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Macro variables
[HTTP Interface]


struct  mvar_t


mvar_t *E_( mvar_New )(const char *name, const char *value)
void E_( mvar_Delete )(mvar_t *v)
void E_( mvar_AppendVar )(mvar_t *v, mvar_t *f)
mvar_t *E_( mvar_Duplicate )(const mvar_t *v)
void E_( mvar_PushVar )(mvar_t *v, mvar_t *f)
void E_( mvar_RemoveVar )(mvar_t *v, mvar_t *f)
mvar_t *E_( mvar_GetVar )(mvar_t *s, const char *name)
char *E_( mvar_GetValue )(mvar_t *v, char *field)
void E_( mvar_PushNewVar )(mvar_t *vars, const char *name, const char *value)
void E_( mvar_AppendNewVar )(mvar_t *vars, const char *name, const char *value)

Detailed Description

These variables can be used in the <vlc> macros and in the RPN evaluator. The variables make a tree: each variable can have an arbitrary number of "children" variables. A number of helper functions are provided to manipulate the main variable structure

Variable Documentation

void E_( mvar_AppendNewVar)(mvar_t *vars, const char *name, const char *value)

This function creates a variable with the given name and value and adds it as last child of vars

Definition at line 191 of file http.h.

void E_( mvar_AppendVar)(mvar_t *v, mvar_t *f)

This function adds f to the children variables of v, at last position

Definition at line 174 of file http.h.

void E_( mvar_Delete)(mvar_t *v)

This function deletes a variable

Definition at line 172 of file http.h.

mvar_t* E_( mvar_Duplicate)(const mvar_t *v)

This function duplicates a variable

Definition at line 176 of file http.h.

char* E_( mvar_GetValue)(mvar_t *v, char *field)

This function retrieves the value of the child variable named "field"

Definition at line 184 of file http.h.

mvar_t* E_( mvar_GetVar)(mvar_t *s, const char *name)

This function retrieves the child variable named "name"

Definition at line 182 of file http.h.

mvar_t* E_( mvar_New)(const char *name, const char *value)

This function creates a new variable

Definition at line 170 of file http.h.

void E_( mvar_PushNewVar)(mvar_t *vars, const char *name, const char *value)

This function creates a variable with the given name and value and adds it as first child of vars

Definition at line 187 of file http.h.

void E_( mvar_PushVar)(mvar_t *v, mvar_t *f)

This function adds f to the children variables of v, at fist position

Definition at line 178 of file http.h.

void E_( mvar_RemoveVar)(mvar_t *v, mvar_t *f)

This function removes f from the children variables of v

Definition at line 180 of file http.h.

Generated on Tue Dec 20 10:15:04 2005 for vlc-0.8.4a by  doxygen 1.4.2