pawsConfigHPandMana | |
pawsConfigKeys | This window is used to configure keyboard bindings |
pawsConfigMarriage | Currently only used to provide an option to always deny marriage invites |
pawsConfigMouse | |
pawsConfigMouseFactory | |
pawsConfigPopup | |
pawsConfigPvP | Class pawsConfigPvP is options screen for configuration of PvP |
pawsConfigSectionWindow | |
pawsConfigShadows | |
pawsConfigShortcut | |
pawsConfigSound | Class pawsConfigPvP is options screen for configuration of PvP |
pawsConfigSpellChecker | |
pawsConfigTextPage | |
pawsConfigTooltips | |
pawsConfigWindow | |
pawsContainerDescWindow | A window that shows the description of an container |
pawsControlledWindow | This is a window that is controlled by a button on the control bar |
pawsControlWindow | Window that drives the main interface |
pawsCraftCancelWindow | This handles all the details about how the craft cancel works |
pawsCraftWindow | Window Widget that displays information about the mind item to be used in crafting |
pawsCreationMain | The main creation window for creating a new character |
pawsCreditsWindow | |
PAWSData | |
pawsDetailWindow | A simple info window that displays the position and sector of player |
pawsDnDButton | A Drag-and-Drop capable button widget with timer |
pawsDocumentView | |
PawsEditorApp | |
pawsEditTextBox | An edit box widget/ |
pawsEEdit | |
pawsExchangeWindow | The trade window in PlaneShift |
pawsFadingTextBox | |
pawsFileNavigation | |
pawsFingeringReceiver | This interface receive OnFingering notification from the FingeringWindow |
pawsFingeringWindow | Class pawsFingeringWindow is a small dialog box that ask the user to press a key combination that will be bound to some action |
pawsFrameDrawable | |
pawsGameBoard | The game window class |
pawsGameTile | Game tile class |
pawsGenericView | This widget is used to view a mesh in it's own seperate world |
pawsGlyphSlot | |
pawsGlyphWindow | |
pawsGMActionWindow | |
pawsGmGUIWindow | |
pawsGMSpawnWindow | |
pawsGroupWindow | This window shows the current members that are in your group |
pawsGuildWindow | |
pawsHelp | |
pawsICheckTreeNode | |
pawsIgnoreWindow | A player's ignore list window |
pawsImageDrawable | |
pawsIMenu | PawsIMenu is common interface to menus pawsMenu |
pawsIMenuItem | |
pawsInfoWindow | A window to show the player's vitals, the target's name and health, and the time |
pawsInteractWindow | This is the window that allows you to interact with the world |
pawsInventoryDollView | The character window - here we add a mouse listener so you can drag-n-drop inventory onto the avatar and have it automagically allocated to the correct spot |
pawsInventoryWindow | The is the main Inventory window for PlaneShift |
pawsItemDescriptionWindow | A window that shows the description of an item |
pawsItemTree | |
pawsITreeDecorator | |
pawsITreeLayout | |
pawsITreeStruct | |
pawsKeySelectBox | A widget that can be used to select key and display combinations |
pawsLauncherWindow | |
pawsLifeEventWindow | |
pawsListBox | A simple list box widget |
pawsListBoxRow | A List Box Row |
pawsLoadWindow | This is the window that is displayed when the game is loading the maps |
pawsLoginWindow | |
pawsLootWindow | Window contains a list of the available loot items |
pawsMainWidget | The main or desktop widget |
PawsManager | Main PlaneShift Window manager |
pawsMenu | PawsMenu is standard PAWS menu widget |
pawsMenuAction | When pawsMenu is created, target of notification messages (OnMenuAction) must be set by SetNotify() method |
pawsMenuItem | Class pawsMenuItem - standard menu item with label, checkbox (optional) and image (optional) |
pawsMenuSeparator | PawsMenuSeparator - special menu item that visually splits the menu to more parts |
pawsMerchantWindow | The window that deals with interacting with a NPC merchant |
pawsMessageTextBox | This is a special type of text box that is used for messages |
pawsMeterInput | This is the main input widget of pawsMeterPromptWindow |
pawsMeterPromptWindow | This window let the user select the music meter for a score |
pawsModsWindow | The Mods window shows 3 lists of item modifiers when creating items from the pawsGMSpawnWindow |
pawsMoney | PawsMoney is widget that holds four items slots - for each coin |
pawsMouse | The mouse pointer |
pawsMultilineEditTextBox | |
pawsMultiLineTextBox | |
pawsMultiPageDocumentView | |
pawsMultiPageTextBox | |
pawsMusicWindow | A window that shows a musical sheet and allows the player to edit it |
pawsNPCClientWindow | |
pawsNpcDialogWindow | This window shows the popup menu of available responses when talking to an NPC |
pawsNumberPromptWindow | PawsNumberPromptWindow is window that lets the user enter a number |
pawsObjectView | This widget is used to view a mesh in it's own seperate world |
pawsOkBox | This is an ok button window box |
pawsPathWindow | |
pawsPetitionGMWindow | Window contains a manageable list of petitions |
pawsPetitionWindow | Window contains a list of the user's petitions |
pawsPetStatWindow | This handles all the details about how the skill window |
pawsPrefManager | Holds/Loads the prefs from a pref file |
pawsProgressBar | |
pawsPromptWindow | PawsPromptWindow is the common base for windows that let the user enter one piece of information |
pawsQuestListWindow | Window contains a list of the available loot items |
pawsQuestRewardWindow | |
pawsQuitInfoBox | |
pawsRadioButton | A combination widget that has a radio button and a text label |
pawsRadioButtonGroup | This is a set of radio buttons and is used to control them |
pawsScript | |
pawsScriptHiredNPCWindow | A window that allows scripting of hired NPCs |
pawsScriptKey | A paws script key |
pawsScriptResult | |
pawsScriptStatement | |
pawsScrollBar | A simple scroll bar widget |
