6.9. XML Rule Language

As an option, Drools also supports a "native" rule language as an alternative to DRL. This allows you to capture and manage your rules as XML data. Just like the non-XML DRL format, the XML format is parsed into the internal "AST" representation - as fast as possible (using a SAX parser). There is no external transformation step required. All the features are available with XML that are available to DRL.

6.9.1. When to use XML

There are several scenarios that XML is desirable. However, we recommend that it is not a default choice, as XML is not readily human readable (unless you like headaches) and can create visually bloated rules.

If you do want to edit XML by hand, use a good schema aware editor that provides nice hierarchical views of the XML, ideally visually (commercial tools like XMLSpy, Oxygen etc are good, but cost money, but then so do headache tablets).

Other scenarios where you may want to use the XML format are if you have a tool that generates rules from some input (programmatically generated rules), or perhaps interchange from another rule language, or from another tool that emits XML (using XSLT you can easily transform between XML formats). Note you can always generate normal DRL as well.

Alternatively you may be embedding drools in a product that already uses XML for configuration, so you would like the rules to be in an XML format. You may be creating your own rule language on XML - note that you can always use the AST objects directly to create your own rule language as well (the options are many, due to the open architecture).

6.9.2. The XML format

A full W3C standards (XMLSchema) compliant XSD is provided that describes the XML language, which will not be repeated here verbatim. A summary of the language follows.

Example 6.53. Example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<package name="com.sample"
         xs:schemaLocation="http://drools.org/drools-4.0 drools-4.0.xsd">

<import name="java.util.HashMap" />
<import name="org.drools.*" />

<global identifier="x" type="com.sample.X" />
<global identifier="yada" type="com.sample.Yada" />

<function return-type="void" name="myFunc">
    <parameter identifier="foo" type="Bar" />
    <parameter identifier="bada" type="Bing" />

     System.out.println("hello world");

<rule name="simple_rule">
<rule-attribute name="salience" value="10" />
<rule-attribute name="no-loop" value="true" />
<rule-attribute name="agenda-group" value="agenda-group" />
<rule-attribute name="activation-group" value="activation-group" />

		<pattern identifier="foo2" object-type="Bar" >
                    <field-constraint field-name="a">
                                <literal-restriction evaluator=">" value="60" />
                                <literal-restriction evaluator="<" value="70" />
                                <literal-restriction evaluator="<" value="50" />
                                <literal-restriction evaluator=">" value="55" />

                    <field-constraint field-name="a3">
                        <literal-restriction evaluator="==" value="black" />

                    <field-constraint field-name="a">
                        <literal-restriction evaluator="==" value="40" />

                    <field-constraint field-name="a3">
                        <literal-restriction evaluator="==" value="pink" />

                    <field-constraint field-name="a">
                        <literal-restriction evaluator="==" value="12"/>

                    <field-constraint field-name="a3">
                            <literal-restriction evaluator="==" value="yellow"/>
                            <literal-restriction evaluator="==" value="blue" />

            <pattern object-type="Person">
                <field-constraint field-name="likes">
                    <variable-restriction evaluator="==" identifier="type"/>

                <pattern object-type="Person">
                    <field-constraint field-name="likes">
                        <variable-restriction evaluator="==" identifier="type"/>

            <pattern identifier="foo3" object-type="Bar" >
                <field-constraint field-name="a">
                        <literal-restriction evaluator="==" value="3" />
                        <literal-restriction evaluator="==" value="4" />
                <field-constraint field-name="a3">
                    <literal-restriction evaluator="==" value="hello" />
                <field-constraint field-name="a4">
                    <literal-restriction evaluator="==" value="null" />

            <pattern identifier="foo4" object-type="Bar" >
                <field-binding field-name="a" identifier="a4" />
                <field-constraint field-name="a">
                    <literal-restriction evaluator="!=" value="4" />
                    <literal-restriction evaluator="!=" value="5" />

        <pattern identifier="foo5" object-type="Bar" >
            <field-constraint field-name="b">
                    <return-value-restriction evaluator="==" >a4 + 1</return-value-restriction>
                    <variable-restriction evaluator=">" identifier="a4" />
                    <qualified-identifier-restriction evaluator="==">

        <pattern identifier="foo6" object-type="Bar" >
            <field-binding field-name="a" identifier="a4" />
            <field-constraint field-name="b">
                <literal-restriction evaluator="==" value="6" />
    if ( a == b ) {
      assert( foo3 );
    } else {
      retract( foo4 );
    System.out.println( a4 );


Referring to the above example: Notice the key parts, the declaration for the Drools 4, schema, imports, globals, functions, and the rules. Most of the elements are self explanatory if you have some understanding of the Drools 4 features.

Imports: import the types you wish to use in the rule.

Globals: These are global objects that can be referred to in the rules.

Functions: this is a declaration of functions to be used in the rules. You have to specify return types, a unique name and parameters, in the body goes a snippet of code.

Rule: see below.

Example 6.54. Detail of rule element

<rule name="simple_rule">
<rule-attribute name="salience" value="10" />
<rule-attribute name="no-loop" value="true" />
<rule-attribute name="agenda-group" value="agenda-group" />
<rule-attribute name="activation-group" value="activation-group" />

    <pattern identifier="cheese" object-type="Cheese">
                <pattern object-type="Person"></pattern>
                    int total = 0;
                    total += $cheese.getPrice();
                    new Integer( total ) );

    <pattern identifier="max" object-type="Number">
                <pattern identifier="cheese" object-type="Cheese"></pattern>
                <external-function evaluator="max" expression="$price"/>
    list1.add( $cheese );

Referring to the above rule detail:

The rule has a LHS and RHS (conditions and consequence) sections. The RHS is simple, it is just a block of semantic code that will be executed when the rule is activated. The LHS is slightly more complicated, certainly more so then past versions.

A key element of the LHS is the Pattern element. This allows you to specify a type (class) and perhaps bind a variable to an instance of that class. Nested under the pattern object are constraints and conditional elements that have to be met. The Predicate and Return Value constraints allow java expressions to be embedded.

That leaves the conditional elements, not, exists, and, or etc. They work like their DRL counterparts. Elements that are nested under and an "and" element are logically "anded" together. Likewise with "or" (and you can nest things further). "Exists" and "Not" work around Patterns, to check for the existence or non existence of a fact meeting its constraints.

The Eval element allows the execution of a valid snippet of java code - as long as it evaluates to a boolean (do not end it with a semi-colon, as it is just a fragment) - this can include calling a function. The Eval is less efficient then then columns, as the rule engine has to evaluate it each time, but it is a "catch all" feature for when you can express what you need to do with Column constraints.

6.9.3. Legacy Drools 2.x XML rule format

The Drools 2.x legacy XML format is no longer supported by Drools XML parser

6.9.4. Automatic transforming between formats (XML and DRL)

Drools comes with some utility classes to transform between formats. This works by parsing the rules from the source format into the AST, and then "dumping" out to the appropriate target format. This allows you, for example, to write rules in DRL, and when needed, export to XML if necessary at some point in the future.

The classes to look at if you need to do this are:

XmlDumper - for exporting XML.
DrlDumper - for exporting DRL.
DrlParser - reading DRL.
XmlPackageReader - reading XML.

Using combinations of the above, you can convert between any format (including round trip). Note that DSLs will not be preserved (from DRLs that are using a DSL) - but they will be able to be converted.

Feel free to make use of XSLT to provide all sorts of possibilities for XML, XSLT and its ilk are what make XML powerful.