
Using swarm from the command line

Uploading a file or directory to swarm

Make sure you have compiled the swarm command

cd $GOPATH/src/
go install ./cmd/swarm

The swarm up subcommand makes it easy to upload files and directories. Usage:

swarm up /path/to/file/or/directory

By default this assumes that you are running your own swarm node with a local http proxy on the default port (8500). See Connecting to Swarm (Advanced) to learn how to run a local node. It is possible to specify alternative proxy endpoints with the --bzzapi option.

You can use one of the public gateways as a proxy, in which case you can upload to swarm without even running a node.


This treat is likely to disappear or be seriously restricted in the future. It currently also accepts limited file sizes.

swarm --bzzapi up /path/to/file/or/directory

Example: uploading a file

Issue the following command to upload the go-ethereum README file to your swarm

swarm up $GOPATH/src/

It produces the following output

> d1f25a870a7bb7e5d526a7623338e4e9b8399e76df8b634020d11d969594f24a

The hash returned is the swarm hash of a manifest that contains the file as its only entry. So by default both the primary content and the manifest is uploaded. You can access this file from swarm by pointing your browser to


The manifest makes sure you could retrieve the file with the correct mime type.

You may wish to prevent a manifest to be created for your content and only upload the raw content. Maybe you want to include it in a custom index, or it is handled as a datablob known and used only by some application that knows its mimetype. For this you can set –manifest=false:

swarm --manifest=false --bzzapi up yellowpaper.pdf 2> up.log
> 7149075b7f485411e5cc7bb2d9b7c86b3f9f80fb16a3ba84f5dc6654ac3f8ceb

This option supresses automatic manifest upload. It uploads the content as-is. However, if you wish to retrieve this file, the browser can not be told unambiguously what that file represents. Thus, swarm will return a 404 Not Found. In order to access this file, you can use the bzz-raw scheme, see bzz-raw.

Example: Uploading a directory

Uploading directories is achieved with swarm --recursive up.

Let us create some test files

mkdir upload-test
echo "one" > upload-test/one.txt
echo "two" > upload-test/two
mkdir upload-test/three
echo "four" > upload-test/three/four

We can upload this directory with

swarm --recursive up upload-test/

The output again is the root hash of your uploaded directory, which can be used to retrieve the complete directory


You could then retrieve the files relative to the root manifest like so:

curl http://localhost:8500/bzz:/ab90f84c912915c2a300a94ec5bef6fc0747d1fbaf86d769b3eed1c836733a30/three/four

The result should be


If you’d like to be able to access your content via a human readable name like ‘mysite.eth’ instead of the long hex string above, see the section on Ethereum Name Service below.

Content retrieval: hashes and manifests

Retrieving content using the http proxy

As indicated above, your local swarm instance has an HTTP API running on port 8500 (by default). Retrieving content is simple matter of pointing your browser to

GET http://localhost:8500/bzz:/HASH

where HASH is the id of a swarm manifest. This is the most common usecase whereby swarm can serve the web.

It looks like HTTP content transfer from servers, but in fact it is using swarm’s serverless architecture.

The general pattern is:


The HTTP proxy part can be eliminated if you register the appropriate scheme handler with your browser or you use Mist.

Swarm offers 3 distinct url schemes:

bzz url schemes



GET http://localhost:8500/bzz:/theswarm.test

The bzz scheme assumes that the domain part of the url points to a manifest. When retrieving the asset addressed by the url, the manifest entries are matched against the url path. The entry with the longest matching path is retrieved and served with the content type specified in the corresponding manifest entry.


GET http://localhost:8500/bzz:/2477cc8584cc61091b5cc084cdcdb45bf3c6210c263b0143f030cf7d750e894d/read

returns a file if the manifest at the given hash address contains such an entry.

If the manifest contains multiple entries to which the URL could be resolved, like, in the example above, the manifest has entries for and reading-list.txt, the API returns a HTTP response “300 Multiple Choices”, indicating that the request could not be unambiguously resolved. A list of available entries is returned via HTTP or JSON.

This generic scheme supports name resolution for domains registered on the Ethereum Name Service (ENS, see Ethereum Name Service). This is a read-only scheme meaning that it only supports GET requests and serves to retrieve content from swarm.


GET http://localhost:8500/bzz-immutable:/2477cc8584cc61091b5cc084cdcdb45bf3c6210c263b0143f030cf7d750e894d

The same as the generic scheme but there is no ENS domain resolution, the domain part of the path needs to be a valid hash. This is also a read-only scheme but explicit in its integrity protection. A particular bzz-immutable url will always necessarily address the exact same fixed immutable content.


