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G3D::MeshAlg Class Reference

#include <MeshAlg.h>


class  Edge
class  Face
class  Geometry
class  Vertex

Public Types

typedef PrimitiveType Primitive

Static Public Member Functions

static void computeAdjacency (const Array< Vector3 > &vertexGeometry, const Array< int > &indexArray, Array< Face > &faceArray, Array< Edge > &edgeArray, Array< Vertex > &vertexArray)
static void computeAdjacency (const Array< Vector3 > &vertexArray, const Array< int > &indexArray, Array< Face > &faceArray, Array< Edge > &edgeArray, Array< Array< int > > &facesAdjacentToVertex)
static void computeAreaStatistics (const Array< Vector3 > &vertexArray, const Array< int > &indexArray, double &minEdgeLength, double &meanEdgeLength, double &medianEdgeLength, double &maxEdgeLength, double &minFaceArea, double &meanFaceArea, double &medianFaceArea, double &maxFaceArea)
static void computeTangentSpaceBasis (const Array< Vector3 > &vertexArray, const Array< Vector2 > &texCoordArray, const Array< Vector3 > &vertexNormalArray, const Array< Face > &faceArray, Array< Vector3 > &tangent, Array< Vector3 > &binormal)
static void computeNormals (const Array< Vector3 > &vertexArray, const Array< Face > &faceArray, const Array< Array< int > > &adjacentFaceArray, Array< Vector3 > &vertexNormalArray, Array< Vector3 > &faceNormalArray)
static void computeNormals (const Array< Vector3 > &vertexGeometry, const Array< Face > &faceArray, const Array< Vertex > &vertexArray, Array< Vector3 > &vertexNormalArray, Array< Vector3 > &faceNormalArray)
static void computeNormals (Geometry &geometry, const Array< int > &indexArray)
static void computeFaceNormals (const Array< Vector3 > &vertexArray, const Array< Face > &faceArray, Array< Vector3 > &faceNormals, bool normalize=true)
static void identifyBackfaces (const Array< Vector3 > &vertexArray, const Array< Face > &faceArray, const Vector4 &P, Array< bool > &backface)
static void identifyBackfaces (const Array< Vector3 > &vertexArray, const Array< Face > &faceArray, const Vector4 &P, Array< bool > &backface, const Array< Vector3 > &faceNormals)
static void computeWeld (const Array< Vector3 > &oldVertexPositions, Array< Vector3 > &newVertexPositions, Array< int > &toNew, Array< int > &toOld, float radius=fuzzyEpsilon32)
static void weldAdjacency (const Array< Vector3 > &originalGeometry, Array< Face > &faceArray, Array< Edge > &edgeArray, Array< Vertex > &vertexArray, float radius=fuzzyEpsilon32)
static int countBoundaryEdges (const Array< Edge > &edgeArray)
static void createIndexArray (int n, Array< int > &array, int start=0, int run=1, int skip=0)
static void computeBounds (const Array< Vector3 > &vertex, class AABox &box, class Sphere &sphere)
static void computeBounds (const Array< Vector3 > &vertex, const Array< int > &index, class AABox &box, class Sphere &sphere)
static void debugCheckConsistency (const Array< Face > &faceArray, const Array< Edge > &edgeArray, const Array< Vertex > &vertexArray)
static void generateGrid (Array< Vector3 > &vertex, Array< Vector2 > &texCoord, Array< int > &index, int wCells=10, int hCells=10, const Vector2 &textureScale=Vector2(1, 1), bool spaceCentered=true, bool twoSided=true, const CoordinateFrame &xform=CoordinateFrame(), const Image1::Ref &elevation=Image1::Ref())
template<class IndexType >
static void toIndexedTriList (const Array< IndexType > &inIndices, MeshAlg::Primitive inType, Array< IndexType > &outIndices)

Static Protected Member Functions

static int findEdgeIndex (const Array< Vector3 > &vertexArray, Array< Edge > &geometricEdgeArray, int i0, int i1, int f, double area)

Static Private Member Functions

static void weldBoundaryEdges (Array< Face > &faceArray, Array< Edge > &edgeArray, Array< Vertex > &vertexArray)

Detailed Description

Indexed mesh algorithms. You have to build your own mesh class.

No mesh class is provided with G3D because there isn't an "ideal" mesh format– one application needs keyframed animation, another skeletal animation, a third texture coordinates, a fourth cannot precompute information, etc. Instead of compromising, this class implements the hard parts of mesh computation and you can write your own ideal mesh class on top of it.

See also
G3D::ArticulatedModel, G3D::IFSModel

Member Typedef Documentation

Member Function Documentation

void G3D::MeshAlg::computeAdjacency ( const Array< Vector3 > &  vertexGeometry,
const Array< int > &  indexArray,
Array< Face > &  faceArray,
Array< Edge > &  edgeArray,
Array< Vertex > &  vertexArray 

Given a set of vertices and a set of indices for traversing them to create triangles, computes other mesh properties.

Colocated vertices are treated as separate. To have colocated vertices collapsed (necessary for many algorithms, like shadowing), weld the mesh before computing adjacency.

Recent change: In version 6.00, colocated vertices were automatically welded by this routine and degenerate faces and edges were removed. That is no longer the case.

Where two faces meet, there are two opposite directed edges. These are collapsed into a single bidirectional edge in the edgeArray. If four faces meet exactly at the same edge, that edge will appear twice in the array, and so on. If an edge is a boundary of the mesh (i.e. if the edge has only one adjacent face) it will appear in the array with one face index set to MeshAlg::Face::NONE.

