
psXMLString Member List

This is the complete list of members for psXMLString, including all inherited members.
FindCommonLength(const psString &other) const psString
FindMatchingEndTag(int iStart, const char *tagName)psXMLString [protected]
FindNextTag(size_t start)psXMLString
FindNumber(unsigned int &pos, unsigned int &end) const psString
FindString(const char *border, unsigned int &pos, unsigned int &end) const psString
FindSubString(const char *sub, size_t start=0, bool caseInsense=XML_CASE_SENSITIVE, bool wholeWord=false) const psString
FindSubStringReverse(psString &sub, size_t start, bool caseInsense=XML_CASE_SENSITIVE)psString
FindTag(const char *tagName, int start=0)psXMLString
GetLine(size_t start, csString &line) const psString
GetSubString(psString &str, size_t from, size_t to) const psString
GetTag(int start, psXMLTag &tag)psXMLString
GetTagSection(int start, const char *tagName, psXMLString &tagSection)psXMLString
GetWithinTagSection(int start, const char *tagName, psXMLString &tagSection)psXMLString
GetWithinTagSection(int start, const char *tagName, csString &value)psXMLString
GetWithinTagSection(int start, const char *tagName, int &value)psXMLString
GetWithinTagSection(int start, const char *tagName, double &value)psXMLString
GetWord(size_t pos, psString &buff, bool wantPunct=INCLUDE_PUNCT) const psString
GetWordNumber(int which, psString &buff) const psString
INCLUDE_PUNCT enum valuepsString
IsVowel(size_t pos)psString
NO_PUNCT enum valuepsString
operator<(const psString &other) const psString [inline]
operator=(const char *str)psXMLString [inline]
operator==(const psString &other) const psString [inline]
operator==(const char *other) const psString [inline]
PartialEquals(const psString &other) const psString [inline]
psString()psString [inline]
psString(const char *str)psString [inline]
psString(const csStringBase &str)psString [inline]
psString(const csString &str)psString [inline]
psXMLString()psXMLString [inline]
psXMLString(const char *str)psXMLString [inline]
ReplaceSubString(const char *what, const char *with)psString
Split(csStringArray &result, char delim='|')psString