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soap Struct Reference

#include <stdsoap2.h>

Public Attributes

short state
short version
soap_mode mode
soap_mode imode
soap_mode omode
const char * float_format
const char * double_format
const char * dime_id_format
const char * http_version
const char * http_content
const char * encodingStyle
const char * actor
const char * lang
int recv_timeout
int send_timeout
int connect_timeout
int accept_timeout
int socket_flags
int connect_flags
int bind_flags
int accept_flags
unsigned short linger_time
const struct Namespacenamespaces
struct Namespacelocal_namespaces
struct soap_nlistnlist
struct soap_blistblist
struct soap_clistclist
void * alist
struct soap_ilistiht [SOAP_IDHASH]
struct soap_plistpht [SOAP_PTRHASH]
struct soap_pblkpblk
short pidx
struct SOAP_ENV__Headerheader
struct SOAP_ENV__Faultfault
int idnum
void * user
void * data [4]
struct soap_pluginplugins
const char * userid
const char * passwd
const char * authrealm
const char * ntlm_challenge
short ntlm_auth
short ntlm_stage
int(* fpost )(struct soap *, const char *, const char *, int, const char *, const char *, size_t)
int(* fget )(struct soap *)
int(* fput )(struct soap *)
int(* fdel )(struct soap *)
int(* fopt )(struct soap *)
int(* fhead )(struct soap *)
int(* fform )(struct soap *)
int(* fposthdr )(struct soap *, const char *, const char *)
int(* fresponse )(struct soap *, int, size_t)
int(* fparse )(struct soap *)
int(* fparsehdr )(struct soap *, const char *, const char *)
int(* fheader )(struct soap *)
int(* fresolve )(struct soap *, const char *, struct in_addr *inaddr)
int(* fconnect )(struct soap *, const char *, const char *, int)
int(* fdisconnect )(struct soap *)
int(* fclosesocket )(struct soap *, SOAP_SOCKET)
int(* fshutdownsocket )(struct soap *, SOAP_SOCKET, int)
SOAP_SOCKET(* fopen )(struct soap *, const char *, const char *, int)
SOAP_SOCKET(* faccept )(struct soap *, SOAP_SOCKET, struct sockaddr *, int *n)
int(* fclose )(struct soap *)
int(* fsend )(struct soap *, const char *, size_t)
size_t(* frecv )(struct soap *, char *, size_t)
int(* fpoll )(struct soap *)
void(* fseterror )(struct soap *, const char **c, const char **s)
int(* fignore )(struct soap *, const char *)
int(* fserveloop )(struct soap *)
void *(* fplugin )(struct soap *, const char *)
void *(* fmalloc )(struct soap *, size_t)
int(* feltbegin )(struct soap *, const char *)
int(* feltendin )(struct soap *, const char *, const char *)
int(* feltbegout )(struct soap *, const char *)
int(* feltendout )(struct soap *, const char *)
int(* fprepareinitsend )(struct soap *)
int(* fprepareinitrecv )(struct soap *)
int(* fpreparesend )(struct soap *, const char *, size_t)
int(* fpreparerecv )(struct soap *, const char *, size_t)
int(* fpreparefinalsend )(struct soap *)
int(* fpreparefinalrecv )(struct soap *)
int filterstop
int(* ffiltersend )(struct soap *, const char **, size_t *)
int(* ffilterrecv )(struct soap *, char *, size_t *, size_t)
void *(* fdimereadopen )(struct soap *, void *, const char *, const char *, const char *)
void *(* fdimewriteopen )(struct soap *, const char *, const char *, const char *)
void(* fdimereadclose )(struct soap *, void *)
void(* fdimewriteclose )(struct soap *, void *)
size_t(* fdimeread )(struct soap *, void *, char *, size_t)