vertexGeometryVertex positions to use when deciding colocation.
indexArrayOrder to traverse vertices to make triangles
edgeArrayOutput. Sorted so that boundary edges are at the end of the array.
198  {
200  MeshEdgeTable edgeTable;
202  edgeArray.clear();
203  vertexArray.clear();
204  faceArray.clear();
206  // Face normals
207  Array<Vector3> faceNormal;
208  faceNormal.resize(indexArray.size() / 3);
209  faceArray.resize(faceNormal.size());
211  // This array has the same size as the vertex array
212  vertexArray.resize(vertexGeometry.size());
214  edgeTable.resize(vertexArray.size());
216  // Iterate through the triangle list
217  for (int q = 0, f = 0; q < indexArray.size(); ++f, q += 3) {
219  Vector3 vertex[3];
220  MeshAlg::Face& face = faceArray[f];
222  // Construct the face
223  for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
224  int v = indexArray[q + j];
225  face.vertexIndex[j] = v;
226  face.edgeIndex[j] = Face::NONE;
228  // Store back pointers in the vertices
229  vertexArray[v].faceIndex.append(f);
231  // We'll need these vertices to find the face normal
232  vertex[j] = vertexGeometry[v];
233  }
235  // Compute the face normal
236  const Vector3& N = (vertex[1] - vertex[0]).cross(vertex[2] - vertex[0]);
237  faceNormal[f] = N.directionOrZero();
239  static const int nextIndex[] = {1, 2, 0};
241  // Add each edge to the edge table.
242  for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
243  const int i0 = indexArray[q + j];
244  const int i1 = indexArray[q + nextIndex[j]];
246  if (i0 < i1) {
247  // The edge was directed in the same manner as in the face
248  edgeTable.insert(i0, i1, f);
249  } else {
250  // The edge was directed in the opposite manner as in the face
251  edgeTable.insert(i1, i0, ~f);
252  }
253  }
254  }
256  // For each edge in the edge table, create an edge in the edge array.
257  // Collapse every 2 edges from adjacent faces.
259  MeshEdgeTable::Iterator cur = edgeTable.begin();
261  Array<Edge> tempEdgeArray;
262  while (cur.isValid()) {
263  MeshEdgeTable::FaceIndexArray& faceIndexArray = cur.faceIndex();
265  // Process this edge
266  while (faceIndexArray.size() > 0) {
268  // Remove the last index
269  int f0 = faceIndexArray.pop();
271  // Find the normal to that face
272  const Vector3& n0 = faceNormal[(f0 >= 0) ? f0 : ~f0];
274  bool found = false;
276  // We try to find the matching face with the closest
277  // normal. This ensures that we don't introduce a lot
278  // of artificial ridges into flat parts of a mesh.
279  float ndotn = -2;
280  int f1 = -1, i1 = -1;
282  // Try to find the face with the matching edge
283  for (int i = faceIndexArray.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
284  int f = faceIndexArray[i];
286  if ((f >= 0) != (f0 >= 0)) {
287  // This face contains the oppositely oriented edge
288  // and has not been assigned too many edges
290  const Vector3& n1 = faceNormal[(f >= 0) ? f : ~f];
291  float d =;
293  if (found) {
294  // We previously found a good face; see if this
295  // one is better.
296  if (d > ndotn) {
297  // This face is better.
298  ndotn = d;
299  f1 = f;
300  i1 = i;
301  }
302  } else {
303  // This is the first face we've found
304  found = true;
305  ndotn = d;
306  f1 = f;
307  i1 = i;
308  }
309  }
310  }
312  // Create the new edge
313  int e = tempEdgeArray.size();
314  Edge& edge =;
316  edge.vertexIndex[0] = cur.i0();
317  edge.vertexIndex[1] = cur.i1();
319  if (f0 >= 0) {
320  edge.faceIndex[0] = f0;
321  edge.faceIndex[1] = Face::NONE;
322  assignEdgeIndex(faceArray[f0], e);
323  } else {
324  // The face indices above are two's complemented.
325  // this code restores them to regular indices.
326  debugAssert((~f0) >= 0);
327  edge.faceIndex[1] = ~f0;
328  edge.faceIndex[0] = Face::NONE;
330  // The edge index *does* need to be inverted, however.
331  assignEdgeIndex(faceArray[~f0], ~e);
332  }
334  if (found) {
335  // We found a matching face; remove both
336  // faces from the active list.
337  faceIndexArray.fastRemove(i1);
339  if (f1 >= 0) {
340  edge.faceIndex[0] = f1;
341  assignEdgeIndex(faceArray[f1], e);
342  } else {
343  edge.faceIndex[1] = ~f1;
344  assignEdgeIndex(faceArray[~f1], ~e);
345  }
346  }
347  }
349  ++cur;
350  }
352  edgeTable.clear();
354  // Move boundary edges to the end of the list and then
355  // clean up the face references into them
356  {
357  // Map old edge indices to new edge indices
358  Array<int> newIndex;
359  newIndex.resize(tempEdgeArray.size());
361  // Index of the start and end of the edge array
362  int i = 0;
363  int j = tempEdgeArray.size() - 1;
365  edgeArray.resize(tempEdgeArray.size());
366  for (int e = 0; e < tempEdgeArray.size(); ++e) {
367  if (tempEdgeArray[e].boundary()) {
368  newIndex[e] = j;
369  --j;
370  } else {
371  newIndex[e] = i;
372  ++i;
373  }
374  edgeArray[newIndex[e]] = tempEdgeArray[e];
375  }
377  debugAssertM(i == j + 1, "Counting from front and back of array did not match");
379  // Fix the faces
380  for (int f = 0; f < faceArray.size(); ++f) {
381  Face& face = faceArray[f];
382  for (int q = 0; q < 3; ++q) {
383  int e = face.edgeIndex[q];
384  if (e < 0) {
385  // Backwards edge; twiddle before and after conversion
386  face.edgeIndex[q] = ~newIndex[~e];
387  } else {
388  // Regular edge; remap the index
389  face.edgeIndex[q] = newIndex[e];
390  }
391  }
392  }
393  }
395  // Now order the edge indices inside the faces correctly.
396  for (int f = 0; f < faceArray.size(); ++f) {
397  Face& face = faceArray[f];
398  int e0 = face.edgeIndex[0];
399  int e1 = face.edgeIndex[1];
400  int e2 = face.edgeIndex[2];
402  // e0 will always remain first. The only
403  // question is whether e1 and e2 should be swapped.
405  // See if e1 begins at the vertex where e1 ends.
406  const int e0End = (e0 < 0) ?
407  edgeArray[~e0].vertexIndex[0] :
408  edgeArray[e0].vertexIndex[1];
410  const int e1Begin = (e1 < 0) ?
411  edgeArray[~e1].vertexIndex[1] :
412  edgeArray[e1].vertexIndex[0];
414  if (e0End != e1Begin) {
415  // We must swap e1 and e2
416  face.edgeIndex[1] = e2;
417  face.edgeIndex[2] = e1;
418  }
419  }
421  // Fill out the edge adjacency information in the vertex array
422  for (int e = 0; e < edgeArray.size(); ++e) {
423  const Edge& edge = edgeArray[e];
424  vertexArray[edge.vertexIndex[0]].edgeIndex.append(e);
425  vertexArray[edge.vertexIndex[1]].edgeIndex.append(~e);
426  }
427 }
void insert(int n, const T &value)
Definition: Array.h:456
Vector3 directionOrZero() const
Definition: Vector3.h:237
static void assignEdgeIndex(MeshAlg::Face &face, int e)
Definition: MeshAlgAdjacency.cpp:156
#define debugAssertM(exp, message)
Definition: debugAssert.h:161
static const int NONE
Definition: MeshAlg.h:103
#define debugAssert(exp)
Definition: debugAssert.h:160
T pop()
Definition: SmallArray.h:132
SmallArray< int, 2 > FaceIndexArray
Definition: MeshAlgAdjacency.cpp:27
int size() const
Definition: Array.h:430
Vector3 cross(const Vector3 &v1, const Vector3 &v2)
Definition: vectorMath.h:144

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G3D::MeshAlg::computeAdjacency ( const Array< Vector3 > &  vertexArray,
const Array< int > &  indexArray,
Array< Face > &  faceArray,
Array< Edge > &  edgeArray,
Array< Array< int > > &  facesAdjacentToVertex 
Use the other version of computeAdjacency, which takes Array<Vertex>.
facesAdjacentToVertexOutput adjacentFaceArray[v] is an array of indices for faces touching vertex index v
173  {
175  Array<Vertex> vertexArray;
177  computeAdjacency(vertexGeometry, indexArray, faceArray, edgeArray, vertexArray);
179  // Convert the vertexArray into adjacentFaceArray
180  adjacentFaceArray.clear();
181  adjacentFaceArray.resize(vertexArray.size());
182  for (int v = 0; v < adjacentFaceArray.size(); ++v) {
183  const SmallArray<int, 6>& src = vertexArray[v].faceIndex;
184  Array<int>& dst = adjacentFaceArray[v];
185  dst.resize(src.size());
186  for (int f = 0; f < dst.size(); ++f) {
187  dst[f] = src[f];
188  }
189  }
190 }
static void computeAdjacency(const Array< Vector3 > &vertexGeometry, const Array< int > &indexArray, Array< Face > &faceArray, Array< Edge > &edgeArray, Array< Vertex > &vertexArray)
Definition: MeshAlgAdjacency.cpp:193

