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SmartAction Struct Reference

#include <SmartScriptMgr.h>

Public Attributes

union {
   struct {
      uint32   textGroupID
      uint32   duration
      uint32   useTalkTarget
   }   talk
   struct {
      uint32   factionID
   }   faction
   struct {
      uint32   creature
      uint32   model
   }   morphOrMount
   struct {
      uint32   sound
      uint32   onlySelf
   }   sound
   struct {
      uint32   emote
   }   emote
   struct {
      uint32   quest
   }   quest
   struct {
      uint32   state
   }   react
   struct {
      uint32   emote1
      uint32   emote2
      uint32   emote3
      uint32   emote4
      uint32   emote5
      uint32   emote6
   }   randomEmote
   struct {
      uint32   spell
      uint32   flags
      uint32   targetType
      uint32   targetParam1
      uint32   targetParam2
      uint32   targetParam3
   }   cast
   struct {
      uint32   creature
      uint32   type
      uint32   duration
      uint32   attackInvoker
   }   summonCreature
   struct {
      uint32   threatINC
      uint32   threatDEC
   }   threatPCT
   struct {
      uint32   flag1
      uint32   flag2
      uint32   flag3
      uint32   flag4
      uint32   flag5
      uint32   flag6
   }   addUnitFlag
   struct {
      uint32   flag1
      uint32   flag2
      uint32   flag3
      uint32   flag4
      uint32   flag5
      uint32   flag6
   }   removeUnitFlag
   struct {
      uint32   attack
   }   autoAttack
   struct {
      uint32   move
   }   combatMove
   struct {
      uint32   phase
   }   setEventPhase
   struct {
      uint32   inc
      uint32   dec
   }   incEventPhase
   struct {
      uint32   spell
      uint32   charges
   }   removeAura
   struct {
      uint32   dist
      uint32   angle
      uint32   entry
      uint32   credit
      uint32   creditType
   }   follow
   struct {
      uint32   phase1
      uint32   phase2
      uint32   phase3
      uint32   phase4
      uint32   phase5
      uint32   phase6
   }   randomPhase
   struct {
      uint32   phaseMin
      uint32   phaseMax
   }   randomPhaseRange
   struct {
      uint32   creature
   }   killedMonster
   struct {
      uint32   field
      uint32   data
   }   setInstanceData
   struct {
      uint32   field
   }   setInstanceData64
   struct {
      uint32   creature
   }   updateTemplate
   struct {
      uint32   range
      uint32   withEmote
   }   callHelp
   struct {
      uint32   sheath
   }   setSheath
   struct {
      uint32   delay
   }   forceDespawn
   struct {
      uint32   minHP
      uint32   percent
   }   invincHP
   struct {
      uint32   id
      uint32   apply
   }   ingamePhaseId
   struct {
      uint32   groupId
      uint32   apply
   }   ingamePhaseGroup
   struct {
      uint32   field
      uint32   data
   }   setData
   struct {
      uint32   distance
   }   moveRandom
   struct {
      uint32   state
   }   visibility
   struct {
      uint32   entry
      uint32   despawnTime
   }   summonGO
   struct {
      uint32   state
   }   active
   struct {
      uint32   id
   }   taxi
   struct {
      uint32   run
      uint32   pathID
      uint32   repeat
      uint32   quest
      uint32   despawnTime
      uint32   reactState
   }   wpStart
   struct {
      uint32   delay
   }   wpPause
   struct {
      uint32   despawnTime
      uint32   quest
      uint32   fail
   }   wpStop
   struct {
      uint32   entry
      uint32   count
   }   item
   struct {
      uint32   id
      uint32   param1
      uint32   param2
      uint32   param3
      uint32   param4
      uint32   param5
   }   installTtemplate
   struct {
      uint32   run
   }   setRun
   struct {
      uint32   fly
   }   setFly
   struct {
      uint32   swim
   }   setSwim
   struct {
      uint32   mapID
   }   teleport
   struct {
      uint32   counterId
      uint32   value
      uint32   reset
   }   setCounter
   struct {
      uint32   id
      uint32   number
   }   storeVar
   struct {
      uint32   id
   }   storeTargets
   struct {
      uint32   id
      uint32   min
      uint32   max
      uint32   repeatMin
      uint32   repeatMax
      uint32   chance
   }   timeEvent
   struct {
      uint32   entry
   }   movie
   struct {
      uint32   entry
      uint32   mask
      uint32   slot1
      uint32   slot2
      uint32   slot3
   }   equip
   struct {
      uint32   flag
      uint32   type
   }   unitFlag
   struct {
      uint32   byte1
      uint32   type
   }   setunitByte
   struct {
      uint32   byte1
      uint32   type
   }   delunitByte
   struct {
      uint32   seat
   }   enterVehicle
   struct {
      uint32   id
      uint32   timerType
   }   timedActionList
   struct {
      uint32   entry1
      uint32   entry2
      uint32   entry3
      uint32   entry4
      uint32   entry5
      uint32   entry6
   }   randTimedActionList
   struct {
      uint32   withDelayed
      uint32   spell_id
      uint32   withInstant
   }   interruptSpellCasting
   struct {
      uint32   anim
   }   sendGoCustomAnim
   struct {
      uint32   speedxy
      uint32   speedz
   }   jump
   struct {
      uint32   withEmote
   }   flee
   struct {
      uint32   goRespawnTime
   }   RespawnTarget
   struct {
      uint32   pointId
      uint32   transport
   }   MoveToPos
   struct {
      uint32   gossipMenuId
      uint32   gossipNpcTextId
   }   sendGossipMenu
   struct {
      uint32   state
   }   setGoLootState
   struct {
      uint32   id
   }   sendTargetToTarget
   struct {
      uint32   distance
      uint32   angle
   }   setRangedMovement
   struct {
      uint32   regenHealth
   }   setHealthRegen
   struct {
      uint32   root
   }   setRoot
   struct {
      uint32   flag
   }   goFlag
   struct {
      uint32   group
      uint32   attackInvoker
   }   creatureGroup
   struct {
      uint32   powerType
      uint32   newPower
   }   power
   struct {
      uint32   id
   }   gameEventStop
   struct {
      uint32   id
   }   gameEventStart
   struct {
      uint32   wp1
      uint32   wp2
      uint32   wp3
      uint32   wp4
      uint32   wp5
      uint32   wp6
   }   closestWaypointFromList
   struct {
      std::array< uint32,
      uint32   onlySelf
   }   randomSound
   struct {
      uint32   param1
      uint32   param2
      uint32   param3
      uint32   param4
      uint32   param5
      uint32   param6
   }   raw

