
Todo List

Member gemActor::GetSpawnPos (csVector3 &pos, float &yrot, iSector *&sector, bool useRange=false)
Implement the support for player specific spawn pos, not only race specific.

Member psEffect::GetMainTextObj () const
comment this

Member psGuildAlliance::InsertNew ()
Why not include leader at same time?

Member psItem::AddLootModifier (uint32_t id, int pos=-1)
For now the system, even if adapted to allow an unspecified amount of modifications now, in the LOAD and Save it supports only 3: a prefix, a suffix and an adjective. Should make the schema allow to receive an unspecified amount of modifiers too. so the pos variable should be removed when that will be implemented.

Member QuestManager::Uncomplete (psQuest *quest, Client *who, csTicks timeDelay=0)
evaluate if this should be moved somewhere else togheter with the two above.

Member ServerCharManager::SendOutPlaySoundMessage (uint32_t clientNum, const char *itemsound, const char *action)
Modify to be able to send to all the people around client