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Class Ext.grid.ColumnModel

Defined In:ColumnModel.js
This is the default implementation of a ColumnModel used by the Grid. It defines the columns in the grid.
var colModel = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel([
	{header: "Ticker", width: 60, sortable: true, locked: true},
	{header: "Company Name", width: 150, sortable: true},
	{header: "Market Cap.", width: 100, sortable: true},
	{header: "$ Sales", width: 100, sortable: true, renderer: money},
	{header: "Employees", width: 100, sortable: true, resizable: false}

The config options listed for this class are options which may appear in each individual column definition.

Properties   -  Methods   -  Events   -  Config Options

Public Properties

Property Defined By
  config : Object ColumnModel
The config passed into the constructor
  defaultSortable : Boolean ColumnModel
Default sortable of columns which have no sortable specified (defaults to false)
  defaultWidth : Number ColumnModel
The width of columns which have no width specified (defaults to 100)

Public Methods

Method Defined By
  ColumnModelObject config ) ColumnModel
  addEventsObject object ) : void Observable
Used to define events on this Observable
  addListenerString eventName, Function handler, [Object scope], [Object options] ) : void Observable
Appends an event handler to this component
  fireEventString eventName, Object... args ) : Boolean Observable
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).
  getCellEditorNumber colIndex, Number rowIndex ) : Object ColumnModel
Returns the editor defined for the cell/column.
  getColumnByIdString id ) : Object ColumnModel
Returns the column for a specified id.
  getColumnCount() : Number ColumnModel
Returns the number of columns.
  getColumnHeaderNumber col ) : String ColumnModel
Returns the header for the specified column.
  getColumnIdNumber index ) : String ColumnModel
Returns the id of the column at the specified index.
  getColumnTooltipNumber col ) : String ColumnModel
Returns the tooltip for the specified column.
  getColumnWidthNumber col ) : Number ColumnModel
Returns the width for the specified column.
  getColumnsByFunction fn, [Object scope] ) : Array ColumnModel
Returns the column configs that return true by the passed function that is called with (columnConfig, index)
  getDataIndexNumber col ) : Number ColumnModel
Returns the dataIndex for the specified column.
  getIndexByIdString id ) : Number ColumnModel
Returns the index for a specified column id.
  getRendererNumber col ) : Function ColumnModel
Returns the rendering (formatting) function defined for the column.
  getTotalWidthBoolean includeHidden ) : Number ColumnModel
Returns the total width of all columns.
  hasListenerString eventName ) : Boolean Observable
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event
  isCellEditableNumber colIndex, Number rowIndex ) : Boolean ColumnModel
Returns true if the cell is editable.
  isFixed() : void ColumnModel
Returns true if the column width cannot be changed
  isHiddenNumber colIndex ) : Boolean ColumnModel
Returns true if the column is hidden.
  isResizable() : Boolean ColumnModel
Returns true if the column can be resized
  isSortableNumber col ) : Boolean ColumnModel
Returns true if the specified column is sortable.
  onString eventName, Function handler, [Object scope], [Object options] ) : void Observable
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)
  purgeListeners() : void Observable
Removes all listeners for this object
  removeListenerString eventName, Function handler, [Object scope] ) : void Observable
Removes a listener
  setColumnHeaderNumber col, String header ) : void ColumnModel
Sets the header for a column.
  setColumnTooltipNumber col, String tooltip ) : void ColumnModel
Sets the tooltip for a column.
  setColumnWidthNumber col, Number width ) : void ColumnModel
Sets the width for a column.
  setDataIndexNumber col, Number dataIndex ) : void ColumnModel
Sets the dataIndex for a column.
  setEditableNumber col, Boolean editable ) : void ColumnModel
Sets if a column is editable.
  setEditorNumber col, Object editor ) : void ColumnModel
Sets the editor for a column.
  setHiddenNumber colIndex, Boolean hidden ) : void ColumnModel
Sets if a column is hidden.
  setRendererNumber col, Function fn ) : void ColumnModel
Sets the rendering (formatting) function for a column.
  unString eventName, Function handler, [Object scope] ) : void Observable
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)