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void G3D::MeshAlg::computeAreaStatistics ( const Array< Vector3 > &  vertexArray,
const Array< int > &  indexArray,
double &  minEdgeLength,
double &  meanEdgeLength,
double &  medianEdgeLength,
double &  maxEdgeLength,
double &  minFaceArea,
double &  meanFaceArea,
double &  medianFaceArea,
double &  maxFaceArea 

Computes some basic mesh statistics including: min, max mean and median, edge lengths; and min, mean, median, and max face area.

vertexArrayVertex positions to use when deciding colocation.
indexArrayOrder to traverse vertices to make triangles
minEdgeLengthMinimum edge length
meanEdgeLengthMean edge length
medianEdgeLengthMedian edge length
maxEdgeLengthMax edge length
minFaceAreaMinimum face area
meanFaceAreaMean face area
medianFaceAreaMedian face area
maxFaceAreaMax face area
353  {
355  debugAssert(indexArray.size() % 3 == 0);
357  Array<double> area;
358  area.resize(indexArray.size() / 3);
359  Array<double> magnitude;
360  magnitude.resize(indexArray.size());
362  for (int i = 0; i < indexArray.size(); i += 3) {
363  const Vector3& v0 = vertexArray[indexArray[i]];
364  const Vector3& v1 = vertexArray[indexArray[i + 1]];
365  const Vector3& v2 = vertexArray[indexArray[i + 2]];
367  area[i / 3] = (v1 - v0).cross(v2 - v0).magnitude() / 2.0;
368  magnitude[i] = (v1 - v0).magnitude();
369  magnitude[i + 1] = (v2 - v1).magnitude();
370  magnitude[i + 2] = (v0 - v2).magnitude();
371  }
373  area.sort();
374  magnitude.sort();
376  minEdgeLength = max(0.0, magnitude[0]);
377  maxEdgeLength = max(0.0, magnitude.last());
378  medianEdgeLength = max(0.0, magnitude[magnitude.size() / 2]);
379  meanEdgeLength = 0;
380  for (int i = 0; i < magnitude.size(); ++i) {
381  meanEdgeLength += magnitude[i];
382  }
383  meanEdgeLength /= magnitude.size();
385  minFaceArea = max(0.0, area[0]);
386  maxFaceArea = max(0.0, area.last());
387  medianFaceArea = max(0.0, area[area.size() / 2]);
388  meanFaceArea = 0;
389  for (int i = 0; i < area.size(); ++i) {
390  meanFaceArea += area[i];
391  }
392  meanFaceArea /= area.size();
395  // Make sure round-off hasn't pushed values less than zero
396  meanFaceArea = max(0.0, meanFaceArea);
397  meanEdgeLength = max(0.0, meanEdgeLength);
398 }
T max(const T &x, const T &y)
Definition: g3dmath.h:320
#define debugAssert(exp)
Definition: debugAssert.h:160
float magnitude() const
Definition: Vector3.h:746
int size() const
Definition: Array.h:430
Vector3 cross(const Vector3 &v1, const Vector3 &v2)
Definition: vectorMath.h:144

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G3D::MeshAlg::computeBounds ( const Array< Vector3 > &  vertex,
class AABox box,
class Sphere sphere 

Computes a conservative, near-optimal axis aligned bounding box and sphere.

[The] bounding sphere uses the method from J. Ritter. An effcient bounding sphere. In Andrew S. Glassner, editor, Graphics Gems. Academic Press, Boston, MA, 1990.

433  {
435  Vector3 xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax;
437  // FIRST PASS: find 6 minima/maxima points
438  xmin.x = ymin.y = zmin.z = finf();
439  xmax.x = ymax.y = zmax.z = -finf();
441  for (int v = 0; v < vertexArray.size(); ++v) {
442  const Vector3& vertex = vertexArray[v];
444  if (vertex.x < xmin.x) {
445  xmin = vertex;
446  }
448  if (vertex.x > xmax.x) {
449  xmax = vertex;
450  }
452  if (vertex.y < ymin.y) {
453  ymin = vertex;
454  }
456  if (vertex.y > ymax.y) {
457  ymax = vertex;
458  }
460  if (vertex.z < zmin.z) {
461  zmin = vertex;
462  }
464  if (vertex.z > zmax.z) {
465  zmax = vertex;
466  }
467  }
469  // Set points dia1 & dia2 to the maximally separated pair
470  Vector3 dia1 = xmin;
471  Vector3 dia2 = xmax;
472  {
473  // Set xspan = distance between the 2 points xmin & xmax (squared)
474  float xspan = (xmax - xmin).squaredMagnitude();
476  // Same for y & z spans
477  float yspan = (ymax - ymin).squaredMagnitude();
478  float zspan = (zmax - zmin).squaredMagnitude();
480  float maxspan = xspan;
482  if (yspan > maxspan) {
483  maxspan = yspan;
484  dia1 = ymin;
485  dia2 = ymax;
486  }
488  if (zspan > maxspan) {
489  maxspan = zspan;
490  dia1 = zmin;
491  dia2 = zmax;
492  }
493  }
496  // dia1, dia2 is a diameter of initial sphere
498  // calc initial center
499  Vector3 center = (dia1 + dia2) / 2.0;
501  // calculate initial radius^2 and radius
502  Vector3 d = dia2 -;
504  float radSq = d.squaredMagnitude();
505  float rad = sqrt(radSq);
507  // SECOND PASS: increment current sphere
508  float old_to_p, old_to_new;
510  for (int v = 0; v < vertexArray.size(); ++v) {
511  const Vector3& vertex = vertexArray[v];
513  d = vertex - center;
515  float old_to_p_sq = d.squaredMagnitude();
517  // do r^2 test first
518  if (old_to_p_sq > radSq) {
519  // this point is outside of current sphere
520  old_to_p = sqrt(old_to_p_sq);
522  // calc radius of new sphere
523  rad = (rad + old_to_p) / 2.0f;
525  // for next r^2 compare
526  radSq = rad * rad;
527  old_to_new = old_to_p - rad;
529  // calc center of new sphere
530  center = (rad * center + old_to_new * vertex) / old_to_p;
531  }
532  }
534  const Vector3 min(xmin.x, ymin.y, zmin.z);
535  const Vector3 max(xmax.x, ymax.y, zmax.z);
537  box = AABox(min, max);
539  const float boxRadSq = (max - min).squaredMagnitude() * 0.25f;
541  if (boxRadSq >= radSq){
542  if (isNaN(center.x) || ! isFinite(rad)) {
543  sphere = Sphere(Vector3::zero(), finf());
544  } else {
545  sphere = Sphere(center, rad);
546  }
547  } else {
548  sphere = Sphere((max + min) * 0.5f, sqrt(boxRadSq));
549  }
550 }
float finf()
Definition: g3dmath.cpp:71
bool isNaN(double x)
Definition: g3dmath.cpp:56
T max(const T &x, const T &y)
Definition: g3dmath.h:320
static const Vector3 & zero()
Definition: Vector3.cpp:119
T min(const T &x, const T &y)
Definition: g3dmath.h:305
bool isFinite(double x)
Definition: g3dmath.h:525

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G3D::MeshAlg::computeBounds ( const Array< Vector3 > &  vertex,
const Array< int > &  index,
class AABox box,
class Sphere sphere 

Computes bounds for a subset of the vertices. It is ok if vertices appear more than once in the index array.