pawsScrollMenu | A scrolling list of buttons, each with an icon and which accepts drag-n-drop |
pawsSelectorBox | This a available->selected widget |
pawsSeqTreeNode | |
pawsSeqTreeNode_widget | |
pawsSheetLine | This class draws a musical staff on the widget and creates notes and chords that it can represent on the staff |
pawsShortcutWindow | The shortcut window itself |
pawsSimpleTree | |
pawsSimpleTreeNode | |
pawsSimpleWindow | This is meant as a blank window that can be used for windows that are completely specified through data (some combination of scripts and pub/subs) |
pawsSketchWindow | A window that shows a map or picture |
pawsSkillWindow::pawsSkill | |
pawsSkillIndicator | PawsSkillIndicator is a widget that graphically displays skill status |
pawsSkillWindow | This handles all the details about how the skill window |
pawsSlot | |
pawsSmallInventoryWindow | A small version of the inventory window |
pawsSpellBookWindow | This handles all the details about how the spell book works |
pawsSpellCancelWindow | This handles all the details about how the spell cancel works |
pawsSpinBox | A combination widget that has up and down arrows and a text label |
pawsSplashWindow | |
pawsStdTreeDecorator | |
pawsStdTreeLayout | |
pawsStorageWindow | The window that deals with interacting with a NPC storage |
pawsStringPromptWindow | PawsStringPromptWindow is a window that lets the user enter a string |
pawsStyles | Class pawsStyles keeps definitions of PAWS styles - a PAWS style is collection of XML attributes and XML nodes that are automatically applied to all PAWS XML widgets that are using this PAWS style |
PAWSSubscription | |
pawsSummaryWindow | |
pawsTabWindow | This window is supposed to be a generic widget for using tabs to show and hide subwindows automatically |
pawsTextBox | A basic text box widget |
pawsTextureManager | |
pawsThumb | |
pawsTitle | |
pawsTree | |
pawsTreeNode | |
pawsTreeStruct | |
pawsTutorialNotifyWindow | Window contains a button solely to popup another window showing instructions if the user clicks the button |
pawsTutorialWindow | A window that shows the instructions if the TutorialNotify window button is clicked |
pawsWidget | The main base widget that all other widgets should inherit from |
pawsWidgetFactory | |
pawsWidgetTreeNode | |
pawsWritingWindow | Lalalala |
pawsYesNoBox | This is a yes/no box used to do confirms |
peEditableWidget | This handles the effect render toolbox |
peMenu | |
PendingInvite | This class is the superclass for all player-to-player invitations, such as inviting into a group, a guild, a duel, an alliance, a guild war, a tourney, etc |
PendingQuestion | "Questions" are general requests of information from user |
pePawsManager | |
Perception | This embodies any perception an NPC might have, or any game event of interest |
PerceptOperation | Send a custon perception from a behavior script |
peSkinSelector | |
peWidgetTree | |
PhonicEntry | |
PickupOperation | Pickup will tell the npc to pickup a nearby entity (or fake it) |
PictureInfo | PictureInfo hold the information of pictures that would be display in the same row with the same format |
PlayerGroup | An existing group |
psGMGuiMessage::PlayerInfo | |
PlayerToNPCExchange | |
PlayerToPlayerExchange | |
PoolAllocator< TEMPLATE_CLASS > | |
PositionPerception | Percept a position |
GEMClientActor::PostLoadData | Post load data |
google_breakpad::ProcCpuInfoReader | |
ProgressionManager | |
ProgressionScript | ProgressionScript is the imperative script container |
ProgressScriptOperation | Script will make the progression script run at server |
MathExpression::PropertyRef | |
google_breakpad::ProtocolMessage | |
ProximityList | |
Proxy | |
psAccountInfo | A data storage class to contain all information associated with an account |
psActionLocation | This huge class stores all the properties of any object a player can have in the game |
psActionTimeoutGameEvent | Time out event on interacting with an action item |
psAdminCmdMessage | Admin commands |
psAdminCommands | This implements a subscriber object which handles admin-oriented commands |
psAdviceMessage | |
psAdviceRequestTimeoutGameEvent | |
psAdviceSessionTimeoutGameEvent | |
psAffinityAttribute | |
psAllEntityPosMessage | The message sent from server to superclient every 2.5 seconds |
psAttack | Represents an Attack |
psAttackBookMessage | |
psAttackCost | |
psAttackQueue | A queue to hold attacks in order of execution |
psAttackQueueMessage | Sends a message tot he client with the attack queue list |
psAttackType | This stuct holds data for generic attack types This could be for example an assassin attack which would require maybe daggers |
psAttitudeBlock | This is an attitude class data that has the responses |
psAuthApprovedMessage | Message sent from server to client if login was valid |
psAuthenticationClient | Handles Authentication details from the client to the server |
psAuthenticationMessage | The message sent from client to server on login |
psAuthRejectedMessage | Message sent from server to client if login was not valid |
psBuddyListMsg | |
psBuddyManager | Class to handle buddies |
psBuddyStatus | |
psBuyEvent | |
psCache | PsCache |
psCachedFileMessage | Class to send a possibly cached file to the client |
CacheManager::psCacheExpireEvent | The generic cache sets timers for each object added to the cache, then if the object is not removed by the expiration time, it calls the iCachedObject interface and deletes the object |
psCal3DCallbackEffect | A cal3d callback to handle displaying an effect |
psCal3DCallbackLoader | A stripped version of the cal3d callback loader used only for eedit |
psCamera | |
psCelClient | Client version of the Cel Manager |
psChannelJoinedMessage | Message from the server with a channel id |
psChannelJoinMessage | Message from a client for a request to join a chat channel |
