1.4. A first contact with the user interface

Default URL to access to eBox administration interface is https://hostname/eBox, where hostname is the IP address or the hostname where eBox is installed.

User interface is divided on three main parts:

Left vertical menu

Left vertical menu, which is located at the left zone, has links to every service that can be configured with eBox. When any service has been selected in this menu, then a new submenu of the former service could appear. This submenu will let you configure and ask for the contents of each aspects of this service.

Horizontal upper menu

Horizontal menu, located at the upper zone, has links to save the new changed made on contents part and make them real and to log out from the application.

Main Content

The content, which fits the central zone, has one or more forms with information about the service configuration, selected through the vertical left menu and/or its submenus. Sometimes, on the upper part of the content zone, will appear a tab bar, which will represent different subsections for the section we have accessed.


eBox items position could be modified anytime in future development.

An important detail of eBox is its way to do effective every change on the application. In other words, how and when changes will be saved.


First, changes should be accepted on the current form, but it's needed to click on Save Changes (at the Horizontal upper menu) to make effective this changes and save them permanently. If you don't follow these simple steps, you will lose every single change you had made during the session.

There are some exceptions when it's not necessary to "Save Changes". Just enough doing an action on the form where we are will make the work. These are the cases:

Users and groups management

To add, modify or delete users or groups are immediate actions, and it's not necessary to "Save Changes" to make them effective.

NTP Server

Date and time zone adjust for our system does not require changes save, either.

Certificate Management

The creation,revokation and renewal of certificates from the Certification Authority is done directly.

Language Changes

Interface language change is automatic and it's not needed to be saved permanently. It can be changed the eBox language on SystemGeneral

Restart Services