Sencha Documentation

Slider which supports vertical or horizontal orientation, keyboard adjustments, configurable snapping, axis clicking and animation. Can be added as an item to any container. Example usage:
new Ext.slider.Single({
    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
    width: 200,
    value: 50,
    increment: 10,
    minValue: 0,
    maxValue: 100
The class Ext.slider.Single is aliased to Ext.Slider for backwards compatibility.


getValue : Number
Returns the current value of the slider
Returns the current value of the slider
setValue( Number value, Boolean animate ) : Void
Programmatically sets the value of the Slider. Ensures that the value is constrained within the minValue and maxValue...
Programmatically sets the value of the Slider. Ensures that the value is constrained within the minValue and maxValue.


  • value : Number
    The value to set the slider to. (This will be constrained within minValue and maxValue)
  • animate : Boolean
    Turn on or off animation, defaults to true


  • Void