418  {
420  // Makes a copy so as to re-use the existing computebounds code
421  Array<Vector3> newArray;
422  newArray.resize(indexArray.size());
423  for (int i = 0; i < indexArray.size(); ++i) {
424  newArray[i] = vertexArray[indexArray[i]];
425  }
426  computeBounds(newArray, box, sphere);
427 }
static void computeBounds(const Array< Vector3 > &vertex, class AABox &box, class Sphere &sphere)
Definition: MeshAlg.cpp:430

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void G3D::MeshAlg::computeFaceNormals ( const Array< Vector3 > &  vertexArray,
const Array< Face > &  faceArray,
Array< Vector3 > &  faceNormals,
bool  normalize = true 

Computes face normals only. Significantly faster (especially if normalize is false) than computeNormals.

See also
224  {
226  faceNormals.resize(faceArray.size());
228  for (int f = 0; f < faceArray.size(); ++f) {
229  const MeshAlg::Face& face = faceArray[f];
231  const Vector3& v0 = vertexArray[face.vertexIndex[0]];
232  const Vector3& v1 = vertexArray[face.vertexIndex[1]];
233  const Vector3& v2 = vertexArray[face.vertexIndex[2]];
235  faceNormals[f] = (v1 - v0).cross(v2 - v0);
236  }
238  if (normalize) {
239  for (int f = 0; f < faceArray.size(); ++f) {
240  faceNormals[f] = faceNormals[f].direction();
241  }
242  }
243 }
Vector3 direction() const
Definition: Vector3.h:756
float normalize(float v)
Definition: g3dmath.h:438
Vector3 cross(const Vector3 &v1, const Vector3 &v2)
Definition: vectorMath.h:144

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void G3D::MeshAlg::computeNormals ( const Array< Vector3 > &  vertexArray,
const Array< Face > &  faceArray,
const Array< Array< int > > &  adjacentFaceArray,
Array< Vector3 > &  vertexNormalArray,
Array< Vector3 > &  faceNormalArray 
149  {
151  // Construct a fake vertex array for backwards compatibility
152  Array<Vertex> fakeVertexArray;
153  fakeVertexArray.resize(adjacentFaceArray.size());
155  for (int v = 0; v < adjacentFaceArray.size(); ++v) {
156  fakeVertexArray[v].faceIndex.resize(adjacentFaceArray[v].size());
157  for (int i = 0; i < fakeVertexArray[v].faceIndex.size(); ++i) {
158  fakeVertexArray[v].faceIndex[i] = adjacentFaceArray[v][i];
159  }
160  // We leave out the edges because they aren't used to compute normals
161  }
163  computeNormals(vertexGeometry, faceArray, fakeVertexArray,
164  vertexNormalArray, faceNormalArray);
165 }
static void computeNormals(const Array< Vector3 > &vertexArray, const Array< Face > &faceArray, const Array< Array< int > > &adjacentFaceArray, Array< Vector3 > &vertexNormalArray, Array< Vector3 > &faceNormalArray)
Definition: MeshAlg.cpp:144

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G3D::MeshAlg::computeNormals ( const Array< Vector3 > &  vertexGeometry,
const Array< Face > &  faceArray,
const Array< Vertex > &  vertexArray,
Array< Vector3 > &  vertexNormalArray,
Array< Vector3 > &  faceNormalArray 

Vertex normals are weighted by the area of adjacent faces. Nelson Max showed this is superior to uniform weighting for general meshes in jgt.

vertexNormalArrayOutput. Unit length
faceNormalArrayOutput. Degenerate faces produce zero magnitude normals. Unit length
See also
173  {
175  // Face normals (not unit length)
176  faceNormalArray.resize(faceArray.size());
177  for (int f = 0; f < faceArray.size(); ++f) {
178  const Face& face = faceArray[f];
180  Vector3 vertex[3];
181  for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
182  vertex[j] = vertexGeometry[face.vertexIndex[j]];
183  debugAssert(vertex[j].isFinite());
184  }
186  faceNormalArray[f] = (vertex[1] - vertex[0]).cross(vertex[2] - vertex[0]);
187 # ifdef G3D_DEBUG
188  const Vector3& N = faceNormalArray[f];
189  debugAssert(N.isFinite());
190 # endif
191  }
193  // Per-vertex normals, computed by averaging
194  vertexNormalArray.resize(vertexGeometry.size());
195  for (int v = 0; v < vertexNormalArray.size(); ++v) {
196  Vector3 sum = Vector3::zero();
197  for (int k = 0; k < vertexArray[v].faceIndex.size(); ++k) {
198  const int f = vertexArray[v].faceIndex[k];
199  sum += faceNormalArray[f];
200  }
201  vertexNormalArray[v] = sum.directionOrZero();
202 # ifdef G3D_DEBUG
203  const Vector3& N = vertexNormalArray[v];
204  debugAssert(N.isUnit() || N.isZero());
205 # endif
206  }
209  for (int f = 0; f < faceArray.size(); ++f) {
210  faceNormalArray[f] = faceNormalArray[f].directionOrZero();
211 # ifdef G3D_DEBUG
212  const Vector3& N = faceNormalArray[f];
213  debugAssert(N.isUnit() || N.isZero());
214 # endif
215  }
217 }
static const Vector3 & zero()
Definition: Vector3.cpp:119
#define debugAssert(exp)
Definition: debugAssert.h:160
Vector3 cross(const Vector3 &v1, const Vector3 &v2)
Definition: vectorMath.h:144
bool isFinite(double x)
Definition: g3dmath.h:525

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void G3D::MeshAlg::computeNormals ( Geometry geometry,
const Array< int > &  indexArray 

Computes unit length normals in place using the other computeNormals methods. If you already have a face array use another method; it will be faster.

See also
130  {
132  Array<Face> faceArray;
133  Array<Vertex> vertexArray;
134  Array<Edge> edgeArray;
135  Array<Vector3> faceNormalArray;
137  computeAdjacency(geometry.vertexArray, indexArray, faceArray, edgeArray, vertexArray);
139  computeNormals(geometry.vertexArray, faceArray, vertexArray,
140  geometry.normalArray, faceNormalArray);
141 }
static void computeAdjacency(const Array< Vector3 > &vertexGeometry, const Array< int > &indexArray, Array< Face > &faceArray, Array< Edge > &edgeArray, Array< Vertex > &vertexArray)
Definition: MeshAlgAdjacency.cpp:193
static void computeNormals(const Array< Vector3 > &vertexArray, const Array< Face > &faceArray, const Array< Array< int > > &adjacentFaceArray, Array< Vector3 > &vertexNormalArray, Array< Vector3 > &faceNormalArray)
Definition: MeshAlg.cpp:144

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void G3D::MeshAlg::computeTangentSpaceBasis ( const Array< Vector3 > &  vertexArray,
const Array< Vector2 > &  texCoordArray,
const Array< Vector3 > &  vertexNormalArray,
const Array< Face > &  faceArray,
Array< Vector3 > &  tangent,
Array< Vector3 > &  binormal 

Computes tangent and binormal vectors, which provide a (mostly) consistent parameterization over the surface for effects like bump mapping. In the resulting coordinate frame, T = x (varies with texture s coordinate), B = y (varies with negative texture t coordinate), and N = z for a right-handed coordinate frame. If a billboard is vertical on the screen in view of the camera, the tangent space matches the camera's coordinate frame.

