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CLibraryList Class Reference

#include <LibraryList.h>

Inheritance diagram for CLibraryList:

CComObject List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 CLibraryList (int nBlockSize=16)
virtual ~CLibraryList ()
int GetCount () const
BOOL IsEmpty () const
DWORD GetHead () const
DWORD GetTail () const
POSITION GetIterator () const
POSITION GetHeadPosition () const
POSITION GetTailPosition () const
DWORD GetPrev (POSITION &pos) const
DWORD GetNext (POSITION &pos) const
POSITION CheckAndAdd (DWORD nItem)
DWORD RemoveHead ()
DWORD RemoveTail ()
void RemoveAt (POSITION pos)
void RemoveAll ()
POSITION Find (DWORD nItem) const
CLibraryFileGetNextFile (POSITION &pos) const
int Merge (CLibraryList *pList)

Protected Attributes

DWORD * m_pList
int m_nCount
int m_nBuffer
int m_nBlock
STDMETHOD( get_Name )(BSTR FAR *psName)
STDMETHOD( get_Unknown )(IUnknown FAR *FAR *ppUnknown)
STDMETHOD( get_Param )(LONG FAR *pnParam)
STDMETHOD( get_Count )(LONG FAR *pnCount)
STDMETHOD( get_Item )(VARIANT vIndex, VARIANT FAR *pvItem)
STDMETHOD( get__NewEnum )(IUnknown FAR *FAR *ppEnum)
STDMETHOD( Next )(THIS_ DWORD celt, VARIANT FAR *rgvar, DWORD FAR *pceltFetched)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CLibraryList::CLibraryList int  nBlockSize = 16  ) 

Definition at line 43 of file LibraryList.cpp.

References NULL.

CLibraryList::~CLibraryList  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 51 of file LibraryList.cpp.

References m_pList, and NULL.

Member Function Documentation

POSITION CLibraryList::AddHead DWORD  nItem  )  [inline]

Definition at line 99 of file LibraryList.h.

References m_nBlock, m_nBuffer, m_nCount, and m_pList.

POSITION CLibraryList::AddTail DWORD  nItem  )  [inline]

Definition at line 112 of file LibraryList.h.

References m_nBlock, m_nBuffer, m_nCount, and m_pList.

Referenced by CheckAndAdd(), CLibraryView::DragObjects(), Merge(), CLibraryFileView::OnLibraryDelete(), CLibraryView::SelAdd(), and CLibraryTreeCtrl::StartDragging().

POSITION CLibraryList::CheckAndAdd DWORD  nItem  )  [inline]

Definition at line 123 of file LibraryList.h.

References AddTail(), Find(), and NULL.

Referenced by CFilePropertiesSheet::Add(), and CLibraryFolder::GetFileList().

POSITION CLibraryList::Find DWORD  nItem  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 156 of file LibraryList.h.

References m_nCount, m_pList, and NULL.

Referenced by CheckAndAdd(), Merge(), CLibraryView::SelAdd(), and CLibraryView::SelRemove().

int CLibraryList::GetCount  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 46 of file LibraryList.h.

References m_nCount.

Referenced by CFilePropertiesSheet::DoModal(), CFilePropertiesPage::GetFile(), CLibraryView::GetSelectedCount(), CLibraryFileView::GetSelectedFile(), CFileCommentsPage::OnInitDialog(), CLibraryMetaPanel::OnLButtonUp(), CLibraryFileView::OnLibraryDelete(), CFileMetadataPage::OnOK(), CFileCommentsPage::OnOK(), CLibraryView::SelClear(), and CLibraryMetaPanel::Update().

DWORD CLibraryList::GetHead  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 56 of file LibraryList.h.

References m_nCount, and m_pList.

Referenced by CFilePropertiesPage::GetFile(), CLibraryFileView::GetSelectedFile(), CLibraryFileView::OnLibraryDelete(), and CLibraryMetaPanel::Update().

POSITION CLibraryList::GetHeadPosition  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 73 of file LibraryList.h.

References m_nCount, and NULL.

Referenced by CLibraryView::DragObjects(), CLibraryFileView::StartSelectedFileLoop(), and CLibraryMetaPanel::Update().

POSITION CLibraryList::GetIterator  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 68 of file LibraryList.h.

References m_nCount, and NULL.

Referenced by CFileMetadataPage::OnInitDialog(), CFileCommentsPage::OnInitDialog(), CLibraryTreeView::OnLibraryRebuild(), CFileMetadataPage::OnOK(), and CFileCommentsPage::OnOK().

DWORD CLibraryList::GetNext POSITION &  pos  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 91 of file LibraryList.h.

References m_nCount, m_pList, and NULL.

Referenced by CLibraryView::DragObjects(), GetNextFile(), CLibraryFileView::GetNextSelectedFile(), CLibraryFileView::OnUpdateLibraryRebuildAnsi(), and CLibraryMetaPanel::Update().

CLibraryFile * CLibraryList::GetNextFile POSITION &  pos  )  const

Definition at line 59 of file LibraryList.cpp.

References GetNext(), Library, and CLibrary::LookupFile().

Referenced by CFileMetadataPage::OnInitDialog(), CFileCommentsPage::OnInitDialog(), CLibraryTreeView::OnLibraryRebuild(), CFileMetadataPage::OnOK(), and CFileCommentsPage::OnOK().

DWORD CLibraryList::GetPrev POSITION &  pos  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 83 of file LibraryList.h.

References m_nCount, m_pList, and NULL.

DWORD CLibraryList::GetTail  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 62 of file LibraryList.h.

References m_nCount, and m_pList.

POSITION CLibraryList::GetTailPosition  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 78 of file LibraryList.h.

References m_nCount, and NULL.

BOOL CLibraryList::IsEmpty  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 51 of file LibraryList.h.

References m_nCount.

Referenced by CLibraryFileView::OnLibraryDelete().

int CLibraryList::Merge CLibraryList pList  ) 

Definition at line 67 of file LibraryList.cpp.

References AddTail(), Find(), and NULL.

Referenced by CFilePropertiesSheet::Add().

void CLibraryList::RemoveAll  )  [inline]

Definition at line 151 of file LibraryList.h.

References m_nCount.

Referenced by CLibraryView::SelClear().

void CLibraryList::RemoveAt POSITION  pos  )  [inline]

Definition at line 143 of file LibraryList.h.

References m_nCount, and m_pList.

Referenced by CLibraryView::SelRemove().

DWORD CLibraryList::RemoveHead  )  [inline]

Definition at line 128 of file LibraryList.h.

References m_nCount, and m_pList.

Referenced by CLibraryFileView::OnLibraryDelete().

DWORD CLibraryList::RemoveTail  )  [inline]

Definition at line 137 of file LibraryList.h.

References m_nCount, and m_pList.

Member Data Documentation

STDMETHOD( CLibraryList::Clone)(THIS_ IEnumVARIANT FAR *FAR *ppenum) [protected]

STDMETHOD( CLibraryList::get__NewEnum)(IUnknown FAR *FAR *ppEnum) [protected]

STDMETHOD( CLibraryList::get_Count)(LONG FAR *pnCount) [protected]

STDMETHOD( CLibraryList::get_Item)(VARIANT vIndex, VARIANT FAR *pvItem) [protected]

STDMETHOD( CLibraryList::get_Name)(BSTR FAR *psName) [protected]

STDMETHOD( CLibraryList::get_Param)(LONG FAR *pnParam) [protected]

STDMETHOD( CLibraryList::get_Unknown)(IUnknown FAR *FAR *ppUnknown) [protected]

int CLibraryList::m_nBlock [protected]

Definition at line 42 of file LibraryList.h.

Referenced by AddHead(), and AddTail().

int CLibraryList::m_nBuffer [protected]

Definition at line 41 of file LibraryList.h.

Referenced by AddHead(), and AddTail().

int CLibraryList::m_nCount [protected]

Definition at line 40 of file LibraryList.h.

Referenced by AddHead(), AddTail(), Find(), GetCount(), GetHead(), GetHeadPosition(), GetIterator(), GetNext(), GetPrev(), GetTail(), GetTailPosition(), IsEmpty(), RemoveAll(), RemoveAt(), RemoveHead(), and RemoveTail().

DWORD* CLibraryList::m_pList [protected]

Definition at line 39 of file LibraryList.h.

Referenced by AddHead(), AddTail(), Find(), GetHead(), GetNext(), GetPrev(), GetTail(), RemoveAt(), RemoveHead(), RemoveTail(), and ~CLibraryList().

POSITION CLibraryList::m_pos [protected]

Definition at line 189 of file LibraryList.h.

STDMETHOD( CLibraryList::Next)(THIS_ DWORD celt, VARIANT FAR *rgvar, DWORD FAR *pceltFetched) [protected]

STDMETHOD( CLibraryList::Reset)(THIS) [protected]

STDMETHOD( CLibraryList::Skip)(THIS_ DWORD celt) [protected]

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Generated on Thu Dec 15 10:40:08 2005 for Shareaza by  doxygen 1.4.2