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G3D::MeshAlg Member List

This is the complete list of members for G3D::MeshAlg, including all inherited members.

computeAdjacency(const Array< Vector3 > &vertexGeometry, const Array< int > &indexArray, Array< Face > &faceArray, Array< Edge > &edgeArray, Array< Vertex > &vertexArray)G3D::MeshAlgstatic
computeAdjacency(const Array< Vector3 > &vertexArray, const Array< int > &indexArray, Array< Face > &faceArray, Array< Edge > &edgeArray, Array< Array< int > > &facesAdjacentToVertex)G3D::MeshAlgstatic
computeAreaStatistics(const Array< Vector3 > &vertexArray, const Array< int > &indexArray, double &minEdgeLength, double &meanEdgeLength, double &medianEdgeLength, double &maxEdgeLength, double &minFaceArea, double &meanFaceArea, double &medianFaceArea, double &maxFaceArea)G3D::MeshAlgstatic
computeBounds(const Array< Vector3 > &vertex, class AABox &box, class Sphere &sphere)G3D::MeshAlgstatic
computeBounds(const Array< Vector3 > &vertex, const Array< int > &index, class AABox &box, class Sphere &sphere)G3D::MeshAlgstatic
computeFaceNormals(const Array< Vector3 > &vertexArray, const Array< Face > &faceArray, Array< Vector3 > &faceNormals, bool normalize=true)G3D::MeshAlgstatic
computeNormals(const Array< Vector3 > &vertexArray, const Array< Face > &faceArray, const Array< Array< int > > &adjacentFaceArray, Array< Vector3 > &vertexNormalArray, Array< Vector3 > &faceNormalArray)G3D::MeshAlgstatic
computeNormals(const Array< Vector3 > &vertexGeometry, const Array< Face > &faceArray, const Array< Vertex > &vertexArray, Array< Vector3 > &vertexNormalArray, Array< Vector3 > &faceNormalArray)G3D::MeshAlgstatic
computeNormals(Geometry &geometry, const Array< int > &indexArray)G3D::MeshAlgstatic
computeTangentSpaceBasis(const Array< Vector3 > &vertexArray, const Array< Vector2 > &texCoordArray, const Array< Vector3 > &vertexNormalArray, const Array< Face > &faceArray, Array< Vector3 > &tangent, Array< Vector3 > &binormal)G3D::MeshAlgstatic
computeWeld(const Array< Vector3 > &oldVertexPositions, Array< Vector3 > &newVertexPositions, Array< int > &toNew, Array< int > &toOld, float radius=fuzzyEpsilon32)G3D::MeshAlgstatic
countBoundaryEdges(const Array< Edge > &edgeArray)G3D::MeshAlgstatic
createIndexArray(int n, Array< int > &array, int start=0, int run=1, int skip=0)G3D::MeshAlgstatic
debugCheckConsistency(const Array< Face > &faceArray, const Array< Edge > &edgeArray, const Array< Vertex > &vertexArray)G3D::MeshAlgstatic
findEdgeIndex(const Array< Vector3 > &vertexArray, Array< Edge > &geometricEdgeArray, int i0, int i1, int f, double area)G3D::MeshAlgprotectedstatic
generateGrid(Array< Vector3 > &vertex, Array< Vector2 > &texCoord, Array< int > &index, int wCells=10, int hCells=10, const Vector2 &textureScale=Vector2(1, 1), bool spaceCentered=true, bool twoSided=true, const CoordinateFrame &xform=CoordinateFrame(), const Image1::Ref &elevation=Image1::Ref())G3D::MeshAlgstatic
identifyBackfaces(const Array< Vector3 > &vertexArray, const Array< Face > &faceArray, const Vector4 &P, Array< bool > &backface)G3D::MeshAlgstatic
identifyBackfaces(const Array< Vector3 > &vertexArray, const Array< Face > &faceArray, const Vector4 &P, Array< bool > &backface, const Array< Vector3 > &faceNormals)G3D::MeshAlgstatic
Primitive typedefG3D::MeshAlg
toIndexedTriList(const Array< IndexType > &inIndices, MeshAlg::Primitive inType, Array< IndexType > &outIndices)G3D::MeshAlginlinestatic
weldAdjacency(const Array< Vector3 > &originalGeometry, Array< Face > &faceArray, Array< Edge > &edgeArray, Array< Vertex > &vertexArray, float radius=fuzzyEpsilon32)G3D::MeshAlgstatic
weldBoundaryEdges(Array< Face > &faceArray, Array< Edge > &edgeArray, Array< Vertex > &vertexArray)G3D::MeshAlgprivatestatic