GET http://localhost:8500/bzz-raw:/2477cc8584cc61091b5cc084cdcdb45bf3c6210c263b0143f030cf7d750e894d

When responding to GET requests with the bzz-raw scheme, swarm does not assume a manifest, just serves the asset addressed by the url directly.

The content_type query parameter can be supplied to specify the mime type you are requesting, otherwise content is served as an octet stream per default. For instance if you have a pdf document (not the manifest wrapping it) at hash 6a182226... then the following url will properly serve it.

GET http://localhost:8500/bzz-raw:/6a18222637cafb4ce692fa11df886a03e6d5e63432c53cbf7846970aa3e6fdf5?content_type=application/pdf

Importantly and somewhat unusually for generic schemes, the raw scheme supports POST and PUT requests. This is a crucially important way in which swarm is different from the internet as we know it.

The possibility to POST makes swarm an actual cloud service, bringing upload functionality to your browsing.

In fact the command line tool swarm up uses the http proxy with the bzz raw scheme under the hood.


GET http://localhost:8500/bzz-list:/2477cc8584cc61091b5cc084cdcdb45bf3c6210c263b0143f030cf7d750e894d/path

Returns a list of all files contained in <manifest> under <path> grouped into common prefixes using / as a delimiter. If path is /, all files in manifest are returned. The response is a JSON-encoded object with common_prefixes string field and entries list field.


GET http://localhost:8500/bzz-hash:/theswarm.test

Swarm accepts GET requests for bzz-hash url scheme and responds with the hash value of the raw content, the same content returned by requests with bzz-raw scheme. Hash of the manifest is also the hash stored in ENS so bzz-hash can be used for ENS domain resolution.

Response content type is text/plain.

bzzr and bzzi

Schemes with short names bzzr and bzzi are deprecated in favour of bzz-raw and bzz-immutable, respectively. They are kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed on the next release.


In general manifests declare a list of strings associated with swarm hashes. A manifest matches to exactly one hash, and it consists of a list of entries declaring the content which can be retrieved through that hash. Let us begin with an introductory example.

This is demonstrated by the following example. Let’s create a directory containing the two orange papers and an html index file listing the two pdf documents.

$ ls -1 orange-papers/

$ cat orange-papers/index.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
        <a href="./sw^3.pdf">Viktor Trón, Aron Fischer, Dániel Nagy A and Zsolt Felföldi, Nick Johnson: swap, swear and swindle: incentive system for swarm.</a>  May 2016
        <a href="./smash.pdf">Viktor Trón, Aron Fischer, Nick Johnson: smash-proof: auditable storage for swarm secured by masked audit secret hash.</a> May 2016

We now use the swarm up command to upload the directory to swarm to create a mini virtual site.

swarm --recursive --defaultpath orange-papers/index.html --bzzapi up orange-papers/ 2> up.log
> 2477cc8584cc61091b5cc084cdcdb45bf3c6210c263b0143f030cf7d750e894d

The returned hash is the hash of the manifest for the uploaded content (the orange-papers directory):

We now can get the manifest itself directly (instead of the files they refer to) by using the bzz-raw protocol bzz-raw:

wget -O - "http://localhost:8500/bzz-raw:/2477cc8584cc61091b5cc084cdcdb45bf3c6210c263b0143f030cf7d750e894d"

> {
  "entries": [
      "hash": "4b3a73e43ae5481960a5296a08aaae9cf466c9d5427e1eaa3b15f600373a048d",
      "contentType": "text/html; charset=utf-8"
      "hash": "4b3a73e43ae5481960a5296a08aaae9cf466c9d5427e1eaa3b15f600373a048d",
      "contentType": "text/html; charset=utf-8",
      "path": "index.html"
      "hash": "69b0a42a93825ac0407a8b0f47ccdd7655c569e80e92f3e9c63c28645df3e039",
      "contentType": "application/pdf",
      "path": "smash.pdf"
      "hash": "6a18222637cafb4ce692fa11df886a03e6d5e63432c53cbf7846970aa3e6fdf5",
      "contentType": "application/pdf",
      "path": "sw^3.pdf"

Manifests contain content_type information for the hashes they reference. In other contexts, where content_type is not supplied or, when you suspect the information is wrong, it is possible to specify the content_type manually in the search query. For example, the manifest itself should be text/plain:


Now you can also check that the manifest hash matches the content (in fact swarm does it for you):

$ wget -O- http://localhost:8500/bzz-raw:/2477cc8584cc61091b5cc084cdcdb45bf3c6210c263b0143f030cf7d750e894d?content_type="text/plain" > manifest.json

$ swarm hash manifest.json
> 2477cc8584cc61091b5cc084cdcdb45bf3c6210c263b0143f030cf7d750e894d

Path Matching on Manifests

A useful feature of manifests is that we can match paths with URLs. In some sense this makes the manifest a routing table and so the manifest swarm entry acts as if it was a host.

