Sencha Documentation

A type of axis whose units are measured in time-based values.

Config Options

dashSize : Number
The size of the dash marker. Default's 3.
The size of the dash marker. Default's 3.
length : Number
Offset axis position. Default's 0.
Offset axis position. Default's 0.
position : String
Where to set the axis. Available options are `left`, `bottom`, `right`, `top`. Default's `bottom`.
Where to set the axis. Available options are `left`, `bottom`, `right`, `top`. Default's `bottom`.
width : Number
Offset axis width. Default's 0.
Offset axis width. Default's 0.


aggregateOp : String
Aggregation operation when grouping. Possible options are 'sum', 'avg', 'max', 'min'. Default's 'sum'.
Aggregation operation when grouping. Possible options are 'sum', 'avg', 'max', 'min'. Default's 'sum'.
The minimum value drawn by the axis. If not set explicitly, the axis minimum will be calculated automatically.
The minimum value drawn by the axis. If not set explicitly, the axis minimum will be calculated automatically.
constrain : Boolean
If true, the values of the chart will be rendered only if they belong between the fromDate and toDate. If false, the...
If true, the values of the chart will be rendered only if they belong between the fromDate and toDate. If false, the time axis will adapt to the new values by adding/removing steps. Default's [Ext.Date.DAY, 1].
dateFormat : String|Boolean
Indicates the format the date will be rendered on. For example: 'M d' will render the dates as 'Jan 30', etc.
Indicates the format the date will be rendered on. For example: 'M d' will render the dates as 'Jan 30', etc.
fromDate : Date
The starting date for the time axis.
The starting date for the time axis.
step : Array
An array with two components: The first is the unit of the step (day, month, year, etc). The second one is the number...
An array with two components: The first is the unit of the step (day, month, year, etc). The second one is the number of units for the step (1, 2, etc.). Default's [Ext.Date.DAY, 1].
timeUnit : String
Indicates the time unit to use for each step. Can be 'day', 'month', 'year' or a comma-separated combination of all o...
Indicates the time unit to use for each step. Can be 'day', 'month', 'year' or a comma-separated combination of all of them. Default's 'year,month,day'.
toDate : Date
The ending date for the time axis.
The ending date for the time axis.


drawAxis : Void
Renders the axis into the screen and updates it's position.
Renders the axis into the screen and updates it's position.
drawGrid : Void
Renders an horizontal and/or vertical grid into the Surface.
Renders an horizontal and/or vertical grid into the Surface.
drawLabels : Void
Renders the labels in the axes.
Renders the labels in the axes.