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gui2::tgenerator_ Class Referenceabstract

Abstract base class for the generator. More...

#include <generator.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for gui2::tgenerator_:
Inheritance graph

Public Types

enum  tplacement { horizontal_list, vertical_list, grid, independent }
 Determines how the items are placed. More...
typedef std::function< bool(unsigned,
- Public Types inherited from gui2::event::tdispatcher
enum  tevent_type { pre = 1, child = 2, post = 4 }
enum  tposition {
  front_pre_child, back_pre_child, front_child, back_child,
  front_post_child, back_post_child
 The position where to add a new callback in the signal handler. More...
enum  tmouse_behavior { all, hit, none }
 The behavior of the mouse events. More...

Public Member Functions

virtual ~tgenerator_ ()
virtual void delete_item (const unsigned index)=0
 Deletes an item. More...
virtual void clear ()=0
 Deletes all items. More...
virtual void select_item (const unsigned index, const bool select)=0
 (De)selects an item. More...
void toggle_item (const unsigned index)
 Toggles the selection state of an item. More...
virtual bool is_selected (const unsigned index) const =0
 Returns whether the item is selected. More...
virtual void set_item_shown (const unsigned index, const bool show)=0
 Shows or hides an item. More...
virtual bool get_item_shown (const unsigned index) const =0
 Returns whether the item is shown. More...
virtual unsigned get_item_count () const =0
 Returns the number of items. More...
virtual unsigned get_selected_item_count () const =0
 Returns the number of selected items. More...
virtual int get_selected_item () const =0
 Returns the selected item. More...
virtual tgriditem (const unsigned index)=0
 Gets the grid of an item. More...
virtual const tgriditem (const unsigned index) const =0
 Gets the grid of an item. More...
virtual tgridcreate_item (const int index, tbuilder_grid_const_ptr list_builder, const string_map &item_data, const std::function< void(twidget &)> &callback)=0
 Creates a new item. More...
virtual tgridcreate_item (const int index, tbuilder_grid_const_ptr list_builder, const std::map< std::string, string_map > &data, const std::function< void(twidget &)> &callback)=0
 Creates a new item. More...
virtual void create_items (const int index, tbuilder_grid_const_ptr list_builder, const std::vector< string_map > &data, const std::function< void(twidget &)> &callback)=0
 Creates one or more new item(s). More...
virtual void create_items (const int index, tbuilder_grid_const_ptr list_builder, const std::vector< std::map< std::string, string_map > > &data, const std::function< void(twidget &)> &callback)=0
 Creates one or more new item(s). More...
virtual void set_order (const torder_func &order)=0
virtual void layout_initialise (const bool full_initialisation) override=0
 See twidget::layout_initialise. More...
virtual void request_reduce_width (const unsigned maximum_width) override=0
 See twidget::request_reduce_width. More...
virtual void request_reduce_height (const unsigned maximum_height) override=0
 See twidget::request_reduce_height. More...
virtual tpoint calculate_best_size () const override=0
 See twidget::calculate_best_size. More...
virtual void place (const tpoint &origin, const tpoint &size) override=0
 See twidget::place. More...
virtual void set_origin (const tpoint &origin) override=0
 See twidget::set_origin. More...
virtual void set_visible_rectangle (const SDL_Rect &rectangle) override=0
 See twidget::set_visible_rectangle. More...
virtual void impl_draw_children (surface &frame_buffer, int x_offset, int y_offset) override=0
 See twidget::impl_draw_children. More...
virtual twidgetfind_at (const tpoint &coordinate, const bool must_be_active) override=0
 See twidget::find_at. More...
virtual const twidgetfind_at (const tpoint &coordinate, const bool must_be_active) const override=0
 See twidget::find_at. More...
virtual void handle_key_up_arrow (SDLMod modifier, bool &handled)=0
 Up arrow key pressed. More...
virtual void handle_key_down_arrow (SDLMod modifier, bool &handled)=0
 Down arrow key pressed. More...
virtual void handle_key_left_arrow (SDLMod modifier, bool &handled)=0
 Left arrow key pressed. More...
virtual void handle_key_right_arrow (SDLMod modifier, bool &handled)=0
 Right arrow key pressed. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from gui2::twidget