The vertex, texCoord, tangent, and binormal arrays are parallel arrays.

The resulting tangent and binormal might not be exactly perpendicular to each other. They are guaranteed to be perpendicular to the normal.

[Max] McGuire

558  {
560  debugAssertM(faceArray.size() != 0, "Unable to calculate valid tangent space without faces.");
562  tangent.resize(vertexArray.size());
563  binormal.resize(vertexArray.size());
565  // Zero the output arrays.
566  System::memset(tangent.getCArray(), 0, sizeof(Vector3) * tangent.size());
567  System::memset(binormal.getCArray(), 0, sizeof(Vector3) * binormal.size());
569  // Iterate over faces, computing the tangent vectors for each
570  // vertex. Accumulate those into the tangent and binormal arrays
571  // and then orthonormalize at the end.
573  for (int f = 0; f < faceArray.size(); ++f) {
574  const Face& face = faceArray[f];
576  const int i0 = face.vertexIndex[0];
577  const int i1 = face.vertexIndex[1];
578  const int i2 = face.vertexIndex[2];
580  const Vector3& v0 = vertexArray[i0];
581  const Vector3& v1 = vertexArray[i1];
582  const Vector3& v2 = vertexArray[i2];
584  const Vector2& t0 = texCoordArray[i0];
585  const Vector2& t1 = texCoordArray[i1];
586  const Vector2& t2 = texCoordArray[i2];
588  // See for a derivation of the following code
590  // vertex edges
591  Vector3 ve1 = v1 - v0;
592  Vector3 ve2 = v2 - v0;
594  // texture edges
595  Vector2 te1 = t1 - t0;
596  Vector2 te2 = t2 - t0;
598  Vector3 n(ve1.cross(ve2).direction());
599  Vector3 t, b;
601  float r = te1.x * te2.y - te1.y * te2.x;
602  if (r == 0.0) {
603  // degenerate case
604  if (! n.isFinite() || n.isZero()) {
605  n = Vector3::unitY();
606  }
607  n.getTangents(t, b);
608  } else {
609  r = 1.0f / r;
610  t = (te2.y * ve1 - te1.y * ve2) * r;
611  b = (te2.x * ve1 - te1.x * ve2) * r;
612  }
614  for (int v = 0; v < 3; ++v) {
615  int i = face.vertexIndex[v];
616  tangent[i] += t;
617  binormal[i] += b;
618  }
619  }
621  // Normalize the basis vectors
622  for (int v = 0; v < vertexArray.size(); ++v) {
623  // Remove the component parallel to the normal
624  const Vector3& N = vertexNormalArray[v];
625  Vector3& T = tangent[v];
626  Vector3& B = binormal[v];
628  debugAssertM(N.isUnit() || N.isZero(), "Input normals must have unit length");
630  T -= * N;
631  B -= * N;
633  // Normalize
634  T = T.directionOrZero();
635  B = B.directionOrZero();
636  }
637 }
static void memset(void *dst, uint8 value, size_t numBytes)
Definition: System.cpp:695
#define debugAssertM(exp, message)
Definition: debugAssert.h:161
static const Vector3 & unitY()
Definition: Vector3.cpp:122
float tangent(float x)
Definition: Spell.cpp:1502

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void G3D::MeshAlg::computeWeld ( const Array< Vector3 > &  oldVertexPositions,
Array< Vector3 > &  newVertexPositions,
Array< int > &  toNew,
Array< int > &  toOld,
float  radius = fuzzyEpsilon32 

Welds nearby and colocated elements of the oldVertexArray together so that newVertexArray contains no vertices within radius of one another. Every vertex in newVertexPositions also appears in oldVertexPositions. This is useful for downsampling meshes and welding cracks created by artist errors or numerical imprecision.

The two integer arrays map indices back and forth between the arrays according to:

oldVertexArray[toOld[ni]] == newVertexArray[ni]
oldVertexArray[oi] == newVertexArray[toNew[ni]]

Note that newVertexPositions is never longer than oldVertexPositions and is shorter when vertices are welded.

Welding with a large radius will effectively compute a lower level of detail for the mesh.

The welding method runs in roughly linear time in the length of oldVertexArray– a uniform spatial grid is used to achieve nearly constant time vertex collapses for uniformly distributed vertices.

It is sometimes desirable to keep the original vertex ordering but identify the unique vertices. The following code computes array canonical s.t. canonical[v] = first occurance of a vertex near oldVertexPositions[v] in oldVertexPositions.

   Array<int> canonical(oldVertexPositions.size()), toNew, toOld;
   computeWeld(oldVertexPositions, Array<Vector3>(), toNew, toOld, radius);
   for (int v = 0; v < canonical.size(); ++v) {
       canonical[v] = toOld[toNew[v]];

See also G3D::MeshAlg::weldAdjacency.

[The] method is that described as the 'Grouper' in Baum, Mann, Smith, and Winget, Making Radiosity Usable: Automatic Preprocessing and Meshing Techniques for the Generation of Accurate Radiosity Solutions, Computer Graphics vol 25, no 4, July 1991.

Use weld.
208  {
210  shared_ptr<_internal::Welder> welder = shared_ptr<_internal::Welder> (new _internal::Welder(oldVertexArray, newVertexArray, toNew, toOld, radius));
211  welder->weld();
212 }

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int G3D::MeshAlg::countBoundaryEdges ( const Array< Edge > &  edgeArray)

Counts the number of edges (in an edge array returned from MeshAlg::computeAdjacency) that have only one adjacent face.

401  {
402  int b = 0;
404  for (int i = 0; i < edgeArray.size(); ++i) {
405  if ((edgeArray[i].faceIndex[0] == MeshAlg::Face::NONE) !=
406  (edgeArray[i].faceIndex[1] == MeshAlg::Face::NONE)) {
407  ++b;
408  }
409  }
411  return b;
412 }
static const int NONE
Definition: MeshAlg.h:103

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void G3D::MeshAlg::createIndexArray ( int  n,
Array< int > &  array,
int  start = 0,
int  run = 1,
int  skip = 0 

Generates an array of integers from start to start + n - 1 that have run numbers in series then omit the next skip before the next run. Useful for turning a triangle list into an indexed face set.


  createIndexArray(10, x);
  // x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
  createIndexArray(5, x, 2);
  // x = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
  createIndexArray(6, x, 0, 2, 1);
  // x = [0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7]
316  {
317  debugAssert(skip >= 0);
318  debugAssert(run >= 0);
320  array.resize(n);
321  if (skip == 0) {
322  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
323  array[i] = start + i;
324  }
325  } else {
326  int rcount = 0;
327  int j = start;
328  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
329  array[i] = j;
331  ++j;
332  ++rcount;
334  if (rcount == run) {
335  rcount = 0;
336  j += skip;
337  }
338  }
339  }
340 }
void resize(size_t n, bool shrinkIfNecessary=true)
Definition: Array.h:490
#define debugAssert(exp)
Definition: debugAssert.h:160

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G3D::MeshAlg::debugCheckConsistency ( const Array< Face > &  faceArray,
const Array< Edge > &  edgeArray,
const Array< Vertex > &  vertexArray 

In debug mode, asserts that the adjacency references between the face, edge, and vertex array are consistent.

