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00001 //
00002 // FileFragments/Queue.hpp
00003 //
00004 // Copyright (c) Shareaza Development Team, 2002-2005.
00005 // This file is part of SHAREAZA (
00006 //
00007 // Shareaza is free software; you can redistribute it
00008 // and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
00009 // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
00010 // the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00011 //
00012 // Shareaza is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00013 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00015 // GNU General Public License for more details.
00016 //
00017 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00018 // along with Shareaza; if not, write to the Free Software
00019 // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
00020 //
00025 namespace detail
00026 {
00028 class Queue
00029 {
00030 // Interface
00031 public:
00032     // Typedefs
00033     typedef Fragment< EmptyType, u64 > FragmentType;
00034     typedef std::list< FragmentType > ContainerType;
00035     typedef FragmentType::SizeType FSizeType;
00036     typedef FragmentType::PayloadType PayloadType;
00037     typedef FragmentType::Traits Traits;
00038     typedef ContainerType::value_type ValueType;
00039     typedef ContainerType::pointer Pointer;
00040     typedef ContainerType::const_pointer ConstPointer;
00041     typedef ContainerType::reference Reference;
00042     typedef ContainerType::const_reference ConstReference;
00043     typedef ContainerType::iterator Iterator;
00044     typedef ContainerType::const_iterator ConstIterator;
00045     typedef ContainerType::reverse_iterator ReverseIterator;
00046     typedef ContainerType::const_reverse_iterator ConstReverseIterator;
00047     typedef ContainerType::size_type SizeType;
00048     typedef ContainerType::difference_type DifferenceType;
00049     typedef ValueType value_type;
00050     typedef Pointer pointer;
00051     typedef ConstPointer const_pointer;
00052     typedef Reference reference;
00053     typedef ConstReference const_reference;
00054     typedef Iterator iterator;
00055     typedef ConstIterator const_iterator;
00056     typedef ReverseIterator reverse_iterator;
00057     typedef ConstReverseIterator const_reverse_iterator;
00058     typedef SizeType size_type;
00059     typedef DifferenceType difference_type;
00060     // Constructor
00061         // Use implicit version
00062     // Copy constructor
00063         // Use implicit version
00064     // Destructor
00065         // Use implicit version        // We don't inherit from this class
00066     // Assignment
00067         // Use implicit version
00069     // Iterators
00070     Iterator begin() { return s_.begin(); }
00071     ConstIterator begin() const { return s_.begin(); }
00072     Iterator end() { return s_.end(); }
00073     ConstIterator end() const { return s_.end(); }
00074     ReverseIterator rbegin() { return s_.rbegin(); }
00075     ConstReverseIterator rbegin() const { return s_.rbegin(); }
00076     ReverseIterator rend() { return s_.rend(); }
00077     ConstReverseIterator rend() const { return s_.rend(); }
00079     // Accessors
00080     SizeType size() const { return s_.size(); }
00081     // @empty   Returns true, if list does not contain any fragments.
00082     bool empty() const { return s_.size() == 0; }
00083     // Operations
00084     void clear()
00085     {
00086         s_.clear();
00087     }
00088     void pushBack(const FragmentType& insertFragment)
00089     {
00090         s_.push_back( insertFragment );
00091     }
00092     void push_back(const FragmentType& insertFragment)
00093     {
00094         pushBack( insertFragment );
00095     }
00096         template< typename InputIterator >            
00097     void insert(InputIterator first, InputIterator last)
00098     {
00099         for( ; first != last; ) s_.insert( *first++ );
00100     }
00101     void erase(const FragmentType& eraseFragment)
00102     {
00103         for( Iterator it = begin(); it != end(); )
00104         {
00105             if( eraseFragment.begin() < it->end()
00106                 && eraseFragment.end() > it->begin() )
00107             {
00108                 if( eraseFragment.begin() <= it->begin() )
00109                 {
00110                     if( eraseFragment.end() >= it->end() )
00111                     {
00112                         it = s_.erase( it );
00113                     }
00114                     else
00115                     {
00116                         *it = FragmentType( eraseFragment.end(), it->end() );
00117                         ++it;
00118                     }
00119                 }
00120                 else
00121                 {
00122                     if( eraseFragment.end() >= it->end() )
00123                     {
00124                         *it = FragmentType( it->begin(),
00125                             eraseFragment.begin() );
00126                         ++it;
00127                     }
00128                     else
00129                     {
00130                         s_.push_back(
00131                             FragmentType( eraseFragment.end(), it->end() ) );
00132                         *it = FragmentType(
00133                             it->begin(), eraseFragment.begin() );
00134                         ++it;
00135                     }
00136                 }
00137             }
00138             else
00139             {
00140                 ++it;
00141             }
00142         }
00143     }
00144     template< typename InputIterator >
00145     void erase(InputIterator first, InputIterator last)
00146     {
00147         for( ; first != last; ) erase( *first++ );
00148     }
00149     Iterator erase(Iterator where)
00150     {
00151         return s_.erase( where );
00152     }
00153     void popFront() { s_.pop_front(); }
00154     void pop_front() { popFront(); }
00155     // @swap    Swaps two lists.
00156     // @complexity   ~O( 1 )
00157     void swap(Queue& rhs)                    // throw ()
00158     {
00159         s_.swap( rhs.s_ );
00160     }
00161 // Implementation
00162 private:
00163     ContainerType s_;
00164 };
00166 inline Queue extractRange(Queue& src, const Queue::FragmentType& match)
00167 {
00168     Queue result;
00169     for( Queue::Iterator it = src.begin(); it != src.end(); )
00170     {
00171         if( it->begin() < match.end() && it->end() > match.begin() )
00172         {
00173             result.pushBack( *it );
00174             it = src.erase( it );
00175         }
00176         else
00177         {
00178             ++it;
00179         }
00180     }
00181     return result;
00182 }
00184 } // namespace types

Generated on Thu Dec 15 10:39:42 2005 for Shareaza by  doxygen 1.4.2