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desktop::clipboard Namespace Reference


void copy_to_clipboard (const std::string &text, const bool mouse)
 Copies text to the clipboard. More...
std::string copy_from_clipboard (const bool mouse)
 Copies text from the clipboard. More...
void handle_system_event (const SDL_Event &)
bool available ()
 Whether wesnoth was compiled with support for a clipboard. More...

Function Documentation

bool desktop::clipboard::available ( )
std::string desktop::clipboard::copy_from_clipboard ( const bool  mouse)

Copies text from the clipboard.

mouseIs the pasting done by the mouse?
String on clipbaord.

Definition at line 45 of file clipboard.cpp.

Referenced by gui::textbox::handle_key_down(), and gui2::ttext_::paste_selection().

void desktop::clipboard::copy_to_clipboard ( const std::string text,
const bool  mouse 
void desktop::clipboard::handle_system_event ( const SDL_Event &  )

Definition at line 57 of file clipboard.cpp.

Referenced by events::pump().