Sencha Documentation

Creates a Bar Chart. A Bar Chart is a useful visualization technique to display quantitative information for different categories that can show some progression (or regression) in the dataset. As with all other series, the Bar Series must be appended in the *series* Chart array configuration. See the Chart documentation for more information. A typical configuration object for the bar series could be:
series: [{
        type: 'bar',
        axis: 'bottom',
        xField: 'name',
        yField: 'data1',
        highlight: true,
        label: {
            display: 'insideEnd',
            field: 'data1',
            renderer: Ext.util.Format.numberRenderer('0'),
            orientation: 'horizontal',
            color: '#333',
           'text-anchor': 'middle'
In this configuration we set `bar` as the series type, bind the values of the bar to the bottom axis and set the xField or category field to the `name` parameter of the store. We also set `highlight` to true which enables smooth animations when bars are hovered. We also set some configuration for the bar labels to be displayed inside the bar, to display the information found in the `data1` property of each element store, to render a formated text with the `Ext.util.Format` we pass in, to have an `horizontal` orientation (as opposed to a vertical one) and we also set other styles like `color`, `text-anchor`, etc.

Config Options

column : Boolean
Whether to set the visualization as column chart or horizontal bar chart.
Whether to set the visualization as column chart or horizontal bar chart.
groupGutter : Number
The gutter space between groups of bars, as a percentage of the bar width
The gutter space between groups of bars, as a percentage of the bar width
gutter : Number
The gutter space between single bars, as a percentage of the bar width
The gutter space between single bars, as a percentage of the bar width
listeners : Object
An (optional) object with event callbacks. All event callbacks get the target *item* as first parameter. The callback...
An (optional) object with event callbacks. All event callbacks get the target *item* as first parameter. The callback functions are:
  • itemmouseover
  • itemmouseout
  • itemmousedown
  • itemmouseup
renderer : Function
A function that can be overridden to set custom styling properties to each rendered element. Passes in (sprite, recor...
A function that can be overridden to set custom styling properties to each rendered element. Passes in (sprite, record, attributes, index, store) to the function.
An array with shadow attributes
An array with shadow attributes
showInLegend : Boolean
Whether to show this series in the legend.
Whether to show this series in the legend.
style : Object
Style properties that will override the theming series styles.
Style properties that will override the theming series styles.
title : String
The human-readable name of the series.
The human-readable name of the series.
type : String
The type of series. Set in subclasses.
The type of series. Set in subclasses.
xpadding : Number
Padding between the left/right axes and the bars
Padding between the left/right axes and the bars
ypadding : Number
Padding between the top/bottom axes and the bars
Padding between the top/bottom axes and the bars


axis : String
Indicates which axis the series will bind to
Indicates which axis the series will bind to
xField : String
The field used to access the x axis value from the items from the data source.
The field used to access the x axis value from the items from the data source.
yField : String
The field used to access the y-axis value from the items from the data source.
The field used to access the y-axis value from the items from the data source.


drawSeries : Void
Draws the series for the current chart.
Draws the series for the current chart.
getItemForPoint( Number x, Number y ) : Object
For a given x/y point relative to the Surface, find a corresponding item from this series, if any. For Bar/Column ser...
For a given x/y point relative to the Surface, find a corresponding item from this series, if any. For Bar/Column series, this is the bar directly under the point.


  • x : Number
  • y : Number


  • Object   undefined
Returns a string with the color to be used for the series legend item.
Returns a string with the color to be used for the series legend item.
hideAll : Void
Hides all the elements in the series.
Hides all the elements in the series.
showAll : Void
Shows all the elements in the series.
Shows all the elements in the series.