Chapter 9. Event architecture

Table of Contents

9.1. Event watchers
9.2. Event dispatchers

Event introduction

EBox framework has an event architecture which allows to develop new events and a transport way to do it easily. This event architecture is split in two components: watchers and dispatchers.

9.1. Event watchers

The event watchers are responsible for observing a determined event that may happen within eBox system. Some events might be the following: check eBox state or its services, services out of control, disk free space. It is also possible to add a security layer since you can track security attacks such as Denial of Service (DoS) among others.

In order to develop one, you must create a Perl package which is a subclass from EBox::Event::Watcher::Base and its namespace must be EBox::Event::Watcher, for example, to implement a disk free space watcher which informs if any partition is running out of free space, it could be called EBox::Event::Watcher::DiskFreeSpace. This will be its constructor:

Example 9.1.  EBox::Event::Watcher::DiskFreeSpace constructor

sub new
   my ($class) = @_;

   my $self = $class->SUPER::new(
                                 period      => 600,
                                 domain      => 'ebox',
   bless( $self, $class);

   return $self;



The arguments meaning:


The time interval in seconds indicating when the event watcher should check if an event has happened.


The Gettext domain which the event lies on. For example, our example will set this argument as 'ebox'.

The following methods must be overridden in order to have a valid watcher:


It will check if the event we want to monitor. Here it is where the logic lies. It should return undef if no event has happened or a list reference of EBox::Event if one or more events have happened and they should be informed.


The event watcher displayable name. Our example could return __('Disk Free Space'). This element along with the event description will be shown at the configuration table in order to be enabled.


The event watcher displayable description. It should show a clarifying information about what the event watcher does. Our example could be __('Check if there is enough free space in any available partition').

Once you have developed and deployed it, you may enable it at Events+Configure events editing enable field at the chose event watcher. Then enable service if needed and "Save changes" as usual to restart ebox-events module to make it work.