Sencha Documentation

Provides AJAX-style update capabilities for Element objects. Updater can be used to update an Ext.Element once, or you can use startAutoRefresh to set up an auto-updating Element on a specific interval.

var el = Ext.get("foo"); // Get Ext.Element object
var mgr = el.getUpdater();
        url: "",
        params: {
            param1: "foo",
            param2: "bar"
mgr.formUpdate("myFormId", "");

// or directly (returns the same Updater instance) var mgr = new Ext.Updater("myElementId"); mgr.startAutoRefresh(60, ""); mgr.on("update", myFcnNeedsToKnow);
// short handed call directly from the element object Ext.get("foo").load({ url: "bar.php", scripts: true, params: "param1=foo&param2=bar", text: "Loading Foo..." });


updateElement( Mixed el, String url, [String/Object params], [Object options] ) : Void
Static convenience method. This method is deprecated in favor of el.load({url:'foo.php', ...}). Usage: Ext.Updater.up...
Static convenience method. This method is deprecated in favor of el.load({url:'foo.php', ...}). Usage:
Ext.Updater.updateElement("my-div", "stuff.php");


  • el : Mixed
    The element to update
  • url : String
    The url
  • params : String/Object
    (optional) Url encoded param string or an object of name/value pairs
  • options : Object
    (optional) A config object with any of the Updater properties you want to set - for example: {disableCaching:true, indicatorText: "Loading data..."}


  • Void