int(* fdimewrite )(struct soap *, void *, const char *, size_t)
void *(* fmimereadopen )(struct soap *, void *, const char *, const char *, const char *)
void *(* fmimewriteopen )(struct soap *, void *, const char *, const char *, const char *, enum soap_mime_encoding)
void(* fmimereadclose )(struct soap *, void *)
void(* fmimewriteclose )(struct soap *, void *)
size_t(* fmimeread )(struct soap *, void *, char *, size_t)
int(* fmimewrite )(struct soap *, void *, const char *, size_t)
void * os
void * is
int sendfd
int recvfd
size_t bufidx
size_t buflen
soap_wchar ahead
short cdata
short body
unsigned int level
size_t count
size_t length
char * labbuf
size_t lablen
size_t labidx
char buf [SOAP_BUFLEN]
char msgbuf [1024]
char tmpbuf [1024]
char tag [SOAP_TAGLEN]
char id [SOAP_TAGLEN]
char href [SOAP_TAGLEN]
char type [SOAP_TAGLEN]
char arrayType [SOAP_TAGLEN]
char arraySize [SOAP_TAGLEN]
char arrayOffset [SOAP_TAGLEN]
short other
short root
int position
int positions [SOAP_MAXDIMS]
struct soap_attributeattributes
short encoding
short mustUnderstand
short null
short ns
short part
short event
unsigned int evlev
short alloced
short peeked
size_t chunksize
size_t chunkbuflen
char endpoint [SOAP_TAGLEN]
char path [SOAP_TAGLEN]
char host [SOAP_TAGLEN]
char * action
char * prolog
unsigned long ip
int port
short keep_alive
short tcp_keep_alive
unsigned int tcp_keep_idle
unsigned int tcp_keep_intvl
unsigned int tcp_keep_cnt
unsigned int max_keep_alive
const char * proxy_http_version
const char * proxy_host
int proxy_port
const char * proxy_userid
const char * proxy_passwd
const char * proxy_from
int status
int error
int errmode
int errnum
struct soap_dom_elementdom
struct soap_dime dime
struct soap_mime mime
struct soap_xlistxlist
const char * logfile [SOAP_MAXLOGS]
struct soap_mlist * mht [SOAP_PTRHASH]
const char * wsuid
const char * c14nexclude
struct soap_cookiecookies
const char * cookie_domain
const char * cookie_path
int cookie_max
unsigned int ipv6_multicast_if
char * ipv4_multicast_if
unsigned char ipv4_multicast_ttl
struct sockaddr_in peer
size_t peerlen
void * fsslauth
void * fsslverify
void * bio
void * ssl
void * ctx
void * session
void * dh_params
void * rsa_params
unsigned short ssl_flags
const char * keyfile
const char * keyid
const char * password
const char * cafile
const char * capath
const char * crlfile
char session_host [SOAP_TAGLEN]
int session_port
void * c_locale
void * d_stream
soap_int32 z_crc
const char * z_dict
unsigned int z_dict_len
short zlib_state
short zlib_in
short zlib_out
char * z_buf
size_t z_buflen
unsigned short z_level
float z_ratio_in
float z_ratio_out
void(* dummy )(void)

Member Data Documentation

int soap::accept_flags
int soap::accept_timeout
char* soap::action
const char* soap::actor
soap_wchar soap::ahead
void* soap::alist
short soap::alloced
char soap::arrayOffset[SOAP_TAGLEN]
char soap::arraySize[SOAP_TAGLEN]
char soap::arrayType[SOAP_TAGLEN]
struct soap_attribute* soap::attributes
const char* soap::authrealm
int soap::bind_flags
void* soap::bio
struct soap_blist* soap::blist
short soap::body
char soap::buf[SOAP_BUFLEN]
size_t soap::bufidx
size_t soap::buflen
const char* soap::c14nexclude
void* soap::c_locale
const char* soap::cafile
const char* soap::capath
short soap::cdata