More concretely, continuing in our example, when we request:

GET http://localhost:8500/bzz:/2477cc8584cc61091b5cc084cdcdb45bf3c6210c263b0143f030cf7d750e894d/sw^3.pdf

swarm first retrieves the document matching the manifest above. The url path sw^3 is then matched against the entries. In this case a perfect match is found and the document at 6a182226… is served as a pdf.

As you can see the manifest contains 4 entries, although our directory contained only 3. The extra entry is there because of the --defaultpath orange-papers/index.html option to swarm up, which associates the empty path with the file you give as its argument. This makes it possible to have a default page served when the url path is empty. This feature essentially implements the most common webserver rewrite rules used to set the landing page of a site served when the url only contains the domain. So when you request

GET http://localhost:8500/bzz:/2477cc8584cc61091b5cc084cdcdb45bf3c6210c263b0143f030cf7d750e894d

you get served the index page (with content type text/html) at 4b3a73e43ae5481960a5296a08aaae9cf466c9d5427e1eaa3b15f600373a048d.

Ethereum Name Service

ENS is the system that Swarm uses to permit content to be referred to by a human-readable name, such as “orangepapers.eth”. It operates analogously to the DNS system, translating human-readable names into machine identifiers - in this case, the swarm hash of the content you’re referring to. By registering a name and setting it to resolve to the content hash of the root manifest of your site, users can access your site via a URL such as bzz://orange-papers.eth/.

If we take our earlier example and set the hash 2477cc85… as the content hash for the domain `` orangepapers.eth``, we can request:

GET http://localhost:8500/bzz:/orange-papers.eth/sw^3.pdf

and get served the same content as with:

GET http://localhost:8500/bzz:/2477cc8584cc61091b5cc084cdcdb45bf3c6210c263b0143f030cf7d750e894d/sw^3.pdf

Full documentation on ENS is available here.

If you just want to set up ENS so that you can host your Swarm content on a domain, here’s a quick set of steps to get you started.

Content Retrieval using ENS

The default configuration of swarm is to use names registered on the Ropsten testnet. In order for you to be able to resolve names to swarm hashes, all that needs to happen is that your swarm client is connected to a geth node synced on the Ropsten testnet. See section “Running the swarm client” here.

Registering names for your swarm content

There are several steps involved in registering a new name and assigning a swarm hash to it. To start off, you’ll need to register a domain, then you need to assign a resolver to the domain and then you add the swarm hash to the resolver.


The ENS system will let you register even invalid names - names with upper case characters, or prohibited unicode characters, for instance - but your browser will never resolve them. As a result, take care to make sure any domain you try to register is well-formed before registering it


The first step to take is to download ensutils.js (direct link).

You should of course have geth running and connected to ropsten (geth –testnet). Connect to the geth console:

./geth attach ipc:/path/to/geth.ipc

Once inside the console, run:


Note: You can leave the console at any time by pressing ctrl+D

Registering a .test domain

The easiest option is to register a .test domain. These domains can be registered by anyone at any time, but they automatically expire after 28 days.

We will be sending a transactions on Ropsten, so if you have not already done so, get yourself some ropsten testnet ether. You can get some for free here.

Before being able to send the transaction, you will need to unlock your account using personal.unlockAccount(account) i.e.


Then, still inside the geth console (with ensutils.js loaded) type the following (replacing MYNAME with the name you wish to register):

testRegistrar.register(web3.sha3('MYNAME'), eth.accounts[0], {from: eth.accounts[0]});


Warning: do not register names with UPPER CASE letters. The ENS will let you register them, but your browser will never resolve them.

The output will be a transaction hash. Once this transaction is mined on the testnet you can verify that the name MYNAME.test belongs to you:

eth.accounts[0] == ens.owner(namehash('MYNAME.test'))

Registering a .eth domain

Registering a .eth domain has more work involved. If you’re just wanting to test things out quickly, start with a .test domain. The .eth domains take a while to register, as they use an auction system, (while .test domains can be registered instantly, but only persist for 28 days). Further, .eth domains are also restricted to being at least 7 characters long. For complete documentation see here.

