eBox users guide

Jorge Arcas

Antonio Iglesias Soria

Héctor Blanco Alcaine

Enrique José Hernández Blasco

Javier Amor García

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
1.1. Who is intended this guide for?
1.2. What is eBox?
1.3. Terminology
1.4. A first contact with the user interface
2. System configuration
2.1. User interface general configuration
2.1.1. Password change
2.1.2. Language selection
2.1.3. Management Interface TCP Port
2.2. Backup
2.2.1. Backup modes
2.2.2. Saving your current state
2.2.3. Backup Restore
2.2.4. Backups' list
2.3. System Halt/Reboot
2.4. Bug reports generation
2.5. Date/Time Configuration
3. Network Configuration
3.1. Network interfaces
3.1.1. Virtual interfaces
3.2. DNS Servers
3.3. Diagnostic tools
3.4. Gateways
3.5. Balance traffic and multigateway rules
3.5.1. Requirements
3.5.2. Balance traffic
3.5.3. Multigateway rules
4. Network objects
4.1. What the network objects are?
4.2. Network objects management
4.2.1. Object creation
4.2.2. Edit objects
4.2.3. Objects removal
5. Firewall
5.1. Firewall in eBox
5.2. Port Redirects
5.3. Packet filter
6. System updates
6.1. Configuration
6.2. eBox components
6.3. System updates
7. HTTP Proxy
7.1. General configuration
7.2. Allowed and forbidden domain list
7.3. Policy establishment
7.4. Extensions filter
7.5. Mime type filter
8. NTP Server
8.1. NTP Server
9. User management
9.1. User accounts
9.2. User groups
10. Printers
10.1. Add new printers
10.2. Printers administration
11. File sharing
11.1. File Sharing
11.2. User and group shared folders
12. Mail server
12.1. General Settings
12.2. Domain management
12.3. Accounts and mail aliases
13. DHCP Server
13.1. DHCP Server
14. DNS service
14.1. DNS cache
14.2. DNS server
15. Jabber Server
15.1. Jabber Server
16. Certification Authority Management
16.1. Prerequisites
16.2. Overview of Certification Authority Management
16.3. CA's certificate creation
16.4. Certificates creation
16.5. Actions upon certificates
16.5.1. Download files
16.5.2. Revoke
16.5.3. Renew
17. OpenVPN Service
17.1. Virtual Private Network service
17.2. Typical scenarios
17.2.1. Road warrior
17.2.2. Connect two offices with eBox and OpenVPN
18. Traffic shaping
18.1. Introduction
18.2. Requirements
18.3. Management
18.3.1. Interface selection
18.3.2. Rules Matching packets Shaping decision
19. eBox control center
19.1. Control center description
19.2. Control center and eBox communication
19.2.1. Control center setup
19.2.2. Join and quit eBoxes
19.2.3. eBox configuration
19.3. Control center configuration scripts
19.3.1. Access to the control center group of eBoxes
19.3.2. Handling an eBox configuration using a remote proxy

List of Figures

17.1. Road warrior scenario
17.2. eBox OpenVPN server vs. eBox OpenVPN client
19.1. Control center scenario

List of Examples

17.1. OpenVPN client configuration example file
19.1. Join an eBox called Foo
19.2. Accessing to an eBox proxy
19.3. Calling public methods from an remote eBox