size_t soap::chunkbuflen
size_t soap::chunksize
struct soap_clist* soap::clist
int soap::connect_flags
int soap::connect_timeout
const char* soap::cookie_domain
int soap::cookie_max
const char* soap::cookie_path
struct soap_cookie* soap::cookies
size_t soap::count
const char* soap::crlfile
void* soap::ctx
void* soap::d_stream
void* soap::data[4]
void* soap::dh_params
struct soap_dime soap::dime
const char* soap::dime_id_format
struct soap_dom_element* soap::dom
const char* soap::double_format
void(* soap::dummy)(void)
short soap::encoding
const char* soap::encodingStyle
char soap::endpoint[SOAP_TAGLEN]
int soap::errmode
int soap::errnum
int soap::error
short soap::event
unsigned int soap::evlev
SOAP_SOCKET(* soap::faccept)(struct soap *, SOAP_SOCKET, struct sockaddr *, int *n)
struct SOAP_ENV__Fault* soap::fault
int(* soap::fclose)(struct soap *)
int(* soap::fclosesocket)(struct soap *, SOAP_SOCKET)
int(* soap::fconnect)(struct soap *, const char *, const char *, int)
FILE* soap::fdebug[SOAP_MAXLOGS]
int(* soap::fdel)(struct soap *)
size_t(* soap::fdimeread)(struct soap *, void *, char *, size_t)
void(* soap::fdimereadclose)(struct soap *, void *)
void*(* soap::fdimereadopen)(struct soap *, void *, const char *, const char *, const char *)
int(* soap::fdimewrite)(struct soap *, void *, const char *, size_t)
void(* soap::fdimewriteclose)(struct soap *, void *)
void*(* soap::fdimewriteopen)(struct soap *, const char *, const char *, const char *)
int(* soap::fdisconnect)(struct soap *)
int(* soap::feltbegin)(struct soap *, const char *)
int(* soap::feltbegout)(struct soap *, const char *)
int(* soap::feltendin)(struct soap *, const char *, const char *)
int(* soap::feltendout)(struct soap *, const char *)
int(* soap::ffilterrecv)(struct soap *, char *, size_t *, size_t)
int(* soap::ffiltersend)(struct soap *, const char **, size_t *)
int(* soap::fform)(struct soap *)
int(* soap::fget)(struct soap *)
int(* soap::fhead)(struct soap *)
int(* soap::fheader)(struct soap *)
int(* soap::fignore)(struct soap *, const char *)
int soap::filterstop
const char* soap::float_format
void*(* soap::fmalloc)(struct soap *, size_t)
size_t(* soap::fmimeread)(struct soap *, void *, char *, size_t)
void(* soap::fmimereadclose)(struct soap *, void *)
void*(* soap::fmimereadopen)(struct soap *, void *, const char *, const char *, const char *)
int(* soap::fmimewrite)(struct soap *, void *, const char *, size_t)
void(* soap::fmimewriteclose)(struct soap *, void *)
void*(* soap::fmimewriteopen)(struct soap *, void *, const char *, const char *, const char *, enum soap_mime_encoding)
SOAP_SOCKET(* soap::fopen)(struct soap *, const char *, const char *, int)
int(* soap::fopt)(struct soap *)
int(* soap::fparse)(struct soap *)
int(* soap::fparsehdr)(struct soap *, const char *, const char *)
void*(* soap::fplugin)(struct soap *, const char *)
int(* soap::fpoll)(struct soap *)
int(* soap::fpost)(struct soap *, const char *, const char *, int, const char *, const char *, size_t)
int(* soap::fposthdr)(struct soap *, const char *, const char *)
int(* soap::fpreparefinalrecv)(struct soap *)
int(* soap::fpreparefinalsend)(struct soap *)
int(* soap::fprepareinitrecv)(struct soap *)
int(* soap::fprepareinitsend)(struct soap *)
int(* soap::fpreparerecv)(struct soap *, const char *, size_t)