Public Events

Event Defined By
  columlockchange : ( ColumnModel this, Number colIndex, Boolean locked ) ColumnModel
Fires when a column's locked state is changed
  columnmoved : ( ColumnModel this, Number oldIndex, Number newIndex ) ColumnModel
Fires when a column is moved.
  headerchange : ( ColumnModel this, Number columnIndex, Number newText ) ColumnModel
Fires when the text of a header changes.
  hiddenchange : ( ColumnModel this, Number columnIndex, Boolean hidden ) ColumnModel
Fires when a column is hidden or "unhidden".
  widthchange : ( ColumnModel this, Number columnIndex, Number newWidth ) ColumnModel
Fires when the width of a column changes.

Config Options

Config Options Defined By
  align : String ColumnModel
(Optional) Set the CSS text-align property of the column. Defaults to undefined.
  dataIndex : String ColumnModel
(Optional) The name of the field in the grid's's definition from which to draw the col...
  fixed : Boolean ColumnModel
(Optional) True if the column width cannot be changed. Defaults to false.
  header : String ColumnModel
The header text to display in the Grid view.
  hidden : Boolean ColumnModel
(Optional) True to hide the column. Defaults to false.
  locked : Boolean ColumnModel
(Optional) True to lock the column in place while scrolling the Grid. Defaults to false.
  renderer : Function ColumnModel
(Optional) A function used to generate HTML markup for a cell given the cell's data value. See setRenderer. If not sp...
  resizable : Boolean ColumnModel
(Optional) False to disable column resizing. Defaults to true.
  sortable : Boolean ColumnModel
(Optional) True if sorting is to be allowed on this column. Defaults to the value of the defaultSortable property. Wh...
  width : Number ColumnModel
(Optional) The initial width in pixels of the column. Using this instead of Ext.grid.Grid.autoSizeColumns is more eff...

Property Details


public Object config
The config passed into the constructor
This property is defined by ColumnModel.


public Boolean defaultSortable
Default sortable of columns which have no sortable specified (defaults to false)
This property is defined by ColumnModel.


public Number defaultWidth
The width of columns which have no width specified (defaults to 100)
This property is defined by ColumnModel.

Constructor Details


public function ColumnModel( Object config )
  • config : Object
    An Array of column config objects. See this class's config objects for details.

Method Details


public function addEvents( Object object )
Used to define events on this Observable
  • object : Object
    The object with the events defined
  • void
This method is defined by Observable.


public function addListener( String eventName, Function handler, [Object scope], [Object options] )
Appends an event handler to this component
  • eventName : String
    The type of event to listen for
  • handler : Function
    The method the event invokes
  • scope : Object
    (optional) The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.
  • options : Object
    (optional) An object containing handler configuration properties. This may contain any of the following properties:
    • scope {Object} The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.
    • delay {Number} The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after te event fires.
    • single {Boolean} True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.
    • buffer {Number} Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an Ext.util.DelayedTask delayed by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original handler is not invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.

    Combining Options
    Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:

    A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)

    el.on('click', this.onClick, this, {
     			single: true,
        		delay: 100,
        		forumId: 4

    Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call
    The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties which specify multiple handlers.

    			'click': {
            		fn: this.onClick,
            		scope: this,
            		delay: 100
        		'mouseover': {
            		fn: this.onMouseOver,
            		scope: this
        		'mouseout': {
            		fn: this.onMouseOut,
            		scope: this

    Or a shorthand syntax which passes the same scope object to all handlers:

    			'click': this.onClick,
        		'mouseover': this.onMouseOver,
        		'mouseout': this.onMouseOut,
        		scope: this
  • void
This method is defined by Observable.


public function fireEvent( String eventName, Object... args )
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).
  • eventName : String
  • args : Object...
    Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers
  • Boolean
    returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true
This method is defined by Observable.


public function getCellEditor( Number colIndex, Number rowIndex )
Returns the editor defined for the cell/column.
  • colIndex : Number
    The column index
  • rowIndex : Number
    The row index
  • Object
This method is defined by ColumnModel.