 twidget ()
 twidget (const tbuilder_widget &builder)
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~twidget () override
void set_id (const std::string &id)
const std::stringid () const
twindowget_window ()
 Get the parent window. More...
const twindowget_window () const
 The constant version of get_window. More...
tdialogdialog ()
 Returns the top-level dialogue. More...
void set_parent (twidget *parent)
twidgetparent ()
virtual void demand_reduce_width (const unsigned maximum_width)
 Tries to reduce the width of a widget. More...
virtual void demand_reduce_height (const unsigned maximum_height)
 Tries to reduce the height of a widget. More...
tpoint get_best_size () const
 Gets the best size for the widget. More...
virtual bool can_mouse_focus () const
 Whether the mouse move/click event go 'through' this widget. More...
virtual bool can_wrap () const
 Can the widget wrap. More...
virtual void set_size (const tpoint &size)
 Sets the size of the widget. More...
virtual void move (const int x_offset, const int y_offset)
 Moves a widget. More...
virtual void layout_children ()
 Allows a widget to update its children. More...
tpoint get_origin () const
 Returns the screen origin of the widget. More...
tpoint get_size () const
 Returns the size of the widget. More...
SDL_Rect get_rectangle () const
 Gets the bounding rectangle of the widget on the screen. More...
int get_x () const
int get_y () const
unsigned get_width () const
unsigned get_height () const
void set_linked_group (const std::string &linked_group)
SDL_Rect calculate_blitting_rectangle (const int x_offset, const int y_offset)
 Calculates the blitting rectangle of the widget. More...
SDL_Rect calculate_clipping_rectangle (const int x_offset, const int y_offset)
 Calculates the clipping rectangle of the widget. More...
void draw_background (surface &frame_buffer, int x_offset, int y_offset)
 Draws the background of a widget. More...
void draw_children (surface &frame_buffer, int x_offset, int y_offset)
 Draws the children of a widget. More...
void draw_foreground (surface &frame_buffer, int x_offset, int y_offset)
 Draws the foreground of the widget. More...
void populate_dirty_list (twindow &caller, std::vector< twidget * > &call_stack)
 Adds a widget to the dirty list if it is dirty. More...
SDL_Rect get_dirty_rectangle () const
 Gets the dirty rectangle of the widget. More...
void set_is_dirty (const bool is_dirty)
bool get_is_dirty () const
void set_visible (const tvisible::scoped_enum visible)
tvisible::scoped_enum get_visible () const
tredraw_action::scoped_enum get_drawing_action () const
void set_debug_border_mode (const unsigned debug_border_mode)
void set_debug_border_colour (const unsigned debug_border_colour)
virtual twidgetfind (const std::string &id, const bool must_be_active)
 Returns a widget with the wanted id. More...
virtual const twidgetfind (const std::string &id, const bool must_be_active) const
 The constant version of find. More...
virtual bool has_widget (const twidget &widget) const
 Does the widget contain the widget. More...
virtual bool disable_click_dismiss () const =0
 Does the widget disable easy close? More...
virtual iterator::twalker_create_walker ()=0
 Creates a new walker object on the heap. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from gui2::tevent_executor
 tevent_executor ()
virtual ~tevent_executor ()
void set_wants_mouse_hover (const bool hover=true)
bool wants_mouse_hover () const
void set_wants_mouse_left_double_click (const bool click=true)
bool wants_mouse_left_double_click () const
void set_wants_mouse_middle_double_click (const bool click=true)
bool wants_mouse_middle_double_click () const
tevent_executorset_wants_mouse_right_double_click (const bool click=true)
bool wants_mouse_right_double_click () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from gui2::event::tdispatcher
 tdispatcher ()
virtual ~tdispatcher ()
void connect ()
 Connects the dispatcher to the event handler. More...
bool has_event (const tevent event, const tevent_type event_type)
bool fire (const tevent event, twidget &target)
 Fires an event which has no extra parameters. More...
bool fire (const tevent event, twidget &target, const tpoint &coordinate)
 Fires an event which takes a coordinate parameter. More...
bool fire (const tevent event, twidget &target, const SDLKey key, const SDLMod modifier, const utf8::string &unicode)