Just as when registering a .test domain, you will need testnet ether and you must unlock your account. Then you may start bidding on a domain.

Quick Reference:

  1. Prepare:
  1. Make a bid:
bid = ethRegistrar.shaBid(web3.sha3('myname'), eth.accounts[0], web3.toWei(1, 'ether'), web3.sha3('secret'));
  1. Reveal your bid:
ethRegistrar.unsealBid(web3.sha3('myname'), eth.accounts[0], web3.toWei(1, 'ether'), web3.sha3('secret'), {from: eth.accounts[0], gas: 500000});
  1. Finalise:
ethRegistrar.finalizeAuction(web3.sha3('myname'), {from: eth.accounts[0], gas: 500000});

For info on how to increase your bids, check the current highest bid, check when an auction ends, check if a name is available in the first place and more please consult the official documentation.

Setting up a resolver

The next step is to set up a resolver for your new domain name. While it’s possible to write and deploy your own custom resolver, for everyday use with Swarm, a general purpose one is provided, and is already deployed on the testnet.

On the geth (testnet) console:

personal.unlockAccount(eth.accounts[0], "")
ens.setResolver(namehash('MYNAME.test'), publicResolver.address, {from: eth.accounts[0], gas: 100000});

Registering a swarm hash on the publicResolver

Finally, after uploading your content to Swarm as detailed above, you can update your site with this command:

publicResolver.setContent(namehash('MYNAME.test'), 'HASH', {from: eth.accounts[0], gas: 100000})

Again, replace ‘MYNAME.test’ with the name you registered, and replace ‘HASH’ with the hash you got when uploading your content to swarm, starting with 0x.

After this has executed successfully, anyone running a correctly configured and synchronised Swarm client will be able to access the current version of your site on bzz://MYNAME.test/.


Looking up names in the ENS manually

After registering your names and swarm hashes, you can check that everything is updated correctly by looking up the name manually.

Connect to the geth console and load ensutils.js just as before. Then type


You can also check this in your swarm console with:


If everything worked correctly, it will return the hash you specified when you called setContent earlier.

Updating your content

Each time you update your site’s content afterwards, you only need to repeat the last step to update the mapping between the name you own and the content you want it to point to. Anyone visiting your site by its name will always see the version you most recently updated using setHash, above.

publicResolver.setContent(namehash('MYNAME.test'), 'NEWHASH', {from: eth.accounts[0], gas: 100000})


GET http://localhost:8500/bzz:/domain/some/path
retrieve document at domain/some/path allowing domain to resolve via the Ethereum Name Service
GET http://localhost:8500/bzz-immutable:/HASH/some/path
retrieve document at HASH/some/path where HASH is a valid swarm hash
GET http://localhost:8500/bzz-raw:/domain/some/path
retrieve the raw content at domain/some/path allowing domain to resolve via the Ethereum Name Service
POST http://localhost:8500/bzz-raw:
The post request is the simplest upload method. Direct upload of files - no manifest is created. It returns the hash of the uploaded file
PUT http://localhost:8500/bzz:/HASH|domain/some/path
The PUT request publishes the uploaded asset to the manifest. It looks for the manifest by domain or hash, makes a copy of it and updates its collection with the new asset. It returns the hash of the newly created manifest.


Swarm exposes an RPC API under the bzz namespace.


Note that this is not the recommended way for users or dapps to interact with swarm and is only meant for debugging ad testing purposes. Given that this module offers local filesystem access, allowing dapps to use this module or exposing it via remote connections creates a major security risk. For this reason swarm only exposes this api via local ipc (unlike geth not allowing websockets or http).