public function getColumnById( String id )
Returns the column for a specified id.
  • id : String
    The column id
  • Object
    the column
This method is defined by ColumnModel.


public function getColumnCount()
Returns the number of columns.
  • None.
  • Number
This method is defined by ColumnModel.


public function getColumnHeader( Number col )
Returns the header for the specified column.
  • col : Number
    The column index
  • String
This method is defined by ColumnModel.


public function getColumnId( Number index )
Returns the id of the column at the specified index.
  • index : Number
    The column index
  • String
    the id
This method is defined by ColumnModel.


public function getColumnTooltip( Number col )
Returns the tooltip for the specified column.
  • col : Number
    The column index
  • String
This method is defined by ColumnModel.


public function getColumnWidth( Number col )
Returns the width for the specified column.
  • col : Number
    The column index
  • Number
This method is defined by ColumnModel.


public function getColumnsBy( Function fn, [Object scope] )
Returns the column configs that return true by the passed function that is called with (columnConfig, index)
  • fn : Function
  • scope : Object
  • Array
This method is defined by ColumnModel.


public function getDataIndex( Number col )
Returns the dataIndex for the specified column.
  • col : Number
    The column index
  • Number
This method is defined by ColumnModel.


public function getIndexById( String id )
Returns the index for a specified column id.
  • id : String
    The column id
  • Number
    the index, or -1 if not found
This method is defined by ColumnModel.


public function getRenderer( Number col )
Returns the rendering (formatting) function defined for the column.
  • col : Number
    The column index.
  • Function
    The function used to render the cell. See {@link #setRenderer}.
This method is defined by ColumnModel.


public function getTotalWidth( Boolean includeHidden )
Returns the total width of all columns.
  • includeHidden : Boolean
    True to include hidden column widths
  • Number
This method is defined by ColumnModel.


public function hasListener( String eventName )
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event
  • eventName : String
    The name of the event to check for
  • Boolean
    True if the event is being listened for, else false
This method is defined by Observable.


public function isCellEditable( Number colIndex, Number rowIndex )
Returns true if the cell is editable.
  • colIndex : Number
    The column index
  • rowIndex : Number
    The row index
  • Boolean
This method is defined by ColumnModel.


public function isFixed()
Returns true if the column width cannot be changed
  • None.
  • void
This method is defined by ColumnModel.


public function isHidden( Number colIndex )
Returns true if the column is hidden.
  • colIndex : Number
    The column index
  • Boolean
This method is defined by ColumnModel.


public function isResizable()
Returns true if the column can be resized
  • None.
  • Boolean
This method is defined by ColumnModel.


public function isSortable( Number col )
Returns true if the specified column is sortable.
  • col : Number
    The column index
  • Boolean
This method is defined by ColumnModel.


public function on( String eventName, Function handler, [Object scope], [Object options] )
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)
  • eventName : String
    The type of event to listen for
  • handler : Function
    The method the event invokes
  • scope : Object
    (optional) The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.
  • options : Object
  • void
This method is defined by Observable.


public function purgeListeners()
Removes all listeners for this object
  • None.
  • void
This method is defined by Observable.


public function removeListener( String eventName, Function handler, [Object scope] )
Removes a listener
  • eventName : String
    The type of event to listen for
  • handler : Function
    The handler to remove
  • scope : Object
    (optional) The scope (this object) for the handler
  • void
This method is defined by Observable.


public function setColumnHeader( Number col, String header )
Sets the header for a column.
  • col : Number
    The column index
  • header : String
    The new header
  • void
This method is defined by ColumnModel.


public function setColumnTooltip( Number col, String tooltip )
Sets the tooltip for a column.
  • col : Number
    The column index
  • tooltip : String
    The new tooltip
  • void
This method is defined by ColumnModel.


public function setColumnWidth( Number col, Number width )
Sets the width for a column.
  • col : Number
    The column index
  • width : Number
    The new width
  • void
This method is defined by ColumnModel.


public function setDataIndex( Number col, Number dataIndex )
Sets the dataIndex for a column.
  • col : Number
    The column index
  • dataIndex : Number
    The new dataIndex
  • void
This method is defined by ColumnModel.