 Fires an event which takes keyboard parameters. More...
bool fire (const tevent event, twidget &target, void *)
 Fires an event which takes notification parameters. More...
bool fire (const tevent event, twidget &target, tmessage &message)
 Fires an event which takes message parameters. More...
template<tevent E>
< boost::mpl::has_key
< tset_event, boost::mpl::int_
< E > > >::type 
connect_signal (const tsignal_function &signal, const tposition position=back_child)
 Connect a signal for callback in tset_event. More...
template<tevent E>
< boost::mpl::has_key
< tset_event, boost::mpl::int_
< E > > >::type 
disconnect_signal (const tsignal_function &signal, const tposition position=back_child)
 Disconnect a signal for callback in tset_event. More...
template<tevent E>
< boost::mpl::has_key
< tset_event_mouse,
boost::mpl::int_< E >
> >::type 
connect_signal (const tsignal_mouse_function &signal, const tposition position=back_child)
 Connect a signal for callback in tset_event_mouse. More...
template<tevent E>
< boost::mpl::has_key
< tset_event_mouse,
boost::mpl::int_< E >
> >::type 
disconnect_signal (const tsignal_mouse_function &signal, const tposition position=back_child)
 Disconnect a signal for callback in tset_event_mouse. More...
template<tevent E>
< boost::mpl::has_key
< tset_event_keyboard,
boost::mpl::int_< E >
> >::type 
connect_signal (const tsignal_keyboard_function &signal, const tposition position=back_child)
 Connect a signal for callback in tset_event_keyboard. More...
template<tevent E>
< boost::mpl::has_key
< tset_event_keyboard,
boost::mpl::int_< E >
> >::type 
disconnect_signal (const tsignal_keyboard_function &signal, const tposition position=back_child)
 Disconnect a signal for callback in tset_event_keyboard. More...
template<tevent E>
< boost::mpl::has_key
< tset_event_notification,
boost::mpl::int_< E >
> >::type 
connect_signal (const tsignal_notification_function &signal, const tposition position=back_child)
 Connect a signal for callback in tset_event_notification. More...
template<tevent E>
< boost::mpl::has_key
< tset_event_notification,
boost::mpl::int_< E >
> >::type 
disconnect_signal (const tsignal_notification_function &signal, const tposition position=back_child)
 Disconnect a signal for callback in tset_event_notification. More...
template<tevent E>
< boost::mpl::has_key
< tset_event_message,
boost::mpl::int_< E >
> >::type 
connect_signal (const tsignal_message_function &signal, const tposition position=back_child)
 Connect a signal for callback in tset_event_message. More...
template<tevent E>
< boost::mpl::has_key
< tset_event_message,
boost::mpl::int_< E >
> >::type 
disconnect_signal (const tsignal_message_function &signal, const tposition position=back_child)
 Disconnect a signal for callback in tset_event_message. More...
void capture_mouse ()
 Captures the mouse. More...
void release_mouse ()
 Releases the mouse capture. More...
void set_mouse_behavior (const tmouse_behavior mouse_behavior)
tmouse_behavior get_mouse_behavior () const
void set_want_keyboard_input (const bool want_keyboard_input)
bool get_want_keyboard_input () const
void register_hotkey (const hotkey::HOTKEY_COMMAND id, const thotkey_function &function)
 Registers a hotkey. More...
bool execute_hotkey (const hotkey::HOTKEY_COMMAND id)
 Executes a hotkey. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static tgenerator_build (const bool has_minimum, const bool has_maximum, const tplacement placement, const bool select)
 Create a new generator. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual void child_populate_dirty_list (twindow &caller, const std::vector< twidget * > &call_stack) override=0
 See twidget::child_populate_dirty_list. More...
virtual void do_select_item (const unsigned index)=0
 Selects a not selected item. More...
virtual void do_deselect_item (const unsigned index)=0
 Deselects a selected item. More...
virtual tgriditem_ordered (const unsigned index)=0
 Gets the grid of an item. More...
virtual const tgriditem_ordered (const unsigned index) const =0
 Gets the grid of an item. More...
virtual unsigned get_ordered_index (unsigned index) const =0
virtual unsigned get_item_at_ordered (unsigned index_ordered) const =0
- Protected Member Functions inherited from gui2::twidget
void set_layout_size (const tpoint &size)
const tpointlayout_size () const


