
24.2. JDBC Driver Types

There are currently four different type of JDBC drivers each one having its own specific use and limitations.

24.2.1. Type 1 Driver

  • This driver type is the JDBC-ODBC bridge.

  • It is limited to running locally.

  • Must have ODBC installed on computer.

  • Must have ODBC driver for specific database installed on computer.

  • Generally can't run inside an applet because of Native Method calls.

24.2.2. Type 2 Driver

  • Native Database library driver.

  • Uses Native Database library on computer to access database.

  • Generally can't run inside an applet because of Native Method calls.

  • Must have database library installed on client.

24.2.3. Type 3 Driver

  • 100% Java Driver, NO native methods.

  • Does NOT require pre-installation on client.

  • Can be downloaded and configured "on-the-fly" just like any Java class file.

  • Uses a proprietary protocol for talking with a middleware server.

  • Middleware server converts from proprietary calls to DBMS specific calls

24.2.4. Type 4 Driver

  • 100% Java Driver, NO native methods.

  • Does NOT require pre-installation on client.

  • Can be downloaded and configured "on-the-fly" just like any Java class file.

  • Unlike Type III driver, talks DIRECTLY with the DBMS server.

  • Converts JDBC calls directly to database specific calls.

EnterpriseDB JDBC Connector is a Type 4 driver.

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