psChannelLeaveMessage | Message from a client for a request to leave a chat channel |
psCharacter | |
psCharacterApprovedMessage | |
psCharacterDescriptionUpdateMessage | |
psCharacterDetailsMessage | |
psCharacterDetailsRequestMessage | |
psCharacterInventory | This class handles the details behind a character's inventory system |
psCharacterInventory::psCharacterInventoryItem | |
psCharacterLimitation | This class allows CacheManager to yield a list of qualifying values given a player's score at something |
psCharacterList | |
psCharacterLoader | This class controls loading and saving Characters and Character specific data to and from an iDatabase |
psCharacterPickerMessage | |
psCharacterQuestManager | Class to manager a characters quest details |
psCharAppearance | A manager class that handles all the details of a characters appearance |
psCharApprovedMessage | Used to confirm that a character has been uploaded |
psCharController | Manages all control and movement related activities |
psCharCreateCPMessage | The message sent from client to server to request a cp value for creation |
psCharCreateTraitsMessage | |
psCharDeleteMessage | The message sent from client to server to request a char deletion |
psCharIntroduction | The message sent from client to server to request a new introduction |
psCharMode | A character mode and its properties |
psCharRejectedMessage | Opposite of psCharApprovedMessage |
psCharUploadMessage | |
psCharVerificationMesg | Message that has a list of the stats and skills that will be created for a character |
psChatBubbles | |
psChatMessage | Message sent with chat info |
psClientCharManager | Manages character details for the client |
psClientDR | |
psClientNetSubscriber | |
psClientStatusMessage | |
psClientVitals | Handles the incoming vital data from the server to update it's local values |
psCmdBase | |
psCmdDropMessage | |
psCollisionDetection | Collision Detection (CD) related class |
psColours | |
psCombatAttackGameEvent | This event actually triggers an attack |
psCombatEventMessage | Messages sent from server to client containing each detailed combat event |
psCommandManager | This class handles the permission system such as Game Masters and Role play masters |
psConnectEvent | This message broadcasts client connect events to anyone who needs them, namely the TutorialManager |
gemContainer::psContainerIterator | |
psControl | Defines a generic button trigger |
psControlManager | Manages button functions and triggers |
psCraftCancelMessage | Spell Cancel Message This message is used to send a cancel message, and to send the time left before the item is crafted |
psCreationChoiceMsg | A general message class for sending a character creation choice |
psCreationManager | Handles all the details of the character creation on the client side |
psCSSetup | A helper class to setup Crystal Space and mount some dirs |
psDamageEvent | |
psDatabase | |
psDBProfiles | Statistics of time consumed by SQL statements |
psDeathEvent | |
psDespawnGameEvent | When an NPC or mob is killed in the spawn manager, its respawn event is immediately created and added to the schedule to be triggered at the appropriate time |
psDialogManager | This is used to handle <specificknowledge> and <specialresponse> tags |
psDialogMenuMessage | The message sent from server to client when a menu of possible responses is available |
psDisconnectMessage | |
psDRMessage | |
psDropEvent | |
psEconomyDrop | |
psEffect | The effect class |
psEffect2DElement | Base class for all possible 2D Effect Elements |
psEffect2DImgElement | A 2D Image Effect Element |
psEffect2DRenderer | The manager of all 2D effect elements |
psEffect2DTextElement | A 2D Text Effect Element |
psEffectAnchor | Effect anchors provide a base location / anchor point for all effect objs |
psEffectAnchorBasic | |
psEffectAnchorKeyFrame | Stores data for a specific effect anchor keyframe |
psEffectAnchorKeyFrameGroup | Effect anchor KeyFrame group |
psEffectAnchorSocket | |
psEffectAnchorSpline | |
psEffectBackgroundElem | |
psEffectGroup | |
psEffectLoader | Loader plugin for loading PS effects |
psEffectManager | |
psEffectMessage | Effect Message |
psEffectObj | An effect is not much more than a collection of effect objects |
psEffectObjDecal | |
psEffectObjKeyFrame | Stores data for a specific effect object keyframe |
psEffectObjKeyFrameGroup | Effect objects KeyFrame group |
psEffectObjLabel | |
psEffectObjLight | |
psEffectObjMesh | |
psEffectObjParticles | |
psEffectObjQuad | |
psEffectObjSimpMesh | |
psEffectObjSound | |
psEffectObjSpire | |
psEffectObjStar | |
psEffectObjText | |
psEffectObjText2D | |
psEffectObjTextable | |
psEffectObjTrail | |
psEffectTextElement | |
psEffectTextRow | |
psEmitter | This object represents a planeshift soundEmitter |
psEndChatLoggingEvent | |
psEndSongEvent | This event informs the song manager when the song is over |
psEngine | PsEngine This is the main class that contains all the object |
psEntity | This object represents a planeshift entity sound |
psEntityEvent | |
psEntityLabels | Class psEntityLabels serves for creation and management of 2D sprites hanging above cel-entities that display entity names and possibly guilds |
psEntityType | |
psEntityTypes | |
psEntranceMessage | Message from the server to handle entrances into and out of map instances |
psCharacterInventory::psEquipInfo | |
psEquipmentMessage | General Equipment Message |
psExchangeAcceptMsg | |
psExchangeAddItemMsg | Notification of an item added to an exchange |
psExchangeEndMsg | |
psExchangeMoneyMsg | |
psExchangeRemoveItemMsg | Notification of an item removed from an exchange |
psExchangeRequestMsg | A request to start an exchange with your current target |
psExchangeStatusMsg | |