class tdebug_layout_graph

Detailed Description

Abstract base class for the generator.

A generator is a class which holds multiple grids and controls their placement on the screen. The final class is policy based, more info about the possible policies is documented in the build() function. This function is the factory to generate the classes as well.

Definition at line 41 of file generator.hpp.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::function<bool (unsigned, unsigned)> gui2::tgenerator_::torder_func

Definition at line 239 of file generator.hpp.

Member Enumeration Documentation

Determines how the items are placed.


Definition at line 51 of file generator.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual gui2::tgenerator_::~tgenerator_ ( )

Definition at line 46 of file generator.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

tgenerator_ * gui2::tgenerator_::build ( const bool  has_minimum,
const bool  has_maximum,
const tplacement  placement,
const bool  select 

Create a new generator.

has_minimumDoes one item need to be selected.
has_maximumIs one the maximum number of items that can be selected?
placementThe placement of the grids, see tplacement for more info.
selectIf a grid is selected, what should happen? If true the grid is selected, if false the grid is shown.
A pointer to a new object. The caller gets ownership of the new object.

Definition at line 802 of file generator.cpp.


virtual tpoint gui2::tgenerator_::calculate_best_size ( ) const
overridepure virtual
virtual void gui2::tgenerator_::child_populate_dirty_list ( twindow caller,
const std::vector< twidget * > &  call_stack 
overrideprotectedpure virtual
virtual void gui2::tgenerator_::clear ( )
pure virtual

Deletes all items.

Referenced by gui2::tmulti_page::clear().

virtual tgrid& gui2::tgenerator_::create_item ( const int  index,
tbuilder_grid_const_ptr  list_builder,
const string_map item_data,
const std::function< void(twidget &)> &  callback 
pure virtual

Creates a new item.

The item_data is used for the first widget found, this normally should be used when there's one widget in an item.

indexThe item before which to add the new item, 0 == begin, -1 == end.
list_builderA grid builder that's will build the contents of the new item.
item_dataThe data to initialize the parameters of the new item.
callbackThe callback function to call when an item in the grid is (de)selected.
A reference to the newly created grid.

Referenced by gui2::tmulti_page::add_page(), gui2::tlistbox::add_row(), and gui2::tstacked_widget::finalize().

virtual tgrid& gui2::tgenerator_::create_item ( const int  index,
tbuilder_grid_const_ptr  list_builder,
const std::map< std::string, string_map > &  data,
const std::function< void(twidget &)> &  callback 
pure virtual

Creates a new item.

The item_data is used by id, and is meant to set multiple widgets in an item.

indexThe item before which to add the new item, 0 == begin, -1 == end.
list_builderA grid builder that's will build the contents of the new item.
dataThe data to initialize the parameters of the new item.
callbackThe callback function to call when an item in the grid is (de)selected.
A reference to the newly created grid.
virtual void gui2::tgenerator_::create_items ( const int  index,
tbuilder_grid_const_ptr  list_builder,
const std::vector< string_map > &  data,
const std::function< void(twidget &)> &  callback 
pure virtual

Creates one or more new item(s).

For every item in item_data a new item is generated. This version expects one widget per item.

indexThe item before which to add the new item, 0 == begin, -1 == end.
list_builderA grid builder that's will build the contents of the new item.
dataThe data to initialize the parameters of the new item.
callbackThe callback function to call when an item in the grid is (de)selected.

Referenced by gui2::tmulti_page::finalize(), and gui2::tlistbox::finalize().

virtual void gui2::tgenerator_::create_items ( const int  index,
tbuilder_grid_const_ptr  list_builder,
const std::vector< std::map< std::string, string_map > > &  data,
const std::function< void(twidget &)> &  callback 
pure virtual

Creates one or more new item(s).

For every item in item_data a new item is generated. This version expects multiple widgets per item.

indexThe item before which to add the new item, 0 == begin, -1 == end.
list_builderA grid builder that's will build the contents of the new item.
dataThe data to initialize the parameters of the new item.
callbackThe callback function to call when an item in the grid is (de)selected.
virtual void gui2::tgenerator_::delete_item ( const unsigned  index)
pure virtual
virtual void gui2::tgenerator_::do_deselect_item ( const unsigned  index)
protectedpure virtual
virtual void gui2::tgenerator_::do_select_item ( const unsigned  index)
protectedpure virtual
virtual twidget* gui2::tgenerator_::find_at ( const tpoint coordinate,
const bool  must_be_active 
overridepure virtual
virtual const twidget* gui2::tgenerator_::find_at ( const tpoint coordinate,
const bool  must_be_active 
) const
overridepure virtual
virtual unsigned gui2::tgenerator_::get_item_at_ordered ( unsigned  index_ordered) const
protectedpure virtual
virtual unsigned gui2::tgenerator_::get_item_count ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns the number of items.

Referenced by gui2::policy::placement::thorizontal_list::calculate_best_size(), gui2::policy::placement::tvertical_list::calculate_best_size(), gui2::policy::placement::tindependent::calculate_best_size(), gui2::policy::minimum_selection::tone::delete_item(), gui2::policy::placement::tindependent::find(), gui2::policy::placement::thorizontal_list::find_at(), gui2::policy::placement::tvertical_list::find_at(), gui2::tlistbox::get_item_count(), gui2::tstacked_widget::get_layer_count(), gui2::tmulti_page::get_page_count(), gui2::policy::placement::tvertical_list::handle_key_down_arrow(), gui2::policy::placement::thorizontal_list::handle_key_right_arrow(), gui2::tstacked_widget::layout_children(), gui2::tlistbox::list_item_clicked(), gui2::policy::placement::thorizontal_list::place(), gui2::policy::placement::tvertical_list::place(), gui2::policy::placement::tindependent::place(), gui2::policy::placement::tindependent::request_reduce_height(), gui2::policy::placement::tindependent::request_reduce_width(), gui2::tstacked_widget::select_layer(), gui2::policy::minimum_selection::tone::set_item_shown(), gui2::policy::placement::thorizontal_list::set_origin(), gui2::policy::placement::tvertical_list::set_origin(), gui2::policy::placement::tindependent::set_origin(), gui2::policy::placement::thorizontal_list::set_visible_rectangle(), gui2::policy::placement::tvertical_list::set_visible_rectangle(), and gui2::policy::placement::tindependent::set_visible_rectangle().

virtual bool gui2::tgenerator_::get_item_shown ( const unsigned  index) const
pure virtual
virtual unsigned gui2::tgenerator_::get_ordered_index ( unsigned  index) const
protectedpure virtual
virtual int gui2::tgenerator_::get_selected_item ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns the selected item.

If a list has multiple selected items it looks whether it knows the last item actually selected, if that item is selected that one is chosen. Else is goes through all selected items and returns the first one selected.

tstacked_widget depends on that behavior it always has all items selected and thus shown and by default the last selected item (the top one) is active.
The selected item, -1 if none selected.

Referenced by gui2::policy::placement::tindependent::find_at(), gui2::tmulti_page::get_selected_page(), gui2::tlistbox::get_selected_row(), gui2::tlistbox::handle_key_down_arrow(), gui2::policy::placement::tvertical_list::handle_key_down_arrow(), gui2::policy::placement::thorizontal_list::handle_key_left_arrow(), gui2::tlistbox::handle_key_left_arrow(), gui2::policy::placement::thorizontal_list::handle_key_right_arrow(), gui2::tlistbox::handle_key_right_arrow(), gui2::tlistbox::handle_key_up_arrow(), gui2::policy::placement::tvertical_list::handle_key_up_arrow(), gui2::tlistbox::place(), and gui2::policy::maximum_selection::tone::select_item().

virtual unsigned gui2::tgenerator_::get_selected_item_count ( ) const
pure virtual
virtual void gui2::tgenerator_::handle_key_down_arrow ( SDLMod  modifier,
bool &  handled 
pure virtual

Down arrow key pressed.

modifierThe SDL keyboard modifier when the key was pressed.
handledIf the function handles the key it should set handled to true else do not modify it. This is used in the keyboard event changing.

Implemented in gui2::policy::placement::tindependent, gui2::policy::placement::tmatrix, gui2::policy::placement::tvertical_list, and gui2::policy::placement::thorizontal_list.

Referenced by gui2::tlistbox::handle_key_down_arrow().

virtual void gui2::tgenerator_::handle_key_left_arrow ( SDLMod  modifier,
bool &  handled 
pure virtual

Left arrow key pressed.

modifierThe SDL keyboard modifier when the key was pressed.
handledIf the function handles the key it should set handled to true else do not modify it. This is used in the keyboard event changing.

Implemented in gui2::policy::placement::tindependent, gui2::policy::placement::tmatrix, gui2::policy::placement::tvertical_list, and gui2::policy::placement::thorizontal_list.

Referenced by gui2::tlistbox::handle_key_left_arrow().

virtual void gui2::tgenerator_::handle_key_right_arrow ( SDLMod  modifier,
bool &  handled 
pure virtual

Right arrow key pressed.

modifierThe SDL keyboard modifier when the key was pressed.
handledIf the function handles the key it should set handled to true else do not modify it. This is used in the keyboard event changing.

Implemented in gui2::policy::placement::tindependent, gui2::policy::placement::tmatrix, gui2::policy::placement::tvertical_list, and gui2::policy::placement::thorizontal_list.

Referenced by gui2::tlistbox::handle_key_right_arrow().

virtual void gui2::tgenerator_::handle_key_up_arrow ( SDLMod  modifier,
bool &  handled 
pure virtual

Up arrow key pressed.

modifierThe SDL keyboard modifier when the key was pressed.
handledIf the function handles the key it should set handled to true else do not modify it. This is used in the keyboard event changing.

Implemented in gui2::policy::placement::tindependent, gui2::policy::placement::tmatrix, gui2::policy::placement::tvertical_list, and gui2::policy::placement::thorizontal_list.

Referenced by gui2::tlistbox::handle_key_up_arrow().

virtual void gui2::tgenerator_::impl_draw_children ( surface frame_buffer,
int  x_offset,
int  y_offset 
overridepure virtual

See twidget::impl_draw_children.

Reimplemented from gui2::twidget.

virtual bool gui2::tgenerator_::is_selected ( const unsigned  index) const
pure virtual
virtual tgrid& gui2::tgenerator_::item ( const unsigned  index)
pure virtual
virtual const tgrid& gui2::tgenerator_::item ( const unsigned  index) const
pure virtual

Gets the grid of an item.

virtual tgrid& gui2::tgenerator_::item_ordered ( const unsigned  index)
protectedpure virtual
virtual const tgrid& gui2::tgenerator_::item_ordered ( const unsigned  index) const
protectedpure virtual

Gets the grid of an item.

virtual void gui2::tgenerator_::layout_initialise ( const bool  full_initialisation)
overridepure virtual

See twidget::layout_initialise.

Reimplemented from gui2::twidget.

virtual void gui2::tgenerator_::place ( const tpoint origin,
const tpoint size 
overridepure virtual
virtual void gui2::tgenerator_::request_reduce_height ( const unsigned  maximum_height)
overridepure virtual
virtual void gui2::tgenerator_::request_reduce_width ( const unsigned  maximum_width)
overridepure virtual
virtual void gui2::tgenerator_::select_item ( const unsigned  index,
const bool  select 
pure virtual
virtual void gui2::tgenerator_::set_item_shown ( const unsigned  index,
const bool  show 
pure virtual

Shows or hides an item.

The caller is responsible for reformatting the grid.

indexThe item to show or hide.
showIf true shows the item, else hides it.

Implemented in gui2::policy::minimum_selection::tnone, and gui2::policy::minimum_selection::tone.

Referenced by gui2::tlistbox::set_row_shown().

virtual void gui2::tgenerator_::set_order ( const torder_func order)
pure virtual
virtual void gui2::tgenerator_::set_origin ( const tpoint origin)
overridepure virtual
virtual void gui2::tgenerator_::set_visible_rectangle ( const SDL_Rect &  rectangle)
overridepure virtual
void gui2::tgenerator_::toggle_item ( const unsigned  index)

Toggles the selection state of an item.

indexThe item to toggle.

Definition at line 99 of file generator.hpp.

References is_selected(), and select_item().

Referenced by gui2::tlistbox::list_item_clicked().

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class tdebug_layout_graph

Definition at line 43 of file generator.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: