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MD4.h File Reference

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#define AFX_MD4_H__B0429238_3786_452C_B43D_3311AE91B5DA__INCLUDED_


bool operator== (const MD4 &md4a, const MD4 &md4b)
bool operator!= (const MD4 &md4a, const MD4 &md4b)

Define Documentation

#define AFX_MD4_H__B0429238_3786_452C_B43D_3311AE91B5DA__INCLUDED_

Definition at line 24 of file MD4.h.

Function Documentation

bool operator!= const MD4 md4a,
const MD4 md4b

Definition at line 56 of file MD4.h.

bool operator== const MD4 md4a,
const MD4 md4b

Definition at line 51 of file MD4.h.

Generated on Thu Dec 15 10:39:57 2005 for Shareaza by  doxygen 1.4.2