psFactionMessage | Faction Message to get faction info from the server |
psFamiliarType | |
psForcePositionMessage | |
psGameEvent | All scheduled events must inherit from this class |
psGameObject | |
psGEMEvent | This class automatically implements timed events which depend on the existence and validity of a gemObject of any kind |
psGemMeshAttach | Helper class to attach a PlaneShift GEM object to a particular mesh |
psGemServerMeshAttach | Helper class to attach a PlaneShift gem object to a particular mesh |
psGenericCmdMessage | Generic commands |
psGenericEvent | This message broadcasts several different events to anyone who needs them, namely the TutorialManager |
psGlyph | |
psGlyphAssembleMessage | |
psGMEventInfoMessage | Sends messages to the client listing the assigned events for the player |
psGMEventListMessage | GM Event List Message |
psGMGuiMessage | Messages that are sent to the GM GUI windowManager |
psGMSpawnGetMods | |
psGMSpawnItem | |
psGMSpawnItems | |
psGMSpawnMods | |
psGMSpawnTypes | |
psGroupCmdMessage | Group commands |
psGroupCommands | Manager class to help with handling of 'group' commands |
psGUIActiveMagicMessage | GUI Active Magic Message |
psGUIBankingMessage | GUI Banking Message |
psGUIGroupMessage | GUI Group Message |
psGUIGuildMessage | GUI Guild Message |
psGUIInteractMessage | Sends messages to the client interaction window |
psGUIInventoryMessage | This message class deals with the inventory messages |
psGuildAlliance | A guild alliance between 2+ guilds |
psGuildCmdMessage | Guild commands sent from client to server |
psGuildCommands | Manager class for handling guild client commands |
psGuildInfo | Holds data for a guild |
psGuildLevel | Defines a level inside a guild |
psGuildMember | Defines a guild member in a guild |
psGuildMOTDSetMessage | |
psGUIMerchantMessage | GUI Exchange Message |
psGUISkillMessage | GUI Skill Message |
psGUIStorageMessage | GUI Merchant Message |
psGUITargetUpdateMessage | GUI Target Update This class is used to notify the client that data it is showing in the GUI target window has changed serverside, and should be refreshed |
psHeartBeatMsg | |
psHiredNPCScriptMessage | Handle scripting of hired NPCs |
psImageRegion | This class stores all required info for a particular region |
psInventoryCache | Psinventorycache.h |
psInventoryCacheServer | Implements the inventory cache on the server |
psItem | This class embodies item instances in the game |
psItemAmmoStats | This little class holds info about Ammunition for Ranged Weapons |
psItemAnimation | Each weapon specifies what anims can be used with it |
psItemArmorStats | This class stores an items various armour related information |
psItemCategory | |
psItemCreativeStats | This class holds info about Creative items such as books, etc |
psItemSpawnEvent | |
psItemStatFlags | A list of the flags mapped to their IDs |
psItemStats | This huge class stores all the properties of any object a player can have in the game |
psItemWeaponStats | This class holds the various cached database information relating to the weapon skills of a an item_stat |
psLauncherGUI | |
psLifeEventMsg | Defines a Life Event message |
psLight | |
psLinearMovement | Movement related class |
psLinearPath | |
psLocalization | Localization class for languages |
psLocationMessage | Handle Location changes from server to superclient |
psLockpickMessage | |
psLootEvent | |
psLootItemMessage | Sends messages to the server to indicate what to loot |
psLootMessage | Sends messages to the client listing the available loot on a mob |
psLootRemoveMessage | |
psMainWidget | The main or desktop widget |
psMapActionMessage | Messages that are sent to/from the ActionManager |
psMapListMessage | The 2nd message sent from server to superclient after successful login |
psMarriageManager | This class manages all marriage related stuff |
psMarriageMsgDivorce | The message sent when someone divorces someone |
psMarriageMsgDivorceConfirm | The message is sent when someone requests marriage details of a player |
psMarriageMsgPropose | The message sent to the player being proposed for marriage |
psMechanismActivateMessage | This message is used by the server to activate one mechanism client side |
psMerchantInfo | |
psMessageBytes | This struct represents the data that is sent out through the network (all additional stuff should go into the struct MsgEntry |
psMessageCracker | All net messages inherit from this class |
psMGBoardMessage | Message from the server to setup/update the minigame board on the client side |
psMGStartStopMessage | Message from the client to start a minigame |
psMGUpdateMessage | Message from the client with a minigame board update |
psMiniGameBoard | Wrapper class for game board |
psMiniGameBoardDef | Game board definition class |
psMiniGameSession | Implements one minigame session |
psModeMessage | Sends messages to the client indicating player combat stance |
psMoney | |
psMoneyGameEvent | |
psMOTDMessage | |
psMOTDRequestMessage | |
psMouseBind | |
psMouseBinds | PsMouseBinds holds set of psMouseAction |
psMouseInt | |
psMouseOnOff | |
psMoveLockMessage | Sends messages to the client informing of server-side movement lockouts |
psMovement | A character movement and its properties |
psMovementEvent | This message broadcasts the first movement event to anyone who needs them, namely the TutorialManager |
psMovementInfoMessage | |
psMovementManager | Manages main character movements |
psMoveModMsg | |
psMoveState | Used to save movement state to detect changes |
psMsgCraftingInfo | Defines all the info about crafting for an item |
psMsgRequestMovement | |
psMsgStringsMessage | Message sent from server to client containing the message strings hash table |
psMusic | This object represents a planeshift Soundtrack |