The API offers the following methods:

bzz.upload(localfspath, defaultfile)

uploads the file or directory at localfspath. The second optional argument specifies the path to the file which will be served when the empty path is matched. It is common to match the empty path to index.html

it returns content hash of the manifest which can then be used to download it., localdirpath)

it recursively downloads all the paths starting from the manifest at bzzpath and downloads them in a corresponding directory structure under localdirpath using the slashes in the paths to indicate subdirectories.

assuming dirpath.orig is the root of any aribitrary directory tree containing no soft links or special files, uploading and downloading will result in identical data on your filesystem:, dirpath.replica) diff -r dirpath.orig dirpath.replica || echo “identical”

bzz.put(content, contentType)
can be used to push a raw data blob to swarm. Creates a manifest with an entry. This entry has the empty path and specifies the content type given as second argument. It returns content hash of this manifest.
It downloads the manifest at bzzpath and returns a response json object with content, mime type, status code and content size. This should only be used for small pieces of data, since the content gets instantiated in memory.
resolves the domain name to a content hash using ENS and returns that. If swarm is not connected to a blockchain it returns an error. Note that your eth backend needs to be syncronised in order to get uptodate domain resolution.
returns information about the swarm node
outputs the kademlia table in a human-friendly table format

Mounting Swarm

Another way of intracting with Swarm is by mounting it as a local filesystem using Fuse (a.k.a swarmfs). There are three IPC api’s which help in doing this.


Fuse needs to be installed on your Operating System for these commands to work. Windows is not supported by Fuse, so these command will work only in Linux, Mac OS and FreeBSD. For installation instruction for your OS, see “Installing FUSE” section below.

swarmfs.mount(HASH|domain, mountpoint))
mounts swarm contents represented by a swarm hash or a ens domain name to the specified local directory. The local directory has to be writable and should be empty. Once this command is succesfull, you should see the contents in the local directory. The HASH is mounted in a rw mode, which means any change insie the directory will be automatically reflected in swarm. Ex: if you copy a file from somewhere else in to mountpoint, it is equvivalent of using a “swarm up <file>” command.
This command unmounts the HASH|domain mounted in the specified mountpoint. If the device is busy, unmounting fails. In that case make sure you exit the process that is using the directory and try unmounting again.
For every active mount, this command display three things. The mountpoint, start HASH supplied and the latest HASH. Since the HASH is mounted in rw mode, when ever there is a change to the file system (adding file, removing file etc), a new HASH is computed. This hash is called the latest HASH.

Installing FUSE

  1. Linux (Ubuntu)
sudo apt-get install fuse
sudo modprobe fuse
sudo chown <username>:<groupname> /etc/fuse.conf
sudo chown <username>:<groupname> /dev/fuse
  1. Mac OS

    Either install the latest package from or use brew as below

brew update
brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask
brew cask install osxfuse

Chequebook RPC API

Swarm also exposes an RPC API for the chequebook offering the followng methods:

Returns the balance of your swap chequebook contract in wei. It errors if no chequebook is set.
chequebook.issue(beneficiary, value)
Issues a cheque to beneficiary (an ethereum address) in the amount of value (given in wei). The json structure returned can be copied and sent to beneficiary who in turn can cash it using It errors if no chequebook is set.
Cashes the cheque issued. Note that anyone can cash a cheque. Its success only depends on the cheque’s validity and the solvency of the issuers chequbook contract up to the amount specified in the cheque. The tranasction is paid from your bzz base account. Returns the transaction hash. It errors if no chequebook is set or if your account has insufficient funds to send the transaction.
Transfers funds of amount wei from your bzz base account to your swap chequebook contract. It errors if no chequebook is set or if your account has insufficient funds.

Example: use of the console

Uploading content

It is possible to upload files from the swarm console (without the need for swarm command or an http proxy). The console command is

bzz.upload("/path/to/file/or/directory", "filename")

The command returns the root hash of a manifest. The second argument is optional; it specifies what the empty path should resolve to (often this would be index.html). Proceeding as in the example above (Example: Uploading a directory). Prepare some files:

mkdir upload-test
echo "one" > upload-test/one.txt
echo "two" > upload-test/two
mkdir upload-test/three
echo "four" > upload-test/three/four

Then execute the bzz.upload command on the swarm console: (note bzzd.ipc instead of geth.ipc)

./geth --exec 'bzz.upload("upload-test/", "one.txt")' attach ipc:$DATADIR/bzzd.ipc

We get the output:


If we open this HASH in a browser


We see “one” because the empty path resolves to “one.txt”. Other valid URLs are


We only recommend using this API for testing purposes or command line scripts. Since they save on http file upload, their performance is somewhat better than using the http API.

Downloading content

As an alternative to http to retrieve content, you can use bzz.get(HASH) or, /path/to/download/to) on the swarm console (note bzzd.ipc instead of geth.ipc)

./geth --exec 'bzz.get(HASH)' attach ipc:$DATADIR/bzzd.ipc
./geth --exec ', "/path/to/download/to")' attach ipc:$DATADIR/bzzd.ipc