Sencha Documentation

Determines information about features are supported in the current environment


AudioTag : Boolean
True if the device supports the HTML5 audio tag
True if the device supports the HTML5 audio tag
True if the browser supports the getBoundingClientRect method on elements
True if the browser supports the getBoundingClientRect method on elements
True if the device supports CSS3 border radius
True if the device supports CSS3 border radius
CSS3DTransform : Boolean
True if the device supports CSS3DTransform
True if the device supports CSS3DTransform
True if the device supports CSS3 linear gradients
True if the device supports CSS3 linear gradients
Canvas : Boolean
True if the device supports Canvas
True if the device supports Canvas
ClassList : Boolean
True if document environment supports the HTML5 classList API.
True if document environment supports the HTML5 classList API.
ComputedStyle : Boolean
True if the browser supports document.defaultView.getComputedStyle()
True if the browser supports document.defaultView.getComputedStyle()
DeviceMotion : Boolean
True if the device supports device motion (acceleration and rotation rate)
True if the device supports device motion (acceleration and rotation rate)
Float : Boolean
True if the device supports CSS float
True if the device supports CSS float
GeoLocation : Boolean
True if the device supports GeoLocation
True if the device supports GeoLocation
History : Boolean
True if the device supports HTML5 history
True if the device supports HTML5 history
MouseEnterLeave : Boolean
True if the browser supports mouseenter and mouseleave events
True if the browser supports mouseenter and mouseleave events
MouseWheel : Boolean
True if the browser supports the mousewheel event
True if the browser supports the mousewheel event
Opacity : Boolean
True if the browser supports normal css opacity
True if the browser supports normal css opacity
True if the device supports orientation change
True if the device supports orientation change
Placeholder : Boolean
True if the browser supports the HTML5 placeholder attribute on inputs
True if the browser supports the HTML5 placeholder attribute on inputs
RightMargin : Boolean
True if the device supports right margin. See for why this is needed.
True if the device supports right margin. See for why this is needed.
SVG : Boolean
True if the device supports SVG
True if the device supports SVG
Touch : Boolean
True if the device supports touch
True if the device supports touch
Transitions : Boolean
True if the device supports CSS3 Transitions
True if the device supports CSS3 Transitions
True if the device supports transparent color
True if the device supports transparent color
VML : Boolean
True if the device supports VML
True if the device supports VML