psMusicalSheetMessage | Message used by to send a musical sheet |
psNameCheckMessage | Used to check to see if a name chosen is a valid name to be picked from |
psNamedProfiles | Statistics of consumption by operations that are identified by names (strings) This is usable for most profilling purposes - some operations are identified using other means (e.g |
psNetConnection | Client-side UDP handler |
psNetInfos | Gives informations about the network connection |
psNetManager | This class holds references to different network classes and provides some conveniance functions to access them |
psNetMsgProfiles | Statistics of receiving or sending of network messages |
psNetPacket | PsNetPacket gives the networking code the context it needs, and all of this info goes out on the wire |
psNetPacketEntry | |
psNewNPCCreatedMessage | The message sent from server to superclient after successful NPC Creation |
psNewSectorMessage | Sends messages to the client indicating that a sector portal has been crossed |
psNPCAuthenticationMessage | The message sent from superclient to server on login |
psNPCClient | The main NPC Client class holding references to important superclient objects |
psNPCCommandsMessage | The message sent from server to superclient after successful login |
psNPCDeletedMessage | The message sent from server to superclient when a NPC is deleted from the server |
psNPCDialog | This class exists per NPC, and holds all dialog triggers, responses and scripts for this particular NPC by holding references to his/her Knowledge Areas |
psNPCListMessage | The message sent from server to superclient after successful login |
psNPCLoader | |
psNpcMeshAttach | Helper class to attach a PlaneShift npc gem object to a particular mesh |
psNPCRaceListMessage | The 3rd message sent from server to superclient after successful login |
psNPCReadyMessage | The message sent from superclient to server after receiving all entities |
psNPCReconnect | |
psNPCTick | The event that makes the NPC brain go TICK |
psNPCWorkDoneMessage | The message sent from server to superclient upon a successful work done |
psOperProfile | Statistics for one operation |
psOperProfileSet | Statistics for all kinds of operations This class is abstract, you have to inherit from it to use it, for example add a method that will be called to collect statistics |
psOptions | |
psOrderedMessage | Class to implement sequential delivery of net messages |
psOverrideActionMessage | Indicates that an OverrideAction is being done and not a loop as covered in DR msgs |
psPath | |
psPathAnchor | |
psPathNetwork | A network of Waypoint and psPath objects |
psPathNetworkMessage | Handle PathNetwork changes from server to superclient |
psPathPoint | Represents a point on a path between two waypoints |
psPersistActionLocation | |
psPersistActor | |
psPersistActorRequest | |
psPersistAllEntities | |
psPersistItem | |
psPersistWorld | |
psPersistWorldRequest | |
psPETCommandMessage | The message sent from client to server to control the players pet |
psPetitionInfo | Contains data for one petition |
psPetitionMessage | Messages sent to user with petition information |
psPetitionRequestMessage | Messages sent by the user to the server with requests for petition information |
psPetSkillMessage | Pet Skill Message |
psPickupEvent | |
psPingMsg | |
psPlaySongMessage | This message is used by the server to make clients play a song |
psPlaySoundMessage | Sound Message |
psPoint | |
psPortalCallback | Begin of classes |
psPreAuthApprovedMessage | Message sent from server to client that holds random number (clientnum) |
psPreAuthenticationMessage | The message sent from client to server before login |
psPrereqOpAttackType | Weapon requirement operator |
psPrereqOpStance | Stance requirement operator |
psPurifyGlyphMessage | |
psQuest | This class holds the master list of all quests available in the game |
psQuestInfoMessage | Sends messages to the client listing the assigned quests for the player |
psQuestion | PsQuestion is superclass of all question types |
psQuestionCancelMessage | |
psQuestionClient | Manages answering to various questions sent from server to user |
psQuestionMessage | |
psQuestionResponseMsg | |
psQuestListMessage | Sends messages to the client listing the assigned quests for the player |
psQuestPrereqOp | Pure virtual base quest prerequisite operator class |
psQuestPrereqOpActiveMagic | Active magic prerequisite operator |
psQuestPrereqOpAdvisorPoints | Advisor points prerequisite operator |
psQuestPrereqOpAnd | And Prerequisite operator |
psQuestPrereqOpFaction | Faction prerequisite operator |
psQuestPrereqOpGender | Gender prerequisite operator |
psQuestPrereqOpGuild | Guild prerequisite operator |
psQuestPrereqOpItem | Inventory prerequisite operator |
psQuestPrereqOpKnownSpell | Spell knownledge prerequisite operator |
psQuestPrereqOpList | Basis list prerequisite operator |
psQuestPrereqOpMarriage | Marriage prerequisite operator |
psQuestPrereqOpNot | Not prerequisite operator |
psQuestPrereqOpOr | Or prerequisite operator |
psQuestPrereqOpQuestAssigned | Quest assigned prerequisite operator |
psQuestPrereqOpQuestCompleted | Quest Completed prerequisite operator |
psQuestPrereqOpQuestCompletedCategory | Quest Completed Category operator |
psQuestPrereqOpRace | Race prerequisite operator |
psQuestPrereqOpRequire | Require prerequisite operator |
psQuestPrereqOpSkill | Skill prerequisite operator |
psQuestPrereqOpTimeOfDay | Time of day prerequisite operator |
psQuestPrereqOpTimeOnline | Time online time prerequisite operator |
psQuestPrereqOpTrait | Trait prerequisite operator |
psQuestPrereqOpVariable | Variable set prerequisite operator |
psQuestPrereqOpXor | Xor prerequisite operator |
psQuestRewardMessage | |
psRaceInfo | |
psRaceStartingLocation | |
psReadBookTextMessage | |
