Chapter 9. Type Conversion

Table of Contents
9.1. Explicit Data Type Conversion
9.2. Implicit Data Type Conversion
9.2.1. Expressions and Operator Conversions
9.2.2. EDB/SPL Assignment Statement
9.2.3. Assignment to Database Columns
9.2.4. Procedure and Function Calls
9.2.5. Set Operations
9.3. General Conversion Rules

In some cases, EnterpriseDB allows data of one data type where it expects data of a different data type. Generally, an expression cannot contain values with different data types. However, EnterpriseDB can use the following functions to explicitly convert data to the expected data type:

9.1. Explicit Data Type Conversion

This is the case when we must always explicitly cast to the to type -

e.g., CAST(TEXT '123' AS INT4)

Following are some of the data type conversion functions supported by EnterpriseDB.