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Class Ext.tree.TreeSorter

Defined In:TreeSorter.js
Provides sorting of nodes in a TreePanel

Properties   -  Methods   -  Events   -  Config Options

Public Properties

This class has no public properties.

Public Methods

Method Defined By
  TreeSorterTreePanel tree, Object config ) TreeSorter

Public Events

This class has no public events.

Config Options

Config Options Defined By
  caseSensitive : Boolean TreeSorter
true for case sensitive sort (defaults to false)
  dir : String TreeSorter
The direction to sort (asc or desc) (defaults to asc)
  folderSort : Boolean TreeSorter
True to sort leaf nodes under non leaf nodes
  leafAttr : String TreeSorter
The attribute used to determine leaf nodes in folder sort (defaults to "leaf")
  property : String TreeSorter
The named attribute on the node to sort by (defaults to text)
  sortType : Function TreeSorter
A custom "casting" function used to convert node values before sorting

Constructor Details


public function TreeSorter( TreePanel tree, Object config )
  • tree : TreePanel
  • config : Object

Config Details


caseSensitive : Boolean
true for case sensitive sort (defaults to false)
This config option is defined by TreeSorter.


dir : String
The direction to sort (asc or desc) (defaults to asc)
This config option is defined by TreeSorter.


folderSort : Boolean
True to sort leaf nodes under non leaf nodes
This config option is defined by TreeSorter.


leafAttr : String
The attribute used to determine leaf nodes in folder sort (defaults to "leaf")
This config option is defined by TreeSorter.


property : String
The named attribute on the node to sort by (defaults to text)
This config option is defined by TreeSorter.


sortType : Function
A custom "casting" function used to convert node values before sorting
This config option is defined by TreeSorter.

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