psRemoveObject | |
psRequestAllObjects | |
psRequestGlyphsMessage | |
psRespawnGameEvent | When an NPC or mob is killed in the spawn manager, its respawn event is immediately created and added to the schedule to be triggered at the appropriate time |
psResponse | A simple response |
psResurrectEvent | |
psRewardData | Reward Data is an abstract structure for all kinds of rewards |
psRewardDataExperience | RewardDataExperience holds experience reward data |
psRewardDataFaction | RewardDataFaction holds faction reward data |
psRewardDataItem | RewardDataItem holds item reward data |
psRewardDataMoney | RewardDataMoney holds money reward data |
psRewardDataPractice | RewardDataPractice holds practice reward data |
psRewardDataSkill | RewardDataSkill holds skill reward data |
psSaveCharEvent | This is an event that schedules regular saving of character data |
psScanline | This struct just stores the left and right side of each line in a psRegion |
psScheduledItem | |
psSectorInfo | Contains information about sectors from the server perspective |
psSellEvent | |
psSequenceMessage | Sends messages to the client to control sequences |
psServer | The main server class |
psServerCommandMessage | Server command message is for using npcclient as a remote command and debugging console for psserver |
psServerConsoleCommand | |
psServerDR | |
psServerPinger | Class psServerPinger takes care about sending pings to a server in Login screen |
psServerVitals | Server side of the character vitals manager |
psShadowManager | |
psSimpleRenderMeshMessage | Class to send a csSimpleRenderMesh to the client |
psSimpleStringMessage | Class to send a single arbitrary string to the client or server |
psSketchMessage | Class to send client directions on how to render a Sketch |
psSkillCache | Implements the skill cache both on the server and on the client |
psSkillCacheItem | PsSkillCacheItem item is one stat or skill in the skill cache |
psSkillDescription | Describes a skill description inside the GUI system |
psSkillInfo | |
psSlotManager | |
psSlotMovementMsg | |
psSolid | Collider creation class |
psSoundEventMessage | Sound Events Message |
psSoundSector | Work in progress - Looks like a mishap |
psSpareDefeatedEvent | |
psSpecialCombatEventMessage | Messages from the server to the client, similar to combat events below, but for special attacks |
psSpecialResponse | A special NPC response |
psSpell | Represents a spell |
psSpellBookMessage | |
psSpellCancelMessage | |
psSpellCastGameEvent | This event actually triggers a spell, after the casting wait time |
psSpellCastMessage | Spell Cast Message |
psSpellCost | |
psStatDRMessage | |
psStatsMessage | This message is sent to the client to let it know the basic stats of the player |
psStopEffectMessage | |
psStopSongMessage | This message is used by both server and client to stop a song |
psStopWatch | Used to measure time intervals |
psString | |
psStringArray | A slightly improved version of csStringArray, sporting the handy FormatPush method |
psStringTableItem | |
psSystemMessage | |
psSystemMessageSafe | Messages with system information sent to user |
psTargetChangeEvent | |
psTemplateRes | |
psTemplateResMngr | |
psTextureFactory | This class reads in the xml file defining regions and maintains the preload list of textures |
psToggle | Simple Toggle with callback functionality |
psTradeCombinations | This class holds the master list of all trade combinations possible in the game |
psTradePatterns | This class holds the master list of all trade patterns possible in the game |
psTradeProcesses | This class holds the master list of all trade processes possible in the game |
psTradeTransformations | This class holds the master list of all trade transformatations possible in the game |
psTrainerInfo | |
psTrainerSkill | |
psTrait | |
psTraitChangeMessage | Message to change a character's trait |
psTriggerBlock | A set of trigger data |
psTriggerHandler | Handles functions for each trigger |
psTutorialMessage | Class to send instructions from server to client on a tutorial event |
psUpdateObjectNameMessage | |
psUpdatePlayerGroupMessage | |
psUpdatePlayerGuildMessage | |
psUpdater | |
psUserActionMessage | |
psUserCmdMessage | User commands |
psUserCommands | Manages different commands that are player based in nature |
psUtilityCommands | Class to handle general player commands |
psVelocity | An entity's translational and angular velocity |
psViewActionLocationMessage | |
psViewContainerDescription | General Message for sending information about an containter to a client |
psViewItemDescription | General Message for sending information about an item to a client |
psViewItemUpdate | |
psVitalManager< Vital > | Manages a set of Vitals and does the predictions and updates on them when new data comes from the server |
psWay | |
psWeaponType | |
psWeatherGameEvent | When a weather event is created, it goes here |
psWeatherMessage | Sends messages to the client indicating rain and time of day |
psWorkCmdMessage | Work commands |
psWorkGameEvent | Work event class |
psWorld | PsWorld is in charge of managing all regions (zone map files) and loading/unloading them as needed |
psWriteBookMessage | |
psXMLString | |
psXMLTag | |
psZPointsGainedEvent | Event when a player gains some Z (Practice) points |
PublishDestination | |
QuestAssignment | This structure tracks assigned quests |
pawsNpcDialogWindow::QuestInfo | |
QuestionManager | QuestionManager keeps track of all the questions of any kind that are pending |
QuestManager | This class handles quest management for the player, tracking who has what quests assigned, etc |
QuestNote | |
QuestRewardItem | |
RaceDefinition | Defines a race |
RainWeatherObject | Rain, also handles a fog object |
