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Class Ext.util.TextMetrics

Defined In:TextMetrics.js
Provides precise pixel measurements for blocks of text so that you can determine exactly how high and wide, in pixels, a given block of text will be.

This class is a singleton and cannot be created directly.

Properties   -  Methods   -  Events

Public Properties

This class has no public properties.

Public Methods

Method Defined By
  bindString/HTMLElement el ) : void TextMetrics
Binds this TextMetrics instance to an element from which to copy existing CSS styles that can affect the size of the ...
  createInstanceString/HTMLElement el, [Number fixedWidth] ) : Ext.util.TextMetrics.Instance TextMetrics
Return a unique TextMetrics instance that can be bound directly to an element and reused. This reduces the overhead ...
  getHeightString text ) : Number TextMetrics
Returns the measured height of the specified text. For multiline text, be sure to call setFixedWidth if necessary.
  getSizeString text ) : Object TextMetrics
Returns the size of the specified text based on the internal element's style and width properties
  getWidthString text ) : Number TextMetrics
Returns the measured width of the specified text
  measureString/HTMLElement el, String text, [Number fixedWidth] ) : Object TextMetrics
Measures the size of the specified text
  setFixedWidthNumber width ) : void TextMetrics
Sets a fixed width on the internal measurement element. If the text will be multiline, you have to set a fixed width...

Public Events

This class has no public events.

Method Details


public function bind( String/HTMLElement el )
Binds this TextMetrics instance to an element from which to copy existing CSS styles that can affect the size of the rendered text
  • el : String/HTMLElement
    The element, dom node or id
  • void
This method is defined by TextMetrics.


public function createInstance( String/HTMLElement el, [Number fixedWidth] )
Return a unique TextMetrics instance that can be bound directly to an element and reused. This reduces the overhead of multiple calls to initialize the style properties on each measurement.
  • el : String/HTMLElement
    The element, dom node or id that the instance will be bound to
  • fixedWidth : Number
    (optional) If the text will be multiline, you have to set a fixed width in order to accurately measure the text height
  • Ext.util.TextMetrics.Instance
    instance The new instance
This method is defined by TextMetrics.


public function getHeight( String text )
Returns the measured height of the specified text. For multiline text, be sure to call setFixedWidth if necessary.
  • text : String
    The text to measure
  • Number
    height The height in pixels
This method is defined by TextMetrics.


public function getSize( String text )
Returns the size of the specified text based on the internal element's style and width properties
  • text : String
    The text to measure
  • Object
    An object containing the text's size {width: (width), height: (height)}
This method is defined by TextMetrics.


public function getWidth( String text )
Returns the measured width of the specified text
  • text : String
    The text to measure
  • Number
    width The width in pixels
This method is defined by TextMetrics.


public function measure( String/HTMLElement el, String text, [Number fixedWidth] )
Measures the size of the specified text
  • el : String/HTMLElement
    The element, dom node or id from which to copy existing CSS styles that can affect the size of the rendered text
  • text : String
    The text to measure
  • fixedWidth : Number
    (optional) If the text will be multiline, you have to set a fixed width in order to accurately measure the text height
  • Object
    An object containing the text's size {width: (width), height: (height)}
This method is defined by TextMetrics.


public function setFixedWidth( Number width )
Sets a fixed width on the internal measurement element. If the text will be multiline, you have to set a fixed width in order to accurately measure the text height.
  • width : Number
    The width to set on the element
  • void
This method is defined by TextMetrics.

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