Member Data Documentation

union { ... }
struct { ... } SmartAction::active
struct { ... } SmartAction::addUnitFlag
uint32 SmartAction::angle
uint32 SmartAction::anim
uint32 SmartAction::apply
uint32 SmartAction::attack
uint32 SmartAction::attackInvoker
struct { ... } SmartAction::autoAttack
uint32 SmartAction::byte1
struct { ... } SmartAction::callHelp
struct { ... } SmartAction::cast
uint32 SmartAction::chance
uint32 SmartAction::charges
struct { ... } SmartAction::closestWaypointFromList
struct { ... } SmartAction::combatMove
uint32 SmartAction::count
uint32 SmartAction::counterId
uint32 SmartAction::creature
struct { ... } SmartAction::creatureGroup
uint32 SmartAction::credit
uint32 SmartAction::creditType
uint32 SmartAction::data
uint32 SmartAction::dec
uint32 SmartAction::delay
struct { ... } SmartAction::delunitByte
uint32 SmartAction::despawnTime
uint32 SmartAction::dist
uint32 SmartAction::distance
uint32 SmartAction::duration
uint32 SmartAction::emote
struct { ... } SmartAction::emote
uint32 SmartAction::emote1
uint32 SmartAction::emote2
uint32 SmartAction::emote3
uint32 SmartAction::emote4
uint32 SmartAction::emote5
uint32 SmartAction::emote6
struct { ... } SmartAction::enterVehicle
uint32 SmartAction::entry
uint32 SmartAction::entry1
uint32 SmartAction::entry2
uint32 SmartAction::entry3
uint32 SmartAction::entry4
uint32 SmartAction::entry5
uint32 SmartAction::entry6
struct { ... } SmartAction::equip
struct { ... } SmartAction::faction
uint32 SmartAction::factionID
uint32 SmartAction::fail
uint32 SmartAction::field
uint32 SmartAction::flag
uint32 SmartAction::flag1
uint32 SmartAction::flag2
uint32 SmartAction::flag3
uint32 SmartAction::flag4
uint32 SmartAction::flag5
uint32 SmartAction::flag6
uint32 SmartAction::flags
struct { ... } SmartAction::flee
uint32 SmartAction::fly
struct { ... } SmartAction::follow
struct { ... } SmartAction::forceDespawn
struct { ... } SmartAction::gameEventStart
struct { ... } SmartAction::gameEventStop
struct { ... } SmartAction::goFlag
uint32 SmartAction::goRespawnTime
uint32 SmartAction::gossipMenuId
uint32 SmartAction::gossipNpcTextId
uint32 SmartAction::group
uint32 SmartAction::groupId
uint32 SmartAction::id
uint32 SmartAction::inc
struct { ... } SmartAction::incEventPhase
struct { ... } SmartAction::ingamePhaseGroup
struct { ... } SmartAction::ingamePhaseId
struct { ... } SmartAction::installTtemplate
struct { ... } SmartAction::interruptSpellCasting
struct { ... } SmartAction::invincHP
struct { ... } SmartAction::item
struct { ... } SmartAction::jump
struct { ... } SmartAction::killedMonster
uint32 SmartAction::mapID
uint32 SmartAction::mask
uint32 SmartAction::max
uint32 SmartAction::min
uint32 SmartAction::minHP
uint32 SmartAction::model
struct { ... } SmartAction::morphOrMount
uint32 SmartAction::move
struct { ... } SmartAction::moveRandom
struct { ... } SmartAction::MoveToPos
struct { ... } SmartAction::movie
uint32 SmartAction::newPower
uint32 SmartAction::number
uint32 SmartAction::onlySelf
uint32 SmartAction::param1
uint32 SmartAction::param2
uint32 SmartAction::param3
uint32 SmartAction::param4
uint32 SmartAction::param5
uint32 SmartAction::param6
uint32 SmartAction::pathID
uint32 SmartAction::percent
uint32 SmartAction::phase
uint32 SmartAction::phase1
uint32 SmartAction::phase2
uint32 SmartAction::phase3
uint32 SmartAction::phase4
uint32 SmartAction::phase5
uint32 SmartAction::phase6
uint32 SmartAction::phaseMax
uint32 SmartAction::phaseMin
uint32 SmartAction::pointId
struct { ... } SmartAction::power
uint32 SmartAction::powerType
uint32 SmartAction::quest
struct { ... } SmartAction::quest
struct { ... } SmartAction::randomEmote
struct { ... } SmartAction::randomPhase
struct { ... } SmartAction::randomPhaseRange
struct { ... } SmartAction::randomSound
struct { ... } SmartAction::randTimedActionList
uint32 SmartAction::range
struct { ... } SmartAction::raw