RandomizedOverlay | Stores the randomized stats from the loot randomizer, it could be used to apply any global special effect which is able to change various properties of the item: cost, mesh, name.. |
rcChunkyTriMesh | |
rcChunkyTriMeshNode | |
rcCompactCell | Provides information on the content of a cell column in a compact heightfield |
rcCompactHeightfield | A compact, static heightfield representing unobstructed space |
rcCompactSpan | Represents a span of unobstructed space within a compact heightfield |
rcConfig | Specifies a configuration to use when performing Recast builds |
rcContext | Provides an interface for optional logging and performance tracking of the Recast build process |
rcContour | Represents a simple, non-overlapping contour in field space |
rcContourSet | Represents a group of related contours |
rcHeightfield | A dynamic heightfield representing obstructed space |
rcHeightfieldLayer | Represents a heightfield layer within a layer set |
rcHeightfieldLayerSet | Represents a set of heightfield layers |
rcIntArray | A simple dynamic array of integers |
rcMeshLoaderObj | |
rcPolyMesh | Represents a polygon mesh suitable for use in building a navigation mesh |
rcPolyMeshDetail | Contains triangle meshes that represent detailed height data associated with the polygons in its associated polygon mesh object |
rcScopedDelete< T > | A simple helper class used to delete an array when it goes out of scope |
rcSpan | Represents a span in a heightfield |
rcSpanPool | A memory pool used for quick allocation of spans within a heightfield |
Reaction | A reaction embodies the change in desire which occurs in an NPC when he perceives something |
google_breakpad::PageStdAllocator< T >::rebind< U > | |
google_breakpad::ReceivePort | |
Recipe | This object represents recipes for the tribe AI |
RecipeManager | Class that represents the Recipe Manager of the game |
RecipeTreeNode | This class represents a leaf in a recipe tree |
RedBlackTreeOrderingTotal | |
RemoteDebug | Keep track of remote debugging |
ReproduceOperation | Reproduce will make the npc to setup a spawn point here |
Recipe::Requirement | Data structure to keep information about requirements |
Tribe::Resource | |
ResponseOperation | Possible actions scriptable in the quest engine all inherit from this class |
Result | This is a wrapper class for result sets which makes syntax for getting at the data easier and also uses dtors to make ResultSets safer from memory leaks |
ResurrectOperation | Resurrect will make the npc to setup a spawn point here |
Edge::ReverseIterator | Implementation of Iterator for REVERSE direction |
RewardOperation | Implement the reward NPC script operation |
RotateOperation | Rotating requires storing or determining the angle to rotate to, and the animation action |
psPathNetwork::RouteFilter | Template class for implementing waypoint filtering when calculating routes |
Runnable | |
RunScriptResponseOp | This script operation invokes the progression manager to run a script, as part of his response to a player event |
SayResponseOp | This script operation chooses randomly between the responses specified in the response columns and causes the server to say one of them to the player |
scfImplementation0 | |
scfImplementation1 | |
scfImplementation2 | |
scfImplementation3 | |
scfImplementationExt1 | |
scfImplementationExt2 | |
google_breakpad::scoped_array< T > | |
google_breakpad::scoped_ptr< T > | |
google_breakpad::scoped_ptr_malloc< T, FreeProc > | |
google_breakpad::ScopedPtrMallocFree | |
google_breakpad::ScopedTaskSuspend | |
ScopedTimer | Check how long time it take to process a scope |
ScopedTimerCB | Callback function for ScopedTimers |
ScoreContext | This is used to keep track of everything needed to play a score and provide some utility functions for this purpose |
ScoreStatistics | This struct keeps general information about a score |
ScriptOperation | This is the base class for all operations in action scripts |
SearchResults | |
psWorld::sectorTransformation | |
sectWnd_t | |
NetBase::SendQueueStats_t | Moving averages |
SequenceOperation | Sequence will control a named sequence in the world |
ServerCharManager | Manages character details over the net |
ServerConsole | This class is implements the user input and output console for the server |
ServerSongManager | This class takes care of played songs and players' ranking for musical instruments skills |
ServerStatus | This class generates logs at a particular interval that has information that can be displayed later on a website |
SetBufferOperation | SetBuffer will set a buffer for tribe or npc |
SetVariableResponseOp | This script operation is used to set character variables from npc dialogs |
ShareMemoriesOperation | ShareMemories will make the npc share memoreis with tribe |
SheetLine | |
si | |
Singleton< T > | |
SitOperation | Sit will make the NPC sit or stand |
Skill | A structure that holds the knowledge/practice/rank of each player skill |
SkillSet | A list of skills |
SkillStatBuffable | |
SkinToneSet | Holds a set of skin tone |
SlotManager | Handles Drag and Drop Messages from the client |
SlotNameHash | A hash map class that stores a name->ID of sockets |
SndSysBasicStream | |
SndSysSongData | This implements a data class that can be used for the CS sound system to play a song from a musical sheet |
SndSysSongStream | |
SnowWeatherObject | Snow |
SockAddress | |
SongData | This struct keeps the data about the instrument and the musical sheet |
SongHandle | |
SoundControl | A Volume and Sound control class |
SoundData | SoundData is the datakeeper of |
SoundDataCache | SoundDataCache is the data-keeper of SoundSystemManager |
SoundFile | Class that contains the most important informations about a soundfile It contains the name, filename and if loaded the data |
SoundHandle | |
SoundManager | Implement iSoundManager |
