I. Configuration and Action commmands
- Table of Contents
- ECHO -- Generic output tool
- EXIT -- Terminate Slonik script with signal
- INIT CLUSTER -- Initialize edb-async-replic cluster
- STORE NODE -- Initialize edb-async-replic node
- DROP NODE -- Decommission edb-async-replic node
- UNINSTALL NODE -- Decommission edb-async-replic node
- RESTART NODE -- Restart edb-async-replic node
PATH -- Configure edb-async-replic node connection
- DROP PATH -- Delete edb-async-replic connection information
- STORE LISTEN -- Configure edb-async-replic node to
indicate where to listen for events
- DROP LISTEN -- Eliminate configuration indicating how
edb-async-replic node listens for events
- TABLE ADD KEY -- Add primary key for use by
edb-async-replic for a table with no suitable
- CREATE SET -- Create edb-async-replic replication
- DROP SET -- Discard edb-async-replic
replication set
SET -- Merge edb-async-replic replication
sets together
- SET ADD TABLE -- Add a table to a edb-async-replic
replication set
- SET ADD SEQUENCE -- Add a sequence to a
edb-async-replic replication set
- SET DROP TABLE -- Remove a table from a
edb-async-replic replication set
- SET DROP SEQUENCE -- Remove a sequence from a
edb-async-replic replication set
TABLE -- Move a table from one
edb-async-replic replication set to another
- SET MOVE SEQUENCE -- Move a sequence from one
edb-async-replic replication set to another
- STORE TRIGGER -- Indicate that a trigger should not be disabled by
edb-async-replic on a subscriber node
- DROP TRIGGER -- Return a trigger to default behavior, where it will
not fire on subscriber nodes
- SUBSCRIBE SET -- Start replication of edb-async-replic set
- UNSUBSCRIBE SET -- End replication of edb-async-replic set
- LOCK SET -- Guard edb-async-replic replication
set to prepare for MOVE SET
- UNLOCK SET -- Unlock a edb-async-replic set that was locked
- MOVE SET -- Change origin of a edb-async-replic
replication set
- FAILOVER -- Fail a broken replication set over to a backup node
- EXECUTE SCRIPT -- Execute SQL/DDL script
- UPDATE FUNCTIONS -- Reload stored functions
- WAIT FOR EVENT -- Have Slonik script wait for previous event to