Note for any new future actions All parameters must have type uint32

struct { ... } SmartAction::react
uint32 SmartAction::reactState
uint32 SmartAction::regenHealth
struct { ... } SmartAction::removeAura
struct { ... } SmartAction::removeUnitFlag
uint32 SmartAction::repeat
uint32 SmartAction::repeatMax
uint32 SmartAction::repeatMin
uint32 SmartAction::reset
struct { ... } SmartAction::RespawnTarget
uint32 SmartAction::root
uint32 SmartAction::run
uint32 SmartAction::seat
struct { ... } SmartAction::sendGoCustomAnim
struct { ... } SmartAction::sendGossipMenu
struct { ... } SmartAction::sendTargetToTarget
struct { ... } SmartAction::setCounter
struct { ... } SmartAction::setData
struct { ... } SmartAction::setEventPhase
struct { ... } SmartAction::setFly
struct { ... } SmartAction::setGoLootState
struct { ... } SmartAction::setHealthRegen
struct { ... } SmartAction::setInstanceData
struct { ... } SmartAction::setInstanceData64
struct { ... } SmartAction::setRangedMovement
struct { ... } SmartAction::setRoot
struct { ... } SmartAction::setRun
struct { ... } SmartAction::setSheath
struct { ... } SmartAction::setSwim
struct { ... } SmartAction::setunitByte
uint32 SmartAction::sheath
uint32 SmartAction::slot1
uint32 SmartAction::slot2
uint32 SmartAction::slot3
uint32 SmartAction::sound
struct { ... } SmartAction::sound
std::array<uint32, SMART_ACTION_PARAM_COUNT - 1> SmartAction::sounds
uint32 SmartAction::speedxy
uint32 SmartAction::speedz
uint32 SmartAction::spell
uint32 SmartAction::spell_id
uint32 SmartAction::state
struct { ... } SmartAction::storeTargets
struct { ... } SmartAction::storeVar
struct { ... } SmartAction::summonCreature
struct { ... } SmartAction::summonGO
uint32 SmartAction::swim
struct { ... } SmartAction::talk
uint32 SmartAction::targetParam1
uint32 SmartAction::targetParam2
uint32 SmartAction::targetParam3
uint32 SmartAction::targetType
struct { ... } SmartAction::taxi
struct { ... } SmartAction::teleport
uint32 SmartAction::textGroupID
uint32 SmartAction::threatDEC
uint32 SmartAction::threatINC
struct { ... } SmartAction::threatPCT
struct { ... } SmartAction::timedActionList
struct { ... } SmartAction::timeEvent
uint32 SmartAction::timerType
uint32 SmartAction::transport
SMART_ACTION SmartAction::type
uint32 SmartAction::type
struct { ... } SmartAction::unitFlag
struct { ... } SmartAction::updateTemplate
uint32 SmartAction::useTalkTarget
uint32 SmartAction::value
struct { ... } SmartAction::visibility
uint32 SmartAction::withDelayed
uint32 SmartAction::withEmote
uint32 SmartAction::withInstant
uint32 SmartAction::wp1
uint32 SmartAction::wp2
uint32 SmartAction::wp3
uint32 SmartAction::wp4
uint32 SmartAction::wp5
uint32 SmartAction::wp6
struct { ... } SmartAction::wpPause
struct { ... } SmartAction::wpStart
struct { ... } SmartAction::wpStop

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