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detail Namespace Reference


class  Exception
class  BadFragment
class  BadRange
class  Fragment
struct  CompareFragments
class  List
struct  PayloadTraits< EmptyType >
class  Queue


template<class ListType, class AvailableType>
ListType::FragmentType selectBlock (const ListType &src, typename ListType::FSizeType blockSize, const AvailableType *available)
void SerializeOut (CArchive &ar, const SimpleFragment &out)
SimpleFragment SerializeIn (CArchive &ar, int version)
void SerializeOut1 (CArchive &ar, const SimpleFragmentList &out)
void SerializeIn1 (CArchive &ar, SimpleFragmentList &in, int version)
void SerializeOut2 (CArchive &ar, const SimpleFragmentList &out)
void SerializeIn2 (CArchive &ar, SimpleFragmentList &in, int version)
template<class Payload, typename OffsetType>
bool operator== (const Fragment< Payload, OffsetType > &lhs, const Fragment< Payload, OffsetType > &rhs)
template<class ListType>
ListType inverse (const ListType &src)
template<class ListType>
ListType::Iterator largestFragment (ListType &src)
template<class ListType>
ListType::ConstIterator largestFragment (const ListType &src)
template<class ListType>
ListType::Iterator randomFragment (ListType &src)
template<class ListType>
ListType::ConstIterator randomFragment (const ListType &src)
template<class ListType>
bool hasPosition (const ListType &src, typename ListType::FSizeType pos)
template<class ListType>
bool overlaps (const ListType &src, const typename ListType::FragmentType &match)
template<class ListType>
bool overlaps (const ListType &src, const ListType &match)
template<class ListType>
ListType::FSizeType overlappingSum (const ListType &src, const typename ListType::FragmentType &match)
Queue extractRange (Queue &src, const Queue::FragmentType &match)

Function Documentation

Queue detail::extractRange Queue &  src,
const Queue::FragmentType &  match

Definition at line 166 of file Queue.hpp.

References detail::Fragment< Payload, OffsetType >::begin(), detail::Queue::begin(), detail::Fragment< Payload, OffsetType >::end(), detail::Queue::end(), detail::Queue::erase(), and detail::Queue::pushBack().

Referenced by CDownloadTransferBT::UnrequestRange().

template<class ListType>
bool detail::hasPosition const ListType &  src,
typename ListType::FSizeType  pos

Definition at line 466 of file List.hpp.

Referenced by CFragmentedFile::IsPositionRemaining().

template<class ListType>
ListType detail::inverse const ListType &  src  )  [inline]

Definition at line 406 of file List.hpp.

Referenced by CDownloadWithFile::GetAvailableRanges(), CDownloadWithFile::GetPossibleFragments(), CDownloadWithFile::GetRandomRange(), and CFilePreviewDlg::SetDownload().

template<class ListType>
ListType::ConstIterator detail::largestFragment const ListType &  src  )  [inline]

Definition at line 439 of file List.hpp.

template<class ListType>
ListType::Iterator detail::largestFragment ListType &  src  )  [inline]

Definition at line 430 of file List.hpp.

Referenced by CDownloadWithFile::GetPossibleFragments().

template<class Payload, typename OffsetType>
bool detail::operator== const Fragment< Payload, OffsetType > &  lhs,
const Fragment< Payload, OffsetType > &  rhs

Definition at line 112 of file Fragment.hpp.

References detail::Fragment< Payload, OffsetType >::begin(), and detail::Fragment< Payload, OffsetType >::end().

template<class ListType>
ListType::FSizeType detail::overlappingSum const ListType &  src,
const typename ListType::FragmentType &  match

Definition at line 499 of file List.hpp.

Referenced by CFragmentedFile::GetRangeOverlap().

template<class ListType>
bool detail::overlaps const ListType &  src,
const ListType &  match

Definition at line 485 of file List.hpp.

template<class ListType>
bool detail::overlaps const ListType &  src,
const typename ListType::FragmentType &  match

Definition at line 475 of file List.hpp.

Referenced by CDownloadWithFile::AreRangesUseful(), CFragmentedFile::DoesRangeOverlap(), CDownloadWithFile::IsRangeUseful(), CDownloadWithFile::IsRangeUsefulEnough(), and CDownloadSource::TouchedRange().

template<class ListType>
ListType::Iterator detail::randomFragment const ListType &  src  )  [inline]

Definition at line 457 of file List.hpp.

template<class ListType>
ListType::Iterator detail::randomFragment ListType &  src  )  [inline]

Definition at line 449 of file List.hpp.

Referenced by CDownloadWithFile::GetFragment(), and CDownloadWithFile::GetRandomRange().

template<class ListType, class AvailableType>
ListType::FragmentType detail::selectBlock const ListType &  src,
typename ListType::FSizeType  blockSize,
const AvailableType *  available

Definition at line 33 of file Compatibility.hpp.

Referenced by CDownloadTransferED2K::SelectFragment(), and CDownloadTransferBT::SelectFragment().

SimpleFragment detail::SerializeIn CArchive &  ar,
int  version

Definition at line 98 of file Compatibility.hpp.

Referenced by SerializeIn1(), and SerializeIn2().

void detail::SerializeIn1 CArchive &  ar,
SimpleFragmentList in,
int  version

Definition at line 138 of file Compatibility.hpp.

References SerializeIn().

Referenced by CFragmentedFile::Serialize().

void detail::SerializeIn2 CArchive &  ar,
SimpleFragmentList in,
int  version

Definition at line 204 of file Compatibility.hpp.

References SerializeIn().

Referenced by CDownloadSource::Serialize().

void detail::SerializeOut CArchive &  ar,
const SimpleFragment out

Definition at line 92 of file Compatibility.hpp.

Referenced by SerializeOut1(), and SerializeOut2().

void detail::SerializeOut1 CArchive &  ar,
const SimpleFragmentList out

Definition at line 124 of file Compatibility.hpp.

References SerializeOut().

Referenced by CFragmentedFile::Serialize().

void detail::SerializeOut2 CArchive &  ar,
const SimpleFragmentList out

Definition at line 193 of file Compatibility.hpp.

References SerializeOut().

Referenced by CDownloadSource::Serialize().

Generated on Thu Dec 15 10:40:15 2005 for Shareaza by  doxygen 1.4.2