696  {
698 #ifdef _DEBUG
699  for (int v = 0; v < vertexArray.size(); ++v) {
700  const MeshAlg::Vertex& vertex = vertexArray[v];
702  for (int i = 0; i < vertex.edgeIndex.size(); ++i) {
703  const int e = vertex.edgeIndex[i];
704  debugAssert(edgeArray[(e >= 0) ? e : ~e].containsVertex(v));
705  }
707  for (int i = 0; i < vertex.faceIndex.size(); ++i) {
708  const int f = vertex.faceIndex[i];
709  debugAssert(faceArray[f].containsVertex(v));
710  }
712  }
714  for (int e = 0; e < edgeArray.size(); ++e) {
715  const MeshAlg::Edge& edge = edgeArray[e];
717  for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
718  debugAssert((edge.faceIndex[i] == MeshAlg::Face::NONE) ||
719  faceArray[edge.faceIndex[i]].containsEdge(e));
721  debugAssert(vertexArray[edge.vertexIndex[i]].inEdge(e));
722  }
723  }
725  // Every face's edge must be on that face
726  for (int f = 0; f < faceArray.size(); ++f) {
727  const MeshAlg::Face& face = faceArray[f];
728  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
729  int e = face.edgeIndex[i];
730  int ei = (e >= 0) ? e : ~e;
731  debugAssert(edgeArray[ei].inFace(f));
733  // Make sure the edge is oriented appropriately
734  if (e >= 0) {
735  debugAssert(edgeArray[ei].faceIndex[0] == (int)f);
736  } else {
737  debugAssert(edgeArray[ei].faceIndex[1] == (int)f);
738  }
740  debugAssert(vertexArray[face.vertexIndex[i]].inFace(f));
741  }
742  }
743 #else
744  (void)faceArray;
745  (void)edgeArray;
746  (void)vertexArray;
747 #endif // _DEBUG
748 }
static const int NONE
Definition: MeshAlg.h:103
#define debugAssert(exp)
Definition: debugAssert.h:160

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

static int G3D::MeshAlg::findEdgeIndex ( const Array< Vector3 > &  vertexArray,
Array< Edge > &  geometricEdgeArray,
int  i0,
int  i1,
int  f,
double  area 

Helper for computeAdjacency. If a directed edge with index e already exists from i0 to i1 then e is returned. If a directed edge with index e already exists from i1 to i0, ~e is returned (the complement) and edgeArray[e] is set to f. Otherwise, a new edge is created from i0 to i1 with first face index f and its index is returned.

vertexArrayVertex positions to use when deciding colocation.
areaArea of face f. When multiple edges of the same direction are found between the same vertices (usually because of degenerate edges) the face with larger area is kept in the edge table.
void G3D::MeshAlg::generateGrid ( Array< Vector3 > &  vertex,
Array< Vector2 > &  texCoord,
Array< int > &  index,
int  wCells = 10,
int  hCells = 10,
const Vector2 textureScale = Vector2(1,1),
bool  spaceCentered = true,
bool  twoSided = true,
const CoordinateFrame xform = CoordinateFrame(),
const Image1::Ref elevation = Image1::Ref() 

Generates a unit square in the X-Z plane composed of a grid of wCells x hCells squares on the unit interval and then transforms it by xform.

vertexOutput vertices
texCoordOutput texture coordinates
indexOutput triangle list indices
textureScaleLower-right texture coordinate
spaceCenteredIf true, the coordinates generated are centered at the origin before the transformation.
twoSidedIf true, matching top and bottom planes are generated.
elevationIf non-NULL, values from this image are used as elevations. Apply an xform to adjust the scale
38  {
40  vertex.fastClear();
41  texCoord.fastClear();
42  index.fastClear();
44  // Generate vertices
45  for (int z = 0; z <= hCells; ++z) {
46  for (int x = 0; x <= wCells; ++x) {
47  Vector3 v(x / (float)wCells, 0, z / (float)hCells);
49  Vector2 t = v.xz() * textureScale;
51  texCoord.append(t);
53  if (height) {
54  v.y = height->nearest(v.x * (height->width() - 1), v.z * (height->height() - 1)).value;
55  }
56  if (spaceCentered) {
57  v -= Vector3(0.5f, 0, 0.5f);
58  }
59  v = xform.pointToWorldSpace(v);
60  vertex.append(v);
61  }
62  }
64  // Generate indices
65  for (int z = 0; z < hCells; ++z) {
66  for (int x = 0; x < wCells; ++x) {
67  int A = x + z * (wCells + 1);
68  int B = A + 1;
69  int C = A + (wCells + 1);
70  int D = C + 1;
72  // A B
73  // *-----*
74  // | \ |
75  // | \ |
76  // *-----*
77  // C D
79  index.append(A, D, B);
80  index.append(A, C, D);
81  }
82  }
84  if (twoSided) {
85  // The index array needs to have reversed winding for the bottom
86  // and offset by the original number of vertices
87  Array<int> ti = index;
88  ti.reverse();
89  for (int i = 0; i < ti.size(); ++i) {
90  ti[i] += vertex.size();
91  }
92  index.append(ti);
94  // Duplicate the arrays
95  vertex.append(Array<Vector3>(vertex));
96  texCoord.append(Array<Vector2>(texCoord));
97  }
98 }
void fastClear()
Definition: Array.h:419
void reverse()
Definition: Array.h:1067
G3D::int16 z
Definition: Vector3int16.h:46
G3D::int16 x
Definition: Vector2int16.h:37
void append(const T &value)
Definition: Array.h:583

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void G3D::MeshAlg::identifyBackfaces ( const Array< Vector3 > &  vertexArray,
const Array< Face > &  faceArray,
const Vector4 P,
Array< bool > &  backface 

Classifies each face as a backface or a front face relative to the observer point P (which is at infinity when P.w = 0). A face with normal exactly perpendicular to the observer vector may be classified as either a front or a back face arbitrarily.

250  {
252  Vector3 P =;
254  backface.resize(faceArray.size());
256  if (fuzzyEq(HP.w, 0.0f)) {
257  // Infinite case
258  for (int f = faceArray.size() - 1; f >= 0; --f) {
259  const MeshAlg::Face& face = faceArray[f];
261  const Vector3& v0 = vertexArray[face.vertexIndex[0]];
262  const Vector3& v1 = vertexArray[face.vertexIndex[1]];
263  const Vector3& v2 = vertexArray[face.vertexIndex[2]];
265  const Vector3 N = (v1 - v0).cross(v2 - v0);
267  backface[f] = < 0;
268  }
269  } else {
270  // Finite case
271  for (int f = faceArray.size() - 1; f >= 0; --f) {
272  const MeshAlg::Face& face = faceArray[f];
274  const Vector3& v0 = vertexArray[face.vertexIndex[0]];
275  const Vector3& v1 = vertexArray[face.vertexIndex[1]];
276  const Vector3& v2 = vertexArray[face.vertexIndex[2]];
278  const Vector3 N = (v1 - v0).cross(v2 - v0);
280  backface[f] = - v0) < 0;
281  }
282  }
283 }
float __fastcall dot(const Vector3 &rkVector) const
Definition: Vector3.h:771
Vector3 cross(const Vector3 &v1, const Vector3 &v2)
Definition: vectorMath.h:144
uint8 const P[]
Definition: AuthenticationPackets.cpp:225
bool fuzzyEq(double a, double b)
Definition: g3dmath.h:857

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void G3D::MeshAlg::identifyBackfaces ( const Array< Vector3 > &  vertexArray,
const Array< Face > &  faceArray,
const Vector4 P,
Array< bool > &  backface,
const Array< Vector3 > &  faceNormals 