SoundQueue | Used to put Sounds in a Queue and play them in the order they have been added |
SoundQueueItem | Queue object for |
SoundSectorManager | This class handles every sound defined in a sector |
SoundSystem | This is an Interface Class to the Crystalspace Soundrenderer |
SoundSystemManager | This Manager Object is used to play all sounds |
SpawnManager | This class is periodically called by the engine to ensure that monsters (and other NPCs) are respawned appropriately |
SpawnRange | This class is used to store respawn ranges for NPCs |
SpawnRule | This class is used to store respawn rules for NPCs |
SpellChecker | CS Plugin for a hunspell spellchecker |
SpellManager | Manager class that handles loading/searching/casting spells |
SpellPerception | Whenever a player casts a spell on himself, another player, or any npc, this perception is passed to npc's in the vicinity |
ss | |
st_attribute_bonus | |
psCharacter::st_location | |
Stance | |
Stat | Represents a stat for the NPC |
StatSet | |
Subscription | Manages a iNetSubscriber watching a certain message type |
TalkOperation | Talk will tell the npc to communicate to a nearby entity |
TeleportOperation | Teleport will teleport the NPC to the target position |
TestRPGRules | |
ThreadedCallable | |
google_breakpad::ThreadInfo | |
TimePerception | Given to the NPC upon ever tick of game minute |
TrainResponseOp | This script operation invokes the progression manager to start training as part of his response to a player event |
Trait | Defines a character trait |
TransactionEntity | |
TransferOperation | Transfer will transfer a item from the NPC to a target |
TransTool | |
TreeNodeAttribute | |
Tribe | Class used to define a Tribal Object |
RecipeManager::TribeData | Keeps details of all tribes enrolled in the manager |
TribeHomeOperation | TribeHome will make the npc to setup a spawn point here |
TribeTypeOperation | TribeType will change the need set used by the npc |
psQuest::TriggerResponse | |
TutorialManager | This manager catches events posted by the rest of the server and decides whether each client needs to be notified about them, in order to show a tutorial page about that event |
google_breakpad::TypedMDRVA< MDType > | |
uint128_struct | |
UnbuildOperation | Will unbuild a tribe building |
UncompleteQuestResponseOp | This script operation makes an npc uncomplete a quest for a player, as part of his response to a player event |
UnresolvedPos | This is information about an entity with unresolved position (=sector not found) This happens when some entity is located in map that is not currently loaded |
UnSetVariableResponseOp | This script operation is used to unset character variables from npc dialogs |
google_breakpad::UntypedMDRVA | |
UpdaterConfig | |
UpdaterEngine | |
UserManager | Used to manage incoming user commands from a client |
ValueModifier | This structure contains the parsed data from Attributes recarding script variables |
vector | |
VelSourceOperation | Vel set the velocity source of the brain to run or walk |
VerifyQuestAssignedResponseOp | This script operation checks to make sure a named quest has been assigned to a player, and stops the script if not, issuing the specified error_msg dialog |
VerifyQuestCompletedResponseOp | This script operation checks to make sure a named quest has been completed by a player, and stops the script if not, issuing the specified error_msg dialog |
VerifyQuestNotAssignedResponseOp | This script operation checks to make sure a named quest has not been assigned to a player, and stops the script if not, issuing the specified error_msg dialog |
VisibleOperation | Visible will make the npc visible |
Vital | A character vital (such as HP or Mana) - client side |
VitalBuffable | Buffables for vitals, which automatically update the dirty flag as necessary |
vmAnimCallback | Callback to repeat animation |
WaitOperation | Wait will simply set the mesh animation to something and sit there for the desired number of seconds |
WanderOperation | Wander auto-navigates randomly between a network of waypoints specified in the DB |
WanderOperation::WanderRouteFilter | |
google_breakpad::wasteful_vector< T > | |
WatchOperation | Watch operation will tell if the targt goes out of range |
Waypoint | A waypoint is a specified circle on the map with a name, location, and a list of waypoints it is connected to |
WaypointAlias | Class to hold information regarding aliases for waypoints |
WBName | Structure to relate windows with their buttons for lookup |
WeakReferenced | |
WeatherInfo | Struct for information about current weather |
WeatherManager | This class handles generation of any and all weather events in the game, including rain, snow, locust storms, day/night cycles, etc |
WeatherObject | Holds the weather object, need this because some things have been created but do not have an object persay |
WeatherParams | |
WeatherPortal | Holds the weather meshes and connected portal |
psSectorInfo::weatherTypeData | Structure used to store informations for various weather types in this sector |
WidgetConfigWindow | |
google_breakpad::WindowsStringUtils | |
pawsEditTextBox::Word | Struct to contain the end boundry of a word and it's spellcheck status |
pawsMultilineEditTextBox::Word | Struct to contain the end boundry of a word and it's spellcheck status |
WordArray | WordArray is class that parses text command (e.g |
WorkManager | This class handles all calculations around work, using statistics and information from the pspccharacterinfo Prop Classes for both the worker and the target |
WorkOperation | Work will make the NPC work for a resource |
WorldEditor | |
Zodiac | Struct for the zodiacs |
ZoneHandler | Ensures all regions that need to be loaded are |
ZoneLoadInfo | Information for loading a specific zone |