public function setEditable( Number col, Boolean editable )
Sets if a column is editable.
  • col : Number
    The column index
  • editable : Boolean
    True if the column is editable
  • void
This method is defined by ColumnModel.


public function setEditor( Number col, Object editor )
Sets the editor for a column.
  • col : Number
    The column index
  • editor : Object
    The editor object
  • void
This method is defined by ColumnModel.


public function setHidden( Number colIndex, Boolean hidden )
Sets if a column is hidden.
  • colIndex : Number
    The column index
  • hidden : Boolean
    True if the column is hidden
  • void
This method is defined by ColumnModel.


public function setRenderer( Number col, Function fn )
Sets the rendering (formatting) function for a column.
  • col : Number
    The column index
  • fn : Function
    The function to use to process the cell's raw data to return HTML markup for the grid view. The render function is called with the following parameters:
    • Data value.
    • Cell metadata. An object in which you may set the following attributes:
      • css A CSS style string to apply to the table cell.
      • attr An HTML attribute definition string to apply to the data container element within the table cell.
    • The from which the data was extracted.
    • Row index
    • Column index
    • The object from which the Record was extracted
  • void
This method is defined by ColumnModel.


public function un( String eventName, Function handler, [Object scope] )
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)
  • eventName : String
    The type of event to listen for
  • handler : Function
    The handler to remove
  • scope : Object
    (optional) The scope (this object) for the handler
  • void
This method is defined by Observable.

Event Details


public event columlockchange
Fires when a column's locked state is changed
Subscribers will be called with the following parameters:
  • this : ColumnModel
  • colIndex : Number
  • locked : Boolean
    true if locked
This event is defined by ColumnModel.


public event columnmoved
Fires when a column is moved.
Subscribers will be called with the following parameters:
  • this : ColumnModel
  • oldIndex : Number
  • newIndex : Number
This event is defined by ColumnModel.


public event headerchange
Fires when the text of a header changes.
Subscribers will be called with the following parameters:
  • this : ColumnModel
  • columnIndex : Number
    The column index
  • newText : Number
    The new header text
This event is defined by ColumnModel.


public event hiddenchange
Fires when a column is hidden or "unhidden".
Subscribers will be called with the following parameters:
  • this : ColumnModel
  • columnIndex : Number
    The column index
  • hidden : Boolean
    true if hidden, false otherwise
This event is defined by ColumnModel.


public event widthchange
Fires when the width of a column changes.
Subscribers will be called with the following parameters:
  • this : ColumnModel
  • columnIndex : Number
    The column index
  • newWidth : Number
    The new width
This event is defined by ColumnModel.

Config Details


align : String
(Optional) Set the CSS text-align property of the column. Defaults to undefined.
This config option is defined by ColumnModel.


dataIndex : String
(Optional) The name of the field in the grid's's definition from which to draw the column's value. If not specified, the column's index is used as an index into the Record's data Array.
This config option is defined by ColumnModel.


fixed : Boolean
(Optional) True if the column width cannot be changed. Defaults to false.
This config option is defined by ColumnModel.


header : String
The header text to display in the Grid view.
This config option is defined by ColumnModel.


hidden : Boolean
(Optional) True to hide the column. Defaults to false.
This config option is defined by ColumnModel.


locked : Boolean
(Optional) True to lock the column in place while scrolling the Grid. Defaults to false.
This config option is defined by ColumnModel.


renderer : Function
(Optional) A function used to generate HTML markup for a cell given the cell's data value. See setRenderer. If not specified, the default renderer uses the raw data value.
This config option is defined by ColumnModel.


resizable : Boolean
(Optional) False to disable column resizing. Defaults to true.
This config option is defined by ColumnModel.


sortable : Boolean
(Optional) True if sorting is to be allowed on this column. Defaults to the value of the defaultSortable property. Whether local/remote sorting is used is specified in
This config option is defined by ColumnModel.


width : Number
(Optional) The initial width in pixels of the column. Using this instead of Ext.grid.Grid.autoSizeColumns is more efficient.
This config option is defined by ColumnModel.

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