Sencha Documentation

Container which holds healders and is docked at the top or bottom of a grid section. The HeaderContainer drives resizing/moving/hiding of columns within the gridview. As headers are hidden, moved or resized the headercontainer is responsible for triggering changes within the view.

Config Options

defaultWidth : Number
Width of the header if no width or flex is specified. Defaults to 100.
Width of the header if no width or flex is specified. Defaults to 100.


Returns all headers which have been configured as hideable to be placed in the Columns menu.
Returns all headers which have been configured as hideable to be placed in the Columns menu.
getCount : Void
Returns the number of grid headers in this headercontainer.
Returns the number of grid headers in this headercontainer.
Gets the full width of all columns that are visible.
Gets the full width of all columns that are visible.
Returns an array of menu items to be placed into the shared menu across all headers in this header container.
Returns an array of menu items to be placed into the shared menu across all headers in this header container.
Returns the number of grid headers that are currently visible in this headercontainer.
Returns the number of grid headers that are currently visible in this headercontainer.
Maps the record data to base it on the header id's. This correlates to the markup/template generated by TableChunker.
Maps the record data to base it on the header id's. This correlates to the markup/template generated by TableChunker.


headerclick( Ext.HeaderContainer ct, Ext.Header header, Ext.EventObject e, HTMLElement t )
headerclick( Ext.HeaderContainer ct, Ext.Header header, Ext.EventObject e, HTMLElement t )
headermove( Ext.HeaderContainer ct, Ext.Header header, Number fromIdx, Number toIdx )
headerresize( Ext.HeaderContainer ct, Ext.Header header, Number width )