int(* soap::fpreparesend)(struct soap *, const char *, size_t)
int(* soap::fput)(struct soap *)
size_t(* soap::frecv)(struct soap *, char *, size_t)
int(* soap::fresolve)(struct soap *, const char *, struct in_addr *inaddr)
int(* soap::fresponse)(struct soap *, int, size_t)
int(* soap::fsend)(struct soap *, const char *, size_t)
int(* soap::fserveloop)(struct soap *)
void(* soap::fseterror)(struct soap *, const char **c, const char **s)
int(* soap::fshutdownsocket)(struct soap *, SOAP_SOCKET, int)
void* soap::fsslauth
void* soap::fsslverify
struct SOAP_ENV__Header* soap::header
char soap::host[SOAP_TAGLEN]
char soap::href[SOAP_TAGLEN]
const char* soap::http_content
const char* soap::http_version
char soap::id[SOAP_TAGLEN]
int soap::idnum
struct soap_ilist* soap::iht[SOAP_IDHASH]
soap_mode soap::imode
unsigned long soap::ip
char* soap::ipv4_multicast_if
unsigned char soap::ipv4_multicast_ttl
unsigned int soap::ipv6_multicast_if
void* soap::is
short soap::keep_alive
const char* soap::keyfile
const char* soap::keyid
char* soap::labbuf
size_t soap::labidx
size_t soap::lablen
const char* soap::lang
size_t soap::length
unsigned int soap::level
unsigned short soap::linger_time
struct Namespace* soap::local_namespaces
const char* soap::logfile[SOAP_MAXLOGS]
SOAP_SOCKET soap::master
unsigned int soap::max_keep_alive
struct soap_mlist* soap::mht[SOAP_PTRHASH]
struct soap_mime soap::mime
soap_mode soap::mode
char soap::msgbuf[1024]
short soap::mustUnderstand
const struct Namespace* soap::namespaces
struct soap_nlist* soap::nlist
short soap::ns
short soap::ntlm_auth
const char* soap::ntlm_challenge
short soap::ntlm_stage
short soap::null
soap_mode soap::omode
void* soap::os
short soap::other
short soap::part
const char* soap::passwd
const char* soap::password
char soap::path[SOAP_TAGLEN]
struct soap_pblk* soap::pblk
short soap::peeked
struct sockaddr_in soap::peer
size_t soap::peerlen
struct soap_plist* soap::pht[SOAP_PTRHASH]
short soap::pidx
struct soap_plugin* soap::plugins
int soap::port
int soap::position
int soap::positions[SOAP_MAXDIMS]
char* soap::prolog
const char* soap::proxy_from
const char* soap::proxy_host
const char* soap::proxy_http_version
const char* soap::proxy_passwd
int soap::proxy_port
const char* soap::proxy_userid
int soap::recv_timeout
int soap::recvfd
SOAP_SOCKET soap::recvsk
short soap::root
void* soap::rsa_params
int soap::send_timeout
int soap::sendfd
SOAP_SOCKET soap::sendsk
void* soap::session
char soap::session_host[SOAP_TAGLEN]
int soap::session_port
SOAP_SOCKET soap::socket
int soap::socket_flags
void* soap::ssl
unsigned short soap::ssl_flags
short soap::state
int soap::status
char soap::tag[SOAP_TAGLEN]
short soap::tcp_keep_alive
unsigned int soap::tcp_keep_cnt
unsigned int soap::tcp_keep_idle
unsigned int soap::tcp_keep_intvl
char soap::tmpbuf[1024]
char soap::type[SOAP_TAGLEN]
void* soap::user
const char* soap::userid
short soap::version
const char* soap::wsuid
struct soap_xlist* soap::xlist
char* soap::z_buf
size_t soap::z_buflen
soap_int32 soap::z_crc
const char* soap::z_dict
unsigned int soap::z_dict_len
unsigned short soap::z_level
float soap::z_ratio_in
float soap::z_ratio_out
short soap::zlib_in
short soap::zlib_out
short soap::zlib_state

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: