Once event watchers have been developed to inform, the events should be reported to someone somewhere. That is where the event dispatcher appears. They are components which are in charge of sending the event to the correct receiver using the wished transport, such as Jabber (XMPP),IRC or e-mail.
Create a new dispatcher must be a subclass of
the namespace
. The
constructor must call the superclass constructor given the
parameter to the parent
constructor as watcher
The following methods are required to be overridden in order to have a dispatcher ready to send messages:
Determines if the dispatcher is already configured to enable to send messages.
This method should return one of the following:
None configuration is required to have the dispatcher ready. E.g. Log dispatcher does not required any configuration.
In order to configure the dispatcher, a model
which describes the configuration parameters is
required. The model name is returned by
must be overridden by those dispatchers that
configure themselves with a model.
Dispatcher, in this case, is configured in a
more complex way. So a URL link points to the
where the configuration is made should be
served. This link is provided by
must be overridden by those dispatchers that
configure themselves with a link. For example,
to send messages to the control center is
required to have the connection ready with it,
that is done in a some non trivial steps which
start at that link.
This method may be overridden to test whether the
dispatcher is ready to send messages or not. For
instance, you may configure your dispatcher to send
messages to a Jabber user, but it is possible not to
have access to the Jabber server or the jabber user does
not exist. It assumes
true. It must throw the
if the
dispatcher is not ready to send messages.
Once the dispatcher is configured and ready to send
messages, this method is called to send the appropriate
message as EBox::Event
They are protected method to show information about the dispatcher in the Configuration page at Configure dispatchers. The former is the localized name for the event dispatcher and the latter is the receiver description.
+Once it is developed and installed, you can configured at the configuration page at Configure dispatchers. Then enable the events module if needed and finally "Save changes" to restart ebox-events module.