A faster version of identifyBackfaces for the case where face normals have already been computed

291  {
293  Vector3 P =;
295  backface.resize(faceArray.size());
297  if (fuzzyEq(HP.w, 0.0f)) {
298  // Infinite case
299  for (int f = faceArray.size() - 1; f >= 0; --f) {
300  const Vector3& N = faceNormals[f];
301  backface[f] = < 0;
302  }
303  } else {
304  // Finite case
305  for (int f = faceArray.size() - 1; f >= 0; --f) {
306  const MeshAlg::Face& face = faceArray[f];
307  const Vector3& v0 = vertexArray[face.vertexIndex[0]];
308  const Vector3& N = faceNormals[f];
310  backface[f] = - v0) < 0;
311  }
312  }
313 }
uint8 const P[]
Definition: AuthenticationPackets.cpp:225
bool fuzzyEq(double a, double b)
Definition: g3dmath.h:857

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

template<class IndexType >
static void G3D::MeshAlg::toIndexedTriList ( const Array< IndexType > &  inIndices,
MeshAlg::Primitive  inType,
Array< IndexType > &  outIndices 

Converts quadlist (QUADS), triangle fan (TRIANGLE_FAN), tristrip(TRIANGLE_STRIP), and quadstrip (QUAD_STRIP) indices into triangle list (TRIANGLES) indices and appends them to outIndices.

569  {
571  debugAssert(
572  inType == PrimitiveType::TRIANGLE_STRIP ||
573  inType == PrimitiveType::TRIANGLE_FAN ||
574  inType == PrimitiveType::QUADS ||
575  inType == PrimitiveType::QUAD_STRIP);
577  const int inSize = inIndices.size();
579  switch(inType) {
581  {
582  debugAssert(inSize >= 3);
584  int N = outIndices.size();
585  outIndices.resize(N + (inSize - 2) * 3);
587  for (IndexType i = 1, outIndex = N; i <= (inSize - 2); ++i, outIndex += 3) {
588  outIndices[outIndex] = inIndices[0];
589  outIndices[outIndex + 1] = inIndices[i];
590  outIndices[outIndex + 2] = inIndices[i + 1];
591  }
593  break;
594  }
597  {
598  debugAssert(inSize >= 3);
600  int N = outIndices.size();
601  outIndices.resize(N + (inSize - 2) * 3);
603  bool atEven = false;
604  for (IndexType i = 0, outIndex = N; i < (inSize - 2); ++i, outIndex += 3) {
605  if (atEven) {
606  outIndices[outIndex] = inIndices[i + 1];
607  outIndices[outIndex + 1] = inIndices[i];
608  outIndices[outIndex + 2] = inIndices[i + 2];
609  atEven = false;
610  } else {
611  outIndices[outIndex] = inIndices[i];
612  outIndices[outIndex + 1] = inIndices[i + 1];
613  outIndices[outIndex + 2] = inIndices[i + 2];
614  atEven = true;
615  }
616  }
618  break;
619  }
622  {
623  debugAssert(inIndices.size() >= 4);
625  int N = outIndices.size();
626  outIndices.resize(N + (inSize / 4) * 3);
628  for (IndexType i = 0, outIndex = N; i <= (inSize - 4); i += 4, outIndex += 6) {
629  outIndices[outIndex] = inIndices[i];
630  outIndices[outIndex + 1] = inIndices[i + 1];
631  outIndices[outIndex + 2] = inIndices[i + 3];
632  outIndices[outIndex + 3] = inIndices[i + 1];
633  outIndices[outIndex + 4] = inIndices[i + 2];
634  outIndices[outIndex + 5] = inIndices[i + 3];
635  }
637  break;
638  }
641  {
642  debugAssert(inIndices.size() >= 4);
644  int N = outIndices.size();
645  outIndices.resize(N + (inSize - 2) * 3);
647  for (IndexType i = 0, outIndex = N; i <= (inSize - 2); i += 2, outIndex += 6) {
648  outIndices[outIndex] = inIndices[i];
649  outIndices[outIndex + 1] = inIndices[i + 1];
650  outIndices[outIndex + 2] = inIndices[i + 2];
651  outIndices[outIndex + 3] = inIndices[i + 2];
652  outIndices[outIndex + 4] = inIndices[i + 1];
653  outIndices[outIndex + 5] = inIndices[i + 3];
654  }
655  break;
656  }
657  default:
658  alwaysAssertM(false, "Illegal argument");
659  }
660  }
Definition: constants.h:28
Definition: constants.h:26
Definition: constants.h:29
#define debugAssert(exp)
Definition: debugAssert.h:160
Definition: constants.h:27
#define alwaysAssertM(exp, message)
Definition: debugAssert.h:165

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void G3D::MeshAlg::weldAdjacency ( const Array< Vector3 > &  originalGeometry,
Array< Face > &  faceArray,
Array< Edge > &  edgeArray,
Array< Vertex > &  vertexArray,
float  radius = fuzzyEpsilon32 

Modifies the face, edge, and vertex arrays in place so that colocated (within radius) vertices are treated as identical. Note that the vertexArray and corresponding geometry will contain elements that are no longer used. In the vertexArray, these elements are initialized to MeshAlg::Vertex() but not removed (because removal would change the indexing).

This is a good preprocessing step for algorithms that are only concerned with the shape of a mesh (e.g. cartoon rendering, fur, shadows) and not the indexing of the vertices.

Use this method when you have already computed adjacency information and want to collapse colocated vertices within that data without disturbing the actual mesh vertices or indexing scheme.

If you have not computed adjacency already, use MeshAlg::computeWeld instead and compute adjacency information after welding.

Use weld.
faceArrayMutated in place. Size is maintained (degenerate faces are not removed).
edgeArrayMutated in place. May shrink if boundary edges are welded together.
vertexArrayMutated in place. Size is maintained (duplicate vertices contain no adjacency info).
628  {
630  // Num vertices
631  const int n = originalGeometry.size();
633  // canonical[v] = first occurance of any vertex near oldVertexArray[v]
634  Array<int> canonical;
635  canonical.resize(n);
637  Array<int> toNew, toOld;
638  // Throw away the new vertex array
639  Array<Vector3> dummy;
640  computeWeld(originalGeometry, dummy, toNew, toOld, radius);
642  for (int v = 0; v < canonical.size(); ++v) {
643  // Round-trip through the toNew/toOld process. This will give
644  // us the original vertex.
645  canonical[v] = toOld[toNew[v]];
646  }
648  // Destroy vertexArray (we reconstruct it below)
649  vertexArray.clear();
650  vertexArray.resize(n);
652  bool hasBoundaryEdges = false;
654  // Fix edge vertex indices
655  for (int e = 0; e < edgeArray.size(); ++e) {
656  Edge& edge = edgeArray[e];
658  const int v0 = canonical[edge.vertexIndex[0]];
659  const int v1 = canonical[edge.vertexIndex[1]];
661  edge.vertexIndex[0] = v0;
662  edge.vertexIndex[1] = v1;
664  vertexArray[v0].edgeIndex.append(e);
665  vertexArray[v1].edgeIndex.append(~e);
667  hasBoundaryEdges = hasBoundaryEdges || edge.boundary();
668  }
670  // Fix face vertex indices
671  for (int f = 0; f < faceArray.size(); ++f) {
672  Face& face = faceArray[f];
673  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
674  const int v = canonical[face.vertexIndex[i]];
676  face.vertexIndex[i] = v;
678  // Add the back pointer
679  vertexArray[v].faceIndex.append(f);
680  }
681  }
683  if (hasBoundaryEdges) {
684  // As a result of the welding, some of the boundary edges at
685  // the end of the array may now have mates and no longer be
686  // boundaries. Try to pair these up.
688  weldBoundaryEdges(faceArray, edgeArray, vertexArray);
689  }
690 }
static void computeWeld(const Array< Vector3 > &oldVertexPositions, Array< Vector3 > &newVertexPositions, Array< int > &toNew, Array< int > &toOld, float radius=fuzzyEpsilon32)
Definition: MeshAlgWeld.cpp:203
static void weldBoundaryEdges(Array< Face > &faceArray, Array< Edge > &edgeArray, Array< Vertex > &vertexArray)
Definition: MeshAlgAdjacency.cpp:430

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void G3D::MeshAlg::weldBoundaryEdges ( Array< Face > &  faceArray,
Array< Edge > &  edgeArray,
Array< Vertex > &  vertexArray 

Helper for weldAdjacency

433  {
435  // Copy over the original edge array
436  Array<Edge> oldEdgeArray = edgeArray;
438  // newEdgeIndex[e] is the new index of the old edge with index e
439  // Note that newEdgeIndex[e] might be negative, indicating that
440  // the edge switched direction between the arrays.
441  Array<int> newEdgeIndex;
442  newEdgeIndex.resize(edgeArray.size());
443  edgeArray.resize(0);
445  // boundaryEdgeIndices[v_low] is an array of the indices of
446  // all boundary edges whose lower vertex is v_low.
447  Table<int, Array<int> > boundaryEdgeIndices;
449  // Copy over non-boundary edges to the new array
450  for (int e = 0; e < oldEdgeArray.size(); ++e) {
451  if (oldEdgeArray[e].boundary()) {
453  // Add to the boundary table
454  const int v_low = iMin(oldEdgeArray[e].vertexIndex[0], oldEdgeArray[e].vertexIndex[1]);
455  if (! boundaryEdgeIndices.containsKey(v_low)) {
456  boundaryEdgeIndices.set(v_low, Array<int>());
457  }
458  boundaryEdgeIndices[v_low].append(e);
460  // We'll fill out newEdgeIndex[e] later, when we find pairs
462  } else {
464  // Copy the edge to the new array
465  newEdgeIndex[e] = edgeArray.size();
466  edgeArray.append(oldEdgeArray[e]);
468  }
469  }
472  // Remove all edges from the table that have pairs.
473  Table<int, Array<int> >::Iterator cur = boundaryEdgeIndices.begin();
474  Table<int, Array<int> >::Iterator end = boundaryEdgeIndices.end();
475  while (cur != end) {
476  Array<int>& boundaryEdge = cur->value;
478  for (int i = 0; i < boundaryEdge.size(); ++i) {
479  int ei = boundaryEdge[i];
480  const Edge& edgei = oldEdgeArray[ei];
482  for (int j = i + 1; j < boundaryEdge.size(); ++j) {
483  int ej = boundaryEdge[j];
484  const Edge& edgej = oldEdgeArray[ej];
486  // See if edge ei is the reverse (match) of edge ej.
488  // True if the edges match
489  bool match = false;
491  // True if edgej's vertex indices are reversed from
492  // edgei's (usually true).
493  bool reversej = false;
495  int u = edgei.vertexIndex[0];
496  int v = edgei.vertexIndex[1];
498  if (edgei.faceIndex[0] != Face::NONE) {
499  // verts|faces
500  // edgei = [u v A /]
502  if (edgej.faceIndex[0] != Face::NONE) {
503  if ((edgej.vertexIndex[0] == v) && (edgej.vertexIndex[1] == u)) {
504  // This is the most common of the four cases
506  // edgej = [v u B /]
507  match = true;
508  reversej = true;
509  }
510  } else {
511  if ((edgej.vertexIndex[0] == u) && (edgej.vertexIndex[1] == v)) {
512  // edgej = [u v / B]
513  match = true;
514  }
515  }
516  } else {
517  // edgei = [u v / A]
518  if (edgej.faceIndex[0] != Face::NONE) {
519  if ((edgej.vertexIndex[0] == u) && (edgej.vertexIndex[1] == v)) {
520  // edgej = [u v B /]
521  match = true;
522  }
523  } else {
524  if ((edgej.vertexIndex[0] == v) && (edgej.vertexIndex[1] == u)) {
525  // edgej = [v u / B]
526  match = true;
527  reversej = true;
528  }
529  }
530  }
532  if (match) {
533  // ei and ej can be paired as a single edge
534  int e = edgeArray.size();
535  Edge& edge =;
537  // Follow the direction of edgei.
538  edge = edgei;
539  newEdgeIndex[ei] = e;
541  // Insert the face index for edgej.
542  int fj = edgej.faceIndex[0];
543  if (fj == Face::NONE) {
544  fj = edgej.faceIndex[1];
545  }
547  if (edge.faceIndex[0] == Face::NONE) {
548  edge.faceIndex[0] = fj;
549  } else {
550  edge.faceIndex[1] = fj;
551  }
553  if (reversej) {
554  // The new edge is backwards of the old edge for ej
555  newEdgeIndex[ej] = ~e;
556  } else {
557  newEdgeIndex[ej] = e;
558  }
560  // Remove both ei and ej from being candidates for future pairing.
561  // Remove ej first since it comes later in the list (removing
562  // ei would decrease the index of ej to j - 1).
563  boundaryEdge.fastRemove(j);
564  boundaryEdge.fastRemove(i);
566  // Re-process element i, which is now a new edge index
567  --i;
569  // Jump out of the j for-loop
570  break;
571  }
572  }
573  }
574  ++cur;
575  }
577  // Anything remaining in the table is a real boundary edge; just copy it to
578  // the end of the array.
579  cur = boundaryEdgeIndices.begin();
580  end = boundaryEdgeIndices.end();
581  while (cur != end) {
582  Array<int>& boundaryEdge = cur->value;
584  for (int b = 0; b < boundaryEdge.size(); ++b) {
585  const int e = boundaryEdge[b];
587  newEdgeIndex[e] = edgeArray.size();
588  edgeArray.append(oldEdgeArray[e]);
589  }
591  ++cur;
592  }
594  // Finally, fix up edge indices in the face and vertex arrays
595  for (int f = 0; f < faceArray.size(); ++f) {
596  Face& face = faceArray[f];
597  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
598  int e = face.edgeIndex[i];
600  if (e < 0) {
601  face.edgeIndex[i] = ~newEdgeIndex[~e];
602  } else {
603  face.edgeIndex[i] = newEdgeIndex[e];
604  }
605  }
606  }
608  for (int v = 0; v < vertexArray.size(); ++v) {
609  Vertex& vertex = vertexArray[v];
610  for (int i = 0; i < vertex.edgeIndex.size(); ++i) {
611  int e = vertex.edgeIndex[i];
613  if (e < 0) {
614  vertex.edgeIndex[i] = ~newEdgeIndex[~e];
615  } else {
616  vertex.edgeIndex[i] = newEdgeIndex[e];
617  }
618  }
619  }
620 }
static const int NONE
Definition: MeshAlg.h:103
int iMin(int x, int y)
Definition